Starline Files: Pride
Starline Files: Pride
Well...things could have gone better today.

Let's start from top: we won and it wasn't even close! I shall admit I had my worries about it, but we won!

Admittedly, the battle didn't start as great as it could have been: our starting formation was not half-bad, composed of the mercenary Canaan, the sky sailor Piastol, Isara in her Tiny Tank, and the newcomer Conquering Storm, who was a comrade of the Pronghorns as a Egg Boss, and led this "Egg Clan" a horde of Badniks to close the deal. And Metal Sonic.​

The addition of Metal to the formation against a foe who specializes in controlling machines was one I contested quite a bit on the one hand: on the other, Doctor pointed out that Zavok's commander of that unit was also the dumbest of the Zeti, Zomom. I bet if I opened a portal and threw a sandwich on the other side, he would follow into it without giving it a second thought, but alas, I only barely managed to get back on foot for this engagement and such a scenario is so specific that I would hardly manage to get it through. Either way, doctor's plan was very simple: have Metal get a piece out of the Zeti, and get his biodata to get the electromagnetism the Zeti are known for. In theory, this could lead to Metal being able to cancel their electromagnetism with his own application of the technique or at least be able to force some of their units under our force's control.

That plan went wrong so damn fast.

As it turns out, Zomom wasn't dumb enough to not notice a blue machine coming for his fat ass, so he naturally turned his focus to it. It's a credit to Doctor's programming that Metal Sonic didn't immediately became controlled, but he was disabled for a moment while the rest of the army began their attack, the weaker Badniks being wiped in the process. Unfortunately, this peeved Zomom enough to try. And try he did, as Metal Sonic turned on us and began hammering Conquering Storm and Piastol. The ladies were thankfully skillful enough to hold him off, though he did seem to get their Biodata, as he suddenly began to move more like the former and used something similar to some spells I saw the Deathhound - as Piastol called it - launch in the battlefield. Still, it was a mostly victorious affair...but Metal Sonic was taken away when Zavok ordered Zomom to retreat.

Needless to say, Doctor Eggman was not pleased. He barely managed to stop himself from pulling out the Darc-Egg to handle those savages personally. He only grunted for Clove to bring out a few more Badniks to replenish the losses in the field and leave Cassia behind, deciding to playing safe.

The next horde had both Zomom and Zeena - boy, how deplorable must Zavok's forces have been if those were his commander's choices? - and, despite reinforcements from the sky and the fact Zomom hadn't to handle keeping Metal in check...would you believe if I said that it was almost as easy than before?

Like, don't get me wrong, we lost most of our forces due to Zeena and Zomom turning them against us with their Magnetism, but it was like our forces were a typhoon, ripping through them like a typhoon of death. Highlights of that fight for me include Conquering Storm mounting on Zeena's back and pulling her hair around as if she was some sort of horse and Isara aiming a tank shot at Zomom that made him vomit out his...whatever feast, he always seems to be eating, not the point. Eventually, we managed to capture those two and bring them in shackles to the base...leaving only the big red, Metal Sonic and...Silver Sonic. Poor thing seemed out of place against it's modern counterpart...wait, that doesn't make sense right? Metal was made earlier...but Doctor keeps giving it, tomato tomato. Anyway, Zavok dared Eggman to come out and face him. Doctor didn't seem to be very inclined to do it...that is, until he mentioned Sonic.

It was as if Doctor's whole demeanor changed. He was mad about Metal, but not enough to waste his time with that hooligan. But then he just calls out for the Darc Egg Robot...

Maybe part of it was due to my own near-death experience. But we were doing fine, Zavok was outnumbered. Heck, if he ordered, I would ride the Darc Egg gladly. But I just couldn't make sense of it. When he pointed out about my real fear, he said the following to me:

"If I wasn't ready to risk my life, I would have never built my first mecha."

And then he went on to say he would beat Sonic by his own hands and tools, not those of his minions...

I don't get it. Willing to risk his life? A genius of his caliber? Why? He could beat anyone with any invention he made. What is the point of putting himself into needless risk?

And what matters who defeats Sonic? If he's dead, he's dead. What is the point of being the one to do so? Just mere pride?

...maybe I will never get it. Doctor fought Sonic for years. As an enemy. As an ally. As his own power.

But does it matter who gets to claim the kill? Isn't it more relevant that's he's six feet under?


The battle began with a setback. Zavok ignored Eggman's taunting and grappled onto the Darc Egg and use his fire breath on it. Ragnite thankfully is pretty heat-resistant, but it still did some good damage on it. The other units handled Metal and Silver. Conquering Storm and Piastol managed to handle it with ease, while supporting Doctor's fight. Canaan, in particular, managed to shoot Zavok's eye enough for to wound the giant structure. Clove convinced this Honey the Cat to not throw herself at Zavok like some Berserker and put some thought into how to handle the matter.

Doctor decided to take a different approach to handle Zavok. While Honey distracted Zavok, he went on the offensive and further wound the eye with ragnite missiles. Conquering Storm had tried to trip him, but that didn't work but he still fell from being slaughtered by doctor and Piastol getting onto him. At this moment, a bunch of Badniks concealed by invisibility attempted to catch the army off-guard, but Doctor simply laughed loudly and let out all the missiles to handle them with the greatest of ease. Zavok, now at normal side, was brought to his ship as it retreated. He opens his cockpit for the world to see...

It was weird. It was as if the whole world had gone silent for an instant. Not a single sound except for three...very...familiar...sounds.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

They were silenced, but I would never forget the sound of bullets hitting someone's chest.

I moved before the cockpit even finished closing, focusing the Warp Topaz to open a portal to the inside of it. Then, seeing the unconscious man, I opened another to where Piastol was finishing ending the Badniks and pretty much screamed for her to do something. She barked at her mutt to use some sort of spell and that seemed to help, but I still opened a portal to the base - I didn't trust myself to get a portal to the hidden base up with my altered mind state - and barked for someone to carry him. The ones to answer the call were Canaan and, much to my surprise for the speed, Agent Stone, who seemed deadly pale. Sage, having realized what happened, ordered a few Badniks to prepare him for surgery to remove the bullets in the chest while I brought out the remainder of our ragnaids in order to help him recover swiftly.

Thanks to this quick action, we managed to stabilize doctor's signs and he was up by the next day, if grumpy by how things turned out. After the event, I did some search in the surroundings, but the sniper was already long gone.

Pride...pride put me on that situation. Put doctor in that situation.

Is there any need for pride for someone who wishes to conquer?
I have made an omake! Warning:this omake is supposed to be fanfiction written by a deranged fan, do not read if you have a low tolerance for cringe. I have done my best to make it readable, but I'm no miracle worker.


Story:Electric Love by little Thundertech

Author's note: First story for you to bask in my skill!

In a lab atop a hill, there was a chinchilla performing her amazing experiments to create a better, no, a perfect world! That chinchilla's name was Thunderbolt, voted most desired Mobian for several years running. She was so engrossed in her work with her new exoskeleton suit that she missed the tapping of feet approaching her.

"Thunderbolt, my ingenious and perfectly normal sized master! I have some news for you!" her henchmen yells as he runs in, a shirtless wolf Mobian.

"Cafe!" she yells. "I told you not to interrupt me when I'm being a genius! This better not be another attempt to get a date out of me, because you know where my heart belongs."

"My apologies ma'am, I'm just so enamored with your round body, it is the natural height of beauty! But this is important."

"Then explain!"

"Your fiance has been kidnapped!"

She drops her screwdriver and gasps, "they dare to harm my love? Who! Who kidnapped him!"

"It's Sonic the Hedgehog, he could not stand the fact that he was ranked as the least eligible bachalor and he's planning to disfigure the most handsome man's face in revenge!"

"The gall of that hedgehog, trying to harm him!" She jumps straight into her suit and buckles it up. It's a masterpiece of machinery with a (SECTION HAS BEEN CENSORED ON ACCOUNT OF HAVING CONCERNINGLY DETAILED AND ACCURATE INFORMATION ON HOW TO BUILD A WEAPONS PLATFORM, PLEASE SEE DOCUMENT TB-1.4 FOR MORE DETAILS). The rockets are enough to handle him, even at his fastest. Jumping up into the sky and activating her thrusters, she flies off find that hedgehog.

Meanwhile, in a cave there sits the smartest, handsomest, most GLORIOUS mustached man in the world! He glares at the terrible creature before him, the hedgehog smelling of guano and sweat having not showered a single day in his life!

"Hehehe, I have you now Egghead! Once I fix your face no one will ever love you. Not even your fiance, Thunderbolt!"

"You ignoramus, there is more to my beauty than my devilish good looks. My true beauty is my fantastic mind and personality, and I know my love would not think me lesser. Besides, I can surely fix anything you do to me!"

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that," Sonic growls, holding special scissors imbued with the power of the Chaos Emeralds. "With these I'll cut your precious mustache. It will be uneven and tangled, and worst of all it will freeze your hairs, making them as hard as rock. You will be stuck with the ugly haircut forever!"

"Nooo! Don't touch my glorious mustache!" he begs as the scissors approach.

Suddenly the cave shakes, causing Sonic to stop. He hears the sound of Thunderbolt's great chariot, ready to beat in his stupid looking face. He brandishes his scissors, ready to fight. However, the last thing he expects to happen, happens, as the earth behind him explodes into a shower of rock, throwing him onto his back. Opening his eyes he sees the person before him, the chinchilla who has kicked his ass numerous times.

