Sometime in the future and Eggman retrieved his empire and is fighting the empire

Princess Cordelia di Randgriz, daughter of the archduke and duchess of Gallia, Darscen descendant of the legendary hero Randgriz,( and cinnabon devourer, a title only know only to her friends and people she cares)

And here she is in an office provided by her, by her new "patron" one Ivo Robotnick or as the natives of this world called him Eggman after his group "rescued" her from her imprisonment by the Empire.

News of her release was spread that not only did she survive but managed to escape to the eggman empire, and many Gallians and escapees from imperial occupation ran towards to the Eggman empire, and while some still went towards Restoration and G.U.N the majority went towards Eggman due to her being here.

And with the many refugees entering Eggman's empire, there were concerns of an insurgency occuring and complaining about "rights" and what nots, Eggman in a rare act of mercy(or just not wanting to be distracted and wasting resources in his own empire fighting an insurgency and Belle and Isara nudging him to not do anything rash and Sage agreeing with the two girls suggesting this will reduce a insurgency forming)sectioned off a small section of his empire to act as a small duchy of some sort(Eggman refusing to call it a duchy and called it a limited autonomous region of his empire).

A flag was hanged in her office "representing" The Eggperial protectorate of Gallia to both remind them who's land they live in and who's responsible for their continued existence as of this moment

Crappy flag yes, but something like this looks like something eggman would made for his new vassal state

If she didn't read up on this history of the new world she and her people now lives in and saw the wonders and horrors of machine the man invented, he would have thought the man was a lunatic that envisions himself as king, his flag was literally his face of all things!

She understood the man while he did care and had a heart, that heart is reserved to those he consider close, in fact her position and this autonomous territory was only created only because of Isara( a subject of Gallia and part of the nameless penal region) and his two mechanical daughters(belle is technically wooden and Sage a bunch of digital code) suggesting this to him to prevent her from rallying her people and rebelling against him(something she wouldn't have done unless necessary).

She was currently doing some paperwork looking over complaints, grievances, but particularly today she sighs and looks at her current crop of paperwork. Simply put she was told by Eggman to make some of data such as current crop of food and industrial capacity to look like they were contributing a good chunk like a fourth or maybe a fifth, but in reality it was really hard to lie to them and it wasn't for the reason many people were thinking.

"Most people, in some corrupt bureaucracy would have lied how good something is and in reality we have a shortage in something, but nope I have to lie that the production of food and goods actually mean something and in reality it's barely needed" remarked sarcastically Cordellia

What did she mean by this? Well its simple, Eggman's empire and his people are machines, they don't need food, meaning the farmers making food in the territory is making food for an army that doesn't even eat. In fact Eggman made some automatic farms and produced large amounts of food which in turn feeds the refugees and fellow Gallians that lives here.

The miniscule production they have "helping" eggman? At best they either help repair the few badniks that even were stationed in the protectorate or just make some guns or tanks which didn't make up much of the production the rest of his empire makes.

In fact she knows the reason why Eggman even allowed them to even work these jobs, he could have enslaved them and ignored the pleas of his inner circle, and forced them to work despicable conditions like the empire did with them but he didn't.

It was because it kept her people busy, busy working thinking that they were helping to defeat the empire, too busy to think why an empire made only of metal men who never tires even need them.

Why should they?

Eggman made various policies that she stamped with her name to pass as laws, social welfares, cheaper foods and good health benefits, things that made them happy and content and with jobs as miniscule as mining and farms with even jobs in factories, Gallians don't question it as they were kept busy and content.

Eggman has entire factories that produce many badniks and arsenal's that outpaced the many factories the protectorate produce even if they were enslaved and forced to work tirelessly, mines were constantly mined even more efficiently than Gallian miners could ever do, and entire farms making more food that they could ever make and supplying a majority of the food as "bribes"(food aid).

The only thing that Eggman valued out of them(and if barely) was simple, he saw their talent and loyalty as something he wanted to have. He needed subjects to rule over and what better is a people that is practically running to him. And with Isara showing that Gallians could be gifted and talents he could cultivate Gallians loyal to him and working in his RnD and volunteer forces(something he doesnt think would contribute much) benefitting his empire

Cordelia honestly finds it ironic that the empire oppressed them and tried to force them to assimilate into their empire and it caused them to rebel and forever burn their hatred into their hearts to forever resist them.

But with Eggman? He didnt in fact he decided to make them the equivalent of show dogs, making them the "shining" example of what people could benefit for serving under him, he did the opposite of the empire, making Gallians content and the illusion that they mattered, but in reality they were just resources to be used. Difference being, was that the Empire was obvious with it, Eggman made it seem like they were doing it of their own free will even though Eggman made the choices for them.

When Gallia is finally freed from empire occupation, she would have liked that after returning to their home things would go back to some sense to normalcy, but they need allies and their choices are not pleasent, their is the restoration and G.U.N but it would result in making enemies of Eggman and having to deal with her own insurgency with some Gallians wanting to return back to serving Eggman, or ally with Eggman and forever be serving the mad Scientist and her people generations to come seeing Eggman as their greatest ally and making enemies of G.U.N and the Restorationist.

There were no easy choices, not in the world they found themselves the only thing she could do is make the best decision she make that made the least amount of suffering for her people.

AN: this was an omake idea that I had in my thought and honestly while its still going to be up in the air if we ever do rescue the princess, I honestly had this thought that if Eggman was ever ruling a group of organics aka the Gallians, he aint going to be crappy ruler(mostly because he sees everyone not in his either circle or people he consider family or his creations as inferior to them) he essentially make it like a bread and cicus act that keeps them contnet and less idiling about thinking of rebllious thinking.

So he's going to do things that while out of character is something he would do to keep them loyal or content and not rebel, maybe using their success as a propaganda tool to make other nations willing to ally with him.

tried wiriting him as someone who uses a carrot and stick act, but in a way that make sense but my writing skills is mediocre to say the least, hope it fine.
Nega Arcadia Quest
Nega Arcadia Quest

[X] Search, Gather, Take Them Out! (Strange Island Edition)
-[X] Dyne: Search for Vyse
--[X] All hands on deck! The Crew of the Albatross II will assist Dyne for 1 Personal Action.
-[X] Dyne: Gather Intel (Sailor's Isle)
-[X] Dyne: Take Guilder up on his offer. Install the new engine on the Albatross II.
-[X] Clara: Investigate the strange new island
-[X] Guilder: Assault one of Galcian's Elite ships

Dyne: Take Guilder up on his offer. Install the new engine on the Albatross II.
Result:17+10 (You Can Count on Us!)+5 (For a True Blue Friend!)+10 (Blue Rogue's Pact)=42

When building the Albatross II, Dyne spared nothing in making it the best it could be while still keeping to its original look. After all, a pirate's ship wasn't only a vessel, it was half the identity of the captain and crew. Whether damaged and painted over, or older and slow, it didn't matter. When someone saw your ship, chances were they knew who you were before even engaging. And if they didn't recognize you on sight? Well, they would know as soon as they saw your flag.

For the Albatross, all any Black Pirate ship or Valuan... Rather, Galcian's Elite had to do was take in the blue jolly roger stitched into the sails to know what Dyne and his crew were. Blue Rogues, set on taking your gold and treasure and whatever else proved valuable. Plenty of people ended up needing a hand to survive sometime in their lives. Blue Rogues made it their purpose to reach out and lend that hand whenever possible.

It made him soft. It made them all a little soft. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But when a few enthusiastic girls from Clara's ship volunteered to install the new engine taken from one of Galcian's Elite, Dyne couldn't find it within him to deny them for long. Not when both Clara and Guilder vouched for them.

However, after several days, he found himself wishing he hadn't given in so easily.

"We're so sorry!"

"It's soooo much more complicated than the Primrose's engine!"

Dyne sighs to himself, then eyes the monster of an engine Guilder had offered up. It takes up most of the space in the engine room, having to be disassembled outside, taken inside piece by piece then reassembled. From what he can tell, something is missing, although what exactly is difficult to discern through the strewn pieces of a no doubt expensive engine littering the floor.

Dyne stares at both of the young women, then speaks with the sort of iron that not even his son is immune to. "If you can't finish the job," he says, "then at least reconnect the original engine. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes, sir, Captain Dyne!" the two cry, before immediately shuffling some of the lighter pieces to the side. Dyne departs, shaking his head. A few of his men will need to come down to help speed up the process, but the Albatross II will be ready to go before long.

The engine installation has failed! No bonuses will be applied.

Dyne: Gather Intel (Sailor's Isle)
Results: 59+10 (A Familiar Ocean)+10 (Valuan Escapee)+10(Dyne Clan Renown)+5(The Blue Storm)+5 (Blue Rogue)=99
Minor Success!

Dyne's been a familiar face in Mid Ocean for Black Pirates and merchants alike for years, so when he sits down in the local tavern and orders a round for the house, the cheers go up and the rumors start flowing. He doesn't learn much, as many of the merchants and pirates here have mostly been trying to keep their heads down and out of Galcian's way. However, a few mumbled stories leave just enough clues to give Dyne an idea on potential leads. Not only on newly spotted lands and where Galcian's fleet is patrolling, but where his son might have gone as well...

+5 to any searches for the next 2 turns! +5 to Guilder's assault this turn! 500 Gold deducted from the hold.

