Ninja Meets Spy
Ninja Meets Spy

In the depths of Eggman's base, Conquering Storm was on the prowl. She had been seeing odd activity in the base, mysterious footsteps and reports of people being at two places at once.

She is currently sneaking around the area where it usually occurs. Hearing a sudden noise, she stopped at a corridor and slowly peer out to the intersecting hallway.

There! She saw it, a faint shimmer moving along the hallway. She scowled, whoever this inflitrator was, they were an complete amateur. They left obvious tracks and she could even make out the faint sound of their movement and breathing.

Sneaking slowly behind the figure, she waited until she got close enough before lashing out with a sweep toward where she presumed their legs where.

The figure fell with a shout, the shimmering flickering before dying and she wasted no time pressing her foot harshly at the down figure's neck.

"Who are you!" She demanded, her cybernetic eyes glaring down at the man

"S-Stone, Agent Stone." He stammered partly from the pain.

" You." She frowned remembering him from when she first arrived at the base, though the invisibility is new. An invention of Lord Eggman perhaps?

"What are you doing?" She questioned as she stepped back and let go of him.

"I was doing some training with the Doctor's gear he gave me." He said, slowly getting up and gingerly holding his neck.

"You rely too much on it." She said dismissively. "Your stealth was amateurish at best, you should have approached my clan and I for instruction if you wanted to put that skill to actual use for Lord Eggman."

"I'll keep that in mind." He said, perking up at the words. Letting go of his neck with a slight wince he gestured toward her.

"Why not follow me to the cafeteria, I'll serve you some coffee". He said as he headed there.

"Coffee?" She scoffed in disgust as she followed. "What use would such a bitter drink serve in place of tea."

"Bitter and only Tea you say?" In response Stone only tapped his chin in thought as he walked.

Having arrived, he gestured toward a chair and table near various coffee machines and ingredients.

"Please take a seat and wait a moment." He said as he rummaged around and started brewing.

Conquering Storm took a seat but not humor him, rather she wondered how to use his eventual failure to please her with his drink to her own advantage.

"Try this." He said placing down two drinks at her table with the bottom half white and the top brown.

"This is Hojicha Latte. One is hot and the other cold take your pick." He said before stepping back.

She eyed the drinks suspiciously, dipping her finger lightly into the hot beverage before bringing it into her mouth.

Finding no problems with it, she reluctantly took a sip.

" not bitter! It is sweet!" She thought, her eyes growing wide as she slowly savored her drink.

After some time she finally finished and her eyes quickly became fixated on the other. Unable to resist, she took a sip.

"Cold! But so refreshing!" She couldn't help but close her eyes in sheer delight at the taste.

So lost in her enjoyment, that it wasn't until she opened her eyes that she realized she wasnt alone. From the corner of her eyes she spotted Stone smiling which snapped her out of her daze.

"You have my thanks for the drinks, if you ever become a hindrance to Lord Eggman's cause I shall grant you a quick death as a mercy." She remarked coldly, inwardly pleased at the sight of Stone's smile freezing in place.

"You don't need to worry about that." He said, staring straight at her. "Failing the Doctor is the last thing I'll ever want." He said with finalty, his tone becoming fervent.

"Good." She thought to herself. If he had hesitated even the slightest she would have marked him down as almost worthless. There might even be some use into having him as an ally in the future.

Finishing the rest of her drink, she made an idle note to have the rest of her clan come by later to try before heading out.

There is still much to do, the attack by Zavok was coming soon and she needed to prepare her clan for whats to come.

Still her mind can't help but recall the lingering taste. She would need to make a return trip back soon, perhaps very soon.
Egg Memo: Badnik Tactics
Here's a omake:

Egg Memo: Badnik Tactics

I am short on time so this will be brief.

Zavok is coming to kill me, how predictable.

That brute is marching my own badnik army to my doorstep, intent on my destruction and as expected, he's focusing on sheer force: Super Badniks as far as the eye can see.

It's almost laughable.

Does he think I haven't refined this strategy a hundred times over in my battles with Sonic?

Let me lay out the problem with relying too heavily on Super Badniks. Yes they're powerful, yes they make for impressive displays of raw might.

But do you know what else they are?

Expensive. Cumbersome. Absolute nightmares for logistics. Each one costs more resources to construct and move into the field than it's worth when the enemy is Sonic, G.U.N., or even Zavok himself inevitably takes it down.