"Haha, stupid hedgehog! Are you ready for another beating?"

"Not if I beat you first!"

He jumps up and prepares to punch her, but he is stopped as a fist meets his face. Flung to the ground and scissors out of his hands, Thunderbolt throws out her electric capture wire made from (CENSORED FOR CONCERNINGLY DETAILED INFORMATION ON WEAPON CREATION) shocking him into unconsciousness.

"My love! You've come to save me!" Eggman calls out to her.

"Of course sir, after all, what kind of fiance would I be if I couldn't protect you," she says, untying him from the stalagmite.

"Now that you have rescued me, I do believe you deserve a reward."


Even if you're high ranking, for your mental well being we recommend against reading the rest for any reason. There is no reason to read the rest, and this is only kept for official documentation reasons, the only thing you will get out of reading this is a mandate to get therapy-GUN high command)

King Crab said:
Please list this as ADULT. I did not need to see... that part. Honestly, no one needed to read that part.

Author reply: As far as I care, me and Eggman's love is the purist thing on this planet. If you don't want to see it, leave this site!
TopBlaster said:
Holy shit, for the hell of it I tried making the rocket launcher you described and IT ACTUALLY WORKS! How!?

Author reply: Hehe, I'm something of a genius. Not Eggman level of course, but I like to think I'm one of the best
Robbingrobbings said:
Never write again.

Author reply: You people don't have ANY FUCKING TASTE!
LostPuppet123 said:
I've been looking for some information about my father. Um, I don't mean to be mean since you've clearly put a lot of work into this, but I stopped once it got to the... part where you took his shirt off. Please, please, stay away from my dad(?) uncle(?) Family(?)

Author reply: I'm only into Eggman, I don't know what makes you think I'd be interested in some random ass person's dad. Unlessssss your dad looks like Eggman? Can I get a picture? Edit: You blocked me!? FUCK YOU, I DON'T WANT YOUR STUPID AND UGLY ASS DAD ANYWAY!
Purrrplegirl said:
Thunderbolt the chinchilla? Fuck, I didn't think you were into Eggman like that! I'm calling GUN on you.

Author reply: You're doxxing me!? Two can play at that game, bitch! (INFORMATION CENSORED FOR CITIZEN PRIVACY)
SonicIsAwesome said:
Sonic is cooler

Insight in the Mind of a Genius
Inspired by all of us running like headless chickens while planning.

Insight in the Mind of a Genius
"Hm...should I take my tools?"

Belle tapped her finger against her face, looking at the small suitcase Doctor had given her. While he expressed his wish for Canaan's trip to Tokyo-To go for long, he did prepare a few resources to stay for a while if needed for everyone, if only at Piastol's insistence.

'We don't have any comm system to talk to base. In my experience as sailor, it's better to keep some food around in case something bad happens, no matter how long the trip.'

Belle had no need to eat, but that was beside the point.

"Hm. In this case, if the ship gets destroyed again...better take them," she said, nodding and putting the kit into it. At least having them around wouldn't hurt in case something got broken. Besides, it wasn't as if she was taking much with her.

'Hm. Maybe I should check on Canaan. She seemed very tense about this mission.'

Belle didn't like to see a friend so distressed. Maybe talking a bit would let the mercenary loosen up a bit.

As she walked through the base, she couldn't help but notice how empty it was. It was still early in the morning, and at the afternoon, Doctor Eggman would give everyone the assignments for the month. Inwardly, she couldn't help but sigh with some relief: while Canaan and Piastol turned out to be not bad people, Belle was feeling a bit rattled from going around recruiting such "shady" people, as some would say. Doctor had said that she and Canaan would be taken by Piastol's ship to Tokyo-To and escorted by her, Metal Sonic and Cassia and Clove.

Part of her wondered what everyone else would be doing...

As she walked through the corridor, she noticed a familiar figure. Agent Stone, looking through a half-open door. Her brows furrowed. It was occupied and she was taught by her father that spying on others was not nice.

"Excuse me-"

The man put a hand over her mouth.

"Shush, and look."

Confused, the girl reluctantly looked inside the door-

"Ugh. On one hand, that Honey can do a poor job contacting this Majima, so getting her shop fixed could make her more willing to give her best...but on the other hand, this signal! Ugh, should I even be putting Orbot and Cubot on this...?"

Doctor Eggman was standing over a large white board, holding an eraser in his left hand, and on the right a pen, constantly erasing and putting new things on them.

"Let Starline study his gem? No, we lack labs for that...and I don't want that blowing my equipment!"

He risked an image of the Warp Topaz and put a name inside a circle: Agent Stone.

" worked once, could work again...and our black ops are already filled this month..."

He glared at the Rouge name before snapping his tongue.

"Eugh. What a bothersome figure, this Chuck. And there goes the break I was planning to take..."

He looked at a blueprint, biting his lips.

"Maybe this could help her..." he pressed a button on his suit. "Note, give her an Egg-Gun for the trip. You never know what kind of hooligans are in cities like that."

Belle wondered why Canaan would need a new gun. Wasn't the Maria fine enough?

He looked at the board again, conflicted before reluctantly erasing the word "cure".

"Not yet, not yet..." he said, wistful, before putting on the word "gene therapy". "And then Sage helps with the Black Arms."

He put on a question mark beside Thunderbolt's name

"Should I let her even get close to Metal...?"

At this point, Belle felt Agent Stone gently pull her away from the door while he closed it.

"So...where those the plans of-?" the girl began, to which the agent nodded.

"My doctor used to spend quite some time making plans too," Stone said. "Even spent a few sleepless nights developing new machines. He usually fell like a puppet with cut strings once done," he paused. "Wait, that's a bad analogy for you-"

"N-no, I get it," Belle said. "He's very hardworking, right?"

Stone thought over it and nodded.

"Yes, one could say that."

She gave a smile.

"Then it's all that is needed to say. Sorry for intruding."

With that, the girl hopped away, hoping to meet her friend.

Stone gave a look as the girl went away. He also had a smile on his face.

"Ah...good to see someone who appreciates his effort."


He went back to his watch spot.

Stone was doctor's rock. And there were some things only he could do for him.​
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Only the Worthy May Wield
Only the Worthy May Wield

"Alright, since my time is too valuable to spend on the field, one of you can have this artifact that Stone retrieved," Eggman announced as his aide/barista gave him a grateful smile for the acknowledgement. He then held the medallion up and transformed it into its other form for all his minions to see. "As ridiculous as it seems, this guitar can convert sonic frequencies into light. Whichever one of you actually has musical ability will be the one to keep it, as they should be the most able to make proper use of it."

"Doctor, are we really going to-?" Starline asked, hesitantly.

"Yes, I can't believe I'm saying this, we are holding a music competition," Eggman confirmed before leering at the ensemble before him, several of whom were eyeing the guitar with a mixture of greed, ambition and curiosity. "Cubot and Orbot will be my assistant judges. You lot better not disappoint me."

Most of Eggman's top agents broke into groups to discuss. Metal Sonic, however, stomped off alone.

Starline brushed a hand through the fur atop his head, the other holding the guitar. "Hmph, well, music is enhanced by proper acoustics, so naturally I shall be the winner." He raised the Warp Topaz and activated it, several portals opening all around the room.

Then Starline began to play. It was a tune that carried an air of menace about it, elegant, classy even. However as his fingers danced across the strings, the Warp Topaz and guitar began to react, sparking before abruptly a massive beam fired right into one of his portals.

The laser jumped from portal to portal as everyone frantically ducked and dodged. Miraculously nobody was hit, but eventually the blast entered one portal that redirected it back at the source. Panicked, Starline opened another portal in its path.

Visible through the portal was what appeared to be a GUN facility's outdoor firing range. The beam was now aimed at a blond human woman who dodged and reflexively shot back. Three bullets passed through the portal and into Starline, who immediately collapsed and was moaning in pain.

"Well, he was actually pretty good," Eggman admitted. "But that reaction is too dangerous. Someone get him to the infirmary. NEXT!"

Back at GUN's headquarters, Topaz blinked, looking at where she could have sworn some kind of beam had come from and launched itself into the sky. But, there was nothing there, no trace of what she could have sworn would be certain death. "I need a vacation," she sighed.

Rusty Rose's extended arms snaked over and gingerly lifted the guitar. She began strumming and played fairly well, albeit clearly amateurishly. She even sang with the song, a surprisingly intense one from the quiet cyborg. However, once more the guitar sparked and electricity ran up and down her body. When the energy reached her head, her right eye began changing colors rapidly and Rusty began smashing the guitar onto the stage like a hammer.

She did this again and again, with no signs of stopping, until several of the fighters in the crowd tackled her and managed to wrest the guitar away from her. Separated from the arcane artifact, Rusty's eye returned to its typical red and she stopped moving. Once the pile of bodies separated, paused only to bow towards Eggman and fled the stage, clearly embarrassed.

"Hmph, a surprising number of you have talent. Still, we're here to decide who gets a weapon, not to actually hold some kind of concert. And Rusty Rose is clearly incompatible. NEXT!"

Stone played without incident.

Belle clearly got into her performance. She even brought out a drumset, where she got that baffled even Eggman, which she played with her tail. Still, even as he applauded, Eggman had to admit he was concerned by Belle's choice in lyrics, especially since she seemed focused on him when she sang.

