Metal is down to 2 HP, and CS has an action that can "safely" disable him without destroying him.

Which plan best makes use of that option?

Well @Talow come up with this plan:

[] Plan: Final Act, Part 1
-[] Eggman
--[] (1 AP) Mock Him
--[] (1 AP) Open Fire
-[] Clove
--[] (2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] (1 AP): Ninja Hacking
--[] (1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
-[] Piastol
--[] (1 AP) Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
--[] (1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[] (0 AP) Incremus on Eggman
-[] Canaan
--[] (1 AP) Attack Zavok!
--[] (1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.

He didn't put a name on it so I gave this idea for a name.

Anyway, Piastol would try to wound Metal to reduce to 1 HP and CS would try to restrain him. Smoke bomb and her attack would give CS a bonus for doing something Ninja on her attack on Metal since she will ambush Metal.

Remember Metal is adding half of his Trickery Stats since he copy CS trait snd whatever trait he copy from Piastol to give hima advantage.

He needs to go like yesterday, eitger be destroyed or restrained.
If I had to guess? It'd probably be an order of Debuffs/Buffs, then Attacks, then Healing.

I'm just guessing though.
Well @Talow come up with this plan:

[] Plan: Final Act, Part 1
-[] Eggman
--[] (1 AP) Mock Him
--[] (1 AP) Open Fire
-[] Clove
--[] (2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] (1 AP): Ninja Hacking
--[] (1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
-[] Piastol
--[] (1 AP) Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
--[] (1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[] (0 AP) Incremus on Eggman
-[] Canaan
--[] (1 AP) Attack Zavok!
--[] (1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.

He didn't put a name on it so I gave this idea for a name.

Anyway, Piastol would try to wound Metal to reduce to 1 HP and CS would try to restrain him. Smoke bomb and her attack would give CS a bonus for doing something Ninja on her attack on Metal since she will ambush Metal.

Remember Metal is adding half of his Trickery Stats since he copy CS trait snd whatever trait he copy from Piastol to give hima advantage.

He needs to go like yesterday, eitger be destroyed or restrained.
….. OK tallow plan seem very much better than the one I came up with it's going to be interesting
[] Plan You Cheat And You Steal
-[] Eggman
--[] Mock Him
--[] Open Fire
-[] Clove The Proghorn
--[] Reach out to the new individual
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
--[] Ninja Hacking
-[] Piastol
--[] Cast Wevles on Silver Sonic
--[] Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[] Sacremus
---[] On Canaan
-[] Canaan
--[] Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.
--[] Attack Zavok!
I also made my own plan, which only difference is just healing Canaan.
Priorities here would be to keep pressure on Metal until he be restrained or destroyed obviously we will try to aim for the former but the latter is a acceptable outcome, he's just too dangerous to be left alone. However we need to capitalize on his weak spot being his Mystic and Trickery side to win against him.

While keeping constantly constantly debuff Zavok since his Kaiju form has no doubt increase his Power Stats so that Dr. Eggman has a advantage over him and also cast the odd buff to Dr. Eggman here and there.

Clove is in a interesting position because she has the opportunity to coordinate with Honey and if she listen to her orders the Egg Boss trait will activate for leading troops, in this case a Hero Unit plus Honey can add her stats to Clove in any joint action they partake.

Silver Sonic is of course a concern as well but ultimately he probably has a similar base Power stat with Canaan and still is a badnik, a Tier 3 true but a badnik nonetheless, so he going to be fairly basic on his actions, same with Metal since he's being controlled so he will not act independent as he usually operates but he still powerful.
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Wave 3 Round 1 Vote
How does turn priority work here, QMs?

Your actions will be rolled first, then the enemie's. If you ask abut the order of your hero units, that will depend a bit on the actions you take.

Clove is in a interesting position because she has the opportunity to coordinate with Honey and if she listen to her orders the Egg Boss trait will activate for leading troops, in this case a Hero Unit plus Honey can add her stats to Clove in any joint action they partake.


Clove Eggboss trait won't activate nor Honey will add her stats to actions, that's just so you can choose her Action each turn.
Also if you ask, nope, we aren't sharing Honey's sheet yet, you guys will need to recruit her first.

Also voting will be opened now. Will be a bit busy soon and won't be able to open voting when it should have. remmber to vote in plan format, can't pick the same action twice in the same turn and about Deathound's 0 Ap actions, can only pick one of them per turn. Sorry fi we weren't clear before
[X] Plan You Cheat And You Steal
-[X] Eggman
--[X] Mock Him
--[X] Open Fire
-[X] Clove The Proghorn
--[X] Reach out to the new individual
-[X] Conquering Storm
--[X] Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
--[X] Ninja Hacking
-[X] Piastol
--[X] Cast Wevles on Silver Sonic
--[X] Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[X] Sacremus
---[X] On Canaan
-[X] Canaan
--[X] Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.
--[X] Attack Zavok!
[x] Plan: Final Act, Part 1
-[x] Eggman
--[x] (1 AP) Mock Him
--[x] (1 AP) Open Fire
-[x] Clove
--[x] (2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
-[x] Conquering Storm
--[x] (1 AP): Ninja Hacking
--[x] (1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
-[x] Piastol
--[x] (1 AP) Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
--[x] (1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[x] (0 AP) Incremus on Eggman
-[x] Canaan
--[x] (1 AP) Attack Zavok!
--[x] (1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.
Huh...I wasn't expecting Zavoc to go Giant but alright! Achievement here we come!

And yeah this new system looks much better suited for big fights like this.

That said I'm wondering why people aren't activating one of Eggman's guarenteed buffs/debuffs.

Attacking Zavoc is fine but why we taking a gamble when we can get a sure thing for much the same effect.

[x] Plan: Mass atack and DODGE!
-[x] Eggman
--[x] (1 AP) Use Jetpack to keep mobile!
--[x] (1 AP) Open Fire
-[x] Clove
--[x] (2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
-[x] Conquering Storm
--[x] (1 AP): Ninja Hacking
--[x] (1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
-[x] Piastol
--[x] (1 AP) Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
--[x] (1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[x] (0 AP) Incremus on Eggman
-[x] Canaan
--[x] (1 AP) Attack Zavok!
--[x] (1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.

My plan is mostly the same as the others but I'm giving Eggman a permenant buff instead of Zavoc a one-turn debuff of the same magnitude.