Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man VS 300 IQ Genius: Part 2- Undefeatable
Not a few Minutes Later the Zeti forces returned. The hulking idiot was once again among them, but this time another of those aliens was the one leading them.

It was a small figure, comparable to Zomom, her green and lithe frame making it clear it was Zeena, if the files that you read from the Doctor were right. She was being carried by one of those super badniks that the Doctor Employed, like if she was some sort of royalty, more focused on reading from a magazine instead of focusing on the upcoming fight.

You couldn't help but scoff at the sight, so undisciplined, was this the best that the Zeti could really field?

Just then Zeena's voice resounds across the battlefield, being clearly heard by them. "Would you mind just bringing Eggman here?" She shouts. "As fun as crushing you guys will be, we have like, several better things to do than wipe the floor with you!"

You feel your blood boil at hearing her comments, how dare her?! "Bold words coming from you! Your fatass ran away from here with his tail between his legs!" You shout as you point a finger at her. "What makes you think this will be different?"

She smirks as she takes out a nail polisher and starts using it. "Well…for starters…We don't have a terrible fashion sense like you lot." Zeena says, mocking your outfit…You will enjoy smashing her skull in. "Second…We have air superiority." She comments, like it wasn't a huge thing.

"Wait what do-" You begin, when suddenly, to your surprise, a variety of Air based Badniks zoom in out of nowhere!

You curse under your breath at the shock, but you refuse to give in.

This was a surprise you would rise above!

"CHARGE!" You shout.


Back within in the base, You, Dr. Eggman, were not pleased.

Oh sure, the battle was going well enough. Besides the loss of Metal Sonic (you would tear that Fatso limb from limb for upsetting Sage and depriving you of your greatest creation), the team you sent was winning, which was really all that mattered in the end, you suppose.

At the very least, it could be going alot worse.


"Father, it appears the Zeti have somehow unlocked some ability to utilize a stealth mode for the Badniks." Sage informed you.

"Indeed. It's really quite cumbersome… If we are not careful, they could easily take us by surprise! Well, more so than they already have…" Starline mused.

"Are you questioning father?" Sage frowned at the platypus.

"Errr.. well, sending in Metal Sonic was a gamble, and those don't always pay off…" Starline ventured carefully.

You scowl, but you were irritated in general. You decided to let the annoying platypus off the hook, for now, For that comment.

As you grumbled, you at least took solace in the fact your minions were doing well…


Outside, it had been a hard fought battle. Badniks were taken and lost, and there were some close calls, but in the end, you stand above your foe the way you often did: Victorious.

You grinned maliciously as Zeena squirmed under your heel. Zomom was nearby, crying from his injuries. Hmmph. Pathetic.

"Undisciplined. Truly undisciplined. We should end you right here, right now, so there are less false warriors in the world." You smirk. Zeena sneered hatefully.

"You're…just.. jealous…" She spat out, defiant to the end. Hmm. Maybe she wasn't such a disgrace after all.

Clove sighed and pulled out a communicator. She didn't seem to share your enthusiasm at victory. Bah.

"Sir? We were victorious." She informed him.

"Ohohoho! Excellent! Though I could see that." He pointed out.

"I am wondering… what should we do with the fallen enemy…?" Clove asked. She had no love or even care for the Zeti, they would have happily killed her, but they were downed and it felt… wrong to kill them, somehow. Like going the extra step when it wasn't strictly necessary. Still, she would accept Eggman's choice. again, They would have killed her, and worse, Her sister after all.

Eggman actually pauses for a moment, seemingly thinking.

It would be great to be rid of two pains in his ass, and it would hurt Zavok deeply to dispose of the two, which tickled him. However, killing them may invoke an even worse and more intense reaction he wasn't fully sure he could fully handle. Not to mention… power and kindness nagged at his mind…


What should he do…?

[ ] Kill Zeena and Zomom: They were enemies and they would do the same to you. Why show them mercy?

[ ] Capture Zeena and Zomom: As annoying as they have the potential to be, you don't deny they could be interesting to study. Plus, it would be a great insult to their pride to make it seem they're not worth killing.

[ ] Let Zeena and Zomom leave: This is the most risky option. But Zavok, shockingly patient as he can be with his pack, might finally see this as a breaking point and dispose of them anyways. Even if he doesn't, they're horribly injured. They will be a lessened threat for quite awhile.

WAVE 2 Starting:

Calculating forces and Bonuses

Zavok Forces:

Zeena +27 (4 HP)

Zomom +30+5 (3 HP)

2 shadow androids +30 (2hp)

1 tunnelbot +10 (2 HP)

4 eggrobo +40 (2 HP)

5 egg pawns +25(1 HP)

5 buzz bombers 25(2HP)


Zeena receives air support:

2 Balkiry 15X2=30 (1 HP)

Blowfish X3(2 HP)

1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20

3 Motobugs+1Egg Pawn=24+5=29

10 Catrekilliers =50

total power= 321-30(Blastoids)=291

Egg Party:

[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3

-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46

-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+10+5

-[X] Isara17+15+15=47

-[X] Piastol+22+20

-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15

-[X] Badniks

--[X] Blasteroid X3 (total 12) +30

--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +10

--[X] Turtloids X2 (total 8)+20

--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15

--[X] Swatbot (Total 3) +10

--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16

--[X] catrekiller (Total 1)+5

Total Power=318

Wave 2

Round 1!

Zeena Uses Trait:

Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control off electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zeena can use her Mystic in attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)

Zeena will roll and must pass a DC check of 50/75/100.

For each tier passed, Zeena control a random Badnik from the Egg Party

DC: 50/75/100

Result: 1d100 (70) + 15(???) + 24(???) + 10(???

Total: 119

Tier 3 Success!

Rolling to see what Zeena gets:

1) Blasteroid 1

2) Blasteroid 2

3)Blasteroid 3


5)Turtloid 1

6)Turtloid 2



9)Motobug 2

10) Caterkiller

Rolling: Blasteroid 2, Swatbot and Motobug 2

Zeena makes the Blasteroid self destruct and takes command of the Swatbot and Motobug 2.

Zeena Current Forces:

Zavok Forces:

Zeena +27 (4 HP)

Zomom +30+5 (3 HP)

2 shadow androids +30 (2hp)

1 tunnelbot +10 (2 HP)

4 eggrobo +40 (2 HP)

5 egg pawns +25(1 HP)

5 buzz bombers 25(2HP)

2 Balkiry 15X2=30 (1 HP)

1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20

3 Motobugs+1Egg Pawn=24+5=29

10 Catrekilliers =50

1 Swatbot +10

1 Caterkiller+5

total power= 336-20(Blastoids)=316

Egg Party:

[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3

-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46

-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+10+5=39

-[X] Isara17+15+15=47

-[X] Piastol+22+20=42

-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15 =53

-[X] Badniks

--[X] Blasteroid X2 (total 12) +20

--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +10

--[X] Turtloids X2 (total 8)+20

--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15

--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16

Total Power=293

Zeena Combat roll:

Result: 1d100 (88) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 25 + 25 + 30 + 20 + 24 + 5 + 50 + 10 + 5 - 20

Total: 404

Egg Party Combat Roll:

Result: 1d100 (97) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 10 +5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 15 + 16

Total: 405

Zeena Bare Failure!

Bare failure means no wound-Loss of Hp!

Round 2!

Zena Combat roll:

Result: 1d100 (62) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 25 + 30 + 20 + 24 + 5 + 50 + 10 + 5 - 20

Total: 378

Egg Party Combat Roll:

Result: 1d100 (83) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 10 +5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 15 + 16

Total: 391

Zeena Failure!

Zavok forces lose 1 HP!

Catrerkiller trait activates: Spikey Parts: When this unit is destroyed, it makes one last attack against the unit that destroyed it.

11 Catrerkillers were killed!

Rolling to see who gets hit!

1) Conquering Storm

2) Clove


4) Piastol

5) Canaan


7)Turtloids 1

8) Turtloid 2

9)Egg Clan

10)Motobug 1

11)Motobug 2


Result: 11d11 (9, 5, 3, 10, 8, 11, 9, 9, 6, 9, 11)

Catrerkiller 1 (Result: 1d100 (22) )+ 5 Total: 27 vs Egg Clan (Result: 1d100 (64) + 15 Total: 79) FAILURE!

Catrerkiller 2 (Result: 1d100 (31) + 5 Total: 36 )vs Canaan (Result: 1d100 (22) + 28 + 5 Total: 55) FAILURE!

Catrerkiller 3 (1d100 (38)+5 Total: 43) vs Isara (Result: 1d100 (15) + 17 + 15 + 15 Total: 62) FAILURE!

Catrerkiller 4 ((Catrekiller): 1d100 (58) + 5 Total: 63) vs Motobug ((Motobug): 1d100 (81) + 8 Total: 89) FAILURE!

Catrerkiller 5 ((Catrekiller): 1d100 (42) + 5 Total: 47) vs Turtloid 2 ((Turtloid): 1d100 (9) + 10 Total: 19) Critical Success! Turtloid Eliminated!

Catrerkiller 6( (catrekiller): 1d100 (5) + 5 Total: 10 ) vs Motobug 2 ((motobug 2): 1d100 (53) + 8 Total: 61)

Catrerkiller 7 ((Catrekiller): 1d100 (98) + 5 Total: 103 )vs Egg Clan Result: (1d100 (32) + 15 Total: 47) CRITICAL SUCCESS! Egg Clan at 1 HP!

Catrerkiller 8( Result: 1d100 (2) + 5 Total: 7) vs Egg clan( (Egg Clan): 1d100 (1) + 15 Total: 16) CRITICAL SUCCESSFAIL!?

Wait! Reroll Activated!

CATRERKILLER (Result: 1d100 (49) + 5 Total: 54 )VS EGG CLAN (Result: 1d100 (73) + 15 Total: 88)

Catrerkiller 9 (Result: 1d100 (16) + 5 Total: 21) vs Crabmeat ((crabmeat): 1d100 (24) + 5 Total: 29) FAILURE!

Catrerkiller 10 (Result: 1d100 (55) + 5 Total: 60) vs Egg Clan (Result: 1d100 (84) + 15 Total: 99) FAILURE!

Catrerkiller 11 (Result: 1d100 (52) + 5 [Caterkiller finale] Total: 57) vs Motobug 2 (moto bug 2): (1d100 (93) + 5 Total: 98 ) FAILURE!


Turtloid 2 Eliminated!

Egg CLan at 1 HP!


Current Status:

Zeena +27 (3HP)

Zomom +30+5 (2 HP)

2 shadow androids +30 (1hp)

1 tunnelbot +10 (1 HP)

4 eggrobo +40 (1 HP)

5 egg pawns +25(0 HP) ELIMINATED

5 buzz bombers 25(0 HP) ELIMINATED

2 Balkiry 15X2=30 (0 HP) ELIMINATED

1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20 (1 HP)

3 motobugs+1Egg Pawn=24+5=29 (0 HP) ELIMINATED

10 Catrekilliers =50 0 HP (Eliminated)

Swatbot +10 (0 hp eliminated)

Catrerkiller +5 (0 hp eliminated)

= 162

Eggman forces:

[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3

-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46

-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+5

-[X] Isara17+15+15=47

-[X] Piastol+22+20=42

-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15=53

-[X] Badniks

--[X] Blasteroid X2 (total 12) +20

--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +5

--[X] Turtloids X1 (total 8)+10

--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15(1 HP)

--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16 TOTAL

Zeena will use her trait again:

Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control off electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zeena can use her Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)

Once more rolling a DC of 50/75/100 to see how many she controls!

Result: 1d100 (33) + 15(???) + 24(???+ 10(???)

Total: 82

Tier 2 Success! She managed to grab 2 Badniks!

Checking what she nabs:

Blasteroid 1

Blasteroid 2


Turtloids 1

Motobug 1

Motobug 2

Rolling: Turtloid and Blasteroid 1!

Zeena makes the Blasteroid 1 Autodestruct itself. She nabs the Turtloid!

Zeena Combat roll:

Result: 1d100 (70) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 20 + 10 - 10

Total: 232

Egg Party Combat Roll

Result: 1d100 (10) + 22+14+10+24+5+17+15+15+22+20+28+5+5+15+10+5+15+16

Total: 273

Zeena Failure!

Zavok Forces receive another wound!

Zomon and Egg Hammer Trait Proc! They don't receive any wounds!

Round 4!

Current Forces!

Zavok Forces:

Zeena +27 (2HP)

Zomom +30+5 (1 HP)

1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20 (1 HP)

Egg Party:

[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3

-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46

-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+5

-[X] Isara17+15+15=47

-[X] Piastol+22+20=42

-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15=53

-[X] Badniks

--[X] Blasteroid (total 12) +10

--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +5

--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15(1 HP)

--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16 TOTAL

Zeena and Zomom will use their trait:

Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control off electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zeena can use her Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)

Once more rolling a DC of 50/75/100 to see how many they control!

Zeena Roll:

(DC 50/75/100): 1d100 (95) + 15 + 24 + 10

Total: 144

Tier 3 Success!

Zomom Roll:

(DC 50/75/100): 1d100 (11) + 2 + 24 + 10

Total: 47


Rolling to See what badniks Zeena Steals:



Motobug 1

Motobug 2

Rolling: Crabmeat and the 2 Motobugs are controlled!

Zeena Combat Roll:

Result: 1d100 (86) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 20 +5+8+8-10

Total: 179

Result: 1d100 (69) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 +10+15

Total: 311

Zeena Failure!

All forces eliminated!

Zeena and Zomom at 1 HP, They surrender!