Did he need to find her a therapist? Or build her one? He never paid much attention, or any really, to mental health as a field. Especially for his creations. He'd have to think on that.

"Gre-," Eggman coughed. "Good job Belle, and no negative reaction to the artifact. I will consider you as a possibility for the guitar. NEXT!"

The Pronghorn sisters were impressive… or probably should have been. Clove sang, while Cassia attempted to play the guitar from inside the Omega Care Unit. Unfortunately, the exo-suit had never been designed for dexterity and, regardless of whatever ability she may have had, playing an instrument through both a screen and the controls was clearly beyond Cassia's ability.

"It's not fair," Cassia whined, stomping the foot of the OCU as if it wasn't a heavily armored mech suit that weighed nearly a ton-and-a-half, shaking the entire room and denting the stage. "I'm great with the guitar, I swear! I just can't play in this thing!"

Eggman sighed. "If you insist, we can revisit this issue once you no longer need the Omega Care Unit. NEXT!"

Canaan declined to participate, claiming that The Maria was enough for her and that it would be too much of a hassle to find a way to sync the guitar with Judgement.

Piastol also declined, saying that the noise would bother Deathhound.

When it was Isara's turn, she sang while barely touching the guitar.

"Is there a reason for this, Ms. Gunther?" Eggman asked with his arms crossed, tapping a finger on his bicep, before the sheepish teenager.

"Heheh, sorry. I just wanted to take the opportunity to sing. That song is… important to me," Isara admitted. "And I was going to keep fighting from my tank anyways. It would be too much for me to play while operating a vehicle."

"True enough," Eggman grumbled. "You'd have to get out and leave yourself vulnerable."

Isara went pale and still. "Yeah… I'd have to…" She remained unmoving, even after Eggman snapped his fingers in front of her face.

"Someone, get her off the stage! NEXT!" Eggman bellowed. As Belle leapt up to escort Isara away, he muttered to himself, "I might really need to look into that therapy thing."

"Father, I do not believe this is a viable course of action."

"Don't be ridiculous. Just do your best! As my greatest creation-" Eggman didn't notice how Belle slouched in her seat- "your brilliance is unmatched! Nothing is beyond your reach!"

The Motobug Sage tended to inhabit when she needed a solid form bumped into the guitar, knocking it over. "Father, I do not have physical hands."

"... NEXT!"

"Hey, is that from Naruto?" Cassia tried to whisper in Clove's ear. Unfortunately, metal frames that are nearly five feet tall and three thousand pounds don't do subtle.

Conquering Storm, Connie to her friends (not that she had any), brought her performance to a screeching halt. "A coincidence, I assure you!" She hurled a smoke bomb to the stage and, when it cleared, the ninja clan matriarch was nowhere to be seen.

Honey refused to come on stage. "You didn't give me enough time! I can't go up there before my outfit's ready!"

"Oh for the love of," Eggman groused. "It doesn't matter how you look! You just need to play music, this isn't an actual concert!"

"You can't just tell a girl it doesn't matter how she looks!" the fashionista critiqued. "You just don't understand!"

"I don't have time for this, NEXT!"

Eggman was annoyed and tired. Thunderbolt the Chinchilla chose a love song, clearly meant to entice him. He had hired her due to her skills, not because he wanted companionship of any kind. So he closed the contest halfway through her song.

"I've heard enough. You all played… quite well. But of course, the Eggman Empire only accepts the best of the best, OHOHOHOHOHO! Regardless, there can only be one winner. I will make my decision shortly. Hm?"

Metal Sonic had entered the makeshift music hall. He stomped over to Eggman and held out his hand towards the guitar.

"What's this? You want a turn, Metal?"

Metal nodded his head and once again held out his hand. Intrigued, Eggman gave him the guitar and took a seat. Metal remained onstage, strummed the instrument, tuned it, and then strummed it again. Satisfied, Metal nodded and looked at the remaining audience. Then he began to play.

It was techno, high energy, gave a sense of tension. Everyone leaned in. Even Eggman was taken away by the music, it reminded him of the feeling of facing off against that blasted hedgehog. Not his myriad defeats though. No, the many times he almost won. The adrenaline, the excitement, the surety of victory, Eggman felt it all.

All of Metal's competitors, they had passion. They clearly put their heart and soul into their music. Yet, Metal, a machine built only for combat and conquest, had done the same. More than that, he had precision, skill. While everyone else was busy being enamored with the guitar, Metal had studied the instrument. He had accessed videos and tutorials on Eggtube, paying close attention to how musicians played, even going as far as using one of his precious bio-data files to copy their skills.

As Metal's song concluded, he bowed to a mostly silent room. Everyone was in shock, except Belle, who cheered for him, and Sage, who clapped from her digital avatar. Metal handed the guitar back to Eggman, nodded at him, Belle, and Sage, then left.

Well, I was not planning on this omake when I woke up this morning. But the idea of a Scrambled Eggs musical amused me. So... threw this together as fast as I could. Largely unedited. Plot bunny sated, I am free. Let me know if any performances 'stuck out' to any of you.

Songs from this
Scrambled Eggs Character Themes
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A Stone Thoughts
A Stone Thoughts
As Agent Stones walk away from the containment room, of trying to interrogate the doctor's prisoner Zenna an alien who stole your doctors's empire. He can't help but continue repeating the words she told him. He knows it isn't true, that she's trying to get into his head…… they just can't stop thinking about it. So you decide to try to brew some coffee for the leaving minions of the doctor. You need to do something just to try and get what she said off your head.

As you're standing in front of the machine, moving with such precision, making coffee, you know that she was just lying. The doctor needs you. You were there when he was happy that you were able to steal the lance and finding that strange medallion that turned into a pretty cool guitar that can shoot lasers.

The doctor needs you….. you need the doctor… you continue to wrestle with the thoughts you feel a glove hand touch your waist. You turn around and you can see that it's that wooden puppet girl, that from your colleague, Starline has told you the doctor made as he was in amnesia induce state. You can't help yourself as always to feel impressed even when the doctor lost his memories he can still make machines like this.

You will adamit she seems much different from your usual doc machines especially the other two, metal feels like a classic of his based off that jerk sonic who he claimed that he built to surpass him and you believe him obliviously enough with your belief in the doctor. Then they say which you can actually say that she does bring out something kinder in him. It's nice a little bit seeing the doctor. Much happier than he usually is.

Belle is well… from what you can describe more living She's like Sage from your brief interactions with her, but having a bit of a more different spark than her. As you look at Belle she seems to be giving you a concerned look to you and say to you in a concerned tone "Mr stone are you all right?"

You take a breath and you say to the puppet "yes, I'm just…. Thinking that's all." You tried to reassure her. You see that she eyes you a little bit with suspicion but majorly mostly with concern. Belle then replies back saying " I just saw you left where that person Eggman captured and you looked a little bit concerned." You're beginning to understand why the doctor sends her on recruit missions she can read people very well.

So you take a breath, and then you decide to voice your words you say to her " it's just….zenna said something to me and I know she's just trying to get in my head but… I'm just afraid that she's right." You say a bit in a somber tone can you can see that she gives you a sad look and says to you " what did she say to you?"

" she said I was pitiful, but I was still working for a man who was gone, which is wrong. The doctor is here…. He is here." You say to Belle which you then see her gives a hug to you by your waist it says to you in a kind tone " well don't listen to her…. She's just a jerk trying to use your memories of the doctor and your feelings to hurt you." You see Belle getting a hard look in her eyes and which you take a deep breath and you say

"thank you miss belle… it's just….. I miss him." You say thinking back to the old doctor and his last words to you before he went fully into the new doctor. You see that she looks at you softly and says to you. " I know what it's like to miss someone but they're not really gone…. They're still in your heart." you're not your head sing the knowledge at that talk to help so you say thank you towards her and finish up making the coffee for the leaving minions…

The doctor may be gone now, but Belle was right he's still with you and you will always help him who cares what that alien says you know who you are…

You're the doctor rock.
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Omega Squared - Pronghorn Panic
New omake. I think I remember that it was noted that the Omega Care Unit's mere existence could troll Omega. Anyone else?

Omega Squared - Pronghorn Panic

The current situation grated at E-123 Omega. To be surrounded by inferior Eggman robots, yet unable to destroy them. But he trusted Rouge and they needed the Doctor to save Shadow, at least for the moment. And once the last member of Team Dark was with them once more, he would no longer need to hold back. Eggman would be killed by the strongest robot!

Still, even if he could not actually harm Eggman or his operations, at least Rouge had extracted a promise that he would still have opponents for as long as they worked with the man. Omega would clearly demonstrate his superiority for as long as this temporary alliance lasted.

Then, as he approached the area designated for his battles, he saw IT. Another E-series robot. It was green and lacked the spikes and symbols that his own frame possessed, but it was another Omega, TO MOCK HIM!

Omega jetted at his inferior knock off, with a cry of "FACE ME, INFERIOR MODEL!" Omega rammed the other construct with a thunderous crash, sending it scraping across the ground.

"Wh-!? Omega!? Stop! I'm not-" The green robot tried to get to its feet, only for Omega to slam down on it. The two briefly grappled, with the war machine coming out on top with ease. He hurled it aside and one of his arms unfurled into a missile launcher, only for a wild spray of foam to cover the weapon. The green robot turned and flew off, screaming for a "Clove."

