Batty Dealings

Batty Dealings

"Father, E-123 Omega is about to break down the front door."

You choke on the coffee Stone had prepared for you as Sage tells you that, frantically changing the monitor to the security camera and sure enough, there is the ornery red robot smashing his metal fists into the front door of your secure facility.

"I don't need this right now!" You roar, sending a hoard of badniks towards Omega while also sending messages to your martially inclined lackeys to make it to the front. Omega may tear through the badniks, but Canaan and Rusty should be able to at least keep him occupied enough for another to land a finishing blow.

"I'm sorry doctor, if we knew you were in such a state… well Omega would probably still insist we come."

That familiar voice is worryingly close.

Spinning the chair to face the voice while raising your Egg Gun, you call out. "Sage! Lock down this room and run an inventory on everything in the base!"

Your sights land on exactly who you expected.

Rouge The Bat, Master Thief, Master Spy, Master Treasure Hunter, and certified jewel addict, lounged on an ergonomic chair not ten feet from you, her legs kicked up as if she didn't have a care in the world. A smirk was on her face as if she didn't have a care in the world even as you pointed your armament at her.

"Rouge," your voice comes out as a growl, not bothering to ask how she got into your base, knowing she would never tell you the real answer. "What are you and Omega doing here, I've already bought enough trouble this last month, I don't need the two of you poking your noses into my work as well just to break things or cause me trouble!"

"Why Doctor, I'm hurt!" She adopts a clearly fake shocked expression and presses a hand to her chest, gasping. "Can a girl not break into the secret lair of a would be world conqueror without alerting any of his security or even being seen by his constantly on guard daughter?" She leans up and gives a wink at the lens on the monitor. "Cute kid by the way doc."

"Rouge," you try to keep your voice calm as twin emotions of pride and rage roil inside of you. "It has been a long week and you've broken into a place I am keeping not only safe for myself and my work, but for my child and the first thing you do is mention her so as to casually remind me of the danger your presence puts her in."

You aim your gun for the bat's head and she seems to understand exactly what kind of scenario this is.

"Now you've brought one of my rogue creations to my doorstep in an effort to keep others from helping me while we have this chat so let us chat, batgirl. What. Do. You. Want."

Her eyes are flicking to the side but you don't take your eyes off of her, trusting Sage to warn you if there is anything truly dangerous in the room with the two of you.

"Well I have to say I didn't expect this level of overprotective father from you," she sits up and gives you her undivided attention. "But if we're going to cut right to the point fine. You've seen Shadow, something is wrong with him."

You snort at that and lower the gun. Yes, you had seen Shadow not only aligned with alien invaders, but you had seen him get his butt handed to him by The Restoration twice over now.

"Yes I've seen him and how he's acting as just a puppet for Doom, what of it?"

"You know just as well as I do that Shadow would never have worked with Doom before The Shattering," her wings flap as she moves over and pokes you in the chest. "Something that alien fiend knew just as well after Shadow destroyed him, but now the Black Arms are back and Shadow is under their control!"

"And while dealing with the Ultimate Life Form may be dangerous, if The Restoration has proven anything it's that Doom is not using Shadow to his full abilities." You smirk at the overly emotional bat.

"Exactly," she presses. "Doom has the entirety of the Black Arms in addition to Shadow, so why is he just sending Shadow to try and deal with us? Because he's not just focusing on us!"

She produces several photos, grainy but clear enough to show Black Arms attacks on regions clearly not of the Green Hills. Alien warriors clashing what appear to be knights in armor, an alien gunship half submerged into the ocean, and several Black Oaks clashing with some unidentifiable demonic creature.

"Doom isn't just trying to take us here, he's attacking everywhere and you know what he's looking for."

"The Emeralds." You bring your hand to your forehead and massage it, a headache brewing.

Of course Doom would not be sitting idle in this new world, the Black Arms searching the world over for the gems to allow the Black Comet to make landfall and begin the process of turning this world into another cattle farm for the aliens.

"Exactly and there is only one person close enough to Doom that we can possibly manage to flip, but we need to catch him." She presses on. "If we can manage to capture Shadow, I think I might have a way to help him restore his memories."

??? + ??? = 101
88 + 22 = 110
Bare Failure

You narrow your eyes at her. Something about her words rings false, but you're not sure which part. She sees you narrowing your eyes and speaks rapidly, "Fine! It's not a perfect guarantee that it works, but even if it doesn't, depriving Doom of Shadow can only be a good thing!"

She does have a point. The massed forces of the Black Arms are powerful, but Shadow is a force of nature all on his own AND he does know Starline has an emerald so taking him off the board would be a good thing.

"You never do anything out of the goodness of your heart Rouge, at least not for me." Leaning back in your chair, you stare her down. "What are you getting out of this?"

"I'm getting my friend back." She stares right back at you, emerald green eyes unflinching. She does then smirk and look to the monitor behind you. "But to get Omega on board for this plan, I did have to promise that he could tear through your base while we negotiated and that he'd get to beat you up a little."

A walkie talkie comes to life on her belt and the robotic voice of Omega comes through. "ROUGE, DID YOU INFORM THE DOCTOR I WOULD BE DESTROYING HIM?"

The bat sighs and takes the walkie, changing the frequency briefly while looking at you. "You look like you're not doing well already, so I can probably talk him down to fighting your robots if you're up to it. I saw you had a Metal Amy and Metal Sonic, that'd probably be enough?"

The nerve of this bat!

"So you get your friend back and Omega gets to break more of my machines, what exactly am I getting out of this?" You press.

"My wonderful talents of course!" She smirks at you. "Not permanently and there is no way I can get Omega to actually work for you, but as long as you let him fight some of your robots he's not going to cause problems for you beyond that."

She holds a hand out.


Your Response?
[ ] Deal
  • You gain Rouge the Bat as a temporary hero unit until such a time you manage to free Shadow the Hedgehog from Doom's clutches.
  • You will have to assign at least one Metal Power unit to keep Omega occupied each turn. This will prevent them from doing National Actions, but not taking Personal Actions.
  • Rouge will hand over what information she has on the Black Arms and expects you to make some progress on it. She also gets you're trying to get your Empire back though.

[ ] No Deal
  • Rouge and Omega leave.
  • Omega will roll every turn to attack some badniks or potentially interrupt a National Action a Metal hero is assigned to.

[ ] Negotiate
  • Write In (This has to be something Eggman in his current state would approve of and has to be approved by the QMs)

AN: So yeah, Rouge. She's here in your base. Neat.

There is a 6 hour voting moratorium
One Man's Trash is Another Man's Gold
One Man's Trash is Another Man's Gold

You were Mecha Sonic MK. II, and you were feeling... you weren't sure how to feel.

After that loud noise and flashing light, your first instinct was to rush to your brethren, protect as many as you could.

Thankfully, it turned out none of them were really in danger. Your flower's containment pod got a little damaged in the shuffle, but E-117 Sigma was quick to fix it, so no harm done.

You did a head count. Tragically, it seemed several Scrapniks had gone missing in the shuffle, most notably of all being Mecha Knuckles.

You and Mecha Knuckles were not particularly close, he tended to be a loner and attacked anyone who got too close, but you still felt that loss whenever you passed by his little zone on patrols. Maybe someday you could have put aside your differences and found camaraderie. You may now never know…

You try not to dwell on it, Sigma promises you there's nothing you could have done. Logically, you know he is correct. But there was just… something, a nagging feeling that illogically pushed you to feel bad about it.

You try to focus on the new things in your life, not dwell on the past.

After Scrapnik Island settled down, you had realized you had a new neighboring island. You were cautious, of course. But at the time, you had been hoping the missing Scrapniks were perhaps on that island. It would make as much sense as anything else that had transpired recently, so you took the risk.

There weren't Scrapniks, but what you found was even more baffling.

It was another whole island of clearly outdated but otherwise perfectly intact Badniks. It was stunning to see another whole community of Badniks living their lives away from their Creator.

Unfortunately, you would soon meet someone who broke through your usual stoic demeanor.

"Hey rust bucket! Who are you!? Why are you cribbing my style!?" an obnoxious voice had asked you.

You almost did a double take. Was that… Sonic!? You could feel your old programming kicking in despite your best efforts, your best attempts to suppress it, as you attacked.

"Whoa, weirdo! Calm down, it was just a question! You will show me proper respect as the King of the Island of Misfit Badniks!" The Target laughed as he dodged.

It was then you managed to realize he looked.. off. He was clearly mechanical, albeit more lifelike than you. Was this another creation of the doctor?

Just what was going on?

You didn't get to ask further questions before getting Spindashed while you were distracted, the force sending you flying back to Scrapnik Island as the fellow Robot Sonic laughed.

"Ha! Take that, bucket of bolts! Tell 'em Pseudo-Sonic sent ya!" He laughed as all the other Badniks cheered.

That was the first of many encounters of this so-called "Island of Misfit Badniks" and their irritating leader. Both Islands, while not quite connected, were close enough visiting was a trivial matter. Both Your Kind were curious about the other, though friendly visits quickly became unlikely to happen. Neither group really understood the other, they clearly had irreconcilable differences.

Your Scrapniks did not understand the Misfit Badniks Desire to return to Robotnik's side, while the Misfit Badniks couldn't conceive of your kind's desire for peace.

Eventually, you and Sigma met up with this "Pseudo-Sonic" and, despite not liking each other, managed to come to an agreement to avoid mutually assured destruction amongst the Growing tensions.

The two groups would avoid each other, unless absolutely necessary, and would not comment on or interfere with each other's affairs.

It was with that your existence continued in peaceful bliss.

And then new Badniks started washing up on your island.

At first it was the usual rank and file Egg Pawns, Motobugs, etc. Sigma was surprised, it had been so long since there were new faces, but he also seemed happy for the project. Soon, you had new brethren. They weren't who you lost, but you would protect them just as fiercely as any other Scrapnik, and they settled in well enough.

Then came the more… unique Of your new protectorates.

The grey cylinder like Badnik with red boxing gloves for hands and his little limbed red bomb companion were the most relaxed. They were loyal to each other, and tended to do shockingly well with recon, keeping an eye on the Misfit Badniks to ensure they kept their part of the deal. They offered to live there full time as undercover saboteurs (apparently they had experience doing so), but Sigma insisted that was unnecessary. They seemed disappointed but respected the choice.

The dark purple, ninja like Badnik with a 91 on her forehead kept to herself in the shadows. She seemed to be a little listless without any stealth missions to do, so you would sometimes humor her by telling her to tail specific Scrapniks and report to you. It wasn't much, but it seemed to make her happy.

The last one was one you took some adjusting to. She was a pink metal hedgehog with some green styled after a dress. Sigma's programming would sometimes manifest and clash with Robotnik's in strange, unexpected ways, and for her it caused an increase in energy and a desire for constant attention and companionship. She was like a small child, always eager and in wonder of the world. You wouldn't lie and say it wasn't tiresome sometimes, but there was also an endearing quality to it.

You reflected on all this as you tended to your flower. On your losses. Your gains. Your rivalries. Your friendships.

You wondered if you truly deserved this. You had failed your directive, twice over. No one seemed to hold it against you, but those Scrapniks were still missing at the end of the day, the people you were supposed to protect.

"Big-Big Brotherrrrr! I'm bo-boredddd!" A familiar glitching voice whined to you. The voice box upgrade for her was one You were wondering if Sigma made the right choice on.

"Can you not pester Sigma for something to do, Metal Amy?" You ask bluntly, double checking your flower was ok.

"I couldddd, but-but I-I-I want to do some-something with youuuu!" The aforementioned pink hedgehog Badnik insisted. She tilted her head, her now mismatched eyes swelling with oil to imitate tears.

"Do not discharge oil like that, it is inefficient." You scold.

"Then play-play with meeee!"



As Metal Amy grabbed your hand and dragged you away, you sigh in a mixture of defeat and fondness.

Maybe this isn't what you were designed for. Maybe you were a failure.

But as everyone waved and chuckled as Metal Amy dragged you along and you passed them, you decided to file being a failure in your data banks as "Acceptable".


A/N: Yeah. Mecha Sonic is just vibing with his found family besides the occasional trouble from some new rivals.

Honestly, good for him.

(Oh yeah, the Other Co-QMs reserve the right to change their minds and declare this Interlude non canon btw. Time will tell if that happens)
Big's Grand Adventure
Big The Cat found himself in quite the pickle, if he says so himself.

He didn't know how it happened, but one day, he was hanging out with his best friend of all time, Froggy on Mystic Ruins, just like always, after a day of fishing, they went back home to get some good sleep.

But then he was woken up by this very loud sound of something breaking. Next thing he knew, he was in this very strange forest with these very strange creatures roaming it. But that was not what had Big's attention, it was the fact that he had awoken alone, without Froggy!

Big would worry about the fact he couldn't find his home anywhere, or where in the catfish these weird little dudes had come from, once he found his pally Froggy!

So Big readied himself as he started looking for clues where his Polliwog Pal could be.

Three months had passed since then, and truth be told, he didn't feel closer to finding him. For some reason, everything was different! It's like he and Froggy had been placed in another continent, but he didn't recognize any of the places he visited! And the people, who did not rudely scream at him when he approached them, weren't able to help him. It's like they didn't belong here!

…Or maybe Big was the one that didn't belong to any of these places.

There were those places that kinda looked like Stations Square but were really weird. One of them had a bunch of people wanting to fight him for some weird reason. Even after he defeated them, none of them knew anything about Froggy!

Then there was this crazy place that had some giant lizards hanging around, he even caught one with his rod when fishing for Froggy! It was easily bigger than anything he had fished up before. It roared at him and he threw it back to the lake, he understood the fella must have been annoyed for getting its afternoon interrupted, he would be too!

The last place he went was really mean to him! There were a bunch of people shouting how he wasn't welcomed here and even ended up getting sent to jail for some reason. Maybe he jaywalked by accident?

After causing a bit of commotion there, he decided that Froggy would not stay where such mean people lived and continued his search!

Now, Big found himself after an arduous trek on the outskirts of a forest, but he felt something… off with the place. The sky looked kinda weird and there were these strange crystals jutting out of the ground.

Oh…well, not much that he would achieve by worrying about that!

Finding a nice place to sit near a lake, Big sat down and started fishing for dinner, but to further bring down his mood, it had been almost an hour already and he had not been able to catch any fish!

Big couldn't help but release a soft whine. "I've been having such bad luck all this time." He lamented as he readied his fishing hook with another bait before throwing it towards the lake. "At least Froggy, I hope wherever you are, you are doing better than me." He says out loud as he waits, hoping to get something to eat soon.

Just then, a voice broke Big from his musings.

"Oh, I can assure you, your friend Sir Froggy is in good hands." A serene, calm voice that Big found familiar echoed across the lake.

