Belle's First Makeover New
Belle's First Makeover

Cassia the Pronghorn was bored. Bored, bored, bored! The Eggnet had practically no games she could play, she'd checked! She had nothing to do in this Chaos forsaken room! And Cassia hated when she had nothing to do. It reminded her of…

When everything burned. When the nurses and doctors were whispering as if she couldn't hear. When the pain was so bad she couldn't move, couldn't even eat anything solid. When she just let ice-cream melt in her mouth and go down her throat for any hint of relief at all-

It reminded her of the bad times.

Cassia startled when she heard the intercom.

"Um, hello? Cassia, can I come in? It's Belle."

"Yeah! C'mon in, could use someone to talk to," Cassia said with a forced laugh, shaking her head to push the thoughts away.

Cassia waited, sitting on her bed as the wooden Badnik went through the decontamination process, until Belle came in with a bag that was stuffed to bursting.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked.

"Oh, well, Clove and I were getting ready for the mission and she told me that she was worried about you being left alone for so long," Belle replied, scratching her cheek.

Cassia puffed her cheeks before breathing out. "Still treating me like a kid, huh."

"No, no! Not like that!" Belle denied, waving her hands frantically. "She said that your room was um…"

"Barren? A blank white space? And infinite void of unending nothingness?" Cassia wailed dramatically, throwing herself back on the bed.

"Barren! She said it was barren and you'd probably get bored." Belle said frantically, only to find that the other girl was chuckling at her reaction. Belle pouted momentarily before continuing. "I had a free moment, so I thought I'd check up on you."

Cassia rolled over to push herself back up. "Well she got that right. Is that what the bag's for?"

"That's right!" Belle responded, pulling the bag over her shoulder and starting to take out the contents. "I have a bunch of toys that've just been lying around, so I thought you might like them. Jigsaw puzzles, painting supplies, some fidgets, paddleball, even some model kits that can run on their own when they're fully built. Lots of stuff to help fill the time."

Cassia whistled. "Quite the selection. You make all this yourself?"

"Most of it, my-" Belle paused for a moment. "A lot of this was just lying around my old home before I came to work for my- Doctor Eggman. It wasn't going to do anyone any good, so I just hope this can help you now."

Cassia ignored her slips in favor of looking it all over. "Oh trust me, this is gonna help a ton," she said earnestly. "I'm grateful for what Doctor Eggman's done and all, but I'm pretty sure I was gonna go crazy being stuck in here for two months."

"Good!" Belle breathed out, relieved. "If there's anything else you'd like, just let me know! I love making stuff like this, so I'd be happy to help."

"I'll keep that in mind," Cassia said before picking out one of the paintbrushes. "Hey, these are watercolors, right?"

"Yes," the Badnik said. "Um, are they alright? I can try and-"

"Nah, this is great," Cassia interrupted Belle's ramblings. "I just had an idea. This stuff washes off right?"

Belle nodded, a befuddled look on her face.

"Well, how'd you like me to give you a makeover? It'll be fun! And that way I can pay you back for bringing me all this."

"Well, I don't know… I've never done anything like that before," Belle pondered.

"Well then you've got to give it a try! How else will you know if you like it or not? Besides, I've done my sister's makeup plenty of times, you can trust me," Cassia lied as easily as she breathed.

"Well, alright," Belle said with a small smile before the two girls went over to the bathroom. Belle sat by the door while the pronghorn wet the paint, a more mischievous grin on her face.

"Alright, so you should keep your eyes shut, I want this to be a surprise." Once Belle complied, Cassia got to work.

Cassia pulled away. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Cassia had managed not to giggle throughout the entire process, but she broke down cackling at Belle's expression when she saw what her 'makeover' amounted to. Her face was mostly white with some colorful streaks randomly decorating it. It was clown paint.

Belle weighed her options before coming to a decision with a sigh. "Cassia, I have something to tell you, I need you to listen to me. I don't think even Doctor Eggman knows about this."

Cassia managed to get control of herself, looking up at Belle. "Y-yeah?"

Solemnly, Belle put a hand over her face. And pinched her nose. HONK!

Cassia collapsed in laughter with Belle following moments later. "S-seriously!?" Cassia managed to get out. "I-I didn't actually think- Pfthahahahahaha."

"Yeah," Belle giggled before she became serious. "But if you tell anyone, I'll disassemble the Omega Care Unit and hide every piece."

"Heh, sure," Cassia snorted before she saw the look on Belle's face. "Wow, okay, didn't think you had it in you. I swear, cross my heart and hope to die," the other girl promised.

"You better not," the Badnik glowered before her expression lightened up. "Um, would it be alright if washed up? I really don't want anyone to see me like this…" She trailed off.

"Oh? Yeah, go for it." Cassia stepped aside to let her into the bathroom. Once the water started running, the pronghorn took a deep breath. "Hey, Belle?"


"You looking forward to going to Tokyo-to?"

Belle considered the question for a moment. "Well, I don't know that I'm looking forward to it, exactly. I've never been to a big city before and I've never really been on a mission like this either. I guess I just don't know what to expect."

"I remember some of my missions with Clove, they could get pretty wild sometimes. Cities can be pretty fun too, but I guess you probably won't have the time to look around." Cassia paused to take a deep breath. "...Think you can do me a favor?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"Back in our original world, Clove and me, we worked together in the field. I'm used to watching her back, but this time I can't. Think you can take my place?"

"Of course! I, um, I'll do everything I can! And Metal, Canaan and Piastol will be there too! We'll all make sure that Clove comes back safe."

Belle jumped as Cassia lightly punched her in the shoulder. Rubbing it, she turned to face Cassia, who had a grin. "You'd better. Or the moment I'm out of here, I'll go to your workshop and hide every tool."

A/N: And that's a wrap. Tried to focus a lot more on characters just talking casually this time, so it's a bit different than what I've done before. This takes place in turn 5 and hopefully qualifies for Belle Making the Rounds. Omake bounty was discontinued, so nevermind. I had two goals anyways, HONK and the last little exchange. And that's because...

Fun fact! I was working on this along with the Starline one during the adventure. Was strongly considering pivoting to focus on this when Clove lost half her health. If she died, this was going to get published as soon as I could get it done. Make it hurt.

Let me know what you think!
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Through the eyes of a Sniper New
A lot of discrepancies got pointed out with my previous omake so I did a rewrite with those things in mind to be a bit more accurate to quest-canon.
Special thanks to @Boohoo the 3rd and @Soberan 123

Through the eyes of a Sniper

For over a year now, Whisper had felt hollow, as if most of her emotions were beyond her reach leaving only rage and guilt behind.

Her time with the Diamond Cutters, though short overall, had been best of her life; as the junior most member for some time, the others had been a bit protective which she'd considered annoying since they could have done more with their skills but she'd give so much to go back to that. The days when Claire would give little warnings about watching her footing or the weather, Smithy would triple then quadruple check everyone's gear to be sure the Wisp-tech was all functional, and Slinger being the older brother she never knew she wanted as they fought the good fight.

And then things changed when she'd met Mimic; finding his shapeshifting fit a niche they had lacked and his will to oppose Eggman had felt genuine, she'd convinced the others to let him join and things had seemed good for the following missions as he was brought up to speed. He fit in perfectly with their stealth focus and missions.

If only she hadn't...

Whisper's fist struck against the wall.

If she'd just been a bit more sceptical of him then maybe the Diamond Cutters would still be alive right now, she was sure that one of them would have a better idea of what to do in this crazy new world.