Omega tore through the foam with his claws and took off after the other unit. "GARLIC AND FLIGHT ARE USELESS! I WILL DESTROY YOU!" He unleashed a barrage of bullets, successfully clipping the green robot's thrusters and sending it crashing to the ground.

Omega landed with a loud thud and launched a missile barrage at the other robot, only for it to charge through the smoke and tackle him. From point blank, it released sonic waves to try and incapacitate him. Omega recovered quickly and shoved it away, before unleashing his flamethrowers on the inferior model.

With the armor weakened by heat, Omega once again prepared missiles to blow the lesser E-Series robot to scrap, only for a green blur to assault him with a cutting weapon. "GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!"

When Omega successfully pushed it off of him, he saw that it was a female pronghorn with a scythe and jet boots, allowing her to fly. "Cassia, get out of here!" she ordered.


"NO BUTS, CASSIA!" The presumable Clove readied her scythe for another attack as Omega analyzed the new obstacle. "The care unit's too damaged, I'm not losing you! Get-"

Clove was interrupted by another barrage of missiles aimed at her sister. She cut those she could out of the air, but was battered around by the explosions. Several slipped by to slam into Cassia. "GO!" Clove darted in to distract Omega once more.

The Omega Care Unit fled, barely able to use its thrusters. Clove backed off trying to catch her breath.


"That's not another robot, that's my sister!" Clove roared, charging in yet again. Omega swiped for her, only for the Pronghorn to dive under the strike and swing her scythe upwards with full force. Yet Omega's armor was too thick, the energy weapon barely penetrating into the metal.

Clove flew upwards, trying to strike at Omega's head, only for him to bring an arm up to block. He countered with a sweep of his flamethrower, forcing her back. The robot swapped out his other hand for a gatling gun, spraying countless bullets at her. She dodged and blocked what she could, but the projectiles still nicked her flesh, letting blood drip to the ground. And so the battle raged on.

Clove grit her teeth, every time she tried to get close to use her scythe and superior agility, Omega simply countered with the flamethrower to force her to back away. She couldn't deal out more than small cuts or strike at any weak points in the time that she had. And she couldn't keep her distance because of his seemingly limitless arsenal. She was quickly losing this fight.

As Clove prepared herself for the next bout, an extended arm rammed into Omega's, sending it askew, and latched on before reeling back in to let Rusty Rose perform a kick to the side of Omega's torso, sending him stumbling. He retaliated with a wave of flame, but Rusty merely extended her limbs once more to push herself out of the way. Clove took advantage of the opportunity to dive in and deliver a wide slash to Omega's shoulder before retreating to catch her breath. The damage was deeper than anything she had managed thus far, but still insufficient to cripple his arm.

"Omega, I am your designated opponent," Rusty Rose declared. "This is not the chosen arena for our battle."

"I WILL NOT TOLERATE INFERIOR E-SERIES ROBOTS!" Omega responded, seething at the additional interruption.

"I told you, that's not a robot! She's my sister, that thing's meant to keep her alive!" Clove said, tightening her grip on the scythe.

"If you do not comply with your deal with my master, you will be destroyed." Rusty warned.

"TARGET RECONFIRMED. EXTERMINATION MODE INITIATED." Omega let loose another barrage of bullets and missiles at the two. However, between the two of them, they were able to easily dodge and weave to stay ahead of his aim. Clove dashed in, striking again at Omega's joints, while Rusty struck and latched onto his limbs, preventing him from retaliating.

Rusty gasped when Omega spun his torso, pulling her in and delivering a brutal haymaker that she just barely managed to roll away from. He activated his thrusters, forcing Clove away, but she circled around to strike at them, destabilizing his flight. He dropped into an extended double kick from Rusty that sent him stumbling back.

Clove once more swooped in to deliver full power slashes to whatever weak points she could get at, while Rusty jabbed at Omega from unexpected directions to keep him off balance. He blocked what he could and shot back with bullets, missiles, and lasers whenever he had the opportunity, but with two agile opponents he just could not get a good enough bead on either one to score a direct hit. Yet they had yet to do any significant damage themselves.

"This isn't working," Clove hissed. "His armor's too thick! I can't pierce it! And Rusty's punches just aren't… concentrated enough." Her eyes narrowed, the pronghorn charged at Omega, telegraphing a massive swing. Omega avoided the strike and prepared a block, only for Clove to just rush past to her ally.

"Take it," Clove held out the shaft of her scythe. "I'll distract him, use this to bring him down." Rusty Rose nodded and took the weapon, giving it an experimental swing.

Clove flew towards Omega, dodging his weapons. When she got in close, Omega traded one gatling gun for another flamethrower and swept upwards. Yet this time, even if she tried to evade, Clove stayed in close. She hissed in agony when the fire brushed past her side, but she kicked Omega right by one of his optics. While the blow itself did no damage, the flare from her boots' jets still momentarily blinded him.

It was at that moment that Rusty Rose struck. She charged in from the same side and began swinging wildly. Rusty didn't use the scythe with any of the precision of skill that Clove did. She used it like a blunt instrument, like a hammer. Yet with her strength and Clove blinding Omega, it was enough. It took a few strikes, but she hacked through his armor and cleaved into his torso. Omega shut down.

Rusty ripped the scythe from Omega's body and handed it back to Clove. "You may check on your sister. I will inform Doctor Eggman of what occurred." Clove nodded her thanks and rushed off to find Cassia.

Omega awoke in an abandoned repair bay. Noting the incomplete patch job of repairs, he was too distracted to register the portal opening underneath him until he had already begun to fall. He tried to activate his thrusters, but they failed him.

Omega landed on his back in some kind of office, with a platypus holding a clipboard, the cyborg who defeated him, and Eggman. Enraged, Omega attempted to fill his creator with lead, only for no bullets to come out.


Eggman rolled his eyes, "You idiot war machine. Did you really think I'd leave your weapons systems intact after the stunt you just pulled?" Omega stepped forward, only for the cyborg to move between them.

"And don't think that you stand any chance against Rusty without them, not in the shape you're in." Eggman turned to the platypus, ignoring Omega. "Remember Starline, if you can't guarantee the loyalty of your creations, it is best to limit their tactical ability. No matter how powerful you make them, it leaves them… predictable. Easily dealt with."

"Yes Doctor, brilliant!" Starline's gaze went from Eggman to the clipboard in his hands, writing frantically, not even giving Omega a glance as the robot seethed. "Enough independence to function without oversight, but not so much that they are a threat should they go rogue!"

Eggman smiled at the praise, "And speaking of tactical failures, how many people do you think are capable of repairing one of my Badniks in a reasonable time frame?"

Starline flipped through the files on his clipboard, "Well, there's yourself of course, myself, Tails, young Belle and Isara, Thunderbolt, Chuck Thorndike might be able to... with all known individuals listed, I'd wager fifteen. A third of whom work for you. We could possibly expand to twenty-five to thirty, after The Shattering."

"And of the known entities, how many would be willing to provide those repairs?"

Starline pushed his glasses up his bill and grinned, "Oh, of course, Doctor. None."

Omega ground out "G.U.N. HAS PERFORMED RE-"

"Bah, G.U.N. Tell me, Omega, why aren't you and Rouge with them?"

Omega was silent.

Eggman leaned in with a wide grin. "Because you came to me. You both know that I am the only one who can save Shadow from Black Doom, to reunite your precious Team Dark. GUN can't do it, the Restoration can't do it, only me, Doctor Eggman. So for as long as you need my help, you will not interfere with my empire outside the conditions I made with Rouge. Am I clear?"

"ONCE WE HAVE RETRIEVED SHADOW, YOU WILL DIE." Omega hesitated in the face of Eggman's unfailing grin. "FOR NOW, YOU ARE SAFE."

"Good," Eggman pulled back. "The only reasons I haven't broken you down into scrap or reprogrammed you is because Rouge begged to put herself into my debt and because of fortunate timing. We are done here. Starline."

With a nod, the platypus opened another portal beneath Omega. As the robot sank through, Eggman opened his mouth once more. "And Omega? If you want your weapon systems back online any time soon, I expect reparations," Eggman said with a victorious grin. "I suggest you start with the Pronghorn sisters. I hear they enjoy ice cream. Oh ho ho ho ho!"

"Pronghorns, follow," Eggman ordered, Rusty Rose in tow. The two had been left to patch themselves up and wait in another room, not far from where he had held his 'meeting' with his rogue creation. Clove looked up from where she had been fretting over her younger sister and got up, before Cassia did the same with greater difficulty, servos grinding. Eggman imagined that, if not for the Omega Care Unit's weight, the elder Pronghorn would be carrying the younger.

It was the first time that he had seen them since before the impromptu brawl. Eggman had briefly looked at the footage and reports of their battle with Omega, but they did not do the damage done to the Omega Care Unit justice. Dents, cracks and scorch marks littered the entire frame. It remained functioning for now, but was in clear need of repairs. Doubtlessly it would not last beyond the day.

Wordlessly the four marched. And marched. And marched. Until finally, they came to a door.

"This is our destination." Eggman half turned to face the Pronghorn sisters, who had gone still, while Rusty pivoted completely. "Is there a problem?"

The two exchanged looks before Clove took a half step forward. "This wasn't the way to the lab."

