i have ideas for the race!

to start with, it should be a 3 month long (+2 weeks for the "finally")
-1a) the first month is the Copper League, where racers will be given (relatively) comfortable conditions (of course paying ahead of time to sign up) equivalent to a 3-4 star hotel (with comptent staffing...thats totally not spying on you!) (standard racer stuff)

-1b) the second month would be the silver league, where racers will be living like a 5 star hotel and ammentities...(this is where the thriller/adrenaline junkies start signing up, its modestly more dangerous course...of course eggman will have robots on standby to pick up any injured or fallen racers...and patch them up with a modest price)

-1c) The third month is the gold standard, where things are on the verge of calling it a dangerous race (with the course seemingly out to get you but giving you a fair shot), the amenities and resources you can aquire are top tier of any hotel ever made, with of course luxuries untold! (by most other people! Not even ripping you off with this one! the money we would gain alone from this would easily cover this cost!)

-1d) the final two weeks...the platinum race...where the course hates you, the bystanders are allowed to fire at you with non-lethal weaponry, and the racers are your enemy. Almost everything once on the track is now allowed...the rules begin and end at the finish line, so better get your guile on, because once the race starts things get wild! (if sabotage is announced or found in any sort of way...of course your getting the boot OUT OF THE TORNAMENT BY A EGG-CANNON!)

how does the race go?
Copper League: up to 1000 racers may participate, each week will host a race over the course of 5 days to cut the number down by half! so long as you make it past the finish line as one of the lucky 250 racers who won? your in for the silver leauge, and can enjoy the luxuries for the rest of the month! of course, you can take the course again if you're feeling lucky to take out your...competition...

Silver League: the 500 lucky winners of the silver league can enter this race, again over the course of 4 weeks the number will be cut down to a mere 50 racers to enter the gold standard...so for those heart pounding, adreniliene chasing, thrill seeking adventurers out there wanting to put your skills to the test? here you go, a more dangerous course then you can see, with all sorts of tricks, traps, and potential gains! You can even get your ride upgraded or attain gadgets from the Egg-shop to aid you in your conquest (all egg-man upgrades will be black boxed, attempting to work around this is liable for Badniks to do break and entry without a warrant to arrest you for property damage and filing legal lawsuits, to repair or replace your product or upgrade please return to Green Hills and petition get a replacement or pay the full price for the upgrade to be fixed, limited time offer!)

Gold League: the highest standards for the race, a course that's out for blood but gives you a chance to get through, where the audience can join the fun! Where the races rules are limited and strictly to non-lethal options (so get your wits going!), those lucky 50 winners of the previous race will have to endure trials reaching comprehension...where only 10 racers will be legible for the platinum cup! the final two week race! The best of the best is offered here...so get your wits up and your money ready, because all betting is on! (the house always wins!)

Platinum leuage: where the rules start and end at the starting and finish line, the only place where it is enforced...everything goes besides lethal options against other racers...however the track itself? well its a good thing eggman is generous enough to do cybernetic enhancements and healing at a fraction of the cost it would have...because the track itself despises your existence and desires nothing more than to ensure your complete and total failure to even make it past the first check-point! The first week will be sorted into duel's, where two racers are randomly picked for each day to compete in the final race. Then after that is all over with...there comes the finally, where all five racers go for the final prize! Money, Glory, Egg-merchandise, a Single Favor from Eggman (limits apply), and even potentially a gadet made by Doctor Ivo Eggman Robotnik himself!!!

What's the cost? For audience members, equivalent to .05 money gain (according to the quest itself), who can enjoy a 3 month and 2 week vacation with most expenses (besides the cost of merchandise, some luxury food and drink, and entertainment besides T.V programs *totally not pirated!* And comes with swimming pool's/gym/playgrounds/arcade)

For racers themselves? For the copper league, its .2 to enter, expensive but considering the conditions? easily affordable, and opens up opportunities that audience members cannot get, ranging from Workshop timeframe (of course first come first serve! You can pay extra money for an upgrade or temporarily powerup for the race!)

To enter the bigger leagues, either win the race or get the favor of doctor eggman who may deign to give you a shot at a higher race...or make a bet with him. (a deal that may or may not bite you in the butt!)

Finally, to beat the champion of the race track, the one and only METAL SONIC! after the platinum race you can do a double or nothing cause...bet your faction's (if you belong to a sponsor or perhaps another "KING" is offering support on the side) most valuable item (A chaos emerald is preferable! Along with any Red Star Rings or legendary artifacts...which will be guarded guaranteed by the HIGHEST QUALITY vaults and resources...you may even have your own guards helping along the way!) against 3 Eggman Favors, along with a Whole host of 4 hero's getting gadets!!! he might even teach your best engineer a thing or two if he is amused (he wont be).