Dyne: Search for Vyse
Result: 62+25 (All Hands on Deck!)+10(The Albatross II)+10 (A Father's Intuition)+20(???? ??? ????????)+5 (Sailor's Isle Intel)+5 ("It's "Captain"" Omake) = 137

The Albatross II sets out in the grey of dawn, the captain and crew tense but hopeful. For a week they scour the rearranged ocean, taking care to avoid Galcian's Fleet where they can. Through waterfalls and over mountains, to towns and ports as fast as their ship will handle. Dyne and his crew ask every soul they find after a young man with brown hair and an eyepatch lens. Two young women, one white blonde hair and a white dress and one with orange hair in two braids. Perhaps with a purple and white Huskra?

Despite their best efforts, however, Vyse, his friends, and his crew are nowhere to be found. Oh, people know him. People know him well. Shopkeepers smile with pride having spoken with "Vyse the Dashing". Or "Vyse the Fearless", as one corrects. Children smile with joy at the mention of his soft-spoken companion. A few people speak of Aika, admiring her ferocity and boldness. A trio of entertainers grumble and admit to his and friends' prowess.

In all, they're mere bread crumbs. Vyse's ship was seen, at best, a month or so back. The trail has gone cold, and is only getting colder.

If Dyne has any hope of finding where his son has gone, he needs to pull a miracle. And soon.

Vyse's Swashbuckler Rating discovered! Vyse the Fearless!

Due to reaching the first threshold, DC for this action has been reduced: DC105

Clara: Investigate the strange new island
Result: 36+15(Calamity)+10(The Primrose)+20(True Love's Favor)+10(Eagle-Eyed Elixir)+5 (Sailor's Isle Intel)-10(Attention Grabbing)=96

To be continued in: A Rogue's Unwelcome Party

Guilder: Assault one of Galcian's Elite ships
Result: 47+20 (The Unfettered)+10 (The Claudia)+95 (Cannons 19x)+15 (Elite Engine)+5 (Sailor's Isle Intel)=192

To say that Galcian's Elite ship has a chance to scratch the Claudia is like saying a rat has a chance of escaping a barrel. The Claudia's swift maneuvers and sharp turns enable Guilder to sail circles around the enemy ship. Cannonballs and torpedoes miss their mark as Guilder expertly weaves around them, in turn scoring multiple hits with the Claudia's cannons.

It's no contest. Within a few hours, the warship is relieved of everything valuable, including several cannons. Surprisingly, his crew also locates a patrol schedule for the next month. Guilder gives it a cursory look, noting that most of the times are the same. At least they are, up until the last couple weeks.

What in the world would require Galcian to start moving his warships so far away...?

Obtained: 2400 Gold, Double Shaft x1, Serpent Cannon x2, Rapid Cannon x1, Speed Torpedo x1, Perfect Repair Kit x1, Patrol Schedule x1

Galcian's Attention increases.

Oof! Tough luck on the dice rolls, guys. The engine installation failed, but you can still try next turn if you really want to. Clara's fate will be revealed just as soon as this last set of dice rolls get written out.
Wanted to try my hand at one of these and decided to base things on the location of the Empty Albatross Nest omake. It's surprisingly fun! All of these were real rolls, and yes Gilder's ship has 19 cannons. It's a force to be reckoned with to the point of one of Gilder's S.Moves just straight up summoning the thing in battle. As for Clara, she's going to crash land on the Floating Island. Won't be writing up any followups, though.

Why count ships towards totals? Each ship has special properties. The Claudia is quick, the Primrose is suggested to be able keep up with it, etc. and none of the ships are damaged so they get the full 10 points.

The characters get additional points based on their titles? Yes! They're based on the Empire's wanted list on Sailor's Isle. 5 points per skull next to their name. I couldn't find a screenshot with Dyne's but I guessed he was 1 skull after the Coliseum escape.
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Dark Timeline AU G.U.N. Negaquest
Dark Timeline AU G.U.N. Negaquest
AridRed said:
So it looks the the vote is coming to an end.

Regi-Gig said:
Yeah can't say I'm happy with the winning vote, we barely rolled high enough to convince Jewel to go along with the idea last turn.

MGun2 said:
Nows the best time as any, his strongest hero units just finished fighting most of the D6. They are weakened, possibly out of action, we knew the agreement won't last forever.

Regi-Gig said:
I know, still leaves off a bad taste you know?

Belle stared in horror as the base was engulfed in a sea of flame. The sound of explosions rang throughout the walls and the sound of fighting grew more intense.

Why were G.U.N. and Restoration attacking!?! It wasn't so long ago that they approached Dr. Eggman with an offer for ceasefire, one that she tried to push him to agree.

CuriosGlass said:
You do remember the rolls when we made the ceasefire right? It was all ??? so we have no clue if it really was success. This is Eggman we're talking about, no way he hold his end of the deal.

Why! Just why! Why when finally Eggman was starting to change, when more and more she saw the good in him, and even shared moments with him that reminded her of her father.

She was jolted from her thoughts as she felt herself get dragged by one arm.

"Fa-Eggman, where are we going" she said in surprise as he let go and she tried to keep up with him"

"Hmmph leaving of course, the fools may have known the perfect time to attack, but it won't save them from my wrath", he grunted.

They stopped mid run as parts of the ceiling suddenly collapsed as a massive explosion seem to erupted above them.

AngelicMace said:
Is that a tank? Is that Isara in a tank!

Belle tried to avoid the falling debris but then a massive piece came crashing down with no time to spare. She was about to scream when she felt herself get snatched just as the piece fell to the ground in front of her.

"Are you harmed" asked Eggman his voice taking on a odd tone.

"N-no I'm fine" she stammered as she gave herself a once over.

"Good" he simply said as he glanced at now blocked passageway.

"This way", he beckoned, leading her to a room filled with all sorts of machinery and inventions.
Eggman eventually lead her to a certain egg shaped pod.

"The Egg-porta-pod, a failed invention of mine but it will suit my purpose here" he said, he then moved to a panel on the side of it and start inputting commands.

"I set the coordinates to the hidden base, if the rest recieved my instructions then they'll meet us there" he said.

A person said:
Its good Sage rolled low enough that she was forced to retreat but she still helped most of them escaped which does Eggman have so many hero units! Hes a robot fanatic!

The pod's front panel opened up revealing a small compartment. She peered inside wondering how they can both fit.

Eggman then suddenly pushed her into the pod, the panel closing behind her and sealing her inside. She frantically pounded on the window, "Wait! What about you!" she cried out.

"How foolishly naive I of course have other means of escape, I won't die here. Not until I destroy that blasted hedgehog" he sneered.

He fiddled more with the pod and with a thud, a strange device landed at her feet.

"Hold on to this, I'll want it back when I return", he said.

Their conversation was soon interrupted as a third party burst through the wall throwing dust and bits of machinery everywhere.

Two solid red eyes pierced through the debris, directly toward Eggman.

Rage set to maximum setting. Today is the day of your defeat Eggman.

"Ah Omega, my rebellious creation I'm really can't say I'm not surprised to see you here", he mockingly said.

Belle could only watch as a battle erupted between them as Eggman used the many inventions around to his advantage, hitting Omega with different attacks of various types. In response Omega started to destroy everything, and that's when things went wrong.

The pod started to audibly hum and static started to gather around it drawing Omega's attention. Eggman's attempts to draw his attention only seem to worsen the situation.

Unusual care detected in that machine, I will enjoy making you see it destroyed.

As the pod started preparing it portal jump, Omega rushed toward it his weapon already firing. Belle jumped in shock as the bullets started hitting the frame, before he can get any closer however Eggman threw a device at Omega's feet that emitted arcs of electricity, causing him to fall and spasm uncontrollably.

The pod was reaching it final phase but unfortunately the device's effect was short lived and whether it was bad luck or timing, Omega's weapons were the first to be restored and the first thing he did was launched several missiles straight at her pod.

Time seemed to slow down for her as she can only watch as the missiles follow it's path and Eggman....move in front of the pod. She wanted to shout, to cry, to say something, anything to get him out out of the away. But she only watch as he stepped in front of its path.

Tears ran down her face as she pounded unceasingly at the door, Eggman lay limp on the ground, his body charred from smoke and greatly weakened but still alive. From the smoke strode in Omega, his face offering no insight but the way he peered down at the Doctor did little to hide his glee.

Satisfaction increased by 100% Mission parameters complete. Is lethal force authorized?.

Results: Eggman lay defeated at Omega's feet, what is his fate?

[] Capture

[] Death

GreenPun32 said:
I don't think the Restoration will agree with the execution, they didn't like the plan to double cross him either.
[X] Capture

UncivilExcecutor said:
Eggmans has to die, hes too dangerous to live. Give him a chance and he'll break out and disappear to restart all over again. Remember we don't even know where his other bases are, this is just the public one where he kicked out Black Arms.
[X] Death

WilloQ said:
Thats if he stayed dead, this Eggman who knows what back ups or mad science he has. We don't even know what version he is since he has Starline and Stone.

EsDonRocin said:
Alright this has gone long enough I'll use up my reward, will Eggman really stay dead if we kill him.

Queenly said:
I'll say that outside of some powerful mystical actions that are incredibly difficult and noticeable, there will be no other way to bring him back.

SilverQ said:
[X] Death
I'll take those odds.


AridRed said:

InnerSperk said:

MGun2 said:


Queenly said:
Votings over, Death has won.

The last sight Belle saw before the portal activation was Omega raising his weapons and firing.

And then came the sounds of her screams.