Eggman grinned, "Clearly not."

Now it was Cassia's turn to speak. "But, but the O.C.U. needs to be fixed!"

"There are many things that need doing, that isn't one of them," Eggman dismissed with a wave of his hand, unimpressed by their irrationality and lack of wit.

"You promised!" Cassia pleaded.

Another half step from Clove. "You can't! She'll die! I haven't failed you!" She begged. She doubtlessly would have lunged for him in her hysteria, were it not for the memory of what happened the last two times she'd been foolish enough to try. Metal might not have been there, but Rusty was present, far less hurt than Clove, and clearly ready for a fight as she took up a combat stance.

For a moment, Eggman savored the look on Clove's face. Anger, fear, helplessness; he held absolute power over her sister's fate and they all knew it. This might have been why his counterpart had never cured Cassia. But then, maybe he just couldn't do it. And the thought of that was something Dr. Eggman could never abide.

"Don't presume what I can't do," Eggman countered. "Do you truly think I'd bring you here for no reason? I will not repair the Omega Care Unit at this time because there is no need to do so." The door by him opened to reveal an antechamber. The ceiling had sprinklers while the floor had a series of drains. Two of the walls were covered in energy emitters and sensors, while the final one had another door with a glass window. "This is the sterilization chamber. Now. Step. Inside."

Once all four had entered, the first door sealed itself shut. Eggman's fingers danced across a panel in the corner of the room before the sprinklers and emitters activated. The fluid stung lightly and after the scanners had done several passes, the ceiling lights blinked green. All at once the sound of a bell rang out, the antiseptic stopped raining down, fans began whirring, and the last door clicked open.

"You may now leave the Omega Care Unit," Eggman all but ordered. Clove rushed to assist Cassia out and they both stood before him. "These will be your quarters until your gene-therapy is complete."

Clove had been an effective operative thus far for her work against the Black Arms and that fool, Zavok, while Cassia had brought him to the infirmary after that blasted sniper dared shoot him. And serving him merited reward.

While Clove stared in shock, Cassia brought her hands together, "Really?"

"Yes, really," Eggman scoffed. With an excited shriek, Cassia ran over to examine her new room. It had been left largely barren. There was a dresser, a desk with a terminal to connect to the Eggnet, a bed and another window outside, little else other than a small bathroom and the technology necessary for the process. "You will have to stay here for observation until your treatment is complete. Leaving early may risk making your disease worse than it was before."

"Yes, yes, yes! Finally, finally I'll be all better!" Cassia cheered while Clove just looked at her sister with a fond smile before the younger Pronghorn gasped.

"Cassia!? What's wrong?" Clove ran forward to fret over the girl.

"I won't get to go with you to Tokyo-to!" Cassia wailed.

Clove tried to hold it back, but... After enduring years of watching her waste away to NIDS, serving a madman, cyberization, The Shattering, false dashed hope after false dashed hope, she couldn't help it. The thought of something like that being a problem? She snorted then began to laugh. Clove laughed and laughed, hugging her sister with tears streaming from her eyes as the younger Pronghorn lightly protested in her grip. Rusty herself had a small smile at the sight.

Eggman had heard Cassia crack what she thought passed as jokes before, but he had never heard Clove laugh, at most cracking a momentary smile before her natural stoicism reasserted itself. … He doubted his counterpart had either.

"Bah, bring back souvenirs if you're so desperate for some meaningless memories," Eggman dismissed, finding the sentiment disgusting. "You'll see far grander once my empire grows back to, beyond, its former glory regardless."

Clove sniffled. "You'll be able to go outside, feel the sun and wind on your face again."

Clove whispered, "I can't wait."

Eggman turned to leave with Rusty only to pause as Clove let go of Cassia and approached. She bowed her head. "Thank you, Doctor, thank you. I- words aren't enough. Cassia is all I have left and I thought she- there was no hope. You saved her, you saved her."

"All I did was what I said I could," Eggman dismissed. "If I had the time to give it my attention, I'd have a full cure for NIDS done already. This will have to do. For now." His piece said, Dr. Eggman left with Rusty following her master.

Still, as much as the complete cure would have been better, Eggman could be satisfied for the moment. He still had absolute power over the sisters, solely due to his brilliance. He had done what lesser minds would call 'impossible' yet again. And… it did no harm to his plans that the two were happy.

Really wanted to do two things here. First, I wanted to try my hands at writing out a proper fight scene for the first time in a long time. Second, I wanted to have Eggman flex a bit.

Then I wanted to write the aftermath with Clove, which I originally intended to be fairly short, then it grew to the point that I basically consider it almost a full sequel to the first half.

What do you think?

Edit: Thanks to Soberan 123 and Colorblind with renaming this.
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A Normal Scrapnik Day
A Normal Scrapnik Day

E-117 Sigma was a busy scrapnik. Being one of the leaders of a floating island of wreckage and patchwork robots was not a job that one could take a day off from. Not least because the whole thing would literally collapse if he did. Fortunately, recent events had brought him some new helping hands!

"You called, Sigma?" Ah, speak of the figurative devil!

Into Sigma's workshop trundled new arrival, Heavy the Robot. Originally a maintenance bot built by Dr. Robotnik, the short, cylindrical machine had rebelled alongside his work partner, Bomb. The two had washed ashore Scrapnik Island some time after the Shattering.

Speaking of... "Yes, Heavy, thank you. I'm sorry to pull you away from your patrol, Heavy, but I need some help with repairs a few levels down. Something strange is happening down there, and I need someone capable to investigate."

Heavy puffed up a bit at this. "No trouble at all, Sigma! I'll retrieve Bomb and be down there in a jiffy! What seems to be the problem, anyway?"

Sigma gestured to a monitor displaying the artificial island. "Something below the waterline is causing a number of malfunctions in the floatation systems. I've been able to reroute things for the time being, but if this keeps up...."

"It wouldn't be good." Heavy finished. "Do you know what's causing it?"

Sigma shook his head. "No. It's been moving across the island. I'm certain it's someone or something doing this deliberately, but I haven't been able to determine what."

Heavy stilled a bit at that. "Do you think it's the badniks?" He asked, stating the simple explanation.

"I also considered that at first, but no. Between yourself and Bomb, E-91, and Mecha, we've sighted no badniks trying to make their way over to our island. They seem to be keeping to the agreement. I believe this is something.... else."

Heavy nodded. (Or, he tried his best to, lacking a traditional head.) The Shattering hadn't just brought the various robots together, after all. There were any number of strange things about nowadays.

"Very well, you can count on us! We'll effect repairs, and find this trouble maker no problem!"

Sigma would smile if he had a means to do so at his new friend's declaration. "Wonderful! Please take a communicator with you."

Heavy nodded and waddled off. He then wandered the halls towards a communal lounge that Bomb liked to frequent. The scrapniks had a surprising amount to work with, when it came to decorations. Either repurposing Eggman's weapons into cheerful lights and signs, or using discarded trash to create their own artwork, something Heavy had tried his own hand at. (To very limited success, he was sad to say.)

Bomb was sitting at the oil bar, attempting to chat up a female egg robo. What was her name? Heavy cast his mind back... Florentine! That was it! Bomb was not having much luck. Heavy moved to extract his long time partner before he embarrassed himself further.

"Bomb! There you are! Come, we have a mission for Sigma!"

"BEEP!" protested the tiny red robot. Bomb gestured towards Florentine with his diminutive hand.

"Come now Bomb, our home needs us!" Heavy picked up Bomb with a gloved hand and placed him atop his own chassis.

"BEEP! BEEP!" Bomb protested.

Heavy recoiled. "Bomb! There is no call for that kind of language! The lady is not interested!"

Florentine punctuated Heavy's statement with a rude gesture and walked off. Bomb crossed his arms and pouted.


"I simply do not like this side of you Bomb! Now come with me, there is a mission to be completed!"

The two made their way down to lower levels of the former ship turned island, moving through the dilapidated hallways. Twists, turns, blocked passages, and rust all made their home down here. No doubt it would be quite nervewracking for an organic who couldn't see perfectly in the dark. Fortunately, the two former badniks had no such issue.

"BEEP, BEEP?" Bomb questioned the specifics of their task.

"No, I thought so too, at first. But Sigma seems quite certain our land bound counterparts are keeping their end of the truce. Besides, this seems a little too.... roundabout for their tastes."

Heavy felt Bomb nod at that. The conflict with the Island of Misfit Badniks had been brief, but informative. Good tactician, they were not. The mystery sabotage was someone else.

As they reached the bottom level of the floating fortress, Heavy activated the comms unit. "Sigma, are you reading me?"

"Loud and clear, Heavy!" Came the prompt response.

"Excellent! Guide to the damge, and we'll begin repairs! Hopefully we'll find some clue to our mystery perpetrator while we're at it."

"Roger that. Start heading north....."

A short few hours of internal repairs later saw the two maintenance bots at what once was an airship hanger, now simply an exit underwater.

Sigma chimed in on comms, "Alright, I'm starting to see activity in the outer plates. Something is trying to get inside."

"BEEP?" asked Bomb.

"Negative." Returned Sigma, "no energy readings at all. Whatever it is, it's no badnik! Do you have your underwater equipment?"

"Absolutely! Grapple line, underwater booster pack, and underwater repair tools! Everything we may need!"


