I suspect Team Chaotix is going to get a lot of money from us since they're detectives we can hire for a personal. hell, maybe it'll go on long enough that they won't immediately get pissed at us when they figure out it's Eggman because well, we've been actually paying them this time.
I suspect Team Chaotix is going to get a lot of money from us since they're detectives we can hire for a personal. hell, maybe it'll go on long enough that they won't immediately get pissed at us when they figure out it's Eggman because well, we've been actually paying them this time.
Remember that even if Vector likes money, the Chaotix are Good Guys.

If they find out you're their client there is a real possibility they flip on you or worse.
I mean would they if they don't have any recent good reasons?, sure we may have ulterior motives, but we haven't done anything remotely evil at the moment.

Like starting from turn 2 we liberated a camp of slaves from a bunch of assholes.

we have been curing an at the moment incurable disease.

Are trying to deal with the sudden demon infestation that no doubt has everyone tired.

Kicked the black arms where it really hurts and pushed them out of green hills.

We created a care unit for someone to have more time while we get to the cure of her disease.

We got a daughter now, also more in the making when it comes to Belle and probably Isara.

Tried to find Sonic, cause we are worried the blue pest is not doing his usual heroing stuff.

Like the most evil thing at the moment will be the heist and even then the devil you know is a saying for something.

And we are not cheaping on pay this time, we are actually giving them their hard earned money, from our hard earned and ravished coffers.
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This one lf course.
If you hire then again thought thats another story

How exactly would that even work anyway the only contact is a old radio that we likely use Starline to directly open a portal to they door offics to deliver it so no adress or witness and it's not like we are sending them to places only Eggman should have a awareness of the situation like it happen in Sonic Heroes thus giving them clues.

If anything we would be hiring them to go into places Eggman has no influence.
How exactly would that even work anyway the only contact is a old radio that we likely use Starline to directly open a portal to they door offics to deliver it so no adress or witness and it's not like we are sending them to places only Eggman should have a awareness of the situation like it happen in Sonic Heroes thus giving them clues.

If anything we would be hiring them to go into places Eggman has no influence.

...You do realize that's pretty sus right? Just droppping a radio/info right unto them. Like they will try to check who is the one hiring them. They did learn from Sonic Heroes. They don't know it's you nor they will clue in right away, but if they pass the roll, they will figure it out, if they don't do it earlier know that Eggman has announced himself.

I mean would they if they don't have any recent good reasons?, sure we may have ulterior motives, but we haven't done anything remotely evil at the moment.

Like starting from turn 2 we liberated a camp of slaves from a bunch of assholes.

we have been curing an at the moment incurable disease.

Are trying to deal with the sudden demon infestation that no doubt has everyone tired.

Kicked the black arms where it really hurts and pushed them out of green hills.

We created a care unit for someone to have more time while we get to the cure of her disease.

We got a daughter now, also more in the making when it comes to Belle and probably Isara.

Tried to find Sonic, cause we are worried the blue pest is not doing his usual heroing stuff.

Like the most evil thing at the moment will be the heist and even then the devil you know is a saying for something.

And we are not cheaping on pay this time, we are actually giving them their hard earned money, from our hard earned and ravished coffers.

A) You send Metal there and he pretty much killed every Empire soldier there.

B) They don't know about Cassia and the disease unless you approach them and explian that to them.

C)The black arms is expected, for self preservation if nothing else.

D) The Looking for sonic while understandable, it's pretty obvious for mnay that Eggman would look for him to attack his nemesis again.

Like, no offense, but as I said before, there ain't a Sonic here to talk about second chances and convicne the others to give you a chance, you(Eggman) HAVE several games worth of crimes under your belt that many people DO remember (YOU LITERALLY TOOK OVER ALMOST ALL THE WORLD BEFORE THE SHATTERING/SONIC FORCES). They aren't gonna just forget and forgive you just for a few acts, specially cause they know eggman can fake it too.
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...You do realize that's pretty sus right? Just droppping a radio/info right unto them. Like they will try to check who is the one hiring them. They did learn from Sonic Heroes. They don't know it's you nor they will clue in right away, but if they pass the roll, they will figure it out, if they don't do it earlier know that Eggman has announced himself.

