"Oh Gears and Starters!!! M-Metal, help us, please!" Belle shouts, looking at Metal Sonic, who had been standing in the m,iddle of the bridge so far, looking at the horizon.
He doesn't respond, nor seems to register Belle's words, but then he reaches for his Captain hat, putting it on the ground, and a second later, the sound of a jet engine could be heard…
Canaan doesn't turn away to look, but feeling the rush of wind and the blue blur coming from behind her, she sees Metal Sonic rushing towards the Missiles, all of them exploding after Metal smashes through them.
Metal never stayed still, moving from one rocket to another making sure none ever got close to the ship. But even as fast and effective as Metal was, there were too many missiles fired that some slipped through him.
Common Metal Sonic W, and nice to be reminded that he is bloody terrifying from outside POVs."Metal! Go for the Missile launchers!" Canaan shouts to the robot. "We need to neutralize them!" She shouts, hoping the robot follows her orders.
At first it doesn't seem like Metal heard her, but a second later, his chest engine began to glow and an energy beam was fired from it, hitting the roof of one of the skyscrapers. Blowing it up. Ohhhh.
[X] Leave the Badniks here to guard the ship (Badniks don't come along and guard the ship, chances of ordering the Egg Robo to pick the Egg Party up wherever they are, but will take time to arrive)