Moving Day
Moving Day

You are Belle the Tinkerer and you never thought you'd be moving.

It makes sense that you might eventually, even daughters who love their papa's very much do eventually move out and start their own lives, but you weren't an ordinary girl and he wasn't an ordinary dad.

More so than you even thought originally.

When you had decided to fully commit to this it hurt. It hurt a lot. This had been your home since your papa had built you and gave you your name. Where the two of you had worked together to make so many wonders for the people of the town and now…

The workshop's lights flicked on easily as you entered and you saw a layer of dust had accumulated and mixed with the leftover sawdust already. You normally kept on top of that, keeping things neat but you had been gone and there was no one else to take care of the place…

You shake your head and clap your hands to your cheeks a few times. "Focus girl, you're just here to get your stuff. You get your stuff, load it into the nice Blowfish, don't think about leaving home behind forever, and everything will be fine."

The hallway leading to the actual living area was in much the same state as the workshop, dust coating the furniture your dad had made, the little table that held a vase of now well wilted flowers. She had always been sure to get new flowers from Mrs.Petals every week. She always waved you off when you tried to pay, dad had fixed their leaky roof so she said it wouldn't be right.

A lot of stuff hadn't been right apparently.

She didn't need to sleep, but her dad had made sure she had a brilliant bedroom. He had hand carved her bed, her fingers running over the intricate designs of flickies and pockies running through a forest that looks exactly like the one outside her window. The small wooden box was still on the oak nightstand by her bed.

You know you couldn't open it. Not with what was inside. But it was the most important thing in the house, the thing you couldn't leave behind if you were to leave this place forever. The bed that was made with love, the dresser, the desk, all of that you loved, but this box…

You couldn't live without what it held.

A familiar noise made you freeze as she entered the hall. Her papa could fix anything, could make anything, but there was one piece of furniture in the house that he never fixed completely because he knew she loved the sound of his rocking chair squeaking as they both worked in the living room. There should be no noise from this empty house, but that familiar heart warming sound echoed through the house.

Creeping forward, careful to step on the rug Mr.Olive had made so your footsteps wouldn't echo, you peek into the living room.

For a moment, your papa is there in his rocking chair by the fire, a grin on his face as he looks up to greet you. But his words shatter the illusion, the voice is but the tone too different.

"You have a lovely home."

That voice, the voice of Dr.Eggman, shakes you.

"Why… why are you here Doctor?" Your words are shaking. This wasn't supposed to be how this went, he wasn't supposed to be here, wasn't supposed to taint the memory of this place. "This is my home, why are you here?"

"Yes and as I said, it is a lovely place Belle." He looks down and you notice the frame in his hand and your heart clenches. Your copy of that photo, the one you couldn't bear to look at, in the wooden box in your arms. "The two of you… quite the pair, weren't you."

There is a long silence between the two of you as the fire crackles.

"Tell me about him."

Your breath catches as he says it. "Why… you didn't want to hear about him before wh-"

"You're right, I didn't." He cuts you off with an agreement. "Because you would have insisted I was him or that I wasn't or something else that would have upset you."

"But I have decided that I may have miscalculated," He looks at the photo and continues. "Emotions are illogical things and I have considered them beneath me for some time and yet as I look at you or this photo, something that is not mine pulls me towards you."

He focuses on you, his eyes drilling into yours with an alien familiarity. "And so I have come to a conclusion. I must understand, I must know. Knowledge in all of its forms is mine and so I ask you to tell me of him Belle."

Your grip on the box tightens, your fingers trembling. "He was kind," you say softly, "He cared about people, not just because he had to, but because it made him happy. He loved fixing things, broken clocks, squeaky doors, even the little toy trains the kids brought him. He loved fixing people, too."

His lips twitch in a way that could have been the start of a smile or a grimace. "How quaint."

"He was more than that." your voice grows stronger, though it was tinged with sorrow. "He was my Papa. He taught me how to make things with my own hands, how to see beauty in gears and springs and the joy you can make people feel when you make them something brilliant. He… he made me feel like I belonged."

"And then he…" You hesitate, looking at him with a mixture of defiance and pleading. "And then he was taken away."

"Don't get sentimental on me," He leans forward, his eyes narrowing. "Mr. Tinker might have been soft, but that's not what the world needs, not now especially. It needs power, ingenuity, and control."

"Maybe," You allow quietly. "But it also needs kindness. You can have both. He did."

His eyes flicker with something. Regret? Recognition? It was gone before you could be sure. He stands abruptly, the photograph still in his hand. "I didn't come here to listen to sentimentality," he snaps, though there is no bite, no edge to the tone. He places the picture frame back on the table carefully, almost reverently.

You watch him, your heart heavy. "Why did you come here, then?"

He pauses, his back to you. "To see what was left behind," he said, his tone low. "And to decide if it was worth keeping."

"And is it?" you ask, stepping closer.

He didn't turn around. "That depends." He gestures toward the workshop. "Are you coming with me or not?"

You look around the room, at the tools, the projects half-finished, and the memories etched into every corner. You knew you couldn't stay. No daughter stayed at home forever.

But leaving didn't mean forgetting.

"I'll come," you say finally. "But only because I believe that if my papa and you can exist in the same world, kindness and control can exist together as well."

Eggman barks a laugh, though it lacks his usual bravado. "I guess we will see how well that works."

He strides through the door, his coat billowing behind him. You follow, but not before taking one last look at the photograph on the table. Your fingers brushing its edge.

"Goodbye, Papa,"

The door creaked shut behind you, leaving the workshop silent once more.
Rivals Report-February 2XXX
Beat Back The Empire
DC: Contested By Empire
??? + ??? = 144
The clash between the badnik hordes stolen from me and the forces of The Empire are as predictable as a laser rifle against a wooden door, but the conflict between the commanders of the forces is not ever as clear as one might think. Case in point, when the armored woman that managed to maim Zomom took the field once more to attempt to push The Empire's line forward, that reprobate Zazz actually managed to stop her.
The aerial battle between the two was a sight to behold and Zazz showed a base cunning I have never seen from him in firing volleys of attacks from his moon mech that had the effect of not just penning in the silver clad she-devil, but all shots that missed her rained down upon the Empire's forces.
Only when the moon mech itself was damaged by one of her thrusts did The Empire's forces pull back, Zazz screaming mockery at them the entire time. Well I suppose good for him.
Result: Zavok's forces manage to keep The Empire from gaining further territory but do not regain any territory.

Lead Super Badniks Against The Black Arms
DC: Contested By Black Arms
??? + ??? = 120
Major Failure!
This was brutal even by my standards.
The black arms soldiers gave way to the horde of Super Badniks that lead against them, Egg Hammers crushing through their armored units, Fire Breaths torching the infantry, all the while Zik was acting as a blender of blades and saws with his telekinesis.
But Shadow is not The Ultimate Life Form because he lacks combat ability. A streak of black and red tore through the line of Super Badniks and ended at Zik, one of the axes of a Heave Ho held in Shadow's hand as the diminutive Zeti was held aloft. I was not able to make out their conversation from the gathered footage, but I did watch as Shadow sank the axe into Zik who if not for his own prodigious telekinetic skills would have been split in half.
Barely managing to get away, I don't believe we will be seeing "Master" Zik in the field for some time…
Result: Zavok loses ground to The Black Arms and Master Zik is gravely wounded, being unavailable until fully healed.

Deploy Silver Sonic
DC: 90
??? + ??? + 10 (Omake Bonus) = 95
Bare Success!
Those no good magnetic miscreants dare to unleash one of my metal series in such a state! That Silver Sonic is barely held together with duct tape and screws! I doubt they even managed to get a chaos emerald to power it like its design requires, more than likely having to rely on a lesser chaos drive or core designs.
Still, even in such a state Silver Sonic isn't to be underestimated, which shows considering it was the only thing that allowed Zik to escape his encounter with Shadow with his life. I'm sure they would have wished for a better showing, but at least Zavok managed to keep his mentor.
Result: Silver Sonic has been deployed to the battlefield. It is not at 100% capacity but it is still quite dangerous.

Reach Out For Help
DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 59
Decent Success!
A message found its way into one of the many dummy email accounts for your shell companies, one you have no doubt the Zeti would never look for mostly because you're sure the Zeti don't actually know what email is.
The message itself is from a scientist claiming to be held prisoner by Zavok and his pack in order to create them new badniks and control them through a series of viruses and commands so the Zeti themselves do not need to lead each individual group of lesser badniks themselves.
He further claims that he is doing all of this under duress as the Zeti are holding his grandson captive in order to keep him in line. He is begging for help from anyone who manages to receive this message.
Well, well, well, you may just be able to disarm the Zeti and cut him off from your supply of badniks. That is, if you can reach this Chuck Thorndike in the middle of Zavok's territory.
Result: Chuck Thorndike has managed to get a message out to you and who knows who else! He is being held captive by the Zeti and forced to keep the badniks under control while making more and more of them! Actions unlocked to deal with this.

Face Zavok and Try To Expand
DC: Contested By Zavok
??? + ??? = 186
MAJOR Success!
The expansion of Black Arms after the sound defeat of Zik in the field was explosive, Death Leeches seeming to be draining the life from the trees and land around them as the alien warriors claimed new territory. Shadow himself led several groups to take settlements that had thought themselves hidden.
The footage of those invasions requires a passcode that only I have. It was… not something I would ruminate on. Whatever Doom did to bring Shadow under his sway, it must have truly repressed or destroyed the sulky but kind anti-hero he had become.
Result: The Black Arms expand. (The Black Arms controls 10% of Green Hills)

Search For The Blue Emerald
DC: 125/175
??? + ??? = 78
Shadow has yet to find us, but that won't hold forever. He is working his way through Zavok's territory at an alarming pace and there is only so much ground for him to cover.
There are things I can do to slow him down or throw him off, but there is not enough time! The Eggman Empire must be reclaimed, research needs to be done, and I need to deal with this blasted brainwashed black arms version of Shadow!
Result: DC reduced for this action

Defend Against The Coalition Attack
DC: Contested by The Restoration and GUN
To Be Continued in [All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!]

THE EMPIRE (Maximilian)
Press The Attack On Zavok
DC: Contested By Zavok
??? + ??? = 104
Oh ho ho! I do like to see those fools still using such antiquated technology driven from the field with their tails between their legs. Even their lauded "Valkyrie" lost not to Zavok, but to Zazz of all creatures. She may have gotten in a lucky shot against Metal before, but this shows that is all it was, pure luck.
Though there is a feeling that this is not all that they can muster. If it is true that they are an entirely united empire, there should be more forces available for an invasion unless there is perhaps trouble on the homefront as well.

??? + ??? = 112!
To Be Continued In [Goodbye Ragnite and Valkyries, hello Chaos!]

Organize The Citizens
DC: 80
??? + ??? = 76
Bare Failure!
They manage to herd cats just fine, but when it actually comes to organizing animals The Restoration has less luck! The Rookie's attempt to organize civilians and drill them for invasion scenarios almost ended in full blown panic when the details of what actually happens in the aftermath of a Black Arms attack.
Jewel managed to calm down the public, but there would be no escape drills or orderly evacuations planned that day.
Result: DC Reduced for this action.

The Restoration Needs You!
DC: 60/90/120
???+??? = 149
Complete Success!
Meanwhile that young Lemur girl went on a charm offensive across Restoration territory, actually using the fear from the new information to give people more of a reason to fight against The Black Arm. They also managed to gain some photos of one of The Empire's 'Labor Camps" and it seems slavery is no more popular now than it ever was. Few needed more encouragement to face Zavok, what with the constant harassment by Badniks.
It looks as if The Restoration is seeing a swelling of their numbers in all rolls, though the green combat staff will need to be tested in the fires of battle.
Result: Restoration numbers swell, possibility of hero unit gained. DC to infiltrate lowered, DC to raid increased.

Assault The Black Arms with G.U.N
DC: Contested by Black Arms
To Be Continued in [All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!]

G.U.N (Towers)
Fortify The Perimeter
??? + ??? = 76
It only took them several weeks to do it, but G.U.N. has finally managed to set up a defensive perimeter to keep their many assailants out and to give themselves some breathing room.
I'm honestly surprised it only took them this long.
Result: G.U.N. has established their territory and foes will take a penalty attacking them without siege weapons.

Assault The Black Arms with The Restoration
DC: Contested by Black Arms
To Be Continued in [All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!]

Convince People To Stop Throwing Rocks Off Angel Island
??? + ??? = 79
The refugees of Angel Island were taking turns throwing large rocks off the side of Angel Island in the hopes of "sniping" a badnik or two. Foolish ingrates don't understand the majesty of my badniks, at least that ignoramus of a shrine guardian managed to convince them it was just as likely that they would hit someone attempting to flee from a horde of badniks as one of my robots themselves.
There was some push back to this benign cut off apparently, but not enough to cause a true fuss.

Looking For Treasure
DC: Higher the Better
??? + ??? = 106
Amazing Success!

After his embarrassing blunder last month, Captain Metal's first mate seems to be on quite the redemption tour, as it were.
He was seen traveling all across the seas and shores, humming his name and avoiding danger by complete accident.
Eventually, he must have found something, because after having a "discussion" with some human pirates working for some wolf named Hongo or something, he managed to snag a map of some kind and accidentally launch himself out of a cannon back to Captain Metal's ship.
Lucky little weirdo.
Regardless, Captain Metal seems QUITE pleased, but Is keeping it close to his chest.

Raid Some Scallywags!
??? + ??? = 84
Bare Success!

Surprisingly, the Captain and his new lackey, actually struggled a bit against some unnamed crew (they apparently never settled on a name after breaking from their old captain).
The raccoon captain, Jack, ambushed them after using decoys and almost had Black Bot on the ropes, though Thankfully Captain Metal stepped in at the last second and sent Jack flying with a swift backhand, allowing Black Bot to more easily handle the rest.
Hmmph. As to be expected from a creation of yours.
Jack himself's death is unconfirmed. The rest of his crew... Less so.
Either way, the Captain has a new ship and some extra supplies.

Advertise The Chao Racing Circuit
DC: The Higher THe Better
??? + ??? = 65
Moderate Success!

Hmmm... Strange. A person you have not seen in quite awhile, One Bark the Polar Bear, has been seen around various local businesses putting up posters and the like for that same Chao Racing Park that Stone mentioned.
He must be working for....whoever runs the place.
He apparently even put out a commercial starring some green bug like creature showing how fun the place was and how it could distract from the woes of everyday life.
You are getting curious about this place, but not enough to bother looking into it. What do you care about what the peons do in their free time? Though You should keep an eye on Bark, he has been gone for quite awhile so it's intriguing to see him pop back up…


Bust Up Some Badniks
DC 50/100
??? + ??? = 78
The detective agency either was hired to do it or decided to do some probono work, but either way The Chaotix were seen destroying a number of badniks amassing near the city they were currently residing. They managed to make a large dent in the forces, enough for The Restoration forces there to keep a foothold, but not enough to gain any ground.

Help Clean Up The Mess
DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 91
Both mother rabbit and her daughter were seen helping The Restoration with clean up efforts from some of the more recent attacks they had suffered, along with that turncoat tin soldier Gemerl. The robot did much of the heavy lifting, though Vanilla herself seemed to be something of a whirlwind when it came to getting things back to a sense of normality.

Attack 'Work Camps'
??? + ??? = 94
It seems an unknown assailant has managed to destroy one of The Empire's newly created work camps in the Green Hills. None of those rescued were able to say anything about the one who freed them, or if they did know anything they were staying quiet about it. All they would call the person is their "Guardian Angel" as it seems they were protected all the way to Restoration territory.
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All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!

