A Ruined Dream
A Ruined Dream

In one of the several towns and villages circling around the innermost part of the Restoration's territory, inside a small home near the outskirts, Honey the Cat was furiously punching at a makeshift punching bag.

She kept punched the bag, only stopping to make an afterimage and strike from a different location. She tried to keep the tempo up but faltered and had to stop to take a short break as she walked around her new "home". It wasn't very long ago that she have been sharing a room with half a dozen other refugees and now she a house all to herself. Despite this, it somehow still feels both larger and yet unbearably small.

It could have been worse, the Restoration has been struggling to find suitable housing for everyone as refugees continue to surge into their territory. She could have stayed stuck sharing a cramp home with others if not for one of her...former clientele recognizing her and offering her a stay at one of their homes.

She walked past bolts of fabrics, some recovered, others bought, and the rest traded in exchange for some tailoring, a talent she never thought would be needed but highly valued when the only thing most people have is just the clothes on their back.

Unfortunately as she stopped to glanced to look around the house, there is no real way to bring back her precious store on her own. The fabric she acquired was small in number and color variety, not to mention the lack of equipment or even a building. She was only lucky enough to further negotiate with the house's owner to own this tiny home.

In exchange all she had to do was hand over one of the few intact clothes she manage to salvage before fleeing.

Shaking her head slightly she approached the punching bag for another practice session.

According to the enthusiastic words of that clientele, since her store's destruction her Honey Clothing outfits might soon become a sought after rarity in the future.

She smiled grimly as she recalled the memory, if so then a twisted way, she really would have achieve one of her lifelong goals of having her clothing be at the top of the spotlight. She just never thought it would happen like this, never.

Breathing heavily as expend the last of her energy, she tried to focus and regain her stamina for the next bout.

She had spent everything, her time, her funds, her dream on that store and it was all destroyed in just one afternoon.

She wouldn't have felt so hopeless if this was before the Shattering. Her store's destruction would still have been devastating yes but she also knew that it's revival was just a matter of time.

Back then, she had wealthy investors and connections that she could have leveraged and would have allow her to rebuild her store but the Shattering now threw everything into chaos.

Everything was as if someone tore up different worlds and stitched them up into one single eyesore. Many people she knew were just gone or had lost everything, trade lines were completely disrupted, attacks from strange new lands, it was too much. At the time she was just thankful she and her store made it through intact.

The few backers she manage to reestablish contact early on were either reluctant or had more pressing concerns than clothing. Still things did seem get brighter as she did find new suppliers until that day happened.

Until Zavok happened.

And she lost everything.

After that it was all a daze, she could only dimly remember digging through the wrecking of her beloved store to retrieve a few important momentos before running amidst the fighting.

It was only when she made it to the Restoration and had a place to sleep that she had time to start processing.

Finally when she sat down on a chair at that cramp home with some other refugees, holding onto the bare remnants of her once happy life that it finally hit her. Rage. Anger. Revenge. All of it coursing through her in coursing waves.

She had never felt such such strong negative emotions before, all she wanted now was to make Zavok pay for whats he done.

For her vengeance she be willing to do almost anything.

She picked up the paced, punching harder and using her Shadow Sneak in conjuction to make it look like there were dozen of her punching at the same time.

Eventually the punching bag couldn't withstand the torment and promptly exploded, showering the area in sand.

Grimacing at the mess, she felt thankful the damage didn't reach her or any fabric and went to clean the mess. Once it was done, she went to retrieve a replacement bag and mentally reviewed her options.

G.U.N. is a no go, they wouldn't let her near Zavok if they knew and definitely wouldn't care about her store

Joining Restoration would be one way to fight back against Zavok but it would be too impersonal and she doubted they would be willing to rebuild her store regardless of what she offerred.

Still going off on her lonesome wasn't exactly appealing. The best she has done so far has been sneaking out to destroy any of his badniks she comes across but it's utterly pointless when he can make countless more. More importantly, she is not his match and as much as she wants to take him down personally, she knows she needs allies to see him fall.

Letting out a small sigh as she finished the installation, she really hoped she get her chance soon. She took up her combat stance once more but hesitated and instead felt it was time for a change of pace. She went to retrieve a small box from it's hiding place, cradling it in her arms.

When her store was destroyed, she didn't immediately go for the outfits or money but rather for this small precious box. Opening the box, she gently lifted a bundle of paper and set them at her desk. Sitting down she couldn't help but make a small smile as she went through each paper.

Outside of the ones she had been working on, these were all the prototype designs she had ever made. Each one holds a precious memory to her. All the countless hours and inspiration in finding the right matching combination and color palette that just spoke to her. And in the far future while it wouldn't ever be ideal if she ever desired to use it recreate a outfit, it would still be a start.

She continued to shuffle through her old designs, the sketches getting steadily rougher until she paused on a childish one she made as a kid when she felt a wave of tiredness hit her.

Seeing it was dark outside, she decided to turn in for today. She only hope tomorrow would be better and her dreams would spare her the usual torment that's been plaguing her.

