Voting is open
Take Gene Therapy this turn actually accomplish the Sisters promise, we just take the option that 100% will work without dice roll getting into the way and no needing to take a gamble of 40-ish action if we put Sage on it.

There's no guaranetee the Sisters will not leave on Turn 7 if we take the Therapy on Turn 6, since the QMs refusing to answer that.
Well....hope they'll at least stick around a while longer... And I hope we'll roll high enough to get the cure synthesized. A fool-proof cure for NIDS, ready for commercial use....that COULD net us a LOT of good will. And why stop there? We could create cures for other seemingly 'incurable' diseases...Maybe...

Well she can probably wait a bit for the Chaotix to help with the search.
This could work....Though with Eggman's resurgence, Chaotix ix probably aware that WE were the one who hired them.

Wasn't that the plan already though, I mean people thought of using her ship to transport everyone to the adventure.
Oh yeah....sorry, I was skimming to catch up with the new posts...But Piastol's ship would DEFINITELY allow us to ferry operatives to other locations....though we should probably create a drydock to rebuild our fleet.
This could work....Though with Eggman's resurgence, Chaotix ix probably aware that WE were the one who hired them.
Well hopefully Canaan can take the blame for the search with Maria.
Although they'll probably know her from the auction instead.

Oh yeah....sorry, I was skimming to catch up with the new posts...But Piastol's ship would DEFINITELY allow us to ferry operatives to other locations....though we should probably create a drydock to rebuild our fleet.
We a lot of stuff, which our empire has so we definitely need to get it back in order to have a easier time to conquer the Green Hills.
Take Gene Therapy this turn actually accomplish the Sisters promise, we just take the option that 100% will work without dice roll getting into the way and no needing to take a gamble of 40-ish action if we put Sage on it.

There's no guaranetee the Sisters will not leave on Turn 7 if we take the Therapy on Turn 6, since the QMs refusing to answer that.

...Um. As far as I know the QMs have said that we'll be fine as long as we get it done by or during Turn 6?

They can't exactly leave with her sister mid-treatment. Not with her in a tube for two straight months, and we can't exactly stop it once we start either.

We might as well take the gamble, which might pay off grant you, and go back to it if it doesn't work.

I doubt they'll mind to much if we try, fail, and then do guarentteed.

Other than that though I'm cool with the plans mostly.
There might be some good synergy or bonuses if we have Eggman do woodcarving, make equipment to Belle and have him talk to her for his personal actions. It would make for an interesting sendoff at least before she leaves with Canaan on the adventure.

That and giving her the EggGun
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Well....hope they'll at least stick around a while longer... And I hope we'll roll high enough to get the cure synthesized. A fool-proof cure for NIDS, ready for commercial use....that COULD net us a LOT of good will. And why stop there? We could create cures for other seemingly 'incurable' diseases...Maybe...

There's no need to rush on that. The Gene Therapy 100% works and we don't need to gamble on a 40-ish action to pass, also it allows Sage to work in the Black Arms and hopefully we can pass the 150 DC that is the hope it can unlock ways to debuff Shadow since is only a matter of time before the Black Arms gain foothold in Green Hills again and resume the search for the Blue Chaos Emerald.

Like I said let's not try to rush in the finish line and botch on the last moment.

Slow and steady will get there.

Also the other Heroes that can work on the Black Arms besides Sage is Dr, Starline that is a wanted man and Thunderbolt that absolutely will not be happy working with GUN when we just get out of prison.

...Um. As far as I know the QMs have said that we'll be fine as long as we get it done by or during Turn 6?

They can't exactly leave with her sister mid-treatment. Not with her in a tube for two straight months, and we can't exactly stop it once we start either.

We might as well take the gamble, which might pay off grant you, and go back to it if it doesn't work.

I doubt they'll mind to much if we try, fail, and then do guarentteed.

Other than that though I'm cool with the plans mostly.

No, the QMs said we will find out when we get there if we start the Gene Therapy on Turn 6.

