Probably so, but we end up with the same problem in the idw comics with the metal virus, it mutating quicker with thr addition of the zombie virus and it ends with tbe world dead
The Metal Virus is akin to a Grey Goo scenario. Nanomachines run rampant. And while not an ORGANIC is programmed to ACT like a virus...which potentially includes mutation.
Still....The House of the Dead MAY need some Mystic skills.....While we are not Mystics ourselves, we COULD tinker and make some tools that could do the trick....OR we can scavenge around Mystic Mansion, Hang Castle, Haunted Castle in Spagonia, Cryptic Castle....
Honestly we'd ve better off just making the metal virus into a true grey good that just eats whatever we program it to
With many many failsafes and off switchs
Then we don't use it on him
The metal virus is something we'll break out for truly monstrous kings and races that require a last resort
It's not something used lightly
The two of you stood there for a moment, as is the time honored tradition in these sorts of things. Your minions tools their positions as they readied themselves for battle against your stolen works of genius as the two towering titans appraised one another.
"Gigantification," you muse, a mocking lilt to your tone. "Funny how so many foes believe that to be the answer when it comes to a fight like this. But in the end, well, the only reason they feel that they have to is because they're so small, they're beneath my notice."
The DARC-EGG-ROBOT unleashed a barrage of missiles at the crimson alien as you laugh in his face, the speaker systems making sure that he can hear every belly laugh.
As they make impact a screen of dust and debris rises, obscuring the Zeti that had taken a full salvo of your genius-
"You talk too much."
You're thrown bodily around the cockpit at the force of the impact, scrambling back up, the camera feeds show that Zavok has changed into the DARC-EGG-ROBOT and both of his claws have gripped onto either side of your mech's head, his maw glowing a worrying orange.
"Oh my gears and starters."
The heat of Zavok's flame breath bleeds through the cockpit as the DARC-EGG-ROBOT screams in protest, awash with flame, metal warping under the savage aliens blast, sensors warning of damage throughout the entire mech.
Hurriedly righting yourself, you activate the rocket boosters, pulling yourself free of the alien menace's grip, but the damage to your mech is clear as day as you land back on the ground.
"That's all you are, Eggman." The Zeti growls as he stomps forward, the ground shaking beneath his steps. "A man in a tin can who loves to talk."
"Now it's time to shut your mouth and DIE!"
'Seems like the boss has the Kaiju completely in hand,' Canaan muses to herself as she leaps back from the strange silver robot launching an extendable arm at her, the force of it blasting apart the rocks she had been using as cover and convincing her she had made the right move to dodge.
Negligently she points Maria at the shoulder of the robot as it retracts and fires, the comforting recoil she so easily maneuvered into momentum, not needing to watch as she hits her mark and instead rolling to take position where she can get a clear shot on the rampaging alien.
She really doesn't have that strong of an opinion on her current boss, though the equipment was of very high quality and he was good enough to let her name her new babies, but you do need to protect the paycheck after all.
Zavok's emotions swirled around him in a tornado, nothing subtle or hidden about the Hate and Anger he felt towards the doctor. Canaan can even see some of it literally mixing in with the flames that dripped from his maw, his hatred almost a physical manifestation.
But while the rage might be empowering him, it just made a target for her shot as she let out a breath and pulled the trigger.
A massive hand covered his eye as Zavok roared in pain, Canaan's shot landing a bullseye on the lens of the Zeti's massive eye.
She allowed herself a smirk and was going to move when another set of emotions flaring briefly drew her attention.
Piastol, scythe spinning through the air as her hound wreathes the two of them in an empowering magic, focuses on the garnet goliath. A glowing silver energy has formed in her hand and even as she brings the scythe to a halt, she thrusts forward.
The light solidifies into a streaking silver missile, the crystal aimed true as it strikes Zavok squarely in the chest, shattering on impact, but the silver light sinking into the titan as he roared in pain.
Well, he felt that one.
Giving the sorceress a quick nod, the two of you rejoin the battle against the mechanical threats.
Hopefully the doctor is one to hand out bonuses for a job well done OR for saving his bacon against a kaiju.
Clove was very glad that Cassia had seen reason and not joined in on this madness. It seemed like she had to take care of another teenager with a deathwish anyway.
Tackling the cat out of the way of an incoming extendo-arm, the two of them rolled through the dust and Clove could feel the smaller woman wrestling to be free of her grip.
"If you run straight into Zavok you'll not only not accomplish anything, you'll be dead!" She yells even as Honey hisses at her.
