All we did was hospitalize three squads of SWAT guys, blow up three squads of tanks, and blow up a helicopter squad. That's only like, one Sonic level's worth of stuff!
[ ] Try to sneak through the guards! (Will be hard, but if they can sneak in without alerting them, they should be able to roam Shibuya-Cho and find Maria quickly, as long as they avoid drawing more attention.)
(Several Trickery Checks, if any failed, combat will begin, and Enemies will roll the first Round with advantage! ??? )
[ ] Open a way yourselves! (These people were keeping Canaan from reaching Maria, this was unacceptable! If they were looking for them, then if Canaan and the party deal with them now, she would not have to worry about them later!)
(Attack the Tokyo-To forces, starting combat, defeating them will give the party a free shot to Shibuya-Cho and chances to look for Maria unbothered for a while. Starts first Round of Combat with advantage, ???)
All of the above most likely. Multiple planes from which multiple types of demons can attack from. Likewise for gods. The cosmology is likely just as much of a cludged together mess as the rest of the world.
Look, they were hired by a would be world conqueror to find a young woman and they didn't work out it was Eggman until it was too late. Vector felt really bad and gross and wanted to save her.
Turns out Eggman was just being a wingman though so... 🤷♂️
You know I notice something the EggRobo uses 1/3 of Eggman stats when leading other badniks. In theory a average EggRobo is more smart than Metal since it would have 13 in Brain Status when in leadership position due to Eggman 40 Brain Stats compared to Metal 4 Brain Stats.
No wonder the Hard Boiled Heavies, if going by this trait, develop such unique personalities and independence in the games, the Phantom Ruby simple allow the desires to of these six common EggRobos to manifest in physical form than actually change them in significant ways.
I very much expect the EggRobo we leave in charge of the ship possible has a secret sailor personality. It certainly would be cool some omake about the EggRobos at some point.
And without more preamble, the Monster swung its scythe towards Maria, with such speed and strength that clearly couldn't be human.
Canaan knew she wouldn't be able to pull Maria and Her away from it, so immediately she shifted their positions, so Canaan was in front of Maria and closed her eyes, bracing for the upcoming attack.
But just then, Canaan heard the voice of their savior.
"METAL!!!" Belle shouted as loud as she could, and a second later, the sound of an engine roaring was heard, a burst of wind a second later, and a loud clang was heard.
Canaan looks behind her to see Metal Sonic grabbing the blade of the scythe with one hand, sparks coming out of it as it struggles to keep it still, but even so, Metal brings his other hand forward and wiggles his finger, as if telling the monster "Nah, Nah."
"You…a being of metal, dare interfere with the inevitable fate of Death?" There is a tone of anger in the face of the reaper. "Such Insolence!" With a burst of strength, the horsemen break the deadlock with metal and swing his scythe, creating a burst of wind that pushes back Metal and Canaan and Piastol. "All of you are sentenced to die!"
"Ahhhh! It's the bald man's demons!" A teenager in a white jumpsuit shouted, as the other 2 or 3 dozen of people that Canaan failed to notice before panicked and started running around like headless chickens, trying to get away from the monster.
"Nobody is leaving the Pain House!" The huge buff red monster shouted as it swung its weapons, which started glowing.
"Stop right ther' Mac!" The swing of the glaive was interrupted as Vector grabbed the shaft of the weapon. "The Pain House is closed today!" Followed by Espio jumping and throwing a kunai towards him.
But the thing is unfazed as the kunai bounces from his shoulder, just gasping. "How dare you! The Pain House is always open!" He shouts as he grabs Vector by the head and proceeds to throw him against the wall…and actually breaking the wall as Vector exits the building.
Meanwhile, the creature known as Jack was jumping and flapping his arms, as he released waves of ice towards Piastol and Clove, who stopped the creature from attacking the several other skaters currently inside, but wrecking the place and furthering the ongoing chaos.
As Canaan just laid there on the ground holding Maria, she looked up to stare at the current state of events, and only one thought came to her mind.
I need to get Maria out of here.
Right then, the sound of a jet reaches her ears once more, and before she can realize it, she is flying through the air, her hold on Maria tighter than ever.
A second later, she is dropped onto the ground and gives Canaan a moment to recompose herself. As Metal Sonic once again, speeds off towards his opponent.
"Canaan!" The voice of Belle is a balm to Canaan's state of mind, reminding her of one of the few people she can trust. "Are you okay?!"
"Never been better! Belle, this is Maria, Maria, this is Belle, she is a sweet girl." Canaan introduces them quickly as she finally gets them both, drawing her gun and staring at the Warehouse.
