NO BOT LEFT BEHIND - Part 3: Reunion New
Winning Vote
[X] "Make a beeline for my robots. I want those bots found!"
- [X] "Take a moment to map out the Villa. Information is power and we barely know what is going on."

Map The Base
1d100 (27) + 61 = 88
Failure, Stoneline reroll
1d100 (21) + 61 = 82

You lean back in your comfy seat, fingers drumming against the armrest. Across from you, Agent Stone and Dr. Starline stand at rigid attention, practically vibrating with eagerness.

"Of course, Doctor!" Starline piped up first. "Rest assured, I have already developed an efficient, multi-tiered strategy utilizing—"

"Yes, yes, I'm sure," Eggman cut him off with a sigh. "Stone?"

Stone adjusts his tie and shoots Starline a smug glance. "Doctor, I have taken the liberty of preparing fresh espresso and an organizational system for efficient data collection." He pulls a notepad from his own pack and presents it. "Color-coded."

Starline scoffed. "Ah, yes, because nothing says tactical genius like stationary."

"And nothing says sycophant like a platypus with a mystical rock he doesn't even understand," Stone countered, flashing a tight, pleasant smile.

You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Would you morons get on with it?"

The two immediately snapped into motion, both reaching for the supplies Clove had brought along, such a go-getter that one, at the same time. Their hands collided, and both withdrew with matching glares.

"I believe a scientist should handle this," Starline sniffed, pressing a few buttons on his gauntlet. A crude hologram of the outside of the fortified villa appears in a light blue.. "Now, if we calculate the exact timing of their patrol rotations—"

Stone, standing perfectly still, coughed meaningfully. "Or we could simply allow the expertise of our stealthier units to continue to deal with them." He shrugged. "As they have already proven they can."

Starline scowled. "Ah yes and they have inspired such confidence." The platypus gives a sniff of discontent and gives Honey a sidelong look. The prickly cat gives him both barrels and everyone hears Cassia snort as she doesn't mute the mic on the OMC.

You groan as Starline fiddles with the display, enlarging a section of the fortress. The map suddenly zooms in far too close, rendering everything an incomprehensible blur.

"Ah, a momentary interface issue," he mutters, twisting a dial on his gauntlet. The map zooms out at rapid speed, shrinking into a dot.

Stone, watching, sighs and reaches out. "You're overcomplicating it." He taps a button on Starline's gauntlet, and the map snaps back—only for it to reload in an entirely different language.

Starline blinks. "How did you…?"

"Don't worry, Doctor," Stone said, with exaggerated patience. "I anticipated Starline's inevitable failure and prepared a backup." He flicked open his notepad. "Behold. Paper."

You exhaled sharply through his nose, the dramatic reveal getting on your nerves.

"Oh, how quaint," Starline sneers. "Are we invading a stronghold or writing a grocery list?"

"And are you invading or performing a one-duck theater production?" Stone shoots back.

Your hands clench the armrests of the Eggmobile's leather seat and you can feel your eye twitching.

The map, now utterly garbled, flickered red before a clown face replaced the entirety of the map itself. The face sticks its tongue out and blows a raspberry, before the whole thing disappears entirely.

There is a brief pause before the two of them begin bickering about which caused that before you finally snap.

"BOTH OF YOU!" You snarl, both of the targets of ire freezing in place. "It is clear you are incapable of a simple task of mapping out this facility and time is of the essence. So shut it down and shut up." You turn your head to look at your most productive minion. "Clove, make sure we're not spotted as we descend, we're going to find my blasted robots."

Sneak Inside
1d100 (56) + 92 = 148
Bare Success

You hated sneaking. You could do it and do it well, as had been proven here, but honestly you were a man of presence, of grandeur—not of skulking through hedges like some kind of rat. But here you were,moving silently through a maze of lush greenery, the sound of your minion's boots sinking into damp soil and the the rustling of leaves accompanied them.

"Must you make such a racket Cassia," Dr. Starline hissed, his eyes darting about. "We don't yet know the extent of our enemy's perception."

"The giant metal recovery unit turned mini gundam doesn't exactly have a 'sneaky' option," the teenager replies, thankfully over their ear pieces and not over the OCU's speakers.

The prickly cat, leading the group through the topiary garden suddenly stopped, her fur on end as she scanned the surroundings. "There's something here," she murmurs.

The group halts. Around you all, the garden stretchs with eerie elegance—hedges pruned to perfection, marble pathways laid out like a royal courtyard. And then there were the statues.

Lifelike figures, frozen mid-action, adorned the landscape. Two ducks, caught mid-waddle, stood with their wings raised in confusion, as if surprised by something unseen. A humanoid monkey boy stood in a defensive stance, a closed fist on his open palm. A mobian skunk held a weapon of some sort, his sharp gaze locked onto some long-forgotten target.

"These are… oddly detailed," Cassia murmurs, her metal fingers tapping against one of the statues. "Like… really well done."