"I don't care! He took everything I made and burned it all away!" The cat yells, throwing a punch at Clove's kidneys that the Pronghorn barely manages to block.
"No he didn't!" She shakes the spitting mad cat. "You're still here! The world is still here! If you don't get it together he won't have to take anything else from you, you'll throw it in the fire yourself!"
The tears steaming from Honey's face don't stop, but the attempts to hit Clove in the vitals do as her arms go slack.
"I'm not saying don't get your revenge," Clove pulls her to her feet and hands her a small Egg Gun that she had brought as a hold out. "I am saying work with us to make sure it happens. Don't just run in at him, if he took from you, how about you help us take away all of his stolen toys and then put him down for good?"
The cat's hands wrap around the small gun as she looks Clove in the eyes and nods.
"Okay… okay." She nods to herself and looks to the Pronghorn with a fire in her eyes. "What's the plan then?"
As Clove watches Conquering Storm leap from a cloud of smoke and dust, only to bounce off the glowing Black Shield surrounding Metal Sonic she only really has one answer.
"I'll get back to you on that."
She was the Conquering Storm and she would not be denied!
The emperor had assigned her and the lesser subordinates to regain control of his greatest creation and none would stop her, especially not the metallic doppelganger itself!
"Piastol!" You called to the sorceress, only to see the blue light already surrounding her. A vicious grin crosses Storm's face as she draws her kunai.
"The vicious tides of water find you wanting," the mage intones even as the metallic doppelganger tries some of its own stolen magics to no effect. "Be torn and sundered by the waves, Wevles!"
The blades of water strike at the same moment Storm sinks her kunai into the joints of the elbow and leg, the water piercing on the other side as the robot sparks and Metal screeches, its eyes glaring a hateful red at you before the display goes dark and the body crumples to ground.
Storm stands and places a boot on the defeated foe, taking in the rest of the battlefield.
"The silver sonic still stands," she notes, watching as the machine attacks the Egg Boss and the foolish civilian with little effect. "But we may need to focus our efforts on-"
"On the giant alien monster currently kicking the ever loving shit out of the meal ticket?" Piastol interupts her, Storm grating her teeth at the blase tone and impudence. "Yeah we're gonna need to jump in there probably, but I don't intend to get stepped on by a kaiju. You got any ideas?"
Conquering Storm breathes in and centers herself, letting the anger at the mage's arrogance pass. For now.
"I believe I may have an idea…"
Eggman 2AP (2 HP)
(2 AP) "Tactically Advance in the other direction"
You might have…miscalculated a little…well no matter! Your Genius will give you the answer to this conundrum! Just… need to get some space and plan a strategy!
(Eggman uses all the fuel of his jetpack to gain distance and separate from Zavok, forcing the alien to use his round to chase Eggman or not be able to attack him this round).
(1 Ap) Rock and Roll!
There is no retreat! If mocking didn't work, then music shall be the answer! Bust that Zeti's eardrums! Let your beautiful voice be heard!
(All nearby Units that act near the DARC-EGG-ROBOT receive a malus of -10 to their actions.)
(1 AP) Focus Fire on the eye.
Zavok's eye is deeply hurt, most likely that is to the work of one of your minions. You see a chance here! Prioritize that eye and hopefully damage him further!
(Contested power check against Zavok, attacking at a distance, +10 bonus, 3 uses left)
(2 AP) Duke it out!
How dare he! Damaging your robot and mocking you?! That's it! If he doesn't appreciate banter then you will show him what happens when you get serious!
(Contested Power Roll with advantage against Zavok)
(1 Ap) Keep mobile while attacking!
You need to get the initiative back, but at the same time, the mech is too hurt to take more hits like those, use the jetpack to move around the battlefield and attack!
(All enemies get a -10 when attacking the DARC EGG ROBOT during this round)
Clove 2AP (4 HP)
(1 AP) Finish with Silver Sonic.
While assisting Eggman would be the priority, making sure Silver Sonic can not run interference on your plans is more important. Chop that tin can into pieces!
(Contested power roll against Silver Sonic.)
(2 AP) Focus on the other eye.
Seems like the mercenary Canaan had a bright idea, Zavok's eres are a weakness you can exploit. While you can fly there, you will be like a fly to Zavok, making it easy for him to knock you out. You need to be careful.
(Contested Power Roll with disadvantage against Zavok, If successful, cause further malus on him.)
(1 AP) Get airborne!
Right now, on the ground, you are an easy target for Silver Sonic and Zavok, use Death's flight and get some extra mobility.
