[x] [x] "Hello, young one, who are you?" For Chaos sake! This green haired woman had one of the most revealing outfits you have ever seen! While you can admit that witch hat and cloak she had were really stylish…you couldn't help but look away from her appearance. Behind her, you could see a cauldron, steam coming out from it, and a table with several flask and glasses on top of it. Whoever she is, it seemed she was doing some sort of research.
you've got twp [X]'s. I don't think your vote will get counted like that.
[X] "Good afternoon Miss. What is the purpose of your visit?" A young green haired man appeared in front of her, wearing a white cloak and green matching clothes. He had a snoobish look of his face, making Honey remember some of her clients that thought that she new best. Behind him, Honey could see that the room was filled with books and several charts of…something. In the corner, he could see some sort of robotic thing similar to a dog, that had seen better times, if it's broken and worn down appearance made any indication.
Now that we will get a good Mystic units, what are the plans for next turn?
Power: Extend territory with Clove is a must, we can't let Zabok recover or get territory taken by other faction, but what about or other action?
upgrade Metal Sonic again or Rusty Rose?
Logistic: Are we fixing Honey shop? it should get rid of her negative Loyalty and start to generate some money, we lost our only source of income
when the Mean Bean got closed, and maybe a ragnite mine? we are starting to run low and the Empire is not making new camps for Metal to
Brains: Taking back our Eggnet obviously, without Chuck backing Zavok and with Sage high Brain and Loyalty it should be an easy one.
Trickery: Wolf hunt, no question.
Mystic: Study rings? or the warp topaz?

Eggman - Making equipment for Starline, and wood carving? he need to rest.
Ideas for the others?.
[x] "Good afternoon Miss. What is the purpose of your visit?" A young green haired man appeared in front of her, wearing a white cloak and green matching clothes. He had a snoobish look of his face, making Honey remember some of her clients that thought that she new best. Behind him, Honey could see that the room was filled with books and several charts of…something. In the corner, he could see some sort of robotic thing similar to a dog, that had seen better times, if it's broken and worn down appearance made any indication.
Now that we will get a good Mystic units, what are the plans for next turn?
Power: Extend territory with Clove is a must, we can't let Zabok recover or get territory taken by other faction, but what about or other action?
upgrade Metal Sonic again or Rusty Rose?
Logistic: Are we fixing Honey shop? it should get rid of her negative Loyalty and start to generate some money, we lost our only source of income
when the Mean Bean got closed, and maybe a ragnite mine? we are starting to run low and the Empire is not making new camps for Metal to
Brains: Taking back our Eggnet obviously, without Chuck backing Zavok and with Sage high Brain and Loyalty it should be an easy one.
Trickery: Wolf hunt, no question.
Mystic: Study rings? or the warp topaz?

Eggman - Making equipment for Starline, and wood carving? he need to rest.
Ideas for the others?.

We can't go on the offensive as things stand. We don't have enough troops for it.

Upgrading is good though, or maybe repairing the DARC EGG.

Heart...probably Black market.

Logisitcs has Factory, Mines, the shop...a lot of options really. Maybe the signal if the rival reports don't take it.

Trickery is locked with Whisper...we should see about rigging that if we can.

Brains...yeah. Gene is locked, but we can take most of our Empire back now so we should do it.

Mystic...to be seen.

Too many personals to suggest any I'm afraid. Though if there's anything to help catch Whisper we should take it.

That and maybe character devlopment.
We also need to know how to improve Isara's tank. I'm not sure if its a power action that wasn't listed or if it falls under Eggman having to redo her equipment.
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We can't go on the offensive as things stand. We don't have enough troops for it.

Upgrading is good though, or maybe repairing the DARC EGG.

Heart...probably Black market.

Logisitcs has Factory, Mines, the shop...a lot of options really. Maybe the signal if the rival reports don't take it.

Trickery is locked with Whisper...we should see about rigging that if we can.

Brains...yeah. Gene is locked, but we can take most of our Empire back now so we should do it.

Mystic...to be seen.

Too many personals to suggest any I'm afraid. Though if there's anything to help catch Whisper we should take it.