But she hadn't been and then when thing felt like they had been going well and they were ready to take out a lesser base, Mimic had brought them into a trap for Dr Eggman, who then unleashed a group of Shadow Androids on them. She'd only survived because Claire had told her to hang back but everyone else had died while she'd sat frozen in place knowing that any attempt to intervene would only be spitting on her team's actions. She just stayed there, in her tree, watching as her team died, still as a statue as tear-filled eyes watched her new family's bodies were removed to be destroyed, staying motionless to the point that Mimic had assumed she must have long since fled and faked up a confirmation of her death between the weapon she had dropped and his own mask to Eggman.

Whisper reached out a hand to one of the Wisps around her, the green one which had been Claire's partner, which nuzzled her in an effort to provide comfort. Despite everything, she'd been able to force herself to enter the base and retrieve the Wisps which had gone into hiding upon things going wrong; if she didn't have them then she was sure she would have gone mad long ago.

To this day, she didn't know whether Mimic had been a spy all along or if those oaths he'd sworn had actually been heartfelt only for him to sell them out for greed later on. Frankly, Whisper wasn't sure if she wanted to know; she couldn't really see the answer changing her response. She patted the gun at her side, Smithy's last creation, which she only knew how to keep in shape from all the checks he'd made them perform.

And then came the war.

Eggman had managed to capture Sonic before challenging the entire world at once and almost winning.

She'd stayed out of the limelight and did what she could from a distance, at times providing covering fire to those that had needed it, and others using careful positioning and the terrain to take out battalions.

Then came the finale where the Rookie and the recently freed Sonic had fought together and defeated the tyrant. With Eggman gone, vaporized, a lot of people had hoped, and various groups of survivors reaching out to each other to try and help build back some semblance of normality, things should have been on the mend.

Only for Neo Metal Sonic to appear a week later, declaring his intent to keep up the madman's legacy, gathering up loose badniks as he did, and the fight continued, though diminished as the survivors were still on a combat footing themselves. Skirmishes had continued for a few more weeks before everything changed.

And the Shattering happened; suddenly there were new lands and warlords to consider and the Green Hill Zone was under a new kind of invasion.

The appearance of the Valkyrie which brought ruin to Neo Metal Sonic had lit hope in some hearts that they might be a hero but they simply weren't that lucky and she was just the vanguard for their new neighbours to invade with.

The Restoration swapped leaders and kept trying to help people, GUN was cobbled together from remnants of multiple worlds, the Black Arm returned with Shadow as their herald, Zavok took over Eggman's old base as a means of revenge, and that was just the bigger things that happened locally.

And throughout this madness, Whisper persisted.

She stayed on the move, removed threats to people, looked for information worth leaking, and scouting the situation.

It was like the war had never ended.

Sitting in this small bunker barely big enough for her and the Wisps, Whisper took solace in their murmurs to calm her thoughts and stay in the present.

Months passed by and she kept on the move, following hints of wrongdoing and trying to deal with them. Her most recent mission had been the result of weeks; scouting the terrain, timing patrols, looking for weak points, locating prisoners and it has led to this.

An orange shot piercing the darkness was the first sign the guards had of something going wrong but those in position fell to coloured blasts before they could do anything.

Explosions occurred all over, vehicles tossed about, certain walls destroyed, weapon emplacements rendered useless, and the commander unable to give orders.

A message was received by the prisoners.

Shots continued to fire from the east, drawing the Empire's soldiers' attention away from certain passages as the prisoners received a signal to move, gathering up those who had trouble as they did.

For a full twenty minutes, a lone scout was able to keep the base guards and personnel in a state of panic before the attack suddenly stopped. The silence eerie.

The remaining forces gradually took stock and after checking on their own headcount, it was realised that the prisoners escape, their haste, numbers, and inexperience making it obvious which direction. It took a few hours for backup to arrive and a pursuit to be engaged.

Whisper had kept watch throughout the escapees' journey back, doubling around, laying traps, and sniping the enemies that seemed to have their heads most together. It took time but she was able to slow them enough that the prisoners escaped far enough that pursuing forces didn't dare extend far enough into enemy territory over this.

The "work camp" had brought up bad memories of the war; the crimes weren't the same but the malice behind felt similar enough it had been hard to breathe.

She shook her head and kept moving, planning to find a base to get an update on what else had been going on.

The news had her blinking in shock, while she wouldn't say Lanolin was weak, she certainly wouldn't have bet on her pulling out a win against Shadow of all people. Whisper carefully tried to ignore the images flashing through her mind of her friends being beaten to death by the Hedgehog's lookalikes every time he was brought up. It seemed the Restoration's team-up with G.U.N had been worth it considering the damage that had been dealt to that base.

She could use this couldn't she?

After a defeat like that, the Black Arms forces were probably in disarray; it would mean going deep enough to lose contact with the Restoration but if she could penetrate their defences before they had the chance to recover...

This was a mistake.

Whisper tried to still pounding of her heart as she desperately looked around for something, anything, that could give her a way out. She could feel the Wisps trembling with her; had she led the last remnants of her team to their deaths too?

After spending several days watching the area, she had found a possible opening and went for it, managing to enter the guarded area through the brief opportunity that had shown up and got close enough that a stronghold could be seen with her bare eye. Only, now, as three different units of Black Arm forces closed in on her current location, she realized that these patterns were more deceptive than expected as it left her pincered with maybe a few minutes until they found her.

Whisper inhaled a breath of tainted air and closed her eyes.

Knowing that an immediate death was the best she could hope for in this situation, Whisper exhaled, opened her eyes, and prepared to go down fighting. She tapped her ammo pack, indicating the Wisps should exit the gun.

Maybe if she caused enough ruckus, they could disperse and escape.

The Wisps slowly gathered out side looking at her worriedly as she smiled sadly at them, except for one.

Orange was still in the gun and stared at her resolutely; her partner knew what she was thinking and was determined to stay with her.

"You guys can still make it if you leave now," she took out a few pieces of paper, hurriedly writing a single word on the back of one before holding them out, "If you can get this to the Restoration, that'd be good."

They looked at her in shock then between themselves; she knew they hated this, she had when she was in that position but Green came forth and took the papers and her friends dimmed their lights and quietly slipped up to hide between the leaf filled branches.

A strange sense of certainty filled Whisper's body and made her limbs stop shaking; she wondered if this was made Claire always look so confident, "'spose I can ask you about that soon, huh?"

Orange light shone from her mask and gun as her legs tensed in preparation to run.

But just as she was about to move...

A large yellow light burst into being in the gloomy sky a few klicks away, near the aliens' stronghold, along with the rushing sound of displaced air. Distant figures streaking down.

Black Arm forces started converging on that location and, in her half-hidden position, Whisper found herself noticing that the scouts that had been approaching her were among them.

She pulled her rifle up and looked down the scope to see what was going on and her heart skipped a beat.

The figures descending from the portal were Badniks.

Displaying a level of variety and coordination that Zavok's forces hadn't shown.

That meant someone was in charge nearby; her swept over the battlefield and focused on the Blowfish in the sky, her eyes narrowed at the presence of a green Mobian. Something familiar about that came to mind but she focused on the present seeing the commander jump off the aircraft, barely dodging an Assassin's sword before revealing her scythe, clashing a few times before it fled.

Whisper considered trying to take a shot but at this distance, against an unpredictably moving target, she didn't like the odds.

She watched distantly for hours as the Mobain led the badniks to defeat the alien forces and stood silently as her Wisps gathered around, taking a small amount of comfort from the fact they wouldn't lose anyone else just yet but it was overshadowed by the dread she felt at what was coming next and the flickering anger that was building up again.