(All attacks against Clove receive a Malus this turn of -10)
(1 Ap) Coordínate with the others.
You need a plan and fast, before Zavok destroys the Mech and possibly kills Eggman. You can possibly come up with a plan, but will need the assistance of the others.
(Reach out to another Hero unit no next turn to act together for their next action.)
Conquering Storm 2AP (4HP)
(1 AP): Kunai Storm against Silver Sonic
Unleash a barrage of kunai against the Master Robot to deal with the problem and stop it from harrying you or your allies any more than it already has.
(Contested Combat Roll against Silver Sonic)
(2 AP) Ninja Tripwire Technique
The saying "the bigger they are the harder they fall" is true no matter how big the enemy truly is, but this may be stretching the saying to breaking point. However if you can manage to bring the Zeti to the ground, that is quite the advantage.
(Conquering Storm makes a Trickery check contested by a Power check by Zavok. If Storm succeeds, Zavok is brought to the ground, giving all of his attack rolls -10 for the turn and attacks against him +10.)
(1 AP) Scale The Beast
This is not even the largest foe that you have ever fought and you know that to truly deal damage to such a creature, you must be as close as possible. Scale the crimson creature so that you can actually deal damage to it.
(Conquering Storm rolls a contested Trickery check against Zavok. If she succeeds she climbs onto his back and can take the Backstab or Blinding Powder actions. If Zavok takes heavy damage, there is a chance she receives damage as well.]
(1 AP) Backstab
While the hide may be tough, that does not mean you cannot carve into it! The Storm does not down a dragon in a single blow, but a thousand cuts to bleed it dry.
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok which if Storm fails, Zavok manages to dislodge her.)
(1 AP) Blinding Powder
Not one of your usual tricks, but the mercenary had a decent idea. Climb further and unleash a cloud of irritating powder into the undamaged eye of the monstrous creature and blind the raging beast.
(Conquering Storm makes a Trickery check contested by a Power check by Zavok. If she succeeds, Zavok suffers an additional malus due to the powder. If she fails, Zavok manages to dislodge her.
Piastol 2AP (5 HP)
(1 AP) Bring In The Harvest
The reaper comes to collect the harvest, be it machine or alien, the angel of death comes for them all!
(Piastol makes a Contested Power roll against the target, moving in close to the enemy to attack.)
(1 AP) Cast Wevles on Silver Sonic (Pick one)
If your enemies are fast, then you need to hit it with your largest, fastest spell until it goes down. Or stops, whatever gets you paid. (Piastol summons a cutting tornado around one of the robots. Contested power roll, attack will be from a distance.)
(1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
This monster looks tough, but you bet it hasn't been hit in the soul before. Time to fix that. (Piastol fires crystals that slice the body and rattle the soul. Contested power roll. Less effect on robots) (WARNING, NOT AN INSTANT DEATH EFFECT)
(2 AP) Tempest Dance
A whirlwind of death is what you will become, tearing through the foes in front of you to bring an end to this. This is an all or nothing maneuver through.
(Contested Power roll with a +10 bonus that deals two damage on a success. Piastol suffers a -10 malus on her next turn.)
(2 AP) Bite and Blade
Command Death hound to lock a foe in place so you can strike them down!
(Contested Power roll for Death hound to latch onto an enemy and drain their stamina, allowing piastol to go nuts with a second power roll. Works best on biological opponents)
(1 AP) ...Or Just Bite?
Dragging around a ferlith would slow anyone down, including robots.
(Contested Power roll, Piastol commands Death Hound to help restrain a robot. Piastol will not use Wevles on a target death hound is biting, but can use eterni on them)
Death Hound: During Combat Encounters Piastol will always have access to one of the following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
->Incremus (0 AP): Deathhound wreaths another in flame, adding a +10 to another's roll. The other person's buff will last for that round. He cannot target Piastol or himself, because he already does by default.(Choose target of the buff, need to be within range of Deathound)
->Noxi (0 AP): Roll 1d100+10 (1/2 Piastol's mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5?for the round, if crit, the debuff last 2 rounds. Casting noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power by -5. If the new noxi timer is lower than the current noxi timer, use the old noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacremus (0 AP): Deathhound heals an organic Hero Unit for 1 hp. Requires 1 round to recharge.
Canaan 2AP (3 HP)
(1 Ap) Further punish his eye!
Your shot might have put his eye out of commission for now, but you don't expect it to have done permanent damage. Time to fix that.
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok, if successful, chances to increase the malus and its duration)
(1 AP) Aim for the other eye.
