" those idiots lost, how much of my empire they took!? Clove, conquering storm, find my other egg bosses and drag them here to help me and if they don't…. You know what happens"
One of the worlds they visited was the world of skyes of arcadia,
Glider saw Knuckles.
He may not really have payed much attention to it, but the red echidna is a character you can really not forget.
Hmm, looks like Reala and his boss also have knowledge of other worlds out there as Night and Reala battled Storm Eagle and Storm Owl alongside Tails and Airman.
You rubbed your head. Ugh. This… was a setback. But a completely minor one, in the grand scheme of things! What were you going to do? Lose? To Zavok? Not in a million years!
You glare at the smug alien, who grinned back despite his injuries. Bah. He wouldn't be grinning for long.
"Hey! You ugly Jerk! Down here!"
That voice distracted Zavok as he growled, looking to see that cat from earlier.
You know… now that you got a closer look, this cat seemed familiar-
Shattered Memories Triggers!
DC: 55
Roll: 60
He remembers!
Not again! Memories flood in, memories that feel like they're in the past, but also not? You're in a mech, fighting this mysterious cat and Sonic's posse in an arena…
You were Dr. Robotnik (you would never embrace the name Eggman!!)! You blink. You look around the battlefield
You stare at the giant Kaiju in front of you.
"...Nope." You decide this isn't worth it. The other guy can deal with his if he is so keen to get into a fight with a freaking Kaiju!!!
You were Conquering Storm, proud eggboss of Yurashia, and you have a master plan, as your Lord and Zavok battled, you were able to sneak ahead and began preparing one of the most basic but useful traps there have ever been invented.
The tripwire will need to be sturdy enough to not break against this brute, but you trust in your equipment.
Ahh, he is coming this way, getting ready to engage again with your Lord! Just a few more steps and…
Hey! You ugly Jerk! Down here!" An annoying and shrill voice comes from far away, to the right of Zavok.
It was that cat mobian that rushed foolishly into the battlefield, you would nod at someone showing such warrior spirit…when it was not interfering with your strategy!
"Get back to normal size and fight me!" The cat shouts out as she waves her arms in a "Threatening" manner.
"You dare interfere in this battle?" Zavok growls, his deep voice easily reverberating all over the battlefield, his remaining unhurt eye glaring at her in annoyance. "After I'm done with Eggman, I shall squash you like the bug you are." He threatens the girl, as he resumes his walk, yes, just like-
"I'm not scared of you! You and your lackeys already tried that! they failed!" She shouts back as she points a finger at him. "I heard the stories! You let Eggman walk all over you, then you lose to Sonic like all do!" At that, Zavok stops walking and slowly turns to growl at the Cat, who is unfazed and continues talking.
"You are just bullies! Losers with no fashion style that can't do anything but pick on the people who can't fight back! but when you meet someone who can, you run with your tail between your legs!"
"ENOUGH!" Zavok roars, flames escaping from his mouth. "I did not come here to be mocked by an insignificant creature!" As Zavok looks prepared to unleash more of those flames he used against your lord's mech, you start to panic, you need to get to safety before…
Just then, the voice of your lord resounds from the Mech!
"Dropping your guard now, eh? Take a load of this!"
You return to reality, shaking your head as you wake up from…whatever that was, Zavok having been too distracted to take advantage of your little episode.
Seeing as the guy was more focused with attacking that Honey girl, you couldn't resist!
"Dropping your guard now, eh? Take a load of this!" You shout as you lock the cannon from the DARC-EGG-ROBOT, aiming them at a particular spot.
Your aim rings true and Zavok damaged eye receives a nice payload, courtesy of Isara's ragnite based ammunition, making the Zeti roar in pain as he covers his eye.
Just then, you notice your minions nlt letting this opportunity go unwasted as another energy shot goes towards Zavok's face, but the Zeti is quick to protect his face, understanding that his eyes are your focus now.