"Wahahahahaha!" You laugh out loud from inside your hidden base. "How does it feel Zavok? Everything you threw at me had been easily beaten!" You say feeling an abundance of joy at the Victory scored today.

"Um Sir…there is Still the issue with Metal…" Starline speaks up and that sours your mood Just a bit.

"I know…" you put your hand under your chin as you grumble. "I will get him back soon, somehow. Just need to think of-"

"Father, warning! Zavok is approaching the perimeter!" Your daughter voice comes from your base main computer, making you Focus in the monitor as a video feed appears.

"EGGMAN!!!" The Zeti bellows, man, the lungs on this alien. "Stop hiding behind your toys and tools and show your face!" The Zeti shouts, standing above a Blowfish.

At his side, one of your earlier creations, Silver Sonic Stands there, looking as menacingly as ever.

"Face me coward! I've taken your army, I've taken your greatest creation, now I'm going to take your head!" He shouts as Metal Sonic Lands behind him, under the Zeti influence.

"You think you have what it takes to take over the world! You hide and Let your creations do your dirty work! Even now in this new world!" He snarls as he stomps his foot on the vessel. "You are no warrior or conqueror! Only a fool playing with machines."

"Is this how you plan to defeat Sonic?!"

You stare at the monitor, something crawling throught your chest, a familiar sensation you are well familiar with.

"Prepare rhe DARC-EGG-ROBOT." You say Calmly as you get up.


"If that Alíen wants me to crush him…i shall do so." You say as you walk, determined, to end the Zeti's rule once and for all.

Qm note.

Next wave is the Last one. We will use the new battle rules made by Crosswire. No badnik army on both sides.

Enemy forces:

Metal Sonic ( 2 HP)
Silver Sonic

Eggman forces:


[ ]Pick up to 4 hero Units to asisst Eggman plan format please.
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Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius-Part 3: His World (Round 1)
Stepping through the portal, you arrive at the hangar built underground of the former Black Arm's stronghold, where the battle was raging just a few minutes ago. The job was done in a hurry, mostly focused on housing the Mech you would be using for the upcoming battle.

Right in the middle of the hangar, standing proud, is the DARC-EGG-ROBOT! One of your first ever designed death machines, now upgraded to reach even greater highs. A part of you was disappointed that you would not be able to debut this against Sonic, but Zavok was as good of a test drive as any, you suppose.

Once you get in the cockpit, you begin activating all the systems. This machine shouldn't be something Zavok can take control of, meaning you will be able to go all out against that Alien without fear of your mech being neutralized.

As you finish the last Check Up and are ready for take off, the communicator of the mech turns on. You stare at the video of a panicked Starline.

"S-Sir, Doctor Eggman! I must insist, no need for you to appear to deal with that Zeti!" He stammers, worried for what? The possibility of you losing? Bah! That fool does not get it.

"You think Zavok stands a chance against me?" You ask as you check the ammo counter of your shoulder cannon, while not as much available as you would prefer, the amount you manage to collect will be enough. "Do you doubt my capabilities that much?" You sneer at him, getting annoyed by his useless rattle.

"That's not it, Doctor!" Starline exclaims with indignation. "But I don't understand the reason for you to show yourself! Let the minions deal with him! They have done a superb job so far, you shouldn't-"

"Risk getting shot like you?" You cut in immediately, your response making the platypus freeze in shock, hitting right in the nail. "If I wasn't ready to risk my life, I would have never built my first mecha." You scoff. "Sage! Open the doors please. Daddy has a Zeti to crush."

"Understood Father!" She says, diligently, like the good daughter she is, helping you crush enemies. "Please…be careful."

"I will Sage…I promise." You say softly, you won't let your daughter spill tears over your demise, that won't happen.

As the gates open and the DARC-EGG-ROBOT begins to rise, you speak to Starline one last time.

"He was right about one thing, you know." You start, not giving him a second to ask. "If I am going to defeat Sonic, it will not be by my minions…it shall be by my own hands, with whatever tools I create." You say as you grin.

"Remember this, there is a right and a wrong way to deal with your nemesis…and I am about to show them the way EGGMAN handles things!" You proclaim as the Mecha rises and stands triumphantly over the battlefield.

You look up to the sky, and right there you see him. Standing atop the Blowfish with 2 of your creations, that pretentious Zeti, with his arms crossed.

Turning on the Microphone of the DARC-EGG, you call out to him. "Zavok! Is this what you wanted? A final epic battle where I personally crush you?!" You see him sneering at you, your words having the desired effect.

"You didn't have to go through all this trouble! You should have just called me! But if you insist!" You make the Mecha's arms rise to the air, as if celebrating. "Behold! The DARC-EGG-ROBOT! The machine of your ultimate defeat! Wahahahahahahaha!"

Just then, your personal music theme starts blaring from the Mech, giving this battlefield the appropriate musical accompaniment it needs.

"EGGGGMMMMAAAAAANNNNN!!!" Zavok shouts as he jumps off the Blowfish and his body begins glowing an intense red, and just before he can hit the ground…

After a flash of light and the earth quaking, what stands before you is a Kiaju Sized Zavok, his size even towering by a head or two of your precious Mech.

"Ohohohohohoho!" You bellow, feeling your blood pump through your veins. "Now this IS a Final Battle!" You tighten your hands across the DARC-EGG's controls.

"Let's do-" Just as you are about to start your epic Showdown…

"Zavoooooooooooook!" A loud and annoying noise could be heard coming from…below you?

Shifting your focus, you are able to see a Cat running across the battlefield toward both of you.

"What in the-Who the hell is that?" You exclaim annoyed for someone daring to interfere with your epic battle!

"That…that is Honey the Cat, Doctor!" Starline informs you. "One of the possible minions i had-"

"Whoever she is, she better don't get in my way!" You exclaim, not particularly caring about this right now.

"If you excuse me… I have a Zeti to kill." You say as you operate the controls, making the DARC-EGG move according to your specifications.

"Let's do this!"


Instead of the usual way of doing battle, we will be trying a new Mechanics for encounters. Made by Crosswire for their quest Bound to Earth! With their permission to use them off course!

Here is the quick breakdown:

While most instances of combat or challenges of martial strength will be covered by simple decisions and rolls through Faction Actions, some important battles will receive special attention. These will take the form of 'Battles'.

During a Battle the players will be able to vote on the individual actions of any relevant controlled characters in that battle. Be it the player character and any accompanying companions in a single team fight, or Hero Units spread across a larger pitched battle.

Each character under the control of the players in a battle has a set number of Action Points (AP) they can spend to make certain decisions in a fight.

Different decisions operate off the character's various stats. With some decisions requiring more actions to take then others.

Instead of trying to meet a set DC, the player's actions are directly pitted against the aims and actions of their enemies.

Once a course of action has been decided on by the players, the battle will proceed and the results will be shown. The battle may take a number of turns and will end once it's reached some type of conclusion.

Failing rolls during a battle doesn't automatically mean defeat, and succeeding your initial batch of rolls doesn't automatically mean victory. Battles can end in a number of ways and the results aren't wholly binary.

List of Actions:

Eggman Actions (2 AP) (5 HP):
(1 AP): Open Fire! :
That Zavok has grown to a giant size and while for someone of lesser genius this would be troublesome, for you this is perfect! A bigger target means your shoots will land more easily!
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok, adds a +10 Bonus, can only be used 4 times)

(1 AP) Rock and Roll! :
Time to set up some proper music for this final battle! Let the jukeboxes fire at full volume!
(Super loud sound waves will be released from the DARC-EGG-ROBOT, making it so any Hero units that acts near it will suffer a -10 malus while the music is on. )

(1 AP) Mock him!
You understand that Zavok goaded you just to appear on the battlefield,but two can play that game! Use your genius and insult him, make him act sloppy and take advantage of it!
(CONTESTED TRICKERY ROLL AGAINST Zavok, if you win, Zavok will suffer a -10 Manus to all his rolls during this turn.)

(1 AP) Engage Him Mano to Spike!
Zavok thinks he can trade punches with your precious creation? Ha! Let's see what he thinks when your spikes fill his body with holes! Get close to him and don't give him a chance to react!
(Contested Combat Roll against Zavok, doesn't use Ammo)

(1 AP) Use Jetpack to keep mobile!
While the DARC-EGG-ROBOT might be slow, with the installed jetpack you and Isara built, it will be easy to reposition and keep your distance on the battlefield.
(Attacks against the DARC-EGG-ROBOT suffer a malus -10 unless the attacker is flying.)

Clove: 2AP (4 HP):
(1 AP): Take to the Air!
Use Death's Flight and gain altitude, you will have more mobility this way and be able to react to any attack coming your way.
(Clove flies and gets into the air, giving a -10 malus to anyone attacking her from the ground.)

(2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
This cat appeared out of nowhere and seems to head straight towards Zavok? That's dangerous, she will get herself killed! Perhaps you can try and convince her to join your forces?
(Procs a Heart Check, if passed, Honey will listen to suggestions or orders either Clove or Another Hero Unit gives to her)

(2 AP) Try to Restrain Metal Sonic.
With your boots, you will be able to fly letting you catch Metal Sonic. The Doctor was clear how he wants his creation back. Trying to neutralize him without inflicting more damage...will be hard but you can try and come up with something.
(Power roll with Disadvantage against Metal Sonic, if successful, Metal is restrained by Clove)

(1 AP) Hack and Slash Silver Sonic
While an older Model, any super Badnik from Eggman is a threat, better deal with it fast before it causes more trouble.
(Contested Combat Roll against Silver Sonic)

(1 AP) Attack Metal Sonic
Eggman might get angry at you, but Metal Sonic is too much of a risk to try and keep intact, better to destroy him now.
(Contested Combat Roll against Metal Sonic)

(1 AP) Coordinate with the others
The situation is too chaotic to just rush recklessly, better try and regroup with someone to come up with a plan to deal with the Badniks.
(Logistics Check of 60. If passed, Clove gathers with another Hero Unit to plan together their move for next turn)

Conquering Storm 2AP (4 HP):
(1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
Use the ancient ninja art of throwing a smoke bomb and disappearing into the fog, blinding foes and looking for the chance to strike.
(Storm throws a smoke bomb, giving all units with a Trickery score lower than her a -10 malus on attack rolls against her and a +10 bonus to her attack rolls this turn.)

(2 AP): Ninja Art - Replacement Jutsu
A chaotic battlefield can be a true danger for a ninja, but they are also masters of deception. What may look to be an open target may just be a clever trap.
(A contested Trickery check is made against a foe that manages to hit an ally. If Storm is successful, the ally is replaced with a small spiked ball. The foe must succeed a DC60 Power check or take one damage.)

(1 AP): Kunai Storm against Silver Sonic
Unleash a barrage of kunai against the Master Robot to deal with the problem before it can truly become one.
(Contested Combat Roll against Silver Sonic)

(1 AP): Ninja Hacking
The Lord has asked for his greatest creation to be brought in, but that will be easier if it is at least partially disassembled. Aim for the hinges and joints, but avoid the essential circuits.
(Contested Combat Roll against Metal Sonic. If this lowers Metal to 0 hp, he is not destroyed and instead has his limbs removed.)

(1 AP): Boast Of Your Lord
Your lord shall not only be the one who wins this day, but he shall be the one to reunite the entire world underneath his banner!
(A Heart check is made with a DC of 60. If it succeeds, Storm and all allies get +10 to their rolls on the following turn.)

(0 AP): Return In Kind
How dare they strike at you! You are no bride of the storm, but The Conquering Storm itself and you will tear apart the lesser creations that have dared to strike you!
(Contested Combat Roll at advantage against a foe that has dealt at least one damage to Storm.)

Piastol 2AP (5 HP):
(1 AP) Attack A Target (Pick a Target)
You'll teach these fools to fear the angel of death, let's see how they like the taste of your scythe!
(Contested Power roll against the target, Piastol will move in close to the enemy to attack)

(1 AP) Cast Wevles on Silver Sonic or Metal Sonic (Pick one)
If your enemies are fast, then you need to hit it with your largest, fastest spell until it goes down. Or stops, whatever gets you paid. (Piastol summons a cutting tornado around one of the robots. Contested power roll, attack will be from a distance.)

(1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
This monster looks tough, but you bet it hasn't been hit in the soul before. Time to fix that. (Piastol fires crystals that slice the body and rattle the soul. Contested power roll. Less effect on robots) (WARNING, NOT AN INSTANT DEATH EFFECT)

(2 AP) Tempest Dance
A whirlwind of death is what you will become, tearing through the foes in front of you to bring an end to this. This is an all or nothing maneuver through
(Contested Power roll with a +10 bonus that deals two damage on a success. Piastol suffers a -10 malus on her next turn.)

(2 AP) Bite and Blade
Command Death hound to lock a foe in place so you can strike them down! (Contested Power roll for Death hound to latch onto an enemy and drain their stamina, allowing piastol to go nuts with a second power roll. Works best on biological opponents)

(1 AP) ...Or Just Bite?
Dragging around a ferlith would slow anyone down, including robots.
(Contested Power roll, piastol commands Death hound to help restrain a robot. Piastol will not use Wevles on a target death hound is biting, but can use eterni on them)

Death Hound: During Combat Encounters Piastol will always have access to one of the following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
->Incremus (0 AP): Deathhound wreaths another in flame, adding a +10 to another's roll. The other person's buff will last for that round. He cannot target Piastol or himself, because he already does by default.(Choose target of the buff, need to be within range of Deathound)

->Noxi (0 AP): Roll 1d100+10 (1/2 Piastol's mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5?for the round, if crit, the debuff last 2 rounds. Casting noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power by -5. If the new noxi timer is lower than the current noxi timer, use the old noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacremus (0 AP): Deathhound heals an organic Hero Unit for 1 hp. Requires 1 round to recharge.

