I've been wondering that as well does it go down from the first hero us and then down to caana last?
I've been wondering that as well does it go down from the first hero us and then down to caana last?
Metal is down to 2 HP, and CS has an action that can "safely" disable him without destroying him.
Which plan best makes use of that option?
….. OK tallow plan seem very much better than the one I came up with it's going to be interestingWell @Talow come up with this plan:
[] Plan: Final Act, Part 1
-[] Eggman
--[] (1 AP) Mock Him
--[] (1 AP) Open Fire
-[] Clove
--[] (2 AP) Reach out to the new individual.
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] (1 AP): Ninja Hacking
--[] (1AP): Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
-[] Piastol
--[] (1 AP) Cast Wevles on Metal Sonic
--[] (1 AP) Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[] (0 AP) Incremus on Eggman
-[] Canaan
--[] (1 AP) Attack Zavok!
--[] (1 AP) Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.
He didn't put a name on it so I gave this idea for a name.
Anyway, Piastol would try to wound Metal to reduce to 1 HP and CS would try to restrain him. Smoke bomb and her attack would give CS a bonus for doing something Ninja on her attack on Metal since she will ambush Metal.
Remember Metal is adding half of his Trickery Stats since he copy CS trait snd whatever trait he copy from Piastol to give hima advantage.
He needs to go like yesterday, eitger be destroyed or restrained.
I also made my own plan, which only difference is just healing Canaan.[] Plan You Cheat And You Steal
-[] Eggman
--[] Mock Him
--[] Open Fire
-[] Clove The Proghorn
--[] Reach out to the new individual
-[] Conquering Storm
--[] Ninja Art - Smoke Bomb
--[] Ninja Hacking
-[] Piastol
--[] Cast Wevles on Silver Sonic
--[] Cast Eterni on Zavok
--[] Sacremus
---[] On Canaan
-[] Canaan
--[] Deal With The Weird Silver Robot.
--[] Attack Zavok!
why wouldn't he have a soul?I want Piastol to attack Zavok's soul. To wreck his control and to also see if he has a soul.
It's a joke cause he's evil
Clove is in a interesting position because she has the opportunity to coordinate with Honey and if she listen to her orders the Egg Boss trait will activate for leading troops, in this case a Hero Unit plus Honey can add her stats to Clove in any joint action they partake.
I don't know if weird evil aliens have souls! Consider it a science experiment!