But that leaves him completely open for the Pirate hunter to use another of those silver missiles of hers, striking Zavok square in the chest, making him roar once again in pain as he stumbles back, losing his balance as he falls to the ground, making a satisfactory sound.
"Wahahahahaha!" You laugh nice and loud, for everyone to hear. "Who was the one that talks too much Zavok?! Was it me? ¡Was it!?" You mock him, throwing his words back at him.
That will teach him! You're the one and only Eggman! Soon enough you will get your Empire back!
You were Clove the Pronghorn, and as you rushed towards Silver Sonic, you and everyone else heard loud and clear Eggman's laughter. That's so like him, gloat after the tables turn to his favor just like that.
No matter, you had a job to do, and as you quickly evaded the springy arm of the badnik, you dashed towards the Silver imitation of the Hedgehog, and brought down your scythe, separating one of the limbs from it, making it release a cloud of sparks, the damage accumulated being too severe.
But then, the Badnik's visor turn blood red and he looks right at you, as his remaining arm rears for another attack, you prepare to dodge once again-
And it turns out it wasn't needed, as a second later, Silver Sonic's head explodes, and the rest of his metallic body falls uselessly in the ground.
You turn your head to stare at that Mercenary raising that gun that Eggman Made for her and you quickly fly towards her.
"So… how has been your day?" She asks cooly, as she takes a moment to look at you before focusing again, on the clash between Eggman and Zavok.
"Same as always, unfortunately. Stopping teenagers with a deathwish from throwing their lives away, doing the bidding from my evil and crazy boss, nothing new." You cant help but comment as you watch the Mech take step after step towards Zavok, who seems to be reverting back to his original size, whatever he used to grow to Giant form seemed to have run its course.
"I think I can relate to one of those." Canaan replies as she lowers her weapon, but doesnt put it away. "You think this is gonna last much longer?"
"Maybe until Eggman finishes gloating to Zavok, he needs to get that out of his system, knowing him." You say as you cross your arms, even if this Eggman wasn't the monster she worked for before, they shared too many similarities for your liking.
"Figures, at least the Boss will be satisfied for-" You watch as her eyes widen, glowing red, and you are caught off guard as she suddenly throws herself at you, tackling you backwards.
"What are you-" You shout before an explosion appears just right were both of you were standing a second ago.
"I think this might take longer than expected." You hear her comment as you stare up, watching the horde of Buzz Bombers and Fire Breaths descended towards you, appearing out nowhere.
You don't say anything else, brandishing your scythe as you prepare to deal with the new arrivals.
You laugh as you see the sudden development, of course you expected this! Once Zavok showed before that he had developed some sort of stealth technology, it was obvious he was gonna use it again to hide reinforcements. Such an obvious and simple move!
"Is this all that you Zeti can do?" You gloat as you watch Zavok begin crawling away pathetically towards the Blowfish that landed a few steps away from him, your robot easily destroying the waves of Buzz Bombers and Fire Breaths coming towards you. "What was that about being a man on a tin can? You pathetic excuse of a conqueror?!"
Eventually, the ammunition stored in the DARC-EGG-ROBOT is depleted, having laid waste to your badniks, no matter, you will always be able to make thousands of them later!
"It was you who said I wasn't a conqueror, but look at you! Taking over my grand inventions! Squandering my resources against pitiful opponents! Crawling away like a worm!" You sneer as anger starts to creep in your voice. "You Zeti are no warriors! Just parasites that can't help but take and waste stuff from your betters!!!"
You know he can hear you, and that each word you mutter incenses him further and further, but there seems to be a brain still working as he doesn't answer any of your words, instead entering the Blowfish as it takes flight, getting him out from the Battlefield.
"Run away and lick your wounds!" You open the Cockpit as you continue shouting. "Make as many badniks as you want, as many plans as you wish! I'm coming for you! I will take back what is mine, and then I will show you a true conqueror!"
