That was just for one episode, IIRC. But we can hope it happens in the quest. I think it'd be amusing.

Went and looked it up, it was a couple episodes were its a main thing and a few mentions in others. They have a agreement of being enemies during fights, but have an friendship during their "offtime" of fighting each other. Where they share their hobby of the fuzzy puppies game and have a great time. In one episode, he even gave up a rare figurine he stole when at the end, she threaten to not play with him anymore.

Also, funny enough Orbot was able to do a scheme of upping the price of Eggman's collection of the fuzzy puppies figurines. When it went burst after a over abundance of the figurines went onto the market. He went and bought the surplus at a cheap price and was able to convince a large part of the population of the island to buy and sell the figurines in such a way that Eggman's collection value went back up. Orbot savant sales robot? Or a great con robot? Either one or both, either way it would be funny if Orbot becomes Breezie's nemesis in the business world!
I put this in the discord but I don't think nobody saw there so I wll leave it here as well

You know if we going to use X!Eggman stuffu from his comic it's obly fair we could use Boom!Eggman stuff from his comic as well.

He actually did a mech there.

Also X!Eggman defenitly has more E-Series there too.

Not only that but he built Robots powered by Rings as well in Issue 2.

So this means we can skip the action to upgrade badniks to Ring power?
Market manipulation is very easy when you're a heartless robot!

Orbot and Cubot are excellent ways to beat Breezie! especially when they are inspired to do so! heck with the three new bots to be added to the bot-gang of Eggman Assistants (i want those three bots from Sonic X with Eggman again, the group can then play DND or other 5 person board games then! heck, add in the potential for grounder, scratch, and coconuts and you have the entire gang together! Just need to make sure we don't remember that Eggman though...even if he loves his evil family.)
666: Tokyo-to Scramble- Part 4: Devotion
Winning vote:

[X] Open a way yourselves! (These people were keeping Canaan from reaching Maria, this was unacceptable! If they were looking for them, then if Canaan and the party deal with them now, she would not have to worry about them later!)


Contested Power roll against the Tokyo-To Forces!

Enemy forces:
Swat Teams X3
Tank squads X3
Helicopter X1

Contested Power roll:

Result: 1d100 (20) + 45(Total Swat Team power score) + 60(Total Tanks power score + 5 (Helicopter)=
Total: 130!

Egg Party!

Result: 1d100 (53) + 28 (Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter) + 5 (Synesthesia)+ 15(The Maria) + 30(Metal)+ 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster)
Total: 146

Result: 1d100 (44) + 28 (Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter) + 5 (Synesthesia)+ 15(The Maria) + 30(Metal)+ 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster)
Total: 137


Result: Egg Party Breaks Through the Blockade!

Sometimes, the simple plans were those that worked best.

There was no reason to make a very complex plan to sneak in and be eventually found by the authorities of Tokyo-To. Instead, Canaan decided that she rather get this over with and reunite with Maria now.

That meant dealing with the multiple S.W.A.T teams, tanks, and Helicopters roaming around the streets. For some, dealing with all that would take some serious firepower and planning, but Canaan had something the rest didn't.

A Jet-Powered Robot made by an Egg-shaped mad scientist.

As Metal flew through the air towards the armed helicopters, the rest of the Egg Party dealt with the ground troops, in other words, all the armed soldiers and tanks, who proceeded to fire at them.

"Attention, intruders!" A random soldiers they fired from the turret in the gun nest sets in the middle of the street. "You are in violation of Airspace!" They shouted as the fired at the blue and shiny robot who was systematically destroying each flying unit they had (And making sure the pilots survived, Belle was adamant on that).

The constant fire of the machine gun did nothing, all bullets bouncing off harmless from his metal chassis.

Seeing that the soldier changed their aim. "You are in violation of groundspace! You are under-Arrrg!" The soldier's talk was cut short by Canaan jumping over the cover and knocking him out, appropriating the turret and using it to shoot at the new waves of S.W.A.T. soldiers coming from behind where the Egg Party came from.

"There is no end to them!" Clove shouts, as her scythe goes through another tank, easily destroying the cannon and rendering the war machine useless. "Why did we just charged in again?!"

"Did you want to be found 10 minutes later?" Is Piastol answer as she finishes destroying another tank, Death Hound easily mauling another soldier that tried to sneak up to them.

"Look at it this way! The trip back will be easier! No one else will interrupt us! Canaan shouts as the turret runs out of ammo, and quickly draws The Maria and continues shooting the waves of soldiers, the gun's fire easily going throught their riot shields and downing soldiers with each shot.

"That is not as comforting as you think it is!" Belle shouts from behind the wreckage of another tank. "Did we really had to do this?!" She shouts distraugh.

"Yes!"No!""Maybe!?" Is Canaan, Clove and Piastol respective answers.

"At least we are almost done!" Canaan shouts to Belle after dealing with the las group of soldiers. "Not seeing any more soldiers! Those should have been-Where did those tanks come from?!" Canaan shouts as she looks behind her, towards where the barricade is settled, because beyond it several tanks were coming through, all ready to fire.

"Take cover!" Clove shouts, but the warning ends up becoming unnecessary, because a second later, a bright blue energy beam appears, going through the tanks, destroying them in a fiery explosion!

"Metal! Whyyyyy?!" Shouts Belle, who clutches tight her ponytails. Metal Sonic who just descended towards the ground, says nothing, but Canaan had a guess that if the dude could speak, he would just shrug.

"Okay, no more soldiers, tanks OR helicopters in sight!" Clove shouts from a top of a destroyed tank. "Can we leave now?"