Results: Eggman is dead. Metal Sonic remains secured, Rusty Rose wreckage in custody, Agent Stone captured. Unknown Eggman Technology obtained. New options unlocked, additional benefits shown in next turn. Restoration alliance is now heavily strained.
Certain factions and Hero units have increased/decreased opinion of you.
Some Hero units formerly under Eggman now loathe you.
??? gains trait Hatred of G.U.N. and now despises you.
??? Has been set in motion

AN: Yeah, a bit depressing. Might do a part 2 one day in the future with Dark Belle.
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Fractured Empire 2: Sudden Realization
Fractured Empire 2: Sudden Realization

Goodbye Ragnite and Valkyries, hello Chaos!

Study Chaos Emerald (Mystic)* (Belgar) DC110
??? + ??? + ??? = 112




Thebirdgirl said:
Eitala said:
*Whistles* Oh yeah that would help a lot. Henrich is a snake but he's damn good at his job.
Jester18 said:
You guys got really lucky, both on the random event roll to even get a Chaos Emerald and right here. You really shouldn't have pulled this off. Not for another couple turns.
NahIwin said:
With this the Empire will rise once again. We'll turn our enemies advantages into our own deprive them of every strength they have and exploit every weakness! This world will be ours, and nothing can stop us!
Eitala said:
NahIwin said:
Eh? What are you so angry over? We're winning! Gallia is almost entirely under our control now! We've already dealt with that annoying Milita and it's only a matter of time before those accursed nameless fall as well. What could possibly stop us?
FuddQueen said:
Listen to Eitala NahIwin! You are waving a red flag in Murphy's face, and that never ends well! Did you already forgot that Selvaria lost this turn?!
NahIwin said:
That was a stalemate more than a loss and come on what's the worst that could happen?
Eitala said:
…*Headdesks* We're doomed.

On another note Jester why didn't we get a random event roll?
Jester18 said:
It's almost ready. Just give us a bit.
Eitala said:
NahIwin said:
Hooboo said:
Remember what happened last time we left something out of the turn results?
NahIwin said:
…Ah. W-well it can't be that bad. We got the Emerald last time!

Random Event Roll: 13

General Gregor growled as he walked through the ruins of one of their work camps. He had come to resupply the Equus as it moved to support the advance but one of the rats must have taken advantage of their momentary distraction to destroy this place.

It hardly mattered, the Darcsens were expendable and they had plenty of supplies elsewhere, but the attack on their pride grated without any target to avenge themselves on. Though…

He hummed as he came across two separate halves of a tank, glancing around he could see another wreck making a hole in the camp's wall. The soldiers were…in pieces.

He doubted this was the insurgents doing. Perhaps the monsters from the north.

"General!" A soldier ran up to him. "We found a survivor!"

"Bring him to me."
"That's…not possible sir."

"Then show me to him."

Survivor was a strong word. The man had lost an arm, his legs were mangled, his chestplate was just barely short of caving his chest in and had to be pried off, and somehow his helmet had fused to his head.

Messy was an understatement. Gregor was honestly surprised the man was alive.

"No NO! Get away!"

He was also insane. Delightful.

"Calm yourself soldier." The man ceased his mindless thrashing at his voice. Hmph, good to see he still had some discipline. "The enemy is gone. Now tell me, what happened here?"'

The soldier mumbled something intelligable.

"Speak up boy, I can't hear you."

"The demon, the metal demon came back…" The soldier trailed off repeating the words in a haze.

"Nonsense." Gregor's voice snapped the useless man back. "His highness' pet Valkur already dealt with it."

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" In a sudden surge of mad strength the soldier heaved himself up and grabbed the general's lapel. "It was gone, it was dead! But it came back it came back…" His strength left him and he fell back onto the cot. "It came back…"'

Gregor sighed, it was clear that they wouldn't get anything else out of him. He left the infirmary and let the grunts tend to the madman. His highness will need to know about this.

Results: Work camp destroyed. Metal Sonic has returned and holds a grudge. Two divisions of Infantry and One Tank balltion have been lost. Income decreased. Several groups of prisoners have escaped and may join enemy factions. ???

Eitala said:
FuddQueen said:
NahIwin said:
Okay this is bad but we expected this! Losing a random work camp is bad yes, but we have more. This was barely even a supply post and the troops weren't that valuable…yes I know how that sounds but strategically speaking all we lost was a handful of mooks and a little income.

…Admitidlly the income does hurt and Metal being back is bad but we can deal with this.
Eitala said:
…He not wrong. This is pretty bad yeah, but nothing we can't recover from. Sides Jester has been beating into our heads that we aren't ready for this world. Taking some time to build up isn't a bad idea.

That said we need to find those escapees. Leaving them alone is just asking for trouble.
Thebirdgirl said:
Ah guys? Is no one worried about the question marks? Cause as bad as this is it doesn't feel like it's worth a 13 on the RER so what are we missing?
Eitala said:

We dealt with the Milita a few turns ago right? I can't remember exactly what we did but most of them don't matter right now. The one that does matter is ISARA GUNTHER.

A Darcsen you know the people we usually staff the work camps with? Ms. "I can turn a normal tank into an ace custom and invent the airplane." and also has a very good grudge against us?

Who was more likely than not in the camp attacked by one of our worst enemies? The enemy that has enough industrial capacity to overrun Selvaria with mere mooks?!

More likely than not...Eggman has Isara.
Sevrean321 said:
...I'm already imagining what those two could do together and it doesn't look good.

An entire battalion of Edelweiss's anyone?
NahIwin said:
I-It can' be that bad right? (Yes I know I'm coping.)
Hooboo said:
No Eitala is pretty much spot on.
Eitala said:
...Damnit. I hate that I'm right. We can't do anything about it since we're in the middle of two separate wars, and have no idea where the Doctor even is!
Thebirdgirl said:
Okay! It seems Super Selvaria went from awesome to necessary.
Severan321 said:
Even with that we shouldn't underestimate the Doctor. Remember Sonic Unleashed?
Eitala said:
We'll deal with it when the time comes. For now all we can do is attack the Deadly six so Eggman loses his Empire.

Hopefully it's enough.
Another Empire Negaverse! They pretty had the same reaction we did when we found out they had an emerald.

@Kingster @ShepardCom


While Eggman struggles to recover what is rightfully his and fights for establishing his empire. We cant forget he is not the only player on the board. There are many, many kings around. Many with their own ambitions and problems to deal with. How are they faring?

Make a negaverse omake of another faction, can be a king or a minor one or a prince tier even

Rewards: Varies depending on the omake.

Edit: Claiming 'A mile in another's shoes.'
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A new seed of life.
I have been rewatching Sonic X have some tearful reunions.

A new seed of life.

When she made her decision she though it would be the end of everything.

Her species had done so much damage to everyone and she wouldn't let him destroy everything on the universe.

The time was short, but the memories she experienced with her friends would be something that would accompany her to the afterlife.

Anyone else may have regretted it, but she didn't, she had caused them so much trouble.

And her decision to do what she did was for their sake, to save them.

To save him.

Did she had regrets? yes, she really wanted to spend more time with everyone.

Would she change her choice if she had the chance? no, it was the only possible way to stop what was happening.

She cannot remember well, but she sweared she could hear the voice of the one she cared the most in those last moments.

Then everything was a bright light as her last moments on the world of the living were thinking on the one she cared the most.

That her sacrifice wasn't in vain and that despite not longer being at his side in physical form, she could be in spirit.

She clearly remembers losing her conciousness as both of them were embraced by the light.

So why was she now feeling a wooden floor?

As the girl finally opened her eyes, she could barely see as the room she had found herself in was pretty dark outside from the light coming from the windows.

She could tell it was a workshop, nothing too different from the one he had showed her many times.

But she couldn't really tell what most of the things were as the workshop was really different from the one she knew.

Papers scattered everywhere, tools all around the floor, robotic projects on the shelves and turned off.

It was nostalgic and yet also different.

As she continued checking the place she found a mirror.

Cosmo was beyond confused if she was honest.

She was supposed to be death, she is sure even her species shouldn't be able to come back from what happened at the final battle with Dark Oak.

So why is she here?

Was this the aftelife or anything similar?

She really couldn't tell.

Still she couldn't help but try to continue exploring the place.

She didn't know where she was and if she was honest the sheer fact that she was walking once again was still trying to register in her mind.

And it didn't help that her attention was taken away by a single thing in the workshop.

A little potted plant that was still growing.

If there was any way to get some kind of information about her current whereabouts, then she hopes the little plant would be willing to help her, she is grateful that her species can communicate with other plant life.

If she was honest she got mixed results.

The little sprout was still too young to really understand her, but she could make out certain words from the little sprout.

Gentle, caring, courageous, loyal.

That is just some of the words that she got when she asked the little sprout about the owner of the place.

At least she knew that whoever owned the place would at least try to hear her out first.

And yet as she continued exploring she felt some doubt at that.

Especially because the board she had found irked her in a bad way.

The board was filled with images of places she didn't recognize, all of them marked with a red cross as if it was saying a negative on the area.

But that wasn't what irked her.

No what irked he was the photo at the center of said board.

It would be hard to not recognize it after all, she came especifically in the past searching for said person in her plight of help.

Whoever owned this workshop was searching for Sonic The Hedgehog.

The reason she didn't know why.

But something told her that something bad was happening.

And the question finally came up again.

Just where was she now?

Her thoughs are finally interrupted as she hears the sound of something approaching.

It wasn't like the Tornado X.

No it was something a lot more noisy.

Despite what the little sprout had told her she decided to hide, she didn't know how the one approaching would react to her.

She really just hopes she doesn't cause more trouble.