…Things were going wild. She saw several skaters with very strange get ups quickly exiting the place as the sounds of the battle seemed to increase with every second.
"Call the ship, Belle. We need to leave." Canaan tells the wooden girl as she then turns to Maria. "Maria we-"
"I'm not going to leave them!" She says with a resolve Canaan wasn't expecting. "If we don't do something, those demons will kill all of them!"
"But… You might-" Canaan starts to say.
"I'm willing to risk my life, same as you, same as before." She says resolute while grasping Canaan's hand tightly.
Canaan is lost for words for a second…realizing that Maria had grown more since the last time she met her.
"Big Sis Maria!" A loud robotic voice drew the three girls' attention, a group of… guys in white jumpsuits and weird hairstyles were skating towards them, doing some weird dance moves. "We need to exit this game session now!"
"What about the others? Gum and Beat?" Maria asks in a concerned tone.
"Managed to exit their USB out from this port!! They are looking for a place to regroup, we need to do the same!" Another of those weirdos said, still doing dance moves.
"Hold it right there, Fella!" The crocodile detective said, with the purple chameleon trailing right behind him. "Those guys are Eggman evil mooks! You cannot trust-"
"Canaan is precious to me! How dare you call her evil!" Maria doesn't take this standing down and slaps Vector.
"...are we the bad guys here?" Espio ask incredulous as Vector rubs his cheek, "Just what is-"
"Incoming!" Clove shouts as Piastol, Death Hound, Metal Sonic and she exit the building, just a few moments before the whole warehouse crumbles.
"Please tell me, you guys dealt with those monsters." Canaan asks as her eyes glow red, checking the warehouse, sadly…
"I'm here!" The hulking mass of muscles shouts, as he jumps from the wreckage and stands in front of them.
Then, mist starts appearing again around them, which means...
"I'm afraid your life is forfeit here!" The horseman said, as it appeared besides the muscle monster, witn that traitor Jack riding with him on the horse. "Once we kill the blond and her followers, we shall hunt every human that got away. As our Master commands, today the "Rudies" shall disappear!" The figure says as 2 white portals appear and 2 other figures join the trio.
Canaan had enough of this nonsense, stepping up to cover Maria as she raised The Maria, the Mercenary's only reply was…
"Over my dead body." She muttered with as much venom as possible.
"That was implied, of course." The skull head replied smoothly.
Belle: 3/3 HP 5/5 Shield points (Reroll still available)
Piastol and Death Hound 5/5 HP
Metal Sonic 5/5 HP(Reroll available)
Ring Spark: 2 uses left!
Black Shield available
NPC: Current Status:
Vector: 6/6 HP
Espio: 5/5 HP
Maria: 3/3 HP
Noise Tanks: 3/3 HP
Pale Rider 6/6 HP
Jack Frost: 3/3 HP
Oni 5/5 HP
Archangel 4/4 HP
Fortuna: 3/3 HP
All members of the egg party have 2 action points. Please make a vote in plan Format:
Special vote: Maria and Noise Tanks current status:
Canaan Tells Maria where their ship is and that they escape to meet them there, or in the worst case, they hide and Canaan will find her soon. (Maria will leave with the noise tank and go on their own towards the Avenger, chances they meet ??? or ???. Chances to get away safely.)
(Can assign a Hero unit to guide them and assist them, means the hero units will be out of the fight.)
Tell Maria to stay behind them, they will protect her. (Maria and the noise tanks stay nearby, still a possible target for Gouji's demons, will need to take actions to protect them during the fight.)
Cover Maria (2 AP- Only if Maria remains on the fight): You will not let these monsters hurt her. You will not lose her, not again! (Canaan will protect Maria, she will add her stats to any roll Maria does when attacked, and gets advantage on it too)
Shoot one of the demons (1 AP) Which one (Specify in subvote)
(Contested power Roll against the chosen demon, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)
Keep your distance! (1 AP) These "Demons" are clearly beyond humans, get some distance, let the others engage the creatures and pick your targets.
(Canaan keeps distance from the demons, making so most physical attacks cannot reach her easily. -10 Malus to anyone that tries to attack her).
Hold your ground (1 AP): If these monsters want to harm her, then you just need to kill them first! Take the shot immediately!
(Can only be taken with "Shoot one of the demons". Canaan attacks with a +10 bonus to combat rolls during all the round.)
Take to the air (1 AP): Using Death's fly, you will get more maneuverability and will be able to deal with attacks more easily.