However unlike her most recent dreams, she found this one to be more enjoyable. She found herself surrounded by a group of mostly egg shaped blobs wearing the most clashing and non-uniform set of clothing. She knew they were all were supposed to be part of one faction and they had to match! Pity they started scattering as if they knew her intentions.

She put herself to work hunting them down one by one and finding each of them a outfit that works. Lurking in the shadow, she soon spotted her next target, the puppet blob nervously trying to walk quietly past, she waited silently as the adorable blob tried to sneak past before she pounced.

As Honey giggled happily in her sleep meanwhile back in Eggman's base, Belle couldn't help but feel an ominous cloud hanging over her head.

Honey is a pretty obscure character, so I don't think I got her personality and revenge mixed up right. Still I hope we get her after Majima so we actually look like a faction.
The Chaotix are on the case!
Since we are going to hire the lovable detectives this turn I come up with this omake:

The Chaotix are on the case!

It was a quiet morning at the Chaotix Detective Agency or as quiet as it could be when rent was overdue, the fridge was empty, and Vector was pacing the office muttering about their next paycheck. Espio sat cross-legged on the floor, meditating to block out the chaos, while Charmy buzzed around, balancing a pencil on his nose for the tenth time that morning.

A knock at the door startled them all or rather, it wasn't a knock, but the thud of a small box falling through the mail slot, landing on the desk with an unassuming plop. Attached was a note that read:


Curious, Charmy flitted over to the box. "What do you think it is? Treasure? A secret spy gadget? Oooh, maybe a new video game console!"

"Or a prank," Espio said, narrowing his eyes. "Be cautious."

Vector, ever the opportunist, reached for the box and opened it. Inside was a small, old-fashioned radio before anyone could comment, it crackled to life.

"Good morning, Chaotix," a smooth, disembodied voice said through the static.

The team froze.

"I have a job for you. I need you to find someone for me. A missing person."

Vector's eyes lit up with dollar signs. "A missing person, huh? You've come to the right team! We're experts in-"

Espio cut him off, raising a skeptical hand. "Vector, wait. The last time we got a job from a mysterious device, it was Eggman. He tricked us, and then he didn't pay us."

Vector waved him off. "C'mon, Espio, that was one time! Lightning doesn't strike twice, right?"

Charmy giggled. "Technically, it can if-"

"Not now, Charmy," Espio said, his gaze still fixed on the radio.

The voice crackled again, interrupting the debate. "If you're too afraid to take the job, I can always find someone else. I hear business hasn't been booming lately."

Vector froze, his jaw dropping. "Wait, how do you know that?"

The voice chuckled. "Everyone knows that."

Charmy burst into laughter. "Even the radio knows we're broke!"

Espio sighed. "This is humiliating. First Rouge mocks us, now a radio is taunting us."

But Vector slammed his fist on the desk, leaning closer to the radio. "Alright, buddy, we'll take the job! But we will get paid, or so help me-"

"I wouldn't dream of stiffing you," the voice said smoothly. "The details are in the box. Good luck, Chaotix." The radio clicked off.

Espio crossed his arms. "This is a bad idea."

"Yeah," Vector said, grumbling as he picked up the papers in the box. "But rent's not gonna pay itself, is it?"

(line break)

Far away in the darkened control room of a hidden base, Dr. Eggman sat, a smirk playing on his face as he leaned back in his chair.

"So, they took the bait again," he muttered. "Those bumbling fools are as predictable as ever. Forced to rely on them again, how humiliating." He sighed dramatically, placing his hand over his forehead.

Orbot waddled over, tilting his head. "Sir, if they're such fools, why hire them?"

Eggman glared at his assistant. "Because they're cheap, gullible, and actually effective in a chaotic, accidental sort of way. Besides, they don't even realize it's me. I'd call that a stroke of genius on my part!"

Cubot chimed in. "Uh last time they kinda figured it out it was you, boss."

Eggman growled. "Details, Cubot. Irrelevant details!"

Not my best work but I just imagine that Eggman would do the same thing he did on Sonic Heroes to hire them and the jab about Chaotix financial situation was in a earlier IDW issue where Rogue said everybody knows how much they need rent money so Eggman would also, accidently, trow a similar jab at them.

Also yes they did figure out it was Eggman that hire them in Sonic Heroes.

Bit of trivia lightning actually does strike the same place twince, sometimes even more times.
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Siblings and Strength

Siblings and Strength​

Isara rolled up her sleeve and wiped some sweat from her brow as she took a short break from working on the 'CARE' unit. The Doctor didn't give her a full explanation of what exactly she was building or why. He framed it as a 'test,' and left her mostly to her own devices. But one thing he let slip was who the machine was for, someone named Cassia. Out of curiosity, on one of her breaks Isara decided to find out who Cassia was.