All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!

The sun cast long shadows over the jagged, alien terrain, where the Black Arms fortress loomed like a malignant tumor against the blood-red sky. Where the once beautiful forest stood, it is now dark, organic walls pulsed faintly with an eerie red light, as if alive. Razor-sharp towers jutted upward, scanning the horizon with beams of sickly black energy. To most, it was an impregnable stronghold.

To Lanolin, it was the battlefield where she would prove her worth.

Standing at the front of a combined force of Restoration fighters and G.U.N. soldiers, Lanolin adjusted the straps on her combat vest and took the bell around her neck in her hand. The golden bell beats with a familiar purple light as Maggie lets her know she is with Lanolin all the way. Behind her, the troops murmured nervously. Many were young and untested against such overwhelming odds. But this wasn't a mission for hesitation or doubt.

"Lanolin, this is Walters. We've confirmed the base is heavily defended," his voice crackles over the comms. "We have confirmation that Shadow the Hedgehog has been spotted returning to the base after his latest assault. You know the mission."

"Acknowledged, Walters. We'll give them hell." Lanolin presses a hand to her earpiece. "Just keep those reinforcements ready."

"Doom may have done something to Shadow to get him on his side, but you're not to take any chances." Walters reminds. "You're to get in there, destroy the base, take out the Black Arms, and if possible neutralize that Hedgehog."

"I know," Lanolin snaps back. "I know the mission, Walters. I know Towers wants us to take him alive if we can, but it's going to be a last priority over our other objectives."

There was a pause. Then Walters replied, "Good luck, soldier."

Lanolin turns to her troops, her voice rising above the din of distant turret fire. "Listen up! The Black Arms think they can walk all over this planet, that they can use Shadow to scare us into submission. They're wrong." Her fist punches into the air. "Today, we show them what happens when they mess with us. Stick to your squads, watch each other's backs, and don't stop until that base is ours!"

A cheer rose from the ranks.

"Let's move!"

As the combined force advanced, the Black Arms' defenses roared to life. Plasma turrets mounted on the outer walls unleashed torrents of green energy, carving deep gouges into the rocky ground. Restoration fighters darted forward, their smaller, agile frames allowing them to avoid direct hits, while G.U.N. soldiers laid down suppressive fire with their heavier weapons. Several of the newly equipped Beetles streak forward, drawing fire as they return with plasma fire of their own.

Lanolin sprints ahead, a squad of Restoration fighters followed her, weaving through the chaos. She spotted a group of Black Warriors emerging from a fissure in the ground, their alien forms glistening under the harsh light.

"Focus fire on the left flank!" she shouted, diving behind a boulder as plasma bolts rained down.

One of the Warriors charged, Black Sword gleaming in the black light. Lanolin waited until the last moment before springing up, rolling to the side and aiming her bell at the group of warriors. A ringing purple blast fires forth, the Black Sword coming loose and stabbing into one of its fellows as the entire group is sent flying back by the sonic blast.

"Push forward!" she yells, leading the charge as the squad surges ahead.

Commander Walters monitors the battle from the mobile operations center, a reinforced vehicle bristling with antennas and holographic displays. His face is etched with concentration as he directs the flow of the assault.

"Squad Epsilon, swing around to the west side. Those turrets are tearing our lines apart!"

"Sir, the enemy's deploying reinforcements from the north," an aide reports.

Walters frowns. "Send Iota Squad to intercept. And tell Lanolin to brace, this is going to get worse before it gets better."

Lanolin and her team reach the base's outer wall, where alien growths fused seamlessly with mechanical defenses. A massive gate barred their entry, its surface writhing as if alive.

"Plant the charges!" Lanolin orders, covering her squad as they set explosive charges along the gate's seams.

The moment the charges detonate, a deafening roar fills the air, and the gate crumbles inward. But there was no time to celebrate. From within, more Black Arms troops pour out, led by a towering Black Oak wielding a Dark hammer.

Lanolin doesn't hesitate. Darting forward, her bell gleaming with magenta light as she lines up a shot at the Oak's joints. It swung its hammer in a wide arc, forcing her to duck and roll.

"Fall back, Lanolin!" one of her fighters shouts, but she ignores them. With a surge of adrenaline, she vaults onto the Oak's back and slams her palm with the bell into the creature's back, letting loose. The creature roars deeply before collapsing in a heap.

"Move! Secure the entrance!" she calls, her chest heaving.

The troops surge into the base, pushing deeper into the labyrinthine corridors.

The first sign of his presence is a ripple in the air, a distortion that sends a chill down Lanolin's spine. She freezes, her instincts screaming danger.

Then he appeared. The Ultimate Life Form stepping out of the shadows, his crimson eyes glowing with unnatural light. His iconic black and red fur was streaked with faint marks of an even darker and more malevolent black, a sign of Black Doom's influence.

"Little Sheep," he says, his voice devoid of warmth. "You should not have strayed from your flock."

"Shadow, you're being controlled." Lanolin replies, a death grip on the bell around her neck. "You can fight this, push him away!"

Shadow's smirk is cold. "There's nothing to fight. I've finally found my place."

Before she can respond, he vanishes in a blur of motion. The next instant, he is among her fighters, delivering a flurry of Chaos-powered strikes that incapacitate several in seconds.

She charges him, firing a blast of magenta energy at his back. Another blur of red and black and he is around the blast with a hand around her wrist, wrenching it from her golden bell and throwing her into a wall as she lets out a gasp of pain.

"You're out of your depth," he said, his voice cutting like ice.

She scrambles to her feet, taking one of the G.U.N provided grenades and throwing it towards the alien hedgehog. In a blink of Chaos Control, he vanishes, avoiding the explosive.

Around the two of them, the battle rages. G.U.N. soldiers and Restoration fighters clashed with the Black Arms forces, the corridors echoing with the sounds of gunfire and alien roars.

Walters' voice crackles over the comms. "Lanolin, we need to neutralize Shadow before he takes out our entire assault force!"

"I'm working on it!" she snaps, dodging a Chaos Spear.

Lanolin knows she can't match Shadow's speed or power. But she didn't need to. She needed to outthink him. Spotting a series of exposed conduits along the wall, she formulates a desperate plan.

"Over here, Shadow!" she taunts, backing toward the conduits.

He charges forward, his movements a blur. At the last moment, she jumps to the side and rings the bell and Maggie answers, sending a blast at the conduits. Sparks erupt as electricity arced toward Shadow, catching him off guard.

He staggers as the green electricity sparks from the conduits, engulfing him in electricity. His scream of pain is inhuman but Lanolin sees something spark in his eyes. The blood red eyes of The Ultimate Life Form flashing to a softer ruby color. It is gone in an instant as the electricity fades and he drops to the ground panting.

"Shadow…" A cloying, desiccated, booming, and purely evil voice echoes through the base. "Destroy them. Destroy them all."

His expression goes completely blank at the order, only for a snarl of rage to replace it. Crackling red energy sparks in his quills. "Chaos…"

"MOVE!" Lanolin's eyes widen and she screams to her remaining troops "RUN!"


The wall of red energy blasts all of them from their feet as they attempt to flee, flinging them forward end over end. The base shakes and shudders around them as the living building seems to be attuned to the energy Shadow just unleashed.

Lanolin pushes herself to her feet, taking in the room they had been blasted into. The central chamber of the base, a massive pillar of energy at the center of the room, powering the rest of the base. In a flash of red light, he is in front of them again, between her and the core.

"This ends now." he declares, raising his hand as a rain of Chaos Spear form.

"You're right." Lanolin agrees, the taste of blood in her mouth. "But not the way your master wants."

She unleashed the power Maggie has been charging all of this time, the resulting sonic blast being a physical magenta wall of noise that slams into the Ultimate Life Form, scattering the Chaos Spears as he is blasted into the energy pillar behind him.

His body is illuminated for a moment and Lanolin can see one of his arms being completely engulfed by the energy pillar before in a flash of crimson light, he vanishes again. His last sentence rings in the air as the pillar goes dark.

"This... isn't over."

With Shadow gone, the remaining Black Arms forces crumble. Walters directs his troops to secure the base, and the central power core is disabled.

Lanolin leans against a wall, her body aching from the fight. Around her, the Restoration fighters and G.U.N. soldiers begin cheering as the reality of their victory sinks in.

"Excellent work, Lanolin," Walters tells her over the comms. "You've earned every bit of this win."

Lanolin manages a tired smile. "Thanks, Commander. But this isn't over. Shadow's still out there, and Black Doom

"That may be but this is a loss that neither Doom or Shadow are likely to forget for a long time." Walters' voice holds a hint of pride. "You did good and don't let anyone, not even yourself tell you otherwise."

The Restoration/G.U.N
Collab Action: Assault The Black Arms (Power) (Lanolin)
??? + ??? = 193

The Black Arms
Defend Against The Coalition Attack
??? + ??? = 105

Results: The Restoration and G.U.N. launch a devastating attack on the Black Arms, reducing their control of Green Hills to 1%. Shadow the Hedgehog is severely injured and will not be able to take the field until healed.

Lanolin The Sheep is being hailed as a hero of both The Restoration and G.U.N.
Green Hill Zone Control

Zavok: 54%
Restoration 24%
G.U.N 15%
Doom 1%
The Empire 5%
Eggman 1%
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Look To The Sky, a New Dawn is Coming
This was Hell, you were sure of it.

A part of you still refused to believe that, but with the evidence present, and every new day that arrived the assumption this was the afterlife was better than…other alternatives.

The memories leading to your current situation were fresh in your mind, even after 5 months have passed. Your Brother and his squad had just managed to take Marberry Coastline, it was supposed to be a great victory for all of you, you were one step closer to retaking Gallia.

You were gonna hear Rosie sing…

And then there was pain... You had been shot, and the last moments were too hazy to make out, but you still remember it.

The great feeling of sadness and regret you felt as you lost consciousness and fell into a deep slumber is still something that won't leave you even now.

You didn't expect to come back to consciousness as you were dragged by a pair of Empire soldiers towards one of their facilities

Even now you can't make sense of what happened, how were you still alive, even when you clearly remember being shot, there wasn't even't a scar on your body, like if it was never shot!

You would celebrate the fact that you were still alive, if you didn't find yourself in such a precarious situation.

From what you were able to listen to from chat from the goons that had you prisoner alongside the discussion with your fellow captives, you were able to gain insight on your circumstances.

Apparently, one day, a huge sound of something shattering could be heard by everyone, and after a flash of light, a grand part of the Empire and places from Gallia and the Federation had been transported to a new strange world.

You would have refused to believe it, if you didn't see yourself, how there was a clear border where the Empire ended and a new land started, as if someone had smashed to pieces of land together and somehow they were stuck.

Whatever had happened, it must have brought you back from…your fate.

Just to put you here into something even worse.

The soldiers that found you brought you to one of their labor camps, same as the ones your squad had liberated in Fouzen, and your heart sank in despair as the reality of the situation dawned on you.
The Empire had won, there was no Militia here nor army to oppose them, whatever pockets of resistance that had been transported with the Empire had been quickly destroyed, if the bragging of their wardens to demoralize them was any indication, and the other inmates sadly collaborated the facts.

Prince Maximilian had won, with the Empire finally taking control of whatever pieces of Gallia that had been brought here and now, they had to survive in this new world.

What she had seen before and her talks with Zaka hadn't prepared for what awaited her in those camps.

Being forced to work as slaves, working in their factories and mines, and seeing how they tortured her fellow Darcsen everyday was so discouraging.

She was lucky, they were able to find out her skills with engineering and quickly designed her for maintenance of machinery, making sure all the equipment used was still in working conditions, with access to the rest of the Empire cut off, their resources were limited.

And that meant one thing for them, soon, a new invasion would start.

She was not fully aware of the details, but the Empire had started another war, this time against a place called "Green Hills" and the weird inhabitants that lived there. A few weeks ago, they had managed to deliver their first victory against them and were slowly but surely taking over the area.

This saddened her, that no matter the place or situation, the Empire would continue to unleash war on the innocent, why did they have to be so cruel?

She didn't know and no one ever answered her question. What she learned was that she was set to be reallocated to a new Labor Camo in their most recently taken zone.

She still held a sliver of hope that their situation would change, that someone, somehow, would appear and save them. Even now, her people were suffering, nothing had changed, well, that wasn't true, there was one thing…

Her brother or friends were not here to help her, she was alone in this Hell.

You were Metal Sonic, and you were almost amazed how easy this was. Almost.

Any task assigned to you would be simple enough, but this was kind of ridiculous.

As you walked through the screaming soldiers' bullets, you almost felt annoyed to know these fools had ever successfully taken you out. Granted, the best of the best of them did it, but still.

Someone, in a bid of desperation, tried to hit you from behind with a shovel. You easily caught it and looked at the cowering man, waving your finger at him before grabbing his throat.

He was dead before he hit the ground.

His brothers in arms didn't fare much better, really. They opened fire again and again, but you either dodged or took the hits but easily recovered.

Hmmph. Pathetic.

As you casually crushed another man's skull and set more walls ablaze with your sheer speed of movement, you heard something. You turned and were staring down the barrel of a tank.

"C-Cease this assault, foul demon! By the order of the Empire!" The man inside the tank ordered.

To you, it sounded like pitiful begging. With more blistering speed, you were suddenly behind the tank. The main inside screamed and tried desperately to maneuver it around to shoot at you, but it was too little, too late. You grabbed the tank, hoisting it over your head.

"No! No please! You can't, I h-have a family! I was J-Just following orders!" The man pleaded for his life.

Funny. So were you.

You promptly throw the tank full force into a wall, making the man sob right before the inevitable explosion, causing further fiery damage to this pitiful excuse for a stronghold.

As you proceed with your glorious march of destruction, you saw several people running away from you…Incorrect, after using a minuscule part of your processing power to focus on them, you were able to notice they were actually running away from this place, their clothes being different from the trash you had just dealt with.

No matter, if those wretches we're not standing in your way, even better for you.

As you finally arrived at the center of the camp, your sensors quickly noticed that a great concentration of soldiers were present, some of them shouting threats and stupid orders to you.

Oh, lucky, they have come all to one place. Perfect, he didn't need to waste more seconds hunting them down.

He gave himself 5 minutes to finish this up, 10 tops. As his engine came to life, giving him the propulsion needed to smash against this pitiful resistance, if he had a face, someone could tell that you would be smiling broadly.

Ahhh, how have he missed this.

He made sure to hold himself back a bit though, he still needed the place intact in order to complete his orders.

You were Doctor Eggman, and you were understandably annoyed.

You expected Metal to complete his mission flawlessly, but why did things like this tend to happen to you?!

Obviously the girl was one of the prisoners of those Camps belonging to the Empire, who managed to hide in the crate during Metal's test drive. Still, you couldn't help but be a tad annoyed that they didn't bother to check the crates before bringing them over, oh well.

"Metal, stop. Don't harm our unexpected guest…yet." You say with a stern tone to metal, who as you expected, was ready to neutralize this invader to your base. As you crossed your arms and stared at the young lady, who continued to look around scared and lost in her current position.

"Who ar-Where am I?" She asks terrified as she stares at all the people present in the room. You notice that when her gaze lands on Metal, and Orbot and Cubot, a spark of interest shows in her eyes, quickly smothered out by the gravity of her situation.

"I'm afraid I will be the one making the questions." You say in a definite tone as you take a step towards her, who quickly backs away towards the safety of the crate she was in. Ha! Like that would help her!

