Atleast now we can use the roboticzers for actual improvements instead of what it's actually used for
Technically, we didn't actually make it. It was by sonic's uncle who did, pre reboot just shamelessly stole it.
What's the difference, and aren't they both the same with Robo-Robotnik?
Well, for one in the reboot, it made that version of eggman always been that version of him as a person from gun who decide to backstab the organization try to take over the world. Instead of his pre-reboot iteration of him being an alternate dimension, iteration of the good Doctor Who is a warlord that teamed up with the kingdom of acorn to essentially help them win a war
I don't know much about pre vs postreboot Eggman, how bad would this be for Zavok?
Well, post reboot essentially left a person, paralyzed and locked in the dark room for eternity just because they failed him for one time.
Big red in and out of the situation without some psychological damage
Wouldn't we still get the memories of both versions though?
Technically, no, they became two different versions of him one the doctor that traveled across dimensions just to destroy his enemy, but lost so much. He went fucking bonkers and decided to destroy the whole world to spite him.

While post reboot was a former individual that used to work with gun trying to help the world, but we decide to backstab gun and try to take over the world like I said.

The reason why is due to the Genesis energy waves (another story) essentially rewriting our memories of pre reboot with post reboot instead post reboot doesn't remember pre-reboot or any of the atrocities he commit.

Thereby separating the two memories
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If we did unlock Archie Robitnik, we unlock a bunch of badnik designs, especially the rest of Metal Series like Metal Amy.

I pity Clove if she sees his reappareance though, that's going going to scare her.
If we did unlock Archie Robitnik, we unlock a bunch of badnik designs, especially the rest of Metal Series like Metal Amy.

I pity Clove if she sees his reappareance though, that's going going to scare her.
Well, I guess it's better sooner than later down the line of unlocking this nut cases head. I just really don't wanna scare off honey after us kind of bringing her here to the battle with the angry red man due to us choosing mystery box options.

But goddamn, I will say my point Archie Eggman had tech that was really good.

But no Zeena and zomzom are gonna experience his wrath for a while for taking his empire and losing pieces of it
You know this is also good for us because of one reason.

Worlds Unite.

Meaning that now we have a little more of an idea of what may have happened to the world.

Also possible memos on Willy tech.

We also technically have access to these beauties thanks to Sigma obligating us to build a factory of these things.


"Mechaniloid" (メカニロイド, Mekaniroido) is a term used in the Mega Man X series and onwards to refer to robots of subhuman intelligence that follows their programming, as opposed to Reploids, who have an artificial intelligence comparable to human intelligence and are capable of free thought.[1]...
Though, I'm gonna laugh if an adventure road trip to go fuck over another dictator with our good daughter helps mitigates the issues
Eggman:"Belle, Sage, how about some bonding?"
Belle:"That sounds lovely. Maybe it will be a good change from worrying about all these monsters and dictators."
Later on Space Channel 5.
"This just in, the so called Empire has burnt down, Satan has been arrested, and Tokyo-to has been covered in Eggman graffiti! Now, here is an on the scene interview with the perpetrator."
Eggman wearing a party hat, laying against a wall and rubbing his head:"What happened? Some Rudies dared me to drink something and now I'm here."
Belle:"Why!? I just wanted a normal roadtrip!"
Sage:"Do not worry Belle, I have stocked ample aspirin and I have video taped the whole thing for posterity."
"You heard it here folks, live from Space Channel 5!"
So just checking the worlds unite stuff to see what may be relevant from it.

... Sigma obligated Eggman to construct him a new body.

That bald guy literally gave us at least the basis for reploids blueprints.


On the low chance the Shattered Memories was actually for Sonic the Fighters, what traits or designs would that give us?
So I checked out Honey in the wiki pages, and saw that there is a human version of her in Fighting Vipers, another Sega fighting game that uses the same engine as Sonic the Fighters
Trust me, buddy that's the beauty of comic books and reboots I think there's a video that could explain this a little bit more than I could.

But yeah, it's all confusing all
So expect Eggman to get a headache as well.

So besides cybernetics, some new E-Series models, how to keep Egg Bosses in line, and hopefully the hardlight technology to help us fight. What other stuff did we get from the Reboot Archie Eggman?
So expect Eggman to get a headache as well.

So besides cybernetics, some new E-Series models, how to keep Egg Bosses in line, and hopefully the hardlight technology to help us fight. What other stuff did we get from the Reboot Archie Eggman?
Well, if the Archie sonic comics never got canceled the dear doctor from Archie was working on the metal virus that was going to be the next arc in Archie sonic comics before it got canceled. We have the knowledge and plans on making the metal virus.

Have fun with that information