Technically, we didn't actually make it. It was by sonic's uncle who did, pre reboot just shamelessly stole it.Atleast now we can use the roboticzers for actual improvements instead of what it's actually used for
Well, for one in the reboot, it made that version of eggman always been that version of him as a person from gun who decide to backstab the organization try to take over the world. Instead of his pre-reboot iteration of him being an alternate dimension, iteration of the good Doctor Who is a warlord that teamed up with the kingdom of acorn to essentially help them win a warWhat's the difference, and aren't they both the same with Robo-Robotnik?
Well, post reboot essentially left a person, paralyzed and locked in the dark room for eternity just because they failed him for one time.I don't know much about pre vs postreboot Eggman, how bad would this be for Zavok?
Big red in and out of the situation without some psychological damage