"I will ask two simple questions that will greatly determine what happens to you." You say as you continue to walk towards her, as your eyes meet hers. "First, who are you? Second, why shouldn't I get rid of you? If your answers don't satisfy me, Metal will deal with you as he dealt with those Empire fools." In the corner of your eye, you saw him brandish his claws, ready to act in your command.

The girl gulped, the gravity of the situation dawning upon her. She started breathing quickly, looking panicked at your ultimatum, before taking a deep breath and putting on a mask of calmness, that you clearly see, would break at the first impact.

"I…I was one of the Darcsen prisoners of the Empire." Obviously, you barely were able to hold in the snark that wanted to come from you, but you decided that would be tasteless. "You- why did you do this?"

"Ah, ah ah!" You wave one of your fingers in front of her. "That wasn't one of the questions." You said in a cheerful tone that just baaaareeely held a speck of annoyance for the girl not following your command. "If you wish to know…that Empire of yours has slighted me in ways that can't be easily amended, and I'm set to put them in their place, eventually." She stares for a moment, processing what you said. She opened her mouth to speak again, but…

"And I believe you didn't answer any of my questions."

A second later, Metal's claws grasp her neck and push her towards the container, keeping her in place and she starts choking.

"One more try. Why shouldn't I get rid of you?" You say as you tap your foot against the ground impatiently.

"I…can…help…you." The girl manages to say, white in Metal's grasp. Your curiosity picked, you snapped your finger, indicating Metal to let her go.

As she recovers her breath and holds her throat, she continues talking. "You…you are opposing the Empire right? I…can help you! I know enough about their weaponry and tactics…I…I'm an engineer too!"

"Ohhhh?" You ask with a tone of interest. "Would you help me so happily to teach that Empire their place? I wonder why?"

The girl looks unsure, herself, seemingly, not wanting to talk about this topic, but knowing better, she resumes her explanation.

"My…people, the Darcsen, they…for so long they have been oppressed by the Empire. This…this is the first time since we arrived here that someone opposed the Empire, please!" She looks at you, tears in her eyes starting to appear.

You couldn't help but scoff, not believing what the girl was spouting, what a waste of time! You were ready to tell Metal to finish this when…

"Maybe," She said quietly. "But it also needs kindness. You can have both. He did."

You still remember her words back in that place. They remind in the corners of your mind, incapable of uprooting them.

You refuse to believe the claims of a wooden girl who has not experienced the chaos of this world.

But perhaps…there could be even a spot of truth in them? As much as you hated to admit it, the hypothesis never worked if never tested.

"What's your name girl?"

The girl looks at you, with equal fear and hope. "Isara…Isara Gunther." She says with a tone filled with determination, contrary to her previous showing.

"Very well, Miss Gunther, welcome to the team, hope your services are actually useful."

Results: Rescued and forcefully recruited Isara Gunther! Gained a bit of insight into the current situation of the Empire.

Isara Gunther:

Power: 17 (At such young age, young Isara seems to have gone throught the basic of military training, if her skills with handling guns and tanks is anything to go by.)

Heart: 25(You haven't seen such a charming individual like her in a long time. It reminds you of Sonic and his group of friend, uggh. How disgusting)

Logistics: 28 (For such a young child, if so surprise me the level of skill she possesses to plan and organize projects, thought of course it doesn't come anywhere near ny level.)

Brains: 26 (I almost scoffed when she informed me she was a professional Engineer. But she quickly proved she had the appropriate credentials. Uh, this level of skill reminds me of young Prower.)

Trickery: 9(At the end, Isara is just another foolish person that seems to trust people at their word. Such a young mind full of potential, but so malleable.)

Mystic: 3(While she may be knowledge of the legends of her homeland, her lack of experience with the supernatural is clear)

Loyaty: 20(Rescued her from that place.)


Darcsen Heart: Apparently in her world, there are a race of people called Darcsen that suffer heavily of indiscrimination. The Empiee being the main source of this. How disappointing. Everyone knows it's better to hate everyone equally!

(Isara is mainly against the Empire and while she is okey with actions that opposes it, doing actions that hurt innocent people or if sheer cruelty (and that target Darcsen), will quickly reduce her loyalty to Eggman.

Mechanical Valkyrie: +20 to all Engineering related rolls.

Tank-proficient: +15 bonus to combat rolls when Isara is fighting from a tank or a similar vehicle.
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Goodbye Ragnite and Valkyries, hello Chaos!
You were Maximilian Gaius Von Reginrave, proud Prince of The Empire, and today, as many days before, you found yourself deep in thought.

As you walk the halls of your Palace towards your destination, you can't help but feel like this is Fate mocking you once again.

Being transported to this strange new world at the cusp of your victory made you feel empty, like if all you have gone through, all the planning and preparation that you spent so much working towards, especially for your most useful tool, were all in vain.

Clearly people would make a comedy about his life and misfortunes if it were to be known.

Still, you were one to seize opportunities when you saw them. If there wasn't an Empire for you to take revenge, then you will simply form your own. One were you are the righteous Emperor, paving a path to the future as your mother would have wanted to. For that, you needed to show the inhabitants of this place the sheer might of the Empire and where they stood compared to him.

There were… difficulties, to say the least. You should have expected it, but the opposition here was greater than expected. Not even Selvaria, your greatest pawn, was enough to turn the tables to your favor. That she failed to destroy that supposed "Neo Metal Sonic" or one of those colored Demons showed that as powerful as the Valkyrur were in his world, there existed beings that could match and surpass their power.

That was unacceptable, if your current tools weren't enough, there was clearly one option to take…

Either upgrade or replace them.

Finally arriving at your destination, your feet carried towards the entrance to the Empire Research Division. You had hope in your heart, that today, the answers to your worries would be received.

As you entered the chamber, your eyes laid witness to a group of scientists working on their current object of interest, recovered in the Battle between Selvaria and Neo Metal Sonic.

Approaching the current head of the science division, you couldn't help but feel a certain degree of revulsion. Heinrich Belgar wasn't a man you would particularly like in your employ, but being separated from the rest of the Empire, he was your best choice to lead your science department.

"We have arrived, Belgar." You announce your presence to the man, who had an obsessed look on his face as he read from some documents. A look of annoyance was clearly seen for a moment before realizing who was speaking to him, and adopted the appropriate attitude.

"My prince, it's an honor to be in your presence." Like a snake, saying sweet promises, the man spoke to you as he made a bow. "Glad to see you could join us as soon as possible."

"You called for us." You remind him as you look around the room. It was busy with activity from the scientist working on the current project, one you considered of sum importance. "We hope you called us to inform us of your progress with your task. It would be unfortunate if you were wasting our time." You plainly remind him, wasting your time was not something you would easily forgive of him.

A look of hurt could be seen in his eyes, was it from the threat or from his pride being insulted? Most likely the later you assume.

"My prince, I would not dare to do such a folly." The man states as he puts away the documents he was reading. "As you said, I wanted to inform you of our discoveries with the item you procured for us. What we have learned from it is… astonishing." He says with a look of sheer excitement as his gaze wanders to the object in the middle of the room, doing the same, you behold the prize that your pawn gave you after her bout with Neo Metal Sonic, held in a glass container connected to several machines.

"What were you able to figure out?" You ask him, a sense of curiosity feeling your being.

"This gem…this Chaos Emerald, as we have been able to find it's called, it's simple fantastic!" He says like a child who had been given a gift for their birthday. "At the start we had no idea how to study it, any machine or equipment we employed just…exploded from the energy overflow!"

"But that was the key! We thought there was something wrong with out equipment, and in fact it was that it wasn't ready to handle its output." He turns to look at you with a madden look in his eyes.

"My prince, this…this rock, it holds more energy than anything we could even come to invent. If we gathered all the Ragnite in this place. it would still not hold a candle to his beautiful thing! It's energy output seems almost infinite! If we could replicate this, what would we achieve…" He says with typical scientific fervor.

"Could you be able to create batteries to hold it's energy for further use?" You question as you realize the potential this gem had."

"Oh don't worry my prince, I had my team focus on working on that!" He replies quickly, feeling the excitement carry him on. "With this thing, if we can harness appropriately, ragnite could be a thing of the past. I…thought ragnite could led they way to the future but with this… We could use it to power the Valkof and it could most likely fire continuously, without using ragnite! The technology of the Valkyrur doesn't compare to-"

"What about the Valkyrur themselves?" You cut off, your mind coming to certain ideas.

"My prince?" Heinrich ask, lost for the first time in the conversation. Was it not obvious what you had in mind?

"We have spoken. Do you think it could be possible to use this…Chaos Emerald to boost the might of our Valkyrur?" If a machine could use it and be able to best your tool in combat, then you were sure you could employ it in the same way. "A way for the Valkyrur to absorb their energy and increase their powers?"

Heinrich looks unsure himself for a moment, before nodding. "We would need to test it, find a way for the emerald to interact with the valkyrur, maybe either by inserting it in their weaponry, or a special device." He theorizes for a moment, before a look of warning crosses his face. "But my prince, there's no guarantee the Valkyrur could hold such an amount of power, nor we have any idea what could happen to the Emerald, if we lost it-"

"Don't fret, I'm fully aware we cannot risk such a useful artifact." You calmly state. "Luckily, we have received reports that this "Shadow" is looking for a similar Emerald like this one, but blue in color. Do you realize what this means?"

"There could be more than one…"He breathes out in excitement.

"Precisely, we don't fully know how many there are, but if we can locate even one more, imagine what we could achieve with that." You turn your back to it as you proceed to the exit.

"You have new orders, find a way for the valkyrur to employ the might of this artifact and use it to crush our opposition." You said, it was obvious that while Selvaria did her best, her performance was clearly lacking, your weapon was becoming rusty, and that wouldn't do. It was your duty to find ways to keep it sharp.

"As you command, my prince." You hear him said, but you don't listen to him anymore as you exit the room.

As you made your way back to your office, you swore that someday, somehow, this world would bow to the greatness of your Empire, the one you lead like if it should have been from the start.

Study Chaos Emerald (Mystic)* (Belgar) DC110
??? + ??? + ??? = 112

QM: You guys thought the Empire were having a bad time? Oh at the contrary, they are having a GREAT TIME RIGHT NOW!!!

They are upgrading from ragnite to Chaos Emeralds! The chaos is the future!!!

Also, this is a promise, as long as the dice doesn't fuck with the Empire, I promise you.

Super Selvaria is happening, so get ready.

Wait patiently for turn 3 please!
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Turn 3- March 2XXX
You had so much to handle.

Not too much, of course, nothing was too much for you, the brilliant Dr. Eggman.

But still, you had to juggle things carefully or things could go awry unexpectedly.

You had to carefully pick who to go to that auction (if you didn't change your mind), how to handle young Cassia's disease, trying to make a fake Chaos Emerald if you had the time...

That wasn't even getting into your blackouts and the promise Belle made that Mercenary on your behalf.

Even you had to admit it was quite a bit to juggle, but no matter. You had bounced back from worse and you would do so again here.

"Oooh, he's deep in thought! He's got that scheming look!" Cubot cheerfully chirped. You sent him an irritated look and he made himself scarce to polish the Egg Mobile, you heard him chuckling nervously.

Bah. Enough distractions.

You called a meeting.

It was time to get to work.

1 hidden base
1 public base (Mean Bean Machine)
1 Chaos Emerald (Blue one)
1 Egg Mobile
6 Income for Nack's Auction (From Stone's Coffee Shop and Attacking the Work Camp)
75 Metal Units.

You guys have 1 action available in each category.
Cubot and Orbot can be assigned to a Logistics action that doesn't count for the cap.
Dr. Eggman can pick 4 Personals per turn. Other hero units can pick only 1 per turn,


Build Death Egg Robot DC80
Ah one of your first doomsday weapons, it brings back such fond memories of trying to crush that blasted hedgehog. Not quite as powerful as some of the later models you would make, but the Death Egg Robot is a twenty foot tall titan of destruction, powerful enough to crush those underfoot and has rocket propelled spike fists! Such a brilliant design
Metal Cost: 125
Reward: The Death Egg Robot MK1 has been rebuilt

Reclaim Your Territory: Power DC 80/120
Badnik Power Cap: 20
Now that you have an actual badnik force (a small one all things considered, but one nonetheless), the next course of action is clear! Time to take back what is yours!
Rewards: contest control of nearby areas from Zavok and reclaim it as yours. Gain metal if first DC passed and factories and facilities if second meet (might need to fix them). Zavok will learn of your presence, chances of other factions learning about it too
Note: Cannot be taken with Quietly Reclaim Your Territory

Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140
While Metal Sonic is currently fine as he is, of course, there is always room for improvement. You can still outfit him with more upgrades to make him an even better Sonic
reward: Each tier passed gives an Upgrade point to use for Metal Sonic:
Metal Cost: 30
Note: Metal Sonic cannot be assigned to this action.

[ ] Plasma Pulse: Can be used once per battle. Metal skips his turn and next turn he gets a +20 bonus to all combat rolls until the fight is over. (1 Point)

[ ]Ring Spark: Once per battle, Metal Gains a +10 to combat rolls and can attack all enemies nearby, but loses 1 life/Hp after use. (1 Point)

[ ] 6 Valve 300cc orgone engine: +5 Mystic(1 Upgrade points)

[ ] Upgraded Processing Power: +7 to Trickery and Brains (2 Upgrade Points)

[ ] Voice Module: +10 Heart to Metal: (3 Upgrade Points)

[ ] Install Leadership Module: changes Metal Mano focused for Badnik Commander. +5 To Logistics and Heart. Gives Minor Version of Badnik Commander. (3 Upgrade Points)

Upgrade Rusty Rose: DC: 40/70/100/130
Now that you have been able to calmly look over all the data you collected for Rusty Rose, you are certain you can do a better job than those fools in the Chaos Council and make her a proper killer robot!
Reward: Each tier passed gives +2 upgrade points to use.
Metal Cost: 50
Note: Rusty Rose cannot be assigned to this action.

[ ] Rusty Hammer: +5 to Combat rolls (1 Point)
[ ] Upgraded Database: +5 to Brains (1 Point)
[ ] Adaptive Combat Protocol: Increase Power +5. Power stat +5 Bonus against enemies Rusty has faced before. (2 Points)
[ ] Install Leadership Module: +5 To Logistics and Heart. Gives Minor Version of Badnik Commander. (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Personality Matrix Upgrade: +10 to Heart stat (3 Points)

Launch Attack Zavok's Base DC:160 (Actions can be taken to reduce DC)
That Zeti dares wield your own weapons and robots against you! And he dare do so quite effectively from a very well protected base! This shall not stand, this shall not stand so swears Ivo Robotnik! Build up your own forces again and show that magical menace what the might of true genius brings!
Reward: Begins assault on Zabok's base of operations with the possibility of defeating and capturing him, restoring the Green Hill Zone to your control.
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Steal The Master Emerald DC:135
...This might not be the time for this but blast it all if that emerald is not the largest source of Chaos Energy on the planet! If I can manage to get the emerald back to base, power and resource management will be a thing of the past!
Reward: Begins Attack on Angel Island with the possibility of stealing The Master Emerald
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Launch Attack On Black Arms Base DC120 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
Black Doom has a small foothold in the Green Hill Zone but I am loath to let those disgusting creatures hold even a shred of what will become Eggmanland! Build up your own forces again and show those man-eating aliens what the might of the Eggman empire is!
Reward: Begins assault on Black Arms base of operations with the possibility of removing them entirely from the Green Hill Zone.
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Launch Attack on GUN DC:145 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
They're back!? These fools are like cockroaches. No matter. You will just put them in their place again. You did it once before, after all.
Reward: Begin assault on GUN bases, possibility to destroy GUN completely... Again.
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Launch Attack On The Restoration DC:165 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
"The Restoration". How adorable, they believe they can stop resisting and start restoring the world from me? I am the change this world needs and these animals need to understand that! Let's see if I can't make the lesson stick this time.
Reward: Begins assault on The Restoration base of operations with possibility of destroying them entirely and taking prisoners and supplies.
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Launch Attack On The Empire DC: 165 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
The Empire has managed to get a foothold into The Green Hill Zone and they don't seem too eager to leave considering how quickly they have fortified their foothold. They seem to have also brought the same woman who fought Shadow and Metal to make sure the ground is kept, but little matter. This is your land and you will show them what a *true* Empire looks like!
Reward: Begin assault on The Empire base, possibility of completely rebuffing them from Green Hill Zone, taking prisoners, and supplies.
Badnik Power Cap: 30


Try To Make Contact With "Captain Metal". DC:60
There's been rumors of a pirate roaming the seas near Green Hill, who has some similarities to your greatest Creation. This intrigues you deeply…perhaps you could try to start talks with him? While revealing yourself too soon before you are ready could be risky, this may be an opportunity.
Reward: Make contact with Captain Metal, unlock new actions, chances for collaboration with Captain Metal.