"Ah, of course! I also have a pint size, indestructible explosive partner! How could I forget?"


"Alright, time to dive Bomb!" With a spring loaded leap and a mighty splash, the two dove into the sea.

The icy cold ocean was no impediment to the metal pair, the water booster acting like an underwater jetpack, and allowing total freedom of movement for the otherwise too heavy to swim robots. Only a few short minutes and Heavy and Bomb neared the target.

"Are you reading me Sigma? We're nearing the disturbance now."

"What can you see, Heavy?"

"Hmmm..." The underside of the former Death Egg was massive, and anything causing problems would have no shortage of places to hide down here. Heavy didn't even know what sort of creatures lived in these waters....

Oh. Oh dear.

"Sigma? I have good news and bad news."

"What is the good news?" Sigma asked with some trepidation.

"You were correct. It is not the badniks causing the problems."

"That's good." Sigma stated. "So what is the bad news?"

"The island is being attacked by a sea monster." Heavy informed him.

The sea monster, (for what else could one call it?) was colored a dark green. An elongated, armored head sat atop a long, flexible tail, with multiple tentacles radiating out around it in a circle around the central area of its body. It carried several tools in some kind of belt strapped to the tail, and it was using them to cut off the armor plating of the Death Egg.

Heavy had no idea what this thing was, but it clearly meant harm to the island' inhabitants. As such....

"We are engaing the beast Sigma! Ready Bomb?"

"BEEP!" Came the eager reply.

"Excellent! BOMB AWAY!"

With all the strength Heavy could muster in this environment, Heavy hurled his companion at the creature. Bomb's flight was slower than normal, but it luckily it took several seconds for the beast to notice the threat heading its way. Bomb was mere feet away when he detonated like a depth charge!


The explosive impact sent the thing flying backwards into the ruins of a wall, stunned. It regained its senses just in time to witness Heavy in all his indestructible glory rocketing towards it like an underwater bullet. It quickly juked to the side, just missing Heavy as he crashed through the wall.

Shaking its head, it reached for one of its tools. That tool soon revealed itself to be some sort of gun, as the creature started firing beams of energy at the robot team.

Bomb dodged the rays being fired from the strange weapon and swam up to Heavy. "BEEP!" He exclaimed.

Heavy nodded. Bomb was right. They couldn't afford to play with this thing. It was time for a tag team attack! Heavy readied his water pack and grabbed Bomb in both hands, shielding him. Several beams hit Heavy, but only managed to create some minor scorch marks on his body.

The two suddenly rocketed forwards, surprising the beast. Heavy rocketed upwards before just as quickly diving down into the monster, spearing into the nearby sea floor. At which point, Bomb detonated.


And again.


And once more for good measure.


As the dust settled, Heavy and Bomb were surrounded by the remains of the creature and a good deal of rubble. Heavy poked at what was once a limb of the beast.

"I think you may have over done things a tad, old friend."


"What? Don't be silly! Only your words can hurt me! Now, let's call up Sigma and give our report! Then we'll retire to that oil bar!"


"Oh, you and your need to show off for the ladies!" Heavy looked around.

"Ummm.... did our gear survive all those explosions?"

"BEEP." Bomb had the good grace to look sheepish at that.

"Oh dear. Well, best ask Sigma for a pickup..."

Just another day on Scrapnik Island.

A/N: I think this is the most I've written since high school... at any rate, here's an omake about Scrapnik Island, and also the Vortex Drone that was stealing shit from them, and why that was a terrible idea. Hope this qualifies for that omake bounty!
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Witnessing Genius
Witnessing Genius

The platypus opened his eyes, red from a night of troubled sleep. He tried to sweep the specks on it, to no avail.

Stupid things. He already had a lousy day ahead of him...

Cracking his shoulders, the platypus began his long journey through the dormitory, careful not to awake anybody.

"Hey there, my favorite nerd!" said a large bipedal bull.

Shoot. Didn't he already say he had enough on his plate today?!

"Leave me alone," he grumbled, just wanting some breakfast to prepare for a rough day. "I already helped you with your class last week."

"Yeah, last week," the bully nodded. "This is the work of this week. I need it ready for Friday."

"'s Thursday. You don't have anyone to blame but yourself-" the platypus started, before feeling the grip on his shoulder.

"...what you were about to say?" the bull said calmly, slowly increasing the strength. "I guess the football training must have made me half-deaf. Could you repeat?"

The platypus gave a hateful look, before resigning:

"My table. Wait for it until the next morning."

The bull released the grip.

"See? Everyone wins. I don't get suspended from the team, you get to do something productive for once. Everybody wins, Mr. Inventor!"

The bull didn't see the hateful glare the platypus returned.​

"Such technology is unviable, Mister," the man said.

The platypus looked dejected at the rector.

"What do you mean with 'it's unviable'?! It's not like it's a myth, it's even more present in stories than even the Chaos Emeralds and look where those supposed myths-!"

"Just because one turned to be true, doesn't mean the other also is. Correlation does not equal caution, and I would expect a holder like you to know it better."

The platypus slammed his hands on the documents.

"But I'm sure I narrowed it down! The Warp Topaz's last known location was right there! I don't even need a full expedition, just enough money for supplies and a small team to investigate the area!"

The old rector looked at the platypus.

"You are no archaeologist, mister. What you are suggesting is nothing more than the greatest shot in the dark I've seen in my entire carrier! The University of Central City is not one to send a snotty-nosed student with financial backing out of the blue, unlike what the movies could say! I sent this through half a dozen specialists, and they all agree it's unlikely we'll find anything there!"

"Pfft. Specialists. They are not compared to me! If they had the proofs I had-!"


"What proofs?" the rector asked. "If you have any decisive proof, why not present it now?"


The man shook his head.

"You have talent, boy. Stop chasing weird dreams and focus on getting concrete results, or we may have to rescind your scholarship - and that would be a most regrettable thing. Why not look at the projects on upgrading fuel consumption of vehicles? Way more reachable than some farfetched idea like teleportation."


Without a word, the platypus walked away, the image of Fang the Sniper holding the gem hacked from the Eggman Empire database - the sole thing he managed to extract from it before being kicked out - burnt in his mind.

He sat on the top of the university, finishing writing the homework for his bully.

The platypus liked stargazing. Since his lonely childhood, with an absent father and an ill mother, he watches them to distract himself from the problems of the present. Not the most practical or logical thing, but...

He looked at the moon, the satellite. A long time ago, the people of that small planet managed to reach it, despite centuries of thinking it impossible. Then there was the abandoned Space Colony Ark, once a jewel of progress, before being shut down under the claims of untold monstrosities happening inside those walls.

Hm. What was progress without some pain? Didn't society discover that snails burnt with salt by pouring it on them? Didn't people discover how to become immune to some poisons by having some die in the process of eating herbs until they got the right measure?

So why was it so hard to believe that he was doing a enormous step ahead for society? That the Warp Topaz would revolutionize the world?


Envy. It just had to be envy.

He bet that once the matter of the Warp Topaz got out of his head, that rector would send someone else and claim the glory. The glory that he, as a scientist, would conquer it.

He would make himself be listened. The platypus promised to himself he would be as respected, be seen as an equal to -

"Citizens of Earth, lend me your ears and listen to me very carefully!"

He froze, looking as a single message passed through the visors of Central City and all-around the world.

"My name is Dr. Eggman - the world's greatest scientist, and soon to be the world's greatest ruler."

A few minutes later, he stared in shock as Doctor Eggman passed his ultimatum to the world. Twenty-four hours for it to be made his or else he aim his weapon from the moon to the world.

Whereas the rest of the world felt dread at being subject to the whims of a mad man, a platypus stared in awe at the now-destroyed moon.

This. This.


This was the respect he wanted! People feared Dr.Eggman but also were forced to respect him. Recognize him!

This was what he wanted! To be a man as respected as him, Ivo Robotnik!

Forget curing the world from his transportation devices - that was only a theory he made to get support for his expedition anyway, he still had to test it. Forget using it for the good of other assholes that would claim the credit for themselves and leave him with nothing!

He would get the respect he deserved! One way or the other!

He looked at the shattered moon. From his angle, it almost looked like the stars beneath the moon were forming a star line.

"Star line...Dr.Starline," he felt the words in his mouth. "Yes. This is the name of the mind that will shake the world-!" day. Not yet. But one day. He would work in the shadows. Build his power. And when time came...

He would show the world his mettle. He would become an equal to Eggman!

The newly-branded Dr.Starline decided to start his path of villainy by kicking the report he was holding into the wind.

"Woops," he commented without care. He would just give his bully a bunch of blank papers and then proceed to watch him mald. He would get beaten up, sure...but Starline didn't care.

He would start by getting the money to get the Warp Topaz for himself. Then he would build his resources. And when time was right, he would become Eggman's second-in-command. His shadow.

The world would come to regret the day of his birth!
Your Dictator, My Savior(Semi-Canon)
Your Dictator, My Savior

"Damn it Whisper, disappearing on us like that," Bunnie grumbles to herself as she walks along the outskirts of Eggman territory. "Scouting is your thing, not mine! Now I have to stumble around all night and- wait, stop!" Ahead of her she can see buildings bathed in light. Taking her bag off, she rummages around and grabs her binoculars. Using them she can get a better idea of what types of buildings they might be so she can inform the Restoration.