Clove frowned. "Too well done." She turns to you. "Do you recognize any of them?"

Scowling at the nearest figure, the skunk, you shake your head. "Hmph. No. Some third-rate, no-name nobodies from some long-dead world. They don't matter." You wave a hand dismissively, but you can tell from the look on Clove's face she is strangely disquieted.

Stone tilts his head at the skunk. "Whoever sculpted these was… dedicated. Look at the texture of the fur." He runs a finger across the surface. "Feels almost real."

"Don't touch them," Honey snapped.

Stone pulled his hand back quickly, the man with a pondering look on his face.

Starline, however, was intrigued. You see him examining the nearest duck statue—its beady eyes frozen in perpetual alarm. "Fascinating… If I didn't know better, I'd say—"

A sound cut him off.

The sound of robotic voices…?

You knew those voices. Or at least a part of you did.

From the second floor, you could hear your robots!

"Doctor!" Clove whispers in alarm as the Eggmobile raises until you are level and…

Decoe and Bocoe were still in frilly black-and-white maid outfits, feather dusters in hand. Their mechanical bodies that you designed for engineering and warfare were now being used to polish ancient stone pillars. To their side, just as absurd, tiny Bokkun struggling to carry a stack of freshly laundered towels, his little arms shaking.

The robots seem to notice they're being watched and turn to face you. They make a sound of joy and, strangely, alarm before immediately rushing over, skirts bouncing comically with each step. "Oh, Doctor!" Decoe said, voice hushed. "You shouldn't be here!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Bocoe adds. "If Master Janken finds you, we're all gonna be in big trouble!"

You scowl down at the silver robot. "And if you call him Master again, you'll be in even big trouble!"

The sound of the others carefully climbing the stairs reaches you, as you see Clove carefully in the lead with Honey beside her. Your bots, ever quick on the uptake, take offensive positions, Decoe brandishing his feather duster threateningly as your minions approach. "Doctor, it's more of Sonic's friends!"

Clove raises an eyebrow at the three robots, Bokkun still struggling with the towels. "You know Doctor, these three manage to make Cubot and Orbot look dignified."

You are caught between outrage at Clove insulting your creations and laughing at the absolutely ruthless burn. Before you decide which to focus on, Honey pipes up. "How did the three of you, like, get captured anyways?"

The two exchanged glances before Decoe sighed. "When Mast- erm, when Janken took over this villa, he found us wandering outside. We weren't even trying to fight him, we were just looking for spare parts! After that big Shattering, one of my foot cuffs had been damaged so we were looking for anything we could…"

"He said we weren't worth crushing, but we were worth keeping around to serve him," Bocoe grumbled, shaking his duster in frustration.

Bokkun, still struggling with his towels, let out a dramatic groan. "He made me the laundry maid! I HAVE TINY ARMS! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THIS IS!?"

"Tragic," Clove mutters, her head on a swivel. "But we need to move. The longer we stay here, the more likely we'll be caught."

You weren't listening however. Your minions took the orders, not gave them and blast it, you needed… you needed a moment with these three. Your head and your heart were pounding as you disembark from the Eggmobile and take hold of Decoe and Bocoe's arms, yanking them towards the nearest door. "I have waited months for this, I am getting some blasted answers out of these three!"

"W-Wait!" Decoe sputters. "Not through that—"

You shove open the large door and are immediately assaulted by a wall of lights and sounds.

A massive game room sprawled out before you, lined with vintage arcade cabinets, flashing lights, and decorative tapestries depicting the victories of Janken the Great. And at the center, at an oversized air hockey table, stood the 'Master' of the villa himself.

Janken the Great, dressed in flowing robes, stands with his hockey mallet in hand, his grotesque, mask-like face unreadable. Across from him was a massive creature, covered in fur, six enormously muscled arms growing from its torso, and wielding a mallet in each hand.

The puck shoots across the table, slamming into a goal slot with a triumphant ding!

"Old age and trickery," the masked tyrant smirks. "Trumps youth and multiple limbs every time my boy."

The creature growls before barking out. "AGAIN! There's no way I'm going to lose to you again dad!"

Wide-eyed, you slowly turn your head toward the team. They all are staring back, equally horrified.

"…I hate sneaking," you mutter.

Janken's masked face twitches. "Did you hear something?"

Must Have Been The Wind
1d100 (94) + 92 = 186

Chaos bless them and you for making them, Decoe and Bocoe leap into action like the good stooges they are.

"Oh dear, dear me!" Decoe wobbles forward, bowing dramatically. "Master Janken, we deeply apologize for the interruption!"

"Yes! There was a dreadful spill in the hallway, grape juice everywhere!" Bocoe added, waving his duster. "We were merely fetching towels to clean it up!"

Janken grunts, barely looking at them, already absorbed in the new game with his… son?. "Hmph. Make sure it's spotless. If my robes get stained, you'll wish you were statues."