Oh I don't mean is not suspcious but why single out Eggman himself is a bit weird because we would send then into places Eggman has no influence therefore not giving much to going on.

I was question how in the world they would even start aince is not like we are giving them clues we know more of the situation that we are letting and have intimatly information about Eggman operations.

Like, no offense, but as I said before, there ain't a Sonic here to talk about second chances and convicne the others to give you a chance, you(Eggman) HAVE several games worth of crimes under your belt that many people DO remember (YOU LITERALLY TOOK OVER ALMOST ALL THE WORLD BEFORE THE SHATTERING/SONIC FORCES). They aren't gonna just forget and forgive you just for a few acts, specially cause they know eggman can fake it too

Yeah Eggman goung have to work hard to make people give him a second chance.

Such as genuine helping the opressed darcsen would at least make the Restoration give us a chance so they can speak on our behalf, relunctly but still.
Oh I don't mean is not suspcious but why single out Eggman himself is a bit weird because we would send then into places Eggman has no influence therefore not giving much to going on.

I was question how in the world they would even start aince is not like we are giving them clues we know more of the situation that we are letting and have intimatly information about Eggman operations.
Who knows? Thats only an issue if they pass the DC if they do they figure it out. How? Well you will see in rival report.

Again they Dont know its you nor suspect you, but they Can discover it was you hiring them.
Remember kids, the only person it gets easier to trick with the same lie every time is Knuckles.

You can trick him with the same damn lie every time.
A) You send Metal there and he pretty much killed every Empire soldier there.

B) They don't know about Cassia and the disease unless you approach them and explian that to them.

C)The black arms is expected, for self preservation if nothing else.

D) The Looking for sonic while understandable, it's pretty obvious for mnay that Eggman would look for him to attack his nemesis again.

Like, no offense, but as I said before, there ain't a Sonic here to talk about second chances and convicne the others to give you a chance, you(Eggman) HAVE several games worth of crimes under your belt that many people DO remember (YOU LITERALLY TOOK OVER ALMOST ALL THE WORLD BEFORE THE SHATTERING/SONIC FORCES). They aren't gonna just forget and forgive you just for a few acts, specially cause they know eggman can fake it too.

Being the good guy is overrated anyway, SV's questers weird obsession with adoption aside, Dr. Eggman, Mr: Shoves animals into robots, I will blow up the moon and hold the planet hostage, actually blow up the planet to unleash Evil Mother Nature for an amusement park, Enslave and capture an entire sapient species for another larger amusement park, and more

Eggman was never going to be a "Good guy."

People don't just forget the horrible list of crimes against sapient life he has committed. And neither does Eggman. He's not Archie Eggman, but people really forget that game/IDW Eggman is horrible. Like Sonic Colors was goofy and all. But actually put it into perspective that the Whisps are a fully sapient species and Eggman enslaved them all. All of them. And was draining them dry for all that they were worth. Potentially to death.

He has virtues. Sage is indeed one of them and undoubtedly sparks growth in him. But that bar is still very low. And Dr. Eggman is never going to do a complete 180 flip on his lack of morals.

Edit: It technically didn't happen because of the Shattering, but pointing out the plan with the Metal Virus still semi counts as this is game/IDW Eggman predominately. That plan involved infecting the entire planet with a zombie virus and people forget that it was baked into the virus that everyone would die in 200 Years. So Eggman was just going to kill all life on earth.
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Archie Eggman literally rewrote reality towards the end of the comic's run. Sonic and Sally never met in that new reality, but they still managed to find each other.

And then Sal got roboticized. Metal Sonic detonated and put Antoine in a coma. Things were getting pretty bad.

Before all of that? Destroyed his own reality when he won then traveled to Archie Sonic's universe so he could win again. Roboticized Mobians. Gave the Dark Legion cybernetics then revealed he planted bombs in them. The Egg Grapes, energy extractors for living beings. He killed a lot, and I mean a LOT, of people with them and although Charmy escaped from one, he had the mentality of a 6 year old afterwards. He was a teenager at the time. When his nephew Snively betrayed him, Archie Eggman beat the ever living everything out of him, then built a robotic clone of Snively to keep up appearances while imprisoning the real one in this tiny capsule. I know I'm missing some points, but yeah. Game Eggman wasn't even close to his level of sadism.

