Destroy The Factories
??? + ??? = 149
Destructive Success
Your video feeds show you Zazz leading groups of Egghammers in the destruction of their own badnik plants! The factories that you had built with your own two hands (actually with hordes of construction badniks) were being destroyed en mass by the lunatic Zeti and your own Super Badniks!
Why?! Why was he-
Burn The Earth
??? + ??? = 101
Burning Success
You can only watch in stunned confusion as Zor created great swaths of black fire that burned scars into the Zeti's own territory! Supported by your own Egg Magicians, the fire seemed to not just burn all that grew from the land, but the earth itself seemed to burn and grow a tainted black color as it swept and consumed.
What… what was…
Make An Announcement
??? + ??? = ???
A broadcast had been sent on all channels, across the eggnet, radio, all possible devices capable of picking up the announcement heard the voice of Zavok.
"Green Hills. You fought for so long to deny us, you wished to have your own rule. You shall have it. For now. But we Zeti will return, we shall reclaim our numbers, strike when you least expect it, and make you beg for the kindness we showed you in our last rule. And Eggman…
Enjoy the empire we left for you."
The broadcast ended and you were left stunned.
Zavok had quit the field, but not before completely ruining the land that you had been looking to reclaim, your factories in ruins and any area you could mine for materials or build new factories tainted by Zor's flames…
You had… underestimated the Zeti's spite.
Zavok and the remaining Zeti have quit the field. Their former territory is in ruins, heavily tainted, and completely unguarded save for roving groups of orderless badniks!
It's free for all! The action to retake your territory from Zeti control now automatically critically succeeds as there is no one guarding it! But this holds true for all factions! Better move quick!
Zavok, Zik, Zazz, Zor, and an assortment of badniks have disappeared. Actions unlocked to try and track them down.
Fortify Territory DC 60/90/120 (Power) Jaeger
??? + ??? = 67
Simple Success
It seems that the damage that General Bles suffered from her encounter from Zhor was more severe than expected, as she is never seen on the field for the whole month… either that or she was relocated you suppose? Eh, who cares.
There was a new General taking care of the operation, and he spent the month trying to fortify their feeble position, but it seems that he had trouble commanding the troops, the tales of what they heard of Zhor should have spooked them.
What stood at the end of the month were shoddy fortifications and barely guarded checkpoints and outpost that would not stand against a proper assault.
They should be easier pickings for the future.
Result: Small increase to the DC to raid the Empire territory
Pump Out Propaganda DC90/140 (Logistics) Gregor
??? + ??? = 67
Oh, you couldn't help but burst from laughter at seeing the Empire latest stunt fail magnificently. From what Stone was able to report to you, they tried and failed considerably at trying to make propaganda to increase the number of recruitments for their forces.a
They tried to paint themselves as "righteous saviors" who were saving the People from Green Hills of people like you! Please, if the world needs saving from anything, is that Hedgehog!
It seemed like at first, the propaganda were working, but that took a nosedive when the propaganda started to demonize you and your Empire for helping those Darcsen people…
And that is when several incidents started happening everywhere.
Propaganda everywhere was destroyed, speeches from the radio were interrupted as the signal went dead, the whole works.
Whatever happened, the Empire definitely didn't get more soldiers to throw at you this month.
Empire propaganda plan failed miserably, ???
Push Back Against The Zeti (Power) DC Contested By Zavok
??? + ??? = 120
Uncontested by Zeti.
Critical Success
Bah! No! That's YOUR territory those insufferable fools are taking!!!
With Zavok and his forces apparently fed up with fighting you, it was irritatingly simple for them to barge in and take out some Badniks before taking the territory that they were roaming around.
The Restoration territory grows, as does your disdain.
Look Into The Sniper (Trickery) DC83/123 [Noticed/Unnoticed]
??? + ??? = 88
Bare Success
Sage was keeping a close eye on your territory after you got shot. The Sniper was tricky, you would give her that, but she can't evade your daughter's keen eye forever.