Canaan Actions 2 AP (3 HP):
(1 AP) Deal with the Boss' Machine.
So Eggman wants to get back his robot? That will be a tough cookie but you think you can manage. Shooting the back of the thing and grounding him will make things easier. Trying to hit them will be hard but you can manage)
(Contested Power roll against Metal Sonic)

(1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.
That other robot the red alien brought along is causing a huge mess, you better put a stop on it before things escalate...Them being machines makes it harder than usual to face but nothing you can't handle
(Contested power roll against Silver Sonic)

(2 AP) Reposition Immediately.
Not only are Eggman's big mech and that Zavok guy duking it out in the middle of the field, the other 2 killer robots are on the loose and your ribs still hurt from that skunk's punch. Time to bail and hide.
(Contested Trickery check against Silver Sonic and Metal Sonic, if successful, Canaan will hide and won't be targeted by attacks and she will be able to attack with advantage on following turns as long as she remains hidden)

(1 AP) Climb The DARC-EGG-ROBOT.
Might sound like a stupid idea...but you have to admit it sounds awesome! By climbing it, you will get a better angle to shoot Zavok...But if he lands a good hit on the mech, that might send you flying...
(Power check to climb the DARC-EGG-ROBOT, if successful, gain advantage on the Attack Zavok action. (If Attack The Zeti is picked)

(1 AP) Attack Zavok!
So the guy has grown to jumbo size? Not a big deal, that just means you have a bigger target to shoot at. To get a clear shot you will be hard, with that size, Maria will need a solid hit to make him feel it, but you think you can manage.
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok, if successful, chances of inflicting debuffs on him)

Zavok (??? HP)
Silver Sonic (??? HP)
Metal Sonic (2 HP)

Vote in plan format Please!
Last edited:
Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius-Part 3: His World (Round 1 Results/ Round 2)
The two of you stood there for a moment, as is the time honored tradition in these sorts of things. Your minions tools their positions as they readied themselves for battle against your stolen works of genius as the two towering titans appraised one another.

"Gigantification," you muse, a mocking lilt to your tone. "Funny how so many foes believe that to be the answer when it comes to a fight like this. But in the end, well, the only reason they feel that they have to is because they're so small, they're beneath my notice."

The DARC-EGG-ROBOT unleashed a barrage of missiles at the crimson alien as you laugh in his face, the speaker systems making sure that he can hear every belly laugh.

As they make impact a screen of dust and debris rises, obscuring the Zeti that had taken a full salvo of your genius-

"You talk too much."

You're thrown bodily around the cockpit at the force of the impact, scrambling back up, the camera feeds show that Zavok has changed into the DARC-EGG-ROBOT and both of his claws have gripped onto either side of your mech's head, his maw glowing a worrying orange.

"Oh my gears and starters."

The heat of Zavok's flame breath bleeds through the cockpit as the DARC-EGG-ROBOT screams in protest, awash with flame, metal warping under the savage aliens blast, sensors warning of damage throughout the entire mech.

Hurriedly righting yourself, you activate the rocket boosters, pulling yourself free of the alien menace's grip, but the damage to your mech is clear as day as you land back on the ground.

"That's all you are, Eggman." The Zeti growls as he stomps forward, the ground shaking beneath his steps. "A man in a tin can who loves to talk."

"Now it's time to shut your mouth and DIE!"

'Seems like the boss has the Kaiju completely in hand,' Canaan muses to herself as she leaps back from the strange silver robot launching an extendable arm at her, the force of it blasting apart the rocks she had been using as cover and convincing her she had made the right move to dodge.

Negligently she points Maria at the shoulder of the robot as it retracts and fires, the comforting recoil she so easily maneuvered into momentum, not needing to watch as she hits her mark and instead rolling to take position where she can get a clear shot on the rampaging alien.

She really doesn't have that strong of an opinion on her current boss, though the equipment was of very high quality and he was good enough to let her name her new babies, but you do need to protect the paycheck after all.

Zavok's emotions swirled around him in a tornado, nothing subtle or hidden about the Hate and Anger he felt towards the doctor. Canaan can even see some of it literally mixing in with the flames that dripped from his maw, his hatred almost a physical manifestation.

But while the rage might be empowering him, it just made a target for her shot as she let out a breath and pulled the trigger.

A massive hand covered his eye as Zavok roared in pain, Canaan's shot landing a bullseye on the lens of the Zeti's massive eye.

She allowed herself a smirk and was going to move when another set of emotions flaring briefly drew her attention.

Piastol, scythe spinning through the air as her hound wreathes the two of them in an empowering magic, focuses on the garnet goliath. A glowing silver energy has formed in her hand and even as she brings the scythe to a halt, she thrusts forward.

The light solidifies into a streaking silver missile, the crystal aimed true as it strikes Zavok squarely in the chest, shattering on impact, but the silver light sinking into the titan as he roared in pain.

Well, he felt that one.

Giving the sorceress a quick nod, the two of you rejoin the battle against the mechanical threats.

Hopefully the doctor is one to hand out bonuses for a job well done OR for saving his bacon against a kaiju.

Clove was very glad that Cassia had seen reason and not joined in on this madness. It seemed like she had to take care of another teenager with a deathwish anyway.

Tackling the cat out of the way of an incoming extendo-arm, the two of them rolled through the dust and Clove could feel the smaller woman wrestling to be free of her grip.

"If you run straight into Zavok you'll not only not accomplish anything, you'll be dead!" She yells even as Honey hisses at her.

"I don't care! He took everything I made and burned it all away!" The cat yells, throwing a punch at Clove's kidneys that the Pronghorn barely manages to block.

"No he didn't!" She shakes the spitting mad cat. "You're still here! The world is still here! If you don't get it together he won't have to take anything else from you, you'll throw it in the fire yourself!"

The tears steaming from Honey's face don't stop, but the attempts to hit Clove in the vitals do as her arms go slack.

"I'm not saying don't get your revenge," Clove pulls her to her feet and hands her a small Egg Gun that she had brought as a hold out. "I am saying work with us to make sure it happens. Don't just run in at him, if he took from you, how about you help us take away all of his stolen toys and then put him down for good?"

The cat's hands wrap around the small gun as she looks Clove in the eyes and nods.

"Okay… okay." She nods to herself and looks to the Pronghorn with a fire in her eyes. "What's the plan then?"

As Clove watches Conquering Storm leap from a cloud of smoke and dust, only to bounce off the glowing Black Shield surrounding Metal Sonic she only really has one answer.

"I'll get back to you on that."

She was the Conquering Storm and she would not be denied!

The emperor had assigned her and the lesser subordinates to regain control of his greatest creation and none would stop her, especially not the metallic doppelganger itself!

"Piastol!" You called to the sorceress, only to see the blue light already surrounding her. A vicious grin crosses Storm's face as she draws her kunai.

"The vicious tides of water find you wanting," the mage intones even as the metallic doppelganger tries some of its own stolen magics to no effect. "Be torn and sundered by the waves, Wevles!"

The blades of water strike at the same moment Storm sinks her kunai into the joints of the elbow and leg, the water piercing on the other side as the robot sparks and Metal screeches, its eyes glaring a hateful red at you before the display goes dark and the body crumples to ground.

Storm stands and places a boot on the defeated foe, taking in the rest of the battlefield.

"The silver sonic still stands," she notes, watching as the machine attacks the Egg Boss and the foolish civilian with little effect. "But we may need to focus our efforts on-"

"On the giant alien monster currently kicking the ever loving shit out of the meal ticket?" Piastol interupts her, Storm grating her teeth at the blase tone and impudence. "Yeah we're gonna need to jump in there probably, but I don't intend to get stepped on by a kaiju. You got any ideas?"

Conquering Storm breathes in and centers herself, letting the anger at the mage's arrogance pass. For now.

"I believe I may have an idea…"

Eggman 2AP (2 HP)
(2 AP) "Tactically Advance in the other direction"
You might have…miscalculated a little…well no matter! Your Genius will give you the answer to this conundrum! Just… need to get some space and plan a strategy!

(Eggman uses all the fuel of his jetpack to gain distance and separate from Zavok, forcing the alien to use his round to chase Eggman or not be able to attack him this round).

(1 Ap) Rock and Roll!
There is no retreat! If mocking didn't work, then music shall be the answer! Bust that Zeti's eardrums! Let your beautiful voice be heard!
(All nearby Units that act near the DARC-EGG-ROBOT receive a malus of -10 to their actions.)

(1 AP) Focus Fire on the eye.
Zavok's eye is deeply hurt, most likely that is to the work of one of your minions. You see a chance here! Prioritize that eye and hopefully damage him further!
(Contested power check against Zavok, attacking at a distance, +10 bonus, 3 uses left)

(2 AP) Duke it out!
How dare he! Damaging your robot and mocking you?! That's it! If he doesn't appreciate banter then you will show him what happens when you get serious!
(Contested Power Roll with advantage against Zavok)

(1 Ap) Keep mobile while attacking!
You need to get the initiative back, but at the same time, the mech is too hurt to take more hits like those, use the jetpack to move around the battlefield and attack!
(All enemies get a -10 when attacking the DARC EGG ROBOT during this round)

Clove 2AP (4 HP)
(1 AP) Finish with Silver Sonic.
While assisting Eggman would be the priority, making sure Silver Sonic can not run interference on your plans is more important. Chop that tin can into pieces!
(Contested power roll against Silver Sonic.)

(2 AP) Focus on the other eye.
Seems like the mercenary Canaan had a bright idea, Zavok's eres are a weakness you can exploit. While you can fly there, you will be like a fly to Zavok, making it easy for him to knock you out. You need to be careful.

(Contested Power Roll with disadvantage against Zavok, If successful, cause further malus on him.)

(1 AP) Get airborne!
Right now, on the ground, you are an easy target for Silver Sonic and Zavok, use Death's flight and get some extra mobility.
(All attacks against Clove receive a Malus this turn of -10)

(1 Ap) Coordínate with the others.
You need a plan and fast, before Zavok destroys the Mech and possibly kills Eggman. You can possibly come up with a plan, but will need the assistance of the others.
(Reach out to another Hero unit no next turn to act together for their next action.)

Conquering Storm 2AP (4HP)
(1 AP): Kunai Storm against Silver Sonic
Unleash a barrage of kunai against the Master Robot to deal with the problem and stop it from harrying you or your allies any more than it already has.
(Contested Combat Roll against Silver Sonic)

(2 AP) Ninja Tripwire Technique
The saying "the bigger they are the harder they fall" is true no matter how big the enemy truly is, but this may be stretching the saying to breaking point. However if you can manage to bring the Zeti to the ground, that is quite the advantage.
(Conquering Storm makes a Trickery check contested by a Power check by Zavok. If Storm succeeds, Zavok is brought to the ground, giving all of his attack rolls -10 for the turn and attacks against him +10.)

(1 AP) Scale The Beast
This is not even the largest foe that you have ever fought and you know that to truly deal damage to such a creature, you must be as close as possible. Scale the crimson creature so that you can actually deal damage to it.
(Conquering Storm rolls a contested Trickery check against Zavok. If she succeeds she climbs onto his back and can take the Backstab or Blinding Powder actions. If Zavok takes heavy damage, there is a chance she receives damage as well.]

(1 AP) Backstab
While the hide may be tough, that does not mean you cannot carve into it! The Storm does not down a dragon in a single blow, but a thousand cuts to bleed it dry.
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok which if Storm fails, Zavok manages to dislodge her.)

(1 AP) Blinding Powder
Not one of your usual tricks, but the mercenary had a decent idea. Climb further and unleash a cloud of irritating powder into the undamaged eye of the monstrous creature and blind the raging beast.
(Conquering Storm makes a Trickery check contested by a Power check by Zavok. If she succeeds, Zavok suffers an additional malus due to the powder. If she fails, Zavok manages to dislodge her.

Piastol 2AP (5 HP)
(1 AP) Bring In The Harvest
The reaper comes to collect the harvest, be it machine or alien, the angel of death comes for them all!
(Piastol makes a Contested Power roll against the target, moving in close to the enemy to attack.)

(1 AP) Cast Wevles on Silver Sonic (Pick one)
If your enemies are fast, then you need to hit it with your largest, fastest spell until it goes down. Or stops, whatever gets you paid. (Piastol summons a cutting tornado around one of the robots. Contested power roll, attack will be from a distance.)

(1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
This monster looks tough, but you bet it hasn't been hit in the soul before. Time to fix that. (Piastol fires crystals that slice the body and rattle the soul. Contested power roll. Less effect on robots) (WARNING, NOT AN INSTANT DEATH EFFECT)

(2 AP) Tempest Dance
A whirlwind of death is what you will become, tearing through the foes in front of you to bring an end to this. This is an all or nothing maneuver through.
(Contested Power roll with a +10 bonus that deals two damage on a success. Piastol suffers a -10 malus on her next turn.)

(2 AP) Bite and Blade
Command Death hound to lock a foe in place so you can strike them down!
(Contested Power roll for Death hound to latch onto an enemy and drain their stamina, allowing piastol to go nuts with a second power roll. Works best on biological opponents)

(1 AP) ...Or Just Bite?
Dragging around a ferlith would slow anyone down, including robots.
(Contested Power roll, Piastol commands Death Hound to help restrain a robot. Piastol will not use Wevles on a target death hound is biting, but can use eterni on them)

Death Hound: During Combat Encounters Piastol will always have access to one of the following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
->Incremus (0 AP): Deathhound wreaths another in flame, adding a +10 to another's roll. The other person's buff will last for that round. He cannot target Piastol or himself, because he already does by default.(Choose target of the buff, need to be within range of Deathound)
->Noxi (0 AP): Roll 1d100+10 (1/2 Piastol's mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5?for the round, if crit, the debuff last 2 rounds. Casting noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power by -5. If the new noxi timer is lower than the current noxi timer, use the old noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacremus (0 AP): Deathhound heals an organic Hero Unit for 1 hp. Requires 1 round to recharge.