(note death-mode race is rigged to hell and back for Metal Sonic to Win, impossible to win conventionally...which eggman will clause in every little detail he can possible do so! no magic, teleporting, or cheating here!)
Actually, there are now 2 of them! Now that you found one of the triggers,needed to add a new one just in case.

And Yes, Snapcube is 100% an Eggman Variant you can get, the council of eggs needs it!
We know one is pissing on the MOON (how do you like that Obama!?), but can any other person think of what the other one could be? Are we going to have to make several twitter accounts?

infin-no ZERO stared at himself in the mirror.
he looked like utter shit, his left eye was a scarred mess the same scare jaggadly ran its way Down his neck to his chest.
It culminated In a massive scar in the middle of his chest other scars spider webbing out from the center. The scar in his chest was triangular and deep a visible indentation in the skin.


He winced at the phantom pain he got whenever he looked at it. He quickly turned on the faucet in the sink of his bathroom and began to clean himself up.
All the while he was consumed by thoughts of what he had done, what the RUBY had made him do. Once the ruby was gone it was like a fog had lifted off his brain and he realized the sheer scale of the horrible things he had committed.
He was glad that damm gem was gone.

Once he finished up he quickly made his way into the living room of his shared apartment.
And his eyes were immediately drawn to the other occupant.
Gadget had been a thorn in his side for a long time and had eventually contributed to his defeat he was grateful to him for that.

The red furred wolf turned to him with a massive smile.

"Zero! You ready?"

Zero smiled

"Yes I'm ready"

It was hard to belive that gadget Had been the one to save him from his wounds after he had appeared in the local woods after tge shattering.
Zero should have died but he was alive somehow and for a while he wished he had died.
But gadget.. gadget had found him nursed him back to health and shown him nothing but kindness.
He should have hated Zero but he didn't.

gadget grabbed his hand and started to drag him to the door and Zero blushed at the contact.

"If we hurry we can make it to the party on time"

"party" the party celebrating his "reformation"
He personally didn't want to go but gadget insisted and he just couldn't say no to the wolf.

"Hey gadget"

Gadget turns and he grabs him by the cheeks


Zero pulls him close and nuzzles their noses together causing gadget to turn into a blushing mess

"Thank you"

"Y-your welcome Zero"

"Now let's get to that party"

as Zero walked with the still blushing wolf out the door he realized that for the first time in Years.

He felt hopefull about the future.


@Boohoo the 3rd I HAVE DONE IT

Also if anyone has any suggestions for my writing feel free to tell me I'm trying ti get better
I know I'm partly to blame, but I don't envy the Qms for having to go through and reward all the Omakes that we been writing.

Just how many did we make so far since the last time?
I know I'm partly to blame, but I don't envy the Qms for having to go through and reward all the Omakes that we been writing.

Just how many did we make so far since the last time?
Gonna be blunt, QMs should be much stricter on rewards if this is how much Omake Production is going to go.

Like, mostly rewards that are questions or some such. Don't ask me, I don't know how to balance omake rewards.
I know I'm partly to blame, but I don't envy the Qms for having to go through and reward all the Omakes that we been writing.

Just how many did we make so far since the last time?

Hey they have a better situation than the Accidental cult leader on SB with Riot quest.

We've written more than half a million words in a couple of months.

Oh, yeah, gonna be honest, you making fanart deeply touched us, we're definitely rewarding you

I personally almost cried because I was so overwhelmed to finally make something that connected with people so much we're getting art and a TV Tropes page

You guys have done something good and we will keep reminding you of that.
Gonna be blunt, QMs should be much stricter on rewards if this is how much Omake Production is going to go.

Like, mostly rewards that are questions or some such. Don't ask me, I don't know how to balance omake rewards.
They kinda have tried already.

Like at first it was just so we couldn't stack same type bonuses onto actions, like not using 2 separated brain boosts.

But we can stack a national boost and a character boost.

And those were at +10 during the start of the quest.

Then it was nerfed to +5

Now it is that any omake made will only be awared AFTER the rival reports are over.

Anything made after the rival reports will have to wait until the next rival reports to be reviewed.
So to anyone who remembers Sonic and the Secret Rings.

Ya remember how Sonic literally trapped a villain for eternity inside a prison enforced by said enemy's own power?
....My brother in Chaos, you can't just drop that shit and leave with no explanation/j

It's only been 3 turns and people have written more than 400 omakes for that quest in a couple of months.

It's crazy, granted I'm also guilty but I only wrote a single fixer page.

Edit: Actually with media and spreadsheets it's likely a whole lot more.
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