Tails was more than baffled, he didn't know how much time it has been since Sonic dissapeared.

And to say everything was a mess would be putting it lightly.

The return of the black arms, Shadow for some reason helping the aliens, Ζavok taking control of Eggman old empire, new enemies appearing out of the woodwork.
As the two tailed fox was ready land the Tornado he saw that Amy was also closing in on his workshop.

Probably with not good news.

The fox sighed at that.

''Sonic where are you?'' the fox muttered under his breath asking for his best friend/brother.

He knew Sonic liked to go whenever he wanted, but when there was problem he would be ready to jump into the action.

And yet they still knew nothing of his location.

As he finally landed the fox got down from his plane and greeted Amy.

''Hello Amy, any news?'' Tails asked her pink friend wishing for some good news.

''Sadly no Tails, by this point we have gone trough probably trough 50% of Green Hills and still no news, seriously where is that guy?!'' Amy said in a angry, but worried tone.

Tails just sighed at that, they really hoped that Sonic could be found within Green Hills and yet they found nothing.

The restoration and G.U.N. territory had been pretty much searched from up and down without problem.

But they had taken a lot more time to search trough the Ζeti territory without raising too much suspiction.

Ζavok was very clear with Sonic during that incident and while Amy and he could fight the deadly 6, it was another thing entirely if they decided to stop playing with them and tried to go for the kill.

Tails saw how the Ζeti acted back then and only thanks to their nature Sonic was able to beat them one by one in their hubris.

And even then that was Sonic, he doubts he could take on his lonesome the deadly 6 without some heavy back up.

As Tails opened the door to his workshop he invited Amy in to continue marking which part of the territory of Green Hills they had been in.

Between having to help combat the hordes of badniks, having to search for Sonic, helping the restoration in general he was feeling tired.

With everything being this much of a mess no one would blame him.

While Amy went to get them both some drinks, he continued marking the places they have been in.

His mind wondering when anything good will happen.

Ever since the Shattering everything has been going down the drain.

And without Sonic to help he cannot help but feel useless at the situation.

Despite his intellect he always had relied on Sonic to truly solve the problems.

''Sonic just where are you?'' the little Fox said once more in a sad tone as a single tear escapes his eye.

But without missing a beat he feels a sound behind him.

Had he forgotten to close his workshop door again?

But nothing would prepare him for what came next.

''Tails is that you?'' a timid and delicate voice reached his ears.

And when he looked back and saw what looked to be a plant girl and when he started to formulate the question of who was her, his head did nothing more than have a splitting headache.

[Shattered Mind Rol- INTERRUPT].

Cosmo couldn't believe it.

She really couldn't, after all she didn't think that whatever is out there would leave her in this place.

She couldn't believe this was Tails workshop.

And yet as she stayed hidden one of the furniture of the place

She could recognize her dear friends anywhere.

And yet she didn't jump to greet them because she was doubtful.

She was worried about what they we're talking about.

Sonic missing? Where was Green Hills exactly?, was it really him?

Would he forgive her?

The seedrian girl had many questions.

But she noticed that her mind took far too long as she saw that Amy was gone.

At that point despite her doubts she steeled herself and asked the question.

Only for her worry to increase as she saw her dear friend grabbing his head in pain and falling to the floor.

At that moment Cosmo hurried to be place where the yellow Fox laid down.

''Tails, what is happening? are You okay?'' Cosmo worried about her friend.

It took some minutes but the headache looks like it finally went away as the Fox finally looked to the seedrian to the face.

What happened next left Cosmo feeling a lot more guilty.

As she saw the eyes of her dear friend fill with nothing but tears.

The Fox was scared as if he has seen a Ghost, as his trembling hands tried to touch the seedrian hands almost as if to comfirm his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.

When each other hands touched the Fox couldn't help but continue crying repeating just a set of words.

''It is really you'' Tails said in a broken voice.

At that point Cosmo couldn't contain herself no more either.

Her mind couldn't really Tell how long it had been since that fateful day, but her soul could.

It had been far too long.

She wanted to go away, to rot away in any place but here, because she understood she had hurt Tails in a way she cannot even begin to understand.

But her backing away was stopped by the Fox launching at her.

Not to hurt her.

But to hug her and not letting her go.

Tails was still crying still repeating the same phrase.

To which Cosmo had joined him and returned the hug not letting him go either.

She was crying because despite everything she did, despite the painful choice she made him take, he forgave her.

''It is really you Cosmo'' Tails repeated once more still crying on her shoulder.

Cosmo crying on his shoulder finally responded ''Yes Tails, it is me, I am finally here''.

The two didn't get to continue the moment much longer as a worried Amy had come back only to find both the Fox and the Seedrian hugging and crying on each other shoulder.

Cosmo could only notice that Amy had suffered from the same headache as Tails did when he saw her.

Only to moments later for the pink Hedgehog to hug her too and saying she was glad that the Seedrian was here.

This event no doubt leaves more questions than answers on the heads of the 3 individuals that find themselves in this workshop.

But they don't care at the moment.

Cosmo is just glad to have such great Friends.

Meanwhile Tails and Amy are glad, they are glad and happy that a friend they though to be lost for what it felt like an eternity is finally back with all of them.

well another omake and one full of tears.

I like Tails as a character so sue me if it is Bad that I want for this Fox to be happy once in his life.

Especially since the universe just seems to love tl give him shit hands

Seriosly Tails no doubt would had been heavely traumatized from that stunt at the end of Sonic X.

And yet the Shattering seems to be also giving second chances to certain people.

If Black Doom got revives, Isara got brought back from death, why no give the chance to certain plant girl.

Besides we just got Sage back.

The good guys also deserve something good happening to them in this clusterfuck.

Especially My boy Tails
Zavok's Rage Breaks
Zavok has reached abridged Vegeta levels of rage, be careful, he is coming to kill Eggman soon.

Zavok's Rage Breaks

"Wohohohoho! That felt great! I can see what my alternative enjoyed doing that." Eggman said as he finished his dance number and singing. "Really adds some flair and style to an announcement!"

"It was excellently done, father!" Sage said as her avatar appeared on a nearby screen. Isara meanwhile was staring, an expression of surprise and confusion clearly spread across her face.

"Is this something that happens…often?" She asked, her tone polite yet befuddled nonetheless. It was, to her, quite the dramatic way of announcing the existence of their group to the world.

"Oh, I have done something like this on many occasions, though I will say, this is probably one of the best I've done to date! Now then, we just wait to see what Starline's team has managed to accomplish and-"


Eggman and Isara jumped at the sudden and unexpected sound of a loud scream filled with such rage and hatred that it seemed to be almost physically tangible.

"What in the blazes is that!? Wait, I know this scream of rage! Sage, are we already under attack!?" Eggman turned to the computer screen that Sage's avatar was displayed on, the A.I. looking quite perplexed.

"No, Father. There are currently no forces near this location…yet somehow I am also able to hear the scream as though it was in the Egg.Net itself?"

Isara held her hands to her ears. "What is causing this!?"

Eggman listened a bit more to the very louder scream that seemed to not be slowing down. "It's-!"

"-Zavok!?" Tails exclaimed in shock.

He and Amy had stopped their search for Sonic after seeing Eggman's announcement. They had been moving to check with the Restoration, when the scream started.


Which was still going strong!

"You never said he could scream this loud!" Amy said as she looked around at some of the trees shaking. "Has he gone all giant right now!?"

Tails shook his head. "We definitely would have noticed if he was, a giant screaming red Zeti wouldn't be the kind of thing you miss!" He said, though even he had to admit, maybe he was misremembering what all Zavok could do. He didn't think anyone had this kind of lung capacity!

Black Doom blinked all three of his eyes as he heard a scream of such incredible fury that he actually felt impressed by whatever life form managed it…especially since it was managing to be heard all the way within the depths of the Black Comet…in space.

"I should make a note to capture whatever is making that sound. Such powerful roars could be useful…"

Shadow, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel some sense of kinship with whatever was bellowing its rage so openly. He certainly felt something close to it after his…temporary set back.


…Now if only it wasn't giving him a headache…

Silver the Hedgehog held up the gemstone that would be the key that would allow him to go back and fix everything!

"With this Time Stone, I can travel to the past and right the wrongs that created this ruined future! I promise, I will do everything in my power to save everything and everyone-!"


Silver flew straight up and looked around in a panic as a scream like nothing he had ever heard before rang out throughout the ruins of his future.

"What is making that sound!?"

Vegeta, Prince of All Sayians, paused in his training and looked up from where he stood in the middle of one of the many deserts that dotted the planet he begrudgingly called home as he heard a scream filled with a level of rage that he knew quite well.


"Is someone stealing my bit!?"


Zavok stood, panting as his scream finally reached its end, with his fellow Zeti (at least those not currently healing) looking at him with wide eyes filled with no small degree of fear. The red and black demonic leader of the Deadly Six's own eyes were now bloodshot, pupils shrunken down to pinpricks, and shaking with a crazed intensity only a being filled with mind shatteringly high levels of anger could hope to match.

"…I'm going to go kill Eggman now." He said in a tone that was far too calm compared to what he was feeling, before leaving the room with a swiftness that none of his fellow Zeti had seen him capable of before.

Zeena, Zor, and Zazz all looked to each other, and could only feel relief in knowing that they were not the object of Zavok's ire.
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Trial by Fire
Here we go @Kingster, @Boohoo the 3rd, @Ranger65, @KA$H a new omake:

Trial by Fire

You are Clove the Proghorn and once again you are question your life choices. Apparently your sister manage to convince to fly you to Restoration territory to get ice cream to commemorate her "improved" condition, how she manage to convince you while inside of a battle mech/medical suit is a mystery.

