Goodbye Ragnite and Valkyries, hello Chaos!
You were Maximilian Gaius Von Reginrave, proud Prince of The Empire, and today, as many days before, you found yourself deep in thought.

As you walk the halls of your Palace towards your destination, you can't help but feel like this is Fate mocking you once again.

Being transported to this strange new world at the cusp of your victory made you feel empty, like if all you have gone through, all the planning and preparation that you spent so much working towards, especially for your most useful tool, were all in vain.

Clearly people would make a comedy about his life and misfortunes if it were to be known.

Still, you were one to seize opportunities when you saw them. If there wasn't an Empire for you to take revenge, then you will simply form your own. One were you are the righteous Emperor, paving a path to the future as your mother would have wanted to. For that, you needed to show the inhabitants of this place the sheer might of the Empire and where they stood compared to him.

There were… difficulties, to say the least. You should have expected it, but the opposition here was greater than expected. Not even Selvaria, your greatest pawn, was enough to turn the tables to your favor. That she failed to destroy that supposed "Neo Metal Sonic" or one of those colored Demons showed that as powerful as the Valkyrur were in his world, there existed beings that could match and surpass their power.

That was unacceptable, if your current tools weren't enough, there was clearly one option to take…

Either upgrade or replace them.

Finally arriving at your destination, your feet carried towards the entrance to the Empire Research Division. You had hope in your heart, that today, the answers to your worries would be received.

As you entered the chamber, your eyes laid witness to a group of scientists working on their current object of interest, recovered in the Battle between Selvaria and Neo Metal Sonic.

Approaching the current head of the science division, you couldn't help but feel a certain degree of revulsion. Heinrich Belgar wasn't a man you would particularly like in your employ, but being separated from the rest of the Empire, he was your best choice to lead your science department.

"We have arrived, Belgar." You announce your presence to the man, who had an obsessed look on his face as he read from some documents. A look of annoyance was clearly seen for a moment before realizing who was speaking to him, and adopted the appropriate attitude.

"My prince, it's an honor to be in your presence." Like a snake, saying sweet promises, the man spoke to you as he made a bow. "Glad to see you could join us as soon as possible."

"You called for us." You remind him as you look around the room. It was busy with activity from the scientist working on the current project, one you considered of sum importance. "We hope you called us to inform us of your progress with your task. It would be unfortunate if you were wasting our time." You plainly remind him, wasting your time was not something you would easily forgive of him.

A look of hurt could be seen in his eyes, was it from the threat or from his pride being insulted? Most likely the later you assume.

"My prince, I would not dare to do such a folly." The man states as he puts away the documents he was reading. "As you said, I wanted to inform you of our discoveries with the item you procured for us. What we have learned from it is… astonishing." He says with a look of sheer excitement as his gaze wanders to the object in the middle of the room, doing the same, you behold the prize that your pawn gave you after her bout with Neo Metal Sonic, held in a glass container connected to several machines.

"What were you able to figure out?" You ask him, a sense of curiosity feeling your being.

"This gem…this Chaos Emerald, as we have been able to find it's called, it's simple fantastic!" He says like a child who had been given a gift for their birthday. "At the start we had no idea how to study it, any machine or equipment we employed just…exploded from the energy overflow!"

"But that was the key! We thought there was something wrong with out equipment, and in fact it was that it wasn't ready to handle its output." He turns to look at you with a madden look in his eyes.

"My prince, this…this rock, it holds more energy than anything we could even come to invent. If we gathered all the Ragnite in this place. it would still not hold a candle to his beautiful thing! It's energy output seems almost infinite! If we could replicate this, what would we achieve…" He says with typical scientific fervor.

"Could you be able to create batteries to hold it's energy for further use?" You question as you realize the potential this gem had."

"Oh don't worry my prince, I had my team focus on working on that!" He replies quickly, feeling the excitement carry him on. "With this thing, if we can harness appropriately, ragnite could be a thing of the past. I…thought ragnite could led they way to the future but with this… We could use it to power the Valkof and it could most likely fire continuously, without using ragnite! The technology of the Valkyrur doesn't compare to-"

"What about the Valkyrur themselves?" You cut off, your mind coming to certain ideas.

"My prince?" Heinrich ask, lost for the first time in the conversation. Was it not obvious what you had in mind?

"We have spoken. Do you think it could be possible to use this…Chaos Emerald to boost the might of our Valkyrur?" If a machine could use it and be able to best your tool in combat, then you were sure you could employ it in the same way. "A way for the Valkyrur to absorb their energy and increase their powers?"

Heinrich looks unsure himself for a moment, before nodding. "We would need to test it, find a way for the emerald to interact with the valkyrur, maybe either by inserting it in their weaponry, or a special device." He theorizes for a moment, before a look of warning crosses his face. "But my prince, there's no guarantee the Valkyrur could hold such an amount of power, nor we have any idea what could happen to the Emerald, if we lost it-"

"Don't fret, I'm fully aware we cannot risk such a useful artifact." You calmly state. "Luckily, we have received reports that this "Shadow" is looking for a similar Emerald like this one, but blue in color. Do you realize what this means?"