ETA: Yeah, if Egghead changes, it'll be gradual but not complete.
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Archie Eggman literally rewrote reality towards the end of the comic's run. Sonic and Sally never met in that new reality, but they still managed to find each other.

And then Sal got roboticized. Metal Sonic detonated and put Antoine in a coma. Things were getting pretty bad.

Before all of that? Destroyed his own reality when he won then traveled to Archie Sonic's universe so he could win again. Roboticized Mobians. Gave the Dark Legion cybernetics then revealed he planted bombs in them. The Egg Grapes, energy extractors for living beings. He killed a lot, and I mean a LOT, of people with them and although Charmy escaped from one, he had the mentality of a 6 year old afterwards. He was a teenager at the time. When his nephew Snively betrayed him, Archie Eggman beat the ever living everything out of him, then built a robotic clone of Snively to keep up appearances while imprisoning the real one in this tiny capsule. I know I'm missing some points, but yeah. Game Eggman wasn't even close to his level of sadism.

game/IDW Eggman's whole idea with the Time Eater was basically rewriting reality. If you forget. The only difference is that he failed. And the Egg Grapes? In Lost World Eggman was draining life from the planet and people. And again Sonic Colors. To reiterate again. game/IDW Eggman enslaved the entire species of sapient aliens to drain them. Just like the Egg Grapes. And without a doubt game/IDW Eggman has also killed a lot of people. Especially with the stunt with blowing up chunks of the earth with Dark Gaia and then him conquering the entire world in a massive war.

The only difference between Archie Eggman and game/IDW Eggman is that Archie is more actively sadistic and hateful. That's it. And while game/IDW Eggman doesn't actively care about causing suffering. He doesn't not care about doing so either. He will enslave an entire sapient species and drain them to their last drop. Undoubtedly ending in their extinction. He will kill all life on earth with a zombie virus. He will rewrite reality through time travel undoing literally everyone who ever lived. He just isn't actively sadistic. But he still doesn't care about the suffering he causes or the lives lost. No matter the scale.

He is horrible. Actually Evil. Silly and bombastic. But evil.

Edit: Not to put a damper on anyone's hopes to bring out the good in our Eggman of course. The quest is it's own thing and Mr. Tinker and Sage especially are the steps needed to begin to do so. But as the Devil from the Bible would say. He has got some Sin Points and a lot of them.
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A new seed of life.
I have been rewatching Sonic X have some tearful reunions.

A new seed of life.

When she made her decision she though it would be the end of everything.

Her species had done so much damage to everyone and she wouldn't let him destroy everything on the universe.

The time was short, but the memories she experienced with her friends would be something that would accompany her to the afterlife.

Anyone else may have regretted it, but she didn't, she had caused them so much trouble.

And her decision to do what she did was for their sake, to save them.

To save him.

Did she had regrets? yes, she really wanted to spend more time with everyone.

Would she change her choice if she had the chance? no, it was the only possible way to stop what was happening.

She cannot remember well, but she sweared she could hear the voice of the one she cared the most in those last moments.

Then everything was a bright light as her last moments on the world of the living were thinking on the one she cared the most.

That her sacrifice wasn't in vain and that despite not longer being at his side in physical form, she could be in spirit.

She clearly remembers losing her conciousness as both of them were embraced by the light.

So why was she now feeling a wooden floor?

As the girl finally opened her eyes, she could barely see as the room she had found herself in was pretty dark outside from the light coming from the windows.

She could tell it was a workshop, nothing too different from the one he had showed her many times.

But she couldn't really tell what most of the things were as the workshop was really different from the one she knew.

Papers scattered everywhere, tools all around the floor, robotic projects on the shelves and turned off.

It was nostalgic and yet also different.

As she continued checking the place she found a mirror.

Cosmo was beyond confused if she was honest.

She was supposed to be death, she is sure even her species shouldn't be able to come back from what happened at the final battle with Dark Oak.

So why is she here?

Was this the aftelife or anything similar?

She really couldn't tell.

Still she couldn't help but try to continue exploring the place.

She didn't know where she was and if she was honest the sheer fact that she was walking once again was still trying to register in her mind.