Like the QMs were real generous in giving a action to autopass with the cost of two turns being locked and with Sage we will not even feel the impact.

If we manage to get the Sisters to leave us because we refuse to take a 100% action that will work just because we were greedy and try to rush to the finish line. Well is doubtful they will have sympathy for us.

There might be some good synergy or bonuses if we have Eggman do woodcarving, make equipment to Belle and have him talk to her for his personal actions. It would be an interesting sendoff at least before she leaves with Canaan on the adventure.

That and giving her the EggGun

Trouble is we need the reroll on Rouge action to avoid the worst if we have the most rotten luck. QMs warn us that failure in rescuing Chuck will not be pretty for anyone.

So we can't afford to fail there.
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Options to fix the darc egg robot and the rocket modemugrade for metal have been added.

Also if im not wrong voting opens in less than 1 hour. Just as a heads up
Trouble is we need the reroll on Rouge action to avoid the worst if we have the most rotten luck. QMs warn us that failure in rescuing Chuck will not be pretty for anyone.

So we can't afford to fail there.
The Qms need to update the omake rewards spreadsheet since I can't tell what bonuses we currently have now. They also need to update the hero units since Belle and Isara got a trait from a bounty and Belle also got a loyalty boost.
There might be some good synergy or bonuses if we have Eggman do woodcarving, make equipment to Belle and have him talk to her for his personal actions. It would make for an interesting sendoff at least before she leaves with Canaan on the adventure.

Yes, but that's a lot of monofocus on one character. Didn't put talking with her in my plan to avoid that. Hopefully we might go for that next turn though.

That and giving her the EggGun

No, the QMs said we will find out when we get there if we start the Gene Therapy on Turn 6.

Like the QMs were real generous in giving a action to autopass with the cost of two turns being locked and with Sage we will not even feel the impact.

If we manage to get the Sisters to leave us because we refuse to take a 100% action that will work just because we were greedy and try to rush to the finish line. Well is doubtful they will have sympathy for us.

Could you find something to confirm that? I'd like to be sure.

Still I'll be fine with the thearpy as well.

...Though I don't think we need the reroll.
Create Propaganda Cartoons DC120
A wild thought has spiraled into a full blown idea as you're actually considering making an entire series of cartoons that will... not brainwash, that's such an ugly word... appropriately reeducate the public on how you should be viewed. You are the good guy, you always have been! You have been trying to bring the wonders of the modern age to this world and making marvels of machinery to make people's lives better and nothing but a certain blue rat and his foolish three tailed fox friend have stopped the great Egg-Man from saving the world! It will be hard to make the entire series and get it to the public without your usual infrastructure base, but you're the greatest mind in the world!

Reward: Create a cartoon series that paints you in a brilliant light and your many, MANY foes in a very negative light. Public opinion increases for you and public opinion decreases for most of your foes.

The Egg-Cellent Adventures of Dr. Eggman!

At first, they watched because of the absurdity. A cartoon produced by Eggman? That wasn't just two minutes of articulating his ultimatum to submit or perish? Or an advertisement for Eggmanland? This reeked of one of Eggman's schemes, so naturally that meant that almost everyone in the Restoration tuned in for the pilot.

A rotund man sat at a workbench, the comically tiny instruments in his huge hands bending even tinier, ultra-thin metal bits into place along a motherboard. An empty-eyed Motobug lay to the side, the only audience to this process as the rest of the horde of mechnical bugs and animals crowding the space were utterly wrecked, wiring and circuitry exposed through rough and jagged holes. Heads, limbs, and torsos were shredded or nonexistent. The harsh lights above buzzed into white noise as the man grumbled under his breath.

Suddenly, on the far on the other side of the room, a door slid open. A platypus that somewhat resembled the one from a recent auction heist, gripped the doorframe.

"Dr. Eggman, sir!" he shouted urgently. "It's an emergency! Casino Night Zone is under fire! It's the Fiend Fighters!"

Dr. Eggman growled, and whirled around in his seat. "Arrg! What is that blasted hedgehog up to this time?!"

