Oh boy, the participation awards.

To be fair they're all pretty decent. I'm leaning towards Yahna for her pseudo-psychology stuff, that might help with our hero units down the line. I like Nei and she could provide an alternative to the Ragnite healing and would be a great boon on adventures.

Julius also sounds useful but I'm sure we have more than enough snobbish scientist types in our group already.
[ ] "Hello, young one, who are you?" For Chaos sake! This green haired woman had one of the most revealing outfits you have ever seen! While you can admit that witch hat and cloak she had were really stylish…you couldn't help but look away from her appearance. Behind her, you could see a cauldron, steam coming out from it, and a table with several flask and glasses on top of it. Whoever she is, it seemed she was doing some sort of research.
I understand, mechanics-wise, it's best to vote for Yahna.
[ ] "Good afternoon Miss. What is the purpose of your visit?" A young green haired man appeared in front of her, wearing a white cloak and green matching clothes. He had a snoobish look of his face, making Honey remember some of her clients that thought that she new best. Behind him, Honey could see that the room was filled with books and several charts of…something. In the corner, he could see some sort of robotic thing similar to a dog, that had seen better times, if it's broken and worn down appearance made any indication.
But I really like the cut of Julius' jib. He just seems like he'd suit our faction well.
I'll vote for him just so we can have another male hero with us.

For someone that is complaining about Hero maintenance, Julius will be the hardest to please since the guy Possess a thirst for information that can't be satiated so we always need to bring something new if we want to keep him around.

Also Yahna maybe can offer a few option how to deal with Black Doom resurrection and control over the Black Arms.

As for the vote, If I understand the situation right this will be like the starting Hero we could chose in the beginnings other factions will probably get them.
Curse these do-gooders! I wanted evil mages! Another reason to curse Majima! :V

I'm probably the most interested in Julius, I think his expertise in investigating ancient artifacts would go well with Eggman's plentiful experience in that regard.

Yahna's psychology background makes me less likely to vote for her, even if she'd probably be really good at Mystic. I've participated in a quest that spammed psychology and I want something different.

Metal Sonic? If we brought him up to Neo that'd be a fight to behold if nothing else.

Put yeah Mirror and equipment sound like good ideas.

...Come to think of it this all applies to Selvaria as well doesn't it?
Upgrading Metal Sonic does apply to Selvaria, but that's only because having more Power ability is always good. My point was more about how we would deal with Dural's adaptability trait. Selvaria doesn't have that, so raw Power is a decent enough counter. Dural can turn raw Power against whoever is bringing it against her. But a Mirror Fighter would be able to turn that right back against her, more so than it could against Selvaria. Equipment and presumably mechs being less copyable doesn't matter against Selvaria.
Curse these do-gooders! I wanted evil mages! Another reason to curse Majima! :V

You have no idea how hard it was to find for an interesting evil mage that a) We wantewd to write about, B) Would not belong to another faction. C) Would actually work for eggman.

Yahna's psychology background makes me less likely to vote for her, even if she'd probably be really good at Mystic. I've participated in a quest that spammed psychology and I want something different.

Yeah I remember a lot of that in the Doof quest before I lost interest.

Don't worry I'm aware of which one you mean and promise I'm not having that happen at all. We are nit haviung a Technor situation, nor theraoy will be a mircale remedy.
Curse these do-gooders! I wanted evil mages! Another reason to curse Majima! :V

Oi Oi!! You cut that out!!!

I'm probably the most interested in Julius, I think his expertise in investigating ancient artifacts would go well with Eggman's plentiful experience in that regard.

Yahna's psychology background makes me less likely to vote for her, even if she'd probably be really good at Mystic. I've participated in a quest that spammed psychology and I want something different

Julius is good, but not only is he not a hot lady but he's a snobbish type......dudes gonna probably rolling each turn to either do the actions we give him or hate on Starline (would be a funny drawback).

Plus we could need the Psychology for characters like Belle who could use a (semi) professional to talk her problems out to (like the fact her father is gone).
B) Would not belong to another faction.
How many joined a different faction before we came back?

C) Would actually work for eggman.
And how many could stand working for Eggman?

Don't worry I'm aware of which one you mean and promise I'm not having that happen at all. We are nit haviung a Technor situation, nor theraoy will be a mircale remedy.
Let's hope it stick to other people as well.
Don't worry I'm aware of which one you mean and promise I'm not having that happen at all. We are nit haviung a Technor situation, nor theraoy will be a mircale remedy.

Listen nobody is saying that but even speaking to someone about heir problems could do wonders at least. Because in the future a lot fo our characters frankly need somone to speak of their problems, Belle whole issue with... Mr. Thinker and the fact Isara was shot, died and go back from life. That must have leave a trauma behind.

Like can she not have a PA to even make some sessions with some people?

Despite people saying Technor from Doofquest was not a miracle pill, it was highly dependent if roll high enough and if the character in question want to listen to a advice.
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...Great another hero we need to worry about leaving once we start our conquest.

...Probably will be fine?

I mean we're largely doing it 'for their own good' so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. No more than the rest of the good guys at least.

Part of me wants to pick Nei because I just want her to have a happy ending.

Much as I know and agree with the feeling *Looks at our roster* I think we have our hands full.