And it didn't help that her attention was taken away by a single thing in the workshop.

A little potted plant that was still growing.

If there was any way to get some kind of information about her current whereabouts, then she hopes the little plant would be willing to help her, she is grateful that her species can communicate with other plant life.

If she was honest she got mixed results.

The little sprout was still too young to really understand her, but she could make out certain words from the little sprout.

Gentle, caring, courageous, loyal.

That is just some of the words that she got when she asked the little sprout about the owner of the place.

At least she knew that whoever owned the place would at least try to hear her out first.

And yet as she continued exploring she felt some doubt at that.

Especially because the board she had found irked her in a bad way.

The board was filled with images of places she didn't recognize, all of them marked with a red cross as if it was saying a negative on the area.

But that wasn't what irked her.

No what irked he was the photo at the center of said board.

It would be hard to not recognize it after all, she came especifically in the past searching for said person in her plight of help.

Whoever owned this workshop was searching for Sonic The Hedgehog.

The reason she didn't know why.

But something told her that something bad was happening.

And the question finally came up again.

Just where was she now?

Her thoughs are finally interrupted as she hears the sound of something approaching.

It wasn't like the Tornado X.

No it was something a lot more noisy.

Despite what the little sprout had told her she decided to hide, she didn't know how the one approaching would react to her.

She really just hopes she doesn't cause more trouble.

Tails was more than baffled, he didn't know how much time it has been since Sonic dissapeared.

And to say everything was a mess would be putting it lightly.

The return of the black arms, Shadow for some reason helping the aliens, Ζavok taking control of Eggman old empire, new enemies appearing out of the woodwork.
As the two tailed fox was ready land the Tornado he saw that Amy was also closing in on his workshop.

Probably with not good news.

The fox sighed at that.

''Sonic where are you?'' the fox muttered under his breath asking for his best friend/brother.

He knew Sonic liked to go whenever he wanted, but when there was problem he would be ready to jump into the action.

And yet they still knew nothing of his location.

As he finally landed the fox got down from his plane and greeted Amy.

''Hello Amy, any news?'' Tails asked her pink friend wishing for some good news.

''Sadly no Tails, by this point we have gone trough probably trough 50% of Green Hills and still no news, seriously where is that guy?!'' Amy said in a angry, but worried tone.

Tails just sighed at that, they really hoped that Sonic could be found within Green Hills and yet they found nothing.

The restoration and G.U.N. territory had been pretty much searched from up and down without problem.

But they had taken a lot more time to search trough the Ζeti territory without raising too much suspiction.

Ζavok was very clear with Sonic during that incident and while Amy and he could fight the deadly 6, it was another thing entirely if they decided to stop playing with them and tried to go for the kill.

Tails saw how the Ζeti acted back then and only thanks to their nature Sonic was able to beat them one by one in their hubris.

And even then that was Sonic, he doubts he could take on his lonesome the deadly 6 without some heavy back up.

As Tails opened the door to his workshop he invited Amy in to continue marking which part of the territory of Green Hills they had been in.

Between having to help combat the hordes of badniks, having to search for Sonic, helping the restoration in general he was feeling tired.

With everything being this much of a mess no one would blame him.

While Amy went to get them both some drinks, he continued marking the places they have been in.

His mind wondering when anything good will happen.

Ever since the Shattering everything has been going down the drain.

And without Sonic to help he cannot help but feel useless at the situation.

Despite his intellect he always had relied on Sonic to truly solve the problems.

''Sonic just where are you?'' the little Fox said once more in a sad tone as a single tear escapes his eye.

But without missing a beat he feels a sound behind him.

Had he forgotten to close his workshop door again?

But nothing would prepare him for what came next.

''Tails is that you?'' a timid and delicate voice reached his ears.

And when he looked back and saw what looked to be a plant girl and when he started to formulate the question of who was her, his head did nothing more than have a splitting headache.

[Shattered Mind Rol- INTERRUPT].

Cosmo couldn't believe it.

She really couldn't, after all she didn't think that whatever is out there would leave her in this place.

She couldn't believe this was Tails workshop.

And yet as she stayed hidden one of the furniture of the place

She could recognize her dear friends anywhere.

