Sad we sent out Zomon to the time out Zone.

The image of the death egg robot picking him up and using him as a baseball bat againts Zavok would be the ultimate disrespect.
The first thing Mephiles does upong being liberated is finding a fucking teraphist.

Being trapped on the void between time and space is not a fun experience.
……. I know we haven't really talked about it but how long do you think shadows been recovering for?

It's been like two turns since he got some packing back to the ark I really hope he's been rolling. like dog shit on his recovery rolls

We really need to fucking deal with that after we get our empire back and make a coalition with the other two factions in Greenhill regrettably gun and the restoration
I don't think Honey will be that reckless, she's actually pretty clever in fighting.

I give her fair odds she flanks Zavok when he least expects it.
For the record, I'm assuming Honey has a combat roll of ~15. Is this incorrect? probably.

(And that's for having 10ish power and a modifier that happens to help.)