That and maybe character devlopment.
Power: We have the same troops as last turn, minus 3, 1 Egg pawn (wich got sended because the first Egg pawn don't count to the cap),
1 Motobug ( We have 2 left ) and an Ice ball (Our only real lose), both of our Hotaru came back ( we sended two Hotarus, and their trait had
them combine in a Hi Hotaru wich came back)
Will repairing the Darc Egg Robot be Power or Logistic?
Heart: Probably a good idea, unless we recruit the train guy (the train is a badnik, wich Eggman made a long time ago).
Logistic: I am still not sold on the signal, we already have a lot of option to do, no need to open every single path (And we already tried once).
Personals: Probably, this turn Rusty almost find something or someone wich might have been Whisper.
Speaking of logistics actions, I'm curious, is there an action to further upgrade Piastol's ship?

I don't think it would be worth it now, but it might be worthwhile down the road.
Ah thanks...seems to mostly be a resource drain. Though action economy hurts.

...Wait the cartoon is Logistics?
yeah, it's mostly plannign the dialogue, scenes, then working on producing it and find a way to transmit it so others can watch it. Also the 120 DC is high also cause you are literally making good propaganda of you to paint you in a positive light.
yeah, it's mostly plannign the dialogue, scenes, then working on producing it and find a way to transmit it so others can watch it. Also the 120 DC is high also cause you are literally making good propaganda of you to paint you in a positive light.

Huh...well I'm not arguing that makes it a lot easier to do then if it was Heart.
yeah, it's mostly plannign the dialogue, scenes, then working on producing it and find a way to transmit it so others can watch it. Also the 120 DC is high also cause you are literally making good propaganda of you to paint you in a positive light.
Makes sense. If we keep it too accurate to reality people will look at the show and say "this is unbelievable, no man can be this ingenious and perfect!"
Song parody set in a timeline where Belle is made an Egg Boss (can you tell I like making song parodies? XD):

Orbot: I may not live to see our glory
(Cubot and Sage: I may not live to see our glory)

Orbot: But I've seen wonders great and small
(Cubot and Sage: I've seen wonders great and small)

Orbot: 'Cause if this dork can be an Egg Boss!
(Cubot and Sage: If Belle can be an Egg Boss)

Orbot: There's hope for our ass, after all!

Orbot, Cubot and Sage: Raise a glass to freedom (hey!)
Something you will never help again!

Sage: No matter what he tells you
Let's have another round tonight

Cubot: Raise a glass to the four of us (ho!)

Sage: To the newly morally poor of us (woo-hoo!)
We'll tell the story of tonight
Let's have another round

Belle: Well, if it isn't Metal (Sage, Orbot and Cubot: Brother!)
I didn't think that you would make it

Metal: To be sure... (Sage: Brother!)

Metal: I came to say congratulations.

Orbot: Spit a verse, Brother

Metal: Gee, I see the whole gang is here...

Cubot: You are the worst, Brother!

Belle: Ignore them!
Congrats to you, Lieutenant Colonel
I wish I had your skill instead of manning Dad's journal

Metal: No, you don't

Belle: Yes, I do

Metal: Now, be sensible
From what I hear, you've made yourself indispensable

Cubot: Well, praytell
Heard You've got a special someone on the side, Metal

Belle: Is that so?

Cubot: What are you tryin' to hide, Metal?

Metal: I should go

Belle: No, these guys should go

Sage, Orbot and Cubot: What? No!

Belle: Leave us alone

Sage, Orbot and Cubot: Man!

Belle: It's alright, Brother
I wish you'd brought this girl with you tonight, Brother

Metal: You're very kind, but I'm afraid it's unlawful, sister

Belle: What do you mean?

Metal: She's dating

Belle: I see

Belle: She's dating an enemy of the Eggman Empire...

Belle: Oh, sawdust

Metal: Congrats again, Belle
Smile more
I'll see you on the other side of the war

Belle: I will never understand you
If you love this woman, go get her
What are you waiting for?

Metal: I'll see you on the other side of the war...

Belle: I'll see you on the other side of the war...