This is especially true as that sheep that took out Shadow was seen in your land! She was chased off by some Badniks, and a combined search by Sage, Stone and Conquering Storm confirms she didn't take or leave anything.
Strange… No matter, you have more pressing concerns.
Study Black Arms Genetic Material
Whoever GUN assigned to work with you and your daughter on this was not a complete incompetent, which does actually narrow down who it could possibly be. They did their best to remain anonymous, but there are only so many people who can even attempt to keep up with your mind. No matter though, their contribution was not a complete hindrance and you learned more of the Black Arms and Doom.
Recruit Mystic Hero (Heart) DC:60/100
??? + ??? = 54
Bare Failure
Yahan told you that another faction had been poking around the more mystically inclined scenes, but the stiff and militaristic approach drove her and several others away. They had been in talks with a sorcerer but from what she had heard as she left, neither side seemed to be willing to give up on some key details.
It seems as if GUN is looking for some new staff. Normally you'd laugh at their failure, but with their commitment to stopping the Black Arms, you have to admit it wouldn't be bad for them to get some actually competent help that knows more than how to pull a trigger.
Settle Internal Schism (Logistics) DC100
??? + ??? = 81
Well, Well, Well…It looks like G.U.N is going through a bit of an issue…
You don't have the full details, aside from the rumors that Honey, Rouge and some other of your minions could hear through the grapevine in their free time, but apparently, there was a huge discussion this month between the top brass of the organization and things are…a little heated, shall we say?
You were right that Towers Idea of making an alliance with you was out of nowhere, especially seeing as many people there are still against it, well…they can complain all they want! Not like he really wanted to ally with them in the first place too!
Still, sides are clearly starting to be made inside of G.U.N and unless that commander with heterochromia can do something about it, the situation could get worse…
That gives you a few ideas…though you might need to get some eyes and ears inside G.U.N to be able to implement them…
Towers failed to deal with the forming Schism, a divide is starting to form on the military organization, time will tell if things get better or this is the first sight of the decay of G.U.N.
Make Angel Island Self Sufficient (Logistics) DC: 75
???? + ??? + ??? + ??? = 85
That bee working for Knuckles really seems to be pulling her weight.
Tired of having to rely on scrounging funds to buy food and the kindness of others, she helped organize some farmers in their little community into setting up new crops, allowing them to grow their own food.
Hmmph. Seems he might be down here less often, which is no skin off your back.
Build More Permanent Housing (Logistics) DC: 60/100
??? + ??? + ??? + ??? = 37
Apparently, that human with Knuckles is no carpenter.
He tried his best, but his best wouldn't give the denizens of Angel Island better places to sleep. His attempts to build houses are shoddy and some are unfinished.
He at least has the sense to feel bad about it from what you hear, though Knuckles let the incompetence slide, as to be expected from the soft hearted fool.
False Flag Attacks DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 88
Bah! This makes your blood boil!
Apparently, someone has been going around Restoration territory and smashing things, leaving behind YOUR tech!
Ridiculous! If you were going to attack those obnoxious do-gooders, you wouldn't be so sloppy about it!
Regardless, the bad blood between you has the already paranoid Restoration in murmurs about what to do. Grrr.
When you get your hands on whoever has done this, they will rue this day, you didn't need anymore headaches!!!
Reach out to the Restoration DC: 85 (Heart)
??? + ??? + 10 (Sister helped them) = 34
Critical Failure
It seems the Restoration's successes as of recent are attracting interesting attention.
A mysterious benefactor, a diminutive bird with a scarred eye, came to the Restoration seeking an alliance and even offered usage of his own personal robot army as "thanks for keeping an eye on his exhausting sister".
Unfortunately for him, when he unveiled the bots, a rather obvious camera fell out of each of them, and It was easy for the more tech minded amongst those annoying heroes to learn they were designed to spy on them.
The bird managed to escape by just... Flying off, but he lost a sizable chunk of his robots and according to his muttered words gained a desire to "strangle his dummkopf sister".