Of course it would be propaganda. Eggman was too vainglorious, too full of himself to do anything less than display his intelligence and ambitious goals.

Strangely enough though, for a cartoon show directed by the whims of a tyrant, "The Egg-cellent Adventures of Dr. Eggman!" had a surprisingly complex plot. While the A Plot followed Eggman and his adversary, the B Plot followed his minions. The platypus was basically the babysitter for a new recruit that literally bounced off the walls. Cubot was a wildcard, living his own way in his own world. Orbot's sarcasm was witty and subtly biting. Metal Sonic's desire to one-up his fleshy counterpart was played for laughs until it wasn't. Sage watched over them all with a strange, muted compassion, keeping watch and relaying orders.

That was closely followed by a subtle C Plot wherein a wolf that suspiciously looked like the Restoration's Rookie -- who would be dubbed "Gadget" in the credits -- attempted to sneak into Eggman's base through the air duct. He failed, obviously, but his attempts were more comedic than anything.

Eggman himself was painted as a genius stymied by the destructive habits of a ragtag group of teenagers with nothing better to do than cause chaos and misery across the Zones. Cleaning up the aftermath of such damage was, of course, left up to the doctor and his Egg Bosses.

While the scraps of his army were picked up and sent back on hover carts to be repaired, Eggman fumed.

"Irksome pests! Look at what they've done!" Dr. Eggman waved at the wreckage of fallen buildings and melted pinball machines. A spring sadly sagged on a wall until it plopped into a strange purple ooze. It hissed and popped, then sank. "It's not enough to ruin my fun and put my customers in peril! They had to demolish the Chao Garden, too!"

"Father." A little girl in a white dress floated into view. Her eyes flashed red and blue as her form slightly glitched. "Sensors indicate a dangerous increase in your blood pressure."

Dr. Eggman took in a deep breath and let it out in a heavy sigh. Behind him, Cubot and Orbot transported wailing Chao into a hover cart full of blankets and toys. "Curse those Fiend Fighters," he hissed. "Everything I build is nothing to them. Rocket ships, trains, amusement parks! They tear it all down with no regard for the consequences of their actions!"

The doctor turned and hopped into his Flying Egg. "I'm going back to the lab to finish my ultimate project! Tell the S.S.S.S.S. Squad to fortify the perimeter and continue evacuations. If that blue gumball so much as
sneezes in this direction, I want to know immediately!"

Five minutes into the eleven minute run time, and the rest of the episode's plot was fairly obvious. Eggman would make some fantastic mecha, use it to stomp Sonic the Hedgehog into the ground, and win at the end of the day. Same old Eggman. Same old tactics.

But when Eggman's "ultimate project" was finished, it wasn't a mecha. It wasn't an attack robot or even an invasion fleet.

"Sage, dear. Are you...?"

"I am...functional, Father."

Sage looked down at her brand new chassis. An incredibly humanoid body, with none of the obvious angles and bolts and thrusters that his other machines had. It was an exact replica of her ghostly form, right down to her flashing red and blue eyes.

Sage looked over her synthetic flesh with undisguised wonder and intrigue. "I did not expect you to dedicate so much time for this vessel. With so many existing threats, I had estimated your upgrades to Metal Sonic to take precedence."

"Feh!" Eggman threw up his hands. His thick, bushy mustache couldn't hide his grin. "Who says I couldn't do both? I am the greatest scientific genius of the world after all! Nothing is beyond my capabilities!"

"Thank you, Father." Sage smiled sweetly. "May I have permission to...test my new vessel, Father?"

"Yes, yes." Dr. Eggman shooed her away. "By all means. I did not create you a body merely to have you languish here. Go!"

Sage thanked him again, and walked away, flexing her new fingers.

Seven minutes. Seven minutes from rolling eyes to pooling dread. Some in the restoration weren't sure what was happening, but those savvy enough to realize were chilled to the bone.

The cartoon wasn't just propaganda. It was a PR campaign.