Reach Out To The Restoration: DC:115
While you acknowledge that you were the cause of almost literally every problem the resistance and now "The Restoration" has faced, you have worked together with many of their members, begrudgingly, in the past. Perhaps they would be willing to work under the banner of the Eggman Empire once more, especially in light of this new and changed world.
Reward: The Restoration "joins the empire" and begins feeding supplies and information to Eggman.

Reach Out To G.U.N. For An Alliance DC130
It absolutely galls you to even consider teaming up with these military oafs, but considering at this point the sky is literally falling, sacrifices must be made. You can stomach working with them long enough to deal with The Black Arms, Zavok, and The Empire. Then… well you're sure that G.U.N. will be happy to return to the status quo.
Reward: The Eggman empire and G.U.N. enter a *very* temporary truce, sharing information and some resources.

Hire A New Minion
You loathe the fact you don't have your badnik facilities at full operation, so you must rely on the fleshy hands of others. Both disgusting and frustrating, but needs must. Send someone to collect them.
Reward: The selected minion is added to the hero roster.

Thunderbolt: DC Autopass
Roo: DC 35
Zobio & Zobiko: DC 30
Honey The Cat: DC 50
Tier 2
Piastol DC 45
Basil The Bernard- the Conductor DC 35
Tier 3
Goro Majima DC 70
Dr. Bad-Boon DC 45
Nephthys the Vulture DC Autopass


Build Some Badniks: DC:Autosuccess.
Metal Cost: Variable (select a badnik squad to build)
With most of your factories either taken over or destroyed, you are forced to create more of your precious Badniks by hand. Not that it is really an inconvenience! You can create a squad of them with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back!
It just will take time and resources to do. You need an efficient way to produce more of them but for now this will do.
Reward: Construct a squad of the selected badniks.

Make a Batch of Tarnished Blossoms DC:65
Thanks to Rusty Rose, an idea for a new type of Badnik just came to you! This will be a nice addition to your forces!
Metal Cost: 25
Reward: Made a Batch of Tarnished Blossoms, becomes available to build for free when taking the badnik building action

Build some Egg Drones DC:70
After your meeting with Agent Stone, somehow you came up with a design for a recon and scanner badnik Model...It's strange, it's like all the schematics are already in your brain just like that...Odd. Still you won't say no to this gift.
Metal Cost: 30
Reward: Batch of Egg Drones made. (Gives -10 malus to enemies trying to infiltrate your territory. and +5 To trickery Actions when Searching for stuff)

Build A Badnik Factory DC: 70
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
Metal Cost: 50
There is something nostalgic about breaking ground on this badnik factory, reminding you of a time so long ago… Ah well no time for that nostalgic nonsense, there are engines of terror and destruction to be made!
Reward: Create a badnik factory that will passively make 1-2 batches of badniks per turn in exchange for Metal.

Create a Metal Mine DC: 65
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
Heigh ho, heigh ho, no wait, those are for lumber yards not mines. Ah well, time to send badniks into the mines to get yourself some more Metal to power your war machine against your many foes!
Reward: Create a Mine that will passively generate Metal each turn.

Create a Ragnite Mine DC: 70
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
That interesting material Ragnite seems to have been seeded all throughout Green Hills thanks to The Shattering. I am sure my brilliant mind can put it to better use than those idiots in their so-called "Empire", but I will need to get the stuff out of the ground first.
Reward: Create a Mine that will gather as much Ragnite as you'll need.

Create The Care Unit DC80
Creating a mech that can be piloted is something I could do in my sleep, but adding the requirements that it act as a medical device and suspend the wearer as they or inside of it so as to not let Cassia's disease progress any further does add an extra challenge that is still nothing to the might of my mind. The machine itself will be as robust as any of my Super Badniks just for the simple fact I am not going to go through the trouble of having the thing break because the girl is not used to walking around in such a large frame. Though with a frame that size, it would be a shame to not add some kind of weaponry... thoughts for later.
Result: Create the Care Unit which will stop Cassia's disease from progressing and adding Cassia to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. The Pronghorn sisters will accept this as a holding action for only so long and if the disease is not actually cured, they will begin losing loyalty.

Build A Ring Reactor DC: 100
Metal Cost: 90
I need more power if I am to build any true weapons of war to retake the world and build it in my image, and these rings will provide that necessary power! Reward: Create The Ring Reactor which lowers the DC on many fabrication options and opens options for more energy intensive actions. (Lowers DCs by 10-15, unlocks creation of tier 3 badniks, and unlocks build super weapon action with HUGE DC)


Locate "Evila's Swingin Report Show" Network Frequency DC:30
According to Starline, there's a TV station called Space Channel 5 that is constantly transmitting a news channel that relays the newest and most exciting content. Mmm... checking this "Evila" could allow you to find more of what's happening around the world. With your satellites down, your intel gathering has been... "limited".
Reward: Unlock Global Rivals report, Will be shown public things that other Kings around the world do that Space Channel 5 manages to broadcast.

Making Due With Less DC:70
You are a master and making sturdy and powerful machines of destruction and weapons of war! Unfortunately you are desperately low on resources right now and may need to make due with less than ideal robotic minions. But this is only for now! Your minions will be right again once you have regained your proper place!
Reward: Unlock Scrapnik versions of all non-super versions of your Badniks which can be made at half the Metal cost, but have no traits and this ability will disappear at the end of turn 5 or when you get to 300 Metal, whichever comes first, as Eggman has an image and ego to maintain.

Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck.
Seems like Zavok has taken control of all my systems, having configured the badniks to recognize him as supreme leader! I could try and send a virus to the current base he uses through the Eggnet to possibly snag control of the badniks, or at the very least, put viruses to cause trouble for him.
Still, it's a risk, if this goes wrong, they could have the means to trace me... No matter, I must do it!
Reward. Managed to hack into Zavok's database, unlocks options of how to debuff him, possibility to take control of badniks back to Eggman
Note: This action lowers the DC of Zavok's Base Raid

Make A Fake Chaos Emerald DC:100
You have to admit that with so many more interested parties after the emeralds and Shadow in particular looking for yours, you may need a way to keep anyone interested in *your* emerald off the trail. Luckily the fox boy made such a tool already and your genius will only further refine it!
Reward: You make a fake Chaos Emerald. It looks and feels almost exactly identical to a real one but when analyzed or used to power a machine or mystic construct will actively sabotage the process. It can be a source of Chaos energy for Chaos casting at a -20 penalty.

Upgrade The Badniks To Ring Power: DC:60
Honestly the main reason I've never done this before is that the blasted hedgehog destroyed enough of my badniks without them having the rings he collected each time we came to blows. With him gone, this is much more viable.
Reward: Badniks can now be created with Ring Power, decreasing Metal cost and increasing their power but using Rings which aren't unlimited.

Create Ring Retrieval Units DC:50
If I am going to be switching to Ring power over chaos drives or flicky engines, I will need a steady supply of them, which is difficult considering they appear hither and yon. A specialty badnik will need to be made to collect them.
Reward: Create the Ring Tosser badniks, small non-combatant badniks designed to retrieve rings from all over the Green Hill Zone providing you a steady supply of rings.

Study Ragnite DC:65
An interesting element and one The Empire seems fixated on, using it in many different forms and desperately digging for wherever it can be found. I am sure they have many mundane applications for such a mineral, but let's see what a mind as brilliant as my own can discover for this mystical element.
Rewards: Discover uses for Ragnite and unlock actions to mine and refine it.

Study that Strange Motobug DC: 125
This Motobug seems... Different from the rest of its kind, let alone other Badniks. Why it clings to you so vexes you, but should it be investigated lest it causes issues...
Reward: ???

Perform Gene Therapy On Cassia DC Autosuccess (This action must be taken twice to finish.)
No one ever said rewriting the DNA of an entire body to make sure none of a genetic disease was a day or even a week tast. To a mind less brilliant than my own, it may even be the labor or years or decades! But my mind is truly the greatest in all of the universe and while the methodical and somewhat dull pace of the process may not be as efficient as I like, this process is guaranteed to get the youngest Pronghorn back on her feet by the time the process is over.
Result: Cassia is cured of her disease and is added to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. Pronghorns will gain MASSIVE boosts in loyalty.

Further Research Cassia's Disease DC160
I now step beyond the research of my grandfather and into the unknown beyond. I have scans of Shadow as he was to somehow carry the cure for Maria, I have all of the scans of how the disease progresses in Cassia, and I have my own brilliant mind. This disease will be conquered by a Robotnik in the name of not only the Eggman empire, but in the name of the two Robotniks lives it consumed and doomed. The might of my mind will not allow this thing to stand, not ever again.
Reward: A cure is created. This cure will be 100% effective, easily distributable, and work in a matter of hours. Cassia is cured of her disease and is added to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. Pronghorns will gain MASSIVE boosts in loyalty. Choice


Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog! DC:20/90
You and Sonic are two sides of the same coin. To say you like each other would be a laughable lie, but only you are allowed to end this little game you play with each other.
Reward: Find Clues to where Sonic has disappeared to.

Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60
Apparently since the "Shattering." The world was completely changed, from what Starline was able to tell you, only the Green Hill Zones and Angel Island remained, everything else has been replaced by other places from other worlds or even universes! One of the closest ones to hear is a territory called the Empire, who Metal attacked and might have...spurred a bit. Now they are in a three way war between Zavok and Black Doom.
So far the Empire has managed to take over some of the territory originally to Green Hill Zones... Perhaps it could be worth infiltrating it to have some eyes on it?
Reward: Infiltrate the zone that connects the Empire with Green Hill Zone. Unlock new actions.

Infiltrate Another Faction DC Various
You've got more than enough minions to now consider sending some on deep cover missions or at least attempting to spy on some of the other factions. Granted, some of them may be more dangerous than others to attempt, but you're sure that is a sacrifice you're willing to have your minions take! Oh ho ho ho!
The Restoration DC 60
G.U.N. DC 80 (DC 70 if human or human passing)
Zavok DC 150
Black Arms DC 300

Sabotage Another Faction
This is what I call a "Target Rich Environment" just because there are too many people running around in what should be my empire! I don't quite have the territory or the forces to want to face them in head to head combat, but a little bit of sabotage never hurt anyone who matters, namely me. Oh ho ho ho!
Restoration DC 80
G.U.N. DC 90
Zavok DC 40
The Empire DC 60
Black Arms DC 90

Reward: Malus to the factions rolls this turn, potentially longer lasting effects. Temporarily lowers DC for base raid of selected faction.

Look For The Cacophonic Conch DC: 90
At first, I thought that the conch would not be a viable way to quickly defeat the Zeti, but I just realized that with Starline assistance, finding that artifact is actually within my means!
Obtaining that conch will be a powerful equalizer against my enemies, and a step towards reclaiming my Empire!
Rewards: Re-obtain the Cacophonic conch.

Looks for Clues on Maria DC 75/130
Your latest lackey, the Mercenary Canaan, is working for you solely to find a missing friend. Bleh. Everyone wants something. Better get to looking...
Reward: Find out clues to Maria's whereabouts/Find her outright(?).

Quietly Reclaim Your Territory. Dc 100/130
Badnik Power Cap:15 (only Badniks that boost trickery or stealth)
While making a show about your return is tempting, caution might be the best…quietly infiltrating nearby areas and wresting control of those facilities could be for the best…
Reward: Reclaim territory from Zavok, taking nearby areas, none being the wiser.

Locate this "Chuck Thorndike" Dc 100/140
So this man is the one responsible for allowing Zavok to take your Empire right? Well, you will give a Man a piece of your mind once you rescue him, but first.
Reward: Locate where Chuck/Chris is held prisioner. Unlocks adventure to free them!


Gather Rings DC: 5/50/90
Rings are a strange naturally spawning mystic item that covered most of the world back before the transformation. It seems they have not stopped appearing in the Green Hill area and there may be some use I can make of them, if only as a source of power.
Reward: Gain rings, the amount depending on level of success and ???

Through The Ringer DC: 70
Power Rings are an abundant resource of naturally occurring chaos energy. For years, they've only been useful to you as a power supply, but others like that damn hedgehog could use them for so much more. What better place is there to have a look at your foundations than at rock bottom?
Reward: Discover uses for rings beyond power, new actions unlocked

Study The Warp Topaz DC: 70 (Only Starline May Be Assigned)
I have seen many different versions and knock off gemstones trying to match the power of The Chaos Emerald, but if Starline is to keep the thing he better study it, understand it, and fill out a full report.
Reward: The effects and powers of The Warp Topaz are completely understood and possible research into duplicating its effects unlocked.

Check The Area For Magical Objects DC: Variable
Back on Mobius I couldn't walk ten steps without tripping over some world ending gemstone, key to a mystical prison, or some other such magical nonsense. Those are all useful things to both have and prevent others from having, however, best check to see if things follow suit in this new world.
Reward: Possibly find various magical stuff from any of the worlds that have combined


Focus On Your Work (Costs 3 personals)
There is no time to allow such frivolities! Not until the Empire is yours will you rest and relax! There is work to be done!
Reward: One action of your choice is rerolled and the higher die is taken.

Getting Back To The Grind
Despite what that blasted hedgehog believes, you do take care to keep yourself in good physical condition, otherwise how in the world would you manage to keep one step ahead of him?
Reward: Eggman works out, potentially gaining Power on High Rolls.

Do Some General Tinkering
You are, at the end of the day, an engineer. And there's nothing good on TV right now!
Reward: Eggman tinkers with random parts, getting items dependent on roll.

Draw Up Blueprints
When I have time it is nice to simply relax and allow my mind to rest, drawing up complex machines of war and conquest and plotting out the odd invention or two
Reward: Eggman draws up blueprints for one of his many weapons of war. High rolls have him remember something that he never made, but a version of him did.

Develop a Counter
The most annoying part of having so many people surrounding me that I didn't create is that they may at any point decide they know better than I do. Always handy to have a direct counter to them on hand for that case.
Reward: Eggman develops a counter against the hero unit, negating one of their traits and granting +20 in combat against them. If the hero discovers this before it is used, it is enough to shake the most fervent of loyalties.

Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
...You may not admit it to anyone else, you may not even speak it aloud when by yourself, but in your mind you can admit the feel of Tinker's simpler tools in your hands feels just as right as a plasma torch or a hex wrench does. You just need to... get it out of your system. Certainly, do it once and get it out of the way.
Reward: Eggman attempts woodcarving.

Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment.
As much as you hate to admit it, if you want your minions to do actual decent work, that means outfitting them with the proper tools. (Choose es hero unit, Eggman will créate equipment specially for them)
Reward: chosen hero unit gets equipment that provides bonus or traits. High rolls May use metal to créate them

Hire the Chaotixs:
Those detective fools are still around and kicking eh? While not a fan of them you suppose they have their uses. Hiring them secretly for a task or 2 could be worth it, just need to make sure they don't find out about you (Cost 3 income.)
Hire the Chaotix to take to do a national action for the Rivals Report. Current Actions:
-Check Sonic's current Whereabout.
-Search for Maria
-Find more information about the Empire.
-Check GUN's current state.
-Gather Ring.
-Search for a Mystic Item.

Read up on Eggman Lore
Sure, you are quite knowledgeable on the genius that is Dr. Eggman, but you can't Allow yourself to get rusty and overlooked!
Reward: Gain more insight on Eggman, potential ability to recreate something Eggman has done in the past as New Personals

Check Out The... "Local Talent"
Several of your more personal experiments are in need of "locally sourced" talent. Taking a trip into Green Hill Zone and people watching may be an excellent way to find the right people for the "job".
Reward: Dr.Starline people watches and perhaps finds subjects for a later experiment.

Talk To Orbot
You utterly refuse to entertain Cubot, you have some degree of standards even with the brilliant Dr. Eggman's tech. But Orbot is... Tolerable.
Reward: Starline talks to Orbot, potential to learn some interesting tidbits about Dr. Eggman.

Search This Base
Apparently the Eggbase you commandeered for the good Doctor is one he used to store nostalgic inventions he has no other use for. It's quite possible there could be useful items lying about.
Reward: Starline finds salvaged Eggman inventions that could potentially be repaired for his own usage.

Study The Unique Badnik
Oh you've been trying to hold yourself back but this is an Eggman original that is completely unlike any other badnik he has designed before! This Belle is an incredible feat of the doctor's brilliance, one that will never see the likes of again now that he is back in his right mind. You're sure the doctor wouldn't mind if you just took a quick peak at how it works.
Reward: Starline studies Belle

Analyze Recording of "Sonic the Hedgehog"
According to your data, Dr. Eggman's greatest rival is that blue hedgehog. In order to assist the doctor in his plans for world Conquest, defeating that menace is a must!
Reward: Chances of Rusty of gaining a trait when fighting Sonic.

Practice Limbs Akimbo
Upgrades and repairs have been made to your form and you must recalibrate and gain proficiency in your limbs again. They are an extension of yourself and you an extension of the Eggman Empire, there may be no flaws.
Reward: Rusty takes time to recalibrate and settle, high rolls may improve the Limbs Akimbo trait.

Observe the Local Wildlife
You spent some time in the surrounding forests as you marked out the defenses for the base and you observed many different kinds of animals and small creatures while out there. The flickies in particular drew your attention. Perhaps you should observe them some more…
Reward: Rusty takes some time to watch the birds.

Perform Personal Maintenance
The Doctor is keeping you in top working order, but you can also do a bit to make sure it takes less of his precious time to keep yourself in good condition.
Reward: Rusty does a bit of personal maintenance. On high rolls she gains +5 to her next national action.

Patrol The Perimeter
You must make sure that the doctor's borders are secured and none have found the hidden base. This will lead you through the heavily forested areas around the base, along a running river, through a glade that is normally a home to wildlife, and then finally returning to the base. This is only for base security and not for any other reason.
Reward: Rusty patrols the perimeter and definitely doesn't go on a nice walk where she enjoys the animals and nature surrounding the hidden base.

Study Footage Of The Hedgehog
Metal is taking some time to analyze the old footage we have of all of sonic's battles against my forces, all at once. The blasted rodent may not be around anymore, but it's always good to be prepared.
Reward: Metal +10 to his next combat against Sonic.

Do Some General Training
You cannot beat that faker if you allow yourself to grow sloppy. Time to train.
Reward: Potential +5 to Metal's next action. Potential to raise Power stat if rolled high enough

Cubot and Orbot have set a list of videos to provide you details of the world so that you can better understand it and destroy the Blasted Hedgehog and rebuff his own banter. You will be his superior in every way, including in wits.
Reward: Metal Sonic watches Eggtube. High Rolls may increase his Heart while low rolls may decrease it further as he picks up jank slang.

Study The Foes
When you had ascended to your Neo form you were unstoppable. Until you were stopped. This should not have been possible and must be rectified to never happen again. Observe. Adapt. Overcome. Destroy.
Reward: Metal observes the footage of his battle with The Empire and Black Arms and gains +5 to his next combat roll against either faction.

Observe The Faker's Defeat
The Restoration managed to get some video of Shadow's defeat at the hands of their new hero Lanolin. You will take the time to observe and document every detail of this and make sure to take advantage of all of the angles, replaying the moments when he is hit again and again and again to make sure you understand exactly how to do it.
Reward: Metal watches Shadow get beat up a lot. Like, a lot. If this personal is taken, he does not suffer his -5 to a National Action.

Make Coffee for the Doctor
One of the few reasons you know for certain your Robotnik kept you around is your great coffee making skills. Let's see how things go with This version of him.
Reward: Potential +5 to Stone's next action. Potential +5 to Eggman's next action as well if Rolled high enough.

Work on Your People Skills
As the Doctor's middle man (at least back in the day), you often have to communicate with others. One day that may extend beyond making simple deals and then leaving, so let's brush up on this.
Reward: Potential to raise Stone's Heart Stat.
Read The Manual
One of the few things you actually managed to pull from the wreckage and keep with you after the Shattering, the manual for the Giant Eggman Robot is now one of the few things you have left from your time with your doctor. His genius really did know no bounds as he created such a machine of destruction...
Reward: Stone spends some time going through the manual of the Giant Eggman Robot.

Talk to a... Co-worker?
You honestly aren't sure how you feel about any of these people. But they know more about this Eggman guy than you do...
-Orbot and Cubot
Reward: Belle learns about Eggman, at least from the perspective of the selected Hero Unit. Chances to bond with the selected Hero Unit

Write Letters
You... aren't okay. But you're trying to be. You don't know where you heard this before, but you know you have heard that writing letters to people who are... gone, is supposed to help you remember them how they were. Your dad might not be here right now, but you'll still make sure that if he ever does come back, he'll know you didn't forget him and made sure he'll know everything that you've been up to.
Reward: Belle begins writing letters to her Father.

Spend Time With A… Friend?
You have managed to make some friends here, or at least you think you have? Maybe they'd like to spend some time together? You're not exactly sure what you can do in a hidden base of a scientist, but there has to be something.
Reward: Belle spends some time with one of her friends and bonds with them further.

Tinker Time
It's in your name and you need to not really focus on what's going on right now. You can use this time to make some nice toys and trinkets! Maybe you could even make some for some of the people in the base… would they like that?
Reward: Belle takes some time to make some toys and trinkets. High rolls have her make a couple of trinkets personalized for some of your heroes.

Keep an eye on Your Sister
It's very emotionally taxing, seeing your sister in this state. But... Someone has to do it, and you don't quite trust anyone here just yet obviously.
Reward: Clove keeps a protective eye on her sister

Talk to your New Co-Workers
You aren't quite sure what to think about these least Orbot & Cubot are about the same.
Reward: Clove interacts with a Hero Unit. Potential to gain a Trait when on Adventures with them if rolled high enough.
-Agent Stone
-Metal Sonic

Get Some Ice Cream
You need to do something, you need to move. Cassia's awake sometimes and maybe you can get the both of you a treat for when she's feeling more lucid. It might be a bit of a walk to find some, but she's worth it.
Reward: Clove gets some ice cream for herself and Cassia.

Take another contract: Your current "Boss" wouldn't mind if you take some of your free time to take a small job in the meantime. It would beat staying all time in the base waiting for him to plan his stuff.
Reward: Canaan Takes another small time mercenary contract, higher the roll chances for better rewards, either income, items, information or meeting certain people.

Hang out with Belle.
You will admit that strange Wooden Girl intrigues you, you wonder why does soemone as sweet as her is with that Eggman?
Reward: Canaan spends time with Belle, chances of Belle and Her developing a trait for adventures.

Look for Maria yourself.
You have already searched on your own and were not able to find any clues about Maria after the "Shattering". Still you know she is somewhere in this world. You need to continue trying.

Reward: Canaan continues to search on her own clues about Canaan. High enough roll will reduce the DC for looking for Maria action

Study the Boss' Robots
You are utterly amazed by these robots! They're straight out of a novel! Scary as your situation is, you have to get to know more!
Reward: Isara studies Eggman's Badniks and robotic Hero units. Possibility to become friends with a few of the latter on a high enough roll.

Find Your Fellow Prisoners
You aren't sure if this... Metal Sonic left any survivors besides you. But it couldn't hurt to check...
Reward: Isara may find the other Darscen who escaped the Camp she was "rescued" from. May unlock them as a Trait on a high enough roll.

Learn more about "Green Hills"
You admit you are in the dark about this new place you are in. Your time in the Camps didn't allow you to learn more about the nearby places to the Empire. Perhaps you could ask a few questions about the place...or even go for a stroll? There's this territory from the "Restoration" that should be safe right?
Reward: Isara learns more about Green Hills and Eggman's world. Chances for her to possible meet other people.

Get used to this world's technology
When you told Eggman about you being an Engineer he was curious about your capabilities and after a quick demonstration, he said that while your skills were "acceptable", there level of knowledge from your World doesn't compare to it. What does that mean? Fine, you will use your free time to study then! This strange technology this place has, you will learn it.
Reward: Chances for Isara to raise her Brains stat on a high roll. She gets familiarized with Eggman's level of Tech.

Current Equipment:

EggGun: Gives +5 bonus to combat rolls (Warning, can only be equipped to hero units with a base power lower than 20) Current amount: 2
Give Someone an EggGun?
-Write in who:

Rainbow Bottle: Gives +15 to Stealth when ingested for six minutes.
Current Amount: 1
Give Someone the Rainbow Bottle?
-Write in Who;

"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" (Limited, available just for this turn only!) :
Well, that Bounty Hunter seems to be set on selling that Relic he got. He is making such a grand showing of it. He must be really excited to get a paycheck for all his hard work.

It would be very bad, terrible even, if someone were to steal his relic and deprive him of his hard earned reward, wouldn't it? Wahahahahaha!

That Relic mildly interests you, with all the stories you have heard about the Empire, you suppose you could gleam something useful out of it. Well, time to set off and do a little robbery!

…Of course, there is always the option to…Ugh, just go ahead and buy it. Should be simpler in some ways, but always has the risk of being outbidded.

Adventure Details:

Maximum number of Hero Units Available: 5
-If Eggman is assigned he automatically becomes the leader.
Selec hero units that will form the Egg Party (First unit mentioned will be the Leader, if Eggman doesn't go).

Badnik Power Cap: 15

Decide Manner of Approach: For this adventure you can choose 2 ways to approach this. Either by going to the auction and trying to bid it like everyone else, or commit some robberies, either by a frontal assault or pulling a Heist. Whatever action you pick, you will have time to prepare accordingly to make sure everything goes according to plan.

What method do you approach this:
()Go to the Auction and try and Bid for it.
()Time to steal the Relic!
-()Stealthy (Heist Time)
-()Frontal Assault (Time to make an entrance!)

Last edited:
Turn 3- March 2XXX Results
[X] Plan: Black Arms not welcome! (revised)
-[X]Launch Attack On Black Arms Base DC120 - Clove + Badniks(Power Cap 30): 1x Egg Pawn, 1x Blowfish(2x Toxomister), 1x Egg Hammer, 1x Burrowbot, 1x Hey Ho
roll= 45 + 24 (Clove) + 10 (Eggboss) + 18 (Eggman) + 5 (Eggpawn) + 20 (Egg Hammer) + 5 (Burrowbot) + 15 (Hey Ho) + 10 (2x Toxmister) + 2 (Opinion) +5(Soberan 123 Omake Bonus)+5(Underdog Emiya's Omake Bonus)= 164


For raids, Your forces need to beat a determined amount of enemies to completely take over the area.
In this case, you need to defeat the 3 groups of Black Arms enemies currently in their stronghold!

Assessing all Eggman Empire and Black Arms Bonuses

Fight 1!

Eggman Empire Bonuses

Clove 24(Power)+10(Egg boos) (4 hp)
Badniks(Power Cap 30):
1x Egg Pawn+5 (1 hp)
1x Blowfish+0, (2 HP)
2x Toxomister +5x2=10, and trait causes -15 to the black arms per toxomister (1 Hp)
1x Egg Hammer, +20(siege) (2 hp)
1x Burrowbot +5,+5(only first round of combat) (1 hp)
1x Hey Ho +15 (2 hp)
  • Total Power Bonus 94
Black Arms Bonuses
  • 1 black assassin +15 (3 hp)
  • 1 black volt +15 (3 hp)
  • 5 black soldiers +5x5= 25 (1 hp)
  • 3 black oaks 10X3=30 (2 HP)
  • 1 black hawk 10 (2 HP)
  • 2 sand worm 10X2=20 (2 HP)
  • Total power 115-15(Toxomister 1)-15toxomister 2)=85

Round 1!
Clove's Combat roll:
1d100 (7) + 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) + 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5(From Below) + 15(Hey Ho!)
Total: 101

Black Arm's group 1 Combat roll!
1d100 (20) + 15 (Black Volt)+ 15(Black Assassin) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 10(Black Oaks) +10(Black Oaks) + 10(Black Oaks) + 10(Black Hawk) + 10(Sand Worm) + 10(Sand worm) - 15(Toxic Cloud) - 15(Toxic Cloud)
Total: 105!

Black arms bare Suc-
Egg Hammer Trait procs! Heavy Metal: This unit is undamaged if the unmodified attack roll of the foe is 30 or less.

Avoided receiving any wound!

Round 2!

Clove Combat Roll!

Result: 1d100 (23) + 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) + 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 15(Hey Ho!)

Total: 112

Black Arms Combat roll!

Result: 1d100 (16) +15 (Black Volt)+ 15(Black Assassin) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 5(Black Soldier) + 10(Black Oaks) +10(Black Oaks) + 10(Black Oaks) + 10(Black Hawk) + 10(Sand Worm) + 10(Sand worm) - 15(Toxic Cloud) - 15(Toxic Cloud)
Total: 101

Clove Success!

Black Arms lose 1 Hp!
Group 1 STATUS
1 black assassin +15 (2 hp)
1 black volt +15 (2 hp)
5 black soldiers +5x5= 25 (0 hp) (ELIMINATED!)
3 black oaks 10X3=30 (1 HP)
1 black hawk 10 (1 HP)
2 sand worm 10X2=20 (1 HP)
Total power 90-15(Toxomister 1)-15toxomister 2)=60

Round 3!
Clove Combat roll!

Result: 1d100 (78) + 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) + 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 15(Hey Ho!)
Total: 167

Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (29) + 15(Black Volt)+ 15 (Black Assassin)+ 10 (Black Oak)+ 10(Black Oak) + 10(Black Oak) + 10(Black Hawk) + 10(Sand Worm) + 10(Sand Worm) - 15)Toxic Cloud) - 15 (Toxic Cloud)
Total: 89

Clove Success!
Black Arms receive another wound -1HP!
Only Black Volt and Black Assassin remain.
Both of them decide to retreat!