First of all, she was a... Mobian. The proper name for the residents of Green Hill. Her name was Cassia the Pronghorn, she was the sister of Clove the Pronghorn, and she was severely ill to the point where sometimes she could barely leave her bed. Her sister visited her often, but the two seemed worried and tense. When Clove had to leave to undertake a 'mission' for the Doctor, she demanded that someone keep a close eye on her sister. As a Gallian Engineer, Isara also had some minor medical training, and she was already building the 'CARE' unit, so she volunteered.

Every day Isara took meals to Cassia, and tried to talk to her. Usually, she wouldn't say much, either feeling faint and unfocused due to her sickness or sometimes feeling concerned about her sister. But one day she said something that struck a soft spot in Isara's heart.

"The worst thing about being sick isn't how I feel, it's that can't help her. She does so much for me, and the best I can do is try to ease her worry."

It reminded her of one of Platoon Seven's snipers, Emile Bielert. He wasn't drafted during the war, due to his illness making him frail and unsuited for soldier work. But when he received news that his brother Oscar had almost been killed, he got himself discharged from the hospital and raced to join the Platoon as a sniper. He was frail and thought lowly of himself, but Isara could never look down on him for that. He tried so hard to protect his brother and all his fellow soldiers. Once he took a bullet at the beginning of a battle, but rather than flee he proceeded to lay down the most effective sniper fire the unit had ever seen, putting even ace sniper Marina to shame. Afterward, all he could say was
"I did it for Oscar."
... Isara understood that thought too. Every time she worked on the Edelweiss, her thoughts focused on how it would keep Welkin safe. Every shell had to be properly loaded to be his lance, every armor plate had to be pristine to be his shield. It didn't matter that she was in the tank too, Isara did it for him and the rest of the platoon. Maybe that's why when she was working on the 'CARE' unit that would let Cassia accompany Clove, Isara treated it with the same loving care that she always showed her father's tank. Not just a tool or a weapon of war, a personal vessel, something that would let Cassia stand on her own.

From one sibling to another, Isara hoped this would let Cassia help Clove like she always wanted.

... Welkin, I hope you're okay, wherever you are.

I intended to write this before the CARE unit was done but, was a bit too slow on the draw. I figure Isara would sympathize with Cassia. She is also the younger sister in a sibling duo, and I can't help but imagine that her tender care for the Edelweiss is split between between respecting her father, who built the machine. And protecting her brother, the tank commander. She knows what it's like to fight for people and places you love, even if your personality doesn't lend itself to fighting.

Also, VC trivia. Emile Bielert is a real VC 1 character who is unlocked by having his younger brother Oscar get knocked down in a battle. He has the "frail body" potential that lowers his defense after he spends his Action Points, but he also has 3 positive potentials and is my pick for the second-best sniper in the game (Marina is the best, no contest)
Ah sonic… there are so many things I could say about that blue rodent, I could say that he is the bane of my existence. However every genius plan I have is thwarted by that blue menace. About how much loathe him, hate even…. I can't help but admit he is quite possibly the closest thing of what one would call….." friend" or someone who always shows up to stop me… oh to be really honest he's probably the only person that I've actually talked to besides his friend group that isn't a machine

That's how it's always been…Will always be, I cause trouble the blue rodent and his horrid friends stop me. I escape I say I'll revenge all that jazz. it's a cycle and I've noticed it a long time but it was a comfortable one…is a comfortable one. Reminiscing about that blue rodent makes me remember the first time I even met him.

I found unique energy signatures originating from south Island. I was young and fresh faced from finally building my machine army, the conquer it. so once I took over south island and set up shop I found a very things that have been the both of my existence and possibly the most wonderful item I've ever found in my life… besides Sage of course.

The Chaos Emeralds, gems full of energy that was so multiple it could be used in theoretically everything. You could power cities even my own death egg which I used it of course. The possibilities were limitless with those emeralds, and I was the only one who had them. I could've powered multiple factories making more of my glorious machines. I could've ruled the world with those emeralds.

Seems like fate had other plans for me. As I was searching for the amount I came across him. Turns out the island wasn't only inhabited by regular animals. It was inhabited by that blue rodent Sonic The Hedgehog. It terms out that little blue pest had a very unique response to my forces. he destroyed them even the machines I personally made them piloted to fight against that rodent.

He won… he won against me. he dismantled my forces on the island and he kicked me out. That was the first time I've ever tasted defeat by him. I was also the first time our meeting would always go continuous. It was possibly the most humiliating thing that ever happened to me. I vengeance and the rest as well you know.

My return, angel Island, The chaos incident, space ark, time eater, dark Gaia, colors, Lost hex! Even my latest plan against the murder some hedgehog operation egg man forces was a failure. I'm not including the whole frontiers incident. I was there, but I wasn't responsible for that thing calling the chaos emerald there.

And each of my operations, I started expect failure caused by the blue rodent. It was sort of comforting in a weird way. But did that ever stop me and my attempts to conquer the world? No, even more determined to beat that rodent. I kept coming up with bigger plans bigger machines.

I made metal, conquered alien planets, tamed, ancient powerful beings with my genius intellect alone. As the hedgehog goes stronger, I grow more smarter. I continuously thought of new ways new machines, new death egg robots. I am admit the forces I might have gotten sloppy.

