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While I accept you may have a point on Eggman not believing the Moon thing is a little weird maybe, I don't appreciate you thinking we would be petty enough to screw you over like that purposefully over something as silly as a question getting voted on we didn't expect

It does hurt a little you think we would do that despite our best efforts to run this Quest fairly
Perhaps I worded it a bit harshly at the time due to my annoyance.

I should of clarified that I know it's not intended to come off that way, but it does give me the feeling of spite in the way that post was worded.

I am sorry about that.
Perhaps I worded it a bit harshly at the time due to my annoyance.

I should of clarified that I know it's not intended to come off that way, but it does give me the feeling of spite in the way that post was worded.

I am sorry about that.
Sorry if i was Too blunt back there, but saying that had nothing to do with spite.

But seriously, trying to see this from Eggman's perspective, what elizabeth told Piastol (and he is telling him, except rhe first reading, cause thats perosnal), isnt trillo enough to buy Him over. The gace that she posseses some Magic card and os willing to sell rhem over does win her some points, but thw reading wasnt Good enough to him to ourieght believe Him

He does believe the meeting in the moon bit, bit nit rhat rhe literal moon itself will be a danger to him, he might have an open mind thanks tk this new world, vut there sre limits.

Im sorry if it came as spiteful, that is nlt my intention and could have Wordwd ir better.
Sorry if i was Too blunt back there, but saying that had nothing to do with spite.

But seriously, trying to see this from Eggman's perspective, what elizabeth told Piastol (and he is telling him, except rhe first reading, cause thats perosnal), isnt trillo enough to buy Him over. The gace that she posseses some Magic card and os willing to sell rhem over does win her some points, but thw reading wasnt Good enough to him to ourieght believe Him

He does believe the meeting in the moon bit, bit nit rhat rhe literal moon itself will be a danger to him, he might have an open mind thanks tk this new world, vut there sre limits.

Im sorry if it came as spiteful, that is nlt my intention and could have Wordwd ir better.
Ok, the way you worded it in the post I had quoted made it sound like he didn't even consider that a single thing about the Moon part even potentially being metaphorical/around the area of the moon and the thing was being dismissed wholesale out of hand.

And again, I apologize for the harshness that I had from my initial annoyance.
So now all we have to do is wait the rival reports and the omake rewards and we are all set.

If anyone is trying to write one I think is better to eait the rewards are casted to not give more job to the QMS.

Edit: hey guys do you think we can take on Dr. Knavik form Psych World?

He is a alien King that want to use ESP power to take over the world and he's currebtly in the coast of Green Hills and has a mutant armt bidding.

I think he only appear in one game but I suppose, for a King, he could be fairly easy to beat with our robotic army and if we play our cards right.

I kinda have this idea Dr. Knavik is dealing with a GUN commando team that was send to scout the island but lost contact with high command and decided to act like Rambo and wage a guerrila war against him.

After all fighting mad scientist it's what they do.
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Turn 4-April 2XXX Rivals Report
Fend Off The Empire DC: Contested By Empire
100 + ??? = 207

Oh… Oh chaos…

You're not one to be considered to have a weak stomach, some of your schemes could be called cruelty on a scale unimaginable and you've literally taken over the world.

What you just watched felt somehow… Vile. Wretched. Unholy.

The battle between your stolen badniks and the Empire's troops was going as normal, the foot of The Empire no match for your badniks, but without the support of the super badniks diverted to attack you and yours the heavy armor columns were preventing The Empire's push from actively being repulsed. As she has so many times before, the Valkyrie (now known to you as Selvaria) arrived in a flash of light and explosions, badniks being wiped out in large swaths as her destructive power carved through them. The rabble of the empire cheered as they pushed forward, their Hero looking like she'd manage another route no matter what Zavok sent.

And then the sun turned Black [NOTE: we should color this either a deep purple or actually black.]

