An amusing and slightly sad thought comes to mind about Receptionik:

She genuinely would probably be stunned and amazed that Orbot is allowed to snark at Eggman and not be immediately killed or tortured

Like, Orbot never goes too far obviously, but I am sure even his most absolutely subtle jab would get Fleetway Robotnik to utterly destroy him
Receptionik: "One time a Badnik spilled a drink on the boss. He tore it apart piece by piece over the course of months until it was just a head begging for death, kept that head alive for a week and then melted it down."

Orbot: "...Sweet merciful Gaia."
Receptionik: "One time a Badnik spilled a drink on the boss. He tore it apart piece by piece over the course of months until it was just a head begging for death, kept that head alive for a week and then melted it down."

Orbot: "...Sweet merciful Gaia."
Oh? That seems fairly tame for Fleetway Robotnik. Usually he isn't so nice as to spare the organic battery like that.

Bear in mind the organic batteries of badniks weren't cute animals but sapient Mobians in the Fleetway Sonic The Comic series.

Usually he'd torture the Mobian as well.

Edit: Remember that he is literally all the evil in the world.
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Oh? That seems fairly tame for Fleetway Robotnik. Usually he isn't so nice as to spare the organic battery like that.

Bear in mind the organic batteries of badniks weren't cute animals but sapient Mobians in the Fleetway Sonic The Comic series.

Usually he'd torture the Mobian as well.

Grimer had just committed a really sick War crime so he was in a good mood at that time/j
Grimer's an amiable fellow who enjoys his work. Unfortunately his field of expertise is classified as war crimes. With a side order of crimes against sapience. He's also a very good roboticist.
Grimer: "Aw c'mon, I'm not THAT bad!"

Eggman: "Grimer, you committed six war crimes on the commute over here! How is that possible, it only took 10 minutes to get here!?!?!?"
Grimer: "Aw c'mon, I'm not THAT bad!"

Eggman: "Grimer, you committed six war crimes on the commute over here! How is that possible, it only took 10 minutes to get here!?!?!?"
It really depends on who's in charge. His grasp of robotics is actually excellent, possibly better than his Robotnik (for context, in STC, The Metallix from prototype to the mass produced models were all designed by Grimer, though it should be noted that they have a glaring neck weakness Metal Sonic doesn't have).

He doesn't automatically cross the moral event horizon on his own, but he will gleefully follow even the most despicable commands.
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Random joke from the Discord:

Hope: "What would Dad say if he found out I was a furry...?"

Flashback Colin: "Hope, I am a complicated man, but my love for you is simple... Unless you're a fucking furry, in that case I fucking hate you, genuinely just die."

Hope: "...Maybe he wasn't the best person."
Yeah the restoration and GUN probably are tearing their hair out at the stupid specism of Archie mobians and humans
(Heck that might be a contributing factor to GUNs schizm)
We really should investigate how well put together the Restoration is right now. While it's true that it's likely in a better state than GUN, there are likely factions forming within that are already giving Jewel stress fractures in her carapace.

Edit: Prime continuity, Acorn kingdom radicals, Freedom Fighters (both Archie and STC), Anti-AI lobbyists.
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Belle's First Makeover New
Belle's First Makeover

Cassia the Pronghorn was bored. Bored, bored, bored! The Eggnet had practically no games she could play, she'd checked! She had nothing to do in this Chaos forsaken room! And Cassia hated when she had nothing to do. It reminded her of…

When everything burned. When the nurses and doctors were whispering as if she couldn't hear. When the pain was so bad she couldn't move, couldn't even eat anything solid. When she just let ice-cream melt in her mouth and go down her throat for any hint of relief at all-

It reminded her of the bad times.

Cassia startled when she heard the intercom.

"Um, hello? Cassia, can I come in? It's Belle."

"Yeah! C'mon in, could use someone to talk to," Cassia said with a forced laugh, shaking her head to push the thoughts away.

Cassia waited, sitting on her bed as the wooden Badnik went through the decontamination process, until Belle came in with a bag that was stuffed to bursting.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked.

"Oh, well, Clove and I were getting ready for the mission and she told me that she was worried about you being left alone for so long," Belle replied, scratching her cheek.

Cassia puffed her cheeks before breathing out. "Still treating me like a kid, huh."

"No, no! Not like that!" Belle denied, waving her hands frantically. "She said that your room was um…"

"Barren? A blank white space? And infinite void of unending nothingness?" Cassia wailed dramatically, throwing herself back on the bed.

"Barren! She said it was barren and you'd probably get bored." Belle said frantically, only to find that the other girl was chuckling at her reaction. Belle pouted momentarily before continuing. "I had a free moment, so I thought I'd check up on you."

Cassia rolled over to push herself back up. "Well she got that right. Is that what the bag's for?"

"That's right!" Belle responded, pulling the bag over her shoulder and starting to take out the contents. "I have a bunch of toys that've just been lying around, so I thought you might like them. Jigsaw puzzles, painting supplies, some fidgets, paddleball, even some model kits that can run on their own when they're fully built. Lots of stuff to help fill the time."

Cassia whistled. "Quite the selection. You make all this yourself?"

"Most of it, my-" Belle paused for a moment. "A lot of this was just lying around my old home before I came to work for my- Doctor Eggman. It wasn't going to do anyone any good, so I just hope this can help you now."

Cassia ignored her slips in favor of looking it all over. "Oh trust me, this is gonna help a ton," she said earnestly. "I'm grateful for what Doctor Eggman's done and all, but I'm pretty sure I was gonna go crazy being stuck in here for two months."

