Sometime in the future and Eggman retrieved his empire and is fighting the empire
Princess Cordelia di Randgriz, daughter of the archduke and duchess of Gallia, Darscen descendant of the legendary hero Randgriz,( and cinnabon devourer, a title only know only to her friends and people she cares)
And here she is in an office provided by her, by her new "patron" one Ivo Robotnick or as the natives of this world called him Eggman after his group "rescued" her from her imprisonment by the Empire.
News of her release was spread that not only did she survive but managed to escape to the eggman empire, and many Gallians and escapees from imperial occupation ran towards to the Eggman empire, and while some still went towards Restoration and G.U.N the majority went towards Eggman due to her being here.
And with the many refugees entering Eggman's empire, there were concerns of an insurgency occuring and complaining about "rights" and what nots, Eggman in a rare act of mercy(or just not wanting to be distracted and wasting resources in his own empire fighting an insurgency and Belle and Isara nudging him to not do anything rash and Sage agreeing with the two girls suggesting this will reduce a insurgency forming)sectioned off a small section of his empire to act as a small duchy of some sort(Eggman refusing to call it a duchy and called it a limited autonomous region of his empire).
A flag was hanged in her office "representing" The Eggperial protectorate of Gallia to both remind them who's land they live in and who's responsible for their continued existence as of this moment
Crappy flag yes, but something like this looks like something eggman would made for his new vassal state
If she didn't read up on this history of the new world she and her people now lives in and saw the wonders and horrors of machine the man invented, he would have thought the man was a lunatic that envisions himself as king, his flag was literally his face of all things!
She understood the man while he did care and had a heart, that heart is reserved to those he consider close, in fact her position and this autonomous territory was only created only because of Isara( a subject of Gallia and part of the nameless penal region) and his two mechanical daughters(belle is technically wooden and Sage a bunch of digital code) suggesting this to him to prevent her from rallying her people and rebelling against him(something she wouldn't have done unless necessary).
She was currently doing some paperwork looking over complaints, grievances, but particularly today she sighs and looks at her current crop of paperwork. Simply put she was told by Eggman to make some of data such as current crop of food and industrial capacity to look like they were contributing a good chunk like a fourth or maybe a fifth, but in reality it was really hard to lie to them and it wasn't for the reason many people were thinking.
"Most people, in some corrupt bureaucracy would have lied how good something is and in reality we have a shortage in something, but nope I have to lie that the production of food and goods actually mean something and in reality it's barely needed" remarked sarcastically Cordellia
What did she mean by this? Well its simple, Eggman's empire and his people are machines, they don't need food, meaning the farmers making food in the territory is making food for an army that doesn't even eat. In fact Eggman made some automatic farms and produced large amounts of food which in turn feeds the refugees and fellow Gallians that lives here.
The miniscule production they have "helping" eggman? At best they either help repair the few badniks that even were stationed in the protectorate or just make some guns or tanks which didn't make up much of the production the rest of his empire makes.
In fact she knows the reason why Eggman even allowed them to even work these jobs, he could have enslaved them and ignored the pleas of his inner circle, and forced them to work despicable conditions like the empire did with them but he didn't.
It was because it kept her people busy, busy working thinking that they were helping to defeat the empire, too busy to think why an empire made only of metal men who never tires even need them.
Why should they?
Eggman made various policies that she stamped with her name to pass as laws, social welfares, cheaper foods and good health benefits, things that made them happy and content and with jobs as miniscule as mining and farms with even jobs in factories, Gallians don't question it as they were kept busy and content.
Eggman has entire factories that produce many badniks and arsenal's that outpaced the many factories the protectorate produce even if they were enslaved and forced to work tirelessly, mines were constantly mined even more efficiently than Gallian miners could ever do, and entire farms making more food that they could ever make and supplying a majority of the food as "bribes"(food aid).