In contrast, the humble Egg Pawn is a masterpiece of efficiency and versatility. Cheap to produce, easy to deploy, and modular for a variety of combat roles.

Need a shock trooper?

Equip it with a blaster.

Need a melee unit?

Equip with a lance.

The Egg Pawn is the backbone of any effective robot army, my robot army.

This is a lesson I learned the hard way through my countless engagements with Sonic, that headgeghog uncanny ability to dismantle my forces forced me to evolve my tactics as time passes. I learned that overwhelming him with waves of smaller, simpler badniks often proved more effective than putting all my eggs in the Super Badnik basket. Not only do they provide tactical flexibility but they also allow for creative combinations of strategy and terrain utilization.

Zavok's reliance on Super Badniks demonstrates his shortsightedness. He doesn't see the battlefield as I do. He doesn't understand that wars are won through careful balance of expendable troops for attrition, Super Badniks for shock and awe, and specialized units for key objectives.

Of course, I am not above using Super Badniks myself, they serve their purpose well in specific circumstances. However the key is moderation and deployment at the right moment not flooding the battlefield with them in a misguided show of strength. Zavok's approach will backfire, his forces are slow-moving and resource-draining. I will simply outmaneuver him with my superior understanding of logistics and tactics.

Let him come. He'll find himself on the receiving end of a tactical masterclass. When I retake what's mine, I'll make sure to leave him a parting lesson: brute strength is nothing without strategy.

Now, back to my preparations. I have a battle to win and a pretender to crush.

Like Zavok is fielding a huge number of Super Badniks in this battle, however he spend most of this Power Cap fielding Shadow Androids and Egg Robos.

So I think Eggman seen that huge army would make a comment on it, sheer strenght does not win wars. If battle Sonic for all these years though him anything is that overeliance on Super Badniks is road to failure.

No you have to use badniks like Soviet tactics demand, trow huge waves of cheap and expendable troops at the enemy to tire him down and move to the kill with specialized units.
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Terror from the Depths
Terror from the Depths

*You have 1 new message*


Hello Director Jewel, this is Mayor Marlowe of Seaside Bay speaking.

First, let me extend my heartfelt thanks to you and your team for the invaluable assistance you've provided to our community, your leadership has been a beacon of hope during these trying times and the Restoration's efforts do not go unnoticed here.

That said, I'm reaching out about something of great urgency, which I fear could spiral into an even larger crisis if left unchecked. As you're undoubtedly aware, maritime travel has become nearly impossible for any vessel not heavily armed since the Shattering. This is due to the creatures my staff have taken to calling the "Deep Ones." One of my aides is quite the fan of cosmic horror stories and, well, the name stuck.

Either way, these creatures have been attacking ships with increasing frequency and ferocity including large fish schools and sea predators. What's worse, they've disrupted ocean ecosystems, even more that the Shattering done by bringing species from other universes togheter, to such a degree that most marine life has fled to shallow coastal waters in a desperate bid for survival.

Our fishing industry, the lifeblood of Seaside Bay, is on the brink of collapse. The ecological imbalance is nothing short of a nightmare and the ripple effects are already being felt by our comunity and neighboring ones.

For months now the local fishermen and marine biologists have been monitoring this phenomenon and alarmingly realize the pace of fish migration, or rather their desperate escape from the Deep Ones has been dwindling. If this trend continues, we're looking at the complete extinction of sea life in the deeper waters.

Even more troubling director it's the encroachment of these creatures toward the coastal areas, reports indicate that they're getting close to Green Hills coast.

I know the Restoration has its hands full with the Black Arms, badniks, and other immediate threats but I implore you not to overlook the potential catastrophe the Deep Ones represent.

If they exhaust their food supply in the open ocean, who knows what they'll do once they reach our shores?

I urge you to take this matter seriously. Seaside Bay is ready to assist in any way we can but we lack the resources and expertise to deal with this threat alone. Please Director Jewel, don't wait to act until it's too late.

I hope to hear back from you soon.

*Message ends*

This is something I was planning to release when he omake banning was made since that's been lifted I decided to post it now.

Basically there's other big threat real close to us that is just as deadly as the Black Arms.

The Vortex.