And yet she didn't jump to greet them because she was doubtful.

She was worried about what they we're talking about.

Sonic missing? Where was Green Hills exactly?, was it really him?

Would he forgive her?

The seedrian girl had many questions.

But she noticed that her mind took far too long as she saw that Amy was gone.

At that point despite her doubts she steeled herself and asked the question.

Only for her worry to increase as she saw her dear friend grabbing his head in pain and falling to the floor.

At that moment Cosmo hurried to be place where the yellow Fox laid down.

''Tails, what is happening? are You okay?'' Cosmo worried about her friend.

It took some minutes but the headache looks like it finally went away as the Fox finally looked to the seedrian to the face.

What happened next left Cosmo feeling a lot more guilty.

As she saw the eyes of her dear friend fill with nothing but tears.

The Fox was scared as if he has seen a Ghost, as his trembling hands tried to touch the seedrian hands almost as if to comfirm his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.

When each other hands touched the Fox couldn't help but continue crying repeating just a set of words.

''It is really you'' Tails said in a broken voice.

At that point Cosmo couldn't contain herself no more either.

Her mind couldn't really Tell how long it had been since that fateful day, but her soul could.

It had been far too long.

She wanted to go away, to rot away in any place but here, because she understood she had hurt Tails in a way she cannot even begin to understand.

But her backing away was stopped by the Fox launching at her.

Not to hurt her.

But to hug her and not letting her go.

Tails was still crying still repeating the same phrase.

To which Cosmo had joined him and returned the hug not letting him go either.

She was crying because despite everything she did, despite the painful choice she made him take, he forgave her.

''It is really you Cosmo'' Tails repeated once more still crying on her shoulder.

Cosmo crying on his shoulder finally responded ''Yes Tails, it is me, I am finally here''.

The two didn't get to continue the moment much longer as a worried Amy had come back only to find both the Fox and the Seedrian hugging and crying on each other shoulder.

Cosmo could only notice that Amy had suffered from the same headache as Tails did when he saw her.

Only to moments later for the pink Hedgehog to hug her too and saying she was glad that the Seedrian was here.

This event no doubt leaves more questions than answers on the heads of the 3 individuals that find themselves in this workshop.

But they don't care at the moment.

Cosmo is just glad to have such great Friends.

Meanwhile Tails and Amy are glad, they are glad and happy that a friend they though to be lost for what it felt like an eternity is finally back with all of them.

well another omake and one full of tears.

I like Tails as a character so sue me if it is Bad that I want for this Fox to be happy once in his life.

Especially since the universe just seems to love tl give him shit hands

Seriosly Tails no doubt would had been heavely traumatized from that stunt at the end of Sonic X.

And yet the Shattering seems to be also giving second chances to certain people.

If Black Doom got revives, Isara got brought back from death, why no give the chance to certain plant girl.

Besides we just got Sage back.

The good guys also deserve something good happening to them in this clusterfuck.

Especially My boy Tails
If we find out Cousin Maria is actually alive.

We really need to make that cure.

Edit: Thinking on it more....

@Kingster I doubt it, but given that this involves hacking Robots and the Eggnet is Eggman's own creation, would the Eggtronics Trait proc for Hacking Zavok's Databases?
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Ah sonic… there are so many things I could say about that blue rodent, I could say that he is the bane of my existence. However every genius plan I have is thwarted by that blue menace. About how much loathe him, hate even…. I can't help but admit he is quite possibly the closest thing of what one would call….." friend" or someone who always shows up to stop me… oh to be really honest he's probably the only person that I've actually talked to besides his friend group that isn't a machine

That's how it's always been…Will always be, I cause trouble the blue rodent and his horrid friends stop me. I escape I say I'll revenge all that jazz. it's a cycle and I've noticed it a long time but it was a comfortable one…is a comfortable one. Reminiscing about that blue rodent makes me remember the first time I even met him.

I found unique energy signatures originating from south Island. I was young and fresh faced from finally building my machine army, the conquer it. so once I took over south island and set up shop I found a very things that have been the both of my existence and possibly the most wonderful item I've ever found in my life… besides Sage of course.

