Gonna give you guys a peak behind the curtain THIS ONE TIME and show you guys the check for the other options:

[ ] Park the ship outside the city and find a way to sneak past the military outpost. (Clove suggestion, Ship will remain hidden, Will need to pass a series of Trickery checks to get inside the city, if failure, chances of the city military to catch them and a fight will begin.)

3 trickery checks

1) 60

2) 80

2) 110

[ ] Descend right into the city, Shibuya-Cho section to be specific. (Piastol suggestion, Trickery check and the Logistics check, if successful, will manage to approach undetected and find a safe place to land respectively, if failed, Military will be aware of the arrival of an unidentified vessel.)

2 checks

Trickery 100

Logistics: 80

[ ] …Ask for passage inside the city? (Belle Suggestion, Heart check to be let inside, automatically given their presence away to the authorities, if failed, Automatically will resort to a trickery check to sneak inside the city, if failed, combat will begin.Ship will remain outside the city as you walk up to the outpost)

Heart check: 110

Trickery checks 3




Can we vote now or do we have a mortarium?
Sure give me a moment to open the vote
[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to
[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to
I knew our Trickery would be a weak point for us. At least now we have our ship in position to get us out quickly if we need it. On Pissing off Goji, well, it was inevitable. Also, I'm getting a broken link for the image.

[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to arrive)
[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to
[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to
[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to arrive)

Since the military will be searching for the ship, we better leave them here to defend it, in case the military find it and a exfill is walways a good idea.
I knew our Trickery would be a weak point for us. At least now we have our ship in position to get us out quickly if we need it. On Pissing off Goji, well, it was inevitable. Also, I'm getting a broken link for the image.

[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to arrive)
does anyone else have trouble seeing the image? Was not sure if it uploaded right
So the ship landing had the least amount of checks needed out of the three options..
[ ] Park the ship outside the city and find a way to sneak past the military outpost. (Clove suggestion, Ship will remain hidden, Will need to pass a series of Trickery checks to get inside the city, if failure, chances of the city military to catch them and a fight will begin.)

3 trickery checks

1) 60

2) 80

2) 110

[ ] …Ask for passage inside the city? (Belle Suggestion, Heart check to be let inside, automatically given their presence away to the authorities, if failed, Automatically will resort to a trickery check to sneak inside the city, if failed, combat will begin.Ship will remain outside the city as you walk up to the outpost)

Heart check: 110

Trickery checks 3



So either way our tricky rolls would have trouble..

[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to arrive)
Goji's going to be looking for the ship and things are going to be on high alert. I do not want to leave the ship unattended, the chance to signal for pickup is nice, and I don't want to be fighting for every step we take further into the city.

[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to arrive)

Looking at those DCs, probable success on the first two Trickery rolls, third one would've been a real reach. Heart, slightly better than a coinflip at base, but the reroll would've stacked things in our favor. Well, selavi.

Well.... not familar that much of caanaan home gane universe but that girl being on a wanted photo is like seeing belle on a wanted picture, wonder how the hell that happened

Goji's a control freak, wouldn't take much.
Well that wasn't as bad as I feared! That went alright! And the anti-air stuff is gone, too. Now to find Maria. Probably fell in with some skate gang or other.

[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to
[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to arrive)

Our team is more suited to Battle and Diplomacy, so let's consider that in the future.
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Question I thought we gave the avenger a defense system if I'm remembering the plan that won correctly.

Shouldn't that have given also us a +10 defending against the missiles?
Sorry did forgot about the defense system for the Avenger, will edit the results, will stay the same, just avenger will not lose any HP.

Hey @Kingster why didn't the Egg Panws and Eggrobot help with the rolls?

After all they do have range weapons and could main the shio cannons.

Ehhh thye would have used the Defense system of the avnger, giving the +10, but their individual bonsues would not have counted.