Okay, I know I said I wouldn't make another omake because I didn't want to add too much to the QMs' plate, but that talk about SV Eggman made me want to make one and I already had some plans for that. Sorry. This will be the last one this turn from me though, I swear.
The One Who Chooses
Eggman, the greatest scientist known to man is… very confused. Where is he? He remembers standing before Chris and Chuck after rescuing them from… something. Right now though you are far from anything resembling your base, with nothing resembling your machines around. All there is, is a podium and some kind of thing standing behind it, shrouded in shadows.
Of course he has to investigate his surroundings. He needs to find out why he's here! So he approaches the only thing of interest, the strange podium. Upon looking closer, he notices something strange about the shadow. It looks like him? But a dark blob. That mustache is just too iconic for him to miss, it has to be him.
A part of him feels the need to communicate with it. "Hello? My name is doctor Eggman, and I seem to be lost. Would you know where this place is?"
Suddenly, its eyes open, and its teeth form into a blinding white grin that cuts through the dark.
"Erm, hello?" he asks, hesitation in his voice.
"(Kill Whisper!)(What should we do with Maria?)(We need to study Black Doom!)(Restoration will die!)(Kill them all!)(Kindness and control.)(We're evil!)(We can change)…"
Not once does it opens its mouth, but the shouts of clashing voices ring through his ears all at once! He has to take a step back so it's not so painfully loud.
"Can you hear me? I want to get out of here!"
"(Drop outside!)(Place the ship in, so we can get out sooner.)(It will be easier if we don't have to sneak in, ask.)(If we ask and fail it will be harder!)(But if we fail we can still try to sneak in.)(Our Heart here is best.)…"
Suddenly, it moves its hand, revealing a flag that wasn't there before. Written on it says "Drop inside the city". Then, it's quiet. As if waiting for something. A noise, like a pair of dice hitting wood echoes through the room. Then a voice in some strange unknown language echoes from above, the meaning behind its words unclear. Whatever it said, it has angered the figure
"(I knew there would be anti air!)(Our Trickery is our weak point here!)"It seems to double over, slamming its fist into the podium like a child. Then it gets up, as if it's much more confident. "(We got into the city though.)(The ship should be hidden now.)(Goji was always going to be angry with us.)(I can't see the picture of Maria!)"
While its voice are hard to understand, he hears some voices stand out. Something about anti air? Trickery? But before he can consider what it means, he hears the footsteps of someone behind him. Eggman turns around to see a man in a red jacket, goggles, and mustache similar to himself. This new person has an uncanny resemblance to himself, although this person is much more thin.
"Who are you? Are you some strange fan who decided to dress like me?"
"Oh, no sir," the other man smiles, a noticeable rhythm to his step. Is he dancing? "I am the great, amazing doctor Ivo Robotnik! Or, Eggman!" he says with a stylish flourish.
"What!? Ridiculous, I'm the only one here who deserves to go by that moniker! My genius cannot be paralleled!"
"Well, it has." A new voice! Eggman turns and is greeted by a smaller version of him with a simpler look. A round body in a red and yellow shirt.
"This is ridiculous! Where am I? Once I get my machines, you'll learn to regret trying to make light of me!"
"You're new here, so let me explain to you, my good sir. We are all Eggman!"
"Doctor Robotnik. You might accept such a ridiculous name, but I have some pride."
The titular man turns to his smaller counterpart. "Where I come from my name is feared! It is the man behind the title that makes it great!"
"Maybe for someone such as you, the Robotnik name is actually dignified!"
"Why you little!" Before Eggman can show just what he's capable of physically, he is stopped by the thinner version moving in-between.
"Wait!" He yells, holding them back with his hands before pushing them away from each other. "We're stuck here, so we're the only social contact we'll get! Well, besides Tinker, but he's kind of a mopey loser."
Eggman shoots one final glare to his simpler version before sighing in acceptance. "Fine. But where is this?"