Heh, a failure but an amusing one.
Hang Out With New Friends! DC:Autopass
Yay! Friends!
Meanwhile, that cat girl was seen dragging her new "friends" Tangle and Rookie all around Restoration territory, eventually settling at a candy store.
"Really? Many yays! Doc brother NEVER lets Ko have candy!" She danced excitedly.
"How come?" Tangle asked, a bit wearily.
"Doc brother says candy for smart winners. But Ko is dumb, so it ok!"
The lemur and wolf seemed kinda uncomfortable at that and got her a few extra pieces, to her audible joy.
That was about when you lost interest in looking further into it, bleh, friendship.
Steal 40 Cakes DC:40
??? + ??? = 23
This one is honestly just kind of ridiculous.
A polar bear (you almost thought it was Bark before you saw his fur was white and he had a mustache) was seen going around random bakeries in GUN territory and trying to steal cakes. Not even the money, just the cakes.
He somehow bungled this and got about ten before he gave up and went to take a nap in a random under construction building.
He was eventually found by Topaz and just barely managed to escape after a beating when he distracted her by almost making some rubble fall on civilians, causing her to get distracted saving them.
He didn't even get to keep all but two of the cakes!
Adventure! The Plan To Scramble Robotnik!
Canaan told you that the Chaotix had managed to discover you were the one that hired them to find Maria and the group actually ran into them while trying to save the girl. Belle managed to trick them into serving your group's ends and as to not break the illusion were offered a ride back on Piastol's ship.
You would have preferred to see the pesky crocodile and chameleon destroyed by these demons or "accidentally" thrown overboard, but they apparently served as serviceable meant shields for your own forces.
They can have this one pass.
Go To A Chao Race DC:40
??? + ??? = 51
Your surveillance systems flagged a person of interest, but it turned out to just be Cream the Rabbit taking a purple haired woman on an outing to a chao race alongside her own chao Cheese. When you asked Sage why this was flagged, she seemed a bit embarrassed but reminded you that Cream was technically on your list of "nosey blasted animals" to keep an eye on and that you had a reminder to speak to her mother "about a thing".
Well… fair enough then.
Gather Rings DC:5/50
??? + ??? = 51
Complete Success
This is the second month in a row that you have been able to spot Gemerl collecting large numbers of rings. Once is happenstance, twice may mean that the rabbit family is actually up to something with the collection of mystic metal.
It might not hurt to keep an eye on that, but you've already got so many irons in the fire that if you have to let whatever Cream the Rabbit is doing slip by, it couldn't be that bad.
Rouge the Bat:
Satisfy her Thieving Addiction:
DC Higher the better:
Result: 14
…You clearly hope that the last showing from Rouge during the Rescue Mission wasn't just a bluff, because reading about the "nothing less than a disaster" robbery in the news is just sad.
Apparently, somehow, Rouge ended up tripping all the security systems from her last target, some museum with several famous Jewels in restoration territory.
The bat got caught like she was a damn rookie on her first day! This is so hilarious seeing how many times she has managed to get one over you!
She was able to avoid being identified at least, but from her sulking expression as she didn't manage to get anything shiny, you know her mind will be in this failure…and the lack of jewels for several weeks.
Omega vs Rusty Fight!
Omega Combat Roll:
???+???= 160
Rusty Combat roll:
Omega Crushing success!!!
Ahhh…you remember why you consider Omega one of your best creations…
Seeing him wipe the Floor with Rusty Rose, bombarding her with a barrage of missiles, bullets and just smashing his head against her, reminds you of your incredible abilities when making machines of destruction.
You can't say that Rusty didn't try her best, but it was obvious to see how outmatched she was, and of course, she wasn't what you could say…at tip top shape.
After weeks of sparing and thrashing her, you had to spend a whole afternoon working on giving her enough maintenance to make her operational.
Mmm…perhaps you could bother with upgrading her in the future? Something worth considering.