I might've blamed that on my lower guard and laxness due to having the blue rodent in my base as my prisoner. It didn't help that moron, infinite just nonsense about the power of the prototype phantom Ruby. Ugh…. Why did he have to be a mercenary? He wasn't even creative with that, too wasteful on him. He did prove to be a good guinea pig though for data collection on the prototype.

Hmmm… is it possible that the phantom Ruby is still here? No, not possible before the last thing I blacked out and promptly lost my memories. It was the Ruby disappearing, possibly returning back to its home dimension. I still have the plans for the prototype, but that's…. In a tight situation right now.

Even this whole shattering, I expected that blue rodent to come here to save the day zooming around beating this empire. Subduing the black arms… you know all that hero stuff he does. I do admit, and I rarely admit this his strike didn't speed or the real deal. It would've been a cakewalk with him to defeat all of the opponents and Greenhill getting total control for the..Ugh G.U.N. Restoration alliance.

But he is not here. Sonic is not even in the green zone. How do I know this? I finally decided that it was time after my glorious return of taking out the black arms after they were strategically weaken, and without their commander shadow. That they were right for the picking. I would try to find him with metal.. it did not work due to metal being distracted, watching shadow getting his hand kicked to him.. might consider putting a limit of how much video time he has.

Anyway, besides metal distraction. he searched far and wide in the Greenhill zone. He checked every known spot where that hedgehog would've been should have been at.. but that's the thing he's not here. that's impossible. He should be in Greenhill but he's not.

It's quite possible due to the shattering he must've gotten sent to a different part of this New World…Which I have not checked out yet due to the turf war. For the Greenhill zones, it has keeping me distracted all right. But that starts to make a lot of things more sense. The black arm shouldn't have originally have more territory back then before the gun alliance took out shadow.

Even the Empire would've been soundly defeated by that rodent. I had an easy time even metal did so it would've been cakewalk for sonic…

I do not want to admit this, but I have to wonder if he is OK…. I'm not worried I'm just curious what kind of situation he is I do not care for that blue rodent. I only care of beating him for the final time proving my superiority over that blue menace…. no one can beat him and if they do or if they even killed him, which is impossible because I've tried for years against that blue rodent… I would break their world would destroy them by molecule by molecule because they have taken the thing I have claimed as mine!

Ahem…pardon that rant again. But like I said earlier, it makes more sense now about the whole turf war situation… without that hedgehog, there are struggling quite a bit, but I will limit out. Shadow is quite the tactical move. he's able to keep up with sonic blow for blow.

Where are you sonic? What are you doing? Ughh those are questions for another day, but he will come back once I'm possibly at the height of power or another thing which I will have to possibly reluctantly with the rodent.. He is going to come back. That's how it always works and how it always will be he comes back every time.. ugh maybe, I should have this thing that dreaded hedgehog always has and his friends….ugh "faith" but it's not Faith. He's going to come back. It's a certainty.

But him not being here does give me a bit of pause… when I beat him what should I do? I liked having him around to mock and goals about my victory , but that felt hollow. Hmmm… have I changed that so far?

…… I need to think things through, Eggman out.

here's Eggman's thoughts about Sonic hope you liked it this was my longest eggmemo yet.
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Desperately hiding.
Desperately hiding.

Princess Cordelia gi Randgreiz, Archduchess of Gallia, was doing her best to stay still and not make a sound.

"Tch, filthy darkies." She could hear an imperial soldier nearby his voice filled with distain as his rifle barked, screams echoing in time with the shots. "Why does his highness want to keep them around?" Cordelia held her breath as the man's footsteps came toward her, stopping just on the other side of the flimsy wooden wall. "The whole lot is worthless, sure we can use them but it really isn't worth the trouble when we can just rid of them all.

The man continued to grumble as Cordelia's mind raced. When she went to sleep last night she was in Randgriez having a peaceful sleep for the first time in months since the invasion and insurgency had been stopped. The wars finally over and her country could recover but now…

Somehow she had woken up in the countryside, which by itself wasn't too bad if it wasn't accompanied by the sound of gunshots and blood curdling screams. Somehow the Empire had returned and were hunting her people like dogs. Somehow they had occupied her beloved country. Somehow, somehow, somehow…

Cordelia shoved the spiralling thoughts away, they wouldn't help her right now. The why can be dealt with once she safe-there was a mouse. She was in a abadoaned barn and there was a mouse chewing on a frayed rope.

It looked at her with uncomprehending eyes even as she silently tried to wave it away, and then-


"Eh?" Oh no. "Who's there?!"

She scrambled to the side as bullets perforated the wall.

"Dirty little-trying to hide huh?" *C-C-Crack!* The soldier burst through the dead wooded wall and waved his gun from side to side. "Come on out darkie…" He glanced around as Cordelia hid behind a hay bale. "I know you're there."

