Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man VS 300 IQ Genius: Part 2- Undefeatable
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Not a few Minutes Later the Zeti forces returned. The hulking idiot was once again among them, but this time another of those aliens was the one leading them.
It was a small figure, comparable to Zomom, her green and lithe frame making it clear it was Zeena, if the files that you read from the Doctor were right. She was being carried by one of those super badniks that the Doctor Employed, like if she was some sort of royalty, more focused on reading from a magazine instead of focusing on the upcoming fight.
You couldn't help but scoff at the sight, so undisciplined, was this the best that the Zeti could really field?
Just then Zeena's voice resounds across the battlefield, being clearly heard by them. "Would you mind just bringing Eggman here?" She shouts. "As fun as crushing you guys will be, we have like, several better things to do than wipe the floor with you!"
You feel your blood boil at hearing her comments, how dare her?! "Bold words coming from you! Your fatass ran away from here with his tail between his legs!" You shout as you point a finger at her. "What makes you think this will be different?"
She smirks as she takes out a nail polisher and starts using it. "Well…for starters…We don't have a terrible fashion sense like you lot." Zeena says, mocking your outfit…You will enjoy smashing her skull in. "Second…We have air superiority." She comments, like it wasn't a huge thing.
"Wait what do-" You begin, when suddenly, to your surprise, a variety of Air based Badniks zoom in out of nowhere!
You curse under your breath at the shock, but you refuse to give in.
This was a surprise you would rise above!
"CHARGE!" You shout.
Back within in the base, You, Dr. Eggman, were not pleased.
Oh sure, the battle was going well enough. Besides the loss of Metal Sonic (you would tear that Fatso limb from limb for upsetting Sage and depriving you of your greatest creation), the team you sent was winning, which was really all that mattered in the end, you suppose.
At the very least, it could be going alot worse.
"Father, it appears the Zeti have somehow unlocked some ability to utilize a stealth mode for the Badniks." Sage informed you.
"Indeed. It's really quite cumbersome… If we are not careful, they could easily take us by surprise! Well, more so than they already have…" Starline mused.
"Are you questioning father?" Sage frowned at the platypus.
"Errr.. well, sending in Metal Sonic was a gamble, and those don't always pay off…" Starline ventured carefully.
You scowl, but you were irritated in general. You decided to let the annoying platypus off the hook, for now, For that comment.
As you grumbled, you at least took solace in the fact your minions were doing well…
Outside, it had been a hard fought battle. Badniks were taken and lost, and there were some close calls, but in the end, you stand above your foe the way you often did: Victorious.
You grinned maliciously as Zeena squirmed under your heel. Zomom was nearby, crying from his injuries. Hmmph. Pathetic.
"Undisciplined. Truly undisciplined. We should end you right here, right now, so there are less false warriors in the world." You smirk. Zeena sneered hatefully.
"You're…just.. jealous…" She spat out, defiant to the end. Hmm. Maybe she wasn't such a disgrace after all.
Clove sighed and pulled out a communicator. She didn't seem to share your enthusiasm at victory. Bah.
"Sir? We were victorious." She informed him.
"Ohohoho! Excellent! Though I could see that." He pointed out.
"I am wondering… what should we do with the fallen enemy…?" Clove asked. She had no love or even care for the Zeti, they would have happily killed her, but they were downed and it felt… wrong to kill them, somehow. Like going the extra step when it wasn't strictly necessary. Still, she would accept Eggman's choice. again, They would have killed her, and worse, Her sister after all.
Eggman actually pauses for a moment, seemingly thinking.
It would be great to be rid of two pains in his ass, and it would hurt Zavok deeply to dispose of the two, which tickled him. However, killing them may invoke an even worse and more intense reaction he wasn't fully sure he could fully handle. Not to mention… power and kindness nagged at his mind…
What should he do…?
[ ] Kill Zeena and Zomom: They were enemies and they would do the same to you. Why show them mercy?