As the black light shone across the battlefield, pools of darkness began opening underneath The Empire's soldiers, some falling out of sight while others clung to the edges, clawing into the dirt and… screaming. Not of pain but of what they said they felt as they were being dragged into the pools of darkness. Even through the video you could hear the whispers of the things in those pools, of what they promised, even as you confirmed the audio held none of the eternities sworn and bound to those soldiers.

Entire columns, armor included, were swallowed by the darkness even as Selvaria did her best to wrench those nearby free of the pools. Which is why she didn't see Zor coming.

You have never seen the zeti move that fast, nor have you ever seen such a wild light in his yellow eyes, glowing eerily in the black light as his hand sunk into the back of Selvaria's neck. Not grabbed hold of, the zeti's hand sunk into the shadows covering her back and she Screamed.

You don't know what Zor whispered to Selvaria as she thrashed and screamed, the unnatural black shadows ripping across her form, diving into her mouth, ears, and eyes. You know you don't want to.

Only a last flare of her own powers seemed to push the zeti long enough for her to flee, to run, screaming even as Zor stood on the blackened battlefield, watching her men sink into the darkness he had called forth.

As the video came to its conclusion, Zor looked directly into the camera and gave a smile. His teeth were nothing but gravestones and his eyes the haunting gaslights that stained the monitor you were using so heavily, you disposed of it thoroughly.

Well… it seems as if The Empire has been stymied. And it seems as if Zor has been studying.

Complete loss of all Empire troops.
Selvaria is more than wounded, but less than dead.
Zor is… something more than he was.

Trace Eggnet Breach DC: 95
??? + ??? = 111

*Knock Knock*

Sage told you as a probe managed to find its way into your systems and was sending data back. She managed to destroy it and collect its information fairly quickly, but the damage had been done, someone had backtraced you.

But that someone has something interesting and INFURIATING to say, as it wasn't done exactly on Zavok's orders. The captive scientist Chuck Thorndike has managed to trace the path Sage took from your own private servers into the larger Eggnet and has gleaned the location of your base and he is… asking for your assistance in saving himself and his grandson Chris from Zavok's clutches.

He's also implying rather heavily that if that doesn't happen very soon then Zavok and others may just learn the location of your hideout.

He also requests you to assist them in getting into Restoration territory after being freed otherwise…there would be consequences that you will need to deal with.

You may have to save this man just to shake his hand for the audacity, then completely EVISCERATE him for the sheer audacity!

Chuck managed to trace the Egg Net breach back to Eggman, but is holding off on telling Zavok!
Chuck will tell Zavok he has managed to trace the breach at the end of next turn if he and Chris are still in Zavok's clutches!

As seen in the interlude:
Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius!

Seems like you managed to deal quite the heavy blow to that Zeti! Not only you stole AND destroyed most of your rightfully owned badnik forces, you even captured two of his lackeys and managed to wound him gravely!

It will take some time before Zavok is fully healed to take the field again, you are confident of this. Perhaps it would be a good time to seize the initiative…

Results: Dc to raid Zavok, infiltrate and to take territory have been reduced!

The Black Arms! (Shadow)
Attempt To Gain A Foothold DC: Contested by Restoration
??? + ??? = 69
Critical Failure!

See The Restoration

Call Out Lanolin DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 42

See The Restoration

Retrieve Major General Gregor DC:Autopass (Heart)

Seems like that Emperor of theirs does value his underlings somewhat, if the news you heard about them coughing up the dough to pay Metal.

From what some of your minions have been able to hear from the grapevine, Metal extorted them for quite a considerable amount of money, an amount that makes even you flinch.

Wonder if the Empire will be feeling that lose of resources?

Expand The Empire DC: Contested By Zavok (Power) Selvaria
??? + ??? = 139
Critical Failure!

The sound defeat of their national hero has completely disheartened most of The Empire's troops and stimied their advance forward.

Zavok does still seem to be rather occupied with the attempt on your life however and doesn't seem to be pushing back into the land and at least he isn't losing more of your territory.