*Bang! Bang!* Single shots rang out as the man shot the most likely hiding places. Right to left eventually the only place left was-"Hah!" …Nobody was behind the hay." "...Must have imagined things." The soldier clicked his tongue as he turned to leave-
Cordelia tackled him, and the man cried out as he lost hold of his gun and it went sliding away. "You little-" He got out before she drove a fist-full of nails into the gap between helmet and chestplate.

She was breathing heavily as she watched the man choke on his own blood trying to reach of and strangle her before going limp, and without a word she fell onto her back to stare at the ceiling.

Cordelia was no stranger to violence, not after being kidnapped once and captured twice, but taking a life with her own hands…she hoped she never got used to it. Even if it was necessary.

Turning an ear to the outside she didn't hear anything. No screams no shots, no footsteps…it seemed she was safe for the time being.

But if the rest of Gallia was like this…she eyed the dead man's armor. She couldn't go out undisguised, not with how Darcsens were treated.

…She knew that very well.

Perhaps once this was over she could do something about it but for now, she thought as she stripped the soldier's armor off, she had to survive.

AN: As I said, I'm not letting Cordelia fall into the Empire's hands if I can help it, and she certianly isn't either.

Considering she didn't just surrender to the Empire she clearly has no intentions of getting caught, which likely means she's from a later point in the Valkria timeline, and she got some steel in her spine at that point.

Cause in point the above. She might be in a bad situation but like hell she'll be used against her country.

@Kingster @ShepardCom


It's tough being a Darcsen in Empire controlled territories. Their kind are constantly abused and persecuted by the Emperials ruling the area. Even in this brand new world nothing has changed. Many of the darcsen run to other lands hoping to receive better treatment there…whether they find that or not is up to the air.

Write an Omake of the darcsen's conditions under the empire, as well as they running to other territories and how they react/are received under a different king.

Reward: +/- 10 to the next action the Empire does or +10 to an Empire related action.

Edit: I'm not sure this counts but claiming 'A Darcsen's Plight.'
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Ragnite 101

Ragnite 101

It all started when Dr. Eggman said the fateful phrase. "Give me one good reason why." When Isara tried to convince him to consider mining the Ragnite in the region.

He didn't expect her to come back with a presentation! Did Orbot and Cubot let her into his supplies again?

"Ragnite is a mineral with a myriad of uses, but I have focused on four for the purpose of this presentation," Isara explained, pointing at a picture of a blue rock.

"The first use is as a fuel source. Ragnite is used for lamps, engines, heaters, and other electrical devices. It is a highly effective fuel source, producing more energy than petrol, or coal. However, large devices that run on Ragnite have a tendency to overheat, and require radiators or heat sinks to disperse the excess heat. Tanks have particularly large radiators which glow blue, and provide weak spot on the vehicle."

Eggman found himself nodding along and taking notes. He would have to do some tests himself to see the exact results, but if he could find a way around the heat issue it could be a promising alternative. Also, weaknesses on his enemy's tanks. Good to know...

"Another use for Ragnite is in high-density armor plating. Technically the Ragnite-steel alloy can be used for anything, but due to its weight, hardness, and tensile strength, it's mostly used for military vehicles. Bonding the Ragnite to steel renders it stable and unreactive, making it dense and durable enough to serve as armor plating. It's unable to be unbonded or repurposed once it's been turned into an alloy, but the alloy itself can be melted down and reused."

Again, Eggman took notes. He used his own special alloy for a reason, but looking at new ingredients never hurt…

"Another use is explosive or incendiary weapons, essentially turning its volatility into a strength. It can be used to make fuel for flamethrowers, grenades, lance shells, tank shells, and mortar shells. In Gallia we use it for all manner of explosives, and the Empire is the same."

Ah, that was another angle Eggman didn't consider. Researching the primary tool of the Empire would give him an edge. If he could understand its weaknesses, he could more elegantly design a countermeasure! Brilliant, he was glad he thought of it.

"Finally, Ragnite is used in medical equipment. Particularly Ragnaid. I actually stole one when I went back to the camp you raided…" Isara reached into her pocket and produced a small, handheld device with a blue top. She flipped a switch on the bottom, and it began to glow.

"Ragnaid seems to operate as a painkiller and stimulant. Ragnaid dulls pain without reducing a person's dexterity or ability to feel, and it causes wounds to close quickly, often without leaving a scar."

"Now that is interesting! Does it merely promote cell growth, or does it somehow convert cells into stem cells?" The girl didn't have an answer for Eggman, of course, she didn't! Her world was miles behind on this kind of information, and she didn't have the benefit of a geneticist grandfather to teach her the ropes.

The device in Eggman's hands beeped at him, breaking him out of his thoughts. "I am a very busy man, Miss Gunther, and I have to arrange our priorities very, very carefully," Eggman stressed. Between keeping his minions loyal, taking territory, and rebuilding his empire he may as well have been juggling dozens of objects.

"I initially had no desire to pursue this line of research, however after such a… convincing argument I will take the research of Ragnite into consideration. But! Do not attempt to force the issue. I am the one who will make the final decision."