While Eggman focused on Sonic's downfall, the show shifted gears from A Plot to B Plot. Cubot and Orbot were still transporting the Chao, the former singing nonsense with a southern twang. The platypus was too busy trying to reign in the newcomer to follow Sage. Metal Sonic lost his quarry.

The perfect, terrible storm.

As Sage wandered the sprawling facility, hand trailing along a wall, the argument behind her fell silent. Her smile was brilliant, a child learning how it felt to be physical for the first time in her life. A child who had been granted an immense gift by one she called father.

Then, the klaxon alarms sounded.

"Security breach! Security breach!" intoned a woman's voice. "Level o-- level two-- level three infiltrated! Security br--"

There was a blur. Blue against shocked red and stark white. Faster than her new body could react, a living buzzsaw cut through Sage's torso.

Red and blue eyes fell blank.

Nine minutes.

The rest of the pilot's plot was obvious, and it played out exactly as anyone would think. Eggman, enraged by the destruction of his daughter, put everything he had into killing Sonic, only just barely missing at the last second as purple muck gummed up his machinery.

"Later losers!" called the mocking voice.


Eggman's echoing scream was visceral. Maddening. A father grieving in fury and vengeance.

He seethed, stalking towards his holomap, a colorful and accurate depiction of the nearby topography. "I'm not done with you,
rodent." A tiny blue blip appeared on it, quickly moving over grasslands. "Not by a long shot!"

Smash cut to black. The credits rolled.

In Restoration HQ, Lanolin resisted the urge to scream. Tangle had no such reservations.

Saw the reward posted by Kingster and was tempted to take a shot at what a cartoon by Eggman might be like. One that's less AoStH levels of silliness and more pragmatic, drawing on things that exist and swapping around alignments. Worked on this on and off during work (which seems like my new normal now), so this isn't as polished as I'd like.
Eggman being portrayed as a man with visions of grandeur that are eternally ruined by those who don't understand felt like a good starting point. He also always has a plan, which every episode would revolve around, leaving the audience guessing what it would be this time as he lures his enemies into traps and gambits. The season finale would see the return of Sage, inhabiting a Motobug, ending with a father-daughter teamup to wipeout Fiend Fighters' HQ.
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Could you find something to confirm that? I'd like to be sure.

Still I'll be fine with the thearpy as well.

...Though I don't think we need the reroll.

Here we go.

Also, would doing the Gene Therapy next turn make the Pronghorns stay?
Not confirming or denying, you guys will have to take the risk.

As for the reroll, rescuing Chuck cannot fail that is literally the most important action this turn besides the Gene Therapy.

The QMs warn us nobody we will like the results if we fail, so is better to leave nothing to chance and minimize the risk to a failure to a bare minimum.

I mean we even fail in a action with GUN that we only need to roll a 39 to pass. Really better if we absolutely minimize the risk.

Plus the only ones we can send are Dr. Starline, currently a wanted men by GUN and Restoration, and Thunderbolt that very much does not want to work with GUN since she just get out of one of their prison.

Make her work alongside her former jailers is bit of a jerk move.
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Eggman still doesn't know who Whisper is.
I dunno about that. He probably has records of the old Diamond Cutters....and Mimic would have PROBABLY given him all the details on his former teammates. So he MIGHT know who Whisper is....