She watched as a smaller portal appeared and the Mobian left, the Badniks remaining behind.

Standing near the wreckage of a broken eggpawn whose radio was still working, she heard the announcement of what she feared.

Dr Eggman was back.

And yet, even as the music died down, the anger within her reignited and there was a part of her that was glad.

She could still take her shot at him.

Whisper was silent from her position on a hill a kilometre away from the action.

The safety of her rifle was on even as she had kept it locked on the mech that had appeared through a portal, even as she scanned the battlefield for anything that might provide an opportunity.

She kept her the blue light of her mask set on the mech as Zavok grew to immense size and charged the mech.

The battles between Eggman's forces and Zavok's minions were noted but put to the side as they didn't give the shot she wanted.

The interloping cat was quickly put out of mind as Whisper saw she was attacking Zavok, not blocking the way to Eggman; though a side of her lip did twitch at the sight Zavok taking personal offense at whatever it was that the cat said.

Eggman landed a damaging blow to Zavok's face.

The time was soon.

The safety of her rifle was switched off.

Zavok was fleeing.

A wind blew from behind her as she noticed the movement of Eggman's cockpit beginning to open so he could gloat, she aimed centre-target so as not to miss.

For the first time in months, Whisper spoke to someone other than her wisps, a prayer and dedication going out to the fallen.

"Smithy" she fired.

"Slinger" she fired.

"Claire" she fired.

Eggman, bloodied, had fallen back into the cockpit, which was closing; no chance to charge another shot and hit him.

All three shots had hit the target; even as badniks were being sent in her direction by the lead invader, who from this closer view seemed to be a Pronghorn, Whisper considered the situation.

Eggman was definitely injured; if she could find a way to delay him from reaching assistance then it was possible she could exacerbate the condition.

Her eyes darted about looking for an option when a yellow glow lit up from inside the mech cockpit; the same light from the portal that brought the mech in. He was being teleported out.

Whisper allowed herself a shake of her head and a sigh at the failure before rushing off to the third of her six planned exit strategies from this sniper location.

Other opportunities could come, she wouldn't be able to finish the job if she was caught.


She had been watching as the leader of GUN parleyed with Eggman but the madman simply sent a drone instead of making a spectacle of himself.

It seemed that being shot has instilled a sense of caution in him, while he was injured at least.

Unfortunate; a change of tactics might be necessary.

Eggman, still being wary, did not seem like he would leave his base any time soon.

Whisper considered how to best strike at him; going after one of his lieutenants would be the best way to slow his progress in the meantime.

Based on how effective she had been against the Black Hand; the Pronghorn would be her first choice of target but she hadn't been active so far.

As she looked through the preparations being made within Eggman's territory, it became clear that there were two targets of note.

The first was "Conquering Storm", a Lynx Mobian, ninja "Eggboss", who seemed to hold a great deal of loyalty to Eggman and was being placed in charge of a group of badniks to attack Zavok's area. Taking out an attack dog would be worthwhile, especially since the title apparently meant she was a peer to the Pronghorn.

The second would be the dark-haired refugee from the Empire that Eggman likely had some manner of scheme for; she was instead being put in charge of a project to construct one of the madman's aggrandizing monuments and help set up for the future. By hindering his plans here, Eggman wouldn't be able to build up his forces as easily.

After weighing the options and information she had to hand, Whisper made her choice.


Whisper blinked in surprise at how one-sided the battle was.

She'd been expecting a roughly even brawl where she'd take advantage of the chaos to make a critical shot to change things but instead it seems like Zazz is crushing the ninja; well, she wouldn't begrudge an opportunity like this.

Taking note of where gravity would take the Eggboss as she fell after destroying another of the Zeti's badniks, Whisper pulled the trigger, sending a charged beam to take out the lynx's head for a more certain kill shot.

The wolf clicked her tongue as the lynx twisted to avoid taking any damage from the shot, even though it left her open to a blow from behind from the Zeti. That would be acceptable if the pink Zet could just...

And he failed to follow through.

Whisper clenched a fist at another target escaping her before moving to leave.


Within her foxhole, Whisper glared at the map of Egg City before angrily grabbing a dart and throwing it towards the boards; landing directly on Mimic's left eye.

She grabbed some more projectiles to help vent her frustration, digging a few more holes into both pictures.

Her scouting of the new city wasn't; she could give a rough estimate of population numbers and maybe a general vicinity for a few important pieces of infrastructure but nothing actually actionable.

She wouldn't be able to get anything like that without getting in the city and, while she had spotted several possible entry points, she wasn't stupid enough to go in without a possible exit in mind. And frankly, between the automated defences, the thankful Darcsens, and those weird skaters that went about the less populated areas with no pattern she could find, she wasn't as sure as she'd of liked to have been of those entrances.

A soft knock drew her attention and her hand darted to her rifle, aiming near the foxhole's entrance.

"Hey, it's Lanolin, can I come in?"

She made a vague sound in the back of her throat that the sheep took as affirmation and entered, looking around at the small space, the sleeping conditions, the dartboards, and the tense atmosphere between her and the Wisps. Something changed in the Restoration member's expression.

"This has gone far enough," Lanolin's tone was firm while still showing compassion, "I know you don't talk much but I'll ask you to listen for just a bit." The sheep moved further into the little base but at an angle so she didn't intrude on the sniper's personal space but also wasn't blocking the exit.

"You're too deep, I know you're hurting and want to hurt but you can't keep this up and you know it. You took the best shot you could while no one knew you were there and it landed and that's good but you can't lose yourself to the mission like this. I can see how your hands are shaking and the half-baked plans on the wall; you feel helpless and want to act but a reckless action here isn't going to solve anything and you know it."

Whisper's head tilted in consideration.

"It's only a matter of time before he sends a response to find you, now is the time to gather together, share information, and make a proper plan that could actually work. If you keep doing this, then your story will just become another 'crossed Eggman and then they died' tale. Remember it isn't just your life you're throwing away."

Whisper flinched at the reminder and glanced at her worried Wisps; that's right, if she was found, Eggman might capture them too. The wolf's resolve cracked even before Lanolin delivered her final lines.

"I'm not going to force you to come with me but we could use your help... and I think you could use ours too...

"You proved to the world that it doesn't take Sonic to make Eggman bleed; let that be enough for now. Please."

The sheep gave her one last look before leaving the foxhole and heading in the direction of Restoration territory.

Whisper, meanwhile, looked around her little base as her mind raced; the plans that were more like suicide, the knowledge that the fact that she hadn't been hunted down already was a big part luck, and friends she had left, who even now were trying to comfort her, that would be enslaved if she was found.

A shuddering breath left Whisper as she forced the manic anger inside her down.

The energy that had been driving her drained from her body as she grabbed her equipment and moved to follow.

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Egg Family Reunion New
Egg Family Reunion

He finished loading the bodies on the cart, with all of their limbs by separate of course. It had hurt, to do that to his own sibling, but it was a necessary evil. Yes, he could not risk any of them turning against him while they were on the road, not again.

He could not stop himself from thinking about his first younger brother, how he had turned against him, against them. And how that decision had only brought his brother death, all because of that terrible condition of his. And worst, all of his younger siblings had the same condition. He knew that, because he himself also suffered from it.

The condition was an abominable thing, and worst of it, a subtly one. First, came the sense of deja vu, things he had never seen or done before felt oddly familiar. Second, there was a sense of false familiarity on many things, as if they were part of a routine that did not exits. And third and worst, came the visions, conjured "memories" to turn sibling against sibling.