Of course Dr. Eggman has taken notice of their absence and send the fanboy of his to get them but Cassia is nothing if not determinate when come to frozen treaties and is now distracting him with tales about their version of Dr. Eggman while Starline is happily taken notes and asking non-stop questions.

You look at the staff in the shop and all have nervous looks, clients long since vanish in the moment they arrive, mostly because of Cassia's suit but some are directed to her as well. There was a TV playing news about the doctor's recent return and even show some pictures of her assaulting the Black Arms base extrapolating who would be mad enough to serve Doctor Eggman.

That explain the staff reaction to her.

"As always it was the Black Arms that make me a Egg Boss. Talk about cycle of life" You can help but think of that and soon you the memories of long ago come to you.


The air was thick with smoke and the acrid tang of burning metal. The city was ablaze with chaos, aliens ships hovered menacingly in the sky, firing beams of crimson energy that reduced entire blocks to rubble. The invasion had turned what should have been another ordinary day into a nightmare.

Breaths came quick and shallow as you hoisted her frail younger sister, Cassia, onto your back. The hospital they were into it to Cassia latest battery of test was already half-destroyed, and the air raid sirens screamed without pause. GUN emergency broadcasts played on loop through every radio and television, directing civilians to evacuation points.

"Hold on, Cassia," You whispered voice trembling. "We'll get out of here. I promise."

Cassia, her body weak from the disease that had ravaged her for years, barely managed a nod. "I trust you, Sis..."

The journey to the evacuation point was harrowing. GUN soldiers fought valiantly in the streets, their vehicles and weapons blazing as they tried to hold back the relentless waves of these alien creatures. Yet, for every alien they felled, two more seemed to take its place. You ducked and weaved through the carnage, clutching Cassia tightly, your hands pounding against the cracked asphalt.

As you neared the evacuation point, your path was suddenly blocked by a collapsing building. Flames and debris roared in your way, forcing you to retreat. You glanced around, heart racing, until you spotted an alternate route through an alley.

When you emerged from the alley, you found yourself face-to-face with a group of Egg Army soldiers. They were led by an Egg Boss a burly wolf clad in Eggman's signature red-and-black uniform. His mechanical prosthetics glinted ominously in the dim light.

"We're here under orders from Doctor Eggman," the Egg Boss barked, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Our objective is to eliminate these alien pests. Civilians, stay out of the way!"

You hesitated, torn between mistrust of Eggman's forces and the faint glimmer of hope they represented. Before you could decide whether to press on or plead for help, the Egg Boss turned his attention back to the aliens swarming their position.

"Push forward!" he shouted, leading his troops into the fray.

But even the Egg Army wasn't invincible. The aliens fought with a ferocity that overwhelmed them and soon the Egg Boss fell, his mechanical limbs sparking as his body collapsed to the ground. The soldiers looked to each other in confusion, their chain of command shattered.

You, watching from the sidelines, felt a surge of determination. "If someone doesn't take charge, we're all dead," you muttered to yourself. With Cassia still clinging weakly to her back, she stepped forward.

"You can do this, it's just like these online wargames Cassia insist playing with you. Just go there, act confident, shout orders and they will follow" You think, desperate trying to convince yourself to the upcoming task.

"You," you called to the remaining soldiers, your voice firm despite the fear. "Regroup and form a defensive line! If we let them through, no one in this city will survive!"

The soldiers, stunned at first, obeyed. You directed them with surprising confidence utilizing yout sharp instincts to coordinate their fire and create chokepoints, under your command, the Egg Army managed to turn the tide of the battle, buying enough time for GUN reinforcements to arrive and drive the invaders back.

When the dust settled, the evacuation point was finally secure. You collapsed to your knees, clutching Cassia as relief and exhaustion washed over ypu.

Then, a drone with a TV screen and a antena atop stop in front of you ,displaying the unmistakable image of Doctor Eggman.

"Well, well, well," Dr. Eggman said, his tone oozing amusement. "I've been monitoring this little...debacle. Imagine my surprise to see a civilian taking charge of my troops and succeeding where their leader failed. How delightfully unexpected!"

You tensed, unsure how to respond.

"I must say," Dr. Eggman continued, "you've impressed me and I'm not easily impressed. How would you like a... new job? Since my previous Egg Boss has fallen, a opening is available. Anything in this world is yours power, wealth, even a cure for the weakness of the flesh thanks to my cyberization methods."

Your breath hitched. "A cure for Cassia?"

"Of course," Doctor Eggman replied smoothly. "With my resources, I can accomplish what no mere hospital ever could. All I ask is both your loyalty to me."

To serve as a Egg Boss?

To conquer nations and oppress the innocent?

To obey the whims of a madman that once a unleash a water god and blow up half the moon?



You looked down at Cassia, who gazed up at you with tired eyes. The weight of your decision pressed heavily on your chest.

"...I'll do it," you said finally, your voice barely above a whisper. "Just promise me you'll save my sister."

Eggman's laugh was as triumphant as it was sinister. "Oh, I never break a promise. Welcome to the team."

From that day forward, you became a Egg Boss driven not by ambition or malice but by the desperate hope of saving your sister. It was a choice you would question every day but one you could never regret, not while Cassia's life hung in the balance.

In Post-SGW it's never explain how each of the Egg Bosses join Eggman, so is a open vacuum to play however we want. I decided to roll that Cassia was a mere civilian during the Archie version of the Black Arms Invasion and assume command of the Egg Army detachment it was send by Eggman to secure the city for whatever reason.

A literally trial by fire and Doctor Eggman become so impressed he given her a Egg Boss title in the spot.

I absolute love the Egg Bosses and each have they own reason to join Eggman instead of the generic cartoonish evil Grandmasters from Pre-SGW, that only Grandmaster Rabbot was the exception.
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Dark Timeline AU G.U.N Negaquest Part 2
Dark Timeline AU G.U.N Negaquest Part 2

Regi-Gig said:
I still wonder who is that person that despises us now. its been a couple of turns now.

GreenPun32 said:
Wasn't it Thunderbolt? She did disappear recently. I mean it could also be Sage but the Qm hinted that it was someone who didn't participate when we raided.

SilverQ said:
Theres a lot of Eggmans fanatics out there who would despise us, Stone himself lost it when we told him the news. Still I'm betting it's one of his robots.

InnerSperk said:
Doesnt narrow it down, there was also that pod thing Eggman was protecting before it disappeared.

EsDonRocin said:
Yeah that part was odd, I can't imagine him doing without any reason.

CuriosGlass said:
Nah your overthinking it, remember it teleported away in the end so it must have been his escape plan since everyone left.

MGun2 said:
He must have been pretty desperate given how it was shaking around the whole time.

The hidden base was dead silent as she stumbled through the halls, her mind in a daze. Every now and then she stumbled past a familiar face, some with similar or more neutral expressions. Until she bumped into someone.

Taking a moment to focus, she felt a bit happy to see who it was.

"Isara! You're alright." Belle said partly relieved.

"Yes most of us made it." Isara answered, her face showing exhaustion.

"Most? Belle questioned with a pit in her stomach.

"Yes...." She whispered her face downcast.

"I'll tell you later but first can you please talk to Sage." She pleaded. "Since our return she has completely closed herself off, no one can reach her. I'm really worried about her."

"Oh I can do that." She said in sudden realization as she parted ways with her. What she was feeling could only be the same or worse for Sage.

She headed to the room where the main console that houses Sage should be at. The many displays around the room are off but the computers are still running, showing she's still awake.

Finding a port, she prepares to connect herself to the console and enter the Cyberspace to look for her.

Colors started flashing and she began blinking as she adjusts to the new environment. She stared blankly at the emptiness of cyberspace before spotting a hunch figure way out in the distance.

"Sage?" Belle called out to the distant figure.

"Belle?" Sage questioned, standing up and floating at high speed until she was in front of her.

"Its me." Belle answered as she nodded

"Belle! Our father-" She said alarmed.

There might have been a time where she had been conflicted about the relationship they all share but now.....

"Yes....he's gone." Belle said as she burst into tears before lunging at Sage and pulling her into a hug.

Sage struggled against the hug at first as if to deny her statement but then also broke out crying and hugged her back.

"Its okay." Belle whispered weakly, tears dripping down her eyes. "Its okay." She repeated as they both kept clinging to eachother for support in the quiet presence of cyberspace.

She didn't notice when she fell asleep but she woke up to find Sage curled by her side and a humming noise by her side.

Opening up one of her pouches, she realized it was that strange device her father had given her. Free from it's confines, the noise from the device grew loud enough to wake Sage. Her bleary eyes staring tiredly at her and the device before becoming wide alert.

"Belle!!" She shout in excitement. " This is a personal storage device from father!" She point her hand at the device and soon a massive display was formed in front of them with words appearing.

They both held on to each other's hand as Belle anxiously read her father's last message.

The fact you are reading this means that I have not made it back under a certain time frame. If so, then I leave you in charge Belle until my return.

Bellle's eyes widened in disbelief.

If your asking why you instead of Sage it's because in the end she is still just a child, even more than you. I have full confidence in her ability to manage my Empire but people are another story. In many ways she can be more easily fooled than you, and right now we are surrounded on all sides.

You have a way with people Belle, one that I have no need for but has use in this Shattered landscape. As long as Sage is with you. I am sure you both can handle things on your own. I left some designs and upgrades you can use in the meantime.