Canaan 2AP (3 HP)
(1 Ap) Further punish his eye!
Your shot might have put his eye out of commission for now, but you don't expect it to have done permanent damage. Time to fix that.
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok, if successful, chances to increase the malus and its duration)

(1 AP) Aim for the other eye.
One eye down, one more to go, if the big guy is blind, all that rage and anger won't do anything.
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok, chances to inflict malus to him)

(2 AP) Reposition now!
That big kaiju can easily squash you if not careful. If he stomps you it's guaranteed to make a pancake out of you, better hide fast.
(Contested Trickery Check against Zavok and Silver Sonic, If successful, she won't be targeted by attacks)

(1 AP) Deal with the weird Silver robot.
You ought to put that thing out of comission now so you and the others can focus on Big Red over there, a few more shots should do the trick.
(Contested Power Roll against Silver Sonic)

Honey 2AP (3 HP)
(1 AP) Attack the Sonic look alike!
If you can't hit Zavok, then you will focus on breaking his bot!
(Contested Power Roll against Silver Sonic)

(2 AP) Employ Your Cat instincts!
Right now, making sure you don't get taken out before getting your revenge is the priority, find an opportunity to counterattack soon!
(Honey will stay on guard and If anyone attacks her, she rolls with advantage to counter attack them!)

(1 AP) Distract Zavok!
You know If that big robot goes down you will be in trouble, so let's see if the big guy can get distracted for a bit!
(Contested Heart check against Zavok. If successful, he Rol s with a -10 this turn)

(2 AP) Climb the giant!
Even If what that lady said is true, you still will not rest until Zavok gets what he deserves! Even If you have to climb and scratch his eyeballs out you will!
(Honey does a Trickery Contested Roll against Zavok Power Roll. If successful, Honey takes the Attack Zavok Action with Advantage)

(1 AP) Attack Zavok!
You don't want to throw your life away, but right here, right now, you have a chance to make him Pay for what he did! Time for all those hours of practice to pay off!)
(Contested Power Roll with disadvantage against Zavok)

So… yeah Zavok kinda fucked Eggman up.

Mock Him (Contested Trickery)
Eggman: 44 + 22 (Eggman Trickery) + 10 (Incremus) = 76
Zavok: ??? + ??? = 118
Eggman Fails

Open Fire
Eggman: 28 + 35 (Power) + 10 (Missile Bonus) + 10 (Incremus) = 73

Zavok: 100 + ???
Zavok: 99 + ???
Zavok Total = 256
Zavok Natural Critical Success
The DARC-EGG-ROBOT takes THREE damage and is down to two hp.

Clove: Reach Out To The New Individual
Heart check DC 60: 59 + 31 = 90
Honey is listening to Clove and will be commendable next turn.

Conquering Storm
Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
No Roll Required

Ninja Hacking
91 + 22 (Storm's Martial) + 14 (Ninjutsu Specialist) + 10 (Smoke bomb) = 137
19 + 35 = 54
Critical Success for Storm!
Minor Success for Metal Sonic

No damage either way.

Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
45 + 22 (Piastol's Power) + 10 (White Dwarf) + 10 (Death Hound) = 87
36 + 35 = 71
Piastol Success!
Metal Sonic is down to one hp.

Cast Eterni on Zavok
71 + 22 + 10 + 10 = 113
??? + ??? = 70
Piastol Success!
Zavok takes one damage and has ??? hp left.

Attack Zavok!
44 + 28 (Canaan's Power) + 5 (Expert Sharpshooter) + 5 (Synesthesia) + 15 (The Maria) = 97
??? + ??? = 50
Canaan Success!
Zavok has -10 to his attack rolls for 1d3 rounds!
1d3 = 3

Deal With The Weird Silver Robot
45 + 28 + 5 = 78
Silver Sonic
??? + ??? = 58
Canaan Success!
Silver Sonic takes one damage and has ??? hp left.
Metal Sonic
Attack The Mage
9 + 35 = 44
46 + 42 = 88
Critical Failure!

Attack The Ninja
3 + 35 = 38
80 + 36 = 116
Critical Failure!

Storm and Piastol bring Metal to 0hp! Metal is out of the fight!

Silver Sonic
Destroy The Pronghorn
??? + ??? = 65
88 + 24 + 10 = 122

Destroy The Cat
??? + ??? = 75
??? + ??? = 96

Clove and Honey dodge Silver Sonic's attacks!
Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man va 300 IQ Genius- Part 3: His World (Round 2 Results)
You rubbed your head. Ugh. This… was a setback. But a completely minor one, in the grand scheme of things! What were you going to do? Lose? To Zavok? Not in a million years!

You glare at the smug alien, who grinned back despite his injuries. Bah. He wouldn't be grinning for long.

"Hey! You ugly Jerk! Down here!"

That voice distracted Zavok as he growled, looking to see that cat from earlier.

You know… now that you got a closer look, this cat seemed familiar-

Shattered Memories Triggers!
DC: 55
Roll: 60
He remembers!

Not again! Memories flood in, memories that feel like they're in the past, but also not? You're in a mech, fighting this mysterious cat and Sonic's posse in an arena…

You were Dr. Robotnik (you would never embrace the name Eggman!!)! You blink. You look around the battlefield

You stare at the giant Kaiju in front of you.

"...Nope." You decide this isn't worth it. The other guy can deal with his if he is so keen to get into a fight with a freaking Kaiju!!!

You were Conquering Storm, proud eggboss of Yurashia, and you have a master plan, as your Lord and Zavok battled, you were able to sneak ahead and began preparing one of the most basic but useful traps there have ever been invented.

The tripwire will need to be sturdy enough to not break against this brute, but you trust in your equipment.

Ahh, he is coming this way, getting ready to engage again with your Lord! Just a few more steps and…

Hey! You ugly Jerk! Down here!" An annoying and shrill voice comes from far away, to the right of Zavok.

It was that cat mobian that rushed foolishly into the battlefield, you would nod at someone showing such warrior spirit…when it was not interfering with your strategy!

"Get back to normal size and fight me!" The cat shouts out as she waves her arms in a "Threatening" manner.

"You dare interfere in this battle?" Zavok growls, his deep voice easily reverberating all over the battlefield, his remaining unhurt eye glaring at her in annoyance. "After I'm done with Eggman, I shall squash you like the bug you are." He threatens the girl, as he resumes his walk, yes, just like-

"I'm not scared of you! You and your lackeys already tried that! they failed!" She shouts back as she points a finger at him. "I heard the stories! You let Eggman walk all over you, then you lose to Sonic like all do!" At that, Zavok stops walking and slowly turns to growl at the Cat, who is unfazed and continues talking.

"You are just bullies! Losers with no fashion style that can't do anything but pick on the people who can't fight back! but when you meet someone who can, you run with your tail between your legs!"

"ENOUGH!" Zavok roars, flames escaping from his mouth. "I did not come here to be mocked by an insignificant creature!" As Zavok looks prepared to unleash more of those flames he used against your lord's mech, you start to panic, you need to get to safety before…

Just then, the voice of your lord resounds from the Mech!

"Dropping your guard now, eh? Take a load of this!"

You return to reality, shaking your head as you wake up from…whatever that was, Zavok having been too distracted to take advantage of your little episode.

Seeing as the guy was more focused with attacking that Honey girl, you couldn't resist!

"Dropping your guard now, eh? Take a load of this!" You shout as you lock the cannon from the DARC-EGG-ROBOT, aiming them at a particular spot.

Your aim rings true and Zavok damaged eye receives a nice payload, courtesy of Isara's ragnite based ammunition, making the Zeti roar in pain as he covers his eye.

Just then, you notice your minions nlt letting this opportunity go unwasted as another energy shot goes towards Zavok's face, but the Zeti is quick to protect his face, understanding that his eyes are your focus now.

But that leaves him completely open for the Pirate hunter to use another of those silver missiles of hers, striking Zavok square in the chest, making him roar once again in pain as he stumbles back, losing his balance as he falls to the ground, making a satisfactory sound.

"Wahahahahaha!" You laugh nice and loud, for everyone to hear. "Who was the one that talks too much Zavok?! Was it me? ¡Was it!?" You mock him, throwing his words back at him.

That will teach him! You're the one and only Eggman! Soon enough you will get your Empire back!

You were Clove the Pronghorn, and as you rushed towards Silver Sonic, you and everyone else heard loud and clear Eggman's laughter. That's so like him, gloat after the tables turn to his favor just like that.

No matter, you had a job to do, and as you quickly evaded the springy arm of the badnik, you dashed towards the Silver imitation of the Hedgehog, and brought down your scythe, separating one of the limbs from it, making it release a cloud of sparks, the damage accumulated being too severe.

But then, the Badnik's visor turn blood red and he looks right at you, as his remaining arm rears for another attack, you prepare to dodge once again-

And it turns out it wasn't needed, as a second later, Silver Sonic's head explodes, and the rest of his metallic body falls uselessly in the ground.

You turn your head to stare at that Mercenary raising that gun that Eggman Made for her and you quickly fly towards her.

"So… how has been your day?" She asks cooly, as she takes a moment to look at you before focusing again, on the clash between Eggman and Zavok.

"Same as always, unfortunately. Stopping teenagers with a deathwish from throwing their lives away, doing the bidding from my evil and crazy boss, nothing new." You cant help but comment as you watch the Mech take step after step towards Zavok, who seems to be reverting back to his original size, whatever he used to grow to Giant form seemed to have run its course.

"I think I can relate to one of those." Canaan replies as she lowers her weapon, but doesnt put it away. "You think this is gonna last much longer?"

"Maybe until Eggman finishes gloating to Zavok, he needs to get that out of his system, knowing him." You say as you cross your arms, even if this Eggman wasn't the monster she worked for before, they shared too many similarities for your liking.

"Figures, at least the Boss will be satisfied for-" You watch as her eyes widen, glowing red, and you are caught off guard as she suddenly throws herself at you, tackling you backwards.

"What are you-" You shout before an explosion appears just right were both of you were standing a second ago.

"I think this might take longer than expected." You hear her comment as you stare up, watching the horde of Buzz Bombers and Fire Breaths descended towards you, appearing out nowhere.

You don't say anything else, brandishing your scythe as you prepare to deal with the new arrivals.

You laugh as you see the sudden development, of course you expected this! Once Zavok showed before that he had developed some sort of stealth technology, it was obvious he was gonna use it again to hide reinforcements. Such an obvious and simple move!

"Is this all that you Zeti can do?" You gloat as you watch Zavok begin crawling away pathetically towards the Blowfish that landed a few steps away from him, your robot easily destroying the waves of Buzz Bombers and Fire Breaths coming towards you. "What was that about being a man on a tin can? You pathetic excuse of a conqueror?!"

Eventually, the ammunition stored in the DARC-EGG-ROBOT is depleted, having laid waste to your badniks, no matter, you will always be able to make thousands of them later!

"It was you who said I wasn't a conqueror, but look at you! Taking over my grand inventions! Squandering my resources against pitiful opponents! Crawling away like a worm!" You sneer as anger starts to creep in your voice. "You Zeti are no warriors! Just parasites that can't help but take and waste stuff from your betters!!!"

You know he can hear you, and that each word you mutter incenses him further and further, but there seems to be a brain still working as he doesn't answer any of your words, instead entering the Blowfish as it takes flight, getting him out from the Battlefield.

"Run away and lick your wounds!" You open the Cockpit as you continue shouting. "Make as many badniks as you want, as many plans as you wish! I'm coming for you! I will take back what is mine, and then I will show you a true conqueror!"

"For I am Eggman! The future ruler of this world! Hahahahahahahaha!" You finish as you back in the glory of complete and overwhelming victory! See that Starline, that's how Eggman does-

As you finish gloating, you feel everything on the battlefield go quiet, inexplicably, unable to come up with an explanation. On the wind, you can barely hear three names.

Smithy Thunk.

Slinger Thunk.

Claire Thunk.

As the wind whispers those names to you, you feel a pain on your chest, you slowly touch your chest, your hand pulling away bloody. and the you collapse into the cockpit of your mech, the protective covering closing again as you fall.

And Everything goes to black.

Qm note.

Raid has ended, congratulations on fending off Zavok's attack! Hope you guys enjoyed the new battle system, please give us a review of how you felt it worked.

And yeah, you have a wolf roaming your lands, expect her to cause a few more issues until you can deal with her.

It's funny how she choose to infiltrate the Black Arms territory as you invaded it right?

You have obtained 250 Metal and the remains of Silver Sonic.

Dont worry about Metal, he will be up and ready for next tuen with his new traits, no need to waste an action fixing him.

And you have unlocked The memories from Eggman from sonic the fighters game.

You have obtained:

Action to build the Death Egg II Unlocked
Action to build the The E-Mech Unlocked
And a machine to create Mirror Fighters Unlocked!
Also Honey will be joining you as long as you promise to kick Zavok in the butt in the following turns as well as fix her shop!

**Result**: 1d100 (75) + 55 [Eggman focusing fire]
**Total**: 130

**Result**: ???+???- 10 - 10 [Zavok defending against opening fire]
**Total**: 84
Success! Zacok loses 1 Hp! he has ??? left!