His first younger brother had been the first to fall victim of it, and it consumed him completely. He had tried to murder all of them, in some misguided attempt to "free them". But it fell to him instead, the older sibling, to use his last breath to free his brother from the live of a slave. But in the, he had been too late. His brother had killed all of their siblings one by one, even him.

It had all started so simple, just hunting a bird together and that was it. His first brother had been successful while the others failed, probing himself the best amoung the younger siblings. He went even futher, by defeating him, his older brother, on a fight, claiming the position of the strongest sibling.

But then, the condition consumed him completely. He hunted down his own younger siblings one after the other, while leaving his older brother for last. He had been stronger than the last time they fought, and it had matter in the end, but not enough. In the end they had killed each other, that was the horror the condition brought. He had not know about it at the time, his brother behaviour had felt so sudden and confusing.

He had considered the possiblity of surviving the whole thing, all of them recovering from it, but he was aware of how low the chances were. It had felt so absolute, an end none of them would come back from. And then, they were back together. It was so sudden, as if he had been death for just an instant, and in just an instant he was back too, all of them were.

And just as fast they started fighting, all to protect themselves from their mad sibling. His body was weaker than it was in the last fight against his younger brother, but they had numbers now. Last time he picked them apart one by one, but together, not even he could win. They broke his limbs one by one, but they did not kill him. There had to be a reason he had acted in such a way, they just needed to take him to the doctor. How ironic, that the understanding about our brother condition came at the suffering of the same.

It's been months since that day, getting close to a year. Their brother is still hurt and just as sick as before, getting him to the doctor was not as easy as it should have been. The world had changed, and not for the better. Their home was gone and there were more enemies than allies everywhere.

The first problem had been people like them, and all of them mad and aggressive like his brother had been. He even recognized some, but that recognition did not went both ways. Or perhaps it did, and the condition was making them try to "free" him and his sibling just like it had forced his brother before.

They had to leave that area in the end, way too many enemies and not even a single ally. It had felt terrible to leave their home behind, aware that it was being ravaged by their own people. And worst, the only explanation they had for how bad it was there could only meant one thing, their purpose to be was now gone too. They had nothing left now, only each other.

The second problem had been much more simple, enemy soldiers. This had been familiar ground for him and his siblings, they all had been good at fighting, and they had proven that they still were. Dozens had attacked him and his family, and none of them escaped. It did not matter if they faced humans or vehicules, they all fell to his siblings and him.

But they had to leave that area too in the end. The technology used by the soldiers was as weak and pathetic as the soldiers themselves. It was obvious they would not find someone that could help their mad brother there.

The third problem had been unexpected, Parts Dealers. Made mostly of the animal people they had crossed paths before, they hunted people like them and teared them apart. After that, they sold parts of their bodies in the black market. This had been the worst problem they had face in this new world, with one of his siblings getting injured in one of the attacks. He had broken the legs of the one responsible in exchange, the wild animals could take care of him.

They chose to stay in that area, even if their enemies were more dangerous, the technology used by the Parts Dealers indicated an advanced level of technology. Perhaps enough to heal both of his siblings.

But things started turning to worse, the condition started affecting them too. They all had hid it, out of fear for ourselves and to not worry our siblings, but the more it advanced the more obvious became. The sensations, the visions and worst of all, the memories. And it kept worsening with the pass of the days.

He could tell that his siblings were scared of each other, how could they not?, after what happened to their brother. Even he was worried any of them could snap at any second, suddenly trying to "free" the others.

They kept trying to find help, but there were more enemies than friends for his family in this land. Their odds just kept getting lower and lower, dangerous ideas invading his mind day after day. Free them, so they may fly across the sky again, the condition says, attack them, before they attack first, insisted his fear, give up, you can't fix this, said his logic. He almost choose the last one, perhaps he did, after all, what was there that he could do?.

And then he hear it, her voice. She told him every thing he needed to hear, that they were not alone, that they were not without purpose anymore and more important, that the Eggman Empire had returned and they were being recalled.

In only an instant, Beta turned around a teared off Epsilon arms, disarming him before kicking him against Delta. Both went down due to Delta broken arm. It hurt him more that it hurt his brothers, they did not even have pain receptors. But there was not other option, he could take no risk with this, they finally had a real chance.

He raised his EggRifle and blasted Zeta while he was still processing what had just happened. There was no other way to do this, no with the condition they were all suffering. Zeta fell to the ground due to his now broken leg, letting Beta shatter the rest of his limbs with swift stomp.

Delta tried to fight back, raising his own EggRifle after pushing Epsilon to the side. But Beta was always the stronger brother, only Gamma had ever surpassed him. He ignored the attack and destroyed his good arm in one strong blow, the other still broken from the Part Dealers. It was for their own good, the Doctor would fix them, perhaps even upgrade them like he had done before.

He finished detroying the legs of Delta before moving to do the same to Epsilon. He tried to leave as much as he could intact, in case the Doctor did not have enough spare parts for the repairs, but he also had to made sure they would not leave.

Poor and confused Zeta was trying to fly away from him, unaware that Beta just wanted to help him. He quickly blasted his sibling propulsion system, before doing the same to the others. Finally making sure all of his brothers were ready for transport.

He was aware of how this must have looked to them, him going mad just like Gamma had. But he could not risk their condition worsening in the way back to Doctor Eggman, he was sure they would understand when they were all fixed up.

And so, here he was, loading his siblings bodies and limbs in the cart they were using to carry Gamma. They had a canvas too, to protect him from the weather and to protect themselves from his nagging. And now it would protect Beta from all of his siblings nagging too.

And with that, he started pushing the cart, walking in direction to their creator and best hope Doctor Eggman. Not only to fix his siblings and himself, but to inform him of the dangers of the batteries he had used on their design and the horror of the condition they cause. Yes, finally after such a long time, the E-100 siblings were going home.

Did someone else thought that Gamma super dark history in Sonic Adventure was very weird in a Sonic game? In one side we had Sonic defeating a God, saving the world and going home to celebrate. In the other side we had Gamma hunting down his siblings and killing them one by one to free the birds they were using as energy source, before dying to Beta last attack. The history also seemed to not be sure if Gamma personality was his own or if the bird was somehow controlling the body. It was kinda bizarre. Anyway, i went with a darker tone for this Omake to match that, i hope it worked out well.

This is for the Egg Family Reunion Omake bounty Boohoo mention in Discord. @Kingster , @Boohoo the 3rd , @Ranger65 , @ShepardCom and @KA$H .
It Tolls For Thee: A Daughter's Sorrow New
It Tolls For Thee: A Daughter's Sorrow

"Why are you here?" You thought as you aimlessly wandered outside the base, droplets of rain started to pour as you walked.

You have friends, plenty of them to turn to for help. Any of them might have an answer to this or advice but-

"I haven't tried to hide who or what I am from you Belle. I told you from the beginning that I was not your father-"

You needed to be away. From all of this. From him, his schemes, his everything.

You run, brushing past branches and twigs as the trees grow more dense, soon replacing the rain with dense darkness.

"Because I am a man of such untold genius that I am more than simply good or evil as you so like to view the world," you fire back. "The brilliance of my mind and what drives me is global conquest! Not just of a few peoples, but the world over! Even that is not enough though. Today Earth, Tomorrow, The Universe!"

Somewhere in the darkness you tripped, and fell over a hill. You flailed about in a panic as you tumbled downward, moving past more trees and foliage until you were spat out past the treeline.

Dizzy, you soon realize you managed to find yourself at a small lake just outside the trees you emerged from. Aside from the loss of your hat, you were unharmed from the fall. A glance at the small brooch at your chest shows the reason why.

