Family time! I hope the fortune teller is only a cameo of the persona series. I love the persona series, but I believe we already have way too much to deal with, what we already know and their being still more unknowns about, without adding in the persona series to the mix.
If something I am starting to realize that the persona achivement will be pretty difficult to get for lore reasons.

IIRC it is stated that adults have a harder time developing personas due to having a more defined mask that they show to society to the point that it is almost impossible to remove.

It is possible as shown by Persona 5 Strikers, but it takes a very high mental toll on those that actually do it.

Mostly because they already know who they are, good and bad sides.

And even then most of our hero units have twisted desires that could also form a palace, no doubt Eggman has one inmediatly that is a mess due to the sheer amount of twisted desires amalgamated in there.

Canaan and Piastol are not paragons of sanity for a good amount and probably have the possibilty to create palaces on their own.

Metal Sonic no doubt also has a palace.

Doubt I even need to mention Starline.

Funnily enough Stone is probably the only one without twisted desires as the guy honestly is pretty well set in life, maybe a shadow, but a palace would be hard for him to form.

Belle and Isara I honestly could see them getting the Persona 4 treatment.

Same for Conquering Storm who either has a palace or a Shadow, Clove and Cassia are honestly a good guess of a mix between a persona 4 and 5 fusion of Shadows they deny and a palace.

Sage honestly is a Nanako case, someone so young and pure at this point of their life that the capacity of forming a shadow should be close to 0.

Rusty has probably a Shadow, but a very hidden one due to what the chaos council did to her.
Oh man I can't wait to get the Sonic X minions that were Eggman original cubot and orbot along with the messenger one that looked like the devil oh we can make the teacher bot to teach people intelligent faster and also be better then the other teachers in that one episode
Battle for the Ages: Very Angry Red Man vs 300 IQ Genius-Part 3: His World (Round 1)
Stepping through the portal, you arrive at the hangar built underground of the former Black Arm's stronghold, where the battle was raging just a few minutes ago. The job was done in a hurry, mostly focused on housing the Mech you would be using for the upcoming battle.

Right in the middle of the hangar, standing proud, is the DARC-EGG-ROBOT! One of your first ever designed death machines, now upgraded to reach even greater highs. A part of you was disappointed that you would not be able to debut this against Sonic, but Zavok was as good of a test drive as any, you suppose.

Once you get in the cockpit, you begin activating all the systems. This machine shouldn't be something Zavok can take control of, meaning you will be able to go all out against that Alien without fear of your mech being neutralized.

As you finish the last Check Up and are ready for take off, the communicator of the mech turns on. You stare at the video of a panicked Starline.

"S-Sir, Doctor Eggman! I must insist, no need for you to appear to deal with that Zeti!" He stammers, worried for what? The possibility of you losing? Bah! That fool does not get it.

"You think Zavok stands a chance against me?" You ask as you check the ammo counter of your shoulder cannon, while not as much available as you would prefer, the amount you manage to collect will be enough. "Do you doubt my capabilities that much?" You sneer at him, getting annoyed by his useless rattle.

"That's not it, Doctor!" Starline exclaims with indignation. "But I don't understand the reason for you to show yourself! Let the minions deal with him! They have done a superb job so far, you shouldn't-"

"Risk getting shot like you?" You cut in immediately, your response making the platypus freeze in shock, hitting right in the nail. "If I wasn't ready to risk my life, I would have never built my first mecha." You scoff. "Sage! Open the doors please. Daddy has a Zeti to crush."

"Understood Father!" She says, diligently, like the good daughter she is, helping you crush enemies. "Please…be careful."

"I will Sage…I promise." You say softly, you won't let your daughter spill tears over your demise, that won't happen.

As the gates open and the DARC-EGG-ROBOT begins to rise, you speak to Starline one last time.

"He was right about one thing, you know." You start, not giving him a second to ask. "If I am going to defeat Sonic, it will not be by my minions…it shall be by my own hands, with whatever tools I create." You say as you grin.

