Eggman isnt eggman of hes not meddling in mystic stuff he can ruthlessly exploit. Including ruins. Julius fits neatly into that side of eggman
Eggman isnt eggman of hes not meddling in mystic stuff he can ruthlessly exploit. Including ruins. Julius fits neatly into that side of eggman

So you want to pick the guy that want always new things around meaning we wil have to keep assinged him to new stuff less his Drive goes unfufill?

Yahna is straight be the best Mystic research Hero we can get and if we don't pick another faction will.
I say Nei, we need more healers! Also, with how it says she easy on loyalty, we won't need to full fill some major quest or action for her drive. We are already bog down with too many for our current heros! We are stretch too far, with our current limited actions!
Note the :V. That's there to denote it's not entirely serious. I would genuinely rather have evil mages, but as Kingster pointed out, most of them are currently employed.

I fail to see how any of that is relevant. I don't want a psychologist, even if we've been promised there won't be a Technor situation. Julius matches a lot of Eggman's own Mind Over Ancient! trait. He also looks like a better path to succeeding in the Technological Wizard achievement

Oh I knew that, I meant the first part of that as a joke, like the "Oi Oi" type shi in anime where the guy looks over the delinquents all scary like :)

And while Julius's nerdiness over ancient shit would make him good for ancient tech and earn him brownie points with the good Doctor.

Also if we get Yahna we could have Robotnik develop interesting counters to Yahna's psychology such as "NAH NAH NAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU HAH HAH HAH" while shoving his fingers into his ears.

ahan is a bona fide witch, magical expert first, therapist third or forth-ish

*Rolls a Nat One for Belle theraoy

Yahna: Okay look kid losing your dad is sad and all, but who gives a shit?

Belle: Wha-What-

Yahna: How about you shut up and cope like a big girl and gamble or something okay? I got some magic anomalies and shit to look at kid you're killing me here.

Belle: Uh....oh, okay then-

Yahna: So anyway, 1000 for that session

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It's not every single turn
That's not how drives work
Also you are assuming

I am not assuming it's literally written he will neve be satified.

Possess a thirst for information that can't be satiated.

We have to constantly looking for new stuff for him to partake less he start to suffer mallus every few turns.

Also he is the second compared to Yahna.

Serious we literally have the opportunity to get one of the best Mystic Heroes we can come across for free. It would be really shortsighted to not pick her. Specially since Black Doom has a similar set of power like the big bad guy of her series.

Also the ones we don't pick will be chosen for the other factions. Do you want to give one of best Mystic research Hero around to them?
Also, what happens when a lot of our tier 3 heros drive must be completed in the same turn or else we lose them? We need more easy to fulfill heros with easy drives. Or else we end up must choosing between what tier 3 hero to keep eventually!
Also, what happens when a lot of our tier 3 heros drive must be completed in the same turn or else we lose them? We need more easy to fulfill heros with easy drives. Or else we end up must choosing between what tier 3 hero to keep eventually!

Not really?

Like Canaan was really easy to satisfy and thanks to us she literally become the greatest Hero Unit against organic creatures. Her Power stats from to 51 when facing organics as a example all at the cost for a adventure that could bring a lot of benefit to us.

Like we are curing Cassia and she will be up and running soon so The Sisters can be a proper Tier 3 unit that is loyal to us by the time we hit Turn 7.

Like we are literally quite free in actions.

So this is a overreaction of your part. We are not that starved for actions.
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I really don't understand why people dislike Therapy, I didn't even know that was something she could do. I just want the MAGE THAT CRACKED (mostly) IMMORTALITY on our side.

Also have you seen our roster? We do not need more Brains units. Even the weakest of them still gives us +50 with Eggman. Most of our better ones are closer to +100.

...We do not need more Brains people.

We need magic magic.

Sides we've pretty much finished all of our subordinates drives by this point. Next turn at latest we'll have them all done.
Also, what happens when a lot of our tier 3 heros drive must be completed in the same turn or else we lose them? We need more easy to fulfill heros with easy drives. Or else we end up must choosing between what tier 3 hero to keep eventually!

Tier 3s aren't completely unreasonable, they get that we have priorities. Moreover, helping them with their initial drive quest boosts loyalty, which makes it less likely that they'll dip in general. Sometimes their drives are in our best interest or complimentary anyways, beyond the benefits of keeping such a powerful Hero unit in our employ.

