I do actually. I just hate Infinite in general and hope he never shows up. and that has nothing to do with my argument, I'm saying we can't leave him alone. Eggman will completely overhaul whatever city he's living in that's by definition not leaving him alone
I will ask for you to stop talk Ing aviut this topic please.

There will be no more discusión about this understood? For both @Archmage Zoltan and TheSnekMan
I do actually. I just hate Infinite in general and hope he never shows up. and that has nothing to do with my argument, I'm saying we can't leave him alone. Eggman will completely overhaul whatever city he's living in that's by definition not leaving him alone
Okay? So
That doesn't mean he'll do anything
And this argument isn't going to go anywhere if you just hate the charecter so can we just drop it
New topic! If we do recruit Honey and get official outfits for everyone, what do you think it would look like?

I'm thinking we could adopt the traditional Darcsen shawl and patterns, just in Eggman's colors.

Something vaguely like this hopefully.

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If Eggman and all his current Hero Units went on a road trip together, how long do you give it until Eggman wants to give up and go home? XD

It's Dr. Eggman once he set in doing something he will do it and no god or demon will be able to stop him. No matter how annoying all his Hero Units can be.

Guy is determinate like that. I mean you have to be when you been trying to conquer the world with little to no success for years.