Nega Restoration Quest
I have decided to make a negaverse post. It has been so long since I've done something like this, sorry if it's not the best, I am severely out of practice.

Nega Restoration Quest
Jester said:
So, I see most of you want to take out the Black Arms quickly.
Anearly said:
Yes, we need to get rid of the Black Arms. I am interested in what advantages we will get out of it, and we can't just let the Zeti take them! They have enough advantage with Eggman's robots.
Jester said:
A sound decision decision. That Zeti thing reminded me though, we have to roll the dice for that special thing.
Drunkeran 987 said:
You've been rolling special dice since the start for the last 10 turns! When are you going to roll low enough for this event to happen?
Jester said:
The dice actually have been hitting. Just, this is a phase sort of thing. But you are going to learn very soon what I was rolling for, since it reached high enough.
dogZpriest_1_3 said:
Sheepcom said:
Depends on what you mean by good. You might have some help with one of the factions though, this one has a real issue with one of the guys you're fighting.
Anearly said:
I have a bad feeling...
Jester said:
That feeling is probably because you rolled low on the random event table.

[X] Launch Attack On Black Arm's Base
-[X] Joint attack with GUN

Lanolin walks besides her fellow soldiers, ready to face the dreaded Black Arms. These creatures have caused her more than enough pain and suffering. It will bring her great joy to finally drive them out. The way the soldiers around you clench their guns, she can read that they are nervous, but all it takes is one look from her to reassure them. They know what she is capable of. Shebeat Shadow, one of their greatest assets! The alliance won't lose!

As she marches towards the base, she finds a surprising lack of resistance. No monsters, no defenses, not even a scouting team. Are the enemies lying in wait? Or maybe in the last attack they lost most of their soldiers. She prays that it is the latter.

Then, ahead, in the dust strewn wasteland, she sees something strange. A mobian, standing there nervously. She does not look like a combatant. Maybe she is someone who escaped from the Black Arms?

"Hey! Are you alr-" The sheep couldn't finish as you find your heart sink into your chest. This is not a mobian. This is a puppet.

Before she can ask the puppet who she is, she speaks. "You have to get out of here! Please!"

One of the soldiers speaks up. "Miss, are you okay? This is Black Arm's territory! You need to get out of here!"

"No! You need to leave right now! Please! Black Doom has been defeated, you don't need to worry, but you need to leave."

"What are you talking about?" Lanolin asks, confused.

Suddenly, her communicator begins to shake. Taking it off her belt, she turns it on and sees someone she thought she'd never see again.

"I wish that I could have done this quietly, but it is inevitable that people would notice. So I decided to start this off with a bang!" The mustachioed man grins that exudes egomaniacal glee.

"Now that I have your attention, I've come to make an announcement. Black Doom has been defeated, and all his territory is now under control of my brilliant Eggman Empire! I am Doctor Eggman, the one who will usher in the new era of this new planet, so I want you to remember it well. Now, for those pathetic members of the Restoration and GUN who are at my doorstep, I want you to know you are in Eggman territory." His grin is replaced by a more stern look. "I will play nice, as my da-" he suddenly is interrupted by a coughing fit. Taking a moment to compose himself, he continues. "My... prisoner has suggested I not kill you all and give you a chance to flee. Of course usually I wouldn't listen to such things. But, their request for 'kindness' is not without merit. It would not do for me to crush you while the Zeti are causing a mess in my home as we speak."

"Now, as long as the Zeti are a problem, you will not have any need to worry about me. But, if you want to throw away your lives fighting me, who am I to take that away from you?"

The girl looks like she is on the verge of begging you to leave. She can read the girl's face, this isn't one of Eggman's ploys to scare everyone away from fighting him. There is empathy. She is afraid. But she is afraid for you.

[] Continue your assault
[] Stop your assault

Jester said:
You rolled a 1 on random events. The secret rolls? Those were to see if Starline found and resuscitated Eggman. This one was to see if he revealed himself. He was going to reveal himself in some way, but that 1 resulted in him stealing Black Doom's territory right from under your nose.
TheBirdGirl said:
He snuck it out from under us!?
Drunkeran 987 said:
I told you guys Eggman was going to show up! I told you, but you guys said not to worry!
Anearly said:
I thought we'd run into him, but I thought it would be on the other side of the map like some kind of big final boss! I didn't expect to meet him this early.
Drunkeran 987 said:
On the other side? Not near Black Doom, Zakov, GUN, or us?
TheBirdGirl said:
Okay, we can deal with this. He only has this one base, right? If we kick him out maybe we can get something from him and the Black Arms.

Jester said:
I'm talking with the other QMs on that. However, I do want to note, even if you win this fight Eggman will not be kicked out. Remember, the robots he used to beat Black Doom had to have come from somewhere.
dogZpriest_1_3 said:
Shit, he has a secret base doesn't he. Where is it?
Anearly said:
dogZpriest_1_3 said:
The moon has not been lasered yet.
Jester said:
It wouldn't be a secret if I just told you.
Anearly said:
We can take this place though, right? I mean, he should be tired from the fighting.
Sheepcom said:
I just want to point out, he hit them pretty hard (one of his heroes turned out to be more of a beast than we expected). His other hero units might also be called in depending on how things go. You could possibly win, but you will be weakened, and don't act surprised if one of the other factions try to take advantage of your position.

Also, StoneageBarbarian? Remember when I said I was going to tell you what you got out of the mystery box later? Well, the prize for "Sonic VS Eggman Disco Battle" is now both Eggman, and a chosen hero, get a buff to your dance moves.
Anearly said:
Wait, how good is he at dancing?
Jester said:
He has Jim Carrey level dance skills.
Anearly said:
Stoneage, you've LOST US THE GAME!
i have to say, that omake was well done!

also suprised my two omakes (for our dearest Daughter SAGE) hasnt been done yet.

Sometime in the future and Eggman retrieved his empire and is fighting the empire

Princess Cordelia di Randgriz, daughter of the archduke and duchess of Gallia, Darscen descendant of the legendary hero Randgriz,( and cinnabon devourer, a title only know only to her friends and people she cares)

And here she is in an office provided by her, by her new "patron" one Ivo Robotnick or as the natives of this world called him Eggman after his group "rescued" her from her imprisonment by the Empire.