The Chaos Emeralds, gems full of energy that was so multiple it could be used in theoretically everything. You could power cities even my own death egg which I used it of course. The possibilities were limitless with those emeralds, and I was the only one who had them. I could've powered multiple factories making more of my glorious machines. I could've ruled the world with those emeralds.

Seems like fate had other plans for me. As I was searching for the amount I came across him. Turns out the island wasn't only inhabited by regular animals. It was inhabited by that blue rodent Sonic The Hedgehog. It terms out that little blue pest had a very unique response to my forces. he destroyed them even the machines I personally made them piloted to fight against that rodent.

He won… he won against me. he dismantled my forces on the island and he kicked me out. That was the first time I've ever tasted defeat by him. I was also the first time our meeting would always go continuous. It was possibly the most humiliating thing that ever happened to me. I vengeance and the rest as well you know.

My return, angel Island, The chaos incident, space ark, time eater, dark Gaia, colors, Lost hex! Even my latest plan against the murder some hedgehog operation egg man forces was a failure. I'm not including the whole frontiers incident. I was there, but I wasn't responsible for that thing calling the chaos emerald there.

And each of my operations, I started expect failure caused by the blue rodent. It was sort of comforting in a weird way. But did that ever stop me and my attempts to conquer the world? No, even more determined to beat that rodent. I kept coming up with bigger plans bigger machines.

I made metal, conquered alien planets, tamed, ancient powerful beings with my genius intellect alone. As the hedgehog goes stronger, I grow more smarter. I continuously thought of new ways new machines, new death egg robots. I am admit the forces I might have gotten sloppy.

I might've blamed that on my lower guard and laxness due to having the blue rodent in my base as my prisoner. It didn't help that moron, infinite just nonsense about the power of the prototype phantom Ruby. Ugh…. Why did he have to be a mercenary? He wasn't even creative with that, too wasteful on him. He did prove to be a good guinea pig though for data collection on the prototype.

Hmmm… is it possible that the phantom Ruby is still here? No, not possible before the last thing I blacked out and promptly lost my memories. It was the Ruby disappearing, possibly returning back to its home dimension. I still have the plans for the prototype, but that's…. In a tight situation right now.

Even this whole shattering, I expected that blue rodent to come here to save the day zooming around beating this empire. Subduing the black arms… you know all that hero stuff he does. I do admit, and I rarely admit this his strike didn't speed or the real deal. It would've been a cakewalk with him to defeat all of the opponents and Greenhill getting total control for the..Ugh G.U.N. Restoration alliance.

But he is not here. Sonic is not even in the green zone. How do I know this? I finally decided that it was time after my glorious return of taking out the black arms after they were strategically weaken, and without their commander shadow. That they were right for the picking. I would try to find him with metal.. it did not work due to metal being distracted, watching shadow getting his hand kicked to him.. might consider putting a limit of how much video time he has.

Anyway, besides metal distraction. he searched far and wide in the Greenhill zone. He checked every known spot where that hedgehog would've been should have been at.. but that's the thing he's not here. that's impossible. He should be in Greenhill but he's not.

It's quite possible due to the shattering he must've gotten sent to a different part of this New World…Which I have not checked out yet due to the turf war. For the Greenhill zones, it has keeping me distracted all right. But that starts to make a lot of things more sense. The black arm shouldn't have originally have more territory back then before the gun alliance took out shadow.

Even the Empire would've been soundly defeated by that rodent. I had an easy time even metal did so it would've been cakewalk for sonic…

I do not want to admit this, but I have to wonder if he is OK…. I'm not worried I'm just curious what kind of situation he is I do not care for that blue rodent. I only care of beating him for the final time proving my superiority over that blue menace…. no one can beat him and if they do or if they even killed him, which is impossible because I've tried for years against that blue rodent… I would break their world would destroy them by molecule by molecule because they have taken the thing I have claimed as mine!

Ahem…pardon that rant again. But like I said earlier, it makes more sense now about the whole turf war situation… without that hedgehog, there are struggling quite a bit, but I will limit out. Shadow is quite the tactical move. he's able to keep up with sonic blow for blow.