For now I will say this Belle, I still have my doubts about about Kindess and Control but I do want to believe it's more than a theory. Prove me right.


Belle couldn't hold back a new set of tear as she she gently held onto Sage's hand. Her father truly did believe in her. After some more comforting silence Sage raised other free hand to create dozens and dozens of large holographic images in the space above them that were pulled from out of the device. Taking a look, she sees various blueprints referencing her, these designs being the ones her father must have mentioned.

As she looks more at these designs, she found them brilliant and would have been overjoyed before the invasion but now....

"Its not enough." Both Belle and Sage said at the same time. They blinked as they looked at eachother.

"Yes it's good but...." Said Belle hesitantly.

"It needs combat capability, weapons, gadgets of the lethal variety that I can include." Said Sage confidently.

"How fast can you work on it" Belle asked, before blinking as she found herself back in the real world. She saw a panel opened up to her right to reveal a room full of automated tools that swerve in her direction.

"I'm doing it as we speak." Said Sage from a display. " I already completed the basic overhaul, we can get started when you give the word."

Belle looked at her hands, it's wooden exterior was cracked and damaged in many places due to her efforts to break open the pod. She knew on the surface she would still visually look the same or at least similar but on the inside....

She wondered what her other father would think of her choice. Would he be disappointed in her path or would understand she had no choice in it?

In the end she shook her head, she thought it in world like now, kindess cannot truly exist by itself. Kindess and Control, both can exist and she will prove it.

"I'm ready." Spoke Belle as tools whirrled into action.

"Now wait just a minute!" Shouted Starline as he stormed into the center of the room.

Its been a few days and Belle had just recently gathered everyone along with Sage to make announce the new change in leadership before Starline's interruption.

Starline had seen better days, his outfit still showed signs from the base attack and it's obvious he hasn't been sleeping.

"Starline-" Belle said softly, careful not to make any sudden movements as she adjusts to her new body

"I am not just going to let some insignificant bandnik try and take his place." He yelled outraged.

Belle watched as he continued his tirade nonstop until she managed to get her word in as he struggled to catch his breath.

"You really care about Eggman, didn't you." She said with a sad smile.

"Wha- Of course I cared! He was everything to me! He was-" He blustered.

"Then you already know this." Belle interrupted.

" I am not his equal, I don't have his genuis, I don't have his way of planning nor his achievements." She said quietly briefly closing her eyes.

"But" Her eyes met with Starline, causing him to go pale. "I won't let his killers get away with it, no matter what it takes I'll put a stop to them, but I can't do it alone. I need help, especially from one who dreams of being my father's equal." She said intensely, her face emotionless.

He looked away "......very well." He grumbled. "Still even if you are his creation, don't expect me to follow your every word. I expect results." He threatened before stalking off.

Belle sighed inwardly in relief, she glanced around the room noting the worried and concerned faces from everyone else. There's a lot more she has to say to everyone here and in private. Yet she couldn't help but look in the direction of the G.U.N held territory where the people missing here are likely held.

"Hold on everyone, I'll be there soon." She thought to herself as she gripped her hands tightly. "and I will be the last thing G.U.N see".

Random Event Roll: 3

??? + ??? = ???

Defense: 51+30(Security) + 5(Omake)=86


Utter disaster! It wasn't discovered until the next morning when your people found the cell holding Stone to be completely empty, and the specialized lab holding Rusty Rose to be utterly ransacked. All camera and recording was acessed and wiped without anyones notice. What's worse was whoever they are messed with various key files and databases in the network, who knows how long it will take to fix.

Results: Rusty Rose Wreckage Lost, Agent Stone Freed. Base Sabotaged, - 5 to Logistics Actions next turn.

InnerSperk said:
Crap, thats a bad roll for us,

SilverQ said:
Its those Egg remnants, how are they still a faction after we took out Eggman.

MGun2 said:
I mean its just Sage running things with Starline though, she's the only real threat.

AridRed said:
Yeah I seriously didn't expect Zavok to be pissed that we stole his kill and focus on us. If he hadnt we would have hunted her down.

Reg-Gig said:
I'm just glad we moved Metal Sonic to a more secured lab for research, I really don't want those egg remnants getting their hands on him.

UncivilExecutor said:
Still worth it in the end, not having to worry about Eggman makes things a lot easier in the long run.
Sure we have a lot of threats right now like Doom Shadow's return but its better than Eggman's secret super weapon that can wipe us out at a press of a button, trust me.

Rival Report

Egg Remnants

Collect The Last Piece
DC: Contested By You
???+???= 138
Major Success

The fortified lab holding Metal gone. All the personnel stationed there have been killed to the last man. Much of the research data that hasn't been transfered yet is lost as all computers have been deliberately damaged or destroyed. The body of Metal Sonic is gone and all surveillance recordings has been corrupted which brings the question of how could this have happen!

Results: Metal Sonic Lost. Certain Actions Lost. Territory Lost, Shown in Next Turn. 6 G.U.N Units Lost.

AngelicMace said:
Ahhhh!!!!! they stole METAL SONIC!!!

CuriosGlass said:
Not good very not good we barely unlocked a cheap knock off prototype version of Shard

AridRed said:
I'm going to use up one of my questions to ask how the Egg Remnants are a thing because if this happens everytime we take down a faction leader, it's practically pointless.

Queenly said:
One of the secret rolls was if faction could be held together by someone. They rolled high enough and combined with a base you haven't discovered let the faction stay intact. It would similar if your leader was killed, the rest of your Hero Units would regroup at a nearby base in your territory. Unlike Eggman's however there won't be a roll needed to keep it together as you are a organization not a regime for a tyrant.

MGun2 said:
So we just have to hunt them down, we really should have done that earlier. We can't give them time to fix Metal Sonic.

Queenly said:
You had plenty of chances to investigate the Egg Remnants before but chose not too. Luckily, there will be a option to recover the corrupted footage in the next turn which might shed some light if you get lucky.

-[X] Restore the Corrupted Data DC: 75 - Frances roll= 55+1(Loyalty) +23(Frances) +5(Omake)=84

You finally have access to the footage of when the perpetrators attacked and took Metal Sonic from your lab.

"Stay back I'm warning you!!" Yelled out a G.U.N Officer as he along with two others guarded the door leading to where Metal Sonic is stored.

Ahead of them in a long hallway stood a figure cloaked in darkness. As the person walked toward them, the lights a few feet ahead of them flickered and died, turning the hallway more and more dark.

Losing his nerve. "Open fire." Screamed the officer as they all shot at the figure.

The figure seamed to melt into the darkness as bullets pinged off the walls at constant rate.

After what felt like minutes, their guns clicked empty and they nervously peered into the darkness.

"Aahh!!!!!" A guard screamed as he was suddenly yanked into the air by a long mechanical hand before being pulled into the darkness. Before the others can react, they too were grabbed with only the officer managing to get his pistol out as he was sucked into the darkness.

For a brief time there was only screaming and the sound of bullets firing in the distance before....silence.

Eventually a figure stepped out toward the doors, still half covered in darkness from an umbrella that jutted from there palm.

They went past the doors and stood in front of where Metal Sonic lay disassembled. With a flick of their wrist, the umbrella collapsed back inside them, the cling sound of bullets hit the floor as they got dislodged.

The light overhead briefly flickered on, illuminating the figure.

"" Said Belle, holding up Metal Sonic's damaged head.

Results: Discovered Leader of the Egg Remnants, New Options Unlocked to Resist Hacking Future Attempts.

SilverQ said:

AridRed said:
Thats BELLE! Did Eggman reprogram her!

InnerSperk said:
Oh no that makes sense, we never found her after we went looking for Mr.Tinker. Eggman must have brainwashed her after he found her.

Regi-Gig said:
He did have Sage, so it make sense he want his other daughter around even if its by force.

GreenPun32 said:
Thats some terrifying upgrades, shes gonna be horribly traumatized when she ever breaks free.

EsDonRocin said:
Yeah shes got blood on her hands now, but how did she take over the whole faction?

AngelicMace said:
Sage probably.
Actually you know what, I want to use my special reward to take a look at her spreadsheet, I'm curious on her stats.

Queenly said:
Be careful of what you wished for. I just want to say, it was a matter of rolls, luck and choices.

G.U.N. PROFILE 6: Dark Belle The Tinkerer

Power: 16 (Belle has made some improvements to her body, what she lacks in combat experience, she makes up in other ways.)

Heart: 29 (Belle has only matured since taking over, becoming a charismatic leader that can be the most charming or most intimidating depending on the situation)

Logistics: 16 (Belle can organize and manage projects well enough but excels in overseeing people)

Trickery: 22 (Belle dislikes schemes and lies but has made her body into the the ultimate tool, it be a waste not use it to its fullest potential. )

Brains: 18 (While Belle doesn't hold a candle to her father's genius, she uses her artifical nature to close the gap regardless of the futility.)

Mystic: 3 ( Unlike her father, she doesn't share his disdain of the occult and will willingly incorporate it for her own use.)


Combat Gadget Program: Eggman once made designs and upgrades for Belle that suited her nature as a Tinkerer and friend to all. Sadly it came too late and so both Belle and Sage made their own modifications to weaponize it, allowing Belle to internally house a massive array of gadgets for evey situation lethal or otherwise.

(+5 to all rolls. Belle can add 1/2 of her Trickery to Power in combat.)

Friend to All Children: Despite everything, Belle did not lose the core of who she was. All children deserve help no matter what. (+10 to Rolls Involving helping children, reduced to +5 if they are teenagers or adults.)