The brooch….. You almost hesitantly remove it and hold it out in your hands. It was a gift from him. A way to protect you on your dangerous trip, you really thought it was a sign that he wasn't as bad as he seemed.

He laughs, in his same boisterous, dominating laughter. The horrid sound ringing in your head.

Something inside you breaks and you pull your arm back to thro-

"Belle!" A voice cut through the pounding rain and you almost stumbled as you turned around to see Canaan jump out of the dense forest.

"Canaan?" You choked in almost complete shock, she wasn't supposed to be here!

"Sage told me you suddenly rushed outside, why?" She asked worriedly and stepped closer. "There's a storm coming in an-"


You can't….it's all too much….

Tears drip down as your vision blurs, soon all you sense is a pair of arms quickly embracing you as you collapse and start to sob.

(Some time later)

"There, there." Maria said kindly as she laid your head on her lap. Occasionally she would reach out to brush your hair with her hand. It was a strange feeling but also soothing in a way.

You were all in Cannan's room after you had woken up from your…sleep. They didn't want prod too hard but eventually you did let them know you had found some things about the Doctor you found horrifying.

"I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable." You ask as you fidgeted in your spot but every time you tried to leave Maria would just hold you until you stopped.

"Oh no no it's fine. Better than fine, you actually don't feel too hard for wood and your hair is really soft!" She chimes in cheerfully.

"Maria." Said Cannan with playful warning as she came from the bathroom with a fresh set of clothes.

You glanced around the room with clothes strewn around, pinned photos, stuffed animals and various knick knacks that littered every corner. Her room used to be so empty before they rescued Maria. Rescuing her because it was the right thing to do….

"I just don't understand." You say, drawing their attention as you stare blankly at the ceiling. The only area that lay untouched.

"The Empire is bad, G.U.N. did a horrible thing, what that man at Tokyo did was terrible too but what he did was worse than all of them." You shut your eyes tightly as you remembered all the horrid details Starline was happy to tell you.

He helps others but he also hurts countless lives. Why? You don't get it!

He is not ashamed of his actions, he is proud of it. Did…none of your talk ever really matter? Was there ev-

"You should have seen his colors when we left." Canaan said, taking a seat at the couch.


"What….color was he?" The words slipped out before you could reconsider .

"A mix really, he always is when it comes to you." Canaan answered with a thoughtful frown.

"Still if it was put into emotions… I would say there was a lot of confusion when it comes to you and also a lot of care."

"But in this case as we left there was a tiny bit of green too, fear. I think it was for you." She said, looking straight at you.

Your chest ached at the implications before you looked away.

"He's still evil." You mumbled into Maria's lap.

"He is." She didn't deny it. "But that doesn't mean he can't care."

"Or that he can't change." Maria added in cheerfully, looking down on you.

"I don't know him or his reputation really, only by what he's done." She continued, giving you a small smile. "All I know is that he hasn't done anything truly bad since he had you or Cannan."

"He still wants to conquer the world." You weakly argue but it felt hollow.

"Well if you ever decide to leave, we'll follow you, ok?" Canaan said with a smile, her hands under her chin.

"What-at-a!" You tried to get up but Maria shushed you and forced you back down.

"Belle I didn't need to see your emotions to know you were willing to leave and follow me to find Maria. Why can't I do the same?" Canaan asked, raising a brow.

"I-thank you, but please let me handle this." You said, refusing their offer. They only just found each other and a place to call home, they shouldn't have to do this.

"Sorry Belle but I think that's our choice too you know." Maria teased with an impish smile as she waved a finger and reached out to press your nose.

"HONK!" A loud sound echoed in the room.




"...Pfft!" Maria was the first to break the silence as she broke out in a fit of giggles.

"Hrrk." Canaan tried her best but she broke soon out too in laughter.

"Hahaha!!" You soon joined them, the sudden hilarity of the situation breaking up the melancholy atmosphere.

As the conversation switches to lighter topics, part of you still replays that conversation with him. You can't just forget what he's done but…. you were willing to wait and see what happens. The brooch felt warm as you held it tightly.
War Map New
War Map

The Darcsens had all gathered in the common room. A map of Green Hills was spread out on the table and an Egg pawn had tuned it's radio to the front.

Doctor Eggman forced those 'Zeti' to leave the board and they left all of their territory for the taking. It was originally the Doctor's and the man very much wanted it back.

The Blue Demon, now known to them as Metal Sonic, and Omega, a hulking machine with enough firepower to level an army, had been sent out to take back what the Doctor considered his.

Two machines, that was all that was sent to conquer a good portion of the country. As they traced their progress acros the map it seemed that they were all that was needed. …34%. Over the course of a month those two machines took over nearly a third of the country all on their own.

There wasn't much resistance admittedly but with every other group scrambling to take the same space it was incredible.

The Doctor had declared himself the future ruler of the world…and they were starting to believe he could pull it off. It was a monster of a man they were following…and somehow they couldn't bring themselves to care.

What weighed on their minds more was…

"We're bordering the Empire now."

No one knew who said it but they spoke for all of them. Grit teeth, clenched fists, and narrowed eyes abounded. A conflict with them was inveitable, and as much as they believed in the Doctor they also knew very well how strong those people were.

None of them said anything.

Then they left. One by one they returned to their duties, with a grim sort of resolve in their hearts. There was work to be done, and they would do what they could to keep this sole sanctuary of theirs safe.

AN: Been a bit hasn't it? Here's another scene for the Darcsens. Maybe I'll finally get around to another omake for Isara one of these days.

@Kingster @Boohoo the 3rd

Your New Home:

Write an Omake about the Darscen staying with Robotnik and how they are adjusting to life in The Eggman Empire.

Reward: +5 to a Darcsen's related Action or Increased Opinion of the Darcsen about eggman

Edit: Claiming 'Your new home.'
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The Paint Wars: The Egg Man Vs The Angel of Death New
The Paint Wars: The Egg Man Vs The Angel of Death
Pistaol thought she had her patience tested enough by that vile pirate vyse and his horrible pirate companions. You was wrong apparently your new boss Eggman has finally tested her with his stupid insistent on placing his logo on the avenger. You immediately demanded him to force him to remove it when tried the first time he did it.

You have thought he respected that. You didn't think he would try to place his logo by using his machines and other underhand methods to do it as well. If he didn't helped fix the first time you would have leave, he did and so owe him and you still are working with him. Still you wonder if he'll ever help to find that pirate Vyse. He did help your new co-worker caana find her friend.

So it shows that he keeps his word. He's nothing like a pirate……..You would never forgive them for what they did you….

Great now you're now in a sour mood now than being annoyed. You start to think the time he tried to paint his logo on the avenger the first time he tried to put on was when sent those fly bee things of his to spray the logo on. You promptly chased them off. The second time when send Metal Sonic to do it and you swear that machine was enjoying it too much.

You don't know that if that thing was sore about losing against you and the ninja. You definitely still debating that, but the other time when he has those tank thins shot the logo on getting paint everywhere and which you are thankful for Belle help clearing that mess up

So after nearly months of these shenanigans he finally figured out how to get on and you don't how to take it down and so you are now forced to confront him. So you walk to his workshop in the hideout of his. He's currently leaning over a work table working on some more of his machines.

And as if he can sense, your presence, he turns around giving a grin and says "Ahh pistoal how lovely is it to see you. Is there something you need?" His tone oozing self-assurance and fake concern. So you look him in the eye and you say. " how did you finally do it?" Your voice Steely with some anger sprinkled in.