Right in front of his eyes, the lake began to shine a bright blue, though it didn't hurt Big's eyes staring at it, in fact, he felt a sense of warmth from them?

Standing in front of him was a person Big was well acquainted with, holding Froggy in their hands!

"You have traveled quite a bit to get here right?" The sweet and melodious voice asks, as they walk across the lake, getting closer to Big. "Sir Froggy has been also quite worried about you, oh B-"

"FROOOOGGGYYYY!" Big shouts, interrupting the new arrival's speech as he proceeds to launch himself toward the figure, enveloping them in a crushing hug. "I'm so happy to finally find you! I have been sooooooo WORRIEEEEED!" Big shouts, as tears escape from his eyes, as he proceeds to swing them around.

Gently releasing the figure and letting them find their balance again, Big grabbed Froggy and proceeded to pet him.

"Froggy! You had me so worried, little fella." Big says as he continues head patting the frog. Everything was right in the world, as it should be! "We need to have a talk about you just running away like that pally, it's not good to keep doing this." He then turns to the figure that had returnedFroggy back to him. "Thanks a lot, Amy! I'm happy to see you again."

"No need to thank me, noble cat. Sir Froggy stumbled upon my lake, asking for a place to take refuge, who was I to deny such a request." Amy says as she gives a small giggle, covering her mouth with one hand. "Also, I'm afraid you have me confused with another person,good sir." Just then Big noticed something weird about Amy.

She was wearing an elaborate sky blue dress with white frills and ribbons. Big couldn't remember the last time he saw her wearing anything else than her signature pink dress…

"I'm Nimue, but most people call me the Lady of the Lake." She does a curtsy as she gives him a bright smile. "Once again, it is my pleasure to meet you."

Big just stares at Not Amy for a moment. "Are you sure you aren't Amy? You look really similar to her." He comments as he puts Big on top of his head as he crosses his arms.

She giggles again. "I assure you, Sir Big, I possess no relationship to your friend Amy." Nimue reaffirms as she looks around.

"I am sorry for asking this right as we meet, but would you come with me." Nimue asks as she grasps her hands together. "Staying too long in the open carries the risk of grabbing some unwanted attention."

"If you say so, Nimue." Big agrees as he grabs Froggy, making sure he doesn't run off again. "Though I don't think there is anyone here to stumble upon us?" He asks as he looks around. "Place is kind of empty."

Big looks again at Nimue, and notices that for the first time, she is not smiling, instead, she has a sad look on her face.

"It is that way sadly…" She affirms Big's suspicions. "But don't let it lower your guard, the Queen's forces will arrive soon now that she sensed my presence, we must depart immediately. Please give me your hand, Sir Big." Nimue asks as she extends her hand towards Big.

The purple cat doesn't think twice before accepting her hand, grasping it.

A blue circle appears around Nimue and him, spinning and flashing brightly, and before Big can comment on it, his surroundings change.

Big looks around, noticing that they are inside a…Gazebo? There was a table and chairs in the middle with 2 cups with some steaming liquid coming out of them.

"Please make yourself comfortable." Nimue says as she sits down on one of the chairs. Big follows her advice, surprised that the chair is able to support him.

"I know we have just met, but I must ask for your assistance with matters of great importance." The Amy look alike says as she grabs the cup and proceeds to take a sip of it.

"Your Friend Froggy arrived on my lake not too long ago and told me all about your feats." Nimue says as she motions to Froggy, who hops from Big's lap towards the table, getting close to Nimue, who proceeds to pet him.

"Sure!" Big replies immediately. Nimue couldn't help but look at Big surprised. "You helped Froggy and me reunite. A good deed must be repaid with another good deed right? Besides, Froggy is sure you are a nice person, right?" Big asks towards his friend, who only croaks in response.

"I see…It is that simple, is it not?" She replies with a smile giggle, but then her face acquires a serious look. "Still, I must explain to you the severity of the task I need help with."

"Tell me, do you know where you are?" She asks Big, who only scratches his chin.

"Well…I assume we are in your home?" He says, not really knowing the answer to her question.

"Well…yes. We are in one of my remaining sanctuaries…But I meant in regards to the kingdom you just arrived to." She explains as she stops petting Froggy, letting him return to Big's side."

"You have arrived in the kingdom of Camelot…and unfortunately, it is going through some Dark Times…" She says with a somber tone.

"...I don't think I have heard of this place before?" Big says as he crosses his arms, deep in thought.

"I assumed you would not know it." She gives a faint smile. "Your friend, Sir Sonic was the same."

Big gasp. "Oh, you met Sonic?"

"Yes, indeed. He was a knight like no one had ever seen before…" Her expression turns sad. "He was involved in this problem I asked for."

"The current queen of this Kingdom…Merlina, wishes for Camelot to be eternal, to avoid a prophesied ruin to befall the kingdom." Nimue says as an image of a lady appears above the table.

"To achieve that, she tricked Sonic and I into assisting her with retrieving the Scabbard of Excalibur, which belonged to King Arthur, a powerful artifact that grants immortality to its wielder." Nimue explains. "With the Scabbard's magic, Merlina called forward the forces of the Underworld, mixing both of their powers, in order to make this whole realm immortal, where none of its citizens may die, nor an end brought to the kingdom itself."

Then the image changes, instead of the woman's picture, a map appears of the area, which has ominous red waves coming out from it.

"Her plan worked. Now the citizens of this realm are free from danger…but by doing so has damned the rest of the inhabitants of this new world." She explains with a sad tone. "Little by little, the influence of the Underworld spreads out, corrupting the lands nearby, and making it impossible for life to be sustained. If nothing is done, then no life will be able to exist outside the Kingdom!" Nimue finishes explaining.

Big nods, having listened to all of that, but still. "I have a question though…How exactly is this Underworld stuff supposed to…end life?" He asks, not getting that. Nimue nodded and proceeded to explain the effects of the Underworld Miasma.

Big sat there trying to listen to the explanation that she was giving, but after a few seconds he got completely lost. "…and that's why I need your help, oh noble Cat."

Big made a thinking noise. "Sooo…you need me to save the world?"


"Okay! We can do that! Right Froggy?" Big asks as he pets Froggy, who only croaks in response.

Nimue smiles. "I'm glad to hear that, the task I need assistance with is not a small one." She says as she makes a motion with her hands and a second later, a Sword appears on the table.

Big was not an expert on weaponry, but even he could tell how damaged the sword was. Not only was the blade cut in half, the handle was completely destroyed, bits and pieces of it missing.

"This…is Caliburn," Nimue explains. "The sword that the Knight of the Wind, Sonic the Hedgehog, wielded during his battle against Merlina…" Nimue looks away in sadness.

"The brave knight is…gone, disappeared after Camelot was brought to this strange place, and Merlina proceeded to destroy this sword so it couldn't be used against her. It's imperative that we fix it, because only this sword has the chance to stand against the Scabbard of Excalibur."

"Alright." Big nods as he stares at the blade. "Thought, how exactly can we fix it? I think my pal Tails could do something about this?" He says while scratching his head,

"I am afraid that to fix Caliburn, just fixing the blade will not be enough. The damage inflicted upon it is so severe that only means of great magical might will fix it…and I am ashamed to admit it, but it's beyond my powers to do so."

"So…how do we fix it then?" Big asks, not sure where this is going.

"I have a few ideas in mind… but we might need to exit the Kingdom to look for them, which will not be easy, the Queen's guards are roaming the lands in search of me. Exiting Camelot will not be easy…can I count on your assistance, Sir Big?"

"Oh sure, you can count on me and Froggy, right Pally?" The frog only croaks in response.

"Yay! Let's go then!"


As promised, here is the 500 page reward! Hope you guys enjoy it!

Please wait as we prepare fopr turn 5 to be posted.
Last edited:
Turn 5- MAY 2XXX
Soberan reward:
Eggpawn variant rolled: Normal Eggpawn
(egg pawns): 1d5 (4) Total: 4

Random badniks obtained: balkiry
(Random badnik): 1d3 (2) Total: 2

Obtained 4 egg pawn and 2 balkiry

(Convince GUN to drop the charges DC 40)
: 1d100 (17) + 9
Total: 26


"What do you mean, you will not drop those annoying charges!?" You shout out towards the screen. You were currently speaking to Towers via video chat. It had been a few days since G.U.N. and you entered an "alliance".

"I told you already Eggman, it's not that I won't, I literally cannot do that." Towers replied unfazed by your righteous anger. "I tried to do it, but I was outvoted on that decision. The Restoration and Walters are set on keeping the charges and bringing your lackeys to Justice."

"Having to follow the whims of annoying simpletons…pathethic." You scoff at this outcome, G.U.N at its finest everyone! "You better don't tell me my other demands are null too, I already sent that blob towards you!"

Towers just sighs. "Don't worry, the rest was able to be achieved with no issue. The prisoner exchange is underway, I believe you are aware of this." You see him begin typing something, and a few moments laters, a notification of a message is sent through the Eggnet. After Sage makes a quick analysis to confirm there aren't any viruses you open it. "Just send you the broadcast frequency of Evilla's show, I really cannot believe you haven't checked it before." Towers shakes his head.

"I had no intention of paying a membership for it, was planning to hack into the frequency to get it for free, but this saves time…thanks I guess." You reply off handedly.

"If that's all, then we will keep in contact. We will prepare our team to begin studying the Black Arms specimens." Towers just replies, not particularly pleased with you. "Have a good day Eggman." The transmission cuts off.

"Stupid G.U.N. and it's bureaucracy." You grumble, losing the chance to reopen Stone's coffee shop was annoying, but not really a loss. Just need to find other ways to make income then. "Well at least that is taken care of ... .Sage, dear, can you tell the status of the recovery team?" You decide to focus on more productive things.

"It's as Commander Towers said, Father. G.U.N. troops arrived at the designated rendezvous point with Thunderbolt the Chinchilla, Starline, Stone and Conquering Storm have successfully done the exchange and are on his way here."

"At least that is taken care of. Notify me when they get here, there is stuff that needs to be done, and my lackeys need to take care of it." You grumble as you reach for a cup of Stone's coffee, taking a long sip of it and just sighing. It's tough being an evil Genius set with conquering the world.

"Actually Father-" Your child begins to say but is cut by a loud voice coming from outside your lab.

"YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!" You hear the doors to the lab opening and you turn around to see a yellow and red blur run towards you.

"Oh my Chaos! It's you!!!!" A figure jumps and embraces you. Thunderbolt the Chinchilla, Starline was not kidding when he said she was a fan. "Ican'tbelieveIwasrescuedyou! This is the best day of my life!!!" The chinchilla shouts as she continues to hug you tighter and making a high pitched "eeeeeeeeehhhhhh" sounds.

You just stare annoyed at her when the sound of footsteps is heard. You look up to stare at the team you send.

"I'm very sorry Sir! I tried to warn her not to bother you but…" Stareline says, sheepishly. Behind him, a calm looking Stone and an annoyed Conquering storm can be seen.

"I believe she was too excited to listen to any of us." Agent Stone shrugs, trying to be helpful.

"It's literally like looking at a spitting image of her…" The ninja scoffs, arms crossed and an exasperated look on her face.

"Oh for the love of-" You cannot take more of this. "Get off already!" You shout as she manage to separate the Chinchilla from you, dropping her to the ground. "Not a minute in and this is already a headache to deal with." You grumble.

"Oh! Do you need an aspirin Sir!" Thunderbolt says quickly as she gets up immediately. "I'm so excited! The Doctor knows my name!" She "whispers" excitedly, as she jumps in her place.

"Okay first…no touchie." You point a finger at her as she nods enthusiastically. "Second, you work for me now, so better pull your weight."

"Of course Sir! Anything you need! You can count on me!" Thunderbolt shouts, as she makes a soldier salute.

You just sigh, you really don't want to deal with this. "Sage, call the rest of the lackeys. There is so much to be done."

"At once father!"



1 hidden base
1 public base (Mean Bean Machine) [COMPROMISED]
1 Chaos Emerald (Blue one)
1 Egg Mobile
1 Ragnite Lance
1 Silver Sonic Remains (Locked behind the reactor Actions)
1 Egg Darc Robot (⅖ HP)
4 Income
55+100+250= 405 Metal Units.

You guys have 2 power actions and 1 action available in each other category.
Cubot and Orbot can be assigned to a Logistics action that doesn't count for the cap.
Any action Sage takes doesn't count against the total action limit
Dr. Eggman can pick 4 Personals per turn. Other hero units can pick only 1 per turn,
This turn, your Brains Action is locked to a Collaboration with G.U.N to Study the Black Arms material, please pick the hero unit to choose to partake in the action.

NOTE: We will be modifying a bit how the raid works. Instead of having to Pass a DC, now to raid other factions, a Badnik Power Cap must be filled, and a Team of up to 3 Hero units must be chosen to send fight the faction.

Combat will take place in 2 parts, one is the badnik vs minions fight similar to how the Black Arms worked, where the badniks face against the mooks and a Hero Fight where your Hero unis fight against the Hero Units of the Faction.

Both sides must be passed for a raid to be successful, even if you defeat the heroes, you might have to deal with waves of mooks and vice versa!

Power Give Them A Promotion! DC: 100
Well more put them through their paces to make them earn it. Several of your minions are much more used to commanding your robotic forces than others, time to fix that. Select one of your minions to train up to gain the prestigious title of Egg Boss!
Reward: Selected Hero unit gains the Eggboss trait and potential to increase their stats depending on the hero selected.
(QM Note: new eggbosses do not count towards Getting The Team Back Together achievement)

Train the DarcsensDC: 90 (Only Isara, The Pronghorn Sisters, Conquering Storm and Canaan may be assigned to this action)
Hmmm... If these strays are going to stick around your territory, they must pull their weight. They are mainly untrained civilians and some seem a little reluctant, but for the most part they seem to be grateful to you and willing to repay the favor for your graciousness. Good, this could be mutually beneficial...
Reward: The Darscens in your territory are trained in combat and will assist Badniks in patrolling your territory. Potential for them to be turned into A Trait similar to the Egg Clan.

Reclaim Your Territory: Power DC 60/100
Badnik Power Cap: 20
Now that you have an actual badnik force (a small one all things considered, but one nonetheless), the next course of action is clear! Time to take back what is yours!
Rewards: Contest control of nearby areas from Zavok and reclaim it as yours. Gain metal if first DC passed and factories and facilities if second meet (might need to fix them).
Note: Cannot be taken with Quietly Reclaim Your Territory. Will give away the location of your hidden base.

Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140/160/180/200
While Metal Sonic is currently fine as he is, of course, there is always room for improvement. You can still outfit him with more upgrades to make him an even better Sonic
reward: Each tier passed gives an Upgrade point to use for Metal Sonic:
Metal Cost: 30
Note: Metal Sonic cannot be assigned to this action.

[ ] Plasma Pulse: each round of combat, a 1d8 is rolled, on a 7-8, metal adds +20 to his total combat score for the round.(Doesn't stack with other upgrades except fopr those gained from copycat skill.) (1 Upgrade point)
[ ]Ring Spark: If an opponent scores a hit against Metal, the must pass a Power check of 100 (1D100+Their power+relevant traits-each person/hero unit/unot that was invovled in hitting metal) and if failed, they lose 1 HP, can only be used twice per battle. (Each unit must roll individually/separate from the rest) (1 Upgrade Point)
[ ] 6 Valve 300cc orgone engine: +5 Mystic(1 Upgrade points)
[ ] Upgraded Processing Power: +7 to Trickery and Brains (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Voice Module: +10 Heart to Metal: (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Install Leadership Module: changes Metal Mano focused for Badnik Commander. +5 To Logistics and Heart. Gives Minor Version of Badnik Commander. (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Increase cap in Copycat skill by 1 (1 Upgrade Point)(Can be taken multiple times, but each time the cost rises by 1)
[ ] Light Speed Attack: +10 to Metal combat rolls (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Chaos emerald detector: Gives metal a +50 bonus when looking for chaos emeralds (6 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Ragnite Coating: Increases Metal HP by 1 (6 HP Total) Metal doesn't lose HP when defeated in combat if the enemy base power roll is 20 or less. (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Ragnite reactor Core: Increases Metal power score by 5. But if any enemy defeats him in combat and their base power roll is 95 or higher, they lose 2 HP instead of the normal 1 HP.(Basically, if the enemy beats metal, and their base roll is 95 or higher, Metal loses 2 HP instead of 1) (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Ragnite Chaos Beam (Needs Ragnite Reactor Core): each round of combat, a 1d4 is rolled, on a 3-4, metal adds +15 to his total combat score for the round. (3 Upgrade points)
[ ] Maximum Overdrive Attack: It's a triggered ability that the QMs will activate for Metal when the situation calls for it, either because Metal decides so or Eggman orders it, Metal Base Power stat is doubled for a single combat round. After that, he takes a -10 malus for all rolls and checks for the rest of the battle. Can only be used once per battle. (4 Upgrade points)
[ ] Rocket Mode: Makes Metal space worthy, +5 bonus to combat rolls in space.

Upgrade Rusty Rose: DC: 40/70/100/130/160/190/220
Now that you have been able to calmly look over all the data you collected for Rusty Rose, you are certain you can do a better job than those fools in the Chaos Council and make her a proper killer robot!
Reward: Each tier passed gives +2 upgrade points to use.
Metal Cost: 50
Note: Rusty Rose cannot be assigned to this action.

[ ] Rusty Hammer: +5 to Combat rolls (1 Point)
[ ] Upgraded Database: +5 to Brains (1 Point)
[ ] Adaptive Combat Protocol: Increase Power +5. Power stat +5 Bonus against enemies Rusty has faced before. (2 Points)
[ ] Install Leadership Module: +5 To Logistics and Heart. Gives Minor Version of Badnik Commander. (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Personality Matrix Upgrade: +10 to Heart stat (3 Points)
[ ] Sage Housing And Protection Enclosure: Sage can passively ride along with Rusty, speaking with and helping her, granting her 1/3rd of Sage's stats, rounded down, when Sage has not used her Artificial Efficiency trait. (3 Points)
[ ] Ragnite Coating: Increases Rusty HP by 1 (6 HP Total) Rusty doesn't lose HP when defeated in combat if the enemy base power roll is 20 or less. (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Chaos emerald detector: Gives metal a +50 bonus when looking for chaos emeralds (6 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Ragnite reactor Core: Increases Rusty power score by 5. But if any enemy defeats her in combat and their base power roll is 95 or higher, she loses 2 HP instead of the normal 1 HP.(Basically, if the enemy beats Rustyl, and their base roll is 95 or higher, Rusty loses 2 HP instead of 1) (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Research Module: Gives Rusty +15 Bonus when assigned to Research Brain Actions (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Laser Hammer! (Needs Rusty Hammer): Upgrade Rusty Hammer Bonus to +10 (3 Upgrade Points).

Expand your new territory (Contested Martial Dc against the chosen faction )
Badnik power Cap: 20
Now that you have shown yourself, Zavok and the other factions, forces will be on the lookout for any advances you try to make. Ha! Let them come, you will show the fools their place! Pick a faction:
Reward: Expand territory, chances to gain infrastructure and Metal.

Launch Attack Zavok's Base
That Zeti dares wield your own weapons and robots against you! And he dare do so quite effectively from a very well protected base! This shall not stand, this shall not stand so swears Ivo Robotnik! Build up your own forces again and show that magical menace what the might of true genius brings!
Reward: Begins assault on Zabok's base of operations with the possibility of defeating and capturing him, restoring the Green Hill Zone to your control.
Badnik Power Cap to be filled: 100
Max of Hero units to assign: 3

Steal The Master Emerald DC:150
...This might not be the time for this but blast it all if that emerald is not the largest source of Chaos Energy on the planet! If I can manage to get the emerald back to base, power and resource management will be a thing of the past!
Reward: Begins Attack on Angel Island with the possibility of stealing The Master Emerald
Badnik Power Cap: 80
Max of Hero units to assign: 3

Launch Attack on GUN They're back!? These fools are like cockroaches. No matter. You will just put them in their place again. You did it once before, after all.
Reward: Begin assault on
GUN bases, possibility to destroy GUN completely... Again.
Badnik Power Cap: 110
Max of Hero units to assign: 3

Launch Attack On The Restoration
"The Restoration". How adorable, they believe they can stop resisting and start restoring the world from me? I am the change this world needs and these animals need to understand that! Let's see if I can't make the lesson stick this time.
Reward: Begins assault on The Restoration base of operations with possibility of destroying them entirely and taking prisoners and supplies.
Badnik Power Cap: 120
Max of Hero units to assign: 3

Launch Attack On The Empire
The Empire has managed to get a foothold into The Green Hill Zone and they don't seem too eager to leave considering how quickly they have fortified their foothold. They seem to have also brought the same woman who fought Shadow and Metal to make sure the ground is kept, but little matter. This is your land and you will show them what a *true* Empire looks like!
Reward: Begin assault on The Empire base, possibility of completely rebuffing them from Green Hill Zone, taking prisoners, and supplies.
Badnik Power Cap: 120
Max of Hero units to assign: 3

Reach Out To The Restoration: DC:120
While you acknowledge that you were the cause of almost literally every problem the resistance and now "The Restoration" has faced, you have worked together with many of their members, begrudgingly, in the past. Perhaps they would be willing to work under the banner of the Eggman Empire once more, especially in light of this new and changed world.
Reward: The Restoration "joins the empire" and begins feeding supplies and information to Eggman.

Hire A New Minion
You loathe the fact you don't have your badnik facilities at full operation, so you must rely on the fleshy hands of others. Both disgusting and frustrating, but needs must. Send someone to collect them.
Reward: The selected minion is added to the hero roster.

Roo: DC 25
Zobio & Zobiko: DC 30
Tier 2
Basil The Bernard- the Conductor DC 35
Tier 3
Goro Majima DC 90
Dr. Bad-Boon DC 45

Launch a PR Campaign DC: 100
You are well aware you aren't exactly the most... Beloved amongst the populace. Which you care little about. However, perhaps a gentler touch will endear you to your future subjects. Plus, many don't know you to begin with.
Reward: Eggman starts a spread of good PR. People unfamiliar with him and maybe even some younger people not privy to the full extent of his actions start to gain a more positive view on him.

Reach Out To Satan DC: ???
(Conquering Storm has been able to report on the leader of this "Primp Town" she ended up in, a powerful magician going by the name of Satan. Storm has reported that he exerts a complete control on those occupying his territory, though it does not appear whatever he has done effects new arrivals nearly as much as it effects those there when originally cast. A mass mind controlling magician is not a foe you'd like to have, but luckily most of your creations lack a mind that can be so easily swayed with magic! Perhaps this Satan could be convinced into an alliance?

Result: Contact made with Satan, The Prince of Darkness and Ruler of Primp Town

Contact the Black Market DC: 30/60/90
Those within the underground community of salesmen known as the Black Market are opportunistic snakes, willing to sell even to you if it lines their pockets. The greed would be sickening if it wasn't so helpful.
Reward: Potential to gain useful items and weapons from the Black Market. Each tier passed gives a different supplier.

Build Some Badniks: DC:Autosuccess.
Metal Cost: Variable (select a badnik squad to build)
With most of your factories either taken over or destroyed, you are forced to create more of your precious Badniks by hand. Not that it is really an inconvenience! You can create a squad of them with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back!
It just will take time and resources to do. You need an efficient way to produce more of them but for now this will do.
Reward: Construct a squad of the selected badniks.

Make a Batch of Tarnished Blossoms DC:65
Thanks to Rusty Rose, an idea for a new type of Badnik just came to you! This will be a nice addition to your forces!
Metal Cost: 25
Reward: Made a Batch of Tarnished Blossoms, becomes available to build for free when taking the badnik building action

Build some Egg Drones DC:70
After your meeting with Agent Stone, somehow you came up with a design for a recon and scanner badnik Model...It's strange, it's like all the schematics are already in your brain just like that...Odd. Still you won't say no to this gift.
Metal Cost: 30
Reward: Batch of Egg Drones made. (Gives -10 malus to enemies trying to infiltrate your territory. and +5 To trickery Actions when Searching for stuff)

Build A Badnik Factory DC: 70
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
Metal Cost: 50
There is something nostalgic about breaking ground on this badnik factory, reminding you of a time so long ago… Ah well no time for that nostalgic nonsense, there are engines of terror and destruction to be made!
Reward: Create a badnik factory that will passively make 1-2 batches of badniks per turn in exchange for Metal.

Create a Metal Mine on your new TerritoryDC: 65
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
Heigh ho, heigh ho, no wait, those are for lumber yards not mines. Ah well, time to send badniks into the mines to get yourself some more Metal to power your war machine against your many foes!
Reward: Create a Mine that will passively generate Metal each turn.
(WARNING: Egg-colonize the territory must be taken first before this can be done)

Create a Ragnite Mine DC: 70
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
That interesting material Ragnite seems to have been seeded all throughout Green Hills thanks to The Shattering. I am sure my brilliant mind can put it to better use than those idiots in their so-called "Empire", but I will need to get the stuff out of the ground first.
Reward: Create a Mine that will gather as much Ragnite as you'll need.

Build A Ring Reactor DC: 100
Metal Cost: 90
I need more power if I am to build any true weapons of war to retake the world and build it in my image, and these rings will provide that necessary power! Reward: Create The Ring Reactor which lowers the DC on many fabrication options and opens options for more energy intensive actions. (Lowers DCs by 10-15, unlocks creation of tier 3 badniks, and unlocks build super weapon action with HUGE DC)

Create a Robot Body for Sage DC:120
Metal Cost 50
You could never settle for anything less than the best for your daughter! She is your... well not flesh and blood but even better as she was born solely from your sheer brilliance! You must build her a suitable body and not one that would be lacking. You don't normally make actual human looking robots but its not too hard, though it is more likely to look like a robot than a person.
Reward: Sage is given a body of her own to interact with the physical world.

Egg-colonize the territory: Logistics Dc 90
Metal Cost: 120
Badnik Cap 15 (Construction bonuses only) Your new territory is a mess, simple as that, the ruins if the black arms fortress and all the conflicts happening is just littering the place. That won't do at all. Time to give this place your personal touch
Rewards: Black arms territory is urbanized. Allows us to build factories, mines, and other infrastructure here.

Create Propaganda Cartoons DC120
A wild thought has spiraled into a full blown idea as you're actually considering making an entire series of cartoons that will... not brainwash, that's such an ugly word... appropriately reeducate the public on how you should be viewed. You are the good guy, you always have been! You have been trying to bring the wonders of the modern age to this world and making marvels of machinery to make people's lives better and nothing but a certain blue rat and his foolish three tailed fox friend have stopped the great Egg-Man from saving the world! It will be hard to make the entire series and get it to the public without your usual infrastructure base, but you're the greatest mind in the world!

Reward: Create a cartoon series that paints you in a brilliant light and your many, MANY foes in a very negative light. Public opinion increases for you and public opinion decreases for most of your foes.

Rebuild Honey's Shop DC:30
Cost 20 Metal
To have a so-called hero on your side is not something even you expected, but you will not look a gift horse in the mouth. Still, she seems to have great care for her ruined place of business. Garnering further loyalty oughta be easy if you repair it. Rewards: Honey's clothes store is repaired. Loyalty boost for Honey.

Create the E-Mech DC: 60
Cost: 80 Metal
Hmmm... This is certainly one of your less impressive Mechs, but from what you can recall, it helped fight Sonic and his friends well enough. Bah, what do you have to lose? Reward: Create and gain access to the E-Mech.

Create the Mirror Fighter Beam DC: 95
Metal: 55 Fascinating! A device that allows you to create copies of any being to serve as Fighters? How very useful with your current resources! Maybe it will mean less strays. Reward: Create the Mirror Fighter Beam. The Mirror Fighters can be used as back up in combat, and have any Power Traits the Copied Hero Unit would.

Upgrade Badniks with Ragnite Plating and Armament DC: 75
This Ragnite material is most useful. Your Badniks could use them most effectively, giving them a potential boon. No time like the present to take advantage of it.
Reward: Your Badniks are upgraded with Ragnite materials.

Logistics Check In On The Mysterious Signal DC: 85
A signal has been caught from across the eastern seaboard and it is of a strange quality. From what you have been able to understand through the garbled mess, it sounds as if it could be important, but how relevant it is to you, you'd need to spend some time to find out.

Reward: Decipher the strange signals, make contact with ???

Create a Ragnite Reactor DC: 110
Ragnite clearly has many uses. Why not more thoroughly expand with it? Could be an intriguing experiment.
Reward: Gain a reactor that uses Ragnite to power your various inventions.
Note: Requires a Ragnite Mine

Fix a construction/Mech DC Autopass
Current Option:
DARC-EGG-ROBOT (2/5) Cost 60 Metal

Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck.
Seems like Zavok has taken control of all my systems, having configured the badniks to recognize him as supreme leader! I could try and send a virus to the current base he uses through the Eggnet to possibly snag control of the badniks, or at the very least, put viruses to cause trouble for him.
Still, it's a risk, if this goes wrong, they could have the means to trace me... No matter, I must do it!
Reward. Managed to hack into Zavok's database, unlocks options of how to debuff him, possibility to take control of badniks back to Eggman
Note: This action lowers the DC of Zavok's Base Raid

Make A Fake Chaos Emerald DC:100
You have to admit that with so many more interested parties after the emeralds, you may need a way to keep anyone interested in *your* emerald off the trail. Luckily the fox boy made such a tool already and your genius will only further refine it!
Reward: You make a fake Chaos Emerald. It looks and feels almost exactly identical to a real one but when analyzed or used to power a machine or mystic construct will actively sabotage the process. It can be a source of Chaos energy for Chaos casting at a -20 penalty.