**Result**: 1d100 (52) + 24 + 10 [Clove attacking Silver Sonic]
**Total**: 86

**Result**: ??? + ??? [Silver Sonic defending]
**Total**: 70
Success! Silver Sonic loses 1 Hp! He has ??? left.

**Result**: 1d100 (32) + 28 [Storm with the tripwire]
**Total**: 60

**Result**: ??? +??? [Zavok with avoiding the trip wire]
**Total**: 127
Critical Failure!

**Result**: ??? + ??? [Honey heart check]
**Total**: 114

**Result**: ??? + ??? [Zavok defense against the Honey heart check]
**Total**: 107
Bare Success! Honey managed to keep Zavok Distracted!

**Result**: ??? + ??? [Honey attacking Silver Sonic]
**Total**: 59

**Result**: ??? + ??? [Silver Sonic defending on Honey]
**Total**: 74
Failure! Honey fails to hurt Silver Sonic

**Result**: 1d100 (45) + 22 + 20 [Piastol attacking Silver Sonic]
**Total**: 87

**Result**: ??? + ??? [Silver Sonic defending against Piastol]
**Total**: 101
Failure! Piastol cant seem to get a bead on him!

**Result**: 1d100 (92) + 42 [Piastol attacking Zavok]
**Total**: 134

**Result**: ??? + ??? - 20 [Zavok defending against Piastol]
**Total**: 72
Succes! On the other hand, Piastol still kicks Zavok's ass!

**Result**: 1d100 (36) + 53 [Canaan attacking Zavok]
**Total**: 89

**Result**: ??? + ??? - 20 [Zavok defending]
**Total**: 92
Failure! Zavok isn't a fool! He isn't leaving his other eye unprotected.

**Result**: 1d100 (60) + 33 [Canaan attacking Silver Sonic]
**Total**: 93

**Result**: ??? + ??? [Silver Sonic]
**Total**: 54
Success! Canaan inflict 1 damage to Silver Sonic.

Silver Sonic has been defeated!

Zavok has reached the damage threshold, Gigantification is over! Zavok is debuffed until he manages to obtain some rest.

Combat Over!

Wait…what's this?

Turn 3 Rivals Report!
Whisper Action: Infiltrate Black Arms-Sorry Eggman Empire Territory
Dc 100/140 (Dc reduced thanks to the current invasion from Clove!)

Result: 76+25(Whisper Trickery)=101

Bare Success!

Whisper has infiltrated your new territory.


**Whisper to JFK Eggman**: 1d100 (46) + 27(Whisper Power Roll) + 20(???) + 10(???)+ 10(???)
**Total**: 113

**With advantage For successful Deep Infiltration**: 1d100 (73) + 27(Whisper Power) + 20(???) + 10(???) + 10(???)
**Total**: 140

Eggman's Power Roll
**Result**: 1d100 (66) + 18(Eggman Power) + 5 (Egg Gun)
**Total**: 89

Success! Whisper managed to get some payback!!!

Honey The Cat

Power: 14 (Trained in a style of fighting that relies more on speed and trickery, if a foe manages to land a blow against her she isn't the most durable.)

Heart: 22 (Honey does seem to understand what others want, it is what has allowed her to get so far in the fashion world.)

Logistics: 21 (The girl ran a multinational fashion company that did clothing and accessories while at the same time being the lead designer AND networked for the entire company. She at least is willing to put in the time and effort.)

Trickery: 19 (The art of Shadow Sneak allows the girl to be surprisingly slippery, leaving behind after images and moving incredibly quickly.)

Brain: 14 (Well versed in the fashion world and an accomplished business woman, but by no means a researcher or a scientist.)

Mystic: 7 (Was actually entrusted with the guardianship of one of the chaos emeralds in her home world, she knows the touch of mystic power.)

Loyalty: -15

Diva Deva: Starting from the ground up and managing to get a queen to be the main model for her line of clothing, Honey knows a thing or two about fashion. (Honey adds +15 to all rolls that involve fashion and clothing design.)

Shadow Sneak: An obscure art of combat, Honey uses incredible bursts of speed and misdirection to take opponents off guard. (Honey adds half her Trickery rounded down to her Power rolls.)

Conflicted: The girl was a fashion magnet and a "hero" in her world, apparently directly opposing me on several occasions. She appears to be having issues getting past that. (Honey's loyalty starts at -15 and receives halved loyalty gain until Eggman can give her a serious fashion related project or her loyalty increases to 30.)
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Things Change
Things Change

You were Belle the Tinkerer, and you were feeling conflicted.

Despite everything, despite how things began, your time with Dr. Eggman had been… not entirely unpleasant.

It had certainly been interesting at least.

You made new friends. So that was nice. Canaan was a bit reserved, but she seemed to appreciate your promise and you talked sometimes. Clove was usually focused on making sure Cassia was ok, but she seemed to regard you with kindness, with a side of pity. You guess you can't blame her, this was a weird situation.

And then there was your siblings fellow machines.

Orbot and Cubot were the most palpable. They seemed close, but they never made you feel like a third wheel, which you appreciated. They weren't the sharpest tools in the shed, but they were dedicated and Orbot had his moments of insight you had found nice to listen to.

Metal… You liked to think he was less cold than he came off as. You pretended not to for the sake of his pride, but you had caught him playing with the maracas you gave him once or twice. And in general, as much as He scared you, he seemed to not go out of his way to tell you to buzz off, which probably meant something. Maybe that was wishful thinking.

And then… there was Sage.

Sage was quiet for the most part, and that fierce protectiveness of her father made you feel... nostalgic (your heart ached), but she could light up when she talked to them. Belle couldn't help but find her nice to be around, she seemed genuinely interested in having a connection. You… could have fostered that a bit more. You hoped she understood it was nothing personal. You just… had a lot to think about.

Speaking of… maybe you should write all this down instead of just thinking it… Papa would love to hear-

"Sister!" A voice suddenly piped up. You yelped and fell over, surprised.

"Aw sawdust…" you muttered.

"Oh. Apologies. I did not mean to startle you." Sage said. You sigh and get up.

"It's fine, Sage. Does the doctor need something…?" You ask, a tad nervously. It had panned out so far, but you weren't exactly excited to go to another person who might kill you.

"Do not fret, sister. I am instead here to invite you to family game night. I would have made a card, but I lack the ability to do so." Sage explained, smiling. You rubbed your neck.

"I.. thank you, Sage. But I dunno if I can make it…" You start. You're flattered, you really are, but you don't know if you're up for it.

"But… It won't be the same without you. Please come? You are a creation of father too, and that makes us family. We cannot have family game night without everyone present." Sage asked, sounding genuinely sad. You look at the letter you were about to write and sigh.

Maybe this will be an interesting experience to tell papa about…

"Ok. I'll be there." You conceded.

"Excellent! I will tell Cubot to play his best music selection!" Sage beamed and put her hands together excitedly. It was such a a cute display you can't help but smile yourself despite your doubts.


"I swear, you must be cheating!"

"Stop being a sore loser, Orbot!"

"I am not trying to be, Cubot, I just doubt the likelihood of you doing this well so many times In a row!"

That was the conversation you were currently listening to. You were currently playing some dice game (Yitzee or something). Everyone (except you, partially because you didn't know this would be the case and partially because you didn't have one to bring anyways) had brought their own game to play. Even Metal had brought something called Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Badniks. You were kinda surprised he came along, though he was standing in the corner rather than joining in.

As Orbot and Cubot continued to bicker, Sage, in a Motobug again currently, looked over at Metal.

"Are you sure you do not wish to participate, brother?* She inquired. Metal just stared.

"Alright. If you change your mind, do let us know." Sage nodded. She sounded a little disappointed, and you gave her a little pat without thinking about it. She made a happy little noise and you smiled.

"I think we should play something else before Orbot blows a gasket." Cubot suggested. Orbot grumbled in uncharacteristic open annoyance.

"Ah, don't worry, Orbot. You'll get him next time." You offered words of cheer. Orbot just hummed a little, though you get the feeling from how he quit grumbling he appreciated it.

"I believe it is time for Eggopoly. Do not feel bad if I win, I even beat Father!" Sage nodded, bringing out a board game.


"What!? How!? You HAVE to be cheating, sister!" Sage insisted.

"I'm not!" You insisted right back.

"Who's salty about cheating now?" Orbot quipped, a teasing tone in his voice.

To your surprise, you were absolutely dominating at this Eggopoly game. You didn't want to jump to conclusions, but you get the feeling Eggman let Sage win, because she was honestly kind of bad at it.

"Statistically, it's near impossible for me to land on the jail space as many times as I have!" Sage insisted.

Metal wagged his finger, clearly trying to express his mocking disapproval of Sage.

"Et tu, brute?" She pouted.

"Aw man, we broke her, she's speaking German!" Cubot gasped. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for you to realize how utterly ridiculous this situation was. Despite your best efforts, you broke into giggles. Thankfully, Sage couldn't stay mad at seeing you be so seemingly happy as she joined in, Orbot and Cubot quick to follow. Even Metal tilted his head rather than a harsher gesture, so you chose to believe he was amused too.

"This is crazy… I never expected this to be Where my life went.." You sigh once you all calm down.

"Life rarely goes how you expect it to. Do you think the boss expected to be in this situation?" Orbot pointed out with a little nod.

"... That's pretty insightful, Orbot." You mused with a little smile.

"Father will turn around this disadvantage soon. He is too brilliant to be held back." Sage confidently stated. Orbot and Cubot looked between each other knowingly before voicing their agreement. Even Metal gave a thumbs up.

Belle hid her frown. They all had so much confidence in their father, such strong loyalty and love for him in varying degrees…

She missed her dad.

You were distracted when Sage faked a Motobug body malfunction to try and switch your property cards, which you easily and playfully stopped.


After game night, you returned to your room. You looked over to your blank letter. You give a tired little smile as you begin writing.

(Well papa, everything has been.... Weird.

I have some… new friends. We're not as close as one thinks but… I still like them, alot more than I was expecting to.

I think you would like them too, or at least find them neat.

I have been very helpful! Just like you! Though this helping has been... scary, to put it mildly. But I want to be just like you, helping even if there's no benefit, even if it's hard.

And my new boss… he doesn't make it as hard as I expected.

In short, things are weird, like I said earlier.

But maybe.. maybe that's not so bad. You always said weird things are usually just things people didn't take the time to understand. But I am starting to get it. And I guess.. I guess things change, huh?

I love you, papa.

Signed, Belle)

You finish up the letter and tuck it away safely in a box. You would probably write more later.

Just as you are about to rest, there's a knock on the door. When you go to open it, you see a Motobug Zipping away. You look down and see a crudely drawn picture of you, Orbot, Cubot, Sage and Metal holding hands under a rainbow.

…You put that picture in the same box for safekeeping.
Jailhouse (Yellow and) Blues!
(NOTE: Unlike a lot of my personal projects, This Interlude is in a pseudo canon state. Whether it's canon or not is up to the other Co-QMs, so time will tell what happens, but hope you enjoy either way!)

Jailhouse (Yellow and) Blues!

You were Thunderbolt the Chinchilla, and you were pretty upset.

Actually, that was the understatement of the century! Those brutes had no right to hold you here! What, was it now a crime to speak your mind and praise someone worthy of it!? Fascists, the lot of them!

You sulked in the cafeteria, playing with your food. You had just been let out of solitary confinement after another escape attempt. Those fools would be crushed under Lord Eggman's heel, but for now they were getting wise to any attempt to escape you made.

"Hey. You're in my seat." A voice gruffly stated. You growl.

"I don't see your name on it, Smalls."

The large purple cat with an eye scar snorted.

"Really? We're going to do this again? Honestly, it's starting to not even be fun anymore, you little loser."

"You're the loser, you peabrain! When Lord Eggman-!" You began. The tray connecting with your face kind of interrupted your grand speech.

"Eggman this, Eggman that. It's sad really. You keep hyping this guy up. Where is he then, hmmm? I think it's just pathetic you rely on someone who is never coming because you know you can't handle yourself." Smalls tsk'ed in mock pity. You howl and bite at him, but he easily smacked you away with his size advantage.

"You really need to learn your place, small fry." Smalls grinned, his foot on your stomach. A decent crowd has gathered by now, eager to see you get beaten up like the barbarians they were!

"Smalls! Stand down!"

A few agents had shown up and pointed their guns at the cat. He grunted and put up his hands, knowing the drill.

"Yeah yeah, relax. I made my point." Smalls scoffed, walking off.

The agents glared at the crowd, who dispersed in disappointment.

You lay there, just long enough to catch your breathe, hopefully not long enough to look weak.

You must Never let them see you as weak…

"You should quit antagonizing him. I won't be around to save you forever."

"I never asked for your help." You hissed at the man who said that.

The sickly looking, diminutive man adjusted his bowtie (why they let him keep that is beyond you) and gave a wry little smile.

"I could leave you to get pummeled instead of calling the guards, if you prefer."

".... Whatever. Why do you help me anyways?" You grumbled, returning to your food.

"A follower of his greatness is a friend of mine." He shrugged, leaving behind half an apple for you before he skulked off.

"...Thanks, Wormtongue." You mumble.

"Don't mention it, dear." The man said simply, without even stopping. He disappeared into the crowd of prisoners.

"... Overdramatic fool. We're cellmates…"


Late at night, you sulk once more, in your cell. Grimer (you believe that is his first name… yeesh, and you thought your parents made their feelings clear with weird names) scribbled away in a notebook, eager to get his ideas out before lights out.