[ ] Capture Zeena and Zomom: As annoying as they have the potential to be, you don't deny they could be interesting to study. Plus, it would be a great insult to their pride to make it seem they're not worth killing.
[ ] Let Zeena and Zomom leave: This is the most risky option. But Zavok, shockingly patient as he can be with his pack, might finally see this as a breaking point and dispose of them anyways. Even if he doesn't, they're horribly injured. They will be a lessened threat for quite awhile.
"Wahahahahaha!" You laugh out loud from inside your hidden base. "How does it feel Zavok? Everything you threw at me had been easily beaten!" You say feeling an abundance of joy at the Victory scored today.
"Um Sir…there is Still the issue with Metal…" Starline speaks up and that sours your mood Just a bit.
"I know…" you put your hand under your chin as you grumble. "I will get him back soon, somehow. Just need to think of-"
"Father, warning! Zavok is approaching the perimeter!" Your daughter voice comes from your base main computer, making you Focus in the monitor as a video feed appears.
"EGGMAN!!!" The Zeti bellows, man, the lungs on this alien. "Stop hiding behind your toys and tools and show your face!" The Zeti shouts, standing above a Blowfish.
At his side, one of your earlier creations, Silver Sonic Stands there, looking as menacingly as ever.
"Face me coward! I've taken your army, I've taken your greatest creation, now I'm going to take your head!" He shouts as Metal Sonic Lands behind him, under the Zeti influence.
"You think you have what it takes to take over the world! You hide and Let your creations do your dirty work! Even now in this new world!" He snarls as he stomps his foot on the vessel. "You are no warrior or conqueror! Only a fool playing with machines."
"Is this how you plan to defeat Sonic?!"
You stare at the monitor, something crawling throught your chest, a familiar sensation you are well familiar with.
"Prepare rhe DARC-EGG-ROBOT." You say Calmly as you get up.
"If that Alíen wants me to crush him…i shall do so." You say as you walk, determined, to end the Zeti's rule once and for all.
Qm note.
Next wave is the Last one. We will use the new battle rules made by Crosswire. No badnik army on both sides.
Enemy forces:
Metal Sonic ( 2 HP)
Silver Sonic
Eggman forces:
[ ]Pick up to 4 hero Units to asisst Eggman plan format please.
It was a small figure, comparable to Zomom, her green and lithe frame making it clear it was Zeena, if the files that you read from the Doctor were right. She was being carried by one of those super badniks that the Doctor Employed, like if she was some sort of royalty, more focused on reading from a magazine instead of focusing on the upcoming fight.
You couldn't help but scoff at the sight, so undisciplined, was this the best that the Zeti could really field?
Just then Zeena's voice resounds across the battlefield, being clearly heard by them. "Would you mind just bringing Eggman here?" She shouts. "As fun as crushing you guys will be, we have like, several better things to do than wipe the floor with you!"
You feel your blood boil at hearing her comments, how dare her?! "Bold words coming from you! Your fatass ran away from here with his tail between his legs!" You shout as you point a finger at her. "What makes you think this will be different?"
She smirks as she takes out a nail polisher and starts using it. "Well…for starters…We don't have a terrible fashion sense like you lot." Zeena says, mocking your outfit…You will enjoy smashing her skull in. "Second…We have air superiority." She comments, like it wasn't a huge thing.
"Wait what do-" You begin, when suddenly, to your surprise, a variety of Air based Badniks zoom in out of nowhere!
You curse under your breath at the shock, but you refuse to give in.
This was a surprise you would rise above!
"CHARGE!" You shout.
Back within in the base, You, Dr. Eggman, were not pleased.
Oh sure, the battle was going well enough. Besides the loss of Metal Sonic (you would tear that Fatso limb from limb for upsetting Sage and depriving you of your greatest creation), the team you sent was winning, which was really all that mattered in the end, you suppose.