Reach Out To The Flying Ship DC30
??? + ??? = 88
Critical Success!

You haven't been able to get much about what The Restoration actually gained from their meeting with the vessel in the sky, but there does seem to be a fair amount of chatter according to what Piastol heard as she was in town.

Things going well for The Restoration may not be good for you, but you'll take it over most of the other groups in Green Hills.

The Restoration met with The Flying Ship and things seemed to go very well for them.

Fight Off Black Arms Attack DC: Contested by Black Arms
??? + ??? = 152
Critical Success!

Oh dear. It seems Shadow has finally recovered from that pummeling that he endured from that sheep.

You say this because he and a mysterious black and red creature, more humanoid than most Black Arms, viciously attacked Restoration territory.

Unfortunately for them (and you one of these days, you're sure), the Restoration were getting more powerful by the day, while the Black Arms not only stagnated, but had lost their advantage of having a foothold. While the healed Shadow took on Rookie and Tangle, who expertly dodged his attacks to his clear frustration, the humanoid Black Arm and their other forces were taken down by the shockingly competent civilian volunteers... And those cats from a few months ago? Odd.

After a while, it was just Shadow.

"Stand still so I can kill you!!!" Shadow demanded.

"... How about no?" Tangle quipped. Shadow seemed like he would finally take them out in a fit of rage... Before someone flew butt first into his face.

"KITTY BOOTY BOMBER!" That strange cloaked cat-like girl who was caught robbing museums cheered, landing on her feet and doing a little dance as Shadow went flying.

"...This isn't over." He seemed to have his fill of humiliation today as he teleported off.

"Ha! Yay! Stretchy Tail Lemur Lady, Quiet Wolf and Me did it! And me fight aliens! Yay!" The strange lady keeps doing her dance. Tangle and Rookie just kinda stared, unsure what to make of this assistance clearly.

The Black Arms are once more repelled from Green Hills
Tangle the Lemur, The Rookie, and a strange cat-woman who is commanding the Kapukapus defeated Shadow and his allies.

Reach Out To Dr.Eggman DC:Autopass
To Be Continued In ""Guardians and Empires Truce at Last?""

Destroy Badniks DC: 50/100
??? + ??? = 57
Simple Success

Well, G.U.N didn't miss the opportunity caused by Zavok mindless rage against you. Their forces quickly acted out to eradicate the badniks surrounding their territory.

While they were able to destroy most of the normal ones, they were insufficiently prepared to handle the amount of Super Badniks that came to respond to the attack. The sight of those fools scurrying around in fear for their lives made your day!

G.U.N Eliminated part of Zavok's forces roaming their territory, but were not able to completely wipe them out!

Gather Supplies DC:60 (Logistics)
??? + ??? = 85
Knuckles and that Bee lady seem to have come to a useful ally understanding, as after his blunder last time, the bee went to gather supplies for him.

She seemed fairly knowledgeable on what to say to people and successfully tugged at enough heart strings (and had just enough cash) to get people to spare what they could.

Seems the Angel Island Refugees live to see another day.

Look for Sonic DC:???
??? + ??? = 87

That Echidna finally seemed to finally start doing something productive and began also looking for Sonic, if the reports you were able to gather, alongside the video feedback could attest, he not only checked on Green Hills, but also the nearby territories. You are not completely sure if he found any clue about the blue rat's whereabouts, but you saw him returning to his island at the end of the month with a solemn expression.

You didn't like that.

Result: Knuckles has found ??? about Sonic!

Captain Metal
Ransom Gregor
Autopass, Metal gains 10 income

Make Final Preparations DC:The Higher The Better (Logistics)
??? + ??? = 72

Looks like Captain Metal has been busy gathering supplies, and not by "illegal" means. He seems to have used the money he obtained from the Empire and the Auction to make several purchases.