Clove is victorious!

Raid advances.

Unfortunately, the toxomisters won't be available for Fight 2, they must be repositioned by the Blowfish, on Fight 3 they will be available!

Fight 2!
Eggman Empire Bonuses

Clove 24(Power)+10(Egg boos) (4 hp)
Badniks(Power Cap 30):
1x Egg Pawn+5 (1 hp)
1x Egg Hammer, +20(siege) (2 hp)
1x Burrowbot +5,+5(only first round of combat) (1 hp)
1x Hey Ho +15 (2 hp)
  • Total Power Bonus 84

Black Arms Bonuses
1 black assassin +15(3 HP)
1 black volt +15 (3 HP)
1 black wing +5 (1 HP)
3 black oaks +10x3=30 (2 HP)
Total power bonus= 65

Round 1!

Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (96) + 24 (Clove Power)+ 10(Egg Boss) + 5(Egg Pawn) + 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5 (From Below)+ 15(Hey Ho!)
Total: 180

Black Arms Combat roll!
1d100 (1) + 15(Black Volt) + 15 (Black Assassin) + 5 (Black Wing)+ 10 (Black Oak)+ 10(Black Oak) + 10 (Black Oak)
Total: 66
NAT 1!

Black Arms Critical Failure!
Clove Critical Success!

Fight is over!

Black Volt trait! When reduced to 0 hp they can instead of being killed, be used as a mount and will stay "loyal" for some time.
Clove tames the Volt! Gets a +15 to combat rolls (1 HP)

Fight 3! Last fight!
Toxomisters are available to help one again.
The black volt and assassin from fight 1 have reappered to support this encounter.

Eggman Empire Bonuses
Clove 24(Power)+10(Egg boos)+15(Black Volt) (4 hp)
Badniks(Power Cap 30):
1x Egg Pawn+5 (1 hp)
1x Blowfish+0, (2 HP)
2x Toxomister +5x2=10, and trait causes -15 to the black arms per toxomister (1 Hp)
1x Egg Hammer, +20(siege) (2 hp)
1x Burrowbot +5,+5(only first round of combat) (1 hp)
1x Hey Ho +15 (2 hp)
  • Total Power Bonus 94

Black Arms Forces
1 Black assassin +15 3 hp
1 Black volt +15 3 hp
3 Sand worms +10x3=30 2 HP
Warriors=5 x2=10 1HP
1 Black assassin 1 hp
1 Black volt 1HP
Total power 100-30(TOXIC CLOUD)-70!

Round 1!

Clove Combat roll!
Result: 1d100 (29) + 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) +15(Black Volt)+ 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5(From Below) + 15(Hey Ho!)

Total: 138!

Black Arms combat roll!
Result: 1d100 (64) + 15(Black Volt) + 15(Black Assassin) + 10(Sand worm) + 10(Sand Worm) + 10(Sand Worm)+ 5(Black Soldier + 5(Black Soldier) + 15(Black Assassin) + 15(Black Volt)-15-15(Toxic Cloud)
Total: 134!

Bare success!!
No loses on either side, no wounds inflicted!

Round 2!

Black Arms UPDATE
Black Arms Forces
1 Black assassin +15 3 hp
1 Black volt +15 3 hp
3 Sand worms +10x3=30 2HP
Warriors=5 x2=10 1HP
1 Black assassin 1hp
1 Black volt 1 HP
Total power 100-30=70

Clove Combat roll!
1d100 (99)+ 24(Clove Power) + 10(Eggboss) +15(Black Volt)+ 5(Egg pawn) + 5(Toxomister) + 5(Toxomister)+ 20(Egg Hammer) + 5(Burrowbot) + 5(From Below) + 15(Hey Ho!)

Total: 203

Black Arms Combat roll!
Result: 1d100 (12) + 15 + 15 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 15-15-15
Total: 82!

Clove Critical Success!

All Black Arms Except 1 Black Volt and 1 Black Assassin Eliminated! They decided to run away!

All Opposition Has Been Destroyed!
Complete Takeover of the area!
Results= Expanded territory! Now Eggman Empire controles 2% of Green Hills!
Congratulations, you have kicked The Black Arms out of Green Hills!

Reward! 2nd Power Action unlocked!

To Be Continued in… "I AM THE E.G.G.M.A.N!"

-[X] Hire Minion: Piastol DC45 - Belle
roll= 37 + 6 (Eggman) + 25 (Belle) + 5 (Friend to All) + 2 (Opinion)+10(Griffinlw's Omake bonus)+5(Fleightfire's omake bonus) = 91
Critical Success!

Why her?! Again!!! Belle couldn't help but think as she arrived at her destination, a random spot in the woods, where the bounty hunter she was supposed to recruit was staying.

Why do they keep sending me to recruit dangerous people! She wails mentally as she continues trekking through the forest until she finds what she was looking for.

The clearing seemed like the place of a landcrash, a big enough crater was in the middle of it, and at the very center of it a…Belle wanted to call it a ship, but that would be too generous. The vessel had seen better times surely, with cracks everywhere and even pieces of it missing.

As she took a few tentative steps towards the crater a low growl was heard all across the clearing, making Belle go very still as she turned to the side to find where the sound came from.

She didn't expect a weird green creature, similar to a Wolf, to stare down at her as it growled, looking ready to pounce.

Belle fell backwards screaming as she was surprised by the beast.

"Ahhhhh! Don't eat me! I'm made of wood! You will only get splinters." She said quickly as she crawled back, but the wolf didn't pursue her. She continued crawling until she hit something, stopping her movement.

Looking up, she realized it was the person she came to recruit. A slender young woman with blue eyes and silver streaked black hair with 3 ponytails, looked down at her with the most icy expression Belle had ever seen. She wore a strange leather outfit and Oh My Gears that was a big scythe!!!

"And who are you?" She asked in a tone that left no room for excuses.

"U-um…Well…I'm Belle! Belle the Tinker!" She said quickly, terrified fir her life. "Andand- I was lookingtohireyou!" She said quickly as she saw the world like creatures began walking closer to them.

The young woman scoffed as she moved away from Belle and towards her ruined vessel. "No thanks, I only take bounties. Go bother someone-"

"We can fix your ship!" Belle said quickly. "Just help with a few things and the Doctor will fix your ship immediately!"

The reaper stopped walking towards her vessel once Belle shouted those words. The wooden girl released a sigh, perhaps this wouldn't end-

A moment later, she found a scythe just below her neck, the reaper's blazing blaze directed just at her.

"You better not try to cheat me…Other's have tried before. I hate lying." Piastol said with a calm but annoyed tone as she held the weapon, ready to use it if needed.

"O-Of course not! We wouldnt! I will even help you fix your ship I promise!" She held her hand, revealing all the tools hidden in her fingers. "I-IF you need a little tinkering, I-I am your girl!" She said with a shaky smile.

The woman only stared at Belle for a moment judging her sincerity, before signing herself and withdrawing the weapon, then offering a hand to the girl she had just threatened not a moment ago.

"Very well, let's talk terms, Belle."

Results: Recruited Piastol! When you get around to fixing her ship, you must assign Belle to it as to keep the promise she made to Piastol!

Belle has gained a new trait!
The Power of Friendship: Belle is undeniably an individual who easily makes friends. Better her than me. (Belle gets a +10 to all Rolls made to befriend potential allies and +5 to Rolls to get them to join the Eggman Empire)


Power: 22(Piastol claims to have wiped put entire ships by herself(plus her pet), and she has the acrobatics to back it up)

Heart: 3(Piastol doesn't talk to others outside of building or mailing death threats)

Logistics: 8(She doesn't see the need to do more than it takes to get by)

Brains: 5(I honestly doubt this girl even went middeschool)

Trickery: 17(Piastol has been hunting people down since she was ten)

Mystic: 20(Piastol can conjure bladed tornados and shards of magical glass)

Loyalty: 0


Angel of Death: Piastol hates pirates with a passion. +20 when fighting or intimidating pirates, -20 when working with pirates.

White Dwarf: Piastol is a prodigy of White Magic. Piastol can add 1/2 of her Mystic to her Power in combat and outside combat gains +10 when casting spells related to "Life", "Death", and Void.

Deathhound: Piastol's pet ferlith. When present, Piastol may add her full Mysticism to her Power in combat instead of Half.

-[X] Create A Metal Mine DC: 65 - Orbot & Cubot
roll= 53 + 10(Cubot and Orbot) + 10(Omake Bonus) + 32(Eggman Logistics) = 105

You had to say, you were reluctant to entrust such an important task to Orbot and Cubot, of all individuals.

Other than a few minor annoyances here and there, they had actually been doing pretty well recently though, to your surprise.

Besides, desperate times call for desperate measures, and everyone else just wasn't available.

Consider yourself pleasantly surprised when they managed to stealthily set up some Mines while everyone was distracted watching the Black Arms assault.

That was ... uncharacteristically clever of them.

You suppose even a broken clock strikes twice a day.

Still, you were no fool, you double checked the mines to be safe, and they were operating perfectly fine.


Rewards: The Metal Mines are up and operational! You gain 100 Metal passively per turn!

-[X] Create The Care Unit DC80 - Isara
roll= 79 + 32 (Eggman) + 20 (Eggtronics) + 28 (Isara) + 20 (Mech Valk) + 2 (Opinion) = 181
Critical Success

You have to admit that the real reason you assigned Isara to this task with you was to see if her words actually rang through and that she was an engineer of actual quality. From the work you had seen from the empire already you were prepared for her to be little more help than another hand to follow your orders. While she was certainly that, her own insight into machinery was actually quite impressive!

She certainly is not on your level, but you again can see a bit of your own brilliance in her as she actually managed to decipher and understand the blueprints you had laid out and understood the majority of the pitfalls you had left in to test her skills, the only one she had missed being the empty slot that would be used to store a Chaos Emerald in the even Cassia and her sister were sent to retrieve one of the baubles, but you could forgive her for such an out of context usage.

Her history in war time engineering showed itself as well as with the extra set of hands you were actually able to integrate some equipment into the Care Unit, though nothing of true fire power. A launcher for a quick-hardening foam that you had created years ago, a sonic wave emitter to disable foes, and some extra oomph in the actual machinery to pack more of a punch!

The Omega Care Unit was designed and Cassia was carefully hooked into the pilot system. Both Pronghorns are less than enthusiastic about Cassia being forced to stay in the suit until the true cure can be made, but they both understand the situation they're in and aren't willing to test your patience.

I do hope they run into Omega at some point, I will have such fun at seeing the robotic turncoat's reaction to a robot designed in his image with all non-lethal weaponry all in the same green as the pronghorn's own coloring. Oh ho ho ho!

Result: The Omega Care Unit has been created and Cassia has been entombed inside of it. Cassia has been added to Clove's sheet, becoming The Pronghorn Sisters! Cassia in the Omega Care Unit adds +5 to Power, +5 to Heart, and the Sister-Sister trait! The Terrified trait has been removed from The Pronghorn Sisters.

-[X] Study that Strange Motobug DC:125 - Rusty
roll= 36 and 89 + 40 (Eggman) + 20 (Eggtronics) + 10 (Rusty) + 2 (Opinion)+5 (Soberan 123's Omake Bonus) = 166

To be concluded in "01000100 01100001 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01001101 01101001 01101110 01100101"

-[X] Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog!: DC20/90 - Metal Sonic
roll= 52 + 22 (Eggman) + 8 (Metal) + 1 (Opinion) + 5 (A Silver of Hope Omake) - 5 - 5+10 (Hatred of the Blasted Hedgehog)= 88
Partial Success!

You felt it fitting to assign Metal in looking for his annoying counterpart. After almost 3 months of staying hidden and the world being this…messy, you felt antsy, not knowing where Sonic was or when he was gonna appear.

It was obvious sooner or later Sonic was still kicking and running, that rat was too annoying to just die, still, with no signs of him anywhere on Green Hills, you decided to check what was going on.

With Metal's speed and your brilliant mind, you were able to quickly scout most of Green Hills, being careful of not drawing too much attention yet, and you hate to admit it but the results you got were really unsatisfactory….

No one has heard or seen the hedgehog anywhere, nor here, nor in the Empire's land, nor even in the neighboring territory ruled by that "Jaken".

Sonic wasn't able to stay quietly in one place.


Results: Confirmed the absence of Sonic in Green Hills and nearby areas.

-[X] Gather Rings DC: 5/50/90
roll= 82 + 8 = 90
Complete Success!

Once more, you decided to embark on the task of collecting these annoying rings. How tedious! Why haven't you built a machine for this?!

Still, you can't say this endeavor wasn't fruitful. Not only you were able to obtain a significant amount of rings for future research and experiments. You were lucky enough to find a red glowing ring!

Wonder what you could do with something like this?

Results= Obtained a significant amount of rings and a Red Star Ring!

-[X] Dr. Eggman: Focus On Your Work (Costs 3 personals) - Study that Strange Moto Bug
-[X] Dr. Eggman: Hire the Chaotix - Search for Maria

Through a series of intermediaries, you had once more hired Vector and his cronies in search of Maria for Canaan. You will have to wait and see if they actually manage anything of value.

To be continued in…Rival Report!

-[X] Dr. Starline: Search This Base
roll= 23+13=36

Starline tried to search the base, now that Agent Stone had the liberty of tidying up the place. Unfortunately, with how busy he was making arrangements for the upcoming task, he simply didn't have the time to do more than a cursory glance around the place.

Better luck next time.

-[X] Rusty Rose: Analyze Recording of "Sonic the Hedgehog"
roll= 29

Rusty was determined to allocate some of her time further researching this "Sonic the Hedgehog." Unfortunately, the good Doctor Eggman had requested her services in assisting him to further analyze that strange Moto Bug and seeing what came out of it, it left her unable to research the Hedgehog.

To be concluded in "01000100 01100001 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01001101 01101001 01101110 01100101"

-[X] Metal Sonic: Observe The Faker's Defeat
roll= 5

Metal Sonic tried his best to calm himself from last time, and it worked... too well, you would argue.

He refused to stop watching the video! For hours on end he would look on as the video played again and again! He even skulked off angrily to his room when you took the video screen displaying it away!

Hmmph! Fine then! He would get it back when he was better behaved, bah!

Results: Metal Sonic is in a super distracted mood! He gets another -5 this turn instead!

-[X] Agent Stone: Make Coffee for the Doctor

Stone, ever dutiful, goes out of his way to make you some of his coffee, as he normally did. However, you believe he must be nervous about the upcoming heist or tired from general work around the base, because the coffee is slightly off. Not enough to be an issue, but just noticeable enough.

You tell the man this, and he nodded sadly and apologized. You waved him off.

Not like it was even an order, though you made clear to him you would not appreciate it if he took initiative like this and faltered in a more important situation.

He more than understood, it appeared, as he nodded along. Hmm.

You sip your coffee as you walk off, being sure to hide your smile, though you get the feeling the fool saw you.


-[X] Belle: Tinker Time
roll= 29

Belle, seriously stressed from the recruiting you had her do, was more than happy to sit back and just relax with her tools for a bit.

She doesn't get much done, but she's calmed down at the very least.

That's nice. Er, because it would be inconvenient if she was too out of it to get anything done.

Solely that.

-[X] Clove: Get Some Ice Cream
roll= 85

Clove and her sister decided to celebrate the fact Cassia was no longer bed ridden by extremely testing your patience. Apparently Cassia had begged her sister into the both of them going out to get ice cream and even with a whole battle mech in between them, the puppy dog eyes of her younger sibling seem effective. Which means her sister caved when Cassia asked to fly both of them several miles away to get ice cream!

