...Still need something for the Restoration though. Ideally a way that doesn't provoke numerous independant factions and several sleeping dragons. Like Cream.
hmm, we do it stealthily. replace Jewel and other key resistance figures with androids and have them gradually cede control over to us. I've got no idea how we'd deal with Rookie though he should have pretty good cobat stats we probably can't take him out without drawing attention.
So would Isara, Valkyria Chronicles and other characters who aren't from a modern setting be confused by Twitter?
If you tried to explain Twitter to a person from literally any other time period, they would think you were talking about a curse.

"There's a place where people loudly shout every thought that enters their head, and every other person there can clearly hear and understand everything said by everyone else."
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GUN has heavy firepower on their side, the Restoration can call a lot of powerful independets that will help them.

You are implying that would be easy to destroy both of them ahlwen in reality they are just as hard to beat like Zavok, not to mention GUN and the Restoration can also ebter in a alliance against us and yes GUN would actually pick the Restoration over us.

I said that even if the Empire does not give a Second Action, leaving their foothold alone in Green Hills is a bad idea because a King can do a lot of stuff.

I meant to make Eggman aware the existence of the Vortex would be something even a low roll would get in investigating the oceans not their threat level.
No, Zavok is the hardest to beat. To quote the QM, the Restoration and GUN are starting enemies while Zavok is the area boss. Zavok is a hard counter to Eggman to force him to adapt. All of the Green Hills factions are designed to be beaten. They are not invincible. There will be resistance movements afterwards, but they can and will be beaten.

Personally, I was confused by that response from you. I focused on the second action part because it made sense. You were, and seemingly still are, acting as if I as saying we should leave Selvaria's foothold in the Green Hills alone. I was confused because I had said "[w]e obviously need to get rid of the Empire's foothold, then eventually the Empire... It's not something to outright stop our plans against them over, but it's something to keep in mind."

Not particularly. Do you recall the deal with Metal Selvaria and the roadblocks to building it? There's a lot of circumstantial evidence to Selvaria's strength that is keeping Eggman from acting. It would be similar with threats like the Vortex. Eggman doesn't have the experience with them to recognize them as the threat you are arguing them to be. Dipping our toes into the Epipelagic Zone won't reveal to us the full depth of the ocean. GUN and the Restoration would also be disinclined to believe us if we dived beyond the surface. Worst of all, Eggman would be working against his drives to not conquer the Green Hills.

We are going to have to handle Whisper first, speaking of which after that turn should we get the Conch or set up the Darcsen Underground?
I'd much rather focus on getting Eggman's situation in order. I'm too concerned about Zor to put off getting the conch any longer than we have too. Investigating the crime scene is also probably the route to unlocking our second Trickery action, which we could really do with.
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Yeah NGL I am genuinely excited for the Majima stuff, just gotta finish up Shard vs. Metal and the actual voting for what Majima's challenge is, unfortunately
I'm definitely looking forward to see what Majima or Metal can learn from each other, cause Majima does get his moves from things he sees.
Worst of all, Eggman would be working against his drives to not conquer the Green Hills.
The Green Hills must be unified in order to stand against the other factions, and the Restoration and G.U.N will never allow themselves to bow us.
I'd much rather focus on getting Eggman's situation in order. I'm too concerned about Zor to put off getting the conch any longer than we have too. Investigating the crime scene is also probably the route to unlocking our second Trickery action, which we could really do with.
Whisper is actively sabotaging our actions and attempting to assassinate our hero units, she's unironically a bigger threat at the moment. she nearly killed Conquering Storm this turn, if she went after Isara while she's on the next logistics action I'm pretty sure she would have very little chance of surviving that. it is only a matter of time before Whisper kills one of our hero units.
The Green Hills must be unified in order to stand against the other factions, and the Restoration and G.U.N will never allow themselves to bow us.
Maybe it would help if we phrased it better? Like "working under us". "Joining the Eggpire to protect the citizenry." "Helping liberate the world from their insane dictators ".
Whisper is actively sabotaging our actions and attempting to assassinate our hero units, she's unironically a bigger threat at the moment. she nearly killed Conquering Storm this turn, if she went after Isara while she's on the next logistics action I'm pretty sure she would have very little chance of surviving that. it is only a matter of time before Whisper kills one of our hero units.