He and his crew seemed to gearing up for some sort of endeavor, but you aren't quite sure what are they planning

Venture Into The Wild Blue DC: Autopass

…And apparently whatever that is, it's gonna take place outside of Green Hills, several reports were made about Metal setting sail and just…leaving here, venturing further into the ocean.

A part of you doesn't really care what that robot ends up doing, but you can't help but feel a sense of curiosity for what they are trying to achieve…
Results: Captain Metal has left Green Hills…potentially forever.
Action to reach out to him has been removed!

Fight Some Aliens!!1!
??? + ??? + ??? = 133
Critical Success!

See The Restoration

Collect Rings DC:10/50
??? + ??? = 56
You've spotted Gemerl collecting large numbers of rings this past month. You're unsure what the traitorous robot or the Rabbit family could have a use for that many rings for, but it probably shouldn't be too much of a worry.

Rouge and Omega
To Be Continued In "Batty Dealings"

Escape GUN Imprisonment
DC: 90
??? + ??? = 36
Critical Failure!
It appears GUN may have a little troublemaker on their hands!

Through some unknown means, that Chinchilla Starline found for you managed to get ahold of some explosives and tried to set them off to escape from her imprisonment.

Unfortunately, it seems whoever she got them from set her up because the bombs just fizzled out moments from going off. She was promptly tackled and thrown into solitary confinement, apparently not for the first time according to GUN radio chatter Sage was monitoring.

It seems they're going to be keeping a closer eye on her, and she was ranting about some guy called Smalls sabotaging her.

Hmmph. Props for tenacity, one supposes.
Whatever Knuckles found of appears that either Sonic is dead, unable to return, or is in a precarious position....

As for Zor....Zor, with his umbrakinesis, is particularly dangerous. It looks like either he's gotten a Chaos Emerald...or he's been practicing....

Cause now? It looks like he's done his mentor (Zik) and leader (Zavok) proud.

Gotta deal with OMEGA...
Well, tbis rival reports is interesting to say the least.....

Zavok and the 6 while injured are still blooduly monster as they not only stymied the empire's assault, but zor? What the hell did he says to selveria that made ber like that!

Shadow and the black arms like always being punching bag of these reports as of lately and i like it especially tangle and co beating hie ass

G.U.N is getting that truce alongside the fact that rougue and omega trying to stealth it, but omega not liking stealth decided to foregoe stealth and as the report stated kicked down the door, must be a trait omega has to hate or break out stwlth if anything eggman is in the adventure

Also when turn 5 starts we need to get to find chuck and chris asap, we got a chance and if we rescue chris quick and send a message, we are goldeb
As for Zor....Zor, with his umbrakinesis, is particularly dangerous. It looks like either he's gotten a Chaos Emerald...or he's been practicing
I'm guessing he either found some magic stuff lying around, (as one does in Sonic world), or Zik realized he shouldn't have put all his eggs in one basket with Zavok and started putting Zor to the grindstone in training.
Complete loss of all Empire troops.
Selvaria is more than wounded, but less than dead.
Zor is… something more than he was.
Well at least we won't lose any more territory from the Empire.
Chuck managed to trace the Egg Net breach back to Eggman, but is holding off on telling Zavok!
Chuck will tell Zavok he has managed to trace the breach at the end of next turn if he and Chris are still in Zavok's clutches!
Well it looks like we'll have to release the two instead of keeping them.
Results: Dc to raid Zavok, infiltrate and to take territory have been reduced!
Time to take back more of our territory people.
I'm guessing he either found some magic stuff lying around, (as one does in Sonic world), or Zik realized he shouldn't have put all his eggs in one basket with Zavok and started putting Zor to the grindstone in training.
If its the latter, i have a feeling that Zavok while a little pissed that zor is improving, while he is recovering after our fight, wont mind since now the deadly 6 is getting an upgrade after the thrashing Eggman and co gave him, unfortunately that also means the battle to reclaim our empire is going to get rven higher after this
I'm guessing he either found some magic stuff lying around, (as one does in Sonic world), or Zik realized he shouldn't have put all his eggs in one basket with Zavok and started putting Zor to the grindstone in training.
Zik may no longer be the leader of the Deadly Six....but he's still their sage mentor. Chances are he'll start to put Zazz to the grindstone in training too...And probably start drilling restraint into Zavok...
Damn lmao Zavok did well other than the obvious and this has not been a good turn for the Empire. Zor is very concerning. We probably need that Conch, but I wouldn't be surprised if Zor evolved beyond it... somehow.