News of her release was spread that not only did she survive but managed to escape to the eggman empire, and many Gallians and escapees from imperial occupation ran towards to the Eggman empire, and while some still went towards Restoration and G.U.N the majority went towards Eggman due to her being here.

And with the many refugees entering Eggman's empire, there were concerns of an insurgency occuring and complaining about "rights" and what nots, Eggman in a rare act of mercy(or just not wanting to be distracted and wasting resources in his own empire fighting an insurgency and Belle and Isara nudging him to not do anything rash and Sage agreeing with the two girls suggesting this will reduce a insurgency forming)sectioned off a small section of his empire to act as a small duchy of some sort(Eggman refusing to call it a duchy and called it a limited autonomous region of his empire).

A flag was hanged in her office "representing" The Eggperial protectorate of Gallia to both remind them who's land they live in and who's responsible for their continued existence as of this moment

Crappy flag yes, but something like this looks like something eggman would made for his new vassal state

If she didn't read up on this history of the new world she and her people now lives in and saw the wonders and horrors of machine the man invented, he would have thought the man was a lunatic that envisions himself as king, his flag was literally his face of all things!

She understood the man while he did care and had a heart, that heart is reserved to those he consider close, in fact her position and this autonomous territory was only created only because of Isara( a subject of Gallia and part of the nameless penal region) and his two mechanical daughters(belle is technically wooden and Sage a bunch of digital code) suggesting this to him to prevent her from rallying her people and rebelling against him(something she wouldn't have done unless necessary).

She was currently doing some paperwork looking over complaints, grievances, but particularly today she sighs and looks at her current crop of paperwork. Simply put she was told by Eggman to make some of data such as current crop of food and industrial capacity to look like they were contributing a good chunk like a fourth or maybe a fifth, but in reality it was really hard to lie to them and it wasn't for the reason many people were thinking.

"Most people, in some corrupt bureaucracy would have lied how good something is and in reality we have a shortage in something, but nope I have to lie that the production of food and goods actually mean something and in reality it's barely needed" remarked sarcastically Cordellia

What did she mean by this? Well its simple, Eggman's empire and his people are machines, they don't need food, meaning the farmers making food in the territory is making food for an army that doesn't even eat. In fact Eggman made some automatic farms and produced large amounts of food which in turn feeds the refugees and fellow Gallians that lives here.

The miniscule production they have "helping" eggman? At best they either help repair the few badniks that even were stationed in the protectorate or just make some guns or tanks which didn't make up much of the production the rest of his empire makes.

In fact she knows the reason why Eggman even allowed them to even work these jobs, he could have enslaved them and ignored the pleas of his inner circle, and forced them to work despicable conditions like the empire did with them but he didn't.

It was because it kept her people busy, busy working thinking that they were helping to defeat the empire, too busy to think why an empire made only of metal men who never tires even need them.

Why should they?

Eggman made various policies that she stamped with her name to pass as laws, social welfares, cheaper foods and good health benefits, things that made them happy and content and with jobs as miniscule as mining and farms with even jobs in factories, Gallians don't question it as they were kept busy and content.

Eggman has entire factories that produce many badniks and arsenal's that outpaced the many factories the protectorate produce even if they were enslaved and forced to work tirelessly, mines were constantly mined even more efficiently than Gallian miners could ever do, and entire farms making more food that they could ever make and supplying a majority of the food as "bribes"(food aid).

The only thing that Eggman valued out of them(and if barely) was simple, he saw their talent and loyalty as something he wanted to have. He needed subjects to rule over and what better is a people that is practically running to him. And with Isara showing that Gallians could be gifted and talents he could cultivate Gallians loyal to him and working in his RnD and volunteer forces(something he doesnt think would contribute much) benefitting his empire

Cordelia honestly finds it ironic that the empire oppressed them and tried to force them to assimilate into their empire and it caused them to rebel and forever burn their hatred into their hearts to forever resist them.

But with Eggman? He didnt in fact he decided to make them the equivalent of show dogs, making them the "shining" example of what people could benefit for serving under him, he did the opposite of the empire, making Gallians content and the illusion that they mattered, but in reality they were just resources to be used. Difference being, was that the Empire was obvious with it, Eggman made it seem like they were doing it of their own free will even though Eggman made the choices for them.

When Gallia is finally freed from empire occupation, she would have liked that after returning to their home things would go back to some sense to normalcy, but they need allies and their choices are not pleasent, their is the restoration and G.U.N but it would result in making enemies of Eggman and having to deal with her own insurgency with some Gallians wanting to return back to serving Eggman, or ally with Eggman and forever be serving the mad Scientist and her people generations to come seeing Eggman as their greatest ally and making enemies of G.U.N and the Restorationist.

There were no easy choices, not in the world they found themselves the only thing she could do is make the best decision she make that made the least amount of suffering for her people.

AN: this was an omake idea that I had in my thought and honestly while its still going to be up in the air if we ever do rescue the princess, I honestly had this thought that if Eggman was ever ruling a group of organics aka the Gallians, he aint going to be crappy ruler(mostly because he sees everyone not in his either circle or people he consider family or his creations as inferior to them) he essentially make it like a bread and cicus act that keeps them contnet and less idiling about thinking of rebllious thinking.

So he's going to do things that while out of character is something he would do to keep them loyal or content and not rebel, maybe using their success as a propaganda tool to make other nations willing to ally with him.

tried wiriting him as someone who uses a carrot and stick act, but in a way that make sense but my writing skills is mediocre to say the least, hope it fine.
Yeah the thing with Eggman is pretty much that.

Why continue a vicious cycle that for sure is going to bite me in the ass, when I can just replace every single one of them with robots that can do their job 100% better and faster while only needing a quick maintenance here and there.

Doesn't help the empire treat their people like shit, so by giving them at least decent standards and the illusion that they are being useful you not only get loyal subjects, but show that you are the grown adult.