"Remember this, there is a right and a wrong way to deal with your nemesis…and I am about to show them the way EGGMAN handles things!" You proclaim as the Mecha rises and stands triumphantly over the battlefield.

You look up to the sky, and right there you see him. Standing atop the Blowfish with 2 of your creations, that pretentious Zeti, with his arms crossed.

Turning on the Microphone of the DARC-EGG, you call out to him. "Zavok! Is this what you wanted? A final epic battle where I personally crush you?!" You see him sneering at you, your words having the desired effect.

"You didn't have to go through all this trouble! You should have just called me! But if you insist!" You make the Mecha's arms rise to the air, as if celebrating. "Behold! The DARC-EGG-ROBOT! The machine of your ultimate defeat! Wahahahahahahaha!"

Just then, your personal music theme starts blaring from the Mech, giving this battlefield the appropriate musical accompaniment it needs.

"EGGGGMMMMAAAAAANNNNN!!!" Zavok shouts as he jumps off the Blowfish and his body begins glowing an intense red, and just before he can hit the ground…

After a flash of light and the earth quaking, what stands before you is a Kiaju Sized Zavok, his size even towering by a head or two of your precious Mech.

"Ohohohohohoho!" You bellow, feeling your blood pump through your veins. "Now this IS a Final Battle!" You tighten your hands across the DARC-EGG's controls.

"Let's do-" Just as you are about to start your epic Showdown…

"Zavoooooooooooook!" A loud and annoying noise could be heard coming from…below you?

Shifting your focus, you are able to see a Cat running across the battlefield toward both of you.

"What in the-Who the hell is that?" You exclaim annoyed for someone daring to interfere with your epic battle!

"That…that is Honey the Cat, Doctor!" Starline informs you. "One of the possible minions i had-"

"Whoever she is, she better don't get in my way!" You exclaim, not particularly caring about this right now.

"If you excuse me… I have a Zeti to kill." You say as you operate the controls, making the DARC-EGG move according to your specifications.

"Let's do this!"


Instead of the usual way of doing battle, we will be trying a new Mechanics for encounters. Made by Crosswire for their quest Bound to Earth! With their permission to use them off course!

Here is the quick breakdown:

While most instances of combat or challenges of martial strength will be covered by simple decisions and rolls through Faction Actions, some important battles will receive special attention. These will take the form of 'Battles'.

During a Battle the players will be able to vote on the individual actions of any relevant controlled characters in that battle. Be it the player character and any accompanying companions in a single team fight, or Hero Units spread across a larger pitched battle.

Each character under the control of the players in a battle has a set number of Action Points (AP) they can spend to make certain decisions in a fight.

Different decisions operate off the character's various stats. With some decisions requiring more actions to take then others.

Instead of trying to meet a set DC, the player's actions are directly pitted against the aims and actions of their enemies.

Once a course of action has been decided on by the players, the battle will proceed and the results will be shown. The battle may take a number of turns and will end once it's reached some type of conclusion.

Failing rolls during a battle doesn't automatically mean defeat, and succeeding your initial batch of rolls doesn't automatically mean victory. Battles can end in a number of ways and the results aren't wholly binary.

List of Actions:

Eggman Actions (2 AP) (5 HP):
(1 AP): Open Fire! :
That Zavok has grown to a giant size and while for someone of lesser genius this would be troublesome, for you this is perfect! A bigger target means your shoots will land more easily!
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok, adds a +10 Bonus, can only be used 4 times)

(1 AP) Rock and Roll! :
Time to set up some proper music for this final battle! Let the jukeboxes fire at full volume!
(Super loud sound waves will be released from the DARC-EGG-ROBOT, making it so any Hero units that acts near it will suffer a -10 malus while the music is on. )

(1 AP) Mock him!
You understand that Zavok goaded you just to appear on the battlefield,but two can play that game! Use your genius and insult him, make him act sloppy and take advantage of it!
(CONTESTED TRICKERY ROLL AGAINST Zavok, if you win, Zavok will suffer a -10 Manus to all his rolls during this turn.)