At least Whisper dc will increase against us since we built the Egg City so there's something.

Not sure how much her action is already high for failing to kill us, only will increase in failing to kill Storm and now we built the Egg City that will also increase her dice.
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Whisper is actively sabotaging our actions and attempting to assassinate our hero units, she's unironically a bigger threat at the moment. she nearly killed Conquering Storm this turn
Only if you ignore that she failed even against a natural 1, Whisper is not as dangerous as she appears, she probably have around 25 of
Trickery and get a single bonus.
Also She only got close to killing because of the natural 1, otherwise is more likely that she will only injure and interrupt the action,
still bad, but not as bad as it looks.
Only if you ignore that she failed even against a natural 1, Whisper is not as dangerous as she appears, she probably have around 25 of
Trickery and get a single bonus.
Also She only got close to killing because of the natural 1, otherwise is more likely that she will only injure and interrupt the action,
still bad, but not as bad as it looks.
the nat 1 was on fighting the Zeti, Whisper had her own completely separate roll.
I imagine a sad omake scene
Whisper has us in her sights
But just as she fires belle walks in front of us and takes the shot
(Or she's in the eggomobile with us and it turns at just the right moment)
Only if you ignore that she failed even against a natural 1, Whisper is not as dangerous as she appears, she probably have around 25 of
Trickery and get a single bonus.
Also She only got close to killing because of the natural 1, otherwise is more likely that she will only injure and interrupt the action,
still bad, but not as bad as it looks.

the nat 1 was on fighting the Zeti, Whisper had her own completely separate roll.

For whisper roll on trying to kill conquering storm, she basically joined the Battle and made an attack roll against her. She needed to beat her roll to pass and have it actually hit her.

The Nat 1 from Storm made that any hit against her would take 2 HP from her, if Whisper had rolled just a little higher and beat our ninja roll even by 1 point, would have been enouhg to put her at 0 HP.

Then, there was a high non zero chance she died.
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Witnessing Genius New
Witnessing Genius

The platypus opened his eyes, red from a night of troubled sleep. He tried to sweep the specks on it, to no avail.

Stupid things. He already had a lousy day ahead of him...

Cracking his shoulders, the platypus began his long journey through the dormitory, careful not to awake anybody.

"Hey there, my favorite nerd!" said a large bipedal bull.

Shoot. Didn't he already say he had enough on his plate today?!

"Leave me alone," he grumbled, just wanting some breakfast to prepare for a rough day. "I already helped you with your class last week."

"Yeah, last week," the bully nodded. "This is the work of this week. I need it ready for Friday."

"...it's Thursday. You don't have anyone to blame but yourself-" the platypus started, before feeling the grip on his shoulder.

"...what you were about to say?" the bull said calmly, slowly increasing the strength. "I guess the football training must have made me half-deaf. Could you repeat?"

The platypus gave a hateful look, before resigning:

"My table. Wait for it until the next morning."

The bull released the grip.

"See? Everyone wins. I don't get suspended from the team, you get to do something productive for once. Everybody wins, Mr. Inventor!"

The bull didn't see the hateful glare the platypus returned.​

"Such technology is unviable, Mister," the man said.

The platypus looked dejected at the rector.

"What do you mean with 'it's unviable'?! It's not like it's a myth, it's even more present in stories than even the Chaos Emeralds and look where those supposed myths-!"

"Just because one turned to be true, doesn't mean the other also is. Correlation does not equal caution, and I would expect a holder like you to know it better."

The platypus slammed his hands on the documents.

"But I'm sure I narrowed it down! The Warp Topaz's last known location was right there! I don't even need a full expedition, just enough money for supplies and a small team to investigate the area!"

The old rector looked at the platypus.

"You are no archaeologist, mister. What you are suggesting is nothing more than the greatest shot in the dark I've seen in my entire carrier! The University of Central City is not one to send a snotty-nosed student with financial backing out of the blue, unlike what the movies could say! I sent this through half a dozen specialists, and they all agree it's unlikely we'll find anything there!"

"Pfft. Specialists. They are not compared to me! If they had the proofs I had-!"


"What proofs?" the rector asked. "If you have any decisive proof, why not present it now?"


The man shook his head.

"You have talent, boy. Stop chasing weird dreams and focus on getting concrete results, or we may have to rescind your scholarship - and that would be a most regrettable thing. Why not look at the projects on upgrading fuel consumption of vehicles? Way more reachable than some farfetched idea like teleportation."