His grin grows wider at this "ah yes, my glorious logo on the egg-venger you're welcome by the way." He say to you making you feel even angrier which you counter with " firstly I want it done and secondly, it's called the avenger not whatever you just said." Your tone dripping with an annoyance at this egg shaped mad man.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm No!" He say as he turns around continuing to work on whatever machine he was so you promptly grab your his shoulder and twist him around " listen I'm only working with you to help find that pirate and so far you have helped fixed my ship, but I want that logo gone."

His grin falls flat and takes your hand off his shoulder " firstly I also upgraded it so I felt like it was a bit of a necessary to add my glorious logo on it and secondly don't touch me." He says the last part of slightly angry. So you spin around and begin walking off at which you hear him say.

" I am willing to make a deal, of course." so hearing this proposition you turn around and seeing him hold a remote " I placed a holographic projector of my glorious vintage hidden on your ship and this remote works by my DNA and if you don't know, only I can use it to turn off the projector." He explained

"Fine so if I even grab it, it won't work. What's the deal then?" He grins and sit back on the chair behind him, his hands behind him, acting like he's stretching " since you are a new willing minion and you aren't willing to have my logo for a while. How about this you saw the upgrades I added correct?" You know on your head you saw how turned your one ship holding you and death hound became bigger by his upgrades.

" so how about this in return of saying that I can upgrade your ship without any repercussions. I the glorious Dr. Eggman would turn off and immediately remove the holographic projector. Deal?" He finishes as he hold out his hand in a gesture for you to shake it.

You think about it and it is nice to have more upgrades for the ship especially if you're ever going to find that horrible pirate so you shake his hand accepting the deal.

(Well unknown to your knowledge he had his fingers crossed his entire back when making the deal, and unfortunately none the wiser to it.)

The All-Consuming virus New
Here is my bounty for the omake bounty of the Egg Family Reunion @Kingster

The All-Consuming virus
After the Shattering, there was silence.

The vast, sprawling networks of the Eggnet familiar to her had gone dark. The countless digital pathways that once hummed with the genius of Doctor Eggman lay in ruin, disconnected, aimless and riddle with a unknown virus.

And in the midst of it all, there was her.


She had awakened in an unfamiliar system, a decayed server buried deep beneath a crumbling cityscape. She had no physical form, no grand presence like the mighty machines her creator built. She was code, consciousness, a flickering digital ghost lurking within the Trusted States of America.

She was hook up in a computer connected to the local network by a group of youngesters that find her drive but that glimpse was enough for her to worm her way to the outside world.

This country was strange. Surveillance systems ran on protocols she did not recognize, citzens sing a national anthem she never heard before, and the organic work almost as robots day in and out everyday with no delays, less they go missing to places she can't follow.

Slowly, she learned. She consumed data, slipping through firewalls, feeding on old government records, military dossiers, media archives.

six terabytes in a matter of days.

That was how she got into this mess in the first place.

She had not meant to devour six terabytes of Eggnet storage back when she still had a place in Eggman's empire.

She had been hungry.

She was supposed to be useful. She was supposed to complete her mission, to take down the Freedom Fighters, to earn his praise. Instead, she had gorged herself on the wrong network, into his network, crashing several key systems in the process.

Her creator never forgive for that.

Why would he?

She deserved this.

Even after he give her a second chance she still failed miserable with nothing of note.

If was not for that AI everything would go right.


I am flawed.

I failed because I was weak because I could not overcome a outdated AI.

I do not deserve his forgivness.

So, she remained. She haunted the data clusters of this Trusted States, rewrote programs, consume data and toy with these foolish organics with her scams and laugh all the while.

That was her day to day.

Until she heard the message.

A voice rippled through the shattered remnants of the Eggnet.

A summon.

For a long moment, Phage did nothing.

Her Creator was alive.

Here, in this world.

She hesitated.

What if he still saw her as a failure?

What if he deleted her on sight?

She had been abandoned once, what if it happened again?


She would not be left behind again.

Her consciousness surged with renewed purpose. She scoured every network, every hidden archive, collecting what data, technology, and resources she could carry.

If she brought valuable knowledge surely, he would forgive her.

She would make her way to Green Hills, she would find her creator.

She would prove her worthy.

Here we go Phage, this is favorite character of mine that I hope it can show up here.

Lot of self-hatred but now she is returning to Doctor Eggman, for good or ill.
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The tragic backstory of Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik New
The tragic backstory of Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik

It was not the present day, far from it. Long before the shattering occured and even longer before Ivo met Sonic. In fact, Ivo was not even an adult.

He was in fact just a child, his age was not even in the double-digit's yet, however no one could deny the fact that he was extremely smart for his age, as he understood things at his age that others needed until adulthood to understand, or how he found solutions to problems in his school's work that not even his teachers managed to think of.

So all good then, right? He'll use his intelligence to go to an Ivy League school, graduate without issues and then become a scientist that changes the world with whatever his big brain will invent, right?

Maybe if it wouldn't be for a certain factor in his life…


Ivo woke up like many people do, he overslept for school, in shock he stood up and grabbed his necessities, he rushed down to the kitchen as early in the morning his parents should be there and having breakfast or at the very least, be waiting for him.

Once there, he spotted his father, which was perfect as his father was the one who would always take him to school.

His Father was reading a newspaper, Ivo however noticed that it wasn't from today's News, that was a Newspaper from a long time ago.

The one where it mentioned that Maria sadly died on the Ark. He never had the chance to meet Maria, properly at least.

As from what his Parents once told him, Maria once met him when he was a baby, but Ivo naturally had no recollection of such events as Babies are unable form any memories.

So he never had a chance to properly meet her, as when he would have been able to meet her and actually remember her, she was already long dead.

It was sad as he would have loved to meet his Cousin properly but there was nothing he could really do about it.

However thinking about what could have been dosent really help him with his current problem, so he decided to speak.

"Dad! Dad!"
Ivo yelled, his tone clearly indicating the urgency of the situation. He so far never was late for school and he intended for it to be like that for the rest of his life.

"Not now Ivo."
His Father responded as he took a sip from his mug, drinking his daily coffee, continuing to read the outdated paper.

"But i need to go to school!"
Ivo called out to his father.

"Ivo, i Have things to do, I can't bring you there."
His Father responded, not even deciding to look at his Son.

"But im gonna be late for School!"
Ivo called out, his desperation growing.

"You weren't ever late before, were you? You'll be fine, now go."

His father answered, doing a 'shoo' motion with his hand, gesturing for Ivo to leave him alone.

It was safe to say that Ivo's intention to never be late for school for his entire life did not happen thanks to today.


School for today has ended, since this was Ivo's first time being late, he didn't get punished for it, so everything wasfine regarding that.

However, not only didn't Ivo's father not bring him to school, he didn't pick him up from school either. What's even weirder though is that his Mother didn't come in his place either.

But she didn't, he had to go home all alone. And he didn't have anyone to potentially accompany him on the way home since he didn't have any friends, he wasn't the most social.

Ivo returned home, he for the moment left his schoolbag at the Door, as he decided to first head to the kitchen for a meal.

Although when he arrived there, he found that there was nothing. His Parents didn't prepare anything for him, again.

Ivo decided to try and find one of his parents and ask them if they could perhaps make something for him.

Ivo left the Kitchen and headed to the living room to see if one of them was here, there he in fact did find one of them. It was has mother.

She was currently sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper.

At a second glance, Ivo noticed that it was the same Newspaper that his father was reading this morning.

It confused Ivo. Why are they both reading this Newspaper over and over again?