"There could be more than one…"He breathes out in excitement.

"Precisely, we don't fully know how many there are, but if we can locate even one more, imagine what we could achieve with that." You turn your back to it as you proceed to the exit.

"You have new orders, find a way for the valkyrur to employ the might of this artifact and use it to crush our opposition." You said, it was obvious that while Selvaria did her best, her performance was clearly lacking, your weapon was becoming rusty, and that wouldn't do. It was your duty to find ways to keep it sharp.

"As you command, my prince." You hear him said, but you don't listen to him anymore as you exit the room.

As you made your way back to your office, you swore that someday, somehow, this world would bow to the greatness of your Empire, the one you lead like if it should have been from the start.

Study Chaos Emerald (Mystic)* (Belgar) DC110
??? + ??? + ??? = 112

QM: You guys thought the Empire were having a bad time? Oh at the contrary, they are having a GREAT TIME RIGHT NOW!!!

They are upgrading from ragnite to Chaos Emeralds! The chaos is the future!!!

Also, this is a promise, as long as the dice doesn't fuck with the Empire, I promise you.

Super Selvaria is happening, so get ready.

Wait patiently for turn 3 please!
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Ah crud... they figured out the Chaos Emeralds...

This just increased our time table on getting the artifact from the Empire and getting our own territory back as well.
On the other hand these fools won't be able to detect a fake from a real one.

Still this put in Jeopardy our plan to direct Black Doom at them.

He gets a fake emerald, but at the same time he gets the red one.

Empire, get your own chaos artifacts their ours!

We need to infiltrate the Empire immediately!
you could have avoided this if you have infiltrated them and catched that they had a chaos emerald befroe they passed the action.

Unfortunately, that time has passed, and Max is keeping that Emerald under, very close eyes. You are not getting that sucker easily anymore
Hello? Restoration? G.U.N.? Your alliance have room for a third? Please?!
GUN: Wait we're working together now!

Egg Empire: Yes!

Restoration: give me one good reason to give you anything of a chance.

Egg: The Empire has a Chaos emerald. And I need help stealing it.

GUN: Alright we'll work together until the emerald is secure…after that things get difficult.
If we are going to invade we Will have to take the blueprints personal.

I doubt the death egg robo Will be able to deal with the Empire more heavy units.

Fuck we need the chaos control machines by yesterday and install them into Metal.
you could have avoided this if you have infiltrated them and catched that they had a chaos emerald befroe they passed the action.

Unfortunately, that time has passed, and Max is keeping that Emerald under, very close eyes. You are not getting that sucker easily anymore
Well, sorry we automatically assume that the chaos emeralds were spread around the world or Green hill.
Now we really need to make that Fake Emerald and give it to them.

Hopefully it'll go poorly for them.

Also we need the Zeti dealt with YESTERDAY.
Tbh even if we had we didn't have the priority to target the Empire.

Not only we had to recruit more hands to get more stuff done, but also need that conch to deal smoothly with the Zeti.

Still If Max even thinks on bringing that shit out to the battlefield he better be ready.

Cause he Will have a race for his Empire on who can claim said emerald, let it be us, the Black arms, the Zeti or the good guys.

Without counting any other Hidden factions.

As always having even one emerald is a double edge sword if someone Even gets a sniff of it is location.
Godamit I think I know what would've happened if black doom passed the DC find the emerald

He would've taken it from the empire!

Ahhh it was in our faces the entire friggin time
You know I was thinking of badniks to add to the list.

What about cluckoids?

Like blasteroids they can't move from the base but since they lack offensive capabilities maybe they can cast a small debuff against attacking units since they gust of wind can push targets away thus breakign formation and sometimes into traps as well. Plus according to Sonic Mania they can serve as weather forecasters.

QM: You guys thought the Empire were having a bad time? Oh at the contrary, they are having a GREAT TIME RIGHT NOW!!!

They are upgrading from ragnite to Chaos Emeralds! The chaos is the future!!!

Also, this is a promise, as long as the dice doesn't fuck with the Empire, I promise you.

Super Selvaria is happening, so get ready.

Wait patiently for turn 3 please!

Yeah, that's going to be a problem, luckily they still don't know there are only Seven Chaos Emerald at any given time.

At the the same time I am now wary in giving them a Fake Chaos Emerald since you technically can use them to go Super and power stuff. The Empire for it's many faults have ample experience in handling volatile energy sources, case in point the Ragnite.

Unfortunate now they have all the energy they need to power the Valkof and there's no need to guess what will be it's first target.

Godamit I think I know what would've happened if black doom passed the DC find the emerald

He would've taken it from the empire!

Ahhh it was in our faces the entire friggin time

No Black Doom was looking for the Blue Chaos Emerald, the one in our possession, the Empire currently has the Red Chaos Emerald.
Okay any changes to the next turns plan, cause I'm now worried on where the other Emeralds are and who currently have them.