It is funny that someone as petulant as Eggman can be the grown adult compared to Max stupid campaing.

Especially when we treat everyone like dirt equally.

Especially when it includes monarchies and higher classes.

It doesn't take a genius to know those circles are full of snakes who will give out anything out of greed and a better standing if they see another possible winning horse.
Nega Arcadia Quest
Nega Arcadia Quest

[X] Search, Gather, Take Them Out! (Strange Island Edition)
-[X] Dyne: Search for Vyse
--[X] All hands on deck! The Crew of the Albatross II will assist Dyne for 1 Personal Action.
-[X] Dyne: Gather Intel (Sailor's Isle)
-[X] Dyne: Take Guilder up on his offer. Install the new engine on the Albatross II.
-[X] Clara: Investigate the strange new island
-[X] Guilder: Assault one of Galcian's Elite ships

Dyne: Take Guilder up on his offer. Install the new engine on the Albatross II.
Result:17+10 (You Can Count on Us!)+5 (For a True Blue Friend!)+10 (Blue Rogue's Pact)=42

When building the Albatross II, Dyne spared nothing in making it the best it could be while still keeping to its original look. After all, a pirate's ship wasn't only a vessel, it was half the identity of the captain and crew. Whether damaged and painted over, or older and slow, it didn't matter. When someone saw your ship, chances were they knew who you were before even engaging. And if they didn't recognize you on sight? Well, they would know as soon as they saw your flag.

For the Albatross, all any Black Pirate ship or Valuan... Rather, Galcian's Elite had to do was take in the blue jolly roger stitched into the sails to know what Dyne and his crew were. Blue Rogues, set on taking your gold and treasure and whatever else proved valuable. Plenty of people ended up needing a hand to survive sometime in their lives. Blue Rogues made it their purpose to reach out and lend that hand whenever possible.

It made him soft. It made them all a little soft. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But when a few enthusiastic girls from Clara's ship volunteered to install the new engine taken from one of Galcian's Elite, Dyne couldn't find it within him to deny them for long. Not when both Clara and Guilder vouched for them.

However, after several days, he found himself wishing he hadn't given in so easily.

"We're so sorry!"

"It's soooo much more complicated than the Primrose's engine!"

Dyne sighs to himself, then eyes the monster of an engine Guilder had offered up. It takes up most of the space in the engine room, having to be disassembled outside, taken inside piece by piece then reassembled. From what he can tell, something is missing, although what exactly is difficult to discern through the strewn pieces of a no doubt expensive engine littering the floor.

Dyne stares at both of the young women, then speaks with the sort of iron that not even his son is immune to. "If you can't finish the job," he says, "then at least reconnect the original engine. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes, sir, Captain Dyne!" the two cry, before immediately shuffling some of the lighter pieces to the side. Dyne departs, shaking his head. A few of his men will need to come down to help speed up the process, but the Albatross II will be ready to go before long.

The engine installation has failed! No bonuses will be applied.

Dyne: Gather Intel (Sailor's Isle)
Results: 59+10 (A Familiar Ocean)+10 (Valuan Escapee)+10(Dyne Clan Renown)+5(The Blue Storm)+5 (Blue Rogue)=99
Minor Success!

Dyne's been a familiar face in Mid Ocean for Black Pirates and merchants alike for years, so when he sits down in the local tavern and orders a round for the house, the cheers go up and the rumors start flowing. He doesn't learn much, as many of the merchants and pirates here have mostly been trying to keep their heads down and out of Galcian's way. However, a few mumbled stories leave just enough clues to give Dyne an idea on potential leads. Not only on newly spotted lands and where Galcian's fleet is patrolling, but where his son might have gone as well...

+5 to any searches for the next 2 turns! +5 to Guilder's assault this turn! 500 Gold deducted from the hold.

Dyne: Search for Vyse
Result: 62+25 (All Hands on Deck!)+10(The Albatross II)+10 (A Father's Intuition)+20(???? ??? ????????)+5 (Sailor's Isle Intel)+5 ("It's "Captain"" Omake) = 137

The Albatross II sets out in the grey of dawn, the captain and crew tense but hopeful. For a week they scour the rearranged ocean, taking care to avoid Galcian's Fleet where they can. Through waterfalls and over mountains, to towns and ports as fast as their ship will handle. Dyne and his crew ask every soul they find after a young man with brown hair and an eyepatch lens. Two young women, one white blonde hair and a white dress and one with orange hair in two braids. Perhaps with a purple and white Huskra?

Despite their best efforts, however, Vyse, his friends, and his crew are nowhere to be found. Oh, people know him. People know him well. Shopkeepers smile with pride having spoken with "Vyse the Dashing". Or "Vyse the Fearless", as one corrects. Children smile with joy at the mention of his soft-spoken companion. A few people speak of Aika, admiring her ferocity and boldness. A trio of entertainers grumble and admit to his and friends' prowess.

In all, they're mere bread crumbs. Vyse's ship was seen, at best, a month or so back. The trail has gone cold, and is only getting colder.

If Dyne has any hope of finding where his son has gone, he needs to pull a miracle. And soon.

Vyse's Swashbuckler Rating discovered! Vyse the Fearless!

Due to reaching the first threshold, DC for this action has been reduced: DC105

Clara: Investigate the strange new island
Result: 36+15(Calamity)+10(The Primrose)+20(True Love's Favor)+10(Eagle-Eyed Elixir)+5 (Sailor's Isle Intel)-10(Attention Grabbing)=96

To be continued in: A Rogue's Unwelcome Party

Guilder: Assault one of Galcian's Elite ships
Result: 47+20 (The Unfettered)+10 (The Claudia)+95 (Cannons 19x)+15 (Elite Engine)+5 (Sailor's Isle Intel)=192

To say that Galcian's Elite ship has a chance to scratch the Claudia is like saying a rat has a chance of escaping a barrel. The Claudia's swift maneuvers and sharp turns enable Guilder to sail circles around the enemy ship. Cannonballs and torpedoes miss their mark as Guilder expertly weaves around them, in turn scoring multiple hits with the Claudia's cannons.