"Sounds good to me." Piastol shouts who quickly scoops up Belle in her arms and heads to the other side of the barricade, Death Hound following right behind.

On the highest floor of the Rokkaku Headquarters, a figure sat in his private office, clutching a cigar between his lips, while, slowly, precisely, systematically, used his cane to tap the rhythm of a tune only he could hear.

Since that strange event happened, so many things had happened, many that infuriated him to no avail, and others that…well, they put a smile on his face.

The last few months had been tough, so many things not going according to plan, so many unexpected variables suddenly appearing, even the Devil's Disc ending up not living up to its hype. But at least it had another nifty function…

Today was supposed to be when he removed the last stains of resistance from this city, the final nails to the coffins that were for the Rudies were ready to be hammered…

But then that Ship appeared out of nowhere!

Gouji was starting to get really pissed off at the last moment surprises…He swears, if anything else appears right now…

His phone starts ringing, recognizing the tone, he swiftly opens it, never stopping the tapping of his cane, and quickly answers it.

He doesn't need to speak, his trusty assassins quickly reporting in.

Golden Rhynos:
Locate the intruders!
Dc: Contested Trickery Roll

Result: 1d100 (48) + 25(Gouji) + 15(Glory and Grace) + 15(Golden Rhynos) + 25(Helicopters)
Total: 128

Egg Party Roll:

Result: 1d100 (86) + 22(Canaan) + 18(Clove) + 15(Synesthesia-Judgement)
Total: 141


"I'm sorry Boss. The intruders managed to get through the blockade before we could reach them." The leader reports. "We are still tracking them but…" A short silence.


"We believe that they are heading where the operation is taking place today… We are not sure yet but…"

"Our man inside never reported about this, so it's unlikely these guys are friends of those brats." Gouji says, the tapping of his cane adopting speeding up. "Still, I don't believe in coincidences… Head straight there and assist the Demons with the clean up."

"As you command." A moment later, the call ends.

Gouji just closes his eyes and closes the phone, exhaling slowly.


The Egg Party had been walking for almost an hour now. The lack of security in Shibuya-Cho should have worried them, but so far, they didn't complain for the lack of interruptions, especially now that they have arrived at their goal.

Canaan stood in front of the entrance of a warehouse, her synesthesia guiding her towards her. The aura gave no room for doubt! She must surely be there.

Just as she was about to break into a run, Clove grabbed her arm. "We are not going to just rush like that." She spoke in a tone that held no room for debate.

"We are right here! And I don't feel anything else! There is no danger here!"

"That is no excuse to just drop our guards! Clove says aggravated as she and Canaan begin to discuss.

Meanwhile, Belle decided to just get this over with and strode towards the warehouse, gently knocking on the door. The sound of loud music could be heard as the wooden girl stood there.

A few moments later, the door opened, and Belle, nor the rest of the Egg Party were ready for who was opening the door.

or rather… What opened the door.

"He Hoo! Hello, fellas! What can I help you with?" The being(?) asked with a playful tone.

"What the…" Piastol muttered, lost for words at what she was staring at.

"Um…We are looking for Maria?" Belle asked, not seeing any reason to lie. "Her friend Canaan wants to talk with her."

"Oh! Are you friends with her? Of course! Any friend of hers is a friend of us!" The weird creature said as he moved out of the way, letting the Egg Party pass.

And entering inside they saw…

"Looka here lady! You ain't listening to us! You! Are! In! Dangah!" A crocodile with a punk get up was discussing with a blond woman.

"For the last time! I don't know any egg-shaped man you are talking about!" Maria shouted back, as if they have been discussing for a long time now.


"Maria!" Canaan shouted, running towards her, so many emotions going through her at the moment.

Maria turns to look at the new arrival, her eyes widening as she recognizes her. "Canaan! How-" She is cut short by a strong embrace from the mercenary, who proceeds to kiss her right away before she can ask anything else.

The blond haired woman widens her eyes at this, but doesn't hesitate and reciprocates the kiss.

"Woah!" Vector says surprised, as he blushes, covering his eyes.

"Oh my…" Espio says, too dumbfounded by what is happening.

"Awwwww." Belle can't help but comment, looking happily towards the Mercenary.

The pair is not sure how much time passed, but after they break their kiss, both totally out of breath, as they stare at each other, never breaking the embrace.

"Canaan…how did you…?" Maria tries to ask again, but Canaan interrupts her.

"I had some help, but that doesn't matter, I'm not going to let you go, again." Canaan says as she rubs her head with Maria's cheek, her eyes closed. For a moment, Canaan feels a mixture of tranquility and happiness, nothing could ruin this…

And that is when the ground shooks. and a figures descends from the roof, destroying it in the process!

"Here is Onnniiiiiiiiiii!!!!" A hulking red figure shouts as he flexes, wielding a massive weapon.

Before the party nor the rest of the people inside the warehouse can react. A mist starts appearing around them, causing a chill to go through all of them, even Metal Sonic.

"Can you hear it…the evening bell. It tolls for thee." A figure rasped, one moment there was no one in front of Canaan and Maria, and the next…

"T-they found us!"Maria shouted, with Canaan strengthening her hold over her. "How!?...Wait… Jack! Did you-?" She turns to look at the supposed being called Jack, who only laughs diabolically as it jumps happily.
"Sorry girlie, you were nice and all but a deals a deal and that deal says you gotta go~"

"So bye!!!"

QM Note:

Next update will be the start of the final fight of the adventure with the new system. Hope you are ready!!!