Kindness and Control: Belle once told her father that both can exist, while Kindness was second nature to her, Control was the same for her father. He showed both in the end, how can she not do the same. (Belle can use her Heart score for certain Power Actions, +5 to befriend potential allies. )

Sisters to the End: Belle and Sage lost their father, something they both shared in their grief. Never again, they will not lose anyone else even if the world stands in their way.

(During an adventure as long as Belle is still linked with Sage the first failure is rerolled. Sage will also convert 1/2 of her Logisitics to add to either Belle's Heart, Power or Trickery scores.)

Hatred of G.U.N : They killed her father, that's not something she can ever let go. Not until she scatters their forces into the wind, crush their buildings and drag both Omega and the one who gave the order back to her base to ask the question. Why?!

(Outside of protecting her faction, her priority will always be defeating G.U.N. +10 to G.U.N related actions and -10 to other actions when obsession is ongoing. Certain traits may not trigger when it comes to G.U.N.

Her Father's Daughter: Belle's enhancements and memorization of Eggtronics has given her a deep understanding of machines. (+10 to Rolls to tinker with machines and other Badniks. +5 to Upgrade Action )

***Cubot and Orbot:*** Two of her brothers that chose to stick by her in her time of need. They might not believe their help matters much in the grand scheme of things but it meant the world to her.

(Cubot and Orbot can be assigned to a Stewardship Action that doesn't count for the total Action limits in a turn, when they are assigned they count as a Hero Unit, they give a +10 bonus to the roll.)


Destroy G.U.N.

Reclaim Green Hill in your father's name.

Learn more of your father's killer.

Side drives: Learn more of the Occult

Wolat said:

Yeah I made Dark Belle a Heart/Trickery Hero, might have made her a bit too strong, I don't really know. I honestly have clue what to write for a part 3 so that might be it unless someone take over. Also don't do what I just did and write this all on your phone in one go, my poor hands hurt.

Sometime in the future and sonic is found and reunited with his friends

"Is it just me, or has metal been acting more weird and strange lately?" said Sonic to his group of friends and acquaintances as they were eating some "mexican" chili dogs at restaurant called Metallicó's Churros

"What makes you say that sonic?" Asked Tails his two tailed fox friend

"Well ever since the shattering and Eggman getting some new henchmen, Metal been acting stranger and stranger after each encounter, you wouldn't believe what happened with my last fight with him, heck how it started" sonic remarked about the last battle he had with Metal sonic


"All right, Metal! I know you're here let's get this over wi-" Sonic yelled out as he reached the area metal sonic was reported to be in, but as he decelerate he saw no metal sonic anywhere to be seen

" uh Tail's you said he was here right? Your device isn't broken?" asked Sonic to his trusty sidekick from his ear piece communicating with Tails

"Yeah according to reports and this radar I invented, Metal should be in the area you're in?" Responded back

"I am in the area right now and the only thing I see is a flock of Flickies on this tree and no Metal Sonic? Responded Sonic

And sure enough there was a bunch of flicky's hanging around on this tree chirping about and hanging, he might as well go closer and ask the flicky's if they had seen Metal sonic, he helped them out in the past maybe they have seen him nearby.

As he was about to do that he heard them chirping.

Chirp, chirp

Chirp chirp


"Well, it seems like one of these Flickys was feeding from something to make that nois-" as Sonic said that, he was face to face with Metal all right, what he did not expect was Metal wearing what is essentially a giant Flicky costume.


That was all Sonic could say about the absurdity of the situation before Metal threw a grenade at him and as Sonic dodged it he smelled something foul from it before he did take notice what the smell is, Metal appeared before him still wearing that giant Flicky costume and punched him in the back and pushed into the trajectory of the grenade, and as the grenade exploded, sonic was then covered in a white and sticky substance and one quick sniff and he knew what it was.

"Really Metal!? You threw a grenade filled with Flicky poop, it will take me weeks to get it out of my quills, not to mention the smell!" Yelled out Sonic somewhat pissed for Metal Antic.

As he said that Metal was already speeding away, Sonic was about to run after him, but he was stuck on the ground noticing how stuck he was, turns out the flicky excrement wasn't the only thing he filled it up with.

"Tails, do you copy" asked Sonic in a deadpan noise

"Yeah I'm here, what's up?" Asked tails

"I need you to get me Out of something, I'm stuck in something and its preventing me from chasing Metal, oh and grab a cleaning supplies would ya buddy?" Sonic stated.

"Uh why do you need the last part?" Questioned tails about why Sonic needed hygiene products.

"It will make sense when you get here" Sonic said as he sees the Flicky's crowding around him.

Flashback ends

"Oh yeah, you kind of reeked for like a week after that fight" sheepishly Tails said as he remembered that particular incident.

"Sonic, you're not the only one who thinks Metal acting weird more than usual" Said Vector at the table.

"What did he do to you?"

So I was at Cream's house and-" said Vector before he was cut off by Charmy

"He was on a date with Vanilla and smooched Metal sonic disguised as her" giggled Charmy blurting it out as he was busy eating his chili dog

"Wait, you actually kissed Metal Sonic?" Sonic asked not sure whether he finds it funny or again weird Metal sonic is acting this way

"The Worst part of that story is that Metal wasn't even trying that hard disguising himself as Vanilla, in fact he was wearing some stilts and Vanilla's dress while wearing some bunny ears" Espio bluntly told of Vector's misfortune.


Scene shift as Vector was about to kiss Metal the second time in the Kitchen Cream, Espio and Charmy enter the kitchen in the Cream household

"AHHHHHHH!!! MR VECTOR IS KISSING MY MOM!" yelled out cream seeing the scene unfolded before her



A ninja star was thrown by Espio at Metal and the dress was ripped off Metal and revealed Metal in his Metal glory.

"...OH GOD I KISSED METAL MOVE ASIDE I NEED MOUTHWASH!" yelled out Vector as he ran towards the bathroom looking for said mouthwash only to find Vanilla tied up and looking annoyed as she was trapped in the bathroom, hearing the Vector smooth talking Metal poorly disguised as her.

As that happened, Metal grabbed the Cookies that were in the oven that was made by Vanilla and gave some to Cream, Espio and Charmy, with them stunned that Metal gave them cookies before they snapped out and saw him speed away from them with a bag of cookies with the remaining cookies on one hand still hot off the pan.

"Wow that's kinda embarrassing for you eh Vector?" Sonic said smirking on how easy Vector got fooled by a poorly Disguised Metal.

" ah shut it poop head" remarked back Vector

"Metal returned back to Vanilla's home and did something even weirder than what happened with Vector" Espio said as he remembered that specific event that occurred when only he returned back to their home.


Espio returned to Vanilla's home and the only reason that Charmy and Vector wasn't with him, was that Charmy was asleep at night and Vector was too embarrassed to face vanilla after flirting and kissing Metal.

Scene shifts as Espio was in Cream's room as Vanilla called them to get rid of some "monsters" under Cream's bed, Espio initially thought it was strange that Vanilla is asking them to get rid of imaginary monster under Cream's bed but she was paying them, so he might as well see what these "monsters" were.

"Mr Espio there monsters under My bed" Cream whispered to Espio

"Sigh…. Cream I can assure you there is no monster under you be-" as Espio said that and looked underneath Cream bed there he saw a particular sight

Underneath the bed, was Orbot and Cubot, Metal Sonic, and Sage, all of them eating popcorn and all of them underneath


"You know we should have been quiet while eating this popcorn" said Orbot

"Hey! I was quiet, it's not my fault they heard me!" yelled out Cubot

"Does that mean Ms Vanilla won't be reading anymore?" questionly asked Sage

Espio, now reaching his limit of weird events, just stood up and looked at the worried vanilla, and slightly terrified Cream and told them.

"Cream……. Vanilla……. Just keep reading for them, thank you for your purchases of chaotix detective agencies services and good night" said Espio as he left the house hoping that whatever he saw was just the result of him not getting enough sleep

Flashback ends

"Yikes, never thought Metal got weirder after the shattering occured." Sonic said as he remembered the new folks and insanity that entered their world after the shattering remixed and mixed new reality to mobius.


"Rogue what got you pissed off?" Sonic said as he saw rogue entering the restaurant looking annoyed and angry

"Metal, being a pain in my ass that's what" gritted out Rogue as she angrily and poutingly sat at her seat and ate a chili dog reserved for her.

"Geeeze, what did he do to you this time?" Sonic asked Rogue
"Well I was merely "borrowing" some artifacts-

"You mean stealing museum property rogue" quipped Knuckles as he was eating some chili dogs, while listening to rogue story

"BORROWING as I was in a museum" said Rogue recounting her tale


"Allright, I got in the museum now, just gotta grab it and make sure no one sees me" whispered Rogue

And what was she stealing? Well a little birdy told her that apparently someone found a chaos emerald and decided to put it in the museum, and while he wasn't sure why, she was doing a valuable service by making sure such a valuable artifact such as that was in the right hands, and by right hands, she means hers.

Now she just needs to find where it is in this museum and-


As she was thinking about that she was shot at by a large net and splayed on one of those large abstract paintings.

And she saw who was the culprit, it was Metal and was wearing a guard badge and a guard cap and was near a fire alarm

What came next was a silent communication of warnings

Metal shaking his head yes


Rogue shaking her head no


Metal shakes his head even vigorously


Rogue shakes her head no in protest

Metal then pulled fire alarm and before he ran, just to both taunt and humiliate her, she then saw Metal pulled out the Chaos emerald in front of her, before slowly walking backwards as a portal opens up behind him and he disappear while the alarms were ringing.