"Of course, sir! Right away, sir!"

As Decoe and Bocoe dramatically shuffle away, they frantically motion for the rest of the group to retreat. Carefully, they close the door behind you all and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"Alright, you three know the layout better than we do." You admit and motion to them. "Bring us somewhere you can get us up to speed and tell me exactly what is going on here."

The bots give a silent salute and motion for you all to follow them down the hallway. You follow closely, giving the Egg Mobile a quick command to rise out of view so as not to be spotted easily.

The only sounds are the footsteps of your group, the metallic footcups of Decoe and Bocoe masking the footfalls of the OCU well, but as you seem to be reaching your destination, the golden robot holds up a hand and points forward. A doorway is wide open and the sound of a calliope can be heard coming from within.

"I thought Pierrot was out in the jungle on Mas- erm, Janken's orders?" He whispers to Bocoe, who only gives a shrug in response. Slowly, giving your group a signal not to follow, Decoe sneaks forward. Gently, oh so gently, he pulls the door closed, muffling the circus music coming from inside.
Oh? What are you trying to hide little maids? Nothing under this big top escapes my sight~
Motioning you all forward once more to a door further down the hallway, your group quickly enters.

The doors to the room shut behind you all, and there was a moment of silence as the trio looked at you, just simply staring.


The three robots lunged at you.

Bokkun threw his tiny arms around your leg, practically vibrating with joy. "I thought I was gonna be folding towels forever!"

Decoe clutches at your coat, sobbing dramatically. "You rescued us! Oh, how we've suffered!"

Bocoe joined in, clinging to your other side. "The laundry! The dusting! The teatime etiquette classes!"

You stood frozen for a moment, arms awkwardly raised in the air, debating whether to return the embrace or shove them all off. Your mustache twitches as they continue. "Agh—get off me, you blubbering bolts!"

They did not.

Instead, they clung even tighter. Bokkun wiping his nonexistent tears on your coat. "I missed you so much, Boss!"

You sigh and reluctantly shake your head. "Tch. Of course you missed me. I built you three." You attempt to cross your arms, to dismiss the sentiment, but neither robot seems willing to let go. "And obviously, my empire functions better with its full staff, so…" You trail off. Even you can hear the lack of your usual bluster in your words.

Decoe sniffles. "You do care!"


Honey smirks at the scene, arms crossed. "You're not fooling anyone, Doc."

Stone adjusts his tie. "They're very… clingy."

Clove and Cassia exchange looks, watching your failed attempts to pry the robots off you. Cassia snickers from inside the OCU. "You know, for a big bad villain, you have a weirdly wholesome family dynamic."

You feel eye twitch. "I will throw you in a scrap compactor."

But there was no real heat behind it.

After another moment of struggling, you finally give in with an exaggerated sigh and wave your hand dismissively. "Fine! Fine. You're back, I'm great, all is right in the world." You clear your throat, definitely just faking all of these emotions for the sake of everyone else. "Now let's never speak of this again."

Decoe and Bocoe salute immediately. "Understood, sir!"

Bokkun, however, grinned. "No promises!"

"Oh I like him!" Cassia snickers, looking Bokkun up and down. The little robot gives her a big thumbs up in response.

"Now," you focus on the three chuckleheads. "Report."

Their postures straighten and their arms straighten at their sides, Bokkun even giving a little salute.

"Janken has been keeping us away from most of the areas he considers to be important." Decoe immediately begins. "Claiming that maids are to keep a tidy house, not help in world conquest."

"But he has had us clean the vault room several times!" Bocoe jumps in. "Not inside the vault itself, but the room outside of it."
"Uh huh!" Bokkun nods, never dropping his salute. "The door is HUGE Doctor! And I mean HUGE not just big! Janken always does some magic stuff to get it swinging open, but we managed to figure out there's another way to open it!"

You allow them a moment to continue. When they all just stare back at you proudly, you make a go on motion with your hands. They look at each other, easily visible confusion on their faces.

A deep sigh escapes you as you hear someone smack their face with their hand behind you. Indeed minion, indeed…

"You found out there was another way to open it," Starline speaks up, his voice strained. "But you don't actually know what that other way is?"

"Uh huh!" Bokkun nods happily. The other two at least have the decency to be embarrassed.

…why do you have a fond smile on your face at their incompetence? Why does this all feel so good and familiar?

"Fine, fine!" You wave it off. You've done better with worse. "Just get us to the Vault room you three, when we get there we're-"

What Will You Do?

[ ] "Going to figure out what magic he's got on the door and use that to get through." (Mystic Check with malus due to no active caster in the party.)

[ ] "Finding this second way to open the door and do that. (Trickery check to discover the other way to open the door, then ??? check to actually open it.)

[ ] "Going to blow the blasted door! I've had more than enough of this place." (Power check to blow open the vault door. This WILL break stealth.

2 hour moratorium
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