The only thing that Eggman valued out of them(and if barely) was simple, he saw their talent and loyalty as something he wanted to have. He needed subjects to rule over and what better is a people that is practically running to him. And with Isara showing that Gallians could be gifted and talents he could cultivate Gallians loyal to him and working in his RnD and volunteer forces(something he doesnt think would contribute much) benefitting his empire
Cordelia honestly finds it ironic that the empire oppressed them and tried to force them to assimilate into their empire and it caused them to rebel and forever burn their hatred into their hearts to forever resist them.
But with Eggman? He didnt in fact he decided to make them the equivalent of show dogs, making them the "shining" example of what people could benefit for serving under him, he did the opposite of the empire, making Gallians content and the illusion that they mattered, but in reality they were just resources to be used. Difference being, was that the Empire was obvious with it, Eggman made it seem like they were doing it of their own free will even though Eggman made the choices for them.
When Gallia is finally freed from empire occupation, she would have liked that after returning to their home things would go back to some sense to normalcy, but they need allies and their choices are not pleasent, their is the restoration and G.U.N but it would result in making enemies of Eggman and having to deal with her own insurgency with some Gallians wanting to return back to serving Eggman, or ally with Eggman and forever be serving the mad Scientist and her people generations to come seeing Eggman as their greatest ally and making enemies of G.U.N and the Restorationist.
There were no easy choices, not in the world they found themselves the only thing she could do is make the best decision she make that made the least amount of suffering for her people.
AN: this was an omake idea that I had in my thought and honestly while its still going to be up in the air if we ever do rescue the princess, I honestly had this thought that if Eggman was ever ruling a group of organics aka the Gallians, he aint going to be crappy ruler(mostly because he sees everyone not in his either circle or people he consider family or his creations as inferior to them) he essentially make it like a bread and cicus act that keeps them contnet and less idiling about thinking of rebllious thinking.
So he's going to do things that while out of character is something he would do to keep them loyal or content and not rebel, maybe using their success as a propaganda tool to make other nations willing to ally with him.
tried wiriting him as someone who uses a carrot and stick act, but in a way that make sense but my writing skills is mediocre to say the least, hope it fine.
Sometime in the future and Eggman retrieved his empire and is fighting the empire
Princess Cordelia di Randgriz, daughter of the archduke and duchess of Gallia, Darscen descendant of the legendary hero Randgriz,( and cinnabon devourer, a title only know only to her friends and people she cares)
And here she is in an office provided by her, by her new "patron" one Ivo Robotnick or as the natives of this world called him Eggman after his group "rescued" her from her imprisonment by the Empire.
News of her release was spread that not only did she survive but managed to escape to the eggman empire, and many Gallians and escapees from imperial occupation ran towards to the Eggman empire, and while some still went towards Restoration and G.U.N the majority went towards Eggman due to her being here.
And with the many refugees entering Eggman's empire, there were concerns of an insurgency occuring and complaining about "rights" and what nots, Eggman in a rare act of mercy(or just not wanting to be distracted and wasting resources in his own empire fighting an insurgency and Belle and Isara nudging him to not do anything rash and Sage agreeing with the two girls suggesting this will reduce a insurgency forming)sectioned off a small section of his empire to act as a small duchy of some sort(Eggman refusing to call it a duchy and called it a limited autonomous region of his empire).
A flag was hanged in her office "representing" The Eggperial protectorate of Gallia to both remind them who's land they live in and who's responsible for their continued existence as of this moment

Crappy flag yes, but something like this looks like something eggman would made for his new vassal state
If she didn't read up on this history of the new world she and her people now lives in and saw the wonders and horrors of machine the man invented, he would have thought the man was a lunatic that envisions himself as king, his flag was literally his face of all things!
She understood the man while he did care and had a heart, that heart is reserved to those he consider close, in fact her position and this autonomous territory was only created only because of Isara( a subject of Gallia and part of the nameless penal region) and his two mechanical daughters(belle is technically wooden and Sage a bunch of digital code) suggesting this to him to prevent her from rallying her people and rebelling against him(something she wouldn't have done unless necessary).