Upgrade The Badniks To Ring Power: DC:60
Honestly the main reason I've never done this before is that the blasted hedgehog destroyed enough of my badniks without them having the rings he collected each time we came to blows. With him gone, this is much more viable.
Reward: Badniks can now be created with Ring Power, decreasing Metal cost and increasing their power but using Rings which aren't unlimited.

Create Ring Retrieval Units DC:50
If I am going to be switching to Ring power over chaos drives or flicky engines, I will need a steady supply of them, which is difficult considering they appear hither and yon. A specialty badnik will need to be made to collect them.
Reward: Create the Ring Tosser badniks, small non-combatant badniks designed to retrieve rings from all over the Green Hill Zone providing you a steady supply of rings.

Perform Gene Therapy On Cassia DC Autosuccess (This action must be taken twice to finish.)
No one ever said rewriting the DNA of an entire body to make sure none of a genetic disease was a day or even a week tast. To a mind less brilliant than my own, it may even be the labor or years or decades! But my mind is truly the greatest in all of the universe and while the methodical and somewhat dull pace of the process may not be as efficient as I like, this process is guaranteed to get the youngest Pronghorn back on her feet by the time the process is over.
Result: Cassia is cured of her disease and is added to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. Pronghorns will gain MASSIVE boosts in loyalty.

Further Research Cassia's Disease DC140
I now step beyond the research of my grandfather and into the unknown beyond. I have scans of Shadow as he was to somehow carry the cure for Maria, I have all of the scans of how the disease progresses in Cassia, and I have my own brilliant mind. This disease will be conquered by a Robotnik in the name of not only the Eggman empire, but in the name of the two Robotniks lives it consumed and doomed. The might of my mind will not allow this thing to stand, not ever again.
Reward: A cure is created. This cure will be 100% effective, easily distributable, and work in a matter of hours. Cassia is cured of her disease and is added to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. Pronghorns will gain MASSIVE boosts in loyalty. Choice

Study the Black Arms Materials: Brains Dc 100/150
Studying the remains of the Black Arms Clove obtained during the raid, feels you with a sense of worry, seeing what the Black Arms are and what they are capable of, you would prefer to keep away from this. But you also require more information. If you are going to defeat Black Doom once and for all, then learning as much from it as possible is necessary.

Reward: Study and comprehend more about the Black Arms, new actions unlocked.

Study the lance: DC 130
This lance seems to be made of ragnite, same as the one you obtained In the Camps, but seems too different, the purity and concentration is beyond anything seen before. You need to do a full research of this.
Reward: full understanding of the Lance composition, o tío s to refine ragnite on the same level,???

Brains Research Humanoid Androids DC100
You've put some thought into infiltration style badniks before, but if you're going to make a truly humanoid body for your daughter you need to understand this stuff inside and out. A trifle for a mind as brilliant as yours honestly, but nothing less than the best!
Reward: Unlock action to make a humanoid android body for Sage, bonus to spotting robots faking at being human.

Study the Zeti Biology DC: 130
The Zeti, as irritating as they are, are fascinating creatures, and great counters to anything you can make with their innate technopathy. That just means you have to work extra hard to unlock how to use it to your advantage.
Reward: Gain an understanding of Zeti Biology from tests on Zeena. Gain the ability to make counters to their innate technopathy.

Create a Ragnite Radar DC 100
Ragnite has proved an invaluable resource so far. However, you don't have the time nor care to go blindly groping for it all the time. A more precise means of discovery is necessary. Rewards: Create a Radar that can pinpoint where Ragnite is, making finding it far easier.

Create Your Own Ragnite Based Healing Kits DC: 50
You have to admit, you and your minions have... Sustained more damage than you would have liked. But apparently, Ragnite can be used as a healing source on top of everything else. What a fine material! Perfect for some quick patching up after that foolish sniper's failed assassination attempt.
Reward: Eggman builds kits that can be used for quick healing while on Adventures.

Brains Study Imperial Weaponry DC: 90
Much of The Empire's weaponry is based off of much simpler technological understandings and then bolstered by the used of ragnite. It is doubtful there is anything they could possible know that could be of benefit to you, but better to know what foolishness they use than not.

Reward: Eggman gains an understanding of Imperial Weaponry and their tech base. Gain a bonus for any sabotage efforts and ragnite research.

Find a Way to Neutralize Ragnite DC: 140
If you have Ragnite, and the Empire has Ragnite, then it's really just a matter of luck who can more successfully use it. You do not deal in pure luck if you can avoid it. Maybe you can discover exactly how to gain an invaluable advantage...
Reward: Eggman learns how to neutralize Ragnite, reducing or even completely removing its effects when used against him.

Study "Smart" AI
DC: 250
Your robots always have a varying degree of intelligence because it is much easier to just command them to do something and them understand then you personally programming every task into their little heads, but you admit, some of them are more intelligent than others through natural development in their programming. None of them hold a candal to Sage and her development however. Your daughter grew into a person all her own in what feels like the blink of an eye...

But the point of this is you could attempt to study exactly how that happened with a mind for possibly replicating the process or at least understanding it better.

Reward: Eggman understands and can potentially replicate Smart AI like Sage. A choice.
Deepen Infiltration Into The Empire's Territory. DC:100
Stone has managed to set up a decent enough basic hideout and is beginning to send out feelers and trying to dive deeper into the politics of The Empire, to see exactly what is going on behind closed doors. If he can manage it, there will be few secrets they can hide from your new eyes and ears.
Reward: Infiltrate the Empire proper, gaining eyes and ears in their inner workings. Unlock new actions.

Infiltrate Another Faction DC Various
You've got more than enough minions to now consider sending some on deep cover missions or at least attempting to spy on some of the other factions. Granted, some of them may be more dangerous than others to attempt, but you're sure that is a sacrifice you're willing to have your minions take! Oh ho ho ho!
The Restoration DC 60
G.U.N. DC 80 (DC 70 if human or human passing)
Zavok DC 120

Sabotage Another Faction
This is what I call a "Target Rich Environment" just because there are too many people running around in what should be my empire! I don't quite have the territory or the forces to want to face them in head to head combat, but a little bit of sabotage never hurt anyone who matters, namely me. Oh ho ho ho!
Restoration DC 80
G.U.N. DC 90
Zavok DC 30
The Empire DC 40
Black Arms DC 90

Reward: Malus to the factions rolls this turn, potentially longer lasting effects. Temporarily lowers DC for base raid of selected faction.

Look For The Cacophonic Conch DC: 90
At first, I thought that the conch would not be a viable way to quickly defeat the Zeti, but I just realized that with Starline assistance, finding that artifact is actually within my means!
Obtaining that conch will be a powerful equalizer against my enemies, and a step towards reclaiming my Empire!
Rewards: Re-obtain the Cacophonic conch.

Quietly Reclaim Your Territory. Dc 80/110
Badnik Power Cap:15 (only Badniks that boost trickery or stealth)
While making a show about your return is tempting, caution might be the best…quietly infiltrating nearby areas and wresting control of those facilities could be for the best…
Reward: Reclaim territory from Zavok, taking nearby areas, none being the wiser.

Rescue Chuck Thorndike and his grandson Chris. DC140
Badnik Power Cap: 15
The resourceful old codger is blackmailing you of all people into saving him and his grandson under threat of tattling to that blasted Zeti where my hidden base is! If this weren't basically your only lab you'd tell him where he could stuff it, but as is, you need to keep Sage safe. This isn't going to be easy, but you've gotta send someone to get the two of them.
Reward: Chuck and Chris Thorndike are freed from Zavok's clutches and delivered into your clutches!

Learn about the Criminal Situation in Green Hills DC: 50
Even in such trying times, there will always be criminals and ne'er-do-wells looking to succeed at their own goals at the expense of others. It is probably best you learn Who's who amongst the riffraff, lest they interfere in your plans.
Rewards: Learn about the criminal underground in Green Hills.Further actions unlocked.

Create the Underground Egg-Road for Darcsen to Enter Your Territory DC: 75
You already have quite a few of Isara's strays to take care of, and Intel from Stone tells you the Empire is not particularly pleased by this. Oh, if they're unhappy now, they're really going to be mad when you do this and make it easier for these people to get to your territory! Ohohoho!
Reward: A hidden network is created for Darcsen to more easily escape the Empire into your territory. Opinion increased from Isara.

Infiltrate the Royal Palace DC: 100
Badnik power cap: 20
It would be Child's play to infiltrate a place with such relatively outdated security. And doing so may give you deeper insight into an enemy's inner workings. The information is yours for the taking! Reward: Infiltrate the Empire's Royal Palace. Gain important insight on their personal goings ons.

Set up a Secret Base in Empire Territory DC: 70
Ohohoho! What a devilishly delicious idea! Having a base within enemy territory is risky, but If it pays off, that's just one more way to stay safe should you be compromised. Plus, you get further information on the Empire, albeit not as much as you would from the palace. Still, knowledge is power, regardless where said knowledge comes from.

Reward: Set up a secret base within Empire territory. Potential to learn interesting info about Empire Territory here and there.

Infiltrate Primp Town... again DC 80
While you could talk to that strange sorcerer, there are other ways to get information about That place that are more your style. You're not sure what exactly you can get from this location, but with your brilliant mind you're sure you can wring some use out of it. Reward: You reestablish an infiltration within Primp Town. Further Actions unlocked

Sabotage Empire Factories DC: 50/80
Hmmph. These Imperial factories are nothing compared to the brilliance of yours! If you can't have your factories, these imbeciles are undeserving of having any either!
Reward: Empire factories are sabotaged, reducing or even stopping their ability to properly make weapons and other materials.

Explore the Ocean DC: 40/80/120/160
Cost: 20 Metal
You can't say you would normally have interest in the ocean beyond it serving as a useful dumping ground, but Captain Metal makes it quite clear it could hold fascinating but dangerous curiosities. Better to look into it now than be surprised later. Reward: Eggman does some exploration of the ocean. Chances to discover things based on the roll.

Free A Jailbird
It seems with you announcing your glorious presence, two of the potential minions you had eyes on are now either under lock and key or very severe surveillance. Well no use for it then, time to bust them out and get them back to work for the glory of the Eggman Empire!
  • Nephthys DC: 75
Note: This action will dramatically increase the DC of the "Reach Out To The Restoration" action.
Look for Signs of Rebellion or Insurrection in Empire Territory
DC: 95
You haven't seen much, but Stone has implied The Empire isn't as unified as it likes to present itself. An interesting opportunity presents itself to take advantage of this!
Reward: Chances to reach out to or assist Rebellions in Empire Territory. Destabilizes the Empire, reducing The DC of actions against them.

Look For The Sniper
DC: Contested by ???
Someone shot you! Someone actually shot you! How dare they try and kill the great Dr. Robotnik! You'll show that pest how you properly snuff out a light! You'll turn over every rock in your territory if you have to, they will be found!
Reward: ??? is found and revealed. Options unlocked in how to deal with them
Gather Rings DC: 5/50/90
Rings are a strange naturally spawning mystic item that covered most of the world back before the transformation. It seems they have not stopped appearing in the Green Hill area and there may be some use I can make of them, if only as a source of power.
Reward: Gain rings, the amount depending on level of success and ???

Through The Ringer DC: 70
Power Rings are an abundant resource of naturally occurring chaos energy. For years, they've only been useful to you as a power supply, but others like that damn hedgehog could use them for so much more. What better place is there to have a look at your foundations than at rock bottom?
Reward: Discover uses for rings beyond power, new actions unlocked

Study The Warp Topaz DC: 70 (Only Starline May Be Assigned)
I have seen many different versions and knock off gemstones trying to match the power of The Chaos Emerald, but if Starline is to keep the thing he better study it, understand it, and fill out a full report.
Reward: The effects and powers of The Warp Topaz are completely understood and possible research into duplicating its effects unlocked.

Check The Area For Magical Objects DC: Variable
Back on Mobius I couldn't walk ten steps without tripping over some world ending gemstone, key to a mystical prison, or some other such magical nonsense. Those are all useful things to both have and prevent others from having, however, best check to see if things follow suit in this new world.
Reward: Possibly find various magical stuff from any of the worlds that have combined

Visit Elizabeth Shop Autopass (Only available this turn, after that, Elizabeth will be available on turn 8)
Hmmm... You're still a little suspicious of this Elizabeth person, but Piastol seems convinced she's on the up and up. Whatever, you have seen weirder phenomenon. If she's lying nothing happens, and if she's being truthful... Well... Best not to waste a useful resource.
Reward: Buy more of those strange cards from Elizabeth.

Research Moon Stones DC: 50 Another day, another potential source of power. These Moon Stones are as fascinating as any other discovery you have made in this strange new world. And it's yours for the taking! Ohohoho!
Reward: Gain an understanding of the usages of Moon Stones. Further Actions unlocked.

Focus On Your Work (Costs 3 personals)
There is no time to allow such frivolities! Not until the Empire is yours will you rest and relax! There is work to be done!
Reward: One action of your choice is rerolled and the higher die is taken.
INVISIBLE TEXT: Someone may check on you, you've been doing a lot of focusing on your work.

Getting Back To The Grind
Despite what that blasted hedgehog believes, you do take care to keep yourself in good physical condition, otherwise how in the world would you manage to keep one step ahead of him?
Reward: Eggman works out, potentially gaining Power on High Rolls.

Do Some General Tinkering
You are, at the end of the day, an engineer. And there's nothing good on TV right now!
Reward: Eggman tinkers with random parts, getting items dependent on roll.

Draw Up Blueprints
When I have time it is nice to simply relax and allow my mind to rest, drawing up complex machines of war and conquest and plotting out the odd invention or two
Reward: Eggman draws up blueprints for one of his many weapons of war. High rolls have him remember something that he never made, but a version of him did.

Develop a Counter
The most annoying part of having so many people surrounding me that I didn't create is that they may at any point decide they know better than I do. Always handy to have a direct counter to them on hand for that case.
Reward: Eggman develops a counter against the hero unit, negating one of their traits and granting +20 in combat against them. If the hero discovers this before it is used, it is enough to shake the most fervent of loyalties.

Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
...You may not admit it to anyone else, you may not even speak it aloud when by yourself, but in your mind you can admit the feel of Tinker's simpler tools in your hands feels just as right as a plasma torch or a hex wrench does. You just need to... get it out of your system. Certainly, do it once and get it out of the way.
Reward: Eggman attempts woodcarving.

Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment.
As much as you hate to admit it, if you want your minions to do actual decent work, that means outfitting them with the proper tools. (Choose es hero unit, Eggman will créate equipment specially for them)
Reward: chosen hero unit gets equipment that provides bonus or traits. High rolls May use metal to create them

Hire the Chaotixs:
It seems the Chaotix are out of Green Hills at the moment and are unavailable for hire.

Confirm Infinite is Dead
It's clear death itself is no obstacle for annoyances from your past to stick their noses into your business. If that mercenary pops up seeking vengeance for you killing him, it will be a headache. Better to be proactive.
Reward: Eggman makes sure of Infinite's fate

Talk to Belle
It's clear Belle is more than a passing curiosity at this point. She has been a valuable minion, and she was kind enough to assist in repairing Metal Sonic while you were resting. You should... Have a discussion with her.
Reward: Belle and Eggman talk. Regardless of whether it's good or bad, they talk.

Talk to Sage Sage is your beloved daughter, and nothing will change that. You suppose you should take some time out of your schedule to spend time with her so she doesn't feel neglected.
Reward: Eggman hangs out with Sage.

Read up on Eggman Lore
Sure, you are quite knowledgeable on the genius that is Dr. Eggman, but you can't Allow yourself to get rusty and overlooked!
Reward: Gain more insight on Eggman, potential ability to recreate something Eggman has done in the past as New Personals

Check Out The... "Local Talent"
Several of your more personal experiments are in need of "locally sourced" talent. Taking a trip into Green Hill Zone and people watching may be an excellent way to find the right people for the "job".
Reward: Dr.Starline people watches and perhaps finds subjects for a later experiment.

Talk To Orbot
You utterly refuse to entertain Cubot, you have some degree of standards even with the brilliant Dr. Eggman's tech. But Orbot is... Tolerable.
Reward: Starline talks to Orbot, potential to learn some interesting tidbits about Dr. Eggman.

Search This Base
Apparently the Eggbase you commandeered for the good Doctor is one he used to store nostalgic inventions he has no other use for. It's quite possible there could be useful items lying about.
Reward: Starline finds salvaged Eggman inventions that could potentially be repaired for his own usage.

Study The Unique Badnik
Oh you've been trying to hold yourself back but this is an Eggman original that is completely unlike any other badnik he has designed before! This Belle is an incredible feat of the doctor's brilliance, one that will never see the likes of again now that he is back in his right mind. You're sure the doctor wouldn't mind if you just took a quick peak at how it works.
Reward: Starline studies Belle

Talk to The Doctor Directly
Dr. Eggman is a busy man. But it's not like he never has any downtime. And as much as you hate to admit it, you don't think you know him as well as you'd like to think... Reward: Starline has a discussion with Dr. Eggman.

Talk to that Chinchilla
She's a small bundle of overeagerness and aggression, but she has the right idea on who to follow. Maybe you will finally find someone worthy of your companionship. Reward: Starline and Thunderbolt hang out. Possibility for them to gain a shared Trait if rolled well enough.

Study Ragnite Personally
After having been shot, you won't deny the benefits of some healing. You will leave the more thorough development to the Doctor, but you seek some extra protection.
Reward: Starline makes his own personal Ragnite healing kit.

Analyze Recording of "Sonic the Hedgehog"
According to your data, Dr. Eggman's greatest rival is that blue hedgehog. In order to assist the doctor in his plans for world Conquest, defeating that menace is a must!
Reward: Chances of Rusty of gaining a trait when fighting Sonic.

Observe the Local Wildlife
You spent some time in the surrounding forests as you marked out the defenses for the base and you observed many different kinds of animals and small creatures while out there. The flickies in particular drew your attention. Perhaps you should observe them some more…
Reward: Rusty takes some time to watch the birds.

Perform Personal Maintenance
The Doctor is keeping you in top working order, but you can also do a bit to make sure it takes less of his precious time to keep yourself in good condition.
Reward: Rusty does a bit of personal maintenance. On high rolls she gains +5 to her next national action.

Patrol The Perimeter
You must make sure that the doctor's borders are secured and none have found the hidden base. This will lead you through the heavily forested areas around the base, along a running river, through a glade that is normally a home to wildlife, and then finally returning to the base. This is only for base security and not for any other reason.
Reward: Rusty patrols the perimeter and definitely doesn't go on a nice walk where she enjoys the animals and nature surrounding the hidden base.

Spar with Metal
You must admit, you are currently... limited. You're just not as powerful as some of Dr. Eggman's other allies. If you are to properly serve him, this must change. And Metal is willing to assist in these matters.
Reward: Rusty and Metal Sonic have a spar. Potential for Rusty to gain a Power stat increase.

Study Footage Of The Hedgehog
Metal is taking some time to analyze the old footage we have of all of sonic's battles against my forces, all at once. The blasted rodent may not be around anymore, but it's always good to be prepared.
Reward: Metal +10 to his next combat against Sonic.

Do Some General Training
You cannot beat that faker if you allow yourself to grow sloppy. Time to train.
Reward: Potential +5 to Metal's next action. Potential to raise Power stat if rolled high enough

Cubot and Orbot have set a list of videos to provide you details of the world so that you can better understand it and destroy the Blasted Hedgehog and rebuff his own banter. You will be his superior in every way, including in wits.
Reward: Metal Sonic watches Eggtube. High Rolls may increase his Heart while low rolls may decrease it further as he picks up jank slang.

Study The Foes
When you had ascended to your Neo form you were unstoppable. Until you were stopped. This should not have been possible and must be rectified to never happen again. Observe. Adapt. Overcome. Destroy.
Reward: Metal observes the footage of his battle with The Empire and Black Arms and gains +5 to his next combat roll against either faction.

Destroy Empire Property
The Empire are appropriate terror attack targets as designated by The Doctor. You still remember the humiliating footage of their valkyrie managing to match your ascended form. This is a completely tactical move and not simple vengeance, but if you have learned anything from your creator it is that attacks can have more than one benefit. The Empire will burn.
Reward: Metal Sonic launches terror attacks on Empire territory. Metal's mood improves and possibility of Metal gain and accidentally freeing more Darscens.

Look for a Worthy Opponent
You have not had any truly worthy adversaries since your recreation and with both Adversaries having been forced from the field…. Destroying Empire territory is acceptable, but you need something... More.
Reward: Metal Sonic looks for an opponent who will actually test him.

Make Coffee for the Doctor
One of the few reasons you know for certain your Robotnik kept you around is your great coffee making skills. Let's see how things go with This version of him.
Reward: Potential +5 to Stone's next action. Potential +5 to Eggman's next action as well if Rolled high enough.

Work on Your People Skills
As the Doctor's middle man (at least back in the day), you often have to communicate with others. One day that may extend beyond making simple deals and then leaving, so let's brush up on this.
Reward: Potential to raise Stone's Heart Stat.

Read The Manual
One of the few things you actually managed to pull from the wreckage and keep with you after the Shattering, the manual for the Giant Eggman Robot is now one of the few things you have left from your time with your doctor. His genius really did know no bounds as he created such a machine of destruction...
Reward: Stone spends some time going through the manual of the Giant Eggman Robot.

Interrogate Zeena
Her part in it was incredibly indirect, but it doesn't change the fact Zeena and her allies' attack on the base put the Doctor in harm's way. You almost lost him again. You will not stand for this.
Reward: Stone interrogates Zeena. Potential to gain insight and some degree of knowledge on Deadly Six operations.

Organize a Poker Night
You played Poker with Storm and that was fun, you even got to know each other a little better. Maybe productivity will increase if you spread this to the whole base.
Reward: Stone and A randomized group of Hero Units play Poker. Chances for whoever win's Trickery score to raise.

Field Work Training
The Doctor has sent you out on your first mission for him and things... could have gone better. You managed to salvage the mission and recover the objective but you feel like you could have done more. You must train yourself and become a better instrument for him to change the world! Reward: Stone gains 1d4 in either Power, Trickery, or Brains randomly selected.
Note: This option can only be selected after Stone is sent on an adventure.

Talk to a... Co-worker?
You honestly aren't sure how you feel about any of these people. But they know more about this Eggman guy than you do...
-Conquering Storm
-Honey the Cat
Reward: Belle learns about Eggman, at least from the perspective of the selected Hero Unit. Chances to bond with the selected Hero Unit

Spend Time With A… Friend?
You have managed to make some friends here, or at least you think you have? Maybe they'd like to spend some time together? You're not exactly sure what you can do in a hidden base of a scientist, but there has to be something.
-Clove and Cassia
-Orbot and Cubot
Reward: Belle spends some time with one of her friends and bonds with them further.

Check on Metal
You managed to repair him while Eggman was... Indisposed, but just because he's ok physically doesn't mean he's fine mentally. You should check on him.
Reward: Belle checks in on Metal, chances for them to further bond.

Tinker Time
It's in your name and you need to not really focus on what's going on right now. You can use this time to make some nice toys and trinkets! Maybe you could even make some for some of the people in the base… would they like that?
Reward: Belle takes some time to make some toys and trinkets. High rolls have her make a couple of trinkets personalized for some of your heroes.

Learn More About Eggman's Past
Your life has taken a turn for the strange nowadays. But there's no point dwelling on the past. Well, not your past at least. If you're going to be here, you're going to have gain a better understanding of why exactly All these people are so against your... Boss. At least, hopefully.
Reward: Belle learns about the history of Eggman's various enemies.

Belle Practice Engineering a Bit
After being the one to repair Metal Sonic with Isara's help, you realize you could stand to get more advanced fixing skills. There's only so much you can do, but you can certainly do this!
Reward: Belle practices more advanced engineering. Possibility to upgrade her "Last Name Makes Sense" Trait.

Catch Cassia Up
Since the two of you had been here, Cassia hasn't really had a chance to learn about this new world or any of the many timelines that seem to have crunched together. She's actually interested in learning about them so why not take the opportunity to actually teach her and maybe learn a bit about this new history as well.
Reward: The Pronghorns study up on the various histories and timelines of the sonic multiverse that have come together in The Shattering.

Talk to your New Co-Workers
You aren't quite sure what to think about these least Orbot & Cubot are about the same.
Reward: Clove interacts with a Hero Unit. Potential to gain a Trait when on Adventures with them if rolled high enough.
-Agent Stone
-Metal Sonic

Get Some Ice Cream
You need to do something, you need to move. Cassia's awake sometimes and maybe you can get the both of you a treat for when she's feeling more lucid. It might be a bit of a walk to find some, but she's worth it.
Reward: Clove gets some ice cream for herself and Cassia.

Take another contract
Your current "Boss" wouldn't mind if you take some of your free time to take a small job in the meantime. It would beat staying all time in the base waiting for him to plan his stuff.
Reward: Canaan Takes another small time mercenary contract, higher the roll chances for better rewards, either income, items, information or meeting certain people.

Hang out with Belle.
You will admit that strange Wooden Girl intrigues you, you wonder why someone as sweet as her is with that Eggman?
Reward: Canaan spends time with Belle, chances of Belle and Her developing a trait for adventures.

Practice your marksmanship skills
It would do no good if your skills were to become rusty, especially that it seems that you will be facing tougher and more dangerous enemies. Let's fix that.
Reward; chances to upgrade Canaan Sharpshooter trait.

Hang out with some of the other people In the base. That Stone guy wasn't as bad of a guy as you thought. Even when his obsession with that Egg Shaped doctor worried you a bit, but perhaps the rest of the people on the base aren't so bad?
Reward: chances for Canaan to bond with another of Eggman's hero units.

Obtain more Firepower
If you are going to be dealing with weird alíen people, Nazis and robot pirates, you will need more weapons than just your hand gun…time to see what else you Can find.
Reward: chances for canaan to obtain weaponry that gives temp. Bonuses

Study the Boss' Robots
You are utterly amazed by these robots! They're straight out of a novel! Scary as your situation is, you have to get to know more!
Reward: Isara studies Eggman's Badniks and robotic Hero units. Possibility to become friends with a few of the latter on a high enough roll.

Find Your Fellow Prisoners
You aren't sure if this... Metal Sonic left any survivors besides you. But it couldn't hurt to check...
Reward: Isara may find the other Darscen who escaped the Camp she was "rescued" from. May unlock them as a Trait on a high enough roll.

Learn more about "Green Hills"
You admit you are in the dark about this new place you are in. Your time in the Camps didn't allow you to learn more about the nearby places to the Empire. Perhaps you could ask a few questions about the place...or even go for a stroll? There's this territory from the "Restoration" that should be safe right?
Reward: Isara learns more about Green Hills and Eggman's world. Chances for her to possible meet other people.

Get used to this world's technology
When you told Eggman about you being an Engineer he was curious about your capabilities and after a quick demonstration, he said that while your skills were "acceptable", there level of knowledge from your World doesn't compare to it. What does that mean? Fine, you will use your free time to study then! This strange technology this place has, you will learn it.
Reward: Chances for Isara to raise her Brains stat on a high roll. She gets familiarized with Eggman's level of Tech.

Speak with Doctor Eggman
You…really can't understand the man. He Can build such amazing inventions but seems to use them all for just Conquering and war? Why so focused on that? Though he Spared you and helped the other Darcsen…you really dont get him.
Reward: Isara talk s with the Doctor, ???

Study Blueprints
If you are going to pull your weight around here, you can't rely entirely on the doctor for all your engineering. You must take matters into your own hands.
Reward: Isara studies and draws up Blueprints. Possibility to unlock further personals to build things.

Watch Father's Exploits
Your father is a brilliant man, who has done many extraordinary things. You wish to further study these past adventures. Reward: Sage further studies Eggman's past adventures.

Sage Study these Other Versions of Father
Apparently, some of your father's new minions know different versions of him. Fascinating! You must know more! Reward: Sage learns about the other versions of her father from those who know them. Her reactions will vary. Potential +5 to her next Roll.

Do Some Bounty Hunting
You may be working for someone, at least for now, but scum is still out there, hurting innocent people. And you won't stand for it.
Reward: Piastol takes some personal time to hunt bounties. Potential to gain income or information.

Feed Deathhound
He is your closest companion. He's been with you through thick and thin. Time to repay the favor.
Reward: Deathhound is well taken care of Chances of Deathhound gaining temp. Bonus for next combat piastol takes part in.,

Study These New Pirates
They may think otherwise, but a pirate is a pirate at the end of the day. They will perish like any other. Reward: Piastol studies the new pirates of this world.
Potential +5 the next time she attacks a pirate if rolled high enough.