I don't remember if in the games they ever revealed they name so I decided that someone named them the Deep Ones and the name stuck. Anyway I imagine the voxtex attack sea life to such a extent they decided to get out of they habitats and into unfamiliar waters creating a ecological disaster since not only is extremely crowded but have fiss that were not supposed to be there as well.

Obviously the vortex would eventually kill all fish on the sea at some point and some people are noticing the rate of this migration is getting smaller each month that pass.

The Vortex territory include all the oceans in the world all they infrastructure is in the sea bed completely unreachable for anyone to even get a look on what they are doing except be able to monitor they attacks and sightings.

At least with the Black Arms you can point a telescope at the Ark to be able to see on the distance on what they are doing but the Vortex enjoy full secrecy of anyone.
The Egg Fan (Stone)
The Egg Fan (Stone)
As former agent stone of G.U.N, well technically now special agent, Eggman empire agent Stone reports back from a successful infiltration of your boss newest enemy, the empire. Really who names, their empire, just the empire. It worked for Star Wars, but it didn't work for them. Really this place is weird. It looks like it's set up for battlefield.

Plus there's already one empire and it the Eggman empire. See it's much better name because it came from your boss's genius. You know, sneaking around doing all this special agent stuff along with a very cool and grateful present that he gave you. It makes you incredibly nostalgic about the past.

You were a fresh face newbie straight out from the academy following your family, long line of being agents of G.U.N. Protecting the world. your assigned your first mission be the bodyguard of one Dr. Ivo Robotnik. They didn't tell you very much why you were being assigned to him, but all they did say was to look after him.

And every day you thank your assignment specialist of why he assigned you to the great doctor. When he first met you, he was slightly put off, but he slowly grew to trust you, and you begin to understand his great genius. He actually treated you way better than anyone else.

He showed you machines beyond what's currently available and you were curious of why he didn't help people why he didn't even try to machines out. He told you the one simple reason and I make you understand him the most. People are idiots, they can't be trusted with that level of technology without a backlash or causing a new arms race.

But the biggest reason you devoted your life to the great doctor and his dreams of conquering the world. When he saved you during that mission in Azerbaijan. You thought you were going to die, but the doctor saved you. And when he did, you swore by your family line and everything you used to stand for to serve the doctor.

You promised that you would complete every mission with the upmost efficiency. That you would always be on his side. True, your bit depressed when the doctor seemed to disappear when the shattering occurred. But you knew when he came back into your coffee shop that meant he was back. And this time his dreams will come true.

And now you will do everything the doctor commands you. If he wants an enemy crush, you'll sneak into their place and look inside. Find the weaknesses for him. You promised the doctor the world. Because…..

For you are the Eggman, Empire, special agent Stone!

Stone's backstory is now done, I made him a military brat up next our favorite failure/fanboy starline please standby.
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Belle Making The Rounds: A Puppet and Darcsen's Dollmaking
Belle Making The Rounds: A Puppet and Darcsen's Dollmaking

(Some time after Isara's recruitment)​

Belle was walking down a corridor carrying several boxes.

Since her return from the village and with Eggman, she's been busy setting up a little workshop of her own. She just needed to a couple more boxes from her room to finally be done.

She just was turning around a corner into a hallway when she had the misfortune to bump into someone, losing her balance.

"Ah sawdust!" She cried out as she fell, boxes flying in the air. She shut her eyes in brief pain as one hit her.

"I'm so sorry, here let me help you up." Said an unknown voice that quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

Looking to thank her, she opened her eyes but paused at the sight. "Oh! Are you a new here?" Asked Belle as she peered at the new girl. She seemed to be human with blue black hair wearing a shawl.

Meanwhile the unknown girl seem to stare at her in a daze.

"Hmm? Oh! Yes I am." She answered hurriedly after a brief pause. "My name is Isara. Its a pleasure to meet you." She said with a smile.

"Mr.Stone was just finished giving me the tour so I decided to explore but I'm afraid I got a bit lost." She explained looking around.

"Do you need any help finding your way?" Ask Belle as she stack her boxes.

"Just some general directions would be fine, although I would be grateful if you'd tell any room that specialize in handmade items." She said.

"I was looking to make a doll, a good luck charm from my people." She explained at Belle's puzzled look.

"Oh your people?" Asked Belle curiously.

"Yes, I'm a Darcsen." Answered Isara. "Though I imagine we are not well known past the lands controlled by the Empire."