At the very least, it could be going alot worse.
"Father, it appears the Zeti have somehow unlocked some ability to utilize a stealth mode for the Badniks." Sage informed you.
"Indeed. It's really quite cumbersome… If we are not careful, they could easily take us by surprise! Well, more so than they already have…" Starline mused.
"Are you questioning father?" Sage frowned at the platypus.
"Errr.. well, sending in Metal Sonic was a gamble, and those don't always pay off…" Starline ventured carefully.
You scowl, but you were irritated in general. You decided to let the annoying platypus off the hook, for now, For that comment.
As you grumbled, you at least took solace in the fact your minions were doing well…
Outside, it had been a hard fought battle. Badniks were taken and lost, and there were some close calls, but in the end, you stand above your foe the way you often did: Victorious.
You grinned maliciously as Zeena squirmed under your heel. Zomom was nearby, crying from his injuries. Hmmph. Pathetic.
"Undisciplined. Truly undisciplined. We should end you right here, right now, so there are less false warriors in the world." You smirk. Zeena sneered hatefully.
"You're…just.. jealous…" She spat out, defiant to the end. Hmm. Maybe she wasn't such a disgrace after all.
Clove sighed and pulled out a communicator. She didn't seem to share your enthusiasm at victory. Bah.
"Sir? We were victorious." She informed him.
"Ohohoho! Excellent! Though I could see that." He pointed out.
"I am wondering… what should we do with the fallen enemy…?" Clove asked. She had no love or even care for the Zeti, they would have happily killed her, but they were downed and it felt… wrong to kill them, somehow. Like going the extra step when it wasn't strictly necessary. Still, she would accept Eggman's choice. again, They would have killed her, and worse, Her sister after all.
Eggman actually pauses for a moment, seemingly thinking.
It would be great to be rid of two pains in his ass, and it would hurt Zavok deeply to dispose of the two, which tickled him. However, killing them may invoke an even worse and more intense reaction he wasn't fully sure he could fully handle. Not to mention… power and kindness nagged at his mind…
What should he do…?
[ ] Kill Zeena and Zomom: They were enemies and they would do the same to you. Why show them mercy?
[ ] Capture Zeena and Zomom: As annoying as they have the potential to be, you don't deny they could be interesting to study. Plus, it would be a great insult to their pride to make it seem they're not worth killing.
[ ] Let Zeena and Zomom leave: This is the most risky option. But Zavok, shockingly patient as he can be with his pack, might finally see this as a breaking point and dispose of them anyways. Even if he doesn't, they're horribly injured. They will be a lessened threat for quite awhile.
WAVE 2 Starting:
Calculating forces and Bonuses
Zavok Forces:
Zeena +27 (4 HP)
Zomom +30+5 (3 HP)
2 shadow androids +30 (2hp)
1 tunnelbot +10 (2 HP)
4 eggrobo +40 (2 HP)
5 egg pawns +25(1 HP)
5 buzz bombers 25(2HP)
Zeena receives air support:
2 Balkiry 15X2=30 (1 HP)
Blowfish X3(2 HP)
1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20
3 Motobugs+1Egg Pawn=24+5=29
10 Catrekilliers =50
total power= 321-30(Blastoids)=291
Egg Party:
[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3
-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+10+5
-[X] Isara17+15+15=47
-[X] Piastol+22+20
-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15
-[X] Badniks
--[X] Blasteroid X3 (total 12) +30
--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +10
--[X] Turtloids X2 (total 8)+20
--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15
--[X] Swatbot (Total 3) +10
--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16
--[X] catrekiller (Total 1)+5
Total Power=318
Wave 2
Round 1!
Zeena Uses Trait:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control off electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zeena can use her Mystic in attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)
Zeena will roll and must pass a DC check of 50/75/100.
For each tier passed, Zeena control a random Badnik from the Egg Party
DC: 50/75/100
Result: 1d100 (70) + 15(???) + 24(???) + 10(???