What she sees though is not anything like she expected. She thought it would be a factory, a turret emplacement, or even a mining outpost. What she sees is… wooden houses? This does not fit Eggman's aesthetic. He's more the type to burn wooden houses. But wait, there's some movement in the town. Focusing her binoculars further, she can see a group of humans gathering together! They are dark haired with strange clothes. Wait, are these Darcsens? Did he raid the Empire? Eggman must be up to something. But as much as she'd love to go in destroying robots, she can't, she has been ordered to come here to gather information.

… Maybe she could rescue some. Surely they'd have good info, and she'd be doing a good deed.

She dashes to the village. It's not long before she makes it to one of the buildings. Walking close to the wall, she is greeted by a man smoking some sort of bitter smelling herb.

"Hey, sir. Are you okay?"

The man calmly turns around. His features are young, but somehow his eyes seem disconcertingly old. "Some kind of rabbit? Are you one of those mobians I heard about?"

"Yeah, my name is Bunnie and I'm with the Restoration. Don't you know you're in Eggman territory? Is he keeping you trapped here?"

"Trapped?" The man turns around and surveys the village, likely looking to make sure no robot is there to hear him speak. He turns back and gives her an incredulous look. "What are you talking about? I've never been more free."

Bunnie almost chokes hearing that. "W-what!? Free? A life under Eggman is not free! It's a life of oppression and suffering! Come with me to the Restoration, we can help you, you don't need to work under Eggman."

The man sighs. "It's getting dark, how about we step into my house where it's better lit so we can talk," he says before walking to his front door. Although a bit reticent, Bonnie follows close behind. As she enters into the house, she sees a woman about his age with those same old eyes. She's far along in her pregnancy, moving slowly as she two plates of food on a table before turning her attention to Bunnie.

"I'm sorry, I only made enough for me and my husband, I wasn't expecting a visitor. Feel free to sit down though."

"Oh, no, it's fine. I didn't expect to be visiting," Bunnie laughs awkwardly, grabbing a chair as the other two do the same.

"So, dear, who is this?" she asks her husband.

"Her name is Bunnie and she's with the Restoration. Said she's here to free us," he says, taking a bite out of his food. There is no excitement or worry in his voice, he talks about it like a man would talk about the weather.

The woman laughs, like he just told some kind of joke. "Free us? Why would we need freeing? We're fine right here."

Bunnie can't help but get a bit upset with her laughter. "Look, I'm just trying to help! I don't know what Eggman did to convince you that you're safe under him, but he's a monster! You can-"

The sound of a fist hitting the table interrupts her. Now his attention is on her, eyes burning into her, causing Bunnie to shrink on on herself.

"Ma'am, I can understand that maybe you don't see eye to eye with him, but I will not let you call him a monster. I was trying to be polite, but as the mayor of this town I think I speak for everyone when I say this. We don't need your help."

Bunnie turns away from the glaring man to look toward the woman, but she's met with an equally intense glare. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Just, my people have been lied to by Eggman many times. He has hurt a lot of us."

The man's fist unclenches and the anger in his eyes ease, although there's still a pronounced frown on his face. "I suppose that arm and those legs are mobian tech?"

Taking a look down, she gazes down at her robotic limbs. "Not exactly... These were made by Eggman."

"So you got your limbs back because of him? Thanks to his knowledge? Maybe you should be grateful."

Hearing this, Bunnie slams a hand against the table and shouts, "I hate them! It's a constant painful reminder, and I never wanted them in the f-!"

"No one ever wants to lose a limb!" he shouts her back down. "But isn't it easier to have limbs? Because if you don't want them, I have some friends who'd gladly take them if you're offering! Could the Restoration do that?" he's now standing up from the table, towering over her.

Although aware she could probably beat him in a fight, his intense anger leaves her stumbling over her words. "I-I don't mean… I had to get roboticized because of an Eggman attack. I lost these limbs because of him."

He scans her face with his eyes, checking for any sign of duplicity. Then he sits back down and sighs. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. As I said, I have some friends who have lost their limbs in terrible ways. Rock slides, infections, punishments from the Empire. It truly is terrible."

"Then… why don't you and your fellow Darcsens join us? Eggman is capable of terrible things."

"Look, Bunnie, if you're telling the truth I can empathize with your pain, but you have to understand that as the mayor it is my duty to give my people a better life. Maybe he did do some terrible things to you. But he has been kind to us. Look,"

The man begins to unbutton his shirt, and the sight underneath makes Bunnie want to look away. Long scars are along his chest, and there is very little fat or muscle. Like he has been starved for a long while. "This is what life in the Empire did to me. Working day in, day out with hardly enough to eat. I can't count how many times I thought I would die, working myself half to death. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that I had to be there for my wife."

The story written on his body makes her want to throw up. How could the Empire do something like this, just because some group had black hair? "I'm… so sorry."

"When I heard I had a child, I was terrified. Growing up in the empire, at best they'd live a life of hard labor… at worst, they'd be hunted for sport for some noble with more money than morals. Then, when I heard over a radio that there was a place willing to take us I knew that if I cared about my family we had to leave."

Images flash through Bunnie's head. Of her with a child. Of the child being forced into slavery by uncaring soldiers. If she knew that such a life would await her child, she'd rather not even try for a family. Tears start to stream from her eyes. "I'm so sorry… none of you deserved to go through that."

"And thanks to Eggman, we won't have to. Do you see why we don't want to leave? He was the first person to ever offer us a good life. I'm no longer a slave. These days all I need to do is construct houses and farm so that me and my fellow Darcsen's will have enough to eat, and I have never been happier. Some have joined Eggman in making robots, but I think I'll take it easy. These fields are beautiful, and everyone has to eat, so I'm still doing something worthwhile."

Living farmers? That just doesn't sound like Eggman. That reminds Bonnie, she has not seen any machines on her way here. "Why are there no machines here though? It's strange for Eggman not to have an entire industry set up."

"He said that he has more important things to use his robots for. He said we're pulling 'double duty' in defending his territory without stretching his forces too thin. Kind of strange, he hasn't given us weapons. He assured us though that we shouldn't get attacked," he says, putting his shirt back on and thankfully hiding the scars.

That made Bunnie pause as the pieces in her brain connect. "Sir, I think he's using you as a shield against the Restoration."

"Are you planning to attack us…?"

"No, we wouldn't attack the Darcsens, we're a peaceful people."

"Than why should we care? I'm fine with being used as a shield against something that won't even attack me," he says, returning to focusing on his food.

"Sir, please, you're putting the Restoration in a tight spot! We don't want you to get caught in the crossfire. Join us, we have plenty of shelter and food."

"Miss, if you wanted to help us you should have a long time ago. We've already been saved."

"We were busy dealing with the Black Arms and Zavok, our hands were tied! I'm sorry we couldn't help you then, but we can help you now."

"Eggman only had a small patch of land and was surrounded by enemies on all sides. You were only near the zeti from what I understand, and you had GUN as your ally. You know what inspired hope in us to leave? A simple message, saying that Eggman's territory will accept us, letting us know there is a place that's safe for us. That was the least you could do, but you didn't even do that. I hear that there might even be plans for an underground railroad to help more of us escape from that place."

The man drops his fork and wipes his face with a napkin. "Now, if you are truly the peaceful people you say you are, you will leave me and my people alone. Our savior emphasized that he wanted the Restoration to see what he has made, so I've been lenient with you. Next time we find you, we will report you."

Sensing that the conversation is over, Bunnie gets up, head low. "I'm sorry we couldn't help you two. I'll tell Restoration this. But understand, if you ever feel unsafe here and you change your mind, Restoration will be open to the Darcsens."

With that, she makes her way back to tell her superiors of what she has learned.

Honey the Cat stepped back and looked her newly put together workstation up and down before nodding, satisfied. It wasn't really up to her standards, but it was a start. Even if she was working for Eggman now, that was no reason not to practice and further her art. If nothing else, working with such a diverse group of models, or coworkers she supposed, should give her a good number of ideas. So many different body types and color palettes to work with!

Distracted, Honey gave a small start when she heard a knock at her door. She hurried over to open it. "Yes? Who is it?" she asked. "Something you need?"

Before her was another mobian woman dressed in stereotypical ninja attire, half-kneeling and looking down at the ground. 'Really? Could that be any more bland? Ugh, I could do so much better while staying on theme' she internally groaned.

"The matriarch, the Conquering Storm, demands your presence. I will escort you to her quarters," the Egg Clan member intoned.

"Sure," Honey replied, knowing that she probably had little choice in the matter. Immediately the ninja stood and began walking away.

"Hey! Wait up!" Honey had to jog to catch up, making sure to lock up. She didn't know if anyone would try to break into her room, but then she didn't really know what to expect working for an evil empire. Probably wouldn't stop any evil ninja cyborgs, but that was no reason not to take basic precautions.

"So, what does she want with me, anyways?" Honey asked, but her escort merely shook her head.

"It is not my place to question the matriarch," the ninja replied, but said nothing else. Honey internally pouted at her demeanor, she wasn't going to get anything out of the other woman.

After a couple minutes, the two came to another set of doors, guarded by another pair of Egg Clan. They opened the entry and Honey passed on through.