"Yes, Doctor." Isara nodded.

Eggman brushed past her, quickly reaching the quiet of his workshop. He was coming here to do… something? That infuriating girl made him forget!

Sighing heavily, he took a look at the little memo he made himself over the course of the conversation. If he can't remember what he originally came here to do, he might as well knock out this little time-waster.


  • Highly efficient energy source. (Note: Compared to the Empire's usual fare. Before use, test energy output to see how it compares to Power Cores and Ring Energy)
  • Powerful explosive material. (Note: Compare yield to standard explosives before attempting to change payload)
  • Durable armor plating (Note: Compare durability to standard design before use. Alloy still requires metal to bond with. May reduce the volume of metal required for armor plates?)
  • Medical applications. Painkiller/stimulant? (Note: 'Ragnaid' device appears to operate by sending an electric current through specially treated Ragnite. Produces a blue glow that dulls pain. What is the mode of action here? Do living cells cannibalize the Ragnite particles in the air to provide energy for rapid division? Does the Ragnite simply encourage growth? Fascinating…)


  • Excess Heat: Why, oh why would I want to put a glowing blue 'kick me' sign on all of my robots? Slapping a big blue radiator on the back is just proving you don't know how to properly manage waste heat!
  • Volatility: The only safe Ragnite is in the Ragnite alloy. Raw Ragnite is volatile, which makes the mere act of mining for it dangerous. Ragnite treated for use as fuel or a payload is even worse! (Note: This gives me an excellent idea as to how to kneecap the Empire's supply lines…)
  • New Resource, New Designs: Even if everything works swimmingly, designs must be manually adjusted for even the most minute difference caused by factors such as weight, energy cost, and heat production.
Eggman groaned in frustration and threw the report down on his desk. "I'll make my decision later."

I couldn't quite decide if I wanted this to take the form of Isara trying to sell Eggman on the uses of Ragnite, or Eggman doing his own preliminary research/decision-making. So in the end I decided to kind of do both. I hope you enjoyed Eggman's extrapolation of how Ragnaid might work because I don't think VC ever gives us any help understanding it.

Edit: The funny thing is, I had this in the works long before our current discussion of Ragnite occurred.
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All information accounted for...and an unpleasant theory.
All information accounted for...and an unpleasant theory.

The Chaotix had received a new job from an anonymous client! It was suspicious yeah, but the job itself seemed benign. They just needed to find a missing person, there were unfortunately quite a lot of them after the Shattering.

"Maria Oosawa." Espio said reading over the description they were sent. "Blond haired, human, a photographer who is easily impressed."

"She's looks pretty good." Vector smiled rubbing his chin.

"Yeah she seems really nice! Do you think we could be friends when we find her?" Charmy said spinning in the air.

Vector laughed. "I don't see why not! Maybe she'll even give us a bonus for all our hard work?"

Espio just hummed as he picked up a picture of the girl. She was smiling into the photo while winking with two peace signs. He narrowed his eyes as he rearranged and replaced a few things. Brown eyes with blue, a different outfit… "Maria Robotnik…"

"Eh?" The other two stopped and looked at him.

"This girl, Maria 'Oosawa,'" Espio held up the picture. "Is almost the spitting image of the late Maria Robotnik."

Vector and Charmy leaned in.

"I can sorta see it," Vector hummed. "But she's long dead it can't be her. Besides she looks completely diffferent." Espio shook his head.

"She looks slightly different, and with the world's current state is it really that strange if someone we know looks a little odd? Sonic alone has a half-dozen look-a-likes, and even came back from the dead once. "

"Wait…" Charmy frowned as he put the pieces together. "If Maria was dead but is now alive, and the same happened to Black Doom...does that mean that the Black Arms are holding her hostage to control Shadow?"


"Even if it's an imposter…We need to find her. Yesterday." Espio jumped off the desk.

"Yeah…yeah we do." Vector nodded. "Charmy go with Espio and start looking. I'll stay here and cordinate you guys."

"You got it! We've save the girl in no time!"

Espio nodded.

"We have a job to do." Vector stomped a foot and pointed. "Chaotix Detective agency…roll out!"

Even if this was Eggman again...they'd follow through on this. Not for him, but for that girl, Shadow, and everyone elses sakes.

AN: The Chaotix are...debateably reliable but if they have any right to be dectective they can put the pieces together...even if they are wrong the conclusion is still valid.

Bit interesting trying to write someone without all the information.

@Kingster @ShepardCom @Boohoo the 3rd
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Starline Files: Stone's Eggman
Starline Files: Stone's Eggman
Seeing I have some free time while we are observing the guards - almost nailing a pattern here, by the way - I think I can start compilating some info about the differing Eggmen I've heard from my fellow employees.

I suppose Agent Stone's is a natural first step, considering he was the first visible manifestation of the effects the shattering had in Doctor's psyche - he mentioned feeling something when looking at Rusty Rose, but he also says he saw something so creepy he would rather not revisit that memory if possible - and who am I to question it?