(1 AP) Engage Him Mano to Spike!
Zavok thinks he can trade punches with your precious creation? Ha! Let's see what he thinks when your spikes fill his body with holes! Get close to him and don't give him a chance to react!
(Contested Combat Roll against Zavok, doesn't use Ammo)

(1 AP) Use Jetpack to keep mobile!
While the DARC-EGG-ROBOT might be slow, with the installed jetpack you and Isara built, it will be easy to reposition and keep your distance on the battlefield.
(Attacks against the DARC-EGG-ROBOT suffer a malus -10 unless the attacker is flying.)

Clove: 2AP (4 HP):
(1 AP): Take to the Air!
Use Death's Flight and gain altitude, you will have more mobility this way and be able to react to any attack coming your way.
(Clove flies and gets into the air, giving a -10 malus to anyone attacking her from the ground.)

(2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
This cat appeared out of nowhere and seems to head straight towards Zavok? That's dangerous, she will get herself killed! Perhaps you can try and convince her to join your forces?
(Procs a Heart Check, if passed, Honey will listen to suggestions or orders either Clove or Another Hero Unit gives to her)

(2 AP) Try to Restrain Metal Sonic.
With your boots, you will be able to fly letting you catch Metal Sonic. The Doctor was clear how he wants his creation back. Trying to neutralize him without inflicting more damage...will be hard but you can try and come up with something.
(Power roll with Disadvantage against Metal Sonic, if successful, Metal is restrained by Clove)

(1 AP) Hack and Slash Silver Sonic
While an older Model, any super Badnik from Eggman is a threat, better deal with it fast before it causes more trouble.
(Contested Combat Roll against Silver Sonic)

(1 AP) Attack Metal Sonic
Eggman might get angry at you, but Metal Sonic is too much of a risk to try and keep intact, better to destroy him now.
(Contested Combat Roll against Metal Sonic)

(1 AP) Coordinate with the others
The situation is too chaotic to just rush recklessly, better try and regroup with someone to come up with a plan to deal with the Badniks.
(Logistics Check of 60. If passed, Clove gathers with another Hero Unit to plan together their move for next turn)

Conquering Storm 2AP (4 HP):
(1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
Use the ancient ninja art of throwing a smoke bomb and disappearing into the fog, blinding foes and looking for the chance to strike.
(Storm throws a smoke bomb, giving all units with a Trickery score lower than her a -10 malus on attack rolls against her and a +10 bonus to her attack rolls this turn.)

(2 AP): Ninja Art - Replacement Jutsu
A chaotic battlefield can be a true danger for a ninja, but they are also masters of deception. What may look to be an open target may just be a clever trap.
(A contested Trickery check is made against a foe that manages to hit an ally. If Storm is successful, the ally is replaced with a small spiked ball. The foe must succeed a DC60 Power check or take one damage.)

(1 AP): Kunai Storm against Silver Sonic
Unleash a barrage of kunai against the Master Robot to deal with the problem before it can truly become one.
(Contested Combat Roll against Silver Sonic)

(1 AP): Ninja Hacking
The Lord has asked for his greatest creation to be brought in, but that will be easier if it is at least partially disassembled. Aim for the hinges and joints, but avoid the essential circuits.
(Contested Combat Roll against Metal Sonic. If this lowers Metal to 0 hp, he is not destroyed and instead has his limbs removed.)

(1 AP): Boast Of Your Lord
Your lord shall not only be the one who wins this day, but he shall be the one to reunite the entire world underneath his banner!
(A Heart check is made with a DC of 60. If it succeeds, Storm and all allies get +10 to their rolls on the following turn.)