"For I am Eggman! The future ruler of this world! Hahahahahahahaha!" You finish as you back in the glory of complete and overwhelming victory! See that Starline, that's how Eggman does-
As you finish gloating, you feel everything on the battlefield go quiet, inexplicably, unable to come up with an explanation. On the wind, you can barely hear three names.
Smithy Thunk.
Slinger Thunk.
Claire Thunk.
As the wind whispers those names to you, you feel a pain on your chest, you slowly touch your chest, your hand pulling away bloody. and the you collapse into the cockpit of your mech, the protective covering closing again as you fall.
And Everything goes to black.
Qm note.
Raid has ended, congratulations on fending off Zavok's attack! Hope you guys enjoyed the new battle system, please give us a review of how you felt it worked.
And yeah, you have a wolf roaming your lands, expect her to cause a few more issues until you can deal with her.
It's funny how she choose to infiltrate the Black Arms territory as you invaded it right?
You have obtained 250 Metal and the remains of Silver Sonic.
Dont worry about Metal, he will be up and ready for next tuen with his new traits, no need to waste an action fixing him.
And you have unlocked The memories from Eggman from sonic the fighters game.
You have obtained:
Action to build the Death Egg II Unlocked
Action to build the The E-Mech Unlocked
And a machine to create Mirror Fighters Unlocked!
Also Honey will be joining you as long as you promise to kick Zavok in the butt in the following turns as well as fix her shop!
Zavok has reached the damage threshold, Gigantification is over! Zavok is debuffed until he manages to obtain some rest.
Combat Over!
Wait…what's this?
Turn 3 Rivals Report!
Whisper Action: Infiltrate Black Arms-Sorry Eggman Empire Territory
Dc 100/140 (Dc reduced thanks to the current invasion from Clove!)
Result: 76+25(Whisper Trickery)=101
Bare Success!
Whisper has infiltrated your new territory.
**Whisper to JFK Eggman**: 1d100 (46) + 27(Whisper Power Roll) + 20(???) + 10(???)+ 10(???)
**Total**: 113
**With advantage For successful Deep Infiltration**: 1d100 (73) + 27(Whisper Power) + 20(???) + 10(???) + 10(???)
**Total**: 140
Eggman's Power Roll
**Result**: 1d100 (66) + 18(Eggman Power) + 5 (Egg Gun)
**Total**: 89
Success! Whisper managed to get some payback!!!
Honey The Cat
Power: 14 (Trained in a style of fighting that relies more on speed and trickery, if a foe manages to land a blow against her she isn't the most durable.)
Heart: 22 (Honey does seem to understand what others want, it is what has allowed her to get so far in the fashion world.)
Logistics: 21 (The girl ran a multinational fashion company that did clothing and accessories while at the same time being the lead designer AND networked for the entire company. She at least is willing to put in the time and effort.)
Trickery: 19 (The art of Shadow Sneak allows the girl to be surprisingly slippery, leaving behind after images and moving incredibly quickly.)
Brain: 14 (Well versed in the fashion world and an accomplished business woman, but by no means a researcher or a scientist.)
Mystic: 7 (Was actually entrusted with the guardianship of one of the chaos emeralds in her home world, she knows the touch of mystic power.)
Loyalty: -15
Diva Deva: Starting from the ground up and managing to get a queen to be the main model for her line of clothing, Honey knows a thing or two about fashion. (Honey adds +15 to all rolls that involve fashion and clothing design.)
Shadow Sneak: An obscure art of combat, Honey uses incredible bursts of speed and misdirection to take opponents off guard. (Honey adds half her Trickery rounded down to her Power rolls.)
Conflicted: The girl was a fashion magnet and a "hero" in her world, apparently directly opposing me on several occasions. She appears to be having issues getting past that. (Honey's loyalty starts at -15 and receives halved loyalty gain until Eggman can give her a serious fashion related project or her loyalty increases to 30.)
She wanted until Eggman got out from the cockpit, when that hapoened and she had a clear vier she was takimg the shot, no matter the cúrrente situation.