Learn about Tarot
So you're not normally one for card tricks, but you gotta say the reading you got done was pretty impressive. Maybe you could get your hands on a deck of cards and see if you can't make heads or tails of the stuff.
Reward: Piastol looks into Tarot reading and sees if she has any talent for it.

Hang out with Agent Stone
This Stone fellow is more spirited than his appearance belies. He could be a useful apprentice...
Results: Conquering Storm hangs out with Stone. Possibility for Stone's Trickery stat and Connie's Heart Stat to rise.

Engage in Some... Guilty Pleasures
While you were stuck in Primp Town, when not facing Satan, you had small moments of downtime. This allowed you to discover something... Interesting. No one can know.
Reward: Conquering Storm watches anime in secret.

Now that you're not in actively hostile territory, you can actually take some time to resupply your stock of weapons and gear. No more reusing the same chipped kunai or improvised smoke bombs, you've actually got time and resources to get the good stuff!
Result: Storm resupplies herself and the Eggclan's stereotypical ninja weapons.

Honey Take Measurements in Secret
Blegh! Some of these folks just have no sense of fashion! They wouldn't know a cross stitch from a crossword! Time to flex your expertise, whether they like it or not!
Reward: Honey trails the various Hero Units in secret and takes their measurements in case they ever need new clothes.

Talk to your New Models- Er, Co-workers
This is certainly an eclectic bunch. You don't know if you are completely down with being an Eggman flunkie, but some seem nicer than others.
Reward: Honey talks to a fellow Hero Unit. Potential to bond with them or even gain a shared Trait if rolled high enough.

Do some Training
If you want to beat Zavok, you have to get a bit stronger. Nothing that bit of training can't help with and honestly, you're feeling a bit rusty.
Reward: Honey trains physically. Potential to raise her Power stat if rolled well enough.

Make Eggman Empire Uniforms
No no no! This is terrible! These people have absolutely no coordination in their outfits, Blegh! You will fix this if it's the last thing you ever do!
Reward: Honey designs Uniforms for all the Hero Units.

Gloat to your Parents
Ha! Small people in a small village with small dreams! That's all your folks are! Now that you're exactly where you belong, you can rub it in their faces that they should have believed in you!
Reward: Thunderbolt gloats to her parents that she works for Eggman now.

Talk to the Egg Bosses
You… You mean you ALREADY DID SERVE LORD EGGMAN!? You need to know everything about this version of you, IMMEDIATELY!
Reward: Thunderbolt talks to Conquering Storm and the Pronghorn Sisters about her alternate self.

Rebuild Your Mech
Your greatest creation, lost due to those IMBECILES! You feel... Vulnerable without your mech. You hate it.
Reward: Thunderbolt's mech is rebuilt, allowing her access to it.

Keep In Contact
While your new life working under Eggman (!!!) is great, you did actually manage to make a... friend(?) while GUN had you locked up. You're not going to be able to actually visit, but you can at least keep in contact with Wormtongue through letters.
Result: Thunderbolt begins writing letters to Grimer Wormtongue and may get some in return.

[ ] Keep Omega busy. (Must be taken each turn while Rouge is a Temp Hero Unit.)
-[ ] Current Options: Metal Sonic, Rusty Rose

Current Equipment:

EggGun: Gives +5 bonus to combat rolls (Warning, can only be equipped to hero units with a base power lower than 20) Current amount: 1 (Honey gave it back after the battle)
Give Someone an EggGun?
-Write in who:

666: Tokyo-To Scramble!: That Maria girl that Canaan seems so intent on finding has been sighted in the city of Tokyo-To. Now that Zavok's little invasion has been dealt with, she is "asking" to go there…and she is bringing Belle with her, for some Chaos-saken reason. I suppose you can humor them, that mercenary has been a decent minion so far.
Badnik Power Cap: 20
Maximum Amount of Hero Units allowed: 5
Obligatory Party Members:
-Canaan (Party Leader, unless Eggman is brought too)

Last edited:
Turn 5- MAY 2XXX Turn Results
[X] Plan: Moshi Moshi Eggman-Chan!!
-[X] Expand your new territory - Conquering Storm + Badniks: 1x Egg Pawn (1), 2x Hotaru (10), 1x Ice Ball (6), 1x Moto Bug
--[X] Zavok
Result: 1d100 (1) + 18(Eggman) + 22(Conquering storm) + 14(Ninjutsi Specialist) + 10(Egg boss) + 5(Egg pawn) + 15(Hi hotaru) + 7(ice ball) + 8(moto bug) + 4(loyalty)
Total: 104
Nat 1 Critical failure!

Contested roll: ??? + ??? = 124
Zazz Success!

Silence The Storm:

???+???= 96
Bare failure

You wanted to blame Storm for the failure, you really and truly did but as Sage showed you the footage… it appears that Zor wasn't the only one hiding things or honestly you may just not have given Zazz enough credit.

As she commanded the badniks, they were set upon the instant they entered Zeti territory, the Hotaru Hi-Watt being the only one of your badniks to survive the initial attack by ten Egg Hammers, Zazz flying in on the Moon Mech laughing as your wonderful creations were crushed flat by the hammers. Storm performed admirably, destroying several of the Super Badniks but with just herself and the Hotaru Hi-Watt it was only a matter of time at that point.

And that was before the sniper shot.

The footage shows a glint in the forest, the reflection on the barrel the only thing you're confident saved Storm's life, barely managing to dodge the energy bolt aimed for her head. There were no follow up shots, but there didn't need to be as Zazz descended on the now off balanced ninja, tearing into her and again the only thing that managed to save her life was a light, though this one was much larger as the Hotaru Hi-Watt phased into existence directly between Storm and the zeti, allowing her to pull back and disappear, the Super Badnik phasing and returning with her.

Upon returning to the base, she presented herself to you and bowed her head, reporting the complete failure of the mission even as she bled onto the metal floor. A minion dying while fulfilling your missions is acceptable, but you decided against taking the ninja's life for this failure.

For now.

No territory gained, all badniks besides the Hotaru Hi-Watt destroyed, Conquering Storm has taken two wounds and is at 2hp. The sniper appears to be continuing their crusade against you, revealing the fact that ANY hero publicly tied to you is fair game and may be attacked on a mission in the public eye. Zazz also appears to have learned something of group tactics.

-[X] Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140/160/180/200 - Thunderbolt
Result: 1d100 (54) + 18(Eggman) + 20(Egg tronics) + 14(Thunderbolt) + 10(Electric love) + 2(Loyalty)
Total: 118

You decided it was time to give a little…tune up to Metal Sonic, if the last months have shown you anything, is that you will be facing enemies a tad more annoying than usual. Not the same level as that BLASTED HEDGEHOG! But enough that you need to take the kid gloves.

You decided to let your newest minion Thunderbolt assist on the task, as away to check on her skills, the chinchilla getting way too excited for your liking when handling Metal Sonic, she tried to take some photos for some blog of her of both of you during the task, but you put a stop to that right away.

The gal showed promise, as much as you loath to admit it, behind that furball of fanaticism she possesses, there is an actual brilliant mind. She was able to help check Metal circuitry and repair it flawlessly.

Once you have to admit that for all his failures, Starline is at least decent in finding good help.

Results: Metal Sonic has been Upgraded! 4 upgrade points available! Please choose which upgrades to take in plan Format:

[ ] Plasma Pulse: each round of combat, a 1d8 is rolled, on a 7-8, metal adds +20 to his total combat score for the round.(Doesn't stack with other upgrades except fopr those gained from copycat skill.) (1 Upgrade point)
[ ]Ring Spark: If an opponent scores a hit against Metal, the must pass a Power check of 100 (1D100+Their power+relevant traits-each person/hero unit/unit that was involved in hitting metal) and if failed, they lose 1 HP, can only be used twice per battle. (Each unit must roll individually/separate from the rest) (1 Upgrade Point)
[ ] 6 Valve 300cc orgone engine: +5 Mystic(1 Upgrade points)
[ ] Upgraded Processing Power: +7 to Trickery and Brains (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Voice Module: +10 Heart to Metal: (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Install Leadership Module: changes Metal Mano focused for Badnik Commander. +5 To Logistics and Heart. Gives Minor Version of Badnik Commander. (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Increase cap in Copycat skill by 1 (1 Upgrade Point)(Can be taken multiple times, but each time the cost rises by 1)
[ ] Light Speed Attack: +10 to Metal combat rolls (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Chaos emerald detector: Gives metal a +50 bonus when looking for chaos emeralds (6 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Ragnite Coating: Increases Metal HP by 1 (6 HP Total) Metal doesn't lose HP when defeated in combat if the enemy base power roll is 20 or less. (3 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Ragnite reactor Core: Increases Metal power score by 5. But if any enemy defeats him in combat and their base power roll is 95 or higher, they lose 2 HP instead of the normal 1 HP.(Basically, if the enemy beats metal, and their base roll is 95 or higher, Metal loses 2 HP instead of 1) (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Ragnite Chaos Beam (Needs Ragnite Reactor Core): each round of combat, a 1d4 is rolled, on a 3-4, metal adds +15 to his total combat score for the round. (3 Upgrade points)
[ ] Maximum Overdrive Attack: It's a triggered ability that the QMs will activate for Metal when the situation calls for it, either because Metal decides so or Eggman orders it, Metal Base Power stat is doubled for a single combat round. After that, he takes a -10 malus for all rolls and checks for the rest of the battle. Can only be used once per battle. (4 Upgrade points)
[ ] Rocket Mode: Makes Metal space worthy, +5 bonus to combat rolls in space. (2 upgrade points)

-[X] Hire A New Minion- Honey the Cat
--[X] Goro Majima
Result: 1d100 (78) + 9(Eggman) + 22(Honey) + 10(Omake Bonus) - 2(Loyalty) Total: 117


Recruit Majima DC 90
Result: 1d100 (31) + 6(Dural) + 19(More Stick than Carrot) + 23(Breezie) + 12(???) + 5(Loyalty)
Total: 96


Continued in the interlude: "Let's Fighting Love"

-[X] Egg-colonize the territory: Logistics Dc 90 - Isara + Badniks: 2x Quinzon,
Result: 1d100 (27) + 32(Eggman) + 28(Isara) + 20(Mech. Valk.) + 15(Quinzon) + 15(Quinzon)+10(Darcsen helpers) + 4 (Loyalty)
Total: 151
Great Success!

Now that the threat of an Angry Red Zeti was dealt with, you focused your efforts to more fun stuff. Like preparing your brand new territory and give it your personal touch. Time to urbanize this place!

You assigned Isara to handle the construction and while she was no architect herself, she was aptly able to read all your blueprints and command the Quinzons to begin work, which Isara was deeply interested in how they worked. Even those Darcsen she found assisted in building it, fitting you guess. If they are gonna live there from now on, they better help in some way.

By the end of the month, the Egg City was complete! Were before was the pesky Black Arm's stronghold now a bastion of metal was in its place, the first sight of your grand return standing proud against those fools that dare stand against you!

Results: Egg City created! All new citizens of your empire will live there. New actions to build more infrastructure unlocked!

-[X] Logistics Check In On The Mysterious Signal DC: 85 Orbot and Cubot
19 (Roll) + 32 (Eggman Logistics) + 10 (Orbot and Cubot) + 5 (Omake Bonus) = 66

Those pathetic buckets of bolts! After many months of doing decent work you thought you could assign them to more important stuff!

You put Cubot and Orbot to check out that Mysterious Signal and figure out what is the deal with it, but the month passes and they never submitted a report, you go out to check what was the issue and what do you find?

They have been slacking off! Watching videos of that singer Cubot likes so much, some Miku or something!

You told them to stop slacking or next time for their tune up they will lose access to their auditory devices, let's see how they enjoy that singer's music when they can't hear!

Result: Orbot and Cubot spend the month listening to music, Dc goes down to 75!

-[X] Study Black Arms Material DC 100/150 (Collab with GUN) - Sage
Result: 1d100 (94) + 40(Eggman) + 40(Sage) + 8(Loyalty) + 29(???)
Total: 211+5(Catxfighter Omake bonus)=216
Worrying Success!

With minds as great as yourself and your daughter on a single task, there was little doubt that all would be revealed from the material you obtained from the black arms and you will begrudgingly say that whoever it was that Towers had poking in from his end of the secure connection wasn't a complete ignoramus, not near the level of either your brilliant mind or your genius of a daughter, but better than expected from GUN.

You have had samples of Black Arms genetic material before, you studied them after the first invasion Doom had launched but for the most part there was little of value there, seemingly a standard, if alien, biology. That is no longer true. From the analysis you have been able to conduct each soldier of the black arms is only an extension of the hivemind, each form being created for specific purposes, be it front line chaff, aerial bombers, or the more refined life forms such as the one that joined Shadow on his last attack against the Restoration.

Hiveminds are not an unheard of phenomena, but as you dove deeper you have made a truly worrying discovery. It is not a hivemind as you have seen them before in other alien species or even the crude version found in things like bees.

No, The Black Arms, all of The Black Arms, are just another extension of Black Doom. Through the tests and simulations you have run with Sage, it is not correct to call The Black Arms an alien race, it appears to be more a single creature that has control of an uncountable number of forms, controlling them through psychic and mystical connections on a genetic level to the extent you have never seen before.

Worse still, you have discovered in the sample you studied, it is still alive. For a given sense of alive at least, the genetic markers of Doom active even if the form it made up is now sundered. This has led your GUN ally to posit that unless a way to tear Doom from this pseudo-hivemind is found, he may simply regrow himself from another amount of Black Arms genetic material. The amount and condition of the material may slow the process, but you must agree that to truly eliminate Doom once and for all either ALL Black Arms genetic material on the planet and near earth space must be destroyed or you must find a way to remove Doom's connection to the Black Arms.

Perhaps GUN was right to be so insistent on the defeat of Doom above all else if this is the level of control he can exert…

Black Arms are discovered to be less of a hivemind species and more a
direct extension of Black Doom himself, that in the event of Black Doom's destruction he will not die and instead will reform using other Black Arms as hosts. Both you and GUN are disturbed by this and future collaborations against the Black Arms receive a permanent +10 bonus.

Further actions unlocked.

-[X] Perform Gene Therapy: Autosuccess

Let it be know that Eggman was a man of his word…when you felt like it!

But still, you would keep your promise to those Pronghorn sister. While the idea of fulling curing NIDS catched your attention, you had too much at hand to focus on it, so you decided to finally get started on curing Cassia of the illness.

Clove had a dumbfounded look on her face when you told her so, and even remained when you took Cassia of the Omega Care suit and brought to a rapidly made sterile room to begin the Gene Therapy.