(0 AP): Return In Kind
How dare they strike at you! You are no bride of the storm, but The Conquering Storm itself and you will tear apart the lesser creations that have dared to strike you!
(Contested Combat Roll at advantage against a foe that has dealt at least one damage to Storm.)

Piastol 2AP (5 HP):
(1 AP) Attack A Target (Pick a Target)
You'll teach these fools to fear the angel of death, let's see how they like the taste of your scythe!
(Contested Power roll against the target, Piastol will move in close to the enemy to attack)

(1 AP) Cast Wevles on Silver Sonic or Metal Sonic (Pick one)
If your enemies are fast, then you need to hit it with your largest, fastest spell until it goes down. Or stops, whatever gets you paid. (Piastol summons a cutting tornado around one of the robots. Contested power roll, attack will be from a distance.)

(1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
This monster looks tough, but you bet it hasn't been hit in the soul before. Time to fix that. (Piastol fires crystals that slice the body and rattle the soul. Contested power roll. Less effect on robots) (WARNING, NOT AN INSTANT DEATH EFFECT)

(2 AP) Tempest Dance
A whirlwind of death is what you will become, tearing through the foes in front of you to bring an end to this. This is an all or nothing maneuver through
(Contested Power roll with a +10 bonus that deals two damage on a success. Piastol suffers a -10 malus on her next turn.)

(2 AP) Bite and Blade
Command Death hound to lock a foe in place so you can strike them down! (Contested Power roll for Death hound to latch onto an enemy and drain their stamina, allowing piastol to go nuts with a second power roll. Works best on biological opponents)

(1 AP) ...Or Just Bite?
Dragging around a ferlith would slow anyone down, including robots.
(Contested Power roll, piastol commands Death hound to help restrain a robot. Piastol will not use Wevles on a target death hound is biting, but can use eterni on them)

Death Hound: During Combat Encounters Piastol will always have access to one of the following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
->Incremus (0 AP): Deathhound wreaths another in flame, adding a +10 to another's roll. The other person's buff will last for that round. He cannot target Piastol or himself, because he already does by default.(Choose target of the buff, need to be within range of Deathound)

->Noxi (0 AP): Roll 1d100+10 (1/2 Piastol's mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5?for the round, if crit, the debuff last 2 rounds. Casting noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power by -5. If the new noxi timer is lower than the current noxi timer, use the old noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacremus (0 AP): Deathhound heals an organic Hero Unit for 1 hp. Requires 1 round to recharge.

Canaan Actions 2 AP (3 HP):
(1 AP) Deal with the Boss' Machine.
So Eggman wants to get back his robot? That will be a tough cookie but you think you can manage. Shooting the back of the thing and grounding him will make things easier. Trying to hit them will be hard but you can manage)
(Contested Power roll against Metal Sonic)

(1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.
That other robot the red alien brought along is causing a huge mess, you better put a stop on it before things escalate...Them being machines makes it harder than usual to face but nothing you can't handle
(Contested power roll against Silver Sonic)

(2 AP) Reposition Immediately.
Not only are Eggman's big mech and that Zavok guy duking it out in the middle of the field, the other 2 killer robots are on the loose and your ribs still hurt from that skunk's punch. Time to bail and hide.
(Contested Trickery check against Silver Sonic and Metal Sonic, if successful, Canaan will hide and won't be targeted by attacks and she will be able to attack with advantage on following turns as long as she remains hidden)

(1 AP) Climb The DARC-EGG-ROBOT.
Might sound like a stupid idea...but you have to admit it sounds awesome! By climbing it, you will get a better angle to shoot Zavok...But if he lands a good hit on the mech, that might send you flying...
(Power check to climb the DARC-EGG-ROBOT, if successful, gain advantage on the Attack Zavok action. (If Attack The Zeti is picked)

(1 AP) Attack Zavok!
So the guy has grown to jumbo size? Not a big deal, that just means you have a bigger target to shoot at. To get a clear shot you will be hard, with that size, Maria will need a solid hit to make him feel it, but you think you can manage.
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok, if successful, chances of inflicting debuffs on him)

Zavok (??? HP)
Silver Sonic (??? HP)
Metal Sonic (2 HP)

Vote in plan format Please!
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I think we should try to keep at least one missile barrage in reserve for when Zavok tries to retreat.