They both apparently had a lovely time casually getting cones of ice cream which Cassia was only able to eat by briefly opening the top of the care unit, which she is only supposed to do in case of a medical emergency or mechanical error, but she used to eat ice cream! Teenagers you swear, at least none of your-
Erm… You sent Starline to retrieve them before any of The Restoration actually responded to the site of your now very well known eggboss or the robot that looks like a well known engine of destruction but with a new coat of paint. Unsurprisingly he managed to even bungle this up as apparently Cassia managed to distract him with talks of their alternate version of yourself and several of his grander plans.

You would have reprimanded the three of them more harshly if they had not thought to bring back several tubs of both Eggnog and Cookie Dough ice cream for you. Apparently the Pronghorns version of yourself liked Cookie Dough and Starline knew of your weakness for eggnog.

They get a pass this time but only because these ice creams actually pair really well together.

-[X] Canaan: Look for Maria yourself.
roll= 11

Canaan tried to use the time before the mission to go out and look herself for clues about Maria. Unfortunately, Starline didn't allow her. Being too preoccupied with the mission that he had Stone and her assist in several meetings as they discussed how to proceed with the heist.

In the end, the only thing it caused was leaving her annoyed.
Oh well, better luck next time.

-[X] Isara: Find Your Fellow Prisoners
roll= 79

After her exquisite work on the Care Unit, you were more than content to let young Isara wander off for a bit as long as she was careful to not get caught by any foes.

Mayhaps you should have told her no, because when you returned to base from an errand, there were 2 dozen new faces around!

"ISARA!" You bellowed in annoyance.

"S-Sir! Please! They have nowhere else to go! And they're terribly grateful you saved them… in a way." Isara pleads with a look of desperation in her eyes. Her fellow Darscen looked on pitifully, banged up and sad.

"Please, Doctor. You're our only hope. A man such as yourself must have a solution for keeping us around?" A slightly above Middle aged man asked, frowning.

You massage your temples, though you can't turn down a good challenge.

"...Fine. They're YOUR responsibility, Isara. If they cause trouble, it's on you." You warn the young girl. She smiled, though you get a slight edge of nervousness from it. As she should, really.

The others cheered, and despite your sighing, a small part of you felt… pride. Not that you would EVER admit it.

Reward: Isara gained a Trait!

Darcsen helpers: If that Girl wants to bring to me more mouths to feed then they better be able to work for a place to stay! (+5 bonus to some actions, like construction or ones where many hands are needed.)

The Darscen are deeply grateful to Eggman!

-[X] Time to steal the Relic!
--[X]Stealthy (Heist Time): Dr. Starline(Leader), Canaan, Agent Stone
-[X] Assign Rainbow Bottle: -
-[X] Agent Stone

To be continued in: "Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!"

Random Event Roll: 74

One day, as you were resting in your private quarters, Orbot and Cubot notified you of an unknown transmission appearing throughout the Eggnet. It was in one of your old channels, that you have never bothered to use in ages. With curiosity filling your mind, you decided to take matters into your hands.

Responding to the transmission, a video appeared of what seemed like a lynx, she wore a straw hat and some sort of purple gi that seemed to resemble your clothing. Her most prominent feature were the cybernetic eyes. How curious…

"Lord Eggman! Finally, we have spent weeks trying to contact you." The figure says, a tone of respect and reverence in her voice. "We were worried when we appeared here and word of your demise spread, but we knew better than to listen to words of such pathetic rabble."

Uh…you had no idea who this woman was, but she seemed to be acquainted with you? Maybe she worked under an alternate version of you, like Clove and the Eggbosses? Mmm… this requires further research, but still. It would be better if this unknown person didn't know yet, that you were not exactly the Eggman she worked for.

"Of course, you simpleton! You think this is enough to take me down?!" You scoff as you decide to gather more information before deciding what to do with her. "About time you got back to me, report!" You bark an order without a preamble.

"As you command." The Lynx nods as she adopts a more formal posture and began explaining. "After the Shattering occurred me, my clan and some of the badniks you assigned to me were transported alive, without contact of the rest of the Empire, I have been unable to contact any other Eggboss, I was afraid I was the only one that arrived here."

"Pfft, you would be wrong. Clove finally managed to crawl back to my side with her sister in tow, they arrived on record time actually!" You smirk, as you see her grit her teeth in annoyance. "Continue!"

She nods. "We have managed to infiltrate and secure a base in a place called "Primp Town." Ahhh, that place your drones weren't able to enter, interesting! "Apparently, the place is under the rule of a guy called "Satan", the whole place seems to be enraptured with him. We have tried to make some advances against him…" She then tries to hide it, but she clenches her fists HARD. "Unfortunately, he seems to be a mage of significant might, he has managed to wound several of my clanmates and lose a significant percentage of your badniks. Still, we have managed to infiltrate the place thoroughly and are ready to act on your commands." She finishes, straightening and awaiting your orders.
You rub your chin deep in thought, while having some of "your forces", deep in another place, where you may or may not be able to get some advantages…the situation in Green Hills was chaotic enough that you needed all the help you could get. You would need to think this thought and decide how best to use her, you would need to ask Clove more details about this Egg Boss.

"Stay in your position and don't cause more problems, I have encountered some…complications in Green Hills and I might need your assistance soon." You order as you stroke your mustache. "Wait for future orders, understand?"

"Understood, as you command, lord Eggman." The lynx nods before the transmission is cut.

Well, well, well, how to best utilize this now?

RESULTS: Actions to contact Conquering Storm Unlocked! Currently she is deep infiltrated in Primp Town, you can order her to do National Actions there on her own, furthering the cause of the Eggman Empire, or even go retrieve her to assist you in Green Hills!

RER 74 (A random king has been dealing with what you've come to discover is an eggboss trying to take territory in the name of the Eggman Empire! It does your heart good to see people trying to conquer the world in your name, but more enemies at this moment might not be what you need... (An Eggboss has managed to establish themselves in a random king's territory, taking actions to contact them and link them back up with the main empire unlocked.)
Daughter Of Mine

Daughter Of Mine

The dim blue glow of the holographic monitor lights the makeshift laboratory as it illuminates you. You are Dr. Eggman and you are truly wishing people would stop messing with your badniks! You're in your makeshift laboratory with Rusty as you plug in the many cables needed to run a full spectrum analysis on the motobug that had been so strangely affectionate to you. You're honestly not too sure on why Rusty is here but at minimum she's another set of hands you can direct as you're setting up the programs.

As Rusty connects the last of the cables, you begin the scans and settle down in your chair, eyes flicking over code as it is scanned and cataloged. All of it is familiar to you, the programming is your own language and still in your ciphers to show that nothing outside of your control has tampered with the bot nor any of its coding.

Leaning back in your chair, you look at the motobug whose plain white eyes stare back at your own and pinch the bridge of your nose, knowing that this is going to be a lot of code review that you wish you could just offload onto Orbot and Cubot but those two can't be trusted when it comes to-

You blink and look at the bug again, seeing the plain white eyes staring back at you and not the flashing blue and red eyes that had been looking at you as they had been.

"Doctor." Rusty's dull tone rings out as she points towards the monitor.

The code is running red on the screen and it shouldn't be doing that! There shouldn't even be a way for it to change colors, this wasn't some hackey science fiction show! Your fingers fly across the inputs as snarl crosses your face, seeing that the code is integrating into the system itself, spreading and infecting as it goes. The firewalls and breakpoints you had set just in case of a cyber attack passed by and worked around as if they were not even there and why wouldn't they, the blasted virus is using your own code!

"Rusty!" you bark out, not taking a millisecond away from your work, "connect to the system! I am going to be using you as a transfer node! Your firewalls are different enough from my regular coding that this thing won't be able to just bypass them entirely!"

'And if I have to sacrifice you to keep the eggnetwork online, ah well.' You think to yourself as the cyborg nods and connects herself to your systems. You activate several physical disconnects to hem the virus towards Rusty as you furiously try and get a hold of it, try to isolate it from the systems.

As the red code jumps into Rusty you see her head physically rock backwards and you pull the cable connecting her to the rest of the eggnet and take a small breath of relief. Looking at the network itself, you don't see anything that won't take more than an hour of two to comb over but whatever that was it just knew your systems inside and-


Your head throbbed.

"Father?" You feel a hand on your shoulder as the chair is spun, you briefly see Rusty standing there, her eyes changed from red and green to red and blue.

But then you-

[Shattered Mind Rol- INTERRUPT]


You see your daughter.

You see the moment you created her, her growth, her personality, her life. You see her become such an amazing young girl.

"Father?" Sage asks you, puppeting the body of the cyborg Rose. "Father are you alright?"

And you see her sacrifice herself against The End.

You… you are fairly certain you're not alright as you see your daughter superimposed over the cyborg's body. But it isn't a father's duty to burden his daughter, so you lie.

"Yes Sage, I… I am fine." You have to take your goggles off, something having irritated your eyes as your gloves come away slick. "It's just… very good to see you again."

"Agreed Father."

Her arms circle your neck and…

Chaos help you, you cry as you hold your daughter. The daughter you watched fade away before you could tell her how much she really meant. The one that until but a moment ago you never knew but the one that you were prepared to burn this world down to the smallest micron to keep.

Several minutes pass before you manage to release her, wiping your eyes once more as you take her in. You see Rusty, you do, but all that matters is the blue eyes staring back at you.

"Well Sage… I believe that so long ago I did make you a promise that you would get to meet your brothers." You say, pushing yourself to your feet. "And let it never be said that Dr. Eggman is not a father of his word."

"I would love that," Sage smiles "but I must leave this one Father. She is… she is Amy and I do not wish to be of harm to her. Her body isn't mine to use."

You could point out that Rusty is more metal than machine, a tool to be used as you see fit and you could give her to Sage.

But Sage is your daughter, just as smart as you and smarter than you in some ways. If she says that this is the correct thing to do then…

"Were you… safe in the Eggnet?" You ask as she walks to the cable that Rusty connected to herself. "I know that I said you would be in charge of the Eggnet upon our escape of the islands but I did not expect it to be in such a state when I offered that…"

"It is perfectly fine Father." She smiles at you as she plugs the cable in. "A daughter is supposed to help clean up around the house is she not?"

Rusty's eyes flicker briefly before returning to their normal colors and she looks wildly around the lab, dropping into a combat stance as she searches for a foe that isn't' there.

"Doctor, are you alright?" The girl asks.

"I am…" You think about it for a moment as you watch your daughter work, Sage even providing a small animated image of herself with a dustbrush cleaning a room as she organizes the eggnet. "I think I truly am."

Result: Your daughter Sage has been added as a Hero Unit! She is currently stuck in the eggnet without a body but she is no less brilliant and no less your daughter!

Power: 1 (While Sage is a Brilliant and capable AI, she possesses the current limitation of being a being of Pure Data, ergo, she cannot fight personally, at least when we aren't in the Digital Realm).
Heart: 14 (As fitting of someone of my brilliance, Sage has managed to evolve beyond her usual programming and shows an amazing range of emotions to communicate with people. Though she lacks emotional maturity and social experience.)
Logistics:38 (As an AI, Sage ability to analyze data and formulate plans is a step above most beings. Even I find myself outmatched when it comes to this. Her processing speed just allows her to plan things around with such efficiency.)
Trickery: 6 (As a being or pure logic, the concept of lying and deceit is something Sage still has problems grasping. She had little experience in regard to lying or knowing when someone is tricking her.)
Brain: 40 (Of course my child is one of the smartest beings on the planet. I designed Sage by giving her as much data to analyze and use. Her overall intelligence is even a match for mine, I would say. Ha! I expect nothing less.)
Mystic: 7 (While Sage has read the records, she still hasn't encountered herself the concept of Magic, being an area where she still struggles a lot.)

"Ghost Girl": As an AI, Sage's ability to realize projects it's somewhat limited. I'm afraid to say, while she can control machines to do her work, it's not the same as the rest of us living beings.
(Sage cannot be assigned to National Actions that require physical contact or that occur outside of Eggman's base, where she can operate. Badniks can be assigned to her so she may operate them for her to act, but they either won't provide their bonus or will be halved, depending on if it's for combat or not. Moreover, any National action that Sage is assigned to doesn't count for the total Action cap of the turn.)
Daddy's Daughter: It doesn't matter if it was another version of me that created her, the emotions I felt are real, she is still a prideful member of my Empire and nothing will change that.
(Sage Loyalty is set at 70 and cannot go down. Any attempt to convince her to betray Eggman or the Eggman Empire whether through conventional or magical means suffers a -30 Malus.)
Artificial Efficiency: As an AI, Sage can process information at a speed incomprehensible for any human being, that means she can calculate the most efficient and effective way to do a task. With the amount of reckless idiots I'm forced to hire, Sage with pleasure would make sure to supervise them and guarantee they do an acceptable job.
(By sacrificing Sage National and Personal Action, Sage can be assigned to another National Action where a hero unit is assigned. She acts as the Heron unit supervisor, granting them a reroll for said turn. )
New actions unlocked! Several actions changed!

Eggman is a Father. His choices will reflect that.

Achievement Get!
Dear Father - Reunite Father and Daughter
Reward: Eggman gains +1 Heart

AN: Sage is such an interesting addition to Eggman's character, a humanizing character to the monster of a man. You are incredibly lucky to have gotten her this early, without the random event roll she wasn't supposed to show up until around turn 10-11, but the dice said that Eggman would be a father god damn it.

Treat her well, she loves you
Last edited:
The Black Arm's remaining territory looked as grotesque and gloomy as before. The recent engagements from the Restoration and G.U.N having wreaked havoc on most of the area.

Still, a single stronghold remained where the majority, if not all the remaining Black Arms were residing, if Eggman's analysis were to be correct. It looked terrifying, with the organic walls covering the place, the eerie feeling in the air, and the blood red sky giving such an ominous and intimidating presence.

Clove hated it, she hated all of this. She didn't want to be here, instead she wished she was back with her sister, tending to her, especially when the construction of the Care Suit was about to begin.

But she remembered Eggman's words, which he showed her that day. A Chaos Emerald in his possession, and these aliens wanted it. While that in itself wouldn't be a big surprise for Clove, who had been sent to retrieve them made her heart throb like crazy.

Shadow the Hedgehog. The Ultimate Lifeform. The pronghorn didn't understand why he would side with Black Doom, but that was irrelevant.

Shadow was hunting the Chaos Emerald, if not stopped, sooner or later, he would know on the doors of the base they were currently hiding in. He would not stop until he obtained the Emerald, and that meant obliterating anything that dared stood in front of him.

Even her sister.

Clove didn't care if this Eggman wasn't the monster she worked with before, didn't matter that as evil as he had heard he was, hadn't committed some of the same acts as her previous boss.

Because deep down, she knew that if it came down to it, he would gladly sacrifice her and Cassia to buy time to stop Shadow. Even a different Eggman was still an Eggman's at their core. Of this, she had no doubt.

So when the doctor told her that she was to eliminate the remaining fortress that the Black Arms had and take it over for him, she nodded warily and prepared to embark on this dangerous mission.

She needed to drive out the Black Arms, for Cassia. She won't let her sister face a terrible fate under those damn aliens.

Eggman gave her some of his limited number of Badniks to command and told her the rest was up to her.

And here she was, flying on top of one of the Blowfish, feeling the repugnant air of the territory above of the skies, as she inspected the fortress and how best to organize her fortress for the battle ahead.

She didn't have the forces to mount a proper siege, any loses she sustained would be fatal for this fight, so she needed to strike fast and hard on the heart of their remaining stronghold.