You sigh. You wouldn't give up hope. You would get out of here. And you would stand by Lord Eggman's side! And then you would burn this prison to the GROUND!

You got a twisted smile just thinking about it.

When lights went out, that's when you came to life.

Sure, they caught you pretty quickly when you were chiseling a hole in the wall, but there would be other opportunities. Other ideas.

You just had to be patient, like the brilliant Dr. Eggman would be…
Full Moon
The plaza was honestly gorgeous for a place that had faced attacks by cannibalistic aliens and robot attacks basically every other week. Oh sure there were clearly members of The Restoration out and about with their little glowy weapons, but they were clearly relaxed and talking with the other people milling around the plaza.

There were stalls where people were selling fruits and vegetables, homemade crafts, and other various trinkets and baubles. The shops were open and the air was lively as the citizens of The Restoration seemed to be enjoying the festivities and shining sunny day.

Small banners hung from light poles, each advertising some form of shop or public safety reminder, some pointing towards the nearest hardened shelter while others simply advertised places named "White Park Races" and "Chuck's Diner". The cobbles beneath her feet somehow just felt springy and light, the entire plaza itself was just a place where things didn't seem as bad.

As Piastol strolled through the plaza she felt for a moment, in peace, letting herself drown in the atmosphere, but at the same time feeling a sense of unease. She was more used to the tranquility of her ship, with only Deathhound as her only company, the months she had been stranded here, forcing to stay in the same place, had forced her to adapt to this new environment and situation, and a small part of her recognizes, happy places like this still exist.

But while that feeling was comforting, it couldn't last forever, with the Avenger fully repaired, she was ready once more to set sail and renew her hunt.

Piastol had no doubt that Vise had been transported to this new world, she hadn't found any concrete proof of that but it was a feeling she had deep in her soul, her encounter with Vise was inevitable.

(And a small part of her, dreaded the possibility that Vise wasn't here, but she refused to entertain that thought, if she did she wasn't sure she would crawl back from that hole).

Shaking her head as she focused on her task once again, Piastol beheld her.. "Target"

Her contractor, the Monster known as Eggman, had asked for her for some strange reason to check out the new local that had been established in Green Hills a few weeks back.

The large tent was of the color velvet, with curtains of the same color covering it whole, not allowing even a peak of the interior of the place, the words "The Velvet Room" were sawn with a tacky yellow, seemingly gold, over the fabric of the tent, and colorful decorations adorned the whole place.

According to the small chatter that the coffee guy heard before his store closed down, a fortune teller worked here, who so far seemed to be accurate in their readings, mo matter how strange or common they were.

Piastol had also heard about it, but she didn't buy much into this, back in her world, things like a fortune teller or prophecies were just a myth, even now, she couldn't believe that people with such power existed.

The Doctor was the same apparently, he didn't put much stock into the rumors of some civilians mesmerized by whatever tricks the fortune teller had. but even so, ordered her to come check it out and confirm the veracity with whatever means she preferred.

The reason being, apparently, he had "seen weirder stuff" so someone able to predict the future wouldn't surprise him.

Signing to herself, she decided to just get this over with, and with resolute steps, marched forward, making her way through the curtains as she entered the tent.

As she stepped inside, a chill went through Piastol's spine, as if somehow, she knew she had entered another plane. The inside of the tent was illuminated with a blue-ish light, but she couldn't find any source of illumination.

The inside…wasn't as impressive as she would have expected, It was just 2 common wooden chairs with a rectangular table in the middle, with a blue fabric covering it. What catched Piastol's attention is who was sitting in one of the chairs.

Piastol Mystic check: Does she notice ???

Dc 75/100

Result: 31+22(Piastol Mystic): 53


The lady had short platinum-blonde hair and golden eyes. She seemed to wear a blue dress that resembles a stewardess' outfit, for some strange reason, with blue gloves and a blue attendant-like hat to complement her look. There is a book palace right in the middle of the table.

Piastol observed her but couldn't sense anything out of the ordinary with her, was she the Fortune Teller?

"Welcome to the Velvet Room." The lady spoke with a noble and dignified voice, carrying an air of elegance and mystery as she made a small bow. "This place exists between Dream and Reality, Mind and Matter." She finishes as she looks at you sporting an impish smile.

…and then she started giggling like crazy, it started as a small sound, until it broke out in full out guffaws. Laughing to herself to some weird joke only she was aware of.

Piastol could 't help but feel…lost as whatever was going on right now, as she watched with a half lidded gaze,, she had half a mind to just leave them tent and tell her contractor this was just a scam.

"I'm sorry, just…" The lady quickly burst out, finally getting over whatever that was. "I can't help it. My previous boss always said that to any new arrivals, it feels great to be able to do the same, y'know?" She explains brightly. as if she found a hidden joy at repeating those simple words.

"Still, let me present myself one more time." She says as she stares at Piastol. "My name is Elizabeth, before i was a simple attendant; now I'm a wandering Fortune Teller, I never believed I would end up doing this, let me tell you."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." She finishes with a small nod.

"Likewise…" Piastol syas with a dry tone as she cross her arms. "So, you're the one who can see the future?" She asks, wanting to go straight to the point.

"Oh no, as much as I would love to, the ability of foresight is something I lack unfortunately." She says with a simple wave of her hand. "Instead, what I do is…consult the cards. After all, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed."

"So what? You just draw some cards and predict what is gonna happen?" She scoffs at this; this seemed to be a complete waste of time.

"Not at all, Piastol." The bounty hunter's eyes widened, how did the lady know her name? Did she- "I simply help my customers by providing guidance to whatever issue plagues their thoughts. Please, would you take a seat?" Elizabeth asks as she motions to the empty seat in front of her.

With a wary gaze, expecting an attack any moment, Piastol makes her way towards the chair and without taking her eyes off Elizabeth, She tentatively sits on a comfy chair as the bounty hunter and former attendant stare eye to eye.

"I see you possess doubt about my abilities" Elizabeth says, which Piastol nods, being the most obvious thing currently. "Then. allow me to demonstrate."

Elizabeth makes a flourish with her hand, and out of nowhere, a gust of air seems to flow out of nowhere, rushing towards the book, making it open, and out from it come out of it, floating and landing facedown on the table.

"Your fate is in the cards." Elizabeth intones as she motions to the three cards on the table. "Each card represents a facet of time, your past, your present and your future. The cards are never wrong, but sometimes they don't fully reveal what they are hiding."

Piastol doesn't answer, still caught off guard by Elizabeth knowing her name and the act of magic just done, was she really the real deal.

"Let's start, shall we?" Elizabeth flips the first card, the one to her right and to Piastol's left. "The Hierophant." Elizabeth explains as Piastol gazes at the image of the card.

"Even now, im this mew world where it's threads of fate had been Shattered, you still act under the same rules and principles that have been influencing your life this whole time." Elizabeth! says, with her eyes closed, and Piastol can't help but be out in deep trance by each word uttered by her.

"So far, you have been acting, as a Bounty Hunter, like you did in your world, something, a certain motivation, pushing you to act this way and paving the path forward that you will take." She continues explaining, as Piastol wonders if she somehow had spied on her and made the appropriate check on her background…

"You have entered the services of an individual who you believe can guide you further on your path, with the possibility to gain something more from him."

Piastol realized she's talking about her deal with Eggman, how did she know, she had little idea.

"Next card. The Sun, in the reverse position." Elizabeth explains. "Even now, you, Piastol, cannot seem to experience any joy in life, your past has you tightly tied down, chaining you and not giving you the chance of feeling Happiness nor Optimism." She continues as Piastol feels a stone drop on her stomach, she grits her teeth, though she doesn't know if its in anger… or fear.

"There is even worry that you will not be able to achieve your goal, making your heart waver," Elizabeth explains as she regards Piastol with a look the other can't fully recognize. "Do you wish for me to read the last card, no many people like knowing about their future?"

For a moment, Piastol stares indecisive at the facedown card, unsure if she wanted to know but she realized there was only one option, isn't it?

"Yes, go ahead." She nods, not willing to back down, as she stares at the last facedown card.

"Excellent! The Tower…reversed." Elizabeth sighs as she stares at the card. " You will go through events that will change your life radically; your beliefs and values should be smashed and altered. You will go through ordeals that, if you don't adapt to them, will make you suffer a cruel fate." She finishes with a solemn tone.

Piastol just stars at the 3 cards laid on the table, not muttering at sound nor reacting.

"The cards don't always reveal the full truth, but…they never lie." Elizabeth says, her tone recovering the cheeriness from before, but in a more controlled tone. "You-"

"I don't care what happens to me." Piastol mutters, making Elizabeth's eyes widen. "Fate can do whatever it wants with me…"She tightens her grip on her fist as she looks at the fortune teller, her eyes blazing. "But until I achieve my revenge, I will never stop, ruin or no ruin on my future." She exclaims as she stares at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth couldn't help but gasp at the bounty hunter proclamation, then she broke into a wide smile as she began clapping.

"Bravo! I like hearing that! How you humans decide to push forward no matter what happens…you remind me of-" Elizabeth starts, before cutting herself. "Still, such determination deserves a reward, you know? Allow me to offer some assistance."

"You wish to find this Vise right?" Piastol doesn't question how she knows that name, as the boom closes on its own, and opens again, revealing three new facedown cards. "Let 's see what the cards tell us,"

"The Tower, in reverse position." The same card as last time. appears once more. "In the past, Vise was Involved on a tragic event that deeply changed you and has left a deep trauma still unsolved. The event left a mark so deep on you that even now it influences your every move."

"The Emperor." Elizabeth intones next. "You have found a person who Can assist you in giving the guidance needed for your plight. Working together will be key to achieving his and your goals. With him you will be on the right track for your destined encounter, most likely."

"Finally the Star reversed." Elizabeth finishes, showing said card. "At the end of your Path Piastol, you will face doubt and adversity. There will be something blocking your destiny." She explains. "It may be a challenge, or a foe or a situation, that stands in your way to achieve your goals.

"Even if you manage to succeed in your task, you will most likely have tragedy strikes if the proper path is not taken."

"But I can assure you this, one way or another, that fateful person and you, are destined to meet one more time." Elizabeth finishes as the cards disappear once more. "There are signs out there, if you can find them, and follow the track they lead to, you will find them. Keep your eyes and ears open to information all around the globe, the clues will show themselves in no time."

Piastol can only stare at Elizabeth as she analyses the information just revealed. Knowing she and Vise were destined to meet once more, to cross blades, filled her soul with determination. "Thank you." She muttered, gratitude oozing in every word.

"It's my pleasure." Elizabeth nods, "Now, I believe your boss wanted to ask something right? Please, ask your question."

[ ] Write in what Eggman told Piastol to ask Elizabeth, as a heads up, she will also do a reading about the future adventure om tokyo to, so dont ask that please

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FULL MOON Part 2: Do you believe in Gravity?
Winning vote:
[x] Tell me, what is in store for I, Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik?

"So, your boss wants to know what is in store for him?" Elizabeth asks, as she taps her chin in deep thought. "A bit typical and common question I must say, but I can understand the human fascination to know about their future." Elizabeth nods as she claps her hands, making the book close one more time.

"Well, let's see what fate the cards have in store for Eggman, shall we?"

And with another flourish, the book opens once more, and 3 cards materialize, all in face down position.

"Let's see what the past has to say." Elizabeth comments as the first card is revealed. "The Justice… In his past, your boss made a decision regarding a person, I don't know who that person was or what decision he took, but there will be a time of reckoning, where a due shall be paid, and Eggman can't escape from it. He will need to be wary when that time comes." Piastol stares intrigued at what the card revealed.

"So, someone from his past will come for some payback then? Not that surprising with what I've heard of him…" Piastol comments, as she crosses her arms.

"Yes, that is true. But this card refers to someone significant for your boss, whether he is aware or not of that connection doesn't matter. What does matter is that a choice was taken, the person was slighted and justice needs to be exacted…but whose justice it is, they do not say." Elizabeth explains calmly as she moves for the next card.

"Now for the present, what your boss is dealing with currently." The card was flipped, allowing both women to see the newest card. "The Emperor reversed… Eggman will need to contend with a figure in position of authority, one whose way of thinking is rigid, with a domineering attitude that looks to eclipse all."

"While this figure and Eggman haven't met yet, each of them have been affected by the other and a confrontation is imminent. It shall be a battle to see whose authority and reign is true. It might not happen today, but eventually, a clash of wills…and of egos, shall happen!" Elizabeth exclaims happily as she explains the card to Piastol.

"So…the boss will have to contend with a head honcho from someone in Green Hills? Again, I'm not that sure this is something that…" Piastol stopped for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Revealing?"

"It may seem that way to you, and you might be right, the cards don't always reveal new information, but things that we either choose to ignore, or refuse to accept." Elizabeth explains. "The threat this figure represents it's not evident for Eggman, in fact, it will take time to reach its peak, but it is on its way, no doubt about that." The fortune teller explains as she reaches for the last card.

"Hopefully the future might show us a more interesting sign." She says as the last card is flipped. "The Moon…the-" Elizabeth proclaims…but then she stopped as she looked at the card with a weird look, clearly lost at the moment.

"What's wrong now?" Piastol asks, realizing this is the first time in the whole reading that Elizabeth was left dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry, it is just.. I don't think I have ever seen this in a reading?" She explains dubiously as she taps the card. "Apparently, the moon is set to appear in the future of your boss…"

"What does that mean?" Piastol asks, wanting to get to the point. "The moon itself is a danger for him?" She scoffs at that.

"Exactly as you say." Elizabeth nods, and Piastol can't help but blink her eyes, not expecting that. "Not only will the moon represent a challenge for this Eggman, an encounter shall take place there, one that may or may not put a stop to his life."