It's no contest. Within a few hours, the warship is relieved of everything valuable, including several cannons. Surprisingly, his crew also locates a patrol schedule for the next month. Guilder gives it a cursory look, noting that most of the times are the same. At least they are, up until the last couple weeks.

What in the world would require Galcian to start moving his warships so far away...?

Obtained: 2400 Gold, Double Shaft x1, Serpent Cannon x2, Rapid Cannon x1, Speed Torpedo x1, Perfect Repair Kit x1, Patrol Schedule x1

Galcian's Attention increases.

Oof! Tough luck on the dice rolls, guys. The engine installation failed, but you can still try next turn if you really want to. Clara's fate will be revealed just as soon as this last set of dice rolls get written out.
Wanted to try my hand at one of these and decided to base things on the location of the Empty Albatross Nest omake. It's surprisingly fun! All of these were real rolls, and yes Gilder's ship has 19 cannons. It's a force to be reckoned with to the point of one of Gilder's S.Moves just straight up summoning the thing in battle. As for Clara, she's going to crash land on the Floating Island. Won't be writing up any followups, though.

Why count ships towards totals? Each ship has special properties. The Claudia is quick, the Primrose is suggested to be able keep up with it, etc. and none of the ships are damaged so they get the full 10 points.

The characters get additional points based on their titles? Yes! They're based on the Empire's wanted list on Sailor's Isle. 5 points per skull next to their name. I couldn't find a screenshot with Dyne's but I guessed he was 1 skull after the Coliseum escape.
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The Fight will be funny to watch. And depending on the rest of the rounds could be surprisingly tense.

What I'm now wondering about however is the MotoSage.
Also, rolls have been made, all omake bonsues so far have been added and the rolls for the raid are ongoing.
Round 1!
Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (96) + 24 (Clove Power)+ 10(Egg Boss) + 5(Egg Pawn) + 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5 (From Below)+ 15(Hey Ho!)
Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (1)
NAT 1!
"The Devil (from bible), it's me, Cassia the Saint!
I'm here to smite you for your sins!"
AN: this was an omake idea that I had in my thought and honestly while its still going to be up in the air if we ever do rescue the princess, I honestly had this thought that if Eggman was ever ruling a group of organics aka the Gallians, he aint going to be crappy ruler(mostly because he sees everyone not in his either circle or people he consider family or his creations as inferior to them) he essentially make it like a bread and cicus act that keeps them contnet and less idiling about thinking of rebllious thinking.

So he's going to do things that while out of character is something he would do to keep them loyal or content and not rebel, maybe using their success as a propaganda tool to make other nations willing to ally with him.

tried wiriting him as someone who uses a carrot and stick act, but in a way that make sense but my writing skills is mediocre to say the least, hope it fine.

The thing is while the idea is good in general Eggman don't know how to rule over people. He knows how to conquer them but not govern them.

It's going to take a lot of character development to he even consider this idea. Since his idea of rulership is absolute power over everybody else while ignoring them in favor of his factories and machines.

Case contrary he would not lost control of the planet in just six months. There's a reason why his Heart Stats is so low.

Nice omake make no mistake but I think he could consider thisbidea of he ever unlock Robotnik!Underground memories aince the huy did know how to rule, even if he was a tyrant.
:D Which means that us showing up out of nowhere and wiping them out is the perfect way to make an annocement.

Shadow in full body cast, recovering in whatever the Black Arms equivalent of a hospital is, fuming over his humiliating defeat to a sheep of all things, but reasoning that at least it can't get any worse.

Que the door exploding as Badniks rush through to pile on the immobilised hedgehog and dragging his bed out of the base with Shadow's muffled screams sounding all the way.
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Que the door exploding as Badniks rush through to pile on the immobilised hedgehog and dragging his bed out of the base with Shadow's muffled screams sounding all the way.

Shadow: "What did I do to deserve this!?"

Black Doom: "Shadow... My guy... You killed, like, alot of people."

Shadow: "So have you!!!"

Black Doom: "Well yeah, but I own it."
Since we are going to hire the lovable detectives this turn I come up with this omake:

The Chaotix are on the case!
I have decided to make a negaverse post. It has been so long since I've done something like this, sorry if it's not the best, I am severely out of practice.

Nega Restoration Quest
Nega Arcadia Quest

Another wonderful set of omakes everyone!

Welcome to the Negaverse crew Color/Dizzy!

I hope the Chaotix don't fail us.

...Yeah that seems about right for what we'll do with Gallia. Though we have to actually fine the Archduchess...hopefully Isara will get lucky.

"The Devil (from bible), it's me, Cassia the Saint!
I'm here to smite you for your sins!"

*Crackles* I think you're giving Doom to much credit but otherwise yes,

He stands in Judgement.
Turn 3- March 2XXX Results
[X] Plan: Black Arms not welcome! (revised)
-[X]Launch Attack On Black Arms Base DC120 - Clove + Badniks(Power Cap 30): 1x Egg Pawn, 1x Blowfish(2x Toxomister), 1x Egg Hammer, 1x Burrowbot, 1x Hey Ho
roll= 45 + 24 (Clove) + 10 (Eggboss) + 18 (Eggman) + 5 (Eggpawn) + 20 (Egg Hammer) + 5 (Burrowbot) + 15 (Hey Ho) + 10 (2x Toxmister) + 2 (Opinion) +5(Soberan 123 Omake Bonus)+5(Underdog Emiya's Omake Bonus)= 164


For raids, Your forces need to beat a determined amount of enemies to completely take over the area.
In this case, you need to defeat the 3 groups of Black Arms enemies currently in their stronghold!

Assessing all Eggman Empire and Black Arms Bonuses

Fight 1!