"Good!" Belle breathed out, relieved. "If there's anything else you'd like, just let me know! I love making stuff like this, so I'd be happy to help."

"I'll keep that in mind," Cassia said before picking out one of the paintbrushes. "Hey, these are watercolors, right?"

"Yes," the Badnik said. "Um, are they alright? I can try and-"

"Nah, this is great," Cassia interrupted Belle's ramblings. "I just had an idea. This stuff washes off right?"

Belle nodded, a befuddled look on her face.

"Well, how'd you like me to give you a makeover? It'll be fun! And that way I can pay you back for bringing me all this."

"Well, I don't know… I've never done anything like that before," Belle pondered.

"Well then you've got to give it a try! How else will you know if you like it or not? Besides, I've done my sister's makeup plenty of times, you can trust me," Cassia lied as easily as she breathed.

"Well, alright," Belle said with a small smile before the two girls went over to the bathroom. Belle sat by the door while the pronghorn wet the paint, a more mischievous grin on her face.

"Alright, so you should keep your eyes shut, I want this to be a surprise." Once Belle complied, Cassia got to work.

Cassia pulled away. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Cassia had managed not to giggle throughout the entire process, but she broke down cackling at Belle's expression when she saw what her 'makeover' amounted to. Her face was mostly white with some colorful streaks randomly decorating it. It was clown paint.

Belle weighed her options before coming to a decision with a sigh. "Cassia, I have something to tell you, I need you to listen to me. I don't think even Doctor Eggman knows about this."

Cassia managed to get control of herself, looking up at Belle. "Y-yeah?"

Solemnly, Belle put a hand over her face. And pinched her nose. HONK!

Cassia collapsed in laughter with Belle following moments later. "S-seriously!?" Cassia managed to get out. "I-I didn't actually think- Pfthahahahahaha."

"Yeah," Belle giggled before she became serious. "But if you tell anyone, I'll disassemble the Omega Care Unit and hide every piece."

"Heh, sure," Cassia snorted before she saw the look on Belle's face. "Wow, okay, didn't think you had it in you. I swear, cross my heart and hope to die," the other girl promised.

"You better not," the Badnik glowered before her expression lightened up. "Um, would it be alright if washed up? I really don't want anyone to see me like this…" She trailed off.

"Oh? Yeah, go for it." Cassia stepped aside to let her into the bathroom. Once the water started running, the pronghorn took a deep breath. "Hey, Belle?"


"You looking forward to going to Tokyo-to?"

Belle considered the question for a moment. "Well, I don't know that I'm looking forward to it, exactly. I've never been to a big city before and I've never really been on a mission like this either. I guess I just don't know what to expect."

"I remember some of my missions with Clove, they could get pretty wild sometimes. Cities can be pretty fun too, but I guess you probably won't have the time to look around." Cassia paused to take a deep breath. "...Think you can do me a favor?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"Back in our original world, Clove and me, we worked together in the field. I'm used to watching her back, but this time I can't. Think you can take my place?"

"Of course! I, um, I'll do everything I can! And Metal, Canaan and Piastol will be there too! We'll all make sure that Clove comes back safe."

Belle jumped as Cassia lightly punched her in the shoulder. Rubbing it, she turned to face Cassia, who had a grin. "You'd better. Or the moment I'm out of here, I'll go to your workshop and hide every tool."

A/N: And that's a wrap. Tried to focus a lot more on characters just talking casually this time, so it's a bit different than what I've done before. This takes place in turn 5 and hopefully qualifies for Belle Making the Rounds. Omake bounty was discontinued, so nevermind. I had two goals anyways, HONK and the last little exchange. And that's because...

Fun fact! I was working on this along with the Starline one during the adventure. Was strongly considering pivoting to focus on this when Clove lost half her health. If she died, this was going to get published as soon as I could get it done. Make it hurt.

Let me know what you think!
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Random joke from the Discord:

Hope: "What would Dad say if he found out I was a furry...?"

Flashback Colin: "Hope, I am a complicated man, but my love for you is simple... Unless you're a fucking furry, in that case I fucking hate you, genuinely just die."

Hope: "...Maybe he wasn't the best person."
Ha ha! Hope's dad was a huge, dumb racist! For real though, that's probably gonna force her into therapy at some point....

Yeah the restoration and GUN probably are tearing their hair out at the stupid specism of Archie mobians and humans
(Heck that might be a contributing factor to GUNs schizm)
I seem to remember GUN being pretty non racist in the comics? I think because they were formed by human enclaves who just didn't interact with mobians, and not the crazy Overlanders.
I seem to remember GUN being pretty non racist in the comics? I think because they were formed by human enclaves who just didn't interact with mobians, and not the crazy Overlanders.

I think members of Paranount!GUN that a good chunk are anti-alie and the biggest troublemakers, the other GUNs have no trouble with other species.

X!GUN was much more composed and they quixkly chnage their view once they find out Sonic and his friends were no threat to the planet.
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If Eggman did get therapy it would actually probably take real effort for him to admit that he just wanted his parents attention and approval and for them to stop comparing him to Maria who when he was younger hated because they kept comparing him to her it probably end up with him crying about it's not fair he didn't have the support of his elders when they just wanted Maria and ONLY Maria
If Eggman did get therapy it would actually probably take real effort for him to admit that he just wanted his parents attention and approval and for them to stop comparing him to Maria who when he was younger hated because they kept comparing him to her it probably end up with him crying about it's not fair he didn't have the support of his elders when they just wanted Maria and ONLY Maria
I think it's really weird that his parents were obsessed with their niece who would have probably been dead by the time their actual son was born. There's just layers upon layers to that.