It won't matter if Chuck tells Zavok about the hacking if we take the "Reclaim Your Territory" option! He can't reveal our secret base if we reveal it first! How unfortunate that he wants to be released to the Restoration. I refuse to be blackmailed; he can rot with the zetis for all I care! :V

More seriously, I was contemplating doing "Reclaim Your Territory" anyways. But we can't let Chuck go to the Restoration. He probably wouldn't be able to do as much from the Restoration's territory as from Zavok's, but that'd still be a significant problem. It isn't surprising though. It's obviously a desperation move. Zavok just suffered a major loss against Eggman. We don't even know if Chuck knew for sure that it was Eggman who hacked the Eggnet. If we must release him to the Restoration, we should demand that he share everything he developed under Zavok's command. He'll try to hide some stuff, but we just simply need to be better.

The Restoration, GUN, and Knuckles seem to have done well enough. Curse the do-gooders for doing so well!
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Goddamnit well at least the black arms ain't gonna be here for a while and it does kind of suck that thunderbolt got a critical failure. Looks like we're gonna have to negotiate for her freedom then
Chuck managed to trace the Egg Net breach back to Eggman, but is holding off on telling Zavok!
Chuck will tell Zavok he has managed to trace the breach at the end of next turn if he and Chris are still in Zavok's clutches!
Did Chuck tell us where he and Chris is?

Because otherwise….thats not gonna happen.

Unless the Locate Action will satisfy it?
Everyone, don't forget the main reason why the empire lost is because of a natural 100 in the roll. For all we know, it could be a one time thing and Zor goes back to normal. Don't start panicking that the conch might not work on him.
I actually don't know but Jesus Christ zhor is juicing on something really hard….. so we're gonna have to probably find a hero that's more mystical than our current Mystic hero…. But that is very lucky for us that the walking nuke has just got hit hard.
Well..... there is elizabeth and given she is a former velvet attendant, she should be as op as fuck if qm is not restricting us or nerfing her given her former attendant status

Velvet attendants are secret bosses for a reason, so possibly she could be useful if we can recruit her
Well..... there is elizabeth and given she is a former vrlvet attendant, she should be as op as fuck if qm is not restricting us or nerfing her given her former attendant status

Velvet attendants are secret bosses for a reason, so possibky she could be useful if we can recruit her
Well, that might be a long while since we're going to have to meet her in turn eight to try to convince her to join us
Everyone, don't forget the main reason why the empire lost is because of a natural 100 in the roll. For all we know, it could be a one time thing and Zor goes back to normal. Don't start panicking that the conch might not work on him.
I'm not panicking, I'm just surprised that they got a natural 100 again qms a quick question does the DC against a base rate against the empire, has been reduced due to the walking nuke, getting really hurt and her losing all her troops?
Everyone, don't forget the main reason why the empire lost is because of a natural 100 in the roll. For all we know, it could be a one time thing and Zor goes back to normal. Don't start panicking that the conch might not work on him.
Perhaps...but we should prepare some contingencies just in case.

We NEED to find data on our Artificial Phantom Rubies. We could use them to create fireballs that create light that could counter Zor's umbrakinesis!

As for Chuck and Chris? We need to retrieve them. We don't KILL Chuck....BUT...for modifying our creations against us....we send CHRIS over to the Restoration...while we keep Chuck with us.....after all....his grandson would be safe now...right?
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