If a researcher wants to research? Great, throw them at stuff we want researched.
I really don't understand why people dislike Therapy, I didn't even know that was something she could do. I just want the MAGE THAT CRACKED (mostly) IMMORTALITY on our side.

That's a plus too actually, sure Eggman would love to have the chance to rule his empire eternally. And retire to his workshop and let one of his robo-kids take the reins for a century or two when he gets bored.
For the whole Dance-off thing...I have no clue who any of those Guys were, so I genuinely don't care at all about failing that.

Having another Mystic Hero sounds more useful right now, anyway.
You know i am curious how yahna would take to chaos magic and chaos emeralds, she said she is interested in the new artifacts in the shattered world, and in the sonic world the chaos emeralds might as well be the gems to make people into gods

Also what franchise is yahna from not familiar with the character?
Yes we are! Remember those only came about, thanks to critical rolls! We are in need of a dedicated healer, especially one who's easy to keep loyal! Look how often our fleshy units have been hurt in the couple of turns! Especially with how close to death Eggman and Conquering Storm came to be. With our current healing supplies having been used up!
I'm most interested in Julius and least interested in Nei. We desperately need better magic research, and I imagine he has a trait for that. Also, he's interested in ruins, which could mean that he could be good for not just researching stuff, but finding stuff. I feel we're going to be doing a lot of that, so it shouldn't be too hard to deal with that drive.

Also, he just feels like he'd fit in.
Yes we are! Remember those only came about, thanks to critical rolls! We are in need of a dedicated healer, especially one who's easy to keep loyal! Look how often our fleshy units have been hurt in the couple of turns! Especially with how close to death Eggman and Conquering Storm came to be. With our current healing supplies having been used up!
you have the option tp make your own healing kits remmebr? Just saying, you sre not without options to heal hero units.
You know i am curious how yahna would take to chaos magic and chaos emeralds, she said she is interested in the new artifacts in the shattered world, and in the sonic world the chaos emeralds might as well be the gems to make people into gods

Also what franchise is yahna from not familiar with the character?

Unicorn Overlord.

The big bad of the series is basically someone that has something similar to Black Doom whole deal with possession and resuction so she may have some ideas how to fight Doom.

She is the greatest Mystic Hero research we can get, period.

I can get a argument with Nei but Julius is very similar to her only lesser.
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you have the option tp make your own healing kits remmebr? Just saying, you sre not without options to heal hero units.

Yes, I know that. But aren't we low on ragnite? Also with how voting goes, I see that action being pushed back, especially with hopes of getting more healing kits in raids, instead of making them ourselves. I prefer to have multiple options in healing, especially if they can help each other in preventing a unit death.
This is soemthign said in the discord.

Therapy IS NOT a tool to force character development, if you recruit Yahna, don't expect her to just therapy'd away all the problems of a hero unit, even on a nat 100', that not good story telling.

Just saying this as a warning. Mainyl cause there was talk of sending Metal to thersapy to get rid of the mposter syndrome, that is not how it works.

Metal was programmed to be that way.

Yes, I know that. But aren't we low on ragnite? Also with how voting goes, I see that action being pushed back, especially with hopes of getting more healing kits in raids, instead of making them ourselves. I prefer to have multiple options in healing, especially if they can help each other in preventing a unit death.
You are low in ragnaid, still have enough ragnite for few actions.

Need to raid more resoruces of the empire for ragnaid or make your own.
Yes, I know that. But aren't we low on ragnite? Also with how voting goes, I see that action being pushed back, especially with hopes of getting more healing kits in raids, instead of making them ourselves. I prefer to have multiple options in healing, especially if they can help each other in preventing a unit death.

We can't even researxh next turn since we will be busy restoring the Eggnet.

But in Turn 7 the plan is to build ragnite mining and research healing kits.
Yes, I know that. But aren't we low on ragnite? Also with how voting goes, I see that action being pushed back, especially with hopes of getting more healing kits in raids, instead of making them ourselves. I prefer to have multiple options in healing, especially if they can help each other in preventing a unit death.
I think it'll be fine. we want a ragnite supply for a lot of reasons so ragnite mines should be next turn or the turn after, and the healing kits are a big enough deal that they're likely to get pushed for pretty hard once we get gene therapy done.