Total: 119
Tier 3 Success!
Rolling to see what Zeena gets:
1) Blasteroid 1
2) Blasteroid 2
3)Blasteroid 3
5)Turtloid 1
6)Turtloid 2
9)Motobug 2
10) Caterkiller
Rolling: Blasteroid 2, Swatbot and Motobug 2
Zeena makes the Blasteroid self destruct and takes command of the Swatbot and Motobug 2.
Zeena Current Forces:
Zavok Forces:
Zeena +27 (4 HP)
Zomom +30+5 (3 HP)
2 shadow androids +30 (2hp)
1 tunnelbot +10 (2 HP)
4 eggrobo +40 (2 HP)
5 egg pawns +25(1 HP)
5 buzz bombers 25(2HP)
2 Balkiry 15X2=30 (1 HP)
1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20
3 Motobugs+1Egg Pawn=24+5=29
10 Catrekilliers =50
1 Swatbot +10
1 Caterkiller+5
total power= 336-20(Blastoids)=316
Egg Party:
[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3
-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+10+5=39
-[X] Isara17+15+15=47
-[X] Piastol+22+20=42
-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15 =53
-[X] Badniks
--[X] Blasteroid X2 (total 12) +20
--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +10
--[X] Turtloids X2 (total 8)+20
--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15
--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16
Total Power=293
Zeena Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (88) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 25 + 25 + 30 + 20 + 24 + 5 + 50 + 10 + 5 - 20
Total: 404
Egg Party Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (97) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 10 +5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 15 + 16
Total: 405
Zeena Bare Failure!
Bare failure means no wound-Loss of Hp!
Round 2!
Zena Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (62) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 25 + 30 + 20 + 24 + 5 + 50 + 10 + 5 - 20
Total: 378
Egg Party Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (83) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 10 +5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 15 + 16
Total: 391
Zeena Failure!
Zavok forces lose 1 HP!
Catrerkiller trait activates: Spikey Parts: When this unit is destroyed, it makes one last attack against the unit that destroyed it.
11 Catrerkillers were killed!
Rolling to see who gets hit!
1) Conquering Storm
2) Clove
4) Piastol
5) Canaan
7)Turtloids 1
8) Turtloid 2
9)Egg Clan
10)Motobug 1
11)Motobug 2
Result: 11d11 (9, 5, 3, 10, 8, 11, 9, 9, 6, 9, 11)
Catrerkiller 1 (Result: 1d100 (22) )+ 5 Total: 27 vs Egg Clan (Result: 1d100 (64) + 15 Total: 79) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 2 (Result: 1d100 (31) + 5 Total: 36 )vs Canaan (Result: 1d100 (22) + 28 + 5 Total: 55) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 3 (1d100 (38)+5 Total: 43) vs Isara (Result: 1d100 (15) + 17 + 15 + 15 Total: 62) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 4 ((Catrekiller): 1d100 (58) + 5 Total: 63) vs Motobug ((Motobug): 1d100 (81) + 8 Total: 89) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 5 ((Catrekiller): 1d100 (42) + 5 Total: 47) vs Turtloid 2 ((Turtloid): 1d100 (9) + 10 Total: 19) Critical Success! Turtloid Eliminated!
Catrerkiller 6( (catrekiller): 1d100 (5) + 5 Total: 10 ) vs Motobug 2 ((motobug 2): 1d100 (53) + 8 Total: 61)
Catrerkiller 7 ((Catrekiller): 1d100 (98) + 5 Total: 103 )vs Egg Clan Result: (1d100 (32) + 15 Total: 47) CRITICAL SUCCESS! Egg Clan at 1 HP!
Catrerkiller 8( Result: 1d100 (2) + 5 Total: 7) vs Egg clan( (Egg Clan): 1d100 (1) + 15 Total: 16) CRITICAL SUCCESSFAIL!?