It would be a hard process, you won't lie, specially because you will need to have Cassia under constant surveillance to make sure the changes to her genomes don't cause unexpected side effects, meaning she won't be able to go with Belle and Canaan to Tokyo-To, something that brought a frown to the girl's face.

Bah! What is with that look? You are wasting time healing you, you should be more grateful to your savior!

Still, work has begun and so far, Cassia has shown to accept the treatment with minimal side effects, but it will take another month before she is fully Healed.

Results: Gene Therapy Started! Next turn, the brain's action will be locked with "Continue Gene Therapy", after that, Cassia will be fully cured!
Pronghorn sibling's Opinion goes up by 10!

-[X] Rescue Chuck Thorndike and his grandson Chris. DC140 - Rouge + Badniks: 1x Blowfish(Egg Clan) + 1x Newton
Result: 1d100 (70) + 22(Eggman) + 40(Rouge) + 10(Master Thief) + 15(Master Thief) + 15(Egg Clan) + 10 (Newton)
Total: 182
Result: 1d100 (57) + 22(Eggman) + 40(Rouge) + 10(Master Thief) + 15(Master Thief) + 15(Egg Clan) + 10 (Newton)
Total: 169

Final result: 182+5(Underdog Emiya Omake bonus)+5(Underdog Emiya Omake bonus)=192


To be continued in: "Fly to Freedom!"

-[X] Check The Area For Magical Objects DC: Variable - Agent Stone + 1x Egg Magician
Result: 1d100 (63) + 8(Eggman)+ 6(Stone) + 5(Egg magician) +1(Loyalty)
Total: 83
Stone was once again sent to look for a magical item now that the Rainbow Bottle was gone. Loathe as you are to admit it, it had been an invaluable asset. You couldn't pass up the opportunity to gain an upper hand should it come to that once more.

Stone carefully scoured nearby areas, and he claimed to have found something… interesting at a pawn shop.

He casually stole it when the owner wasn't looking, and brought it towards you.

It was a strange, clear medallion with a red string attached. You raised an eyebrow.

"What makes this so special, Stone?" You inquired skeptically. He just smiled and pressed it into your hands, and it suddenly transformed into a yellow and purple guitar!

Huh. That was certainly interesting, but not very useful -

A laser fired out of the guitar, destroying a wall with ease.

…Well then. Now this was certainly a unique find!

Results: Stone found a mysterious medallion that can transform into a laser shooting guitar! It looks… weirdly familiar!

Medallion: A transforming trinket that can be worn around the neck. When need be, it can transform into a guitar that fires lasers! In this form, it adds +10 to Power and +5 to Heart with the musically Inclined.

-[X] Dr. Eggman: Focus on Your Work - Rescue Chuck and Chris

You were focusing on getting Thorndike and his nephew out of Zavok's clutches, the Egg-Monitor joining Rouge and the ninja clan on their journey so that you could provide your direct support for any technical aspects, but during the transport the screen you were using went blank, not even your logo to show that the screen was still on but not in use, just completely turned off.


You blink and pull away from the screen, turning to look at the motobug that had rolled into your lab, eyes glowing blue and red signalling Sage was in control of it. Beside the mechanical bug was Belle, looking awkwardly towards your daughter's bug form and then back to you.

"Sage? Belle? What are the two of you doing here, I was focusing on-"

"On the mission the Master Thief, a cohort of ninjas a version of yourself specifically augmented to increase their stealth capabilities, and your own specially designed infiltration unit were performing to extract two people from a facility where the only true dangers to them are for the most part infirm at the moment?"

There is a beat of shock as both you and Belle look at Sage, mouths agape in shock at the level of sass she just showed. The Tinkerer recovers first and gives a shaky nod, "well I wouldn't say it like that when ummm… when my dad got too focused on his work, even on stuff that really didn't need his attention, I tried to get him to back off and take some time for himself. You have uh… you have been really focused and I know you need to get your…" she closes her eyes and winces as she continues, "evil empire back, but if we both have noticed you've been focusing on these things too much then…" she lets the sentence peter off and rubs her arm self consciously.

You look at the two of them and a stray thought crosses your mind. When was the last time you had someone to worry about you? When was the last time you had someone who cared enough to try and get you to take time for yourself?

You shake your head free of the thoughts, the sentiment before addressing your girls daughter and her friend."I… appreciate the thought both of you, but this takes priority for now." You raise a hand to stop any further discussion. "But I hear the two of you. I have been adamant about rushing things as the world is a strange and dangerous place, but perhaps the two of you are correct, though I do actually need to help Rouge with this mission as I already have committed to it. I will keep your worries in mind."

Belle and Sage have expressed a worry about Eggman overworking himself. He hasn't committed to not throwing himself into his work, but will be distracted while doing so because of their worries. The next use of Focus On Your Work will take all four of Eggman's personal actions. This will disappear if Eggman takes at least two non-work related personal actions in a turn.

-[X] Dr: Eggman: Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment. (1x Belle)
Result: 1d100 (89) [Dr. Eggman Giving Belle equipment]
Total: 89

You certainly weren't worried about- No, in your own mind you can voice the worries you have for the wooden badnik entering hostile territory. She may have some combat capabilities, but she is too soft, too kind to be of much help in a fight. The best thing you can do for her is make her less of a liability when (not if) things go wrong.

The Standard Template Eggman Empire Protection Life Extender is a tool created specifically for Belle to allow her to do the thing she does best while also being protected. The omnidirectional force field will allow her to be completely protected while she performs the insidious act of "making a heartfelt speech". You had never thought you would have someone on your side with such a talent for them, but here you are.

It was complete and total coincidence that it happened to be in the shape of a broach that completely extenuates her outfit and you certainly didn't monopolize Honey's time for this fact. The sheer notion would be ridiculous.

Belle herself was surprised by the equipment, but was thankful. Hmph. Good. As she should be.

The S.T.E.E.P.L.E - A personalized force field that passively gives a hero equipped with it an additional health and can be activated to create an impenetrable omnidirectional energy barrier with 5hp. While active, the hero is unable to take offensive actions, but can communicate to those outside of the barrier.

Belle gains +5 Opinion and a nice broach.

-[X] Dr. Starline: Read up on Eggman Lore
Result: 1d100 (5) [Starline and reading Eggman Lore]
Total: 5

Starline, to his immense disappointment, had his free time dashed by having to take care of Conquering Storm, as they were running low on Ragnite, so conservation was a necessity.

He grumbled a little as he patched her up, but he still did so.

Hopefully things will go better next time.

-[X] Rusty Rose: Patrol The Perimeter
Result: 1d100 (78) [Rusty patrol]
Total: 78

??? Trickery Roll
Total: 83

Bare Failure!

After the news of the Sniper meddling with Conquering Storm task, Rusty assigned herself to patrol the perimeter of the new territory, wanting to make sure the invader didn't have any funny ideas of trying to do the same thing to Isara.

With a squad of Badniks following her, Rusty made several sweeps of the whole place, during one of those, she was able to find a figure skulking around one of the remaining wreckage of the previous battle, but they managed to get away before Rusty could face them.

Result: Almost found ??? They will be more careful from now on!
-[X] Metal Sonic: Look for a Worthy Opponent

To be continued in "What I'm made of!"

-[X] Agent Stone: Interrogate Zeena
Result: 1d100 (13) [Stone interrogation of Zeena]
Total: 13

Agent Stone took some time to check in on the prisoner again.

"You know, Stone. It's admirable, isn't it? How dutiful you are to a man that doesn't need you anymore." She said, suddenly and off handedly as he tried to get info out of her. This seemed to throw him off.

"What?" He asked.

"Oh, It's not just him and you anymore, is it? He has a whole slew of lackies." She filed her nails.

"That means nothing. I've always been the doctor's Rock-!" He snapped, uncharacteristically angry.

"If you're so confident in that, why do you care what I say, weirdo?" Zeena inquired.

He tellingly had no response for that as the two stared each other down.

Stone eventually broke the gaze and left.

You did not see him for awhile.

Results: Agent Stone is unable to gleam any information from Zeena. She gets in his head, resulting in a -10 to his Next Personal action.

-[X] Belle: Check on Metal

Belle and Metal were both busy with their respective tasks, but Belle utterly insisted on taking some time to talk to Metal.

"Hey Metal...?" Belle peeked her head into his room. Metal was as silent as ever, and he turned to her.

"...Are you ok? I... I can't imagine what being controlled like that must feel like. To feel like your life is out of your hands like that..." Belle nodded, sitting down next to him. If Metal objected to this, he did not physically express it.

"Was it scary?" She asked, quietly.

Metal looked around slowly, before pulling out his maracas. Belle seemed pleasantly surprised he still had them... Until he shook them twice.


"Oh. I... I'm sorry. Do you... Well, not talk about it, but... I can be here. if you want. Do you want that?"

Metal didn't respond for a long, long time, and Belle got up to leave.

Then came two more shakes.


Belle paused and sat back down. The two enjoyed a comfortable silence.

Results: Belle and Metal have a small, nice moment. A Shared Trait is unlocked;

A Bond of Metal and Wood: Metal doesn't seem to like anyone besides myself... Belle Is slowly becoming an exception. Metal may allow Belle to reroll a failed roll with half his Power added on Adventures, and Belle may allow Metal to reroll a failed roll with half her Heart. Can only be used once per Adventure.

-[X] Pronghorn Sisters: Talk to your New Co-Workers - Canaan
Result: 1d100 (65) [The Pronghorns talking to Canaan]
Total: 65+5(TheSnekMan Omake bonus)=70!

The Pronghorns, seeing as they were joining her on some big mission, decided they should probably get to know the mercenary a bit better, Cassia in particular always looking to gain more friends. Bleh.

They caught up with her a day or two before they were supposed to set off. At first Canaan seemed just as distracted as she was with Belle, but Cassia was much extroverted than the puppet girl while being almost as kind, so she knew more what to say to break the ice. Clove of Course stiffly joined in, but soon enough the three were all commiserating on past woes and getting along decently well.

Teamwork is not something you fully value, but perhaps it will be useful for them.

-[X] Canaan: Talk with Belle
Result: 1d100 (25) [Canaan talking to Belle]
Total: 25

Canaan was trying her best to spare some time with Belle, she owed her for dragging her along on this mission after all, but her head just wasn't in it Ultimately.

The two talked a little, but Belle seemed to pick up on how distracted she was and politely excused herself so her new friend could relax a little.

-[X] Isara: Get used to this world's technology
Result: 1d100 (29) [Isara getting used to technology]
Total: 29
Isara tried her best, but one can't learn entirely new technology overnight, and she was also rather busy with construction on the Egg City.

She picked up little things here and there, but nothing that major and she still seemed a little confused.

Bah. As long as she can properly do her tasks, it doesn't matter THAT much, you supposed.

-[X] Sage: Watch Father's Exploits
Result: 1d100 (67) [Sage watching Eggman's past adventures]
Total: 67

Sage, after helping to deal with discoveries of the Black Arms, decided to watch footage of your last tussle with the alien menaces.

She learned quite a bit, though she seemed a little frightened by some of the stuff she saw, as much as she denied it. Orbot and Cubot at least managed to distract her with their usual antics once she was done, so you suppose you can forgive them a little for their earlier blunder.

A little.

-[X] Piastol: Learn about Tarot
Result: 1d100 (39) [Piastol on Tarot]
Total: 39

While waiting for everyone to get ready for the mission. Piastol decided to check out the Tarrot Stuff that Elizabeth used, curious if she could be able to predict the future like her, seeing value in having such a skill.

Thanks to Elizabeth, it was easy to obtain a Tarot Deck, and she began to study the meaning of each card.

Sadly, while the first cards were easy, she struggled with understanding some of the later arcana cards and was not able to get much study done before it was time to depart.

Result: Piastol begins to study the Tarot Arcanas, still has ways to go before she masters it.

-[X] Conquering Storm: Resupply
Result: 1d100 (71)
Total: 71
This recent failure incensed Conquering Storm, she vowed to not let another disgrace like this happen to her ever again and took steps to rectify that.

While she was in what passed for a in infirmary on your hidden base, she send several of her lackeys from her Clan to go an "buy" some more weaponry.

Luckily, the Restoration was filled with people coming from all kinds of places thanks to the Shattering and it took no time to find a store that sells true ninja weaponry. The ninjas proceeded to appropriate most of the existing supply there.

This will do nicely.

Result: Conquering Storm and the Egg Clan have armed themselves once again. +5 to combat rolls thanks to the equipment stolen!

-[X] Honey: Make Eggman Empire Uniforms
Result: 1d100 (28)

Honey, for whatever reason, was adamant that your fashion sense needed better coordination. You guess you can see the vision, even if you find it a little silly.

Unfortunately, she made the choice to focus on getting everyone's measurements first, and getting all your minions together for that was no simple task with their respective matters they had to attend to, not to mention some didn't feel like humoring her.

This setback just seemed to motivate her more, though.

-[X] Thunderbolt: Rebuild Your Mech
Result: 1d100 (36) [Thunderbolt rebuilding her mech]
Total: 36

At first, Thunderbolt was quite eager to rebuild her beloved mech.

However, it appeared her assignment of upgrading Metal Sonic rightfully took priority... though perhaps a tad too much, even for you. She was practically frothing at the mouth in excitement before running off to a personal computer to type away at a blog she ran dedicated to you.

You… aren't sure how to feel about this. Best not to think about it.

-[X] Give someone a Egggun

-[x]Keep Omega busy - Rusty Rose

-[x]Adevtnure 666: Tokyo-To Scramble!:
--[x] Canaan (Leader)
–[x] Belle
--[x] Pronghorn Sisters
--[x]Metal Sonic
--[X] Badniks: 1x EggRobo, 4x Egg Pawns.

RER: 44

Using your newfound signal to Evila's Swinging Report, you find yourself discovering that 7 areas near and far are being viciously attacked by strange, small aliens known as the Menon Forces!

They claim a valuable captive has escaped their grasp, and they won't rest until they successfully find him, managing to narrow down their search to these 7 locales.

Considering one of said locales is the same area that signal is coming from, you hope if it's something useful you don't lose Access to it with all the damage they are doing. Bleh, worries for later.

Results: ??? Has escaped the grasp of the Space Guild. The following kings' lands are being ransacked in a bid to find him.
-Dr. Roy Curien
-Dr. Z
What I'm Made Of!
What I'm Made Of!

You were Metal Sonic. Objectives have… changed lately.

Your loathsome copy was still nowhere to be found. Shadow was driven away in disgrace. Even Selvaria was indisposed.

Pathetic. What would it take to find a worthy opponent?! One who would stick around.