One eye down, one more to go, if the big guy is blind, all that rage and anger won't do anything.
(Contested Power Roll against Zavok, chances to inflict malus to him)
(2 AP) Reposition now!
That big kaiju can easily squash you if not careful. If he stomps you it's guaranteed to make a pancake out of you, better hide fast.
(Contested Trickery Check against Zavok and Silver Sonic, If successful, she won't be targeted by attacks)
(1 AP) Deal with the weird Silver robot.
You ought to put that thing out of comission now so you and the others can focus on Big Red over there, a few more shots should do the trick.
(Contested Power Roll against Silver Sonic)
Honey 2AP (3 HP)
(1 AP) Attack the Sonic look alike!
If you can't hit Zavok, then you will focus on breaking his bot!
(Contested Power Roll against Silver Sonic)
(2 AP) Employ Your Cat instincts!
Right now, making sure you don't get taken out before getting your revenge is the priority, find an opportunity to counterattack soon!
(Honey will stay on guard and If anyone attacks her, she rolls with advantage to counter attack them!)
(1 AP) Distract Zavok!
You know If that big robot goes down you will be in trouble, so let's see if the big guy can get distracted for a bit!
(Contested Heart check against Zavok. If successful, he Rol s with a -10 this turn)
(2 AP) Climb the giant!
Even If what that lady said is true, you still will not rest until Zavok gets what he deserves! Even If you have to climb and scratch his eyeballs out you will!
(Honey does a Trickery Contested Roll against Zavok Power Roll. If successful, Honey takes the Attack Zavok Action with Advantage)
(1 AP) Attack Zavok!
You don't want to throw your life away, but right here, right now, you have a chance to make him Pay for what he did! Time for all those hours of practice to pay off!)
(Contested Power Roll with disadvantage against Zavok)
Open Fire
Eggman: 28 + 35 (Power) + 10 (Missile Bonus) + 10 (Incremus) = 73
Zavok: 100 + ???
Zavok: 99 + ???
Zavok Total = 256
Zavok Natural Critical Success
The DARC-EGG-ROBOT takes THREE damage and is down to two hp.
Clove: Reach Out To The New Individual
Heart check DC 60: 59 + 31 = 90
Honey is listening to Clove and will be commendable next turn.
Conquering Storm
Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
No Roll Required
Ninja Hacking
91 + 22 (Storm's Martial) + 14 (Ninjutsu Specialist) + 10 (Smoke bomb) = 137
19 + 35 = 54
Critical Success for Storm!
Minor Success for Metal Sonic
No damage either way.
Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
45 + 22 (Piastol's Power) + 10 (White Dwarf) + 10 (Death Hound) = 87
36 + 35 = 71
Piastol Success!
Metal Sonic is down to one hp.
Cast Eterni on Zavok
71 + 22 + 10 + 10 = 113
??? + ??? = 70
Piastol Success!
Zavok takes one damage and has ??? hp left.
Attack Zavok!
44 + 28 (Canaan's Power) + 5 (Expert Sharpshooter) + 5 (Synesthesia) + 15 (The Maria) = 97
??? + ??? = 50
Canaan Success!
Zavok has -10 to his attack rolls for 1d3 rounds!
1d3 = 3
Deal With The Weird Silver Robot
45 + 28 + 5 = 78
Silver Sonic
??? + ??? = 58
Canaan Success!
Silver Sonic takes one damage and has ??? hp left.
Metal Sonic
Attack The Mage
9 + 35 = 44
46 + 42 = 88
Critical Failure!
Attack The Ninja
3 + 35 = 38
80 + 36 = 116
Critical Failure!
Storm and Piastol bring Metal to 0hp! Metal is out of the fight!
Silver Sonic
Destroy The Pronghorn
??? + ??? = 65
88 + 24 + 10 = 122
Even if we do take enormous precautions, there's always the risk of the Metal Virus running out of control due to the other factions possibly geting a sample when we use it.
We aren't the only genuis and I doubt they'll use the same level of caution when studying it.
We QMs are not responsible for the dice deciding that Zavok gets to RKO ya'll from the top rope, because we all lost our damned minds at that roll. A 100 into a 99 is INSANE.
We QMs are not reasonable for the dice deciding that Zavok gets to RKO ya'll from the top rope, because we all lost our damned minds at that roll. A 100 into a 99 is INSANE.
Finish off silver sonic then deal with zavok, ensure silver sonic doesnt do any funny thrn pile on zavok and go nuts, strong as he is, we have him out numbered 6 to 1 after we deal with silver sonic