Wait! Reroll Activated!
CATRERKILLER (Result: 1d100 (49) + 5 Total: 54 )VS EGG CLAN (Result: 1d100 (73) + 15 Total: 88)
Catrerkiller 9 (Result: 1d100 (16) + 5 Total: 21) vs Crabmeat ((crabmeat): 1d100 (24) + 5 Total: 29) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 10 (Result: 1d100 (55) + 5 Total: 60) vs Egg Clan (Result: 1d100 (84) + 15 Total: 99) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 11 (Result: 1d100 (52) + 5 [Caterkiller finale] Total: 57) vs Motobug 2 (moto bug 2): (1d100 (93) + 5 Total: 98 ) FAILURE!
Turtloid 2 Eliminated!
Egg CLan at 1 HP!
Current Status:
Zeena +27 (3HP)
Zomom +30+5 (2 HP)
2 shadow androids +30 (1hp)
1 tunnelbot +10 (1 HP)
4 eggrobo +40 (1 HP)
5 egg pawns +25(0 HP) ELIMINATED
5 buzz bombers 25(0 HP) ELIMINATED
2 Balkiry 15X2=30 (0 HP) ELIMINATED
1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20 (1 HP)
3 motobugs+1Egg Pawn=24+5=29 (0 HP) ELIMINATED
10 Catrekilliers =50 0 HP (Eliminated)
Swatbot +10 (0 hp eliminated)
Catrerkiller +5 (0 hp eliminated)
= 162
Eggman forces:
[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3
-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+5
-[X] Isara17+15+15=47
-[X] Piastol+22+20=42
-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15=53
-[X] Badniks
--[X] Blasteroid X2 (total 12) +20
--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +5
--[X] Turtloids X1 (total 8)+10
--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15(1 HP)
--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16 TOTAL
Zeena will use her trait again:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control off electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zeena can use her Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)
Once more rolling a DC of 50/75/100 to see how many she controls!
Result: 1d100 (33) + 15(???) + 24(???+ 10(???)
Total: 82
Tier 2 Success! She managed to grab 2 Badniks!
Checking what she nabs:
Blasteroid 1
Blasteroid 2
Turtloids 1
Motobug 1
Motobug 2
Rolling: Turtloid and Blasteroid 1!
Zeena makes the Blasteroid 1 Autodestruct itself. She nabs the Turtloid!
Zeena Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (70) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 20 + 10 - 10
Total: 232
Egg Party Combat Roll
Result: 1d100 (10) + 22+14+10+24+5+17+15+15+22+20+28+5+5+15+10+5+15+16
Total: 273
Zeena Failure!
Zavok Forces receive another wound!
Zomon and Egg Hammer Trait Proc! They don't receive any wounds!
Round 4!
Current Forces!
Zavok Forces:
Zeena +27 (2HP)
Zomom +30+5 (1 HP)
1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20 (1 HP)
Egg Party:
[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3
-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+5
-[X] Isara17+15+15=47
-[X] Piastol+22+20=42
-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15=53
-[X] Badniks
--[X] Blasteroid (total 12) +10
--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +5
--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15(1 HP)
--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16 TOTAL
Zeena and Zomom will use their trait:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control off electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zeena can use her Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)
Once more rolling a DC of 50/75/100 to see how many they control!
Zeena Roll:
(DC 50/75/100): 1d100 (95) + 15 + 24 + 10
Total: 144
Tier 3 Success!
Zomom Roll:
(DC 50/75/100): 1d100 (11) + 2 + 24 + 10
Total: 47
Rolling to See what badniks Zeena Steals:
Motobug 1
Motobug 2
Rolling: Crabmeat and the 2 Motobugs are controlled!
Zeena Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (86) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 20 +5+8+8-10
Total: 179
Result: 1d100 (69) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 +10+15
Total: 311
Zeena Failure!
All forces eliminated!