"That, my large bodied friend, is a good question!" The thin man says, before typing some code into a computer on his arm. Suddenly, a screen that was once concealed by darkness behind the dark Eggman turns on. It reveals the hands of a man drawing blueprints for what resembles a city. "This is the vision of Eggman. Not an Eggman, but THE Eggman. We are a combination of Eggmen from various universes who have come together to form one glorious, ingenious man! Eggman Prime!"
Looking before the screen and the blueprints, he cannot refute this. The genius design is something only he could think of. Or, something only a version of him can think of. "But what's this one here? I don't understand much of what he's saying."
"Yes, a definite curious one he is. He was here before me so I cannot say for sure, but me and my fellow Robotnik here have found some… interesting things about it. For one, he doesn't talk directly to any of us. Very poor company."
The rounder Robotnik sighs and shakes his head. "His ability to be good company is unimportant. More importantly, this one seems to be in control of Prime."
"This one controls him, but we don't? Why not!?"
"We aren't sure. However, we hypothesize that this is some strange combination of fragmentations with the memories of many other Robotniks. We've found that before a significant action is taken by Prime, this one argues with itself. We have managed to separate the voices, and discovered these voices make plans and then they decide on one based on what the majority wants."
"You should hear them! I've heard some serious arguments in there, it's almost like a Christmas dinner with a family who can't shut up about politics."
"It also seems to have a strange sway over reality. It seems anyone allied with the Prime Robotnik can also undergo these votes, and their actions can be controlled even if the Prime is not there and would be unable to have any say over their decisions. Although, the strange being that it talks to might be the cause of that. We still aren't certain about what that thing is saying."
Hearing this, Eggman glares at his smaller counterpart. "This is getting a little ridiculous here. Weird shadowy me controlling the world? Where's my part in all of this?"
The thin doctor smiles. "We have found we're capable of transferring our talents and machines to the Prime Eggman. I was really surprised when I was summoned here to dance. My skills are quite impressive."
"And you screwed it up."
The doctor's smile quickly drops as he glares at the other. "I was a little unprepared, yes. it was all so sudden that I didn't do my best work with that blasted enemy robot. Erm, that's the first time it had spoken to me."
"It spoke to you? I thought you said it doesn't directly talk to any of us."
"Well… maybe it talked to me once. It was… really mad. Just don't mention the names…" he steps up and whispers in Eggman's ear. "Dural and Breezie."
"Who? Dural and Breezie? I've never heard of thes-"
"Don't say it you idiot!"
Suddenly, Eggman notices movement out of the corner of his eye. He looks, and there stands dark silhouette of himself, grinning that bright grin. "Woah!" he yells, backing away. "Don't surprise me like that!"
"Dural… Breezie…" the voices are combined, forming a disconcerting echo as they all utter those names at the same time.
Above his head, Eggman feels some kind of strange metal implement that was not there before. Coming from the dark Eggman he sees a mist around its body, with dark tendrils sprouting from it and leading up to his head. He reaches for the helmet, but it will not budge.
"Stop! Unhand me!"
Then, he feels something flow through him. Like electricity. It flows through his entire body, leaving his brilliant mind unable to think. To guess what's going on. Then, it ceases. He falls onto his knees gasping for air.
Then, he feels an all consuming rage. Breezie. Dural. "They have made a mockery of us!" he yells out. His fear is gone, all he wants to do is crush them with his bare hands! To destroy those fools who dared to mock the Eggman!
"Gran Gordo. Prepare… the tournament shall come. Win." Then Eggman blinks, and once more the figure stands back on the podium.
The other two surround him, both grinning down at him. "So, welcome to the club new guy."
"Welcome to our little counsel. Can you feel the hate?"
"Yes. I understand our goals now. Next time we face them, I'll do what you couldn't. They'll regret ever standing against us!"
"Then, we'll take over the world!"
"And we'll finally defeat that hedgehog!"
They all let out a laugh as they feel their new power. Meanwhile, the dark one just continues to grin. There are no words from it. Only that voice from up above and another clack of dice. The others, too busy laughing, take no notice.
Then, With a flourish, it pulls out a flag with the words "Open a way yourselves" written on it. Once more, it speaks.
"Destroy them Metal…"