OK, what's the plan of attack? We know, honey is definitely gonna zero in on the angry red man.

Who should we focus? We know that we're definitely zeroing in on him as well. But that leaves our other hero units. We need someone to distract metal sonic and silver sonic well us and honey and probably caana try to knock him out

Because the only reason metal still under control is because the angry red man is focusing on him so if we knock him out, metal comes back to us silver sonic still has Chuck's virus in play and that still needs to activate. So right now I think we should have two people, distracting metal sonic one person handling, silver sonic

If we think he's a power hero unit and if we're correct that means he probably has the same amount of HP Zomzom had when he was uninjured in wave one so Zavok has possibly 5 hp

If there are three hero units wailing on him we have the possibility of dealing three damage to him and if one of the hero units crits, we could do 4 damage
Unfortunately people decided against the ability to immobilize and trap Metal so we're breaking him.

Also Unfortunately people elected to replace one of our strongest units in Isara with us, so we're lacking in fire power for Silver Sonic.

Ans with Clove lacking Cassia she's barely more impressive than us with a gun so I really don't have a clue what people are planning for her as she is now by far the WEAKEST unit on the field.

It's difficult to figure out what to do.
In case, we were obligated to replace one hero unit.

Eggman deployment is stated to be obligatory on the 2nd wave update.

People want to keep Isara tank just to see if we can actually upgrade it.
In case, we were obligated to replace one hero unit.

Eggman deployment is stated to be obligatory on the 2nd wave update.

People want to keep Isara tank just to see if we can actually upgrade it.
That's why we should of either replaced Clove or Storm. The two weakest members on the field who's only contribution solo is 'hitting something hard', which is significantly inferior to Isara's hitting something hard
I mean, Cassia barely even had time to really get used to the suit.

It has been only 1 month in quest since it was made and hasn't really seen live combat.

I would make the point to sent her againts lesser enemies.

But we are esentially sending someone who is not used to move in a big ass suit in battle againts a prince tier unit.

Even with rolls, narrative dictates that is a clusterfuck waiting to happen.
Anyway, metal is under Zavok control and we just need to knock him the hell out so metal can come back to our side

We can always bum rush him with all of our hero units fighting against him All we need is all of them getting five hits on him with us an our hero units or four from us and one from hoeny

Even better if two heroes on our side crit on him all we need is one hero unit landing one blow then or honey to do so

But that's an idea that's been floating around my head
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Anyway, metal is under Zavok control and we just need to knock him the hell out so metal can come back to our side

We can always bum rush him with all of our hero units fighting against him All we need is all of them getting five hits on him with us an our hero units or four from us and one from hoeny

Even better if two heroes on our side crit on him all we need is one hero unit landing one blow then or honey
That sounds like an absolute HORRIBLE idea that'll leave us getting our asses kicked by Metal and Silver.
I mean, if metal reaches 0 hp technically he should just shut down and not lose anything and we just need to do some regular repairs.

If we hit -1 then it is back to turn 1 and rebuilt him without traits.
That sounds like an absolute HORRIBLE idea that'll leave us getting our asses kicked by Metal and Silver.
Well, I was just throwing out an idea that could work. But you're right did we possibly make a mistake with taking Issa out? Probably we have no time to complain the choice was made, and we have to lie with it.
We got a strategize and make the best out of each of our hero units for this final battle against the red man
Gotta make the best out of a bad situation.
I mean, if metal reaches 0 hp technically he should just shut down and not lose anything and we just need to do some regular repairs.

If we hit -1 then it is back to turn 1 and rebuilt him without traits.
I mean, that's kind of what happened to Starline. He just got knocked the fuck out and was put on death store but metals a machine.
What riot Quest? Is it the project moon one.
....My brother in Chaos, you can't just drop that shit and leave with no explanation/j

Fix it Fixer! (Project Moon Riot Quest) by ACCIDENTALCULTLEADER.

We currently have...*quickly checkes* 470k in sidestory, 120k in Apocrya and 145 media entries.

All over the last two months.

Accidental has rewarded all of them. Individually.

Unfortunately people decided against the ability to immobilize and trap Metal so we're breaking him.

Also Unfortunately people elected to replace one of our strongest units in Isara with us, so we're lacking in fire power for Silver Sonic.

Ans with Clove lacking Cassia she's barely more impressive than us with a gun so I really don't have a clue what people are planning for her as she is now by far the WEAKEST unit on the field.

It's difficult to figure out what to do.
Replacing isara was a dumb move

Arguable on both points. Clove hits at around 40 thanks to her flying boots. Storm is around 35. Cannan hits at +50 vs. Zavoc

...I think we'll be fine.