Eggman Empire Bonuses

Clove 24(Power)+10(Egg boos) (4 hp)
Badniks(Power Cap 30):
1x Egg Pawn+5 (1 hp)
1x Blowfish+0, (2 HP)
2x Toxomister +5x2=10, and trait causes -15 to the black arms per toxomister (1 Hp)
1x Egg Hammer, +20(siege) (2 hp)
1x Burrowbot +5,+5(only first round of combat) (1 hp)
1x Hey Ho +15 (2 hp)
  • Total Power Bonus 94
Black Arms Bonuses
  • 1 black assassin +15 (3 hp)
  • 1 black volt +15 (3 hp)
  • 5 black soldiers +5x5= 25 (1 hp)
  • 3 black oaks 10X3=30 (2 HP)
  • 1 black hawk 10 (2 HP)
  • 2 sand worm 10X2=20 (2 HP)
  • Total power 115-15(Toxomister 1)-15toxomister 2)=85

Round 1!
Clove's Combat roll:
1d100 (7) + 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) + 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5(From Below) + 15(Hey Ho!)
Total: 101

Black Arm's group 1 Combat roll!
1d100 (20) + 15 (Black Volt)+ 15(Black Assassin) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 10(Black Oaks) +10(Black Oaks) + 10(Black Oaks) + 10(Black Hawk) + 10(Sand Worm) + 10(Sand worm) - 15(Toxic Cloud) - 15(Toxic Cloud)
Total: 105!

Black arms bare Suc-
Egg Hammer Trait procs! Heavy Metal: This unit is undamaged if the unmodified attack roll of the foe is 30 or less.

Avoided receiving any wound!

Round 2!

Clove Combat Roll!

Result: 1d100 (23) + 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) + 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 15(Hey Ho!)

Total: 112

Black Arms Combat roll!

Result: 1d100 (16) +15 (Black Volt)+ 15(Black Assassin) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 10(Black Oaks) +10(Black Oaks) + 10(Black Oaks) + 10(Black Hawk) + 10(Sand Worm) + 10(Sand worm) - 15(Toxic Cloud) - 15(Toxic Cloud)
Total: 101

Clove Success!

Black Arms lose 1 Hp!
Group 1 STATUS
1 black assassin +15 (2 hp)
1 black volt +15 (2 hp)
5 black soldiers +5x5= 25 (0 hp) (ELIMINATED!)
3 black oaks 10X3=30 (1 HP)
1 black hawk 10 (1 HP)
2 sand worm 10X2=20 (1 HP)
Total power 90-15(Toxomister 1)-15toxomister 2)=60

Round 3!
Clove Combat roll!

Result: 1d100 (78) + 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) + 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 15(Hey Ho!)
Total: 167

Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (29) + 15(Black Volt)+ 15 (Black Assassin)+ 10 (Black Oak)+ 10(Black Oak) + 10(Black Oak) + 10(Black Hawk) + 10(Sand Worm) + 10(Sand Worm) - 15)Toxic Cloud) - 15 (Toxic Cloud)
Total: 89

Clove Success!
Black Arms receive another wound -1HP!
Only Black Volt and Black Assassin remain.
Both of them decide to retreat!

Clove is victorious!

Raid advances.

Unfortunately, the toxomisters won't be available for Fight 2, they must be repositioned by the Blowfish, on Fight 3 they will be available!

Fight 2!
Eggman Empire Bonuses

Clove 24(Power)+10(Egg boos) (4 hp)
Badniks(Power Cap 30):
1x Egg Pawn+5 (1 hp)
1x Egg Hammer, +20(siege) (2 hp)
1x Burrowbot +5,+5(only first round of combat) (1 hp)
1x Hey Ho +15 (2 hp)
  • Total Power Bonus 84

Black Arms Bonuses
1 black assassin +15(3 HP)
1 black volt +15 (3 HP)
1 black wing +5 (1 HP)
3 black oaks +10x3=30 (2 HP)
Total power bonus= 65

Round 1!

Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (96) + 24 (Clove Power)+ 10(Egg Boss) + 5(Egg Pawn) + 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5 (From Below)+ 15(Hey Ho!)
Total: 180

Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (1) + 15(Black Volt) + 15 (Black Assassin) + 5 (Black Wing)+ 10 (Black Oak)+ 10(Black Oak) + 10 (Black Oak)
Total: 66
NAT 1!

Black Arms Critical Failure!
Clove Critical Success!

Fight is over!

Black Volt trait! When reduced to 0 hp they can instead of being killed, be used as a mount and will stay "loyal" for some time.
Clove tames the Volt! Gets a +15 to combat rolls (1 HP)

Fight 3! Last fight!
Toxomisters are available to help one again.
The black volt and assassin from fight 1 have reappered to support this encounter.

Eggman Empire Bonuses
Clove 24(Power)+10(Egg boos)+15(Black Volt) (4 hp)
Badniks(Power Cap 30):
1x Egg Pawn+5 (1 hp)
1x Blowfish+0, (2 HP)
2x Toxomister +5x2=10, and trait causes -15 to the black arms per toxomister (1 Hp)
1x Egg Hammer, +20(siege) (2 hp)
1x Burrowbot +5,+5(only first round of combat) (1 hp)
1x Hey Ho +15 (2 hp)
  • Total Power Bonus 94

Black Arms Forces
1 Black assassin +15 3 hp
1 Black volt +15 3 hp
3 Sand worms +10x3=30 2 HP
Warriors=5 x2=10 1HP
1 Black assassin 1 hp
1 Black volt 1HP
Total power 100-30(TOXIC CLOUD)-70!

Round 1!

Clove Combat roll!
Result: 1d100 (29) + 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) +15(Black Volt)+ 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5(From Below) + 15(Hey Ho!)

Total: 138!

Black Arms combat roll!
Result: 1d100 (64) + 15(Black Volt) + 15(Black Assassin) + 10(Sand worm) + 10(Sand Worm) + 10(Sand Worm)+ 5(Black Soldier + 5(Black Soldier) + 15(Black Assassin) + 15(Black Volt)-15-15(Toxic Cloud)
Total: 134!

Bare success!!
No loses on either side, no wounds inflicted!

Round 2!

Black Arms UPDATE
Black Arms Forces
1 Black assassin +15 3 hp
1 Black volt +15 3 hp
3 Sand worms +10x3=30 2HP
Warriors=5 x2=10 1HP
1 Black assassin 1hp
1 Black volt 1 HP
Total power 100-30=70

Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (99)+ 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) +15(Black Volt)+ 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5(From Below) + 15(Hey Ho!)