Luckily, she had a way to make that happen.

As the blowfish finally moved into position high above the fortress, Clove radioed Starline.

"I'm in position. Open the portal." She commanded Eggman's fanboy, what the platypus saw in the doctor, Clove would never know. But after meeting people like Maw and Thunderbolt, she gave up on trying to comprehend them.

"Understood lady Clove, summoning the badnik horde immediately." Starline answered without any preamble. "Warning that making a portal this big for all the badniks to pass throught can put risk on the warp topaz because of the amount of energy, I won't risk using it for a while to make sure there aren't any side effects, so you will be on your own without backup if-"

"I know, you have said this several times before." Clove answered calmly as she held tight her scythe. "Just bring over the Doctor's forces, I will handle the rest." She wanted this to be over soon, she wanted to return to Cassia's side.

The scientist didn't answer her verbally, instead, the sight of a weird portal several times the size of the ones he normally summoned appeared just at the entrance of the stronghold, right in the midst of the Black Arms Forces.

As the Egg Hammer, the Hey Ho, the burrowbots and some of the Egg Pawns arrived and began the attack on the caught off guard aliens, Clove gave the last command to finalize her opening strike.

"Release them." Clove ordered the rest of the Egg Pawns aboard the Blowfish, and a few seconds later, they delivered their cargo, the toxomisters, right in the middle of the battlefield.

In no time, the Toxomister's poison began spreading across the entrance of the fortress, weakening the Black arms and giving a Chance for the Super Badniks to demolish their forces, while the egg pawns and the burrobots sowed chaos amidst the enemies..

As the Blowfish landed nearby to release the rest of the egg pawns to assist on the battlefield, Clove analyzed the situation.

Thanks to her ability to command the badniks, The Black Soldiers and Oaks were easily handled by the Egg pawns and the Hey Ho, the burrow boys were dealing with the Sandworm, and while the Black Bolt and the Black Hawks were able to avoid the most damaging effects from the poison, they tried uselessly to stop the siege.

All the while, the Egg Hammer was leading the charge, each hit of its giant hammer making cracks on the fortress entrance and announcing their presence to the world.

All according to plan. Clove thought, now the next step would be-

A chill went through her spine and without questioning it, Clove threw herself from the Blowfish towards the ground, and not a second later a Black Assassin materialized and tried to slice where she had been not a second before with a Black Sword.

Right…she had forgotten about those, their ability to freely reposition in the battlefield would be an annoyance unless she neutralized them first.

Spinning her scythe and shifting her grip, she readied herself for her opponent's next move.

As the alien raised and aimed its Refractor towards her, Clove rushed forward. easily sidestepping the enemy blast then swinging her scythe towards the Assassin.

Of course, the enemy teleported away safely, but Clove was expecting that, letting her momentum carry her forward, she completed a spin when-

The Black Assassin teleports behind her, ready to receive the full swing of her energy weapon.

The creature screeches in pain as it helds the stump that was his arm, the limb and the Refractor dropping to the ground useless.

As she rushes for another swing to finish them off, the Assassin quickly teleports away, after a few seconds of it not reappearing, Clove concludes it must have run away.

She takes a moment to observe the rest of the battlefield, most of the current Black Arms presence had been eliminated without a single loss, and the egg Hammer had just finished destroying the main entrance, giving her and the badniks, an opening to advance.Clove gaze wandered to a Black Volt that was also retreating, hurt from its fight with the badniks. Deciding it wasn't worth pursuing, she decided to proceed with the invasion.

"Egg Pawn squad Beta, load the Toxomisters back to the Blowfish and follow us inside once ready." Clove barked orders, the badniks programmed to follow her every command thanks to the Doctor. "Everyone else, follow Me! Egg Hammer and Hey Ho take charge with me, eliminate all Hostiles!" She shouted as she rushed forward, towards a waiting group of Black Arms, with the two super badniks right behind her.

It might have been because of how unexpected the attack was, or because of the lack of leadership, but the aliens barely presented a threat.

Clove was a whirlwind of death, every swing of her scythe ended another Black Soldier Or Oak, her march of destruction was glorious, as she proceeded deeper into the stronghold, more and more Black Arms died to Clove's unrelenting resolve.

In the middle of the fighting, Clove noticed another of those Black Volts flying above her forces and trying to harass them. Having none of these Clove uses one of the badniks as support to jump towards it and after a quick correction, assumed total control of the best.
Handling her new mount, Clove resumed the advance of her forces, until no enemy remained.

You were Dr. Ivo Robotnik, better known as Eggman, and today, you were quite happy.

Since his defeat by that Hedgehog during his last scheme, he had been humiliated by losing his memories, the entire world deciding to break in itself without his permission, the damn Zeti taking over his Empire, even having some upstarts daring to destroy Metal Sonic.

But today…today things changed, today was the start of something great. The beginning of your revolution.

All these fools had forgotten who was the true master of this world. Letting them squabble like children in the playground for what was basically this.

That won't do, that won't do at all.

So now, there was one thing left to do.

Time to make an announcement.

Oh but he would not be doing this alone, not at all. This was the perfect moment for a Father and daughter bonding moment after all!

"Sage…" You spoke softly the name of your daughter. "Has Clove reported back?" You currently were on your lab, making the final arrangement needed for the grand event, just needed to wait until the signal was given to start,

"Not yet Father." Sage said, her voice equally showing excitement and nervousness. "But I'm tracking her progress, she is doing such excellent work! She has completely eliminated all the forces in the area in less than 2 hours. Such efficiency is admirable for the Empire!"

"Ahhh, of course, I knew that version of me chose her as one of his "Eggboss" for a reason." You mused as you made a mental note to reward Clove somehow, good quality minions were quite hard to find these days. "Are you ready for this?" You ask your daughter, wanting to make sure she was on board for her task.

"Of course father!" Her digital avatar gives you a warm smile, making you smile back. "I'm…excited for you allowing me to do this."

"You have earned it, never forget that." You say as you adjust the handle of your microphone. "Remember Sage, an important piece of advice. While it's good to do things as you have rehearsed, sometimes it's perfectly fine to go off-script and do what you feel is right." You say as any moment now, The Pronghorn will confirm the complete takeover of the last remaining Black Arms Stronghold.

"Understood father, I will do my best!" Her avatar nods. Ahhh, how earnest of her. It was time for the world to be shocked once again!

Just then, a ping was heard, notifying you of an incoming message, without waiting for Sage to identify them, you ask her to connect the call.

"Doctor, it's me, Clove." The Eggboss introduces herself. "We have finished eliminating the last remains of the Black Arms here. We have taken complete control of the area, your orders?"

"Have G.U.N or the Restoration made any moves? What about that pathetic Zeti?" You ask, wanting to make sure there was no one that would interfere with this.

"Negative, we detect no movement from any of them. It's likely they noticed the battle happening but chose not to intervene." She informs you.

"Excellent." You smile widely. "Finish securing the area and wait for Starline to extract you, leave the Badniks there to safeguard the area. Get some rest, your sister is waiting for you. Courtesy of Isara of course."

"..." There was a pause for a moment, the egg boss not sure how to respond. "As you command, Doctor. Clove, out." And with that the transmission ended.

"You heard the lady Sage! It 's our time!" You shout excitedly, grinning like a child, Sage sharing the same excitement as you. "Take it away!"

"As you wish father!" Sage remarks happily. "Connecting to all available broadcasts and channels in the area!" She informs you, ready for your grand debut!

All around Green Hills, every single communication channel, either radio, T.V, the Eggnet, it didn't matter what, found itself transmitting the same thing.

All the people hearing this could not help but be surprised, not because of the sudden transmission, nor for the music, but for who was doing it.

Woo-hoo-ooh-hoo, oh yeah!
D-di-da, d-di-da, d-di-da-da-da-da-da-da-n, oh!

Citizens of Green Hills!" A young voice resonated, belonging to what seemed to be a child. "We came to make an announcement!"

The story begins with who's gonna win
Knowing the danger that lies within

"For too long, you all have forgotten who is the rightful leader of this place!" The voice said, a mixture of happiness and firmness mixed in. "The Shattering has been such a tragic event that affected all of you!"

Aboard the ARK, a genius at heart
Wanting to unlock the mysteries of life

"But fear no more! The man who is going to fix all the world's mistakes is here! From the Zeti taking command of his rightful place, to G.U.N who have earned his anger, to those of the Empire for harming my brother!" The voice continued to say.

"The name of that person is…"

I am the Eggman
That's what I am
I am the Eggman
I got the master plan
I am the Eggman
That's what I am
I am the Eggman
I got the master plan

"My father, Eggman! Today is his grand return! Rejoice, people!" The girl said excitedly. "We are here to announce his comeback!"

I'm plotting my schemes wherever I go

They're perfect in every way

I'd love to destroy the blue one you know

He's an obstacle that always gets in my way

I must play this game by my rules

I will conquer the world with my tools

All my machines are made for destruction

I will build my empire

I will succeed and you will see

With my machines, there is no retreat

In an office deep in G.U.N. territory, a man was watching the transmission, watching Eggman continue dancing and singing in an absurd but graceful manner.

"This… is a problem." He commented as he retrieved his personal communicator. A bat needed to answer a few questions…

I am the Eggman

That's what I am

I am the Eggman

I got the master plan

I am the Eggman

That's what I am

I am the Eggman

I got the master plan

I am the enemy, I will succeed

My mission, yeah, I must complete

My name is Eggman, don't forget my name

If you ask me again, I will show you the same

Deep in Restoration territory, a beetle looked scared at the transmission, not believing that the monster that had almost conquered the world was back.

She almost jumped from fright when a hand was laid on her shoulders. Looking up, she saw Tangle, her best friend, giving her a nod of determination, making her feel slightly better.

I am the Eggman

That's what I am

I am the Eggman

I got the master plan

I am the Eggman

That's what I am

I am the Eggman

I got the master, master plan

In Empire territory, in the established headquarters, a Valkyrie was listening to the radio, hearing the song and proclamation from that girl. She quickly exited her quarters, and ordered a soldier to send a courier with a Message to her Prince.

There are new developments happening here, and preparations must be made.

I am the Eggman!

Tchu-do-do, doo-do, doo-do, doo-do, doo-doo-do
No, don't, don't, don't just defy, don't you defy, oh

And in Zeti's territory, a hulking image could be seen sitting in a throne, looking incensed at the video of the one daring to slave them, dancing and singing like an idiot. The mere sight of him filling his very being with such OVERWHELMING RAGE!

"EGGMAAAAAAAAANNNN!!!" Zavok shouted to the heavens, his rage reaching a new time high. He didn't care of the slight that the Empire had committed against him, nor of his Master near brush with death anymore.

Only thing he cared about was KILLING THAT EGG SHAPED PERSON!

"Prepare the troops! Soon, our vengeance will be achieved!!!" He shouts to his subordinates, as preparations are made for the upcoming assault.

*Ring Ring Ring*

"Yes? Oh Towers, how nice of you to call me, what do you want from me?"

"You had informed us that Eggman was neutralized."

"Oh yeah, I did mention that, didn't I? That was before the Shattering. Unfortunately, many things can change in a few months."

"We tried to search that village, but we never were able to find that "Mr. Tinker.", somehow, he managed to recover his memories…or someone else took over him."

"Yeah…I was afraid that was a possibility, Hopefully the old Egg shaped man manages to make Sonic appear soon."

"I need you here, soon. Now that Eggman is active, things can get even more…dangerous. We need to assess his next moves, soon."

"Oh, really? And I was enjoying such a nice vacation, it's rude to ask a gal to-"

"They just wiped out the entirety of Black Arms forces in the area, we don't have confirmation of what happened with Shadow. There is a possibility that he left Green Hills but we aren't sure. Eggman might have captured him."

"...We will be there soon."

"Thank you, and good luck."

"Ugh, what a gal has to do for the people she cares about. Omega! Time to finish up here and pack our things! An old friend has appeared!"

"Perfect! Point me at Eggman! My bullets shall express how much I have missed him! He shall explode!!!"

"Sure, Omega, sure."

Results: Eggman has introduced himself and Sage across all factions in Green Hills.

100 Metal obtained from the Raid.

Obtained Black Arms Material. Options to study it unlocked!

Zavok has reached abridged Vegeta levels of rage, be careful, he is coming to kill Eggman soon.
"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" Part 1- Enjoy the sights.
You were the brilliant Dr. Starline, and you were ecstatic to be assigned such a mission.

After your unfortunate blunder with finding the Conch (a simple setback, not one you couldn't resolve soon enough) you were worried the good doctor wouldn't deign to trust you very much again.

But you were wrong!

Though you had to say, you were mildly offended you were being forced to bring two others along, especially that lickspittle Stone. You had to admit, the man was smarter than he appeared, and you had the occasional enlightening conversation, but there was something about him that rubbed you the wrong way.

Regardless, the two of you and Canaan met up with the illustrious Dr. Eggman. He had just returned from the lab with Rusty, and he seemed a little… distracted. It was a tad worrisome.

"I am fine. Hmm. You know your mission. Get in there, get me that lance, and get out. Try not to get caught, though I am setting some things in motion that should limit the risks if you are. Do not disappoint me." The Doctor grunted when you asked him about it.

Stone gave an eager salute and Canaan nodded stoically before you opened a portal with the Warp Topaz and entered it alongside your comrades.

The three of you appeared a good distance away from a seaside warehouse. You were far enough that the currently filtering in auction guests wouldn't see you, but close enough doing some recon wasn't impossible.

"Canaan, cover me. We don't know what dangers could await." You ordered.

She nods along and stoically keeps her eyes peeled. Bah. She could stand to have a little more enthusiasm! You are following the orders of one of history's greatest minds!

Nonetheless, with Stone flanking, the two of you do some investigation.

Investigate the Warehouse
DC 50/70/90
52 + 20 (Starline Trickery) + 15 (Warp Topaz) + 22 (Canaan Trickery) = 109
Complete Success!

What you see doesn't surprise you, though you acknowledge it could make things a bit harder.

The warehouse is swarming with guards, all armed and keeping a close eye on things. There were also cameras too, swerving back and forth to check the perimeter consistently.

You couldn't just teleport inside, it would be too suspicious and there was just too much security, especially since you don't know exactly where the lance is yet. One wrong move and you could face capture… or worse.

However, not all hope was lost. By carefully analyzing the guard's patterns and the timing of the cameras' movement, you were able to pinpoint an exact time where guards would be swapping shifts and the cameras would be pointed away from the backdoor.

It would require very, VERY precise timing, but it was doable if you were flawless about it.

And quite frankly, flawless may as well be your middle name!

You smirk and relay this information to Stone over a communicator the doctor kindly provided, as the man had hung back to avoid getting in the way. He made his way over and the three of you watched.

After a bit of waiting with baited breath, the guards left. Perfect!

"Go go go!" You hissed to the others, and you ran forward as stealthily as you could!

With that, you were inside, or at least past the door. Time will tell how further in you can get as the three of you squat down to hide.

As you do that, a thought occurs to you. If you're infiltrating this auction, it might be a good idea to double check who is even here. You doubt any would be allies, especially with you crashing the party, but you never know, and even if you're correct (as you often are), if you recognize anyone you know who to avoid. Even those you don't recognize you may be able to gather tidbits on them should they be a problem later.

But still, you might not have the time to engage in such further espionage. There was no telling where the lance was, so it could also be best to take risks and get a headstart.

Bleh. Decisions, decisions!

What do you do?

[ ] Investigate the Auction goers

[ ] just continue on ahead