Ninja Meets Spy
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Ninja Meets Spy
In the depths of Eggman's base, Conquering Storm was on the prowl. She had been seeing odd activity in the base, mysterious footsteps and reports of people being at two places at once.
She is currently sneaking around the area where it usually occurs. Hearing a sudden noise, she stopped at a corridor and slowly peer out to the intersecting hallway.
There! She saw it, a faint shimmer moving along the hallway. She scowled, whoever this inflitrator was, they were an complete amateur. They left obvious tracks and she could even make out the faint sound of their movement and breathing.
Sneaking slowly behind the figure, she waited until she got close enough before lashing out with a sweep toward where she presumed their legs where.
The figure fell with a shout, the shimmering flickering before dying and she wasted no time pressing her foot harshly at the down figure's neck.
"Who are you!" She demanded, her cybernetic eyes glaring down at the man
"S-Stone, Agent Stone." He stammered partly from the pain.
" You." She frowned remembering him from when she first arrived at the base, though the invisibility is new. An invention of Lord Eggman perhaps?
"What are you doing?" She questioned as she stepped back and let go of him.
"I was doing some training with the Doctor's gear he gave me." He said, slowly getting up and gingerly holding his neck.
"You rely too much on it." She said dismissively. "Your stealth was amateurish at best, you should have approached my clan and I for instruction if you wanted to put that skill to actual use for Lord Eggman."
"I'll keep that in mind." He said, perking up at the words. Letting go of his neck with a slight wince he gestured toward her.
"Why not follow me to the cafeteria, I'll serve you some coffee". He said as he headed there.
"Coffee?" She scoffed in disgust as she followed. "What use would such a bitter drink serve in place of tea."
"Bitter and only Tea you say?" In response Stone only tapped his chin in thought as he walked.
Having arrived, he gestured toward a chair and table near various coffee machines and ingredients.
"Please take a seat and wait a moment." He said as he rummaged around and started brewing.
Conquering Storm took a seat but not humor him, rather she wondered how to use his eventual failure to please her with his drink to her own advantage.
"Try this." He said placing down two drinks at her table with the bottom half white and the top brown.
"This is Hojicha Latte. One is hot and the other cold take your pick." He said before stepping back.
She eyed the drinks suspiciously, dipping her finger lightly into the hot beverage before bringing it into her mouth.
Finding no problems with it, she reluctantly took a sip.
" not bitter! It is sweet!" She thought, her eyes growing wide as she slowly savored her drink.
After some time she finally finished and her eyes quickly became fixated on the other. Unable to resist, she took a sip.
"Cold! But so refreshing!" She couldn't help but close her eyes in sheer delight at the taste.
So lost in her enjoyment, that it wasn't until she opened her eyes that she realized she wasnt alone. From the corner of her eyes she spotted Stone smiling which snapped her out of her daze.
"You have my thanks for the drinks, if you ever become a hindrance to Lord Eggman's cause I shall grant you a quick death as a mercy." She remarked coldly, inwardly pleased at the sight of Stone's smile freezing in place.
"You don't need to worry about that." He said, staring straight at her. "Failing the Doctor is the last thing I'll ever want." He said with finalty, his tone becoming fervent.
"Good." She thought to herself. If he had hesitated even the slightest she would have marked him down as almost worthless. There might even be some use into having him as an ally in the future.
Finishing the rest of her drink, she made an idle note to have the rest of her clan come by later to try before heading out.
There is still much to do, the attack by Zavok was coming soon and she needed to prepare her clan for whats to come.
Still her mind can't help but recall the lingering taste. She would need to make a return trip back soon, perhaps very soon.