Though...Eggman might not know if it was Whisper SPECIFICALLY who shot him. Eggman himself has stated that he's made A LOT of enemies. So while it's likely he knows of Whisper....she just one candidate out of many in his list of those who'd want to kill him.
[X] Plan: Tokyo-to here we Go! (original)
-[X] Power
--[X] Reclaim Your Territory DC 60/100 - Conquering Storm + Badniks: 1x Egg Pawn (1), 2x Hotaru (10), 1x Ice Ball (6), 1x Motobug (3)
--[X] Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140/160/180/200 - Thunderbolt
-[X] Heart
--[X] Hire a New Minion
---[X] Basil The Bernard- the Conductor DC 35 - Honey the Cat
-[X] Logistics
--[X] Egg-colonize the territory: Dc 90 - Isara + Badniks: 2x Quinzon,
--[X] Create Egg Drones DC: 70 - Orbot&Cubot
-[X] Brains
--[X] Study Black Arms Material DC 100/150 (Collab with GUN) - Sage
--[X] Peform Gene Therapy: Autosuscess
-[X] Trickery
--[X] Rescue Chuck Thorndike and his grandson Chris. DC140 - Rouge + Badniks: 1x Blowfish(Egg Clan) + 1x Newton
-[X] Mystic
--[X] Check The Area For Magical Objects DC: Variable - Agent Stone + Badniks: Egg Magician
-[X] Personal action
--[X] Dr. Eggman: Focus on Your Work - Rescue Chuck Thorndike and his grandson Chris
--[X] Dr: Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Belle)
--[X] Dr. Starline: Talk to that Chinchilla
--[X] Rusty Rose: Patrol The Perimeter
--[X] Metal Sonic: Look for a Worthy Opponent
--[X] Agent Stone: Interrogate Zeena
--[X] Belle: Check on Metal
--[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Talk to your New Co-Workers - Canaan
--[X] Canaan: Talk with Belle
--[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
--[X] Sage: Watch Father's Exploits
--[X] Piastol: Learn about Tarot
--[X] Conquering Storm: Resupply
--[X] Honey: Make Eggman Empire Uniforms
--[X] Thunderbolt: Rebuild Your Mech
--[X] Give someone a Egggun:
---[X] Belle
--[X] Keep Omega busy - Rusty Rose
--[X]Adventure 666: Tokyo-To Scramble!:
---[X] Canaan (Leader)
---[X] Pronghorn Sisters
---[X] Belle
---[X] Piastol
---[X] Metal Sonic
---[X] Babniks: 1x EggRobo, 4x Egg Pawns.

Since people want a source of Income, Basil is a Tier 2 Hero we can get with Honey but since we can get him and a small source of income, Honey Shop can be set aside for Next Turn and we can build the Egg Drones this one.

However if people want Honey Shop that will open a new source of Income so there's no point in recruit Basil right now thus we can look into the Black Market stuff.

While the signal is nice and all the 85 roll is too high to try only with Orbot&Cubot, we definitively need a Hero there to pass the action and is doubtful the other factions will have much luck either.

Also the Egg Drones could come in handy helping to locate the Conch since they give a +5 in Trickey action in searching for stuff.

Also pass the Second Phase of Black Arms research perhaps we can find ways to weaken Shadow, since the guy will still look for the our Chaos Emerald in the moment he get a foothold on Green Hills again and there's no way is a good idea to try to pass the 140 DC to cure Cassia wihtout a reroll this Turn.

Remember in Turn 6 is the max the Sisters will tolerate if we don't manage to cure them in one go and in Turn 7 we will have to take a gamble if they leave or not even if we start the Gene Therapy in Turn 6. We invest a lot on the Sisters to leave them at the mercy of the dice.

Like I get the temptation to not lock us into Gene Therapy for two turns but we have Sage that grant us additional in Brains and is better to noy rush to the finish line while slow and steady is a guarantee to win the race.

Edit: Also guys Dr. Starline still wanted by GUN and sending him in a collab with them is a... pretty much bad idea since there's no guarantee they would not arrest him on the spot once the research is done.

Remember Walters vetoed Towers in clearing the charges.

Here is the other plan with Honey Shop if people want to vote on it.