"Well I used to make toys back at the village from where I was from." She said proudly as she picked up her boxes. "Follow me, I have a workshop with the all supplies you need to get started."

"Toys?" Asked Isara as she followed behind.

"Yeah, I used to make all sorts of toys for the children at the village." She answered before stopping at a door. "Here we are." She said as she entered.

Inside the workshop, there was less advanced machiner and an abundance of odd material, from fabric, wood, straw, to even grass.

As Belle gave Isara the materials she need to get started, Isara couldn't help her curiosity.

"Belle are you related to Metal?" Isara asked as she sat down and started on the doll.

"He can be intimidating I know." Belle admitted as she started worked on her own project.

"Does that mean Eggman is your father?" asked Isara curiously.

Belle winced at the question, "Its complicated." She confessed with a heavy expression.

"Tell my about your village then." Said Isara, changing the subject.

"My village didn't really have much of a name." Belle admitted with sheepish smile. "We call it windmill village because of the large windmill that overlooked the town."

"A windmill?" Isara blinked in response. "What funny coincidence we also had windmill, two of them in fact back in Bruhl." She said with a smile.

And so the two of them went swapping stories of their hometown while they work. One way or another, the topic eventually reach about their parents....

"My...father loved fixing things. He was a amazing handyman and would help around the village. He would also had fun playing fun with the village children. He was warm, kind....." Belle trailed off, unable to finish speaking.

"I see, I never knew my father, only from stories and photographs. My adoptive father always shown his love for me and my brother and never failed to tell us that we had the right to make our own decisions. He passed away when I was 7." Isara replied sadly.

Eventually their conversations switched to their goals, to Belle's desire of finding the truth of her father to Isara seeking help her people. Then came to her mentioning the people in her squad.

"Alicia used to make us all her special bread for us to eat. Even when the war started, we could all count on her delicious bread to keep us going." She said with nostalgia, her smile fading slightly.

"Alicia....." Isara whispered, pausing on her work on the doll. "Brother....."

Isara looked up as she suddenly felt a strange pressure on her hand.

"Are you alright." Asked Belle gently as she sat next to Isara gently offering her support.

"I am." Isara nodded, a slight smile appearing.

"I know in my heart they and the rest of Squad 7 are still alive, I just know it." She said softly, closing her eyes briefly and holding her other hand to her chest.

"You could say my own survival was a miracle and if it could happen to me, perhaps it could extend to them as well." She said with hopeful gaze.

"My people have a saying look to the sky!" She said raising her hand upward toward the ceiling.

"To keep moving forward and not be trapped by the difficulties by the present." She explained passionately. "I cant let ever let myself think the worst has happen, not when I can be there to change it."

Taking a moment to fiddle a bit more with her work she got off her chair.

"I think we can call this a success, I can add more details later." She said as she held out her complete work. A human shaped doll wearing a shawl.

"I hope you don't mind but I also worked on one." Belle said as she pulled something from her pouch, revealing a similar doll in her hand.

"You said you wanted to go fight the Empire and help your people right? I don't know much about fighting but if this charm can help then please take it." Belle kindly offered with a cheerful smile.

Taking the offered doll, Isara could only nod at a loss for words. Suddenly a small giggle broke out from her.

"You wouldn't mind if I come back." She said warmly. "I enjoy the company."

Belle couldn't help but feel happy, she made a new friend!

Not sure if its my best work, but I blame that on my lack of sleep.
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Egg Memo: Belle Revisited

Egg Memo: Belle Revisited
After having spent some months with her, I am forced to conclude that my original assessment of Belle was too hasty. I simply saw her as an artistically well done robot created by my amnesiac self, but it's clear to me now that she's more than that.

My AI are not true AI, in the sense that they do not have free will or emotions. Sage is different, but she is also the result of an accident with the ancient technology of Starfall Island. Had that not occurred, I doubt she would be half the amazing creation she is! (Though she would still be amazing. I made her, after all!)

Metal Sonic, likewise, was an accident. His rebellious will born of several algorithms meant to help assemble observed data and use it to enhance performance. It was quite a while before this became anything like free will, and even now he still doesn't possess true emotions.

