[X] "Good afternoon Miss. What is the purpose of your visit?" A young green haired man appeared in front of her, wearing a white cloak and green matching clothes. He had a snoobish look of his face, making Honey remember some of her clients that thought that she new best. Behind him, Honey could see that the room was filled with books and several charts of…something. In the corner, he could see some sort of robotic thing similar to a dog, that had seen better times, if it's broken and worn down appearance made any indication.
Ignore the therapy thing and see this way.
She probably has the highstest Mystic from all this characters, her big bad of the series was a ressurector/possessor so she may have some ideas how to deal with Black Doom and Shadow.
Plus she may also have some idea what cause the Shattering and may want to give a look into the Warp Topaz, if she manege to convince Starline, and maybe offer some ideas how to control the Shattered Memories traits in order to make sure our alternative personalities stop to taking control of us or try to hijack our body.
Starline did a patch work but she certanly can help give tools to her.
Liek she literally is the best mystic on that selection.
Why should I ignore half of the stated reasons people want to recruit her?
Those are benefits to recruiting her. I'm not denying that. Though I doubt she'll be able to study the Warp Topaz. That's not happening. Eggman would have to visit her first and for some reason I doubt that is going to happen.
She probably has the best raw Mystic out of the three options, but each of the three are equally valuable. It just depends on what you value.
We have to constantly looking for new stuff for him to partake less he start to suffer mallus every few turns.
Also he is the second compared to Yahna.
Serious we literally have the opportunity to get one of the best Mystic Heroes we can come across for free. It would be really shortsighted to not pick her. Specially since Black Doom has a similar set of power like the big bad guy of her series.
Also the ones we don't pick will be chosen for the other factions. Do you want to give one of best Mystic research Hero around to them?
All three heroes are worth about the same, otherwise this wouldn't be a vote in the first place. For example, I could equally say that it would be short sighted to not recruit Julius because he could lead to us being able to use our Brains to boost our Mystic. But I'm not because each of the three are equally valuable.
I see no reason to assume that his drive to learn is so severe. We have not even seen his sheet. Regardless, we have quite a mystic backlog and I expect for it to grow as time passes.
Was that last part mentioned in the discord or something?