I didn't spend much time with him after our curious coffee, but I did get some tidbits from his interactions with Doctor and caught some habits. So, here's what I gathered about Agent Stone's Doctor Eggman:

For starters, his world is seemingly one without...Cassia and Clover would call it "Mobians", I have my own term for it, but let's be generic and call it "bipedal talking animals with human intelligence". Kinda of a mouthful, but whatever. Apparently, that dimension's variation of Sonic and his friends are all aliens, explicitly coming from other planets and having rings to help them get around...hm, food for thought, considering all the rings in the surroundings. Anyways, in this dimension, doctor Ivo Robotnik was a sort of private contractor for that world's G.U.N. as a private contractor, creating a few gadgets and machines for them, with Stone somehow sneaking in the role as his loyal assistant...which, being Doctor Eggman, is a very impressive feat. Stone admits not knowing much about Ivo's past, but he has been working as his right hand for years before Sonic ended up on Earth.

So, Sonic ends on Earth, a young hedgehog trying to make sense of things and recover his means of transport. Doctor Ivo is asked to investigate the matter and he tries to capture Sonic because of some anomaly of his that lets him generate large amounts of energy at once and is completely green. They fight until Sonic manages to beat him down on what seems to be that dimension's take on Angel Island's Mushroom Hill and he disappears for a few months until he manages to get back alongside Knuckles the Echidna in search of the Chaos Emeralds...which apparently also double as the Master Emerald? I didn't quite get that part. So, he manages to get it and apparently nearly manages to control the world, but the newly-formed Team Sonic manages to stop him in time and then Eggman supposedly falls down to his death after that world's Death Egg Robot is destroyed.

...that's what I could sum up. There are lots of blank spaces in the story, but I get the gist of it. I'll admit, for the standards of technology in his world, that Eggman seems pretty capable. Perhaps Stone was right to follow him...even though I currently prefer the current Doctor, of course. Stone was unsure of the doctor's fate post-battle, but he did hope he was still alive, he couldn't be sure as he was disguised as a G.U.N. soldier to escape pursuit when the Shattering happened.

Post-shattering, triggering this particular set of memories seemed to alter some of Doctor Eggman's tastes. He took a liking for a certain type of coffee I didn't even know he liked it - and I did know one of his favorite sweets is eggnog, and boy howdy that wasn't exactly easy to find! - and also got him some sweet dancing moves, if the video he posted for his return is anything to say. I also saw the doctor making drawings of some sort of drone that seemed out of his design ballpark and his Death Egg Robot project...it's still in the project phase, I heard doctor grumbling on making it to fight the Zeti, but I had a copy of the vintage design in my cave and it seemed different, leading me to believe that Stone's Eggman is playing some influence in the new design.

I will try to keep this updated on the different Eggmen that pop up, but right now I think we've found our breach. With that, Starline out.
Eggmemo: Deadly Six
Eggmemo: Deadly Six

Ahh the deadly six, more deadly pain in my neck. Ugh I remember, forcing those brutes to help me conquer the lost hex and the world down below with my machine. I remember finding out this information during my research. After the time either fiasco…. Not fun being trapped in the void for a while it took only those differing morons cubot and orbot to get me out of the void with my past self, which I assume he probably returned back to his time period.

But I digress, as I was fuming over my recent lost against that blasted hedgehog sonic I came across the descriptions of an island floating in the sky. I know how original another island in the sky. but this one was different because resemble the planet half complete however it was home to the legendary forgotten race the Zeti who could control machinery with their powers. Luckily, it also told me of a location of the conch. Which sound waves were so strong acted as a suppressant to their technological control. But unfortunately, that moronic hedgehog broke it so it caused the deadly six to use my machine to try to destroy earth.

So once I acquired it, I force the deadly Six who seemed to be the only individuals left. it's quite strange. what happened to the rest of their race? Questions for another day and a certain prisoners once I get them out of my empire. I will put them in a hall so deep, but even light itself couldn't find them because they have taken some thing that does not belong to those those thieving moronic brutes!

Ahem, rant aside each member of the deadly six possessed unique abilities. Zazz the crazy one of the group possessed a moon mech could shoot energy towards it. It can float and fly. He also possess the ability along with the other Zeti to Shoot energy constructions. it was more like a wild animal than a person.

Zomzom was there muscle. He has enough strength to be on with knuckles and durability. But unfortunately, his intelligence or lack of a vulnerability I could exploit with well place maneuvers and tactics. He also possesses an appetite only to arrival of that of sonic his appetite for chili dogs. I could lay some food with sedatives to make him weak and drowsy.

Bah too many unexpected variables I really didn't test how their bodies really work with any of my methods. In hindsight, maybe just relying on the conch to keep them in line was a bad idea. Well once I promptly defeat them, I will create a prison specifically designed for them. I'm not letting them go back to their island in peace. Or if I do, they'll be in pieces..