And my earlier works, such as Omega or Gamma, aren't AI either. They're the result of using an animal's brain to run a machine the way a traditional computer would. A shortcut, essentially. They have free will and emotions, because the animal inside them has those things, though they often don't use them. (For the record, I call these "Digitized Animal Intelligences")

Belle, however, is different. I saw her average intelligence and dismissed it, but I've had time with her now, and can say with certainty: Belle is a genuine artificial intelligence. The only difference between her and a flesh and blood person are the materials she is made of. She is a full and complete person, in ways even Sage isn't, and might never be. To say nothing of the fact her social skills far outpace my own.

It's easy to build a robot that's stronger than I am. Technically, I could even make a robot smarter than I am, if I really tried. But emotional intelligence and social skills have always.... eluded me. So how did I make a robot that surpasses me this way?

Even if i had a gun to my head, I don't think i could replicate what my Mr. Tinker persona accomplished, so how did he do it? Only two possibilities present themselves at the moment, and they are... uncomfortable.

First, is that his mind, unburdened by my memories, was able to run wild with imagination, tapping into creativity and ideas I could never have. I don't like this theory, because I've seen his workshop, and everything I've ever learned about robotics says it's impossible for him to have created Belle there.

He could make something that looked like her, certainly. But an artificial intelligence of her caliber? No. The computer he had available was years out of date even by commercial standards. She would, at best, be on Orbot and Cubot's level. So, how?

My other theory is that, between my amnesiac ignorance, and my years of exposure to... let's say "exotic" energies allowed him to... tap in to something. And that Belle is in fact, a creation of both science and mystic influences. I... don't know how to feel about that.

This is getting too heavy. End Memo!

A/N: Wanted to try my hand at an Egg Memo. Hope it's good!
Egg Memo: Alternative universe badniks
Egg Memo: Alternative universe badniks

Today just finish the evacuation of my newest minions, Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan. Who would have though I have the novel experience in having a ninja army on my command?

They also bring along they own contingency of badniks, while Agent Stone show their quarters I take a little of my time to study the badniks to see if they show any differences from my own.

Initial findings confirm that while these badniks exhibit minor cosmetic chnages their combat capabilities remain consistent with my own designs, something of good news since I will not need to retrofit them however there's one a significant differences between them and my own.

Animal Batteries.

Why in the name of Chaos would an alternate version of me persist with such an outdated and inefficient power source?

I abandoned that method ages ago and for good reason!

Capturing suitable animals is a logistical nightmare. They must adehere to very narrow standards such be neither too young nor too old and perfectly healthy just to name a few. The vast majority of animals captured don't even qualify for use rendering the process wildly inefficient and time consuming.

Then there's Sonic. Oh, how he relished sabotaging my operations back when I relied on Animal Batteries, every time he freed a group of critters it set back my badnik production substantially. This is why I transitioned to alternative energy sources, much less bothersome and cause me less headaches overall.

I only rely on this method again when resources are critically scarce or deep hostile territories where nothing else is available. Curious about this peculiarity, I queried Conquering Storm to shed light on this alternate me. Was that Dr. Eggman operating under resource constraints? Was he perhaps more desperate or cornered than I've ever been?

Surprisingly, she insisted these badniks were fresh products from his factories right before the Shattering and he have plenty resources avaliable.

This raises an interesting, if perplexing, question:

Why stick to a method so cumbersome when alternatives exist that are both more efficient and less prone to sabotage?

Perhaps this counterpart of mine lacks my foresight, my creativity, or my adaptability?

Maybe there's some other, less obvious rationale for his stubborn adherence to the outdated either way, this puzzle gnaws at me. The genius of Dr. Eggman is absolute yet even I cannot fathom why any version of me would willingly chain myself to such a flawed system.

Still, while my curiosity is piqued, this matter remains largely academic. After all, I've long since overcome such primitive limitations. If there's one takeaway from this, it's the reminder of just how ahead of my time I truly am.

End memo

Note to self: Investigate further into alternate-universe design philosophies... and perhaps take a moment to laugh at their shortcomings.

This here is a new Egg Memo, the QMs said that the badniks from Conquering Storm use Animal Batteries. So, in my view, Eggman would wonder why is such a case, after all Post-SGW!Eggman technology is not much different from his own minor a few cosmetic changes here and there.

Also giving a small explanation why Eggman move away from Animal Batteries. In Lost World he punish the Deadly Six for bringing low quality animals to him, so I came up with this explanation Animals need to attend a strict standards to be used as batteries thus explainign why he capture so many since most of them will not be used because of this logistic bottleneck and the interference of Sonic make the whole thing far costly than necessary.