Zeena and Zomom at 1 HP, They surrender!
Calculating forces and Bonuses
Zavok Forces:
Zeena +27 (4 HP)
Zomom +30+5 (3 HP)
2 shadow androids +30 (2hp)
1 tunnelbot +10 (2 HP)
4 eggrobo +40 (2 HP)
5 egg pawns +25(1 HP)
5 buzz bombers 25(2HP)
Zeena receives air support:
2 Balkiry 15X2=30 (1 HP)
Blowfish X3(2 HP)
1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20
3 Motobugs+1Egg Pawn=24+5=29
10 Catrekilliers =50
total power= 321-30(Blastoids)=291
Egg Party:
[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3
-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+10+5
-[X] Isara17+15+15=47
-[X] Piastol+22+20
-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15
-[X] Badniks
--[X] Blasteroid X3 (total 12) +30
--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +10
--[X] Turtloids X2 (total 8)+20
--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15
--[X] Swatbot (Total 3) +10
--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16
--[X] catrekiller (Total 1)+5
Total Power=318
Wave 2
Round 1!
Zeena Uses Trait:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control off electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zeena can use her Mystic in attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)
Zeena will roll and must pass a DC check of 50/75/100.
For each tier passed, Zeena control a random Badnik from the Egg Party
DC: 50/75/100
Result: 1d100 (70) + 15(???) + 24(???) + 10(???
Total: 119
Tier 3 Success!
Rolling to see what Zeena gets:
1) Blasteroid 1
2) Blasteroid 2
3)Blasteroid 3
5)Turtloid 1
6)Turtloid 2
9)Motobug 2
10) Caterkiller
Rolling: Blasteroid 2, Swatbot and Motobug 2
Zeena makes the Blasteroid self destruct and takes command of the Swatbot and Motobug 2.
Zeena Current Forces:
Zavok Forces:
Zeena +27 (4 HP)
Zomom +30+5 (3 HP)
2 shadow androids +30 (2hp)
1 tunnelbot +10 (2 HP)
4 eggrobo +40 (2 HP)
5 egg pawns +25(1 HP)
5 buzz bombers 25(2HP)
2 Balkiry 15X2=30 (1 HP)
1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20
3 Motobugs+1Egg Pawn=24+5=29
10 Catrekilliers =50
1 Swatbot +10
1 Caterkiller+5
total power= 336-20(Blastoids)=316
Egg Party:
[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3
-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+10+5=39
-[X] Isara17+15+15=47
-[X] Piastol+22+20=42
-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15 =53
-[X] Badniks
--[X] Blasteroid X2 (total 12) +20
--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +10
--[X] Turtloids X2 (total 8)+20
--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15
--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16
Total Power=293
Zeena Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (88) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 25 + 25 + 30 + 20 + 24 + 5 + 50 + 10 + 5 - 20
Total: 404
Egg Party Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (97) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 10 +5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 15 + 16
Total: 405
Zeena Bare Failure!
Bare failure means no wound-Loss of Hp!
Round 2!
Zena Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (62) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 25 + 30 + 20 + 24 + 5 + 50 + 10 + 5 - 20
Total: 378
Egg Party Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (83) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 10 +5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 15 + 16
Total: 391
Zeena Failure!
Zavok forces lose 1 HP!
Catrerkiller trait activates: Spikey Parts: When this unit is destroyed, it makes one last attack against the unit that destroyed it.
11 Catrerkillers were killed!
Rolling to see who gets hit!