[] Plan: Tokyo-to here we Go! (Honey Shop)
-[] Power
--[] Reclaim Your Territory: DC 60/100 - Conquering Storm + Badniks: 1x Egg Pawn (1), 2x Hotaru (10), 1x Ice Ball (6), 1x Motobug (3)
--[] Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140/160/180/200 - Thunderbolt
-[] Heart
--[] Contact the Black Market DC: 30/60/90 - Honey the Cat
-[] Logistics
--[] Egg-colonize the territory Dc 90 - Isara + Badniks: 2x Quinzon,
--[] Rebuild Honey's Shop Dc 30 - Orbot&Cubot
-[] Brains
--[] Study Black Arms Material DC 100/150 (Collab with GUN) - Sage
--[] Peform Gene Therapy: Autosuscess
-[] Trickery
--[] Rescue Chuck Thorndike and his grandson Chris. DC140 - Rouge + Badniks: 1x Blowfish(Egg Clan) + 1x Newton
-[] Mystic
--[] Check The Area For Magical Objects DC: Variable - Agent Stone + 1x Egg Magician
-[] Personal action
--[] Dr. Eggman: Focus on Your Work - Rescue Chuck Thorndike and his grandson Chris
--[] Dr: Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Belle)
--[] Dr. Starline: Talk to that Chinchilla
--[] Rusty Rose: Patrol The Perimeter
--[] Metal Sonic: Look for a Worthy Opponent
--[] Agent Stone: Interrogate Zeena
--[] Belle: Check on Metal
--[] Pronghorn Sisters: Talk to your New Co-Workers - Canaan
--[] Canaan: Talk with Belle
--[] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
--[] Sage: Watch Father's Exploits
--[] Piastol: Learn about Tarot
--[] Conquering Storm: Resupply
--[] Honey: Make Eggman Empire Uniforms
--[] Thunderbolt: Rebuild Your Mech
--[] Give someone a Egggun
---[] Belle
--[] Keep Omega busy - Rusty Rose
--[]Aventure 666: Tokyo-To Scramble!:
---[] Canaan (Leader)
---[] Pronghorn Sisters
---[] Belle
---[] Piastol
---[] Metal Sonic
---[] Babniks: 1x EggRobo, 4x Egg Pawns.

Also there's a reason to leave Conquering Storm behind since she could be used to defend our territory in case Zavok or anybody else decided to attack us. While only Clove could only safely deployed since Cassia would run in danger of her suit falling to Zeti powers in any defensive Contest Roll against Zavok.
[x]Fires, Fires everywhere.
--[x]Expand my territory- Conquering Storm + Badniks: 1x Egg Pawn (1), 2x Hotaru (10), 1x Ice Ball (6), 1x Moto Bug (3)
--[x]Upgrade Metal Sonic - Thunderbolt
--[x]Recruit Goro Majima - Metal Sonic
--[x]Egg-colonize the territory - Isara, Quinzon x2
--[x]Rebuild Honey's Shop - Orbot and Cubot
--[x]Perform Gene-therapy
--[x]Black Arm Research - Sage
--[x]Rescue Chuck and Chris - Rouge + Newtron + Egg clan
--[x]Check the area for magical objects - Agent Stone + Egg Magician
---[x]Make Equipment (Belle)
---[x]Draw blueprints
---[x]Talk to Sage
---[x]Practice Woodcarving
---[x]Read up on Eggman Lore
--[x]Rusty Rose
---[x]Spar with Metal
--[x]Metal Sonic
---[x]Look for a Worthy Opponent
--[x]Agent Stone
---[x]interrogate Zenna
---[x]Belle Practice Engineering a bit
--[x]Pronghorn Siblings
---[x]Get Some Ice Cream
---[x]Hang out with Belle.
---[x]Get used to this world's technology
---[x]Study those Other Versions of Father
---[x]Feed Deathhound
--[x]Conquering Storm
---[x]Hang out with Agent Stone
--[x]Honey the Cat
---[x]Make Eggman Empire Uniforms
--[x]Thunderbolt the chinchilla
---[x]Rebuild Your Mech
-[x]Keep Omega busy - Rusty Rose
-[x]Adevtnure 666: Tokyo-To Scramble!:
--[x] Canaan (Leader)
--[x] Pronghorn Sisters
--[x] Belle
--[x] Piastol
--[x] Starline
--[x] Babniks: 1x EggRobo, 4x Egg Pawns.
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Voting is open