Yeah it was logístic not trickery.

Iirc Clove original stat was 18 for heart, add half logístic and that gives us a base of roll of 31

Either way with our other two oponents.

We don't know yet if leaders add their Powers to contested rolls.

But Silver Sonic should have the most raw stats with a 30 and maybe a 5 or 10 modifier.

Metal on the other hand is a wild card with how changed that mystic trait of his may be.

Otherwise his traits give him 31 and up on power.

The problem comes from Black Shield, he is honestly the only unit we don't want to crit during this battle.
Hah that actually makes thing a Lot more fair for raid battles againts other hero units.

Like Kings and princess passively boosting rolls could get out of hand sooner or later, especially when we have to deal with more all rounder Kings.

For the moment things are pretty balanced I would Say.

Zavok beat us by like 10 to probably 15 points on raw power so casting those debuffs on him may be good.

Silver Sonic is a tricky unit, he probably has limbs akimbo similar to Rusty and is outright invulnerable when it is on ball form from what I remember from his design.

Metal as I said we mostly have to worry about not critting him so Black Shield doesn't trigger.
Please do let us know what you all think of the actions and how the system is looking as we go through this.

We expect the new system to be better for you all in that you can plan things out more, but it will mean that things slow down a bit narratively.

It definitely looks impressive, can't wait to give it a spin to see how it holds out.

Though I really wish we could halve the moratorium or just vote directly for combat rounds.

Partly to increase speed things up since we usually have a general consensus when it comes to fighting plans.
Well, whatver plans occurs, first, we should probably have the minions deal with silver and metal sonic, those things will be annoying to deal with, afterwards deal with zavok by taking away the two most annoying and valuble machines we have, we have all the time and muscles we need to deal with him for good
I believe we should for Eggman, use mock and jetpack, stacking malus for both actions on zavok if they are successful this turn. Making it harder for Zavok's rolls against Eggman, and any other rolls he might have done this turn. And making it harder if the others also attack Eggman this turn.

Clove to talk to Honey, adding another unit that we can aim next turn.

Ninja hacking and smokebomb for Conquering storm, chance to take out metal sonic this turn with limited damage, and adding a buff for her next turn.

Piastol should welves silver and have her attack silver, with her death hound using incremus on conquering storm, increasing her chance of taking out metal sonic.

Canaan repositioning, she's a sniper and her not being attack and having advantages is great for next turn.
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Right. the other question I have is does Piastol + her dog always benefit from incremus or only while no one else is being targetted by it?
[] Name goes here
-[] Eggman
--[] (1 AP) Mock Him
--[] (1 AP) Open Fire
-[] Clove
--[] (2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] (1 AP): Ninja Hacking
--[] (1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
-[] Piastol
--[] (1 AP) Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
--[] (1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[] (0 AP) Incremus on Eggman
-[] Canaan
--[] (1 AP) Attack Zavok!
--[] (1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.

Here's my first thought for a plan then. Because Metal Sonic negates the first critical he suffers, it will always take minimum 2 AP to bring metal sonic down. and Ideally Piastol fires before conquering storm attacks. then giving Eggman a buff to the trickery roll and attack roll at the same time. Canaan I think has good odds for actually dealing damage to Zavok right now, and I don't really want to have them riding the Darc-Egg Robot when Eggman is mocking Zavok. Since pass or fail, that action will probably make Zavok focus Eggman next turn.
Here's my plan, already explained it couple posts above.

[] Divide and Conquer
-[] Eggman
--[] (1 AP) Mock Him
--[] (1 AP) Use Jetpack to keep mobile!
-[] Clove
--[] (2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] (1 AP): Ninja Hacking
--[] (1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
-[] Piastol
--[] (1 AP) Cast Wevles on Silver Sonic
--[] (1 AP) Attack Silver Sonic
---[]Death Hound
---[] (0 AP) Incremus on Conquering Storm
-[] Canaan
--[] (2 AP) Reposition Immediately.
side note me looking at the death battle...why didnt metal copy bowser? which case Metal would have won that battle hands fricken down with all those chaos emeralds beating the shit out of bowser...with said bowsers power.

anyway looking at the votes, looks like things are going to get fun...hope eggman gets the egg-pilot trait here.

and we get our boy back.
Right. the other question I have is does Piastol + her dog always benefit from incremus or only while no one else is being targetted by it?
They always get the buff alongside whoever el de they pick
We here at Scrambled Eggs like to work on things kinda like when you bring food to a potluck and things can get kinda mixed up and jumbled together. AKA one of us types something on an ability and knows what they mean but then Shepard words it wrong because he's supposed to do final grammar checks and messes up the stuff.

