Smoke was billowing out of the hanger now. A great plume of smoke coming from the Egg Carrier. Flames dancing within the smoke and across the flight deck and flaming debris were flung out with Selvaria.
Burned, bruised, but not beaten, Selvaria rose shakily to her feet. Coughing up blood as she stared into the smoke filled hanger searching for any sign of her foe. "It had to have been blown apart" she thought. It took her power head on at such close range…
But she heard it before she saw it.
From within the smoke, pairs upon pairs of eyes lit up. Visible only from their glow. Red, but not bright like Metal Sonic's, they were dull and lifeless. But hateful all the same. The sound of metal on metal echoing from within as shapes pushed through the flames and smoke of the wrecked hanger. Dozens upon dozens of Badniks emerging from the smoke alongside Neo Metal Sonic. Their variety of colors and designs in complete contrast to the slow methodically menace of their approach through the fire. But they weren't her focus, what she heard.
"Selvaria Bles: Bio-Data, successfully copied."
Her stomach dropped as Metal Sonic's voice echoed from the hanger. Her eyes widening as it spoke her name. The smoke clearing to reveal him completely unharmed. A black octahedral energy shield covering him. But it was when his Black Shield dropped that stunned her.
"No. That's impossible! You can't have that power!" She yelled out with a mix of emotions flooding through her mind at the impossible sight before her. Confusion, rage, bewilderment, fear.
Neo Metal Sonic's body was aglow. Blue flames danced across his body in complete reflection to Selvaria's own. The power of the Valkyrur evident across him now, successfully copied with Selvaria's Bio-Data. His LED eyes were dark as the shield deactivated. Two black voids that would almost make it seem like Metal Sonic was deactivated. Even still, she could tell he was staring right at her. Made especially clear as they lit back up.
They were already a deep red before, carrying malice and hatred both. But they lit back up with a new unnatural glow. Not just mechanical light. Two bright ruby eyes carrying a life, a power, that wasn't there before. Brighter and more hateful, set completely on Selvaria with utter focus.