No attachment personally for me unlike Isara, and it's probably for the best for her that she doesn't end up with us.
Listen nobody is saying that but even speaking to someone about heir problems could do wonders at least. Because in the future a lot fo our characters frankly need somone to speak of their problems, Belle whole issue with... Mr. Thinker and the fact Isara was shot, died and go back from life. That must have leave a trauma behind.

Like can she not have a PA to even make some sessions with some people?
I mean, if you were in doofuqest, they have a hero unit called Technor that is a therapist and questers(even me) wanted to spam the therapy personal to force chatracter development on doof and other hero units which...I rezalized how bad it was.

There will be a personal for therapy msot likely,don't worry about it.
The problem with recruiting Nei (damn auto corrupt) is that we'd probably have to deal with Neifirst. Nei is a clone of Neifirst, after all.

Neifirst was deemed too dangerous to be allowed to exist upon her creation and thus set out to wipe out all humans. Basically an even more malevolent Shadow without the any black arms baggage.
Personally, i'm both fine with Yahna and Nei, but i don't see the point with Julius, we already have Starline, Sage and even Thunderbolt for Brain
actions, we need a Mystic specialist.
You have no idea how hard it was to find for an interesting evil mage that a) We wantewd to write about, B) Would not belong to another faction. C) Would actually work for eggman.

Don't worry I'm aware of which one you mean and promise I'm not having that happen at all. We are nit haviung a Technor situation, nor theraoy will be a mircale remedy.
To be fair, Majima probably has a decent enough picture of Eggman's personality to know that giving him a contact wouldn't smooth things over at all. So future proofing that is something he'd want to keep in mind. I'm not upset.

Thank you. That averts a lot of my concerns, but still.

Oi Oi!! You cut that out!!!

Julius is good, but not only is he not a hot lady but he's a snobbish type......dudes gonna probably rolling each turn to either do the actions we give him or hate on Starline (would be a funny drawback).

Plus we could need the Psychology for characters like Belle who could use a (semi) professional to talk her problems out to (like the fact her father is gone).
Note the :V. That's there to denote it's not entirely serious. I would genuinely rather have evil mages, but as Kingster pointed out, most of them are currently employed.

I fail to see how any of that is relevant. I don't want a psychologist, even if we've been promised there won't be a Technor situation. Julius matches a lot of Eggman's own Mind Over Ancient! trait. He also looks like a better path to succeeding in the Technological Wizard achievement.
I mean, if you were in doofuqest, they have a hero unit called Technor that is a therapist and questers(even me) wanted to spam the therapy personal to force chatracter development on doof and other hero units which...I rezalized how bad it was.
...huh, the whole therapy situation is kinda bothering me a lot to be honest, I'm very familiar with the fact that therapy can in fact backfire in some circumstances.
Man I am torn between Yahna and Julius on one hand I want to keep up this recruiting only females hero's streak we've got going on but on the other hand Julius has is really cool robot dog... decisions decisions
...huh, the whole therapy situation is kinda bothering me a lot to be honest, I'm very familiar with the fact that therapy can in fact backfire in some circumstances.
To be fair, therapy, like mosty personal actions, can backfire if they roll low enough, but still, get what you mean.

Thpought real talk, The therapy part should be like a side thing/interest bit, not the main selling point.

Yahan is a bona fide witch, magical expert first, therapist third or forth-ish.

Just saying.
Personally, i'm both fine with Yahna and Nei, but i don't see the point with Julius, we already have Starline, Sage and even Thunderbolt for Brain
actions, we need a Mystic specialist.
Well, if we do recruit him we'd basically be establishing a sort of academic elite society ruled by scientists of all fields. This would increase our appeal and given Eggman a reputation for sharing the glory (never mind that it's a blatant lie and anyone who knows him would refute it with ease.)

It'd probably make us have so much brain power virtually any action in hat direction would win easily.

That being said, I'm much more in favour of recruiting Nei, simply because it gives us access to the Phantasy Star stuff right away. That setting needs to be addressed sooner rather than later, because Dark Falz is incredibly difficult to dislodge once he's got his hooks into an area, given how he spreads his influence.
The problem with recruiting Nei (damn auto corrupt) is that we'd probably have to deal with Neifirst. Nei is a clone of Neifirst, after all.

Neifirst was deemed too dangerous to be allowed to exist upon her creation and thus set out to wipe out all humans. Basically an even more malevolent Shadow without the any black arms baggage.

Nei, while nice frankly want her a happy ending, maybe she can end up in Camelot?

Morgana probably would like her and she is one of the less evil Kings around and maybe a perfect fit to her.

I fail to see how any of that is relevant. I don't want a psychologist, even if we've been promised there won't be a Technor situation. Julius matches a lot of Eggman's own Mind Over Ancient! trait. He also looks like a better path to succeeding in the Technological Wizard achievement.

Ignore the therapy thing and see this way.

She probably has the highstest Mystic from all this characters, her big bad of the series was a ressurector/possessor so she may have some ideas how to deal with Black Doom and Shadow.

Plus she may also have some idea what cause the Shattering and may want to give a look into the Warp Topaz, if she manege to convince Starline, and maybe offer some ideas how to control the Shattered Memories traits in order to make sure our alternative personalities stop to taking control of us or try to hijack our body.

Starline did a patch work but she certanly can help give tools to her.

Liek she literally is the best mystic on that selection.