Both the bonus and the range will be useful for keeping annoying Zeti from running away.
Okay....We need to make EVERY shot of the DARC-EGG count.

As for Honey? We should reach out to her. If we can get her out of immediate danger, and convince her to take orders from us, we can direct her to weakening the support units AROUND Zavok.

As for Piastol, Conquering Storm, and Canaan? Not sure. Just that we need to remove Silver Sonic and Metal Sonic from play....and weaken Zavok AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!
Ok, the new system is kinda baller for these big hero fights.

Hm, kinda wish we brought Starline for portal tactics but that's fine. Hm. This first turn I say try to focus down Metal Sonic and Silver Sonic. Once it's just Zavic, we can squad jump him which should hurt badly
…Clove seems to be the only one who can talk to Honey, so that's her AP.

Conquering Storm…Smoke Bomb and Ninja Hacking on Metal Sonic. We can reattach limbs later (maybe even give him better ones!)

Canaan…Reposition maybe?

Piastol to focus on Silver Sonic with as much as offense as possible…

And Eggman…Jetpack and Open Fire?
Yeah also lets keep in mind we want Canaan and Conquering Storm as healthy as possible for coming turn.

As Canaan is already set for an Adventure, while Conquering Storm is needed for the search Chuck and Chris action.

From Eggman actions I say mock Zavok should be on the table, his trickery is probably similar to ours so any contested roll should be pretty close,, but if we suceed, not only we get info on Zavok trickery, but also nullify 2/3 from his battle trait for a turn.

Open fire and Rock and roll could end up badly if Zavok avoids the first, for the second we are literally debuffing and negating most traits from our own hero units so maybe not worth doing at the moment.

Mano to Spike seems to be the viable choice this turn, we can let ourselves get hit at least once or twice and we can use it to check anything else Zavok may have, his gigantism trait probably gave him a power boost, so we could test the waters with this.

Clove yeah, we need to calm down Honey or at least try before things get out of control, remember that Clove also applies trickery to heart checks so we could have a fair chance.
Please do let us know what you all think of the actions and how the system is looking as we go through this.

We expect the new system to be better for you all in that you can plan things out more, but it will mean that things slow down a bit narratively.
Just then, your personal music theme starts blaring from the Mech, giving this battlefield the appropriate musical accompaniment it needs.

"EGGGGMMMMAAAAAANNNNN!!!" Zavok shouts as he jumps off the Blowfish and his body begins glowing an intense red, and just before he can hit the ground…

After a flash of light and the earth quaking, what stands before you is a Kiaju Sized Zavok, his size even towering by a head or two of your precious Mech.

"Ohohohohohoho!" You bellow, feeling your blood pump through your veins. "Now this IS a Final Battle!" You tighten your hands across the DARC-EGG's controls.

"Let's do-" Just as you are about to start your epic Showdown…

"Zavoooooooooooook!" A loud and annoying noise could be heard coming from…below you?

Shifting your focus, you are able to see a Cat running across the battlefield toward both of you.

"What in the-Who the hell is that?" You exclaim annoyed for someone daring to interfere with your epic battle!

"That…that is Honey the Cat, Doctor!" Starline informs you. "One of the possible minions i had-"

"Whoever she is, she better don't get in my way!" You exclaim, not particularly caring about this right now.

"If you excuse me… I have a Zeti to kill." You say as you operate the controls, making the DARC-EGG move according to your specifications.

"Let's do this!"

Well I suppose this is how it's gonna have to be then.