Where are you sonic? What are you doing? Ughh those are questions for another day, but he will come back once I'm possibly at the height of power or another thing which I will have to possibly reluctantly with the rodent.. He is going to come back. That's how it always works and how it always will be he comes back every time.. ugh maybe, I should have this thing that dreaded hedgehog always has and his friends….ugh "faith" but it's not Faith. He's going to come back. It's a certainty.

But him not being here does give me a bit of pause… when I beat him what should I do? I liked having him around to mock and goals about my victory , but that felt hollow. Hmmm… have I changed that so far?

…… I need to think things through, Eggman out.

here's Eggman's thoughts about Sonic hope you liked it this was my longest eggmemo yet.
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Ah sonic… there are so many things I could say about that blue rodent, I could say that he is the bane of my existence. However every genius plan I have is thwarted by that blue menace. About how much loathe him, hate even…. I can't help but admit he is quite possibly the closest thing of what one would call….." friend" or someone who always shows up to stop me… oh to be really honest he's probably the only person that I've actually talked to besides his friend group that isn't a machine

That's how it's always been…Will always be, I cause trouble the blue rodent and his horrid friends stop me. I escape I say I'll revenge all that jazz. it's a cycle and I've noticed it a long time but it was a comfortable one…is a comfortable one. Reminiscing about that blue rodent makes me remember the first time I even met him.

I found unique energy signatures originating from south Island. I was young and fresh faced from finally building my machine army, the conquer it. so once I took over south island and set up shop I found a very things that have been the both of my existence and possibly the most wonderful item I've ever found in my life… besides Sage of course.

The Chaos Emeralds, gems full of energy that was so multiple it could be used in theoretically everything. You could power cities even my own death egg which I used it of course. The possibilities were limitless with those emeralds, and I was the only one who had them. I could've powered multiple factories making more of my glorious machines. I could've ruled the world with those emeralds.

Seems like fate had other plans for me. As I was searching for the amount I came across him. Turns out the island wasn't only inhabited by regular animals. It was inhabited by that blue rodent Sonic The Hedgehog. It terms out that little blue pest had a very unique response to my forces. he destroyed them even the machines I personally made them piloted to fight against that rodent.

He won… he won against me. he dismantled my forces on the island and he kicked me out. That was the first time I've ever tasted defeat by him. I was also the first time our meeting would always go continuous. It was possibly the most humiliating thing that ever happened to me. I vengeance and the rest as well you know.

My return, angel Island, The chaos incident, space ark, time eater, dark Gaia, colors, Lost hex! Even my latest plan against the murder some hedgehog operation egg man forces was a failure. I'm not including the whole frontiers incident. I was there, but I wasn't responsible for that thing calling the chaos emerald there.

And each of my operations, I started expect failure caused by the blue rodent. It was sort of comforting in a weird way. But did that ever stop me and my attempts to conquer the world? No, even more determined to beat that rodent. I kept coming up with bigger plans bigger machines.

I made metal, conquered alien planets, tamed, ancient powerful beings with my genius intellect alone. As the hedgehog goes stronger, I grow more smarter. I continuously thought of new ways new machines, new death egg robots. I am admit the forces I might have gotten sloppy.

I might've blamed that on my lower guard and laxness due to having the blue rodent in my base as my prisoner. It didn't help that moron, infinite just nonsense about the power of the prototype phantom Ruby. Ugh…. Why did he have to be a mercenary? He wasn't even creative with that, too wasteful on him. He did prove to be a good guinea pig though for data collection on the prototype.

Hmmm… is it possible that the phantom Ruby is still here? No, not possible before the last thing I blacked out and promptly lost my memories. It was the Ruby disappearing, possibly returning back to its home dimension. I still have the plans for the prototype, but that's…. In a tight situation right now.

Even this whole shattering, I expected that blue rodent to come here to save the day zooming around beating this empire. Subduing the black arms… you know all that hero stuff he does. I do admit, and I rarely admit this his strike didn't speed or the real deal. It would've been a cakewalk with him to defeat all of the opponents and Greenhill getting total control for the..Ugh G.U.N. Restoration alliance.

But he is not here. Sonic is not even in the green zone. How do I know this? I finally decided that it was time after my glorious return of taking out the black arms after they were strategically weaken, and without their commander shadow. That they were right for the picking. I would try to find him with metal.. it did not work due to metal being distracted, watching shadow getting his hand kicked to him.. might consider putting a limit of how much video time he has.