Our Eggman can't understand why Post-SGW!Eggman continue to use such troublesome method and wonder why is such the case, unaware that Eggman has the technology to move away from it anytime he wants but mostly kept it around just to mess with Sonic.

Also I like to think Eggman would have a similar opinion of his alternative selves like the Doctor from Doctor Who and his other past-selfs. He hates them but some are more tolerable than others.
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Starline Files: A Short Treaty On Ragnite
Starline Files: A Short Treaty On Ragnite
I never quite understood the saying "Necessity is the mother of the invention" until I was forced into bed after nearly dying.

Have you, listener, ever been shot? I can't quite recommend it. Whoever that woman was, she punched three bullets straight through my chest. When I asked Canaan later, she said I would have died if not for Stone's quick thinking.

What I need it, a debt with that guy. But, hey, if Doctor is honoring his agreements now, I should probably follow the lead.

So, after I recovered enough to warp us back to the base, I was carried by the Badniks into the infirmary - in truth, the room where I did my experiments to return Doctor to his usual self that I converted into such after the arrival of Tinker's daughter and the coming of the Pronghorn sisters. Infirmary is a bit of a strong word anyways, it's just a bunch of beds I hunted down in my free time alongside some of the supplies we raided from that imperial camp Metal destroyed and a few instruments specific to the treatment of Cassia.

Unfortunately, the Pronghorns didn't stay long in the infirmary these days: Cassia only passed the nights in it, and during the day hanged out with her sister and Belle, and I can't blame her: I experienced the boredom and pain of being in a infirmary. Again, can't recommend it to anyone.

At least Doctor praised me for a successful mission, even if it came at the cost of my health and the Mean Bean Machine's anonymity. He also seemed to have some mild interest in the spear, as I thought he would. Points for you, Doctor!

...still, my health meant I couldn't contribute much to help the Doctor this month, which meant no Cacophonic Conch. I did borrow the Warp Topaz, if reluctantly, to help this Conquering Storm and her Egg Clan to come here, but other than that, I barely had the energy to do anything...well, until the Doctor began looking into Ragnite.

It began when miss Gunther suggested using it into the project to rebuild the Death Egg Robot (ah, the envy! I would give so much to be in her place!) and he began looking into it with the supplies scavenged from the Empire. The versatile it was! The doctor put up his notes into the base's systems and I couldn't help but give it a look. I was aware of how essential the substance was for the war machine of the Empire to spin, but I found myself agreeing with the Doctor that, if Emperor Maximillian had some awareness of modern technology, he would have a tremendous resource in his hands!

The part that caught my attention the most was the segment about healing. Doctor seemed to be interested in it due to his deal with the Pronghorn sisters and healing Cassia's disease. However, I took the liberty of hijacking some Ragnite with those notes and asking to miss Isara how the process of healing went.

Apparently, the people of the Empire developed a technology called Ragnaids to harness the mineral's healing properties more effectively. I was about to try to manufacture some when I remembered there were a few basic ones amongst the supplies we obtained from our raids. It took some time to understand it's workings, but once I did, it was smooth sailing from there. It's almost fantastical how fast-acting it was: I thought it would take months to heal all the wounds I got from that battle, yet here I am, preparing to support tne Doctor against the Zeti.

Still, Ragnite seems to have many mysteries within it. If I can use these powers for myself...then I could avoid another situation like the auction and prove myself Doctor's equal! Ahaha! Starline, you great genius!​
Eggmemo: Eggboss
Eggmemo: Eggboss
It's been enlightening to learn more information about the alternate lives of the other Dr. Eggman's especially Clove's version of me. She calls herself an egg boss well, her boss did. The version of me that said that could cure her sister was able to recruit other individuals. To act as his enforcers of territory, he conquered and was able to control with his machines.

And now from what conquering storm has also given me some more loyal. However, it seems like mostly a lot of them were really loyal. It just wanted me for their own use. Incredibly fair I am a genius. My technology and skillet would definitely benefit them. It's also interesting that I fitted them with cybernetic enhancement to give them strength or skills. Clove has been very tightlipped about what I gave her. But for Cassia it seemed the Cybernetics she had, acted so as like a life support system.