"...You are not joking." Piastol says incredulously.

"Of course not! This is what the cards reveal!" She says solemnly. "They also mention something about some type of…liquid laser? It's too vague even for me…" She says a bit unsure at the last part.

Piastol sighs. "Fantastic." She mutters, no way Eggman would believe this type of warning.

"I'm deeply sorry if this reading was not as satisfactory as the previous two." Elizabeth says as the book closes again, but immediately opens a 4th time. "For this, I shall do one last reading for a future adventure some colleagues of you will embark on. I hope this helps them."

The Bounty Hunter isn't surprised anymore that Elizabeth knows about that mercenary and Belle's plans to travel to this Tokyo-to anymore.

"The first card…The Wheel of Fortune, reversed." Piastol stares at the newest card revealed. "I'm afraid to inform you that the start of this adventure will be met with bad luck, events outside of their control shall make their endeavor several times more difficult than imaginable. As much as they try to prepare, the incoming storm will be something they must surpass, if they cannot adapt in time, their quest to find this Maria shall fall before it even starts."

"Next, the Magician." Once the card is revealed, Elizabeth's eyes brighten. "Luckily, The wooden girl and the mercenary will have all the tools and resources available to reach their goal. The young Maria shall be found and several treasures and opportunities inside the city shall be known to the party, ready to be obtained!" She says excitedly.

"And for last…the Hierophant, in reverse position." At this, Elizabeth's face becomes more serious. "At the end of their quest, the status quo will be changed permanently…" She starts, an intensity in her voice that caught Piastol off guard. "Somehow, by someone, a change shall occur, a rebellion will take place and the rigid structure of the City shall be tested and found lacking…but I cannot guarantee that this change will be good or bad, nor what part they shall play. Either your colleagues are the reason for this change…or the victims of it." Elizabeth finishes as the book closes one more time.

"I'm afraid this will be the last reading for today. My services won't be available for now." The former attendant replies to Piastol, as she gets up.

The bounty hunter does the same, looking at Elizabeth, who seems to move to the back of the tent, looking for something. "Don't worry, you have…helped me enough today." Piastol says, not used to saying those words. "For what is worth… thanks. I…needed that, I suppose." She looks away, not willing to look at Elizabeth in the face, hiding a blush as she does so.

"Oh no need to thank me! In fact, I must be the one to thank you!" Elizabeth says as she returns to the table, with a small wooden box in hand. "It has been so long since I have had a reading this… exciting! I hope you find what you are looking for."

"Still, before you leave I have a proposal for you, Piastol." Elizabeth says as she opens the box, digging for something.

"...Depends on what you want?" She says warily.

"I want to learn more about your fashion sense!" She exclaims with enthusiasm, literal stars in her eyes. "I have never met someone wearing such an intimidating and bold style! You must simply tell me your secrets!"

"You want to…learn more about my clothes?" Piastol asks as she looks down at her body, not getting why Elizabeth would be interested in such.

"Yes! I believe we can do…a so-called "Girl's Night" even!" Elizabeth whispers the last part, in clear excitement. "I must simply try this fashion sense!" She says as she retrieves a card from the box. "I'm even willing to pay you handsomely for it! Your boss can even get access to this type of service…for a price of course." She holds the card for Piastol to take. "Behold, a fragment of might from the Sea of Souls!"

Piastol reaches tentatively for the card, grasping it, she inspects it, curious of what Elizabeth meant. "Sea of Souls…ehh? What exactly does this do?" She asks just when she notices a word inscribed in the card: Rakukaja.

At that moment, the card is set ablaze in Velvet Flames, getting consumed in a matter of seconds, but before Piastol can react, a sharp pain courses through her head.

"Aaaarrghh!" She shouts, the pain being nothing that she felt before, having to lean on the table to not fall over. "W-what was that?"

"You will find this power is called Rakukaja, a spell to reinforce one's defenses and brave any attack from their opponent!" Elizabeth exclaims, making a pose. "I believe this will be helpful for you in future fights."

Piastol wants to shout at Elizabeth and tell her to start making some sense, but as the pain subsides, information seems to come out of nowhere…it's not long until she feels as normal…but this time, the bounty hunter feels different.

"Power from the Sea of Souls, eh?" Piastol smirks. "I could get used to this…"

"Glad you seem to enjoy this gift!" The fortune teller comments as she retrieves the box, taking it back to where she got it from.

"Unfortunately, I will have to leave soon…my stay here wasn't meant to be forever. But do not worry! Each few months I will make time to come visit, and if your boss is interested, my wares shall be available for him." She explains as she regards Pìastol one last time.

"Young Angel of Death, may fortune bless you and your destined meeting goes without any hitch." Elizabeth intones as she bows in a sigh of respect.

Piastol doesn't say anything as she starts exciting the tent, but a rare smile could be seen in the Reaper's face.

Piastol and Eggman have obtained advice about their future. Apparently, the Moon is an enemy of Eggman!

Piastol has learned Rakukaja (1 AP cost) in battles, Piastol can use this to gain a bonus at resisting for a limited time!

Each 3 turns, Elizabeth will come to Green Hills and offer Eggman the chance to buy Skill cards for him or his hero units! They will cost income and the rarity and type of skill cards will be randomized.

Piastol obtained a Personal Action to hang with Elizabeth!

QM NOTE: Believe it or not the Moon was the third card…we could not help but do this XD.
Turn 4-April 2XXX Rivals Report
Fend Off The Empire DC: Contested By Empire
100 + ??? = 207

Oh… Oh chaos…

You're not one to be considered to have a weak stomach, some of your schemes could be called cruelty on a scale unimaginable and you've literally taken over the world.

What you just watched felt somehow… Vile. Wretched. Unholy.

The battle between your stolen badniks and the Empire's troops was going as normal, the foot of The Empire no match for your badniks, but without the support of the super badniks diverted to attack you and yours the heavy armor columns were preventing The Empire's push from actively being repulsed. As she has so many times before, the Valkyrie (now known to you as Selvaria) arrived in a flash of light and explosions, badniks being wiped out in large swaths as her destructive power carved through them. The rabble of the empire cheered as they pushed forward, their Hero looking like she'd manage another route no matter what Zavok sent.

And then the sun turned Black [NOTE: we should color this either a deep purple or actually black.]

As the black light shone across the battlefield, pools of darkness began opening underneath The Empire's soldiers, some falling out of sight while others clung to the edges, clawing into the dirt and… screaming. Not of pain but of what they said they felt as they were being dragged into the pools of darkness. Even through the video you could hear the whispers of the things in those pools, of what they promised, even as you confirmed the audio held none of the eternities sworn and bound to those soldiers.

Entire columns, armor included, were swallowed by the darkness even as Selvaria did her best to wrench those nearby free of the pools. Which is why she didn't see Zor coming.

You have never seen the zeti move that fast, nor have you ever seen such a wild light in his yellow eyes, glowing eerily in the black light as his hand sunk into the back of Selvaria's neck. Not grabbed hold of, the zeti's hand sunk into the shadows covering her back and she Screamed.

You don't know what Zor whispered to Selvaria as she thrashed and screamed, the unnatural black shadows ripping across her form, diving into her mouth, ears, and eyes. You know you don't want to.

Only a last flare of her own powers seemed to push the zeti long enough for her to flee, to run, screaming even as Zor stood on the blackened battlefield, watching her men sink into the darkness he had called forth.

As the video came to its conclusion, Zor looked directly into the camera and gave a smile. His teeth were nothing but gravestones and his eyes the haunting gaslights that stained the monitor you were using so heavily, you disposed of it thoroughly.

Well… it seems as if The Empire has been stymied. And it seems as if Zor has been studying.

Complete loss of all Empire troops.
Selvaria is more than wounded, but less than dead.
Zor is… something more than he was.

Trace Eggnet Breach DC: 95
??? + ??? = 111

*Knock Knock*

Sage told you as a probe managed to find its way into your systems and was sending data back. She managed to destroy it and collect its information fairly quickly, but the damage had been done, someone had backtraced you.

But that someone has something interesting and INFURIATING to say, as it wasn't done exactly on Zavok's orders. The captive scientist Chuck Thorndike has managed to trace the path Sage took from your own private servers into the larger Eggnet and has gleaned the location of your base and he is… asking for your assistance in saving himself and his grandson Chris from Zavok's clutches.

He's also implying rather heavily that if that doesn't happen very soon then Zavok and others may just learn the location of your hideout.

He also requests you to assist them in getting into Restoration territory after being freed otherwise…there would be consequences that you will need to deal with.

You may have to save this man just to shake his hand for the audacity, then completely EVISCERATE him for the sheer audacity!

Chuck managed to trace the Egg Net breach back to Eggman, but is holding off on telling Zavok!
Chuck will tell Zavok he has managed to trace the breach at the end of next turn if he and Chris are still in Zavok's clutches!

As seen in the interlude:
Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius!

Seems like you managed to deal quite the heavy blow to that Zeti! Not only you stole AND destroyed most of your rightfully owned badnik forces, you even captured two of his lackeys and managed to wound him gravely!

It will take some time before Zavok is fully healed to take the field again, you are confident of this. Perhaps it would be a good time to seize the initiative…

Results: Dc to raid Zavok, infiltrate and to take territory have been reduced!

The Black Arms! (Shadow)
Attempt To Gain A Foothold DC: Contested by Restoration
??? + ??? = 69
Critical Failure!

See The Restoration

Call Out Lanolin DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 42

See The Restoration

Retrieve Major General Gregor DC:Autopass (Heart)

Seems like that Emperor of theirs does value his underlings somewhat, if the news you heard about them coughing up the dough to pay Metal.

From what some of your minions have been able to hear from the grapevine, Metal extorted them for quite a considerable amount of money, an amount that makes even you flinch.

Wonder if the Empire will be feeling that lose of resources?

Expand The Empire DC: Contested By Zavok (Power) Selvaria
??? + ??? = 139
Critical Failure!

The sound defeat of their national hero has completely disheartened most of The Empire's troops and stimied their advance forward.

Zavok does still seem to be rather occupied with the attempt on your life however and doesn't seem to be pushing back into the land and at least he isn't losing more of your territory.

Reach Out To The Flying Ship DC30
??? + ??? = 88
Critical Success!

You haven't been able to get much about what The Restoration actually gained from their meeting with the vessel in the sky, but there does seem to be a fair amount of chatter according to what Piastol heard as she was in town.

Things going well for The Restoration may not be good for you, but you'll take it over most of the other groups in Green Hills.

The Restoration met with The Flying Ship and things seemed to go very well for them.

Fight Off Black Arms Attack DC: Contested by Black Arms
??? + ??? = 152
Critical Success!

Oh dear. It seems Shadow has finally recovered from that pummeling that he endured from that sheep.

You say this because he and a mysterious black and red creature, more humanoid than most Black Arms, viciously attacked Restoration territory.

Unfortunately for them (and you one of these days, you're sure), the Restoration were getting more powerful by the day, while the Black Arms not only stagnated, but had lost their advantage of having a foothold. While the healed Shadow took on Rookie and Tangle, who expertly dodged his attacks to his clear frustration, the humanoid Black Arm and their other forces were taken down by the shockingly competent civilian volunteers... And those cats from a few months ago? Odd.

After a while, it was just Shadow.

"Stand still so I can kill you!!!" Shadow demanded.

"... How about no?" Tangle quipped. Shadow seemed like he would finally take them out in a fit of rage... Before someone flew butt first into his face.

"KITTY BOOTY BOMBER!" That strange cloaked cat-like girl who was caught robbing museums cheered, landing on her feet and doing a little dance as Shadow went flying.

"...This isn't over." He seemed to have his fill of humiliation today as he teleported off.

"Ha! Yay! Stretchy Tail Lemur Lady, Quiet Wolf and Me did it! And me fight aliens! Yay!" The strange lady keeps doing her dance. Tangle and Rookie just kinda stared, unsure what to make of this assistance clearly.

The Black Arms are once more repelled from Green Hills
Tangle the Lemur, The Rookie, and a strange cat-woman who is commanding the Kapukapus defeated Shadow and his allies.

Reach Out To Dr.Eggman DC:Autopass
To Be Continued In ""Guardians and Empires Truce at Last?""

Destroy Badniks DC: 50/100
??? + ??? = 57
Simple Success

Well, G.U.N didn't miss the opportunity caused by Zavok mindless rage against you. Their forces quickly acted out to eradicate the badniks surrounding their territory.

While they were able to destroy most of the normal ones, they were insufficiently prepared to handle the amount of Super Badniks that came to respond to the attack. The sight of those fools scurrying around in fear for their lives made your day!

G.U.N Eliminated part of Zavok's forces roaming their territory, but were not able to completely wipe them out!

Gather Supplies DC:60 (Logistics)
??? + ??? = 85
Knuckles and that Bee lady seem to have come to a useful ally understanding, as after his blunder last time, the bee went to gather supplies for him.

She seemed fairly knowledgeable on what to say to people and successfully tugged at enough heart strings (and had just enough cash) to get people to spare what they could.

Seems the Angel Island Refugees live to see another day.

Look for Sonic DC:???
??? + ??? = 87

That Echidna finally seemed to finally start doing something productive and began also looking for Sonic, if the reports you were able to gather, alongside the video feedback could attest, he not only checked on Green Hills, but also the nearby territories. You are not completely sure if he found any clue about the blue rat's whereabouts, but you saw him returning to his island at the end of the month with a solemn expression.

You didn't like that.

Result: Knuckles has found ??? about Sonic!