(All attacks against Clove receive a Malus this turn of -10)
Coordinate with the others (1 AP)
Right now, you need to have a plan, not just running around and hitting and shooting things like you have done so far. You cannot play around against these guys.
((Reach out to another Hero unit no next turn to act together for their next action.)
Analyze the opposition (2 AP): Let's not make any rash decisions right now, stay calm for the moment and observe them. They must have weaknesses that you can exploit.
(Choose an enemy)
Logistics Check of 60/90, if successful, reveal traits and even moves that the Enemy may have (that have not been revealed yet).
Attack one of these demons (1 AP) (Choose which demon)
(Contested power Roll against the chosen demon, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)
Keep your guard up (1 AP):
(This turn, any attack any enemy does against Clove gets a -10 Malus.)
Reach out to the Crocodile and the Chameleon ( 1 AP): P-Perhaps you can convince them you are not here for trouble? If you can get their help, then perhaps you will have a better chance for everyone to get away safely!
(Heart Check of 75, if successful, Chaotic will listen to Belle and the party and will cooperate)
Call the Ship (1 AP): All of you need to leave now! You can send a message to the badniks and have them fly the ship over here! Hopefully nothing stops it
(Belle notifies the Egg Robo to come here and pick them up. Will take a certain amount of turns to arrive)
Take Maria and The weird guys to a safe place (2 AP) (only if they stay in the fight): Right now, you really should not be anywhere near these monsters, better take Maria and her friends to hide somewhere nearby.
(Belle takes Maria and the Noise tanks and roll a trickery check to hide nearby, making it harder for the demons to target them WARNING! THIS WILL MAKE THE DEMONS FOCUS RIGHT AWAY ON THEM!)
…Use the gun? (2 AP) (Frei based attack) Choose demon:
You know you will regret this!!!
(Contested power Roll against the chosen demon, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)
Give The Gun To Somebody Else (0AP)
Someone, *anyone* can use this better than you can! Why are you even still carrying it!
(Another unit will be given the Egg Gun)
Search the warehouse for something useful? (2 AP) While the others focus on fighting them, perhaps you could check on the warehouse and find something to use?
(Logistics check of 50, if successful, Belle finds a random item she may use during the fight/loot.)
I Behead The Face Of Death (2AP)
This creature claims to be Death. You will prove that it is incorrect.
(Metal focuses entirely on Pale Rider, Contested Power roll a +20 bonus.)
Speed Assault (1AP) Which one (Specify in subvote)
Speed is the only guarantee of death on the battlefield. Show them just how fast you are.
(Contested Power Roll against the chosen demon, if successful, they lose 1 HP.)
Directive: Protect Belle (1AP)
Primary mission is to protect Belle. None shall touch her as you stand.
(Metal will interpose himself between any attack that would damage Belle, forcing all attacks made at her to be made at him instead, though all his Power rolls to defend from these attacks suffer a -10 malus.)
Take This Outside (2AP)
Directive of mission is keep Designation: Belle safe. Pale Horseman primary risk, remove it from premises and eliminate.
(Contested Power against Pale Rider. If successful, Metal deals 1 damage and both Metal and Pale Rider are forced outside the area and away from the rest of the Egg Party.)
Desire: Growth (2AP)
The opponents here are powerful. Power should be yours.
(Metal rips out one of his drives, taking 1 damage and removing one of his copied traits at random. He will then scan one of the demons at random.)
Blast these fools! (1 AP) (Specify with demon) (Frei)
Time to show these inferior being what they are dealing with! Start blasting them and don't give a moment of respite!
(Metal keeps his distance, contested ranged power roll against the chosen demon, cannot be taken with "Speed Assault")
Death Hog Abilities: (0 AP, Can only pick one per turn)
->Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
->Noxi: Roll 1d100+5(mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5 for the round, crit=2 rounds. Casting Noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power-5. If the new Noxi timer is lower than the current Noxi timer, use the old Noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacrem: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)
Take Flight, Oh Angel Of Death (1 AP) (Pick a Target)
Demon, human, whatever: you'll cut them down all the same.
(Contested Power roll against the target, Piastol will move in close to the enemy to attack)
Send out a serrated cyclone (1 AP) (Pick a target)
Cast Welves and tear someone to shreds!
(Summons a cutting tornado around an enemy with a contested power roll. This attack will be at range)
Cast Eterni on a demon (1 AP) (Hama)
(Pick a target)
You'll show the Pale Rider and his entourage why you earned the name "Angel of Death"
(Piastol fires crystals that slice the body and rattle the soul. Contested power roll) (Warning: eterni isn't an instant death effect)
Invoke Rakukaja (1 AP)
The power of the sea of souls lies dormant in your heart, and right now you have an urge to let it loose.