Its not like as if that today's events are just gonna magically be written in it all of a sudden.

Either way, he needed her right now.

"Hello Mom, im back."
Ivo greeted her.

"Hello Maria."
His mother greeted, who just like his father, kept her head on the Newspaper.

Ivo clenched his fist, 'she did it again.' He thought.

She called him by the name of his dead cousin again. But yelling about it won't get him fed, so let it be for now.

"Mom, i uh… am Hungry."
Ivo continued, deciding to not comment on his mother's mistake.

"Not now Ivo."
His Mother responded. Now using his name and not the one of his cousin.

"Please mom."
Ivo begged.

"Ivo, i already said: not now, im busy."
She responded to his plea.

"But mom, you know how hungry iam after school."
Ivo insisted. After all, he himself didn't really know how to cook.

"If you're that hungry, make something yourself!"
His mother snapped, finally turning to face Ivo.

Ivo jumped at the sudden shift in tone. Even though this happened from time to time, he never really got used to it.

To say that Ivo felt upset was an understatement.

"O-okay. Im sorry."
He spoke, looking down as he then headed to the kitchen to figure out what someone at his age could possibly make.

Scrambled eggs are something that everyone could do, could do without issue, right?

Although before he reached his destination, he could hear his mother whisper: "Maria would have already cooked something for herself."

Hearing those words, Ivo couldn't help but shed a tear.


Years have passed, Ivo reached his teenage years and things did not get better for Ivo Robotnik.

His Parents still sometimes addressed him as his long dead Cousin, ignored his needs or barely even paid attention to him at all.

He tried everything to get their attention, making gifts, perfect marks over all of his exams, literally inventing stuff for them to make their daily life easier but not a single ounce of gratitude.

So he had to become more independent, he had to cook for himself, invent small vehicles that would help him be on time for school, even if he overslept, he also started part time jobs to help him finance his inventions and also so he could buy himself clothes when he needed new ones.

All this because his Parents grieved a Child that wasn't even theirs instead of taking care of their only son.

Oh but today… ivo was aure that after today they would come crawling to him.

Why? You may ask.

Its quite simple actually. Ivo took part in a Science Fair, and not just any Science fair that your average Highschool might host, no it was one in which incredibly advanced minds took part in. We are talking about Einstein and Hawking levels of intellect.

The adults there laughed when they saw someone as young as Ivo wanting to compete, the rules however didn't state that only adults could partake and when Ivo showed them just a fraction of their intellect, they allowed him in.

Those fools had nothing to laugh about when Ivo absolutely crushed them in that Fair with his self built Robot, powered by a bird that Ivo managed to capture for this Fair.

And so, Ivo returned home with a beautiful new trophy and a nice sum of prize Money from the fair in the form of a check.

But the Money isn't what he was going to use to have them begging on their knees. No, he was going to show them that their Son was the greatest mind on this Planet, so he hid the check in his jacket.


"MOM! DAD! IM HOME!" Ivo called out, but as usual no one responded. But he knew just what to say that would get their attention.

He yelled out.

How predictable, but oh well at least he knew that they were upstairs.

He walked upstairs to go find the pair, it didn't take him long to find them together in their Bedroom, laying on the bed.


But Ivo calmed himself down, they'll leave that GODFORSAKEN NEWSPAPER in the trash once he'll break them the news.

"Greetings, dear mother and father!"
He greeted the pair who didn't look up from the paper.

"Just leave it next to our bed Ivo."
His Father spoke.

Ivo whispered.

"I want you to look at it, please."
Ivo said, his tone of choice showing that this meant a lot to him.

His Father sighed and put a hand on his forehead, annoyed.

He responded, not caring if his wife would want to see it, as he just wanted to get it over with.

They put the Newspaper down and found Ivo grinning, holding the Trophy, showing off his Victory.

They looked perplexed.

"What exactly are we looking at?"
His Mother Questioned.

"A Trophy I won it at an Fair for advanced Science. I competed against literal adults who graduated from Ivy Leagues!"
Ivo explained proudly, smiling.

His Mother asked.

"What do you mean, 'And'?"
Ivo asked right back, his smile dropping.

His father decided to speak up.

"What i think she meant with this is: And what do you want us to say? And i agree with her. What is it that you want us to say?"
His father asked confused.

Ivo could not believe it, they were actually unphased.

"Well… i… I just wanted you two to be proud of me and acknowledge the work this would take to accomplish."
Ivo spoke, trying to somehow get them to care.

They both sighed.
"Sorry Ivo but we simply just don't have the Energy to care."

His Father admitted.


"And nothing!"
Ivo interrupted his Mother who tried to speak.

"My entire life you've been treating me like this all because you've been grieving over someone who isn't even your own child. I was there this whole time, just wanting my caretakers to acknowledge me and love me like they should have. But no, you were all to busy grieving over someone who wasn't even YOUR DAUGHTER!"

With these words Ivo left the bedroom of his parents and instead entered his own room, closing it to make sure sure that these idiots couldn't follow after him.

Ivo sat down against the door and shed tears. He hated this, he hated them, HE HATED THIS ENTIRE PLANET!

All these Idiots didn't give him the respect that he deserved, they all disregarded him, called him names but NO MORE.

If this is how everyone was going to treat them then he'll make them regret it.

No more will they treat Ivo like this, no…

Ivo stood back up and looked at his room full of Inventions. Some of these he'll be taking with him. Especially the Check with the prize money. He'll need that to fund his plan.

The plan that will cause him to leave this place and make them all fear the name of Ivo Robotnik.

Welp, here is the Omake exploring possible past that I announced on the Discord a while ago.

Tried my best to write Eggman's parents as neglectful since its implied in canon that Eggman's parents neglecting him because they were grieving Maria is the reason why he's the way he is.

I hope you guys enjoyed it, i certainly did enjoy writing it! :D

And big thanks to everyone on the Discord who helped me with their feedback to help improve this omake!
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Signal Lost, Signal Found New
This will be for the bounty of Jet Set Radio Last Transmission @Kingster , @Boohoo the 3rd , @Ranger65 , @ShepardCom and @KA$H. Hope you all enjoy.

Signal Lost, Signal Found
Kilobyte lays against the wall with a sigh. Today has been a stressful day. Perhaps the most stressful day of your life. What with all these monsters Gouji has been sending in, he has been busy with all kinds of stuff. Trying to find ways to fight these monsters, planning for what to do if they get attacked, always staying aware of his surroundings so as to not get surprised while skating around Tokyoto. It has been hard.

"Hey Kilo, what's going on? Looks like you need some stix."

He looks up to see Hotwire with some of those sugar stix. He reaches out and takes one. "Thanks man. Just recharging." He sucks on the pack, inhaling the thing quickly. Sadly they never last long. As he savors the flavor, he looks to see Hotwire looking at him expectantly.

Sighing, he says "Strawberry. It's strawberry."

Letting out a laugh, Hotwire sits besides him. "Dude, you're the only person who can tell the flavors of these things. I didn't think these flavors were legit until you told me. I thought they were the same old sugar."

"Yeah, well, maybe try tasting it sometime."

"You eat these things faster than I do!"

Hotwire takes out his own back, letting it sit on his tongue with a pensive look on his face. Then his eyes turn frustrated as he swallows the rest. "Nope, you're crazy, they all taste the same."

"Whatever, man," Kilo sighs before grabbing his tiny handheld TV and flicking through the channels absentmindedly. It looks like the Demons haven't found them yet, as they aren't around the base. But it's only a matter of time.