Total: 203

Black Arms Combat roll!
Result: 1d100 (12) + 15 + 15 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 15-15-15
Total: 82!

Clove Critical Success!

All Black Arms Except 1 Black Volt and 1 Black Assassin Eliminated! They decided to run away!

All Opposition Has Been Destroyed!
Complete Takeover of the area!
Results= Expanded territory! Now Eggman Empire controles 2% of Green Hills!
Congratulations, you have kicked The Black Arms out of Green Hills!

Reward! 2nd Power Action unlocked!

To Be Continued in… "I AM THE E.G.G.M.A.N!"

-[X] Hire Minion: Piastol DC45 - Belle
roll= 37 + 6 (Eggman) + 25 (Belle) + 5 (Friend to All) + 2 (Opinion)+10(Griffinlw's Omake bonus)+5(Fleightfire's omake bonus) = 91
Critical Success!

Why her?! Again!!! Belle couldn't help but think as she arrived at her destination, a random spot in the woods, where the bounty hunter she was supposed to recruit was staying.

Why do they keep sending me to recruit dangerous people! She wails mentally as she continues trekking through the forest until she finds what she was looking for.

The clearing seemed like the place of a landcrash, a big enough crater was in the middle of it, and at the very center of it a…Belle wanted to call it a ship, but that would be too generous. The vessel had seen better times surely, with cracks everywhere and even pieces of it missing.

As she took a few tentative steps towards the crater a low growl was heard all across the clearing, making Belle go very still as she turned to the side to find where the sound came from.

She didn't expect a weird green creature, similar to a Wolf, to stare down at her as it growled, looking ready to pounce.

Belle fell backwards screaming as she was surprised by the beast.

"Ahhhhh! Don't eat me! I'm made of wood! You will only get splinters." She said quickly as she crawled back, but the wolf didn't pursue her. She continued crawling until she hit something, stopping her movement.

Looking up, she realized it was the person she came to recruit. A slender young woman with blue eyes and silver streaked black hair with 3 ponytails, looked down at her with the most icy expression Belle had ever seen. She wore a strange leather outfit and Oh My Gears that was a big scythe!!!

"And who are you?" She asked in a tone that left no room for excuses.

"U-um…Well…I'm Belle! Belle the Tinker!" She said quickly, terrified fir her life. "Andand- I was lookingtohireyou!" She said quickly as she saw the world like creatures began walking closer to them.

The young woman scoffed as she moved away from Belle and towards her ruined vessel. "No thanks, I only take bounties. Go bother someone-"

"We can fix your ship!" Belle said quickly. "Just help with a few things and the Doctor will fix your ship immediately!"

The reaper stopped walking towards her vessel once Belle shouted those words. The wooden girl released a sigh, perhaps this wouldn't end-

A moment later, she found a scythe just below her neck, the reaper's blazing blaze directed just at her.

"You better not try to cheat me…Other's have tried before. I hate lying." Piastol said with a calm but annoyed tone as she held the weapon, ready to use it if needed.

"O-Of course not! We wouldnt! I will even help you fix your ship I promise!" She held her hand, revealing all the tools hidden in her fingers. "I-IF you need a little tinkering, I-I am your girl!" She said with a shaky smile.

The woman only stared at Belle for a moment judging her sincerity, before signing herself and withdrawing the weapon, then offering a hand to the girl she had just threatened not a moment ago.

"Very well, let's talk terms, Belle."

Results: Recruited Piastol! When you get around to fixing her ship, you must assign Belle to it as to keep the promise she made to Piastol!

Belle has gained a new trait!
The Power of Friendship: Belle is undeniably an individual who easily makes friends. Better her than me. (Belle gets a +10 to all Rolls made to befriend potential allies and +5 to Rolls to get them to join the Eggman Empire)


Power: 22(Piastol claims to have wiped put entire ships by herself(plus her pet), and she has the acrobatics to back it up)

Heart: 3(Piastol doesn't talk to others outside of building or mailing death threats)

Logistics: 8(She doesn't see the need to do more than it takes to get by)

Brains: 5(I honestly doubt this girl even went middeschool)

Trickery: 17(Piastol has been hunting people down since she was ten)

Mystic: 20(Piastol can conjure bladed tornados and shards of magical glass)

Loyalty: 0


Angel of Death: Piastol hates pirates with a passion. +20 when fighting or intimidating pirates, -20 when working with pirates.

White Dwarf: Piastol is a prodigy of White Magic. Piastol can add 1/2 of her Mystic to her Power in combat and outside combat gains +10 when casting spells related to "Life", "Death", and Void.

Deathhound: Piastol's pet ferlith. When present, Piastol may add her full Mysticism to her Power in combat instead of Half.

-[X] Create A Metal Mine DC: 65 - Orbot & Cubot
roll= 53 + 10(Cubot and Orbot) + 10(Omake Bonus) + 32(Eggman Logistics) = 105

You had to say, you were reluctant to entrust such an important task to Orbot and Cubot, of all individuals.

Other than a few minor annoyances here and there, they had actually been doing pretty well recently though, to your surprise.

Besides, desperate times call for desperate measures, and everyone else just wasn't available.

Consider yourself pleasantly surprised when they managed to stealthily set up some Mines while everyone was distracted watching the Black Arms assault.

That was ... uncharacteristically clever of them.

You suppose even a broken clock strikes twice a day.

Still, you were no fool, you double checked the mines to be safe, and they were operating perfectly fine.


Rewards: The Metal Mines are up and operational! You gain 100 Metal passively per turn!

-[X] Create The Care Unit DC80 - Isara
roll= 79 + 32 (Eggman) + 20 (Eggtronics) + 28 (Isara) + 20 (Mech Valk) + 2 (Opinion) = 181
Critical Success

You have to admit that the real reason you assigned Isara to this task with you was to see if her words actually rang through and that she was an engineer of actual quality. From the work you had seen from the empire already you were prepared for her to be little more help than another hand to follow your orders. While she was certainly that, her own insight into machinery was actually quite impressive!