(Piastol give -10 to any opponent's attacks against her for 3 rounds)
Blade and Bite (2 AP)
Command Death hound to lock a foe in place so you can strike them down!
(Contested Power roll for Death hound to latch onto an enemy and drain their stamina, allowing piastol to go nuts with a second power roll)
Death Hound: During Combat Encounters Piastol will always have access to one of the following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
->Incremus (0 AP): Deathhound wreaths another in flame, adding a +10 to another's roll. The other person's buff will last for that round. He cannot target Piastol or himself, because he already does by default.(Choose target of the buff, need to be within range of Deathound)
->Noxi (0 AP): Roll 1d100+10 (1/2 Piastol's mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5?for the round, if crit, the debuff last 2 rounds. Casting noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power by -5. If the new noxi timer is lower than the current noxi timer, use the old noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacremus (0 AP): Deathhound heals an organic Hero Unit for 1 hp. Requires 1 round to recharge.
[] Plan: Metal vs Death
-[] Tell Maria to stay behind them, they will protect her. (Maria and the noise tanks stay nearby, still a possible target for Gouji's demons, will need to take actions to protect them during the fight.)
-[] Cover Maria (2 AP- Only if Maria remains on the fight): You will not let these monsters hurt her. You will not lose her, not again! (Canaan will protect Maria, she will add her stats to any roll Maria does when attacked, and gets advantage on it too)
-[] Take to the air (1 AP): Using Death's fly, you will get more maneuverability and will be able to deal with attacks more easily.
-[] Coordinate with the others (1 AP)
-[] Reach out to the Crocodile and the Chameleon ( 1 AP): P-Perhaps you can convince them you are not here for trouble? If you can get their help, then perhaps you will have a better chance for everyone to get away safely!
-[] Call the Ship (1 AP): All of you need to leave now! You can send a message to the badniks and have them fly the ship over here! Hopefully nothing stops it
-[] Give The Gun To Somebody Else (0AP)
--[] Maria
-[] Take This Outside (2AP)
--[] Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
-[] Invoke Rakukaja (1 AP)
-[] Cast Eterni on a demon (1 AP)
--[] Archangel
-[] Incremus
--[] Metal
[] Plan: One by one
-[] Tell Maria to stay behind them, they will protect her. (Maria and the noise tanks stay nearby, still a possible target for Gouji's demons, will need to take actions to protect them during the fight.)
-[] Shoot one of the demons (1 AP)
--[] Fortuna
-[] Hold your ground (1 AP)
-[] Take to the air (1 AP): Using Death's fly, you will get more maneuverability and will be able to deal with attacks more easily.
-[] Attack one of these demons (1 AP)
--[] Fortuna
-[] Reach out to the Crocodile and the Chameleon ( 1 AP): P-Perhaps you can convince them you are not here for trouble? If you can get their help, then perhaps you will have a better chance for everyone to get away safely!
-[] Call the Ship (1 AP): All of you need to leave now! You can send a message to the badniks and have them fly the ship over here! Hopefully nothing stops it
-[] Give The Gun To Somebody Else (0AP)
--[] Maria
-[] Take This Outside (2AP)
-[] Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
-[] Invoke Rakukaja (1 AP)
--[] Pale Rider
-[] Take Flight, Oh Angel Of Death (1 AP)
--[] Fortuna
-[] Incremus
--[] Metal
This plan focuses on quickly taking Fortuna down, because she can heal and buff allies and we can't have that going around and spoiling this fight.
[] Plan: Things going from bad to worse.
-[] Tell Maria to stay behind them, they will protect her. (Maria and the noise tanks stay nearby, still a possible target for Gouji's demons, will need to take actions to protect them during the fight.)
-[] Canaan: Cover Maria - 2 AP
-[] Clove: Coordinate with others - 1AP
-[] Clove: Attack one of the demons (Oni) - 1AP
-[] Belle: Reach out to the Crocodile and the Chameleon - 1 AP
-[] Belle: Call the ship - 1 AP
-[] Belle: Give The Gun To Somebody Else - 0AP
-[] Metal: Take This Outside - 2AP
-[] Metal: Death Hog - 0 AP
--[] Incremus
-[] Piastol: Invoke Rakukaja 1 AP
--[] Pale Rider
-[] Piastol: Cast Eterni on a demon - 1 AP
--[] Fortuna
-[] Piastol: Death Hound - 0 AP
-[] Incremus: Metal
Fortuna needs to go yesterda since if I udnerstand right it is a party healer.