In other news I ran some caculations based on past rival reports and Selvaria's char sheet and I came up with this.

For contesting terrritory the Empire can bring a bonus of 30-50 to bear excluding traits and hero units, which when compared with ours...I think we have an advantage there unless things go spectaularly poorly for us or Selvaria comes back.
Also did anyone notice that Basil can't be recruited anymore? I wonder where he went...

Also ideas for potential interactions with the imperials? I feel like Neph would have some interesting conversations with Calamity Raven.
Well hopefully he can help her get her evil laugh right.
What do you mean 'right'? It's already perfect. Her enemies will fear the sound of 'Whehehehehe'!
Hey now its Cubot trying to teach so I wouldn't get my hopes up on any of the lessons sticking.
...Oh what I'd give for a picture of Eggman's smiling shadow face.

Don't worry he might be more effective than you'd think.
Cubot 'bouta roll a Nat 100, she'll be razing the empires lands for fun by the day's end.
Can even sing Mean N Nasty from that Sonic Villains in-progress fan-film while he's at it.
Well that's pretty ominous exciting XD
Fixed that for ya.
...Does that mean we can recruit them when when hunt him down? I rather doubt he's made them loyal enough to risk fighting Eggman's full force.
Possibly? It just a guess, the Mystic faction could have reached out as well. At the very least Basil and the Mirage Express couldn't have gone far, on account of being limited to the area of Green Hill due to being in a train.
...Does that mean we can recruit them when when hunt him down? I rather doubt he's made them loyal enough to risk fighting Eggman's full force.

If Clutch got them, then theoretically. But they could equally be dragged into the fighting and harder to recruit because of it. And an example would be if Roo got his bar and we destroyed it, he'd be be pretty unhappy with us. We certainly expect our recruits to fight on our behalf besides.

If so, the only one maybe worth the effort (and I personally wouldn't want to go for it, but that's just my own preferences) would be Basil and the train, and only because of Mirage Express is one of Eggman's creations.