1) Conquering Storm
2) Clove
4) Piastol
5) Canaan
7)Turtloids 1
8) Turtloid 2
9)Egg Clan
10)Motobug 1
11)Motobug 2
Result: 11d11 (9, 5, 3, 10, 8, 11, 9, 9, 6, 9, 11)
Catrerkiller 1 (Result: 1d100 (22) )+ 5 Total: 27 vs Egg Clan (Result: 1d100 (64) + 15 Total: 79) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 2 (Result: 1d100 (31) + 5 Total: 36 )vs Canaan (Result: 1d100 (22) + 28 + 5 Total: 55) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 3 (1d100 (38)+5 Total: 43) vs Isara (Result: 1d100 (15) + 17 + 15 + 15 Total: 62) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 4 ((Catrekiller): 1d100 (58) + 5 Total: 63) vs Motobug ((Motobug): 1d100 (81) + 8 Total: 89) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 5 ((Catrekiller): 1d100 (42) + 5 Total: 47) vs Turtloid 2 ((Turtloid): 1d100 (9) + 10 Total: 19) Critical Success! Turtloid Eliminated!
Catrerkiller 6( (catrekiller): 1d100 (5) + 5 Total: 10 ) vs Motobug 2 ((motobug 2): 1d100 (53) + 8 Total: 61)
Catrerkiller 7 ((Catrekiller): 1d100 (98) + 5 Total: 103 )vs Egg Clan Result: (1d100 (32) + 15 Total: 47) CRITICAL SUCCESS! Egg Clan at 1 HP!
Catrerkiller 8( Result: 1d100 (2) + 5 Total: 7) vs Egg clan( (Egg Clan): 1d100 (1) + 15 Total: 16) CRITICAL SUCCESSFAIL!?
Wait! Reroll Activated!
CATRERKILLER (Result: 1d100 (49) + 5 Total: 54 )VS EGG CLAN (Result: 1d100 (73) + 15 Total: 88)
Catrerkiller 9 (Result: 1d100 (16) + 5 Total: 21) vs Crabmeat ((crabmeat): 1d100 (24) + 5 Total: 29) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 10 (Result: 1d100 (55) + 5 Total: 60) vs Egg Clan (Result: 1d100 (84) + 15 Total: 99) FAILURE!
Catrerkiller 11 (Result: 1d100 (52) + 5 [Caterkiller finale] Total: 57) vs Motobug 2 (moto bug 2): (1d100 (93) + 5 Total: 98 ) FAILURE!
Turtloid 2 Eliminated!
Egg CLan at 1 HP!
Current Status:
Zeena +27 (3HP)
Zomom +30+5 (2 HP)
2 shadow androids +30 (1hp)
1 tunnelbot +10 (1 HP)
4 eggrobo +40 (1 HP)
5 egg pawns +25(0 HP) ELIMINATED
5 buzz bombers 25(0 HP) ELIMINATED
2 Balkiry 15X2=30 (0 HP) ELIMINATED
1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20 (1 HP)
3 motobugs+1Egg Pawn=24+5=29 (0 HP) ELIMINATED
10 Catrekilliers =50 0 HP (Eliminated)
Swatbot +10 (0 hp eliminated)
Catrerkiller +5 (0 hp eliminated)
= 162
Eggman forces:
[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3
-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+5
-[X] Isara17+15+15=47
-[X] Piastol+22+20=42
-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15=53
-[X] Badniks
--[X] Blasteroid X2 (total 12) +20
--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +5
--[X] Turtloids X1 (total 8)+10
--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15(1 HP)
--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16 TOTAL
Zeena will use her trait again:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control off electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zeena can use her Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)
Once more rolling a DC of 50/75/100 to see how many she controls!
Result: 1d100 (33) + 15(???) + 24(???+ 10(???)
Total: 82
Tier 2 Success! She managed to grab 2 Badniks!
Checking what she nabs:
Blasteroid 1
Blasteroid 2
Turtloids 1
Motobug 1
Motobug 2
Rolling: Turtloid and Blasteroid 1!
Zeena makes the Blasteroid 1 Autodestruct itself. She nabs the Turtloid!
Zeena Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (70) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 30 + 10 + 40 + 20 + 10 - 10
Total: 232
Egg Party Combat Roll
Result: 1d100 (10) + 22+14+10+24+5+17+15+15+22+20+28+5+5+15+10+5+15+16
Total: 273
Zeena Failure!