Piastol and Death Hound are constantly under the effect of Incremus, that is the +10 bonus from Death Hound on her sheet. Casting Incremus with Death Hound in combat will grant the +10 that they already get to someone else as well, they don't lose anything, just someone else also gains the bonus for a round.
side note me looking at the death battle...why didnt metal copy bowser? which case Metal would have won that battle hands fricken down with all those chaos emeralds beating the shit out of bowser...with said bowsers power.
There are two reasons Death Battle didn't have Metal copy Bowser's strength in the episode.

One is the same reason as to why the Koopalings and Hard-Boiled Heavies don't show up: There's a limited amount of time and budget for each episode and you have to pick and choose what you keep. There's only room for so much Metal in the Eggman v. Bowser episode, and the crew made the understandable decision that Super Neo Metal would be more impressive than a 'mere' copy of Bowser's power.

The other reason is that the obvious counterplay for Metal running around with Bowser's strength and Sonic's speed would be to transform him into a block with magic. Which would be an anti-climax on par with Infinite getting Thwomped.

With Death Battle it is important to remember that the animation doesn't determine the outcome: The crew figures out who they think would be the most likely winner based on their research and then makes an animation showing that outcome.

Incidentally, since our Metal now posseses the Dark Arts and therefore a Mystic Stat, he is now significantly better suited for the theoretical invasion of the non-existant Koopa Kingdom.
There are two reasons Death Battle didn't have Metal copy Bowser's strength in the episode.

One is the same reason as to why the Koopalings and Hard-Boiled Heavies don't show up: There's a limited amount of time and budget for each episode and you have to pick and choose what you keep. There's only room for so much Metal in the Eggman v. Bowser episode, and the crew made the understandable decision that Super Neo Metal would be more impressive than a 'mere' copy of Bowser's power.

The other reason is that the obvious counterplay for Metal running around with Bowser's strength and Sonic's speed would be to transform him into a block with magic. Which would be an anti-climax on par with Infinite getting Thwomped.

With Death Battle it is important to remember that the animation doesn't determine the outcome: The crew figures out who they think would be the most likely winner based on their research and then makes an animation showing that outcome.

Incidentally, since our Metal now posseses the Dark Arts and therefore a Mystic Stat, he is now significantly better suited for the theoretical invasion of the non-existant Koopa Kingdom.

I like several deathbattles, but you can tell that their's a lot of bias for the winning characters, so you really shouldn't take what the videos outcome as gospel. This is also why I believe they didn't use metal sonic's copying ability. In some of the deathbattles, they interpreted abilities in little different ways or going beyond just enough of what the abilities can actually do. And they would also leave out equipment or other things to help level the field for their character that they want to win. In some cases they would give a character more experience and decrease the experience of another character. And they don't take into consideration of characters who have killed another person vs one who hasn't killed a person.

So take what the video's show and their explaination with a grain of salt.
Here's a idea, if possible in a future turn, we could make a up-gradable training area for all possible stats, with a simulation that makes counters for our hero units to overcome, that will be explained to everyone and any future units as adaptive training. And each time they overcome the counter to them, they get a chance upgrade a stat, very small chance to gain a new trait, the most likely outcome of gaining a temporary boost next turn.