From what sage has informed after meeting clove and her sister. That their cybernetics have a suppression/deactivator, on their nervous system, which can be activated remotely. And I quite say it's an ingenious ploy. I give anyone who wants to work as me as a lackey enhancement, but also acting as a leash in case they get any funny ideas. It seemed to be a mandatory requirement to have my cybernetics in them.

But now thinking even more. It seems like he was able to control more territory and possibly conquered more with these egg bosses. I do admit that version of me is inferior for not trying to cure disease. But he does have my genius with naming things. Really eggbosses. What a grand ingenious idea I had. Well, technically he had, but still having my own lackey enforced my will on the world.

Now I'm thinking about this even more, them as agents of my empire trusted.. well trusted as I have a tight leash on them the regional managers of conquered territory. I'm bringing up this idea since ever since operation. Eggman forces went down in an unfortunate disaster. It would've definitely slowed them down that, great pain on my neck, the resistance from getting even more territory if I had them.

I am now going to bring up of each egg boss that I currently do not know, but was informed by clove. There is Axel the water buffalo. Apparently he was in charge of my vehicle division of my army along with being the regional manager of Efikra. He only joined up to protect his boys, a group of bikers from my empire's wrath. Smart move, apparently he had loyalty to me despite of my forced servitude, I forced upon him.

I could try to convince him to come back to my side by pretending to be his Eggman. But that's a bridge if I ever crossed if I ever find him again in this shattered the world state. But anyway, then there is Abyss the squid. A former pirate that joined up with my empire, looting any ships for herself and controlling all water related operations for me.

It sounds like she was only motivated by greed. It sounds like it would be a pain to convince her to rejoin the my side again. If we do meet and she decide she want to join I'll let her. But if she does not then I'll have my newest recruit, pistaol to give her a sendoff.

Then there is Maw thylacine. He joined up for my science. Well clearly he has some taste on who is the most smartest. But there is quite possibly others that I really don't want to admit might have the same level as my intelligence. So I'll possibly mark him down as a rogue, along with abyss and this so-called other egg boss clearly even hated being in my employment.

Battle Lord Kukku XV and his battle bird Armada. He and his anrmda acted as my air support unit. It is quite odd. I've heard them before while I was building up my army for a bit during Angel Island, when I found that redheaded, moron knuckles, and the master emerald. I was going to try my hand to trick them to assist me during this endeavor. But I couldn't even find them only their wreckage of their battleships.

I never did found out who destroyed them, but it was possibly sonic or one of his meddlesome friends who did. Well, it seems like I have another enemy to add to my list of people. Clearly, what was I thinking adding an enemy who hated me? Oh, I understand the thought process humiliating them, and making the great shame is serving as my agent even more enticing for my ego and as a trophy of my victory over them.

But I digress continuing on on the other egg boss there was lord mordred hood. An even more cowardly simpleton along with those other civilians, that blasted hedgehog protects, only joined up to have prestige and power. Clove said something about his family being nobles. If he is how close describe him all I need to do is to make him rejoin. My side is a little bit of force, Metal is a great conversationalist on that language.

The other two egg bosses I apparently had to were my deep ocean unit and Icelandic operations were enemies and hated each other deeply. Tundra the walrus and Akhlut the orca and their clans were enemies of each other, but I still recruited them anyway. Maybe for comedy or maybe for their skills. But I would have to, unfortunately put them down as future enemies since I'm not their version of eggman and I lack his version of the Empire he controlled. No longer forcing them to be allies so they're probably taking care of each other.

And apparently Tundra was the father of sonic's alternate version of his friend Rotor. Clove has told me he acts like a mechanic for these so-called freedom fighters for that iteration of sonic. I can also now see that was also a power move to do on sonic meddlesome friends.

Even when another version of me controlling half of that world, that hedgehog has to round up all sorts of pest just to beat me. Ugh am I destined to always be fought against by so-called freedom fighters. Well anyway, it seemed like a recruit each one of those egg bosses for their varied skills. Possible as also a counter for those so-called freedom fighters.

Could they be here as well? Great, not only I'm going to be dealing with the usual pain in my neck with sonic's friends. Now I'm going to be dealing with his alternate versions of that blasting hedgehog and his friends. Even when he's not here, he's already causing me to have a headache.