Ahem, the third member of the deadly six is zena She possesses a snowman robot. she also has the ability to produce red energy tethers to use as weapons or to control people as puppets. Fortunately enough, she's too lazy to get motivated sometimes. Hmmm… I could try to subvert her on my side once I beat the deadly six… hmmm I'll put that away for later.

The fourth member is the oldest one of the deadly six master zik. He somehow has the ability to conjure very strong fruit to attack his targets plus, he's quite nimble and strong for his age.. he acts sorta like a guide to their leader Zavok. I will have questions for him. But besides that he possesses no machine of his own.

The fifth member is the gloomy Zhor. He possesses a machine that resembles an owl. And beyond that, he also has his own unique ability. He can create shadow copies of himself with what he calls dark magic. Luckily enough, I have my own individual with magic Pistoal which I will pit her against zhor. I might need to make a special special so that no shade allowed

And finally to the last member and leader, who is fuming of my glorious newest return Zavok. as the leader of the deadly six, he possesses many abilities and great strength. he can turn gigantic if he has enough energy to do so. He can shoot fireballs. he possesses his own machine a dragon which can shoot electricity.

Individually, they would be easily dealt with but together that would require me to have enough territory and badniks and commanders to take them all down and get back by Empire. Having the conch play above, the battlefield would very much nullify their technological control. But they wouldn't exactly give me control of my machines again after since they've forcefully recruit this Chuck. Who intern reprogrammed my machines to recognize as them as their masters.

Whoever this Chuck was, he must've possible dealt with a variant of me. They're only a few individuals who can crack my code. But it makes sense now of how my machines and all of them are under their control. Seems like they were smart enough to find someone who was quite intelligence to deal with reprogramming my machines.

But there is no doubt that big moron Zavok is possibly gearing up to assault my base. Well the base I made public that is anyway. But that means I have to prepare my defenses so that I don't suffer too much damage. Seems like I have to test miss Gunther once again with my greatest machine I've ever invaded for the first time the death egg robo.

If she can prove that I might start reconsidering about the stray she brought in if they give their weight on making it. If I'm lucky and play my cards right I can take out that moron Zavok capture the other five without their leader and to injured. And if it does go well, and that does happen, it will be another great play by the great Eggman. And oh and his newest egg Empire soilders.

Another memo this time about the biggest pain in our neck so far
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Egg Memo: Emerald Powers
Egg Memo: Emerald Powers

Ah, the Chaos Emeralds, such powerful gems meant to fuel my machines and the bane of my schemes on far too many occasions. Their power is unparalleled, their potential limitless, yet even now, they manage to surprise me. Case in point: their peculiar behavior on the Northstar Islands.

Even Sonic seemed caught off guard by the Emeralds' strange new abilities there, from what I observed the Chaos Emeralds exhibited powers I'd never seen before even in all my years of study, , clone generation, liquidification, hyper acceleration of plant grow and more. Naturally, this piqued my curiosity.

When I finally acquired one of the Emeralds in a later date, I devoted considerable time and resources to replicating these abilities in my lab. I tried everything: energy manipulation, controlled environmental variables, even simulations of the Northstar Islands' unique magnetic and geological makeup. However, no matter what I did, the Emerald stubbornly refused to reproduce the phenomena I had observed.

This led me to an intriguing hypothesis: the Chaos Emeralds' abilities may not be solely intrinsic. Instead, their properties might be influenced, perhaps even amplified, by the unique energies of the regions they are located. The Northstar Islands could have some latent energy field that allowed the Emeralds to manifest new powers.

It's no wonder some cultures have called the Chaos Emeralds "miracle gems" and waged entire wars over them, a detail that was vexing me until that time since alone they could not do much except generate energy, their ability to adapt and evolve with their surroundings lends credence to their mystical reputation. Could it be that these abilities are tied to the environment's energy resonance, or some interaction between the Emeralds and the ambient aetheric field of the region in question?

Then there was Starfall Islands, Sage reported to me that at several points Sonic was able to go in his Super Form without all Seven Chaos Emeralds. I know for a fact if Sonic was able to do with only one of them he would done so by now. Cyberspace could have been the cause for it, since no doubt Acient technology would boost the Chaos Emeralds abilities due to how tied they were together.

This brings me to the Shattering whose ramifications I'm still unraveling. If regions like the Northstar Islands and Starfall Islands are capable of coaxing unique properties from the Emeralds, then what kind of powers would emerge in a world teeming with anomalies and energies from other dimensions clashing together?

Of course, this is all speculation. I do have the Blue Chaos Emerald in my possession but once time allows it I will conduct a more thoroughly study to see if this new world bring forth new abilities to them.

(line break)

I was just watching Sonic Superstar and observed Sonic clone ability with the Blue Gem. Start to wonder how it happen.

According to cannon places with unique magical energy, such as Northstar Islands, allow the Chaos Emeralds to display unique abilities that can't be replicated elsewhere.

Obviously Eggman would try to replicate them but came up with nothing, however with he Shattering he no doubt would wonder if the Chaos Emeralds would react to this new environment just as they did in Northstar, after mystical energies from different universes are clashing with each other at the moment.
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