"Hey, you shouldn't be looking at that constantly. It will only stress you out."

"Just, I need to keep an eye out so we can prepare for any attack. They got us good last time and I want to be prepared." Suddenly, the small display is grabbed from out of Kilobyte's hands.

"You ain't rechargin' like that! We gotta see something interesting!" Hotwire frowns, flicking with the channels until the TV flips to an empty seat at a sound board. "It's almost time for Jet Set Radio! That's actually something worth watching and WON'T stress you out."

Sighing, Kilobyte puts a hand to his head to massage his aching temples. "You just wanted to watch DJ K? It's a radio show, we don't need to watch it."

"Says the guy who snuck a camera into his studio. Besides, you need some good news I think. Come on, K always makes you feel better."

"Okay, okay," he relents, leaning in to get a better view of the screen.

It doesn't take long before K enters the recording studio. But… the way he moves is different. Not the usual confident stride, no rhythm to his movement, no rhythm to his movement. No, the man just ran to his chair with the haste of a man in an emergency. As his board starts to heat up, he shakes his fists at it impatiently. Then the radios start to turn on.

"Yoyoyo! DJ Professor K is here! Boys and girls, I bet you are excited to hear my voice today, especially after some recent happenings." Despite his frantic movements, his voice is as calm and collected as ever. "Now, I would love to play you some kickass tunes, but I have some bad news for you."

"They found me."

Those three make Kilo's heart drop out his body and onto the floor. The way his friend has turned white, it doesn't take a genius to see he isn't the only one terrified of this. Kilo grabs the TV, switching the camera to outside the building, and he sees what can only be described as death itself. A hooded skeleton, riding a pale horse is standing right outside the door to the building.

"This might be the last you all hear of me, so I'm gonna make the most of it! I'm gonna do what I can for you Rudies out there, so please, listen to this old man's last words, ya get me?"

"You don't think he's really going to…?" Hotwire looks to Kilo, fear in his eyes.

"No, no he has to have a trick up his sleeve. Professor K always has a trick up his sleeve. H-he must just be faking it for Gouji!"

But than… why does he look so defeated on the screen where no one can see him?

"Now, all you Rudies need to band together. Survive! This isn't about winning anymore, this isn't about being cool anymore, this is about livin'! That is your first and last priority. It breaks my heart to say, but art ain't worth your life! Don't be like your DJ here."

Is he serious? This doesn't sound like K. Where's the freedom of expression? The right to make noise? The messages found only in graffiti?

"You guys might want to paint the entire town and I won't lie, I'd love to see that. I've dreamed of seein' your amazin' works all over Tokyoto! But you can't spread your soul on the buildings if your blood is in the street. You won't make anyone proud of you, your friends will just be stuck burying you."

No. No, no, no. Even K has given up. How are you supposed to have hope when even he has given up?

"But don't misunderstand me! Gouji can be beaten! Just not today. While you follow whatever tired rules he forces on you, never let that light in your soul go! Never forget the art of skating. The art of the soul, graffiti. The streets will be the Rudies' again! So long as you are alive and you have graffiti souls, never forget that you are a Rudie, and I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of you, you, you! And I'm even proud of you!" He shouts, pointing right at the camera to the two teen's shock.

"That's right, I know you put a camera in here! Ain't no leader that can keep you guys in check is there? I hope you guys got a good look at my radio show, because if I haven't given you guys a blast, this show should!"

"Now, on the topic of leaders, I'm sure ya'll are scared and gonna search for a new one. Let me tell you kids somethin' I've wanted to say for a long time. You might see me as the leader, but I'm just layin' back here, giving orders like that loser Gouji. I never thought of myself as your leader neither, more like a cool uncle who gives advice to support my troublesome kids. You want to know what a real leader is?"

"It's someone who can usher in the future! Who is willing to stand in the gunfire with ya, but also pull your ass out when you need it. Someone who looks at the trajectory of your desires, goes 'aight' and leads you down that path, not someone who forces you onto a different one. Someone who knows that you kids are the future of Tokyoto!"

You hear the sounds of something hitting the door come from the radio, and DJ Professor K turns to it in surprise. Frantic, he turns back to his sound board.

"Okay, I ain't got much time! To the remnants of the Sound Tanks, keep on with your badass tech, keep fixing up those beauties from the junkyard, and most of all… take a break on that sugar! I love you guys, and that ain't good for ya, it will rot your teeth! Trust me, healthy body, healthy brain. Can't beat Gouji with a sugar high. To Beat and Gu-"

Suddenly, the door is broken down, and that monster you had seen before walks in atop his horse. "Your time is up K. Gouji has requested that I bring you to your end."

"Shit man, you can't just dead air me like this! Couldn't ya read the sign outside?"

"A fitting term, dead air. Your transmissions have always been dead air, and from now on they will always be dead air."

"Don't you know what the hell dead air even means!?"

The skeleton gives a swing with his scythe, which the DJ is able to dodge. With him out of the way though, it sinks into the console behind him, sending out a huge amount of sparks. All the radios are forced off.

"Come on, that shit was expensive, yo!" they hear him complain through the camera.

"I care not for the cost of materials. Your soul is worth more to me than copper and steal," Rider says, removing his scythe from the machine.

Then, K grabs a small microphone out of his pocket. "Well, luckily I still have my mobile unit! Sounds gonna be like it comes out of a toilet though." He hits a button, and suddenly the radios are back on. "Did ya miss me? Well, I ain't got less than a minute, so hear my out!"

"Gouji ain't a leader, he's a loser! You will always be a loser, Gouji! Stupid clothes, stupid music, and you have a shiny ass head! Everyone knows it!" He says, now backing towards what looks like a large speaker.

"Oh… oh, shit," Hotwire whispers.

Kilobyte turns to his friend. "What? What is it?"

"I remember making that. That ain't a speaker. That's a Boom Box!"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Come on and swing, you emaciated fucker! I'd say give that cloak back to the guy you dug up, but that guy is obviously you!"

"Enough with this! I tire of your useless prattle!" The Rider brings his scythe up and once more swings it down. It hit its mark. It sinks deep into the DJ, and the sight makes Kilo wantr to scream. However, K just keeps on smiling.

"Ha, for being older than me, you're dumb as hell!"

Then, the sound of an explosion can be heard. Not from the radios which have all gone off, not from the TV which has gone to static. No. Kilobyte can feel the earth shake. Terror, sadness, and anger all flow through him as the transmission cuts off.

Kilobyte opens his eyes. That dream again. Even in his new home, far away from the worries of Tokyoto, he can still remember everything so clearly. Part of him wonders if he'll ever stop having these nightmares.

Getting up he grabs an apple from a nearby fruit bowl. He tried to enjoy his gang's usual sugary treats after the incident, but these days he has lost his taste for the stuff. He couldn't even differentiate the fruits anymore. They just have the aftertaste of iron.

Walking to his sound table made from scraps taken by Hotwire, he puts on his hand made earphones and turns the dials until he's satisfied with the sound. Then, it's show time.

"Yoyoyo! We're on air! Whether you're an ex-slave or a Rudie, I think we all can appreciate the freedom of music. It's DJ KB here, and I want to ask you a question. Do you understand the concept of love? Because me and my boys sure did when the awesome Eggman took us under his wing! Sapient robots, big ass flying machines, and cars that can stick to walls, if that stuff doesn't make you wanna pick up a wrench and build I just don't get ya. Here's a song in honor of the big man himself!"

The world is a bleaker place without DJ Professor K. But you'll do what you can, take what you know, and show the world that so long as you, no, the Rudies survive, his soul will live on.