The training area would have a computer that would make multiple counters for each unit, with all units having this explained as adaptive training and they would know that the computer updates and make more counters for harder training for "them" after each success. Of course their would be hidden counters that is updated without them knowing about them. And if the computer made simulations and counters of possible actions that the unit might make against us, with it being better made each time the hero unit uses the training area, and with their data being constantly updated, well we don't have mention that part.
Here's a idea, if possible in a future turn, we could make a up-gradable training area for all possible stats, with a simulation that makes counters for our hero units to overcome, that will be explained to everyone and any future units as adaptive training. And each time they overcome the counter to them, they get a chance upgrade a stat, very small chance to gain a new trait, the most likely outcome of gaining a temporary boost next turn.

The training area would have a computer that would make multiple counters for each unit, with all units having this explained as adaptive training and they would know that the computer updates and make more counters for harder training for "them" after each success. Of course their would be hidden counters that is updated without them knowing about them. And if the computer made simulations and counters of possible actions that the unit might make against us, with it being better made each time the hero unit uses the training area, and with their data being constantly updated, well we don't have mention that part.

previous enemy fights? well that would be a heck of a simulation course.

that and it would be a good way to store info for later when we get Metal into his overlord Form, and maybe his true final form?
[] Divide and Conquer
-[] Eggman
--[] (1 AP) Mock Him
--[] (1 AP) Use Jetpack to keep mobile!

It's tbis not reduntant?

You would pick two actions that debuff Zavok only this turn but would not attack him.

[] Name goes here
-[] Eggman
--[] (1 AP) Mock Him
--[] (1 AP) Open Fire
-[] Clove
--[] (2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] (1 AP): Ninja Hacking
--[] (1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
-[] Piastol
--[] (1 AP) Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
--[] (1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[] (0 AP) Incremus on Eggman
-[] Canaan
--[] (1 AP) Attack Zavok!
--[] (1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.

I like this plan maybe you can call it: Final Act, Part 1?

Edit: Guys remeber Zavok has a 32 Power Roll that giant size of his probably gives him a boost on Combat rolls so Canaan target him to possible give him mallis, plus wound him, and Eggman mock him and open fire could be a really good idea.
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It's tbis not reduntant?

You would pick two actions that debuff Zavok only this turn but would not attack him.

The mocking is for this turn, inflicting a -10 malus on all of his rolls, so that any of his actions this turn doesn't get a boost. Plus the jetpack -10 from attacks of non-flyers against Eggman is a boon, making it even harder for Zavok to hit us this turn, and also making any attack attempts from either silver or metal sonic on Eggman this turn harder for them. Since either one of those two or both might decide to gang up on Eggman alongside Zavok. Eggman this turn is being the main focus of Zavok, while silver and metal is being delt with, by the other units.

Besides, the flying around his attacks and the mocking might make him even angerier next turn, giving us a advantage. And it would be a good showing of how much disdain Eggman has for Zavok. And think of the critical fail Zavok might give for Eggman doing this.
[] Plan: Final Act, Part 1
-[] Eggman
--[] (1 AP) Mock Him
--[] (1 AP) Open Fire
-[] Clove
--[] (2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] (1 AP): Ninja Hacking
--[] (1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
-[] Piastol
--[] (1 AP) Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
--[] (1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[] (0 AP) Incremus on Eggman
-[] Canaan
--[] (1 AP) Attack Zavok!
--[] (1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.

So here is the @Talow plan.

The difference it's that I put a name here.

I think it provides a good plan overral a mix of buffs and debuffs along side attack.

Like Silver Sonic, while powerful, probably don't carry the same weight as Metal Sonic specially sinxe it's inly working at half capacity if going by Rival Reports when he was introduced.
Here is my first idea of a Plan

[] Plan You Cheat And You Steal
-[] Eggman
--[] Mock Him
--[] Open Fire
-[] Clove The Proghorn
--[] Reach out to the new individual
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
--[] Ninja Hacking
-[] Piastol
--[] Cast Wevles on Silver Sonic
--[] Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[] Sacremus
---[] On Canaan
-[] Canaan
--[] Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.
--[] Attack Zavok!

Most of my Plan Titles for this Wave is going to likely be ripping lyrics from Find Your Flame.

Yeah, Piastol really is great isn't she? A Free heal! Easily our second best knowing recruitment decision.

Edit: @Soberan 123 Jeez we seem to be on a similar wavelength for this huh?
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