"I managed to escape before I got caught by the cops, I WAS NEARLY CAUGHT BY THEM BECAUSE THAT STUPID ROBOT WAS TAUNTING ME" yelled out Rogue venting out her frustration to everyone at the table

"Drown yourself in some chili dogs then, should calm, yourself down" Sonic said as he had his 10th chili dog

"Say sonic? What is this place name anyway? These Chili dogs aren't bad?" Vector asked Sonic

"Hmm? Oh, this place, Tail's says it some new place that opened up recently, Metallico's churros, surprised a place selling churros also sells Chili dogs" Responded Sonic

"Yeah, I got this flyer from some guy in the city, who said this place was new and sold something called authentic Mexican food . i don't know what a mexican is, but the it does taste nice" Tails says confirming Sonic's story

"Say wouldn't it be funny that as we are telling our stories about encountering Metal in weird situations, this restaurant is also a weird place Metal got as well you know since the name Metallico sounds like a poor way of disguising metal in this place?" Charmy said while eating his own chili dog

"Yeah wouldn't that be a funny situation" sonic chuckled a bit if at the absurdity of the idea, after all He can't be everywhere right?

And as everyone else had chuckled at Charmy's silly idea, Charmy's little prediction turned out to be true, as lo and behold the next round of chili dogs was brought to their table and they saw an even more absurd site, was Metal wearing a sombrero with a name tag that said, "hi my name is Metallico" everyone stopped laughing and everybody looked tense and in attention, stood up and was ready to fight Metal.


"Say does anyone feel like there stomach feel weird" Charmy said as he felt something sour in his gut.

And sure enough the rest of the group felt that way and clutching their own stomachs, and as they were wondering why their feeling this way, metal deciding to remove off his sombrero and peel of his nametag and just shook a bottle of something and ran off but leaving the bottle, however there was one word that was written when it rolled near them "LAXATIVES".

"When I get My hands on him, he will be scrap metal!" Rogue yelled out clutching her stomach and heading to the washroom of this restaurant.

Sometime in Eggman's primary base

"You know, as your creator I should be worried that you're hanging out with that Majima person I hired" mused Eggman

"But on the other Hand, the fact that your both annoying and humiliating the hedgehog using skills that man taught makes me proud" said Eggman grinning at his creation humiliating that pesky hedgehog after hearing what Metal was up to.

Needless to say, much of Sonic's friends and associates swore vengeance on Metal after their bowels stop trying to expel everything in them while on the toilet.

AN: well, made another omake, and this time, the idea this time around was Majima Influencing Metal in weird ways and influencing him to be an even bigger annoyance to Sonic and co in ways like Majima's everywhere system, there might be two excrement jokes, but hope the execution and idea is fine.
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Chaotix Nega Quest
Chaotix Nega Quest

[X] The Truth Can Run But Not Hide
-[X] Locate the Whereabouts of Maria
--[X] Time to earn our pay, boys! (Costs 3 Personal Actions)
---[X] Vector: Follow up on rumors in: Empire territory
---[X] Vector: Pull on connections: Lanolin
---[X] Vector: Intercept transmissions
---[X] Espio: Conduct surveillance on: Patrol Routes
---[X] Charmy: Search the battlefield
-[X] Local: Determine who the mysterious client is (Charmy)
-[X] National: Infiltrate Nack's Auction (Espio)

[X] Locate the Whereabouts of Maria
-[X] Time to earn our pay, boys! (Costs 3 Personal Actions)

"Alright, team!" Vector raises a fist, his eyes set in determination. "It's go time! We gotta find this Maria gal, and fast! Our deadline is coming up, and when we start a job..."

"We finish the job!" Espio and Charmy say in unison, though Charmy is far less reserved about it than the ninja. He spins around a few times in the air, bursting with energy as he ends with a cheer.

Their leader nods. "That's right! There's a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in, so let's get to work!"

[X] Vector: Follow up on rumors in: Empire territory
Results: 62

This new Empire is, to put it lightly, incredibly, stupidly backwards. Not about their technology or anything (although it is pretty outdated compared to Egghead's bigger machines and what G.U.N. could pull off), but how the people at the top perceive anyone different than themselves. Any human with darker hair is considered unworthy of common courtesy at best, meaning everyone on top of the chain has lighter hair. Blonde hair and the like. Picking through the outright racist and accusatory and disgustingly derogatory remarks makes him sick, but in the end he has...something. Something about a bunch of children staying some place for shelter. That "she's generous" for looking after them. Where exactly this is, he's unable to pinpoint. Just that it's close to, or inside of, Empire territory.

[X] Vector: Pull on connections: Lanolin
Results: 87

Meeting up with the Restoration's leader is both a surprising and enlightening experience. The lady has a spine of steel despite how fluffy she looks, and the way her face scrunches then smooths out from his information wrangling on the new human Empire reflects his own when he first compiled it. She takes the stack of papers Vector offers, apologizing that she really doesn't have much for him to go. Lanolin then reaches down into a desk drawer and withdraws a binder. Inside is a condensed list of missing people (the list is...worryingly long), as well as every rumor of someone matching the description he gave her, as well as some incomplete profiles from across Green Hills and radio frequencies to eavesdrop on. There are pictures, timelines, patrol routes the Restoration takes, some patrol routes for the Empire, profiles on the Zeti and the Black Arms, estimations on Shadow's return and subsequent targeting, and

And Cream and Vanilla's whereabouts.

"I don't want to be a bother," says Lanolin, "but could you maybe check in on them for me? They're living away from the base and I haven't the manpower or time to spare to visit them myself."

"Uh, yeah..." Vector gulps, struggling not to think of Vanilla's soft, wonderful smile. "Sure, no problem."

He fails.

[X] Vector: Intercept transmissions
Results: 57

While dealing with technology is not his strong suite, Vector nonetheless carefully monitors the trio of radios the agency has for any scrap of information that might be broadcast on the local channels. Not just the ones the Restoration and the weird outdated Empire use, but whatever Eggman used as well. Unfortunately, the Zeti aren't very reliant on radio signals to contact each other and this other Empire mostly uses the radio to communicate locations and actions with the occasional idle chatter thrown in. Despite the bits and pieces thrown at him, Vector only comes away with a couple scraps of information. Nothing actionable, but nothing useless either.

[X] Espio: Conduct surveillance on: Patrol Routes
Results: 46

Espio quietly sneaks behind the humans marching along the border of the human's empire. Unlike with Eggman, these borders of war are lined with wood, wire, sandbags, and guns instead of hordes upon hordes of robots. Still, Espio takes his time, blending in with the barriers and machinery as he steadily gets closer to the humans.

Unfortunately, he gains next to nothing of importance in his time following the humans, save for some appreciation of how long a human can talk about everything and nothing at all while walking in endless lines and circles.

Espio vanishes without the humans ever knowing he was there, ultimately dissatisfied.

[X] Charmy: Search the battlefield
Results: 60

Charmy has some better luck as an eye in the sky. From up high he can see everything! Eggman's fortress still spews out the stinkiest smog, the humans still push each other around until anyone that stands out stand in one place, the creepy aliens are running away--

--wait what?

Charmy uses his binoculars to get a closer look. Huh! Yeah! The aliens are running with their tails tucked between their legs. Serves them right!

Charmy returns to scanning the battlefield, which is most of Green Hills, which means it's harder to search, but he gets to fly for a looooong time! He does loop-de-loops, and barrel rolls, giggling as he keeps his eyes peeled for anything!

Even shiny stuff!

(Especially shiny stuff like rings! But Vector gave him a really important job so it's not AS important as finding that Maria person!)

It's as he's heading back to the agency, that Charmy spots it. It's so tiny so he wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't done a backwards flip right then, the sun at his back.

The tiny shiny thing is lying in the grass, in the middle of nowhere. There's tire tracks nearby but that's all he notices as he gets a closer look at the thing.

It's a leather band, with a golden teardrop-like dangly bit hanging in the middle. A charm maybe? Maybeeee bee bee! Charmy nabs it, and brings it back to the Detective Agency with him.

Results: 62+87+57+46+60+20(Skip Tracer)+10(Karma Collector)+10(A Dream Team)=352
Greater Success!


By the end of the month, the Chaotix have more than just a hunch. They have a rough location of where Maria is, and picture proof of their hard work paying off. A far-off and slightly blurry photograph accompanies coordinates and a detailed report of whether to expect any complications in the area.

Now if they can just get paid back, they'll be...not entirely in the black, but close enough to celebrate!

Send results off to the client?

[] Yes!

[] No, no yet.

[X] Local: Determine who the mysterious client is (Charmy)
Results: 4 + 5 (???? ????? ????????)=9
Major failure!

Charmy stares really hard at the request papers that were delivered to the Chaotix Detective Agency. He quickly grows bored and starts bugging Espio about teaching him "ultra super secret ninja tricks!!"

Espio refuses to give in, and Charmy pouts while he leaves to search the battlefields again.

[X] National: Infiltrate Nack's Auction (Espio)
Results: 84+10(Ninjutsu Expert)=94

To be continued in: A Weasel's Weakness! Ultimate Ninja Power!

Pretty good rolls all around! Without any of those bonuses you would've only gotten a partial success, and a more...let's say interesting outcome.

But oof that client roll. Better luck next time guys!
I couldn't help myself. Once again, these are real rolls. Poor Charmy lol.
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