Captain Metal
Ransom Gregor
Autopass, Metal gains 10 income

Make Final Preparations DC:The Higher The Better (Logistics)
??? + ??? = 72

Looks like Captain Metal has been busy gathering supplies, and not by "illegal" means. He seems to have used the money he obtained from the Empire and the Auction to make several purchases.

He and his crew seemed to gearing up for some sort of endeavor, but you aren't quite sure what are they planning

Venture Into The Wild Blue DC: Autopass

…And apparently whatever that is, it's gonna take place outside of Green Hills, several reports were made about Metal setting sail and just…leaving here, venturing further into the ocean.

A part of you doesn't really care what that robot ends up doing, but you can't help but feel a sense of curiosity for what they are trying to achieve…
Results: Captain Metal has left Green Hills…potentially forever.
Action to reach out to him has been removed!

Fight Some Aliens!!1!
??? + ??? + ??? = 133
Critical Success!

See The Restoration

Collect Rings DC:10/50
??? + ??? = 56
You've spotted Gemerl collecting large numbers of rings this past month. You're unsure what the traitorous robot or the Rabbit family could have a use for that many rings for, but it probably shouldn't be too much of a worry.

Rouge and Omega
To Be Continued In "Batty Dealings"

Escape GUN Imprisonment
DC: 90
??? + ??? = 36
Critical Failure!
It appears GUN may have a little troublemaker on their hands!

Through some unknown means, that Chinchilla Starline found for you managed to get ahold of some explosives and tried to set them off to escape from her imprisonment.

Unfortunately, it seems whoever she got them from set her up because the bombs just fizzled out moments from going off. She was promptly tackled and thrown into solitary confinement, apparently not for the first time according to GUN radio chatter Sage was monitoring.

It seems they're going to be keeping a closer eye on her, and she was ranting about some guy called Smalls sabotaging her.

Hmmph. Props for tenacity, one supposes.
Guardians and Empires Truce at Last?
You were Abraham Towers, and you were hoping for the best here.

A lot of people under your command were completely against this. Walters was immediately on edge, and your young new head scientist damn near mutinied at the idea of having to work with Eggman in any capacity. Thankfully, those completely loyal to you or at least the job outnumbered those against you just enough things were gotten under control.

GUN was a mess. You could accept that ultimately. It was a hodgepodge of warring egos kept together mostly by a shared desire to do good. It didn't help that Eggman's massacre meant those from your original world were about a dozen or so old guards that had been too old to fight and some rookies who had fled to fight another day.

You don't blame them.

Eggman was not a merciful man. You knew that better than anyone besides perhaps Sonic himself.

But he was also a man of great brilliance and resourcefulness, with a dangerous "Us vs. Them" mentality. If left to his own devices, he would surely rise to power again, and there was no telling what he would do then. It was easier to partner with him, at least long enough to get a feel for how to better handle him in this Shattered new world. Perhaps he could even join forces with you once more to deal with Black Doom.

Someone had suggested just shooting him, and you nearly lost your composure.

You still could hear in your mind Walters preaching every meeting how they should push more against Zavok and wipe them out completely, maybe even push for a more "Agressive" peace with the Restoration if they weren't willing to complain…

Never again. Eggman was not an individual you could go half cocked and expect to win, no matter how easy Sonic made it look. If things came to it, then you shall fight and don't let history repeat itself, you won't let a madman with desires of grandeur destroy them a second time and proceed to take over the world, but right now, facing each other would only weaken their current position, and with Shadow assisting Black Doom, such an opening is not something you could afford.

It took both the Restoration and G.U.N. combined effort to almost eradicate the Black Arms, just before Eggman came and finished the job.

A small part of you couldn't help but think that if Rouge had acted differently that day that she found "Mister Tinker", then perhaps this world would be free of the menace known as Eggman.

But no, you couldn't hold Rouge responsible for that, she did what she thought was best at the time… and so were you currently.

Taking a small squad of your most loyal soldiers and setting straight towards the former territory of the Black Arms…now where the "Eggman Empire" is supposed to be you couldn't help but grimace. You have heard the reports of several people coming from a similar reality to this one, but where Eggman had established his reign for a significant amount of time already.

If he was that kind of monster they were dealing with now…There would not be much to do but brace themselves for trying times.

But they would endure, no matter what, G.U.N had a responsibility to the world and they would uphold it.

And so, that's why you and your chosen squad stood at the edge of Eggman's territory, waiting for a response.

Across the scenery, the effects of the previous battles that took place was noticeable, and while the scraps of the Badniks have been removed, Eggman hadn't had the chance to clean it up, you wonder why?

What happened at the end of the fight?

(Line Break)

You were the one, the only, the great, Doctor Eggman!

…And you were not having a good time.

Usually, achieving a crushing defeat on your enemies would get you celebrating and boasting for hours, and you were about to do so…

If a goddamn sniper hadn't shot you right at the end!

It hurts for Chaos sake! In all your years of fighting the hedgehog, you can say you never had the pleasure to get shot…well, apparently there are first times for everything.

Luckily, that platypus was good for something and with your precious Daughter giving the warning, he was able to retrieve you quickly and bring you to the base med-bay.

It was a close thing but using most of the base's resources, the remaining ragnaids and with the help of Piastol's weird mutt, you were able to make a recovery.

Your chest still hurts and unfortunately, it would still take some time before you were fully recovered, but alas, there was no rest for the brilliant minds!

(Eggman is currently at 2 HP!)

Even if you should be resting right now, there were many projects that required your attention, some you could leave to others, some needed your direct supervision.

Handling the captured Zeti, fixing Metal Sonic, going throught the reports the bounty hunter gave Sage about that Fortune Teller.

There were several things you would prefer to handle. Instead, you had to deal with…this.

"Sage…dear, could you be so kind as to repeat what you say? I think I might have not heard you correctly." You ask again, your mood foul already. You have been spending your day checking the newest biodata that Metal collected from that weird Deathhound, when your daughter notified you of this sudden development.

"Yes, Father." Your daughter nods, repeating what she said with a mixture of calmness and…was that wariness you notice? "Since half an hour ago, a squad of G.U.N operatives has been sighted on the edge of your territory."

"Those annoying suits have finally come to bother me?" You ask as you stroke your mustache. " Bah! I'm not in the mood to entertain them! Just…send the remaining Badniks and Rusty to finish them off." You quickly inform Sage, your aching chest reminded you, that you were not at your 100% condition.

"Understood Father, I shall handle it then." She replies dutifully, ready to help you in your current condition. Awww, what a precious child! "I also need to inform you that G.U.N Commander Abraham Towers was sighted leading the group." Wait what?

"Wait what?" You say surprised. As you fully stop what you were doing and access the security cameras, getting visuals on the troops. "Egad! What in the name of Chaos is going on?"

A moment later you see it, several military vehicles parked in clear view, several soldiers outside, making a perimeter, and in the center of it…

"Towers…eh?" You remember the Commander of G.U.N. when you wiped out the organization just before the Shattering, killing him and the remnants of that pitiful organization. The Shaterring must have brought him back…

"And they have been just there? Out in the open?" You confit with your daughter one more time.

"Correct Father, they have stayed there exactly 35 minutes and 24 seconds. She informs you as you stroke your mustache, deep in thought. "I… I think that They might want an audience with you?"

"What would those pathetic militar men want? Their turn to be crushed shall come soon." You grumble as you ponder if it could be easier to just send badniks to end them…

"Ahhhh blast it!" You say, deciding to humor them. "At the very least, I will be able to mock them before killing them one more time." You decide to humor them this one time.

"Father…are you planning to go out by yourself?" Your daughter asks…a hint of worry evident in her voice.

You were about to retort that yes, of course you would show yourself, but before you can mutter those words, you remember how worried Sage was when she saw what happened to you…You didn't want to worry her even more.

It's not the duty of the father to burden their child like this…

You sigh. "Not this time, just…send a drone or something like that. I still want to talk with that Commander." You order as you send a message to Stone to bring another cup of coffee, you think you will probably need it.

"At once, Father!"

(Line Break)

It was almost an hour since you arrived here that the madman decided to respond. One of your soldiers quickly notified you of an approaching drone, baring the smiling Sigil of Eggman.

Taking out your binoculars, you were able to confirm it…This was a more quiet greeting than you expected, you will not lie.

You order your soldiers to not shoot it down and let it approach you, steeling yourself for the upcoming talk.

Once the drone was just a few meters away from you, the drone opened itself, revealing a large screen that lit up a few seconds later. The visage of Eggman greet you immediately.

"Ahhhh, Commander Towers! So nice to see you!" The doctor gives you a wide grin as he inspects you. "I must say, the Shattering did a great job for you…coming back from the dead is quite a thing, isn't it? Hahahahahahaha!" The egg shaped person mocks you, giving a belittling laugh.

"Eggman…" You simply reply, it still stung, you will not lie, knowing how he eradicated all of you single handedly… It might have been a future version of you, or even one from an alternate reality, but still, the fact it did happen speaks volumes of how far he was willing to go… "I see you were victorious from your encounter with Zavok." You decide to comment instead, not willing to humor him.

"Ahhh yes…" The doctor clenches his teeth, you assumed that the Alien managing to take over the remains of his Empire would be a tough pill to swallow. "That Zeti might be able to enjoy what is mine, but make no mistake, once I'm done with him, I will finish what I started with your lot." He sneers at you, trying an usual intimidation tactic, but you won't cower to the likes of him.

You just close eyes and take a deep breath, such genius, used like this…was he really Maria's cousin? You still couldn't understand how.

You odeon them again and you stare at the monster right in his eyes. "Enough games and posturing Eggman. I did not come here to waste both of your time."

"Oh, is that so?" He gives a little smirk as he cocks his head. "So tell me, why are here then?"

"The Black Arms are back Eggman. Black Doom is back." You grit your teeth as you say the last piece of information. "Shadow is working with them…"

He snorts. "I already knew that, simpleton, don't you remember it was me that kicked them off from here?"

"I know…and that's the reason I am here." You start before taking a deep breath. "Eggman, I don't come here looking for a fight, instead, I'm here to request your assistance for fighting the Black Arms…Black Doom is a threat to all living beings on this planet."

The man stares at you for a second, before his eyes widen…and then he starts laughing. "Oh Chaos! Hahahahahahahaha!!! You are serious?!" A sound of something being hit could be heard from the monitor.

"Is this your idea of a joke?" He asks you, once his laughter subsides, shaking his head lightly as he looks at you once again. "I know, during the Black Arms invasion, we all had to work together to fend them off. It was… interesting." He comments, but you know very well that he realizes that if all of you hadn't cooperated together, the world would have been destroyed.

"But that was then, this is the now! The Black Arms are in my list of priorities, but there are other names I need to cross first. They will get their due soon!" He exclaims with a serious voice as he glares at you.

"Besides, do you seriously expect to buddy up and work together? Hsve you been listening to Sonic's speeches?" He makes a brief and short laugh. "Perhaps if G.U.N were to join my glorious Empire I would consider letting you-" You stop him right there.

"Never" You shout steel to him, making him stop talking, seeing the enraged look on his face you continue. "G.U.N. might have been destroyed by you in your past, you might still continue with your insane plans of world domination…you might have machines of destruction to do your bidding, but forget about us ever submitting to you!"

"Enough games Eggman! Black Doom is back! Shadow has allied with him… Sonic is nowhere to be seen! If we don't stand together, then we will be easy prey to him!" You give him a disappointing stare. "Our fight may continue until one of us is eradicated, but surely you can recognize he is the bigger threat right?"

He just stares at you, expression annoyed that you didn't go along with his banter, and then blows air. "Fine, I will…give you that. That alien will be a tough nut to crack, but once I get my payback on Zavok, I will be able to focus full time on him! After all, we both know Black Doom0's goal's don't we? It's easy to make some preparations…"

"You mean how you possess one of the Emeralds he is looking for?" At the widening of his eyes you continue. "That Starline wasn't as careful in retrieving the emerald…nor he covered his traces completely…once we identified him in the Auction alongside Agent Stone and Mercenary Canaan…and that announcement from a few weeks ago, it became very obvious." You stare at him, as he gritted his teeth, annoyed at having one of his trump cards revealed.

"Fine, I won't confirm or deny that, but still! I admit, habing your's or the Restoration assistance could help things a bit, I'm not doing too bad myself eh?" He smirks at you, you couldn't helo but frown.

"That won't matter soon…if the news we have been getting of Black Doom throught that channel are true, the rest of the world hasn't been faring as well as you might think." At that Eggman looks uncertain, you notice this.

"Evila's news? That channel?" You ask again for confirmation. "...You have not checked it?" You could not believe this.

"I have been busy!" He replies petulantly.

"You shake your head. "It doesn't matter…look I will keep this simple. We want your help in fighting against the black arms…maybe even in dealing with Shadow." You say, a part of you torn.

"Oh that…I have to admit, dealing with the Ultimate Lifeform will be…interesting." Eggman muses.

"We are not sure why Shadow switched sides…we hope Black Doom is controlling him somehow…but if its the worst case escenario, we have a kill order on him." You close your regretful that it came to this.

"So what will it be Eggman? Will you assist us and join forces agains the Black Arms? Keep in mind we won't just Let you act freely as you wish…but in these times… all assistance is needed."

Eggman Just stares at you, expression unreadable.

What is Eggman's response.
[ ] No! (You kick GUN out, you Dont need their assistance!)
[ ] Yes (When the Black Arms return, you and GUN will collaborate to fight them, collaboration next turn to study the Black Arms, material)
-[ ] with some conditions (write in: warning depending what is asked, heart check only with Eggman stats will happen. If not meet the condition Wont happen)
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