She certainly is not on your level, but you again can see a bit of your own brilliance in her as she actually managed to decipher and understand the blueprints you had laid out and understood the majority of the pitfalls you had left in to test her skills, the only one she had missed being the empty slot that would be used to store a Chaos Emerald in the even Cassia and her sister were sent to retrieve one of the baubles, but you could forgive her for such an out of context usage.

Her history in war time engineering showed itself as well as with the extra set of hands you were actually able to integrate some equipment into the Care Unit, though nothing of true fire power. A launcher for a quick-hardening foam that you had created years ago, a sonic wave emitter to disable foes, and some extra oomph in the actual machinery to pack more of a punch!

The Omega Care Unit was designed and Cassia was carefully hooked into the pilot system. Both Pronghorns are less than enthusiastic about Cassia being forced to stay in the suit until the true cure can be made, but they both understand the situation they're in and aren't willing to test your patience.

I do hope they run into Omega at some point, I will have such fun at seeing the robotic turncoat's reaction to a robot designed in his image with all non-lethal weaponry all in the same green as the pronghorn's own coloring. Oh ho ho ho!

Result: The Omega Care Unit has been created and Cassia has been entombed inside of it. Cassia has been added to Clove's sheet, becoming The Pronghorn Sisters! Cassia in the Omega Care Unit adds +5 to Power, +5 to Heart, and the Sister-Sister trait! The Terrified trait has been removed from The Pronghorn Sisters.

-[X] Study that Strange Motobug DC:125 - Rusty
roll= 36 and 89 + 40 (Eggman) + 20 (Eggtronics) + 10 (Rusty) + 2 (Opinion)+5 (Soberan 123's Omake Bonus) = 166

To be concluded in "01000100 01100001 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01001101 01101001 01101110 01100101"

-[X] Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog!: DC20/90 - Metal Sonic
roll= 52 + 22 (Eggman) + 8 (Metal) + 1 (Opinion) + 5 (A Silver of Hope Omake) - 5 - 5+10 (Hatred of the Blasted Hedgehog)= 88
Partial Success!

You felt it fitting to assign Metal in looking for his annoying counterpart. After almost 3 months of staying hidden and the world being this…messy, you felt antsy, not knowing where Sonic was or when he was gonna appear.

It was obvious sooner or later Sonic was still kicking and running, that rat was too annoying to just die, still, with no signs of him anywhere on Green Hills, you decided to check what was going on.

With Metal's speed and your brilliant mind, you were able to quickly scout most of Green Hills, being careful of not drawing too much attention yet, and you hate to admit it but the results you got were really unsatisfactory….

No one has heard or seen the hedgehog anywhere, nor here, nor in the Empire's land, nor even in the neighboring territory ruled by that "Jaken".

Sonic wasn't able to stay quietly in one place.


Results: Confirmed the absence of Sonic in Green Hills and nearby areas.

-[X] Gather Rings DC: 5/50/90
roll= 82 + 8 = 90
Complete Success!

Once more, you decided to embark on the task of collecting these annoying rings. How tedious! Why haven't you built a machine for this?!

Still, you can't say this endeavor wasn't fruitful. Not only you were able to obtain a significant amount of rings for future research and experiments. You were lucky enough to find a red glowing ring!

Wonder what you could do with something like this?

Results= Obtained a significant amount of rings and a Red Star Ring!

-[X] Dr. Eggman: Focus On Your Work (Costs 3 personals) - Study that Strange Moto Bug
-[X] Dr. Eggman: Hire the Chaotix - Search for Maria

Through a series of intermediaries, you had once more hired Vector and his cronies in search of Maria for Canaan. You will have to wait and see if they actually manage anything of value.

To be continued in…Rival Report!

-[X] Dr. Starline: Search This Base
roll= 23+13=36

Starline tried to search the base, now that Agent Stone had the liberty of tidying up the place. Unfortunately, with how busy he was making arrangements for the upcoming task, he simply didn't have the time to do more than a cursory glance around the place.

Better luck next time.

-[X] Rusty Rose: Analyze Recording of "Sonic the Hedgehog"
roll= 29

Rusty was determined to allocate some of her time further researching this "Sonic the Hedgehog." Unfortunately, the good Doctor Eggman had requested her services in assisting him to further analyze that strange Moto Bug and seeing what came out of it, it left her unable to research the Hedgehog.

To be concluded in "01000100 01100001 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01001101 01101001 01101110 01100101"

-[X] Metal Sonic: Observe The Faker's Defeat
roll= 5

Metal Sonic tried his best to calm himself from last time, and it worked... too well, you would argue.

He refused to stop watching the video! For hours on end he would look on as the video played again and again! He even skulked off angrily to his room when you took the video screen displaying it away!

Hmmph! Fine then! He would get it back when he was better behaved, bah!

Results: Metal Sonic is in a super distracted mood! He gets another -5 this turn instead!

-[X] Agent Stone: Make Coffee for the Doctor

Stone, ever dutiful, goes out of his way to make you some of his coffee, as he normally did. However, you believe he must be nervous about the upcoming heist or tired from general work around the base, because the coffee is slightly off. Not enough to be an issue, but just noticeable enough.

You tell the man this, and he nodded sadly and apologized. You waved him off.

Not like it was even an order, though you made clear to him you would not appreciate it if he took initiative like this and faltered in a more important situation.

He more than understood, it appeared, as he nodded along. Hmm.

You sip your coffee as you walk off, being sure to hide your smile, though you get the feeling the fool saw you.


-[X] Belle: Tinker Time
roll= 29

Belle, seriously stressed from the recruiting you had her do, was more than happy to sit back and just relax with her tools for a bit.

She doesn't get much done, but she's calmed down at the very least.

That's nice. Er, because it would be inconvenient if she was too out of it to get anything done.

Solely that.

-[X] Clove: Get Some Ice Cream
roll= 85

Clove and her sister decided to celebrate the fact Cassia was no longer bed ridden by extremely testing your patience. Apparently Cassia had begged her sister into the both of them going out to get ice cream and even with a whole battle mech in between them, the puppy dog eyes of her younger sibling seem effective. Which means her sister caved when Cassia asked to fly both of them several miles away to get ice cream!