It was like she was somewhere else entirely. Eggman's base reflected its creator. Well-lit but almost entirely metal, cutting edge cold, clinical. Conquering Storm had clearly renovated her space. The lights were sparser, creating a dimmer atmosphere, while the floor was covered in wooden boards, giving the sense of a space untouched by time. Both oppressive, in opposite ways. Honey went in further, where the hallway opened up into what looked like a proper dojo.

There, Conquering Storm trained, performing handstand pushups with intense focus. "Good, you came," she said the moment the cat entered the room. The lynx in turn smoothly went from supporting her weight with her hands to standing upright.

"Yep!" Honey responded. "Your ninja didn't say what you wanted, how can I help you?"

Conquering Storm took a moment to answer, her arms crossed as she looked Honey up and down. "Lord Eggman has several skilled warriors serving him, but they are not as you and I. None of them possess even a trace of true physical mastery."

"So, you're looking for a spar?" Honey said, catching on.

The Egg Boss nodded. "None of them have proper martial technique. Even his Lordship's masterpiece, Metal Sonic, has merely copied a lesser version of my art. I will see your own."

Honey looked the other feline up and down herself, taking note of the tightly wound bandages underneath Conquering Storm's gi. "I'm not saying I'm not willing to throw down, but shouldn't this wait until you've healed up?"

The kunoichi's cybernetic eyes narrowed. "I am no invalid," she snapped. "The only reason that fool, Zazz, defeated me was because the sniper took me by surprise, a sign that my training has become too lax. I require new opponents."

"Well, alright," Honey started stretching in preparation. "If you really want. But I'm warning you now, I'm no pushover."

The cat bowed, only to immediately have her head snap back as Conquering Storm let loose an immediate jab. "Hey-!" Honey tried to protest, hands protecting her head, only for a foot to slip underneath her guard and slam into her gut, sending her sprawling.

"Are you truly so soft!?" Conquering Storm scoffed. "Never intentionally take your eyes off the enemy!"

"This is just a spar!" Honey wheezed. "I wouldn't do that in a real fight, but it's supposed to be a sign of respect!"

"What you do in practice, you recreate on the battlefield," the lynx dismissed.

"You don't go all out in training!" the cat protested. "That's just asking to get hurt!"

"Tch, severe injuries are counterproductive, the time spent recovering only holds training back" Conquering Storm half-agreed. "But pain is an excellent teacher. I have not crippled you, now get up."

Honey quickly took up a stance and Conquering Storm immediately descended upon her like her own namesake, raining down on her defenses with a flurry of blows. Very quickly, the superior martial artist was made clear, it was all Honey could do to parry and evade the assault. Despite her efforts, several strikes slipped past to batter the younger fighter.

Still, Conquering Storm was not at her best. There were times when she flinched involuntarily, her wounds clearly still causing her pain. And for all her skill, there were times when she moved like she was fighting someone else. Honey did what she could to take advantage of those moments, however brief.

The kunoichi used a kick to the thigh as a feint as the ninja transitioned into a roundhouse that slammed into her opponent's ribs, followed by a hook punch that Honey only just managed to block. Yet Conquering Storm took advantage to wrap her arm around the limb and thrust it out of the way, opening the fashionista up for a palm thrust to the cheek.

Honey dropped, turning it into a glancing blow, and tried to sweep the matriarch's legs. Conquering Storm merely glided backwards with smooth footwork, only to stumble as Honey transitioned into a chambered side-kick that the older warrior barely blocked with her arm. The follow-up punch was deflected with that same limb, before Honey was able to catch a chop aimed at her neck.

"Better," Conquering Storm grunted, taking advantage of her superior strength to press down on Honey. "You are stronger than most of the Egg Clan. Still, I expected more."

"I'll show you better!" Honey ground out. The lynx's eyes widened as she suddenly passed through Honey's form, only to grunt as a fist slammed into the less injured side of her back. She turned with the force of the blow, converting it into a hammerfist that passed through thin air. Conquering Storm's head rocked to the other side as another punch drove into it.

Conquering Storm grinned despite the pain and lunged forward, catching Honey's still outstretched limb before she could fully retract it. She used their combined momentum to shoot a knee into the cat's torso as the two fell to the ground. Honey immediately threw a punch that connected with Conquering Storm's shoulder and pushed off the ground, forcing the lynx to roll off before she could establish a proper pin.

"An impressive technique," the matriarch complimented, taking up her stance once more. "How did you learn such a thing?"

"Sorry! Not telling," Honey winked at her opponent as she tried to hide how winded she was. "Honey brand exclusive."

This time Honey initiated, her afterimage barely having the chance to fade as she swung out with a crescent kick from a diagonal to knock Conquering Storm's guard out of the way for a spinning back-kick. The Egg Boss sidestepped the blow and countered with a jab that Honey blocked, but the force of which still forced her to rock back on her heels. The two descended into a series of back and forth blows, more even with the addition of Shadow Sneak, but Conquering Storm gradually took the advantage yet again.

The exchange was interrupted as Honey vanished once more. Knowing where her opponent would reappear, Conquering Storm dove forward, landing on her hands, before springing backwards into a mule kick that sent Honey sprawling. When Conquering Storm swung down with an axe kick, she once again passed through another illusion. She turned just enough to turn the retaliatory punch into a glancing blow.

Conquering Storm chopped the offending arm, creating an opening for a jab of her own that took Honey right in the center of the chest and sent her stumbling backwards. "I thought you had a warrior's spirit. The foundations are there, but you clearly have not pursued mastery," she critiqued. "You have a potent technique, but you do not use it with creativity."

"Hey! I'm a fashionista first and a martial artist second!" Honey protested, wiping sweat from her forehead while she had distance.

"All things are secondary to strength!" the ninja matriarch responded sharply, stepping forward. "Once you embark on the path of conquest, such things are inconsequential." Having said her piece, Conquering Storm thrust a palm at Honey once more.

The fashionista was able to counter by grabbing her wrist. "I'm not a conqueror, I'm just here for Zavok!" Honey hissed as the lynx pulled out of the hold before she could take advantage. "I want to rebuild my store! I'm only here for that!"

"You lost your store because he was stronger than you," Conquering Storm countered as she threw more punches, steadily picking the cat's guard apart. "Will you remain weak!? Do you think you can get revenge as you are?" She punctuated the statement by slamming her shoulder into Honey, bowling the younger fighter over.

"When the time comes, do you think you are strong enough to be chosen for the battlefield, to stand victorious?" Conquering Storm stood over Honey, the shadows of the room obscuring her face. All the cat could see of her face was her cybernetic irises, glowing red.

"Not yet," she admitted. Honey looked down at the floor before looking back up at Conquering Storm challengingly. "But I will be."

"And when you stand with us against Zavok, there is no going back. You will be a known member of the Eggman Empire."

Honey flinched at that. "I-"

"You have a choice. Wallow in mediocrity and never achieve vengeance or remain with Lord Eggman. Stay on the ground or get up," Conquering Storm demanded as she took her stance once more.

Honey pushed herself to her feet once again, but did not take a stance, wincing in pain. "I can't fight anymore. I will get stronger, but I will stay true to myself."

Conquering Storm narrowed her eyes. "I did not dismiss you."

"Thank you for your lesson," Honey bowed. When Conquering Storm snarled and threw a vicious punch at the cat, the lynx stumbled as she passed through. She looked up to see Honey standing further back, rising from the show of respect.

"Hmph, fine. This spar is over," Conquering Storm dismissed. Honey let out a sigh of relief and began straightening her outfit up again, smoothing out any wrinkles from the fight. The kunoichi looked her opponent up and down. "Your clothing is surprisingly undamaged. Your own work?"

Honey grinned, "Of course! Everything I make is fashionable and functional! If you can't live in it, you shouldn't live with it, that's my motto!"

A thought struck Conquering Storm. She swallowed, suddenly nervous, something Honey noted. "Do you take commissions?"

Honey winked, "Of course~!"

"The Egg Clan may have need of your services. Disguises," the lynx coughed. "For infiltration."

"No problem! I'll just need your measurements."

Conquering Storm narrowed her eyes at the fashionista, who smiled back undaunted. Normally Honey would never tease a prospective customer like this. Normally a prospective customer wouldn't have given her a sucker punch to the jaw!

"I did not say this would be for me."

"Of course~! I'm sorry, I just assumed!" Honey said, trying not to smile like the cat that caught the canary. "Just let me know what the Egg Clan needs and when. I take half upfront and half when it's done."

Conquering Storm nodded, "Very well. You may leave. When I have finished my recovery, we will spar again. I shall give you leave to make use of the Egg Clan as training partners. I expect a better performance, both from them and from you."

Honey winced again, but then squared her shoulders and gave a nod of her own. Agreements made, the two felines parted ways. Conquering Storm retreated to her own inner chambers. Once there, sure that there were no prying eyes, she took out an ice pack and hissed as she placed it on her throbbing injuries. Honey the Cat wasn't as skilled as she, but she still packed a punch.

There we go. In my head, this takes place between Conquering Storm's defeat and Honey being sent out for Majima. This was originally on the backburner, but Soberon 123 mentioned being surprised that nobody had made an omake featuring the two of them, so that gave the muse a bit of a kick in the pants. And speaking of kicking, I hope I did the fight well. Went for a more technical fight than I did with Rusty and Clove vs. Omega, as a battle between martial artists. The dialogue was fun to write as well.

And we can probably all guess what Connie wants commissioned.

Hope you all enjoyed.
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