Anyway, besides metal distraction. he searched far and wide in the Greenhill zone. He checked every known spot where that hedgehog would've been should have been at.. but that's the thing he's not here. that's impossible. He should be in Greenhill but he's not.

It's quite possible due to the shattering he must've gotten sent to a different part of this New World…Which I have not checked out yet due to the turf war. For the Greenhill zones, it has keeping me distracted all right. But that starts to make a lot of things more sense. The black arm shouldn't have originally have more territory back then before the gun alliance took out shadow.

Even the Empire would've been soundly defeated by that rodent. I had an easy time even metal did so it would've been cakewalk for sonic…

I do not want to admit this, but I have to wonder if he is OK…. I'm not worried I'm just curious what kind of situation he is I do not care for that blue rodent. I only care of beating him for the final time proving my superiority over that blue menace…. no one can beat him and if they do or if they even killed him, which is impossible because I've tried for years against that blue rodent… I would break their world would destroy the molecule molecule because they have taken the thing I have claimed as mine!

Ahem…pardon that rant again. But like I said earlier, it makes more sense now about the whole turf war situation… without that hedgehog, there are struggling quite a bit, but I will limit out. Shadow is quite the tactical move. he's able to keep up with sonic blow for blow.

Where are you sonic? What are you doing? What's so more important than coming back to the green hill…. I wish to not know the answer but… I will have this thing called faith for this hedgehog… because there's one thing I can admit… sonic is the most irritating but tough hedgehog that could survive anything he survived anything I throw at him so that's a testament…

…… I need to think things through, Eggman out.

here's Eggman's thoughts about Sonic hope you liked it this was my longest eggmemo yet.

Can't say I completely agree as to your interpretations about how Eggman feels about Sonic. As it's a bit to sentimental. Despite their cycle and back and forth, Eggman does genuinely despise Sonic. Despite the whole thing going on between them. Still, liked it, even if I think it's not quite correct.
Can't say I completely agree as to your interpretations about how Eggman feels about Sonic. As it's a bit to sentimental. Despite their cycle and back and forth, Eggman does genuinely despise Sonic. Despite the whole thing going on between them. Still, liked it, even if I think it's not quite correct.
Well Fair.
I just always imagine after kind of interacting with sonic a lot it probably kind of begrudgingly respect, sonic. I mean, he had his moments of respected him in frontiers
Well Fair.
I just always imagine after kind of interacting with sonic a lot it probably kind of begrudgingly respect, sonic. I mean, he had his moments of respected him in frontiers

Oh there's definitely begrudging respect. But your Eggmemo has Eggman being a lot more sentimental towards Somic that I think he really would be. He's his nemesis, a true nemesis. But his thoughts on the "Blue Rodent" would definitely be scattershot. Equal parts vitriol and admiration towards the one being that foils his plan. But absolutely, I do not think for a moment Eggman would ever think or have faith in Sonic's return or safety. If he was okay. Not out of kindness but because he simply can not fathom in his mind that Sonic would be gone and would not return again. He'd contemplate why he has gone missing and hasn't shown up yet sure. But hope for his safety or being okay? Not for a moment.

It's only a matter of time before they next meet. In his mind at least.
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Oh there's definitely begrudging respect. But your Eggmemo has Eggman being a lot more sentimental towards Somic that I think he really would be. He's his nemesis, a true nemesis. But his thoughts on the "Blue Rodent" would definitely be scattershot. Equal parts vitriol and admiration towards the one being that foils his plan. But absolutely, I do not think for a moment Eggman would ever think or have faith in Sonic's return or safety. Not out of kindness but because he simply can not fathom in his mind that Sonic would be gone and would not return again.
True I think I was trying to go with like it's both like him having a bit of faith but at the same time like knowing that he will come back because that's how it's always been.
I could make some edits to show a bit more if you want that.
True I think I was trying to go with like it's both like him having a bit of faith but at the same time like knowing that he will come back because that's how it's always been.
I could make some edits to show a bit more if you want that.

I mean. No need to edit it on my account. It's your omake. That's up to you if you want to rework it like that.