Zavok Forces receive another wound!
Zomon and Egg Hammer Trait Proc! They don't receive any wounds!
Round 4!
Current Forces!
Zavok Forces:
Zeena +27 (2HP)
Zomom +30+5 (1 HP)
1 Egg hammer (Blowfish 1)=20 (1 HP)
Egg Party:
[X] Plan: Second Round Version 3
-[X] Conquering Storm+22+14+10=46
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn +24+5
-[X] Isara17+15+15=47
-[X] Piastol+22+20=42
-[X] Canaan+28+5+5+15=53
-[X] Badniks
--[X] Blasteroid (total 12) +10
--[X] Crabmeat (total 2) +5
--[X] Egg Clan (Total 8)+15(1 HP)
--[X] Motobug x2 (Total 6) +16 TOTAL
Zeena and Zomom will use their trait:
Zeti Magnetism: All Zeti have the natural ability to manipulate magnetic fields which, somehow, allows them to take control off electronics, robots, and other machinery within their range. (Zeena can use her Mystic in an attempt to take control or disable electronics, robots, or machinery.)
Once more rolling a DC of 50/75/100 to see how many they control!
Zeena Roll:
(DC 50/75/100): 1d100 (95) + 15 + 24 + 10
Total: 144
Tier 3 Success!
Zomom Roll:
(DC 50/75/100): 1d100 (11) + 2 + 24 + 10
Total: 47
Rolling to See what badniks Zeena Steals:
Motobug 1
Motobug 2
Rolling: Crabmeat and the 2 Motobugs are controlled!
Zeena Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (86) + 27 + 30 + 5 + 20 +5+8+8-10
Total: 179
Result: 1d100 (69) + 22 + 14 + 10 + 24 + 5 + 17 + 15 + 15 + 22 + 20 + 28 + 5 + 5 + 15 +10+15
Total: 311
Zeena Failure!
All forces eliminated!
Zeena and Zomom at 1 HP, They surrender!
"Wahahahahaha!" You laugh out loud from inside your hidden base. "How does it feel Zavok? Everything you threw at me had been easily beaten!" You say feeling an abundance of joy at the Victory scored today.
"Um Sir…there is Still the issue with Metal…" Starline speaks up and that sours your mood Just a bit.
"I know…" you put your hand under your chin as you grumble. "I will get him back soon, somehow. Just need to think of-"
"Father, warning! Zavok is approaching the perimeter!" Your daughter voice comes from your base main computer, making you Focus in the monitor as a video feed appears.
"EGGMAN!!!" The Zeti bellows, man, the lungs on this alien. "Stop hiding behind your toys and tools and show your face!" The Zeti shouts, standing above a Blowfish.
At his side, one of your earlier creations, Silver Sonic Stands there, looking as menacingly as ever.
"Face me coward! I've taken your army, I've taken your greatest creation, now I'm going to take your head!" He shouts as Metal Sonic Lands behind him, under the Zeti influence.
"You think you have what it takes to take over the world! You hide and Let your creations do your dirty work! Even now in this new world!" He snarls as he stomps his foot on the vessel. "You are no warrior or conqueror! Only a fool playing with machines."
"Is this how you plan to defeat Sonic?!"
You stare at the monitor, something crawling throught your chest, a familiar sensation you are well familiar with.
"Prepare rhe DARC-EGG-ROBOT." You say Calmly as you get up.
"If that Alíen wants me to crush him…i shall do so." You say as you walk, determined, to end the Zeti's rule once and for all.
Qm note.
Next wave is the Last one. We will use the new battle rules made by Crosswire. No badnik army on both sides.
Enemy forces:
Metal Sonic ( 2 HP)
Silver Sonic
Eggman forces:
[ ]Pick up to 4 hero Units to asisst Eggman plan format please.
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