Without a word, the platypus walked away, the image of Fang the Sniper holding the gem hacked from the Eggman Empire database - the sole thing he managed to extract from it before being kicked out - burnt in his mind.

He sat on the top of the university, finishing writing the homework for his bully.

The platypus liked stargazing. Since his lonely childhood, with an absent father and an ill mother, he watches them to distract himself from the problems of the present. Not the most practical or logical thing, but...

He looked at the moon, the satellite. A long time ago, the people of that small planet managed to reach it, despite centuries of thinking it impossible. Then there was the abandoned Space Colony Ark, once a jewel of progress, before being shut down under the claims of untold monstrosities happening inside those walls.

Hm. What was progress without some pain? Didn't society discover that snails burnt with salt by pouring it on them? Didn't people discover how to become immune to some poisons by having some die in the process of eating herbs until they got the right measure?

So why was it so hard to believe that he was doing a enormous step ahead for society? That the Warp Topaz would revolutionize the world?


Envy. It just had to be envy.

He bet that once the matter of the Warp Topaz got out of his head, that rector would send someone else and claim the glory. The glory that he, as a scientist, would conquer it.

He would make himself be listened. The platypus promised to himself he would be as respected, be seen as an equal to -

"Citizens of Earth, lend me your ears and listen to me very carefully!"

He froze, looking as a single message passed through the visors of Central City and all-around the world.

"My name is Dr. Eggman - the world's greatest scientist, and soon to be the world's greatest ruler."

A few minutes later, he stared in shock as Doctor Eggman passed his ultimatum to the world. Twenty-four hours for it to be made his or else he aim his weapon from the moon to the world.

Whereas the rest of the world felt dread at being subject to the whims of a mad man, a platypus stared in awe at the now-destroyed moon.

This. This.


This was the respect he wanted! People feared Dr.Eggman but also were forced to respect him. Recognize him!

This was what he wanted! To be a man as respected as him, Ivo Robotnik!

Forget curing the world from his transportation devices - that was only a theory he made to get support for his expedition anyway, he still had to test it. Forget using it for the good of other assholes that would claim the credit for themselves and leave him with nothing!

He would get the respect he deserved! One way or the other!

He looked at the shattered moon. From his angle, it almost looked like the stars beneath the moon were forming a star line.

"Star line...Dr.Starline," he felt the words in his mouth. "Yes. This is the name of the mind that will shake the world-!"

...one day. Not yet. But one day. He would work in the shadows. Build his power. And when time came...

He would show the world his mettle. He would become an equal to Eggman!

The newly-branded Dr.Starline decided to start his path of villainy by kicking the report he was holding into the wind.

"Woops," he commented without care. He would just give his bully a bunch of blank papers and then proceed to watch him mald. He would get beaten up, sure...but Starline didn't care.

He would start by getting the money to get the Warp Topaz for himself. Then he would build his resources. And when time was right, he would become Eggman's second-in-command. His shadow.

The world would come to regret the day of his birth!
If everyone is so worried about assassins, we should consider the logistic action to create egg drones, it increases the DC to
infiltrate our territory by 10 and add a bonus of five to searching for things, like Whisper or the cacophonic shell.

The DC of the action is only 70 too, and the eggtronics traits means eggman add 52 to the roll.
Just thunk about what will happen if whisper sees belle working with us....

Oh god isara
Imagine if isara gets shot AGAIN
Poor girl
Real talk, and a bit behind the curtain, it was Whisper either Shooting at Conquering Storm or Isara, those 2 where the only ones that took national actions inside/near the territory.

We rolled a dice to see who she went for.

For better or for worse, Dice decided she would take a shot against the ninja.

If everyone is so worried about assassins, we should consider the logistic action to create egg drones, it increases the DC to
infiltrate our territory by 10 and add a bonus of five to searching for things, like Whisper or the cacophonic shell.

The DC of the action is only 70 too, and the eggtronics traits means eggman add 52 to the roll.
Just commenting, becauseWhisper already ninfiltrated the territory before the egg drones were built, that 10 on infiltrating will not affect her, but the bonus for searching things do will apply to her.

Checking but this is for the Eggfan-Starline Omake right?

Really well done! Love the backstory!