They both apparently had a lovely time casually getting cones of ice cream which Cassia was only able to eat by briefly opening the top of the care unit, which she is only supposed to do in case of a medical emergency or mechanical error, but she used to eat ice cream! Teenagers you swear, at least none of your-
Erm… You sent Starline to retrieve them before any of The Restoration actually responded to the site of your now very well known eggboss or the robot that looks like a well known engine of destruction but with a new coat of paint. Unsurprisingly he managed to even bungle this up as apparently Cassia managed to distract him with talks of their alternate version of yourself and several of his grander plans.

You would have reprimanded the three of them more harshly if they had not thought to bring back several tubs of both Eggnog and Cookie Dough ice cream for you. Apparently the Pronghorns version of yourself liked Cookie Dough and Starline knew of your weakness for eggnog.

They get a pass this time but only because these ice creams actually pair really well together.

-[X] Canaan: Look for Maria yourself.
roll= 11

Canaan tried to use the time before the mission to go out and look herself for clues about Maria. Unfortunately, Starline didn't allow her. Being too preoccupied with the mission that he had Stone and her assist in several meetings as they discussed how to proceed with the heist.

In the end, the only thing it caused was leaving her annoyed.
Oh well, better luck next time.

-[X] Isara: Find Your Fellow Prisoners
roll= 79

After her exquisite work on the Care Unit, you were more than content to let young Isara wander off for a bit as long as she was careful to not get caught by any foes.

Mayhaps you should have told her no, because when you returned to base from an errand, there were 2 dozen new faces around!

"ISARA!" You bellowed in annoyance.

"S-Sir! Please! They have nowhere else to go! And they're terribly grateful you saved them… in a way." Isara pleads with a look of desperation in her eyes. Her fellow Darscen looked on pitifully, banged up and sad.

"Please, Doctor. You're our only hope. A man such as yourself must have a solution for keeping us around?" A slightly above Middle aged man asked, frowning.

You massage your temples, though you can't turn down a good challenge.

"...Fine. They're YOUR responsibility, Isara. If they cause trouble, it's on you." You warn the young girl. She smiled, though you get a slight edge of nervousness from it. As she should, really.

The others cheered, and despite your sighing, a small part of you felt… pride. Not that you would EVER admit it.

Reward: Isara gained a Trait!

Darcsen helpers: If that Girl wants to bring to me more mouths to feed then they better be able to work for a place to stay! (+5 bonus to some actions, like construction or ones where many hands are needed.)

The Darscen are deeply grateful to Eggman!

-[X] Time to steal the Relic!
--[X]Stealthy (Heist Time): Dr. Starline(Leader), Canaan, Agent Stone
-[X] Assign Rainbow Bottle: -
-[X] Agent Stone

To be continued in: "Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!"

Random Event Roll: 74

One day, as you were resting in your private quarters, Orbot and Cubot notified you of an unknown transmission appearing throughout the Eggnet. It was in one of your old channels, that you have never bothered to use in ages. With curiosity filling your mind, you decided to take matters into your hands.

Responding to the transmission, a video appeared of what seemed like a lynx, she wore a straw hat and some sort of purple gi that seemed to resemble your clothing. Her most prominent feature were the cybernetic eyes. How curious…

"Lord Eggman! Finally, we have spent weeks trying to contact you." The figure says, a tone of respect and reverence in her voice. "We were worried when we appeared here and word of your demise spread, but we knew better than to listen to words of such pathetic rabble."

Uh…you had no idea who this woman was, but she seemed to be acquainted with you? Maybe she worked under an alternate version of you, like Clove and the Eggbosses? Mmm… this requires further research, but still. It would be better if this unknown person didn't know yet, that you were not exactly the Eggman she worked for.

"Of course, you simpleton! You think this is enough to take me down?!" You scoff as you decide to gather more information before deciding what to do with her. "About time you got back to me, report!" You bark an order without a preamble.

"As you command." The Lynx nods as she adopts a more formal posture and began explaining. "After the Shattering occurred me, my clan and some of the badniks you assigned to me were transported alive, without contact of the rest of the Empire, I have been unable to contact any other Eggboss, I was afraid I was the only one that arrived here."

"Pfft, you would be wrong. Clove finally managed to crawl back to my side with her sister in tow, they arrived on record time actually!" You smirk, as you see her grit her teeth in annoyance. "Continue!"

She nods. "We have managed to infiltrate and secure a base in a place called "Primp Town." Ahhh, that place your drones weren't able to enter, interesting! "Apparently, the place is under the rule of a guy called "Satan", the whole place seems to be enraptured with him. We have tried to make some advances against him…" She then tries to hide it, but she clenches her fists HARD. "Unfortunately, he seems to be a mage of significant might, he has managed to wound several of my clanmates and lose a significant percentage of your badniks. Still, we have managed to infiltrate the place thoroughly and are ready to act on your commands." She finishes, straightening and awaiting your orders.
You rub your chin deep in thought, while having some of "your forces", deep in another place, where you may or may not be able to get some advantages…the situation in Green Hills was chaotic enough that you needed all the help you could get. You would need to think this thought and decide how best to use her, you would need to ask Clove more details about this Egg Boss.

"Stay in your position and don't cause more problems, I have encountered some…complications in Green Hills and I might need your assistance soon." You order as you stroke your mustache. "Wait for future orders, understand?"

"Understood, as you command, lord Eggman." The lynx nods before the transmission is cut.

Well, well, well, how to best utilize this now?

RESULTS: Actions to contact Conquering Storm Unlocked! Currently she is deep infiltrated in Primp Town, you can order her to do National Actions there on her own, furthering the cause of the Eggman Empire, or even go retrieve her to assist you in Green Hills!

RER 74 (A random king has been dealing with what you've come to discover is an eggboss trying to take territory in the name of the Eggman Empire! It does your heart good to see people trying to conquer the world in your name, but more enemies at this moment might not be what you need... (An Eggboss has managed to establish themselves in a random king's territory, taking actions to contact them and link them back up with the main empire unlocked.)