I'm not mentioning the ones that I've already now know about/has recruited back to my glorious empire. I unfortunately can't get the third current egg boss in the Greenhill zone. It seemed like my glorious return of message by my darling. Daughter Sage has unintentionally caused two very willing minions to be locked up.

Oh well, I will get them back, it's a matter of when not a matter of how. But still, what that alternate version of me has intrigued me. Egg bosses…. Yes how very ingenious of me. Once I'm controlling the Green hill maybe I can make one of my new willing minions to be in charge.

I will admit one thing about that inferior version of me. He was able to recruit a group of skilled and very individuals with their own drives and motives of joining to be my loyal agents. With their own various reasons, of course. I will call my versions of the egg bosses to be now known as. The Neo Egg bosses. Genius name as always.

Note: To self find the clothing producer, honey, and once she joins my empire, have her design those very tasteful outfits that clove wears. I will admit another thing the clothing uniform for each of my egg bosses is quite ingenius of me as well. Maybe make honey my army tailor.

Eggmeo over
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Starline Files: Future Eggman? and Sage
Starline Files: Future Eggman? and Sage

I was planning to talk about the Eggman the Pronghorn knew - the one I temporarily dubbed "Eggboss Eggman", but this new iteration of the Doctor is also target of one very interesting subject for me: the advanced AI Sage.

Most of this information came out of said AI. She was pretty helpful in that regard. Anyways, the story began as it began many times with Doctor: ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY! hindsight, it's curious how so many civilization's advanced technology failed to reach the present days. Kinda depressing if you stop to think about it.

Anyways, Doctor's newest discovery was a mysterious archipelago known as the Starfall Islands, home of a civilization called the Ancient (not much originality there, I know). The technology of the region was notably advanced, and the Doctor knew that, if he could seize it, he would gain a massive boon to his armies. His main object of interest was an entire virtual dimension he dubbed the Cyber Space, a virtual world connected to all sorts of places in the real world. The issue is that no machine Eggman currently possessed could handle the sheer amount of data that the islands contained, so he decided to build an artificial intelligence capable of matching his own intellect to handle the stream and serve as a helper. When he allowed it to interface with the technology of the Ancients, however, something changed within her.

Now, even Sage is unsure of what happened to change her so much. The technology of the Ancients was, and continues to be, a great unknown. What we know, however, is that it started to develop...sentience, so as to say. Sentient machines are nothing for the Eggman Empire - heck, Metal Sonic grew a personality of his own with time and Orbot and Cubot are...Orbot and Cubot. But Sage became lifelike, less as if she was a machine and more like a person inside one...and also detected that week's Evil God Trying To Kill Everyone and dragged Doctor into the Cyber Space as a way to protect him from this entity known as The End, who had been sealed inside the world by the Ancients eons ago.

(What is the deal with ancient civilizations and evil gods?)

When Sonic and his pesky friends come to investigate what Doctor was doing in the Starfall Islands, The End decides to use him to unlock the seals bidding him to his prison by using his friends as leverage, despite Sage's attempt to stop him dead on tracks with the guardians of the Starfall Islands. While she failed to do so, she began to develop her personality with the help of the pesky hog and his friends...bah. Doctor and his machines are the only role models she needed! Maybe even me...or Gunther. She's acceptable too.

The experience also changed Doctor. He began to care for Sage and her lifelike personality developing something that could only be described as a bond between father and daughter. In a way, she mirrors Belle the Tinker's relationship with much as it loathes me to use that comparison. Anyways, this allowed Sage to convince Doctor to ally with Sonic to stop the End once and for all. It took a lot of effort but they managed to defeat the final guardian...but Sage was forced to sacrifice herself in the process of stopping his final attack. Some time later, the Doctor managed to recover her data but from there most of her files became heavily corrupted before she saw herself in the depths of the EggNet. By the time she managed to return to surface, she had to hide from the Zeti's scans until she located the hidden base and hijacked a few Badniks to let her move to here.

She didn't have much information about her Eggman, unfortunately. No signs that he had been Mr.Tinker or anything like that - only a register that he still dominated the world with Infinite, the same way it happened in mine. As it's an AI I'm dealing with, I do not believe she lies. Thus, I dubbed him Future? Eggman, under the assumption he comes from a theoretical later point in the timeline.

Still...Belle the Tinker. Sage the AI. Two machines that developed beyond any known parameters in the emotional department. How delightful!​
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