She was currently doing some paperwork looking over complaints, grievances, but particularly today she sighs and looks at her current crop of paperwork. Simply put she was told by Eggman to make some of data such as current crop of food and industrial capacity to look like they were contributing a good chunk like a fourth or maybe a fifth, but in reality it was really hard to lie to them and it wasn't for the reason many people were thinking.
"Most people, in some corrupt bureaucracy would have lied how good something is and in reality we have a shortage in something, but nope I have to lie that the production of food and goods actually mean something and in reality it's barely needed" remarked sarcastically Cordellia
What did she mean by this? Well its simple, Eggman's empire and his people are machines, they don't need food, meaning the farmers making food in the territory is making food for an army that doesn't even eat. In fact Eggman made some automatic farms and produced large amounts of food which in turn feeds the refugees and fellow Gallians that lives here.
The miniscule production they have "helping" eggman? At best they either help repair the few badniks that even were stationed in the protectorate or just make some guns or tanks which didn't make up much of the production the rest of his empire makes.
In fact she knows the reason why Eggman even allowed them to even work these jobs, he could have enslaved them and ignored the pleas of his inner circle, and forced them to work despicable conditions like the empire did with them but he didn't.
It was because it kept her people busy, busy working thinking that they were helping to defeat the empire, too busy to think why an empire made only of metal men who never tires even need them.
Why should they?
Eggman made various policies that she stamped with her name to pass as laws, social welfares, cheaper foods and good health benefits, things that made them happy and content and with jobs as miniscule as mining and farms with even jobs in factories, Gallians don't question it as they were kept busy and content.
Eggman has entire factories that produce many badniks and arsenal's that outpaced the many factories the protectorate produce even if they were enslaved and forced to work tirelessly, mines were constantly mined even more efficiently than Gallian miners could ever do, and entire farms making more food that they could ever make and supplying a majority of the food as "bribes"(food aid).
The only thing that Eggman valued out of them(and if barely) was simple, he saw their talent and loyalty as something he wanted to have. He needed subjects to rule over and what better is a people that is practically running to him. And with Isara showing that Gallians could be gifted and talents he could cultivate Gallians loyal to him and working in his RnD and volunteer forces(something he doesnt think would contribute much) benefitting his empire
Cordelia honestly finds it ironic that the empire oppressed them and tried to force them to assimilate into their empire and it caused them to rebel and forever burn their hatred into their hearts to forever resist them.
But with Eggman? He didnt in fact he decided to make them the equivalent of show dogs, making them the "shining" example of what people could benefit for serving under him, he did the opposite of the empire, making Gallians content and the illusion that they mattered, but in reality they were just resources to be used. Difference being, was that the Empire was obvious with it, Eggman made it seem like they were doing it of their own free will even though Eggman made the choices for them.
When Gallia is finally freed from empire occupation, she would have liked that after returning to their home things would go back to some sense to normalcy, but they need allies and their choices are not pleasent, their is the restoration and G.U.N but it would result in making enemies of Eggman and having to deal with her own insurgency with some Gallians wanting to return back to serving Eggman, or ally with Eggman and forever be serving the mad Scientist and her people generations to come seeing Eggman as their greatest ally and making enemies of G.U.N and the Restorationist.
There were no easy choices, not in the world they found themselves the only thing she could do is make the best decision she make that made the least amount of suffering for her people.
AN: this was an omake idea that I had in my thought and honestly while its still going to be up in the air if we ever do rescue the princess, I honestly had this thought that if Eggman was ever ruling a group of organics aka the Gallians, he aint going to be crappy ruler(mostly because he sees everyone not in his either circle or people he consider family or his creations as inferior to them) he essentially make it like a bread and cicus act that keeps them contnet and less idiling about thinking of rebllious thinking.
So he's going to do things that while out of character is something he would do to keep them loyal or content and not rebel, maybe using their success as a propaganda tool to make other nations willing to ally with him.
tried wiriting him as someone who uses a carrot and stick act, but in a way that make sense but my writing skills is mediocre to say the least, hope it fine.