Ever since your loathsome copy vanished, you could feel yourself growing… soft. It was within acceptable parameters to protect Eggman Empire assets, but you felt.. Strange lately. Belle was exactly that. An Eggman Empire asset.But.. you sometimes felt she was.. More.

Ridiculous. You would not humour Sage's insistence on you being "family".

And yet...

You needed the distraction.

As you flew around Green Hills, you kept your eyes peeled for your objective, scanning. Scanning. Scanning.

Eventually, there was a large spike in energy. It was a similar biodata to that traitor Omega, mechanical in nature. It felt… familiar.

Like, distressingly familiar.

No. Could it be..?

You had to check this out.


"Golly, thanks mister! I'm sorry I doubted you…"

"Don't worry about it. Us Robotnik creations don't exactly scream loving allies."

Your name was Shard, and despite your flippant attitude, that lack of trust did hurt a little. But you guess you can't blame people, especially in this strange new world. There was untold danger, let alone the threat a clear creation of Robotnik could have. Still, the blue dog Mobian (Gala the Hound was her name, you believe) gave you a chance, and you repaid her kindness by helping her tend to her fields. It was kind of boring, but it was the least you could do. She was a simple lass, but she paid good money for your repairs. You would repay her, somehow.

Suddenly, there was a loud whizzing sound. You looked up.

If you could physically pale, you would.

"...Gala. Run." You ordered, more serious than you liked to be.



That seemed to get the message across, the dog farmer yelping and scrambling off.

"..Metal Sonic." You glared.

The blue menace stared at you, hate in his eyes. Good. He was focused on you.

"What's wrong, pal? No words for a ghost? Last time we met, you got me good. But I got you better." You continue with a little smirk. Metal stepped forward, still silent.

"Wow. You really are a good little lapdog now, huh? Not a single thought behind those dead eyes."

He aimed a kick at you with expectedly high speeds, which you barely dodged.

"...Please, Metal. We don't have to do this. Not again. It can only end one way. Both of us in the dirt. Don't make me do that again. You don't have to serve that madman!" You plead. You know it's pointless. You oughta have learned your lesson… but you see yourself in your Metal Sonic brethren. It was hard not to.

Metal paused. For but a moment.

And then he flew forward.

"Here we go again, huh?" You lament, as you grapple with each other.

Oh well.

Things were getting boring anyways, and at least Gala was safe…


You were Metal Sonic, and this faker was going down.

Metal Sonic Vs Shard!

Battle Time!

Round 1!


Metal Sonic has 2 Action Points (2 AP)

Please choose his actions in Plan Format

Challenge him to a contest of Speed!: Let's set things straight and show that faker who is the real deal, rush at him at max propulsion! Use your speed and move erratically as you prepare to attack him, He won't be able to keep up and will give you an opening! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to dash and use his speed to make Shard lose sight of him, giving him an opening, +10 bonus to combat rolls this round)

Attack the faker right away!: You won't entertain the concept of banter like your annoying inferior copy would, you will smash this creation right here, right now! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will Attack Shard, Contested Power Roll against him)

Laid an Ambush!: The biodata you copied from that linx might come in handy now. Goad him into following you and once you have him right where you want to, pounce at him! (1 AP)

(Contested Trickery Check against Shard with a +5 bonus, if successful, will cause -10 malus to all of Shard's rolls for the round, if crit, the malus will persist for several rounds.)

Hold your ground!: You shall let the fake seize the initiative, letting him do the first move, you will react appropriately to whatever he tries to do and punish him for his insolence! (1 AP)

(Metal gets in a defensive posture, ready to react to any attack Shard does. Cannot be taken with Challenge him to a contest of Speed! -10 malus to Shard's combat rolls this round.)

Goad him to attack, then Scan his biodata!: To prove your superiority, you will not only smash him, you shall do so by using his own powers against him! Let him hit you, let him unleash his might on your body…then absorb it and return it twicefold!) (2 AP)

(Let Shard attack Metal (If he takes the action to attack, becoming an autosuccess, and Metal loses 1 HP, in exchange, Metal automatically absorbs Shard's Biodata, obtaining a trait and attacking right back at him, proccing a contested power check.)

Move this fight to a more…tactically useful place!: This faker seems to have that annoying hedgehog habit for wanting to keep "Innocent" safe. How cute, let's see if you can use that, if he is half as good as you, he should be able to keep fighting while protecting bystanders right? (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to drag the fight towards where civilians are, causing Shard to be distracted as he tries to keep them away from the fight, contested Power roll to succeed. If successful, Shard will roll with maluses for the rest of the combat while civilians are around, Metal will try to involve them in his following actions.)

Warning: This can bring unwanted attention if the fight takes too long)
Death Hog Abilities: (0 AP, Can only pick one per turn)
->Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
->Noxi: Roll 1d100+5(mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5 for the round, crit=2 rounds. Casting Noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power-5. If the new Noxi timer is lower than the current Noxi timer, use the old Noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacrem/Sacremus: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)

Enemy Status:

???(Shard): ??? HP


Bet you didn't expect this coming right?

By the way, saying this now, in the worst case scenario that Metal Loses, we promise he will be available to deploy in th
e adventure with full HP, thought his ego might get massively bruised, so don't worry if he gets damaged.

Good luck!
What I'm Made Of! - Round 1 Results/Round 2
[X]Plan: superior machine
-[X]Goad him to attack, then Scan his biodata!: AP 2
-[X]Incremus AP 0

You stare at this…imitation in front of you, like if for some stupid idea, someone decided to make a copy of Shadow mixed with yours truly. Listening to his LIES of how both of you had been destroyed before filled you with more anger than your programming was able to hold.

You will crush this copy and prove your superiority once and for all. Though, not before scanning his data, you should take his strength and boost yourself!

Making a "Come here" motion with your hand as you ready yourself makes your opponent look warily at you, as he proceeds to jump back as he takes a readied pose.

"I'm not going to play your games Metal!" He shouts, fool, as if he had any choice. "I'm not letting things end like last time!" He raises his arm cannon, seemingly ready to shot you, but holding back still.

…Bothersome…if he is not going to just comply, then you WILL force him.

You stop gazing at him and stare at where that other person had just run, even at the distance, your sensors can still pick them, if you rush now you will be easily able to catch him. As you start walking towards them, the fool seems to get what you are hinting at.

"Oh no, you don't!" He shouts as he releases a barrage of energy beams towards you, thinking you would be caught off guard…

Syke! This is exactly what you wanted, as you turn again to face him and open your arms, letting each hit you, pushing you back with each impact received, hyour systems registering the damage caused, and with the last one throwing you over and making you fall to the ground.


Just as planned.

Shard stares warily at the downed figure of Metal Sonic, he didn't get why he let himself get hit so easily…almost like…he wanted to?

No matter, if he wants to make things easier for Shard, he shall comply.

Rushing him over as he creates a Hammer with his arm, seeking to crush him and finish this quick, but as he is about to connect the hit…a yellow electric field seems to spring out of him, covering Metal Sonic completely.

Shard can't stop himself in time and as his arm connects with the Hammer, he receives a powerful electric shock, his systems screaming in alarm of the damage dealt, as he is pushed back with even greater force than metal was, making a dent in the ground as he falls.

That…was a completely new trick…

Shard looks up as he see Metal standing slowly, his body covered in flames as he crosses his arms, then opening them and thrusting his chest out, seemingly glowing bright yellow.

Shard eyes widened as he quickly sped out of where he was lying down, and a second later, Metal Sonic began firing beams of energy similar to his own of his chest, at a higher intensity, like a sort of machine gun.

Shard couldn't help but gasp, as he kept running, Metal easily kept with him and continued putting pressure, each shot closing to landing that the last one, not able to lose track of Shard.

"Uh…seems like Eggman decided to give you some upgrades eh? Surprised he didn't make a new version of you." You quip a little, trying to inject some humor in the fight.

That was the completely wrong thing to say apparently, as Metal seems to stop showing off his new trick, and pounces at Shard with worrying speed, but the Back color robot is able to repel Metal's attack and gain some distance.

"You are not going to make things easy, are you?" He smirks as he looks at Metal with caution, who knows what other abilities he may have. He will need to play things by ear.

Round 1 Over!

Current Status:

Metal Sonic: ⅘ HP

Ring Spark uses left: 1

Copycat Slots: 3/3

Trait gained:

Metal Buster: Powerful Energy blast that come out from metal's Chest. He Can fire them in Quick Succession. 5 bonus to all combat Power Rolls. +10 when attacking specifically from long range.

???(Shard): ???-1 HP

Please Select Metal Sonic Actions. You have 2 AP, please vote in plan format:

Neutralize that arm! He seems to posses a capacity for long range combat, that would make things annoying. You won't let him scurry around as he takes pot shots at you. Aim for that Amr and out the cannon out of comission! (1 AP)

(Metal will attempt to neutralize the Arm cannon from Shard. Contested Power roll against Shard with Disadvantage, if successful, Shard will receive a wound and a -10 malus to all rolls for the rest of the fight.)

Blitz him! Give him no quarter!: How dare he! You are the true Sonic! No one could replace you! You should rip that mouth from him, and beat him to death with i! (2 AP)

(Metal rushes out against Shard, full intent of fighting him at close range and damaging him. Contested Power roll against Shard with advantage, if successful, Shard takes a wound)

Test your new Ability: Time to show this faker what you are capable of, use his power against him and show him you are superior when using his skills against him! (1 AP)

(Metal will keep a distance and harass Shard with his Metal Buster. Contested Combat Roll against Shard, if successful, inflicts a wound to Shard.)

Challenge him to a contest of Speed!: Let's set things straight and show that faker who is the real deal, rush at him at max propulsion! Use your speed and move erratically as you prepare to attack him, He won't be able to keep up and will give you an opening! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to dash and use his speed to make Shard lose sight of him, giving him an opening, +10 bonus to combat rolls this round)

Attack the faker right away!: You won't let this fool keep running his mouth, attack him and show him his place…under your foot! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will Attack Shard, Contested Power Roll against him, cannot be taken with Test your New Ability)

Laid an Ambush!: The biodata you copied from that Linnx might come in handy now. Goad him into following you and once you have him right where you want to, pounce at him! (1 AP)

(Contested Trickery Check against Shard with a +5 bonus, if successful, will cause -10 malus to all of Shard's rolls for the round, if crit, the malus will persist for several rounds.)

Move this fight to a more…tactically useful place!: This faker seems to have that annoying hedgehog habit for wanting to keep "Innocent" safe. How cute, let's see if you can use that, if he is half as good as you, he should be able to keep fighting while protecting bystanders right? (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to drag the fight towards where civilians are, causing Shard to be distracted as he tries to keep them away from the fight, contested Power roll to succeed. If successful, Shard will roll with maluses for the rest of the combat while civilians are around, Metal will try to involve them in his following actions.)

Warning: This can bring unwanted attention if the fight takes too long)

Death Hog Abilities: (0 AP, Can only pick one per turn)
->Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
->Noxi: Roll 1d100+5(mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5 for the round, crit=2 rounds. Casting Noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power-5. If the new Noxi timer is lower than the current Noxi timer, use the old Noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacrem/Sacremus: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)

Round 1:

Shard Takes:

Keep your distance and attack from range (Attack roll against Metal Sonic)

Be on the defensive and protect against any attack (-10 Malus to All of Metal's attack rolls)


Shard Attack roll
DC Autopass
Metal Sonic takes 1 Wound
4 HP left!

RIng Spark Proc
DC 100
Result: 1d100 (10) + 30(Shard) + 10(Power Gem Energy Boost) + 5(All New, All Great!)
Total: 55

Shard takes 1 Wound
??? HP Left!

Metal Sonic counterattacks!
Plasma Pulse Roll:
Result: 1d8 (6)
Total: 6

Plasma Pulse doesn't proc!

Metal Sonic Attack Roll:
Result: 1d100 (68) + 30(Metal Power)+ 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Incremus)+10(Metal Buster)-10(Shard action)
Total: 108

Shard Roll

Result: 1d100 (90) + 30(Shard) + 10(???t) + 5(All New, All Great!)
Total: 135


Shard doesn't take Any damage!

Round end!


Let's Fighting Love!
Let's Fighting Love!

You were Goro Majima, and honestly, most people would be happy.

The newly remade Majima Construction was thriving. Turns out when the world was torn apart and mashed together like a two year old playing with LEGOs, a lot of damage transpired. It helped you were willing to take more… underhanded projects that others wished to avoid due to who was issuing them.

Fah. Morals were just an excuse people used to not go all out and truly be themselves, in your opinion.

It also turned out there was a job crisis going on. People needed money still, but at the end of the day with how insane the world had become, the job market was in shambles, and people's good will would only last so long. People were desperate.

That's where you came in.

You wouldn't deny you were a harsh taskmaster, but you never singled anyone out. Everyone was equally pushed hard to succeed and punished for failure and rewarded for success in equal measure.

Not everyone was built for that kind of pressure, you wouldn't deny that. But those who could handle it found themselves appreciative of your fairness and belief in them. The generous paychecks helped too, a lot most likely.

You had to admit some of your new employees were…. eclectic. You know what? You didn't have to be nice, they were God damn bizarre.

But really? So were you, and you could use the company so you didn't care.

Right now, you and your employees were in a bar, enjoying the fruits of your labor.

You should be satisfied. And yet…

"Majima-sama, what troubles you?"

Ah. Nishida. The only original member of your crew still around. Everyone else had either disappeared, deserted or… faced a more gruesome fate. Not Nishida. He was a bit of a wuss, but he was a survivor. Loyal too.

"Why would I be troubled? I have a good drink, business is thriving, I have replaced my crew! I have everything I could possibly want!" You laughed, raising your alcohol to the air in toast. The Crew all cheered too, having not really been paying attention to you and Nishida's conversation. It was rude to eavesdrop after all.

"Everything except… him."

You paused at that. You set your drink down, allowing yourself the slightest of frowns.

"You know me too well, old friend." You grunt.

"Kiriyu has to be out there somewhere, sir." Nishida assured.

"Hmmph. Of course he is, idiot. Now quit nagging me! We made our highest earnings yet this month! So you lot better enjoy it!" You exclaim, speaking to everyone near the end. The strange group of animals all cheered and nodded.

"I can't hear you!!!"'

Everyone cheered even louder and you smirked.

You get a tap on the shoulder, and casually reach back and punch whoever it was.

"Ow! Right, don't sneak up on you. S-Sorry boss."

"What is it, Pres?" You chuckled.

The ever-nervous, white suited man awkwardly stroked his beard. He claimed he was the President of some place called South Island back home, but the Shattering had left him and his daughter penniless and homeless. You didn't care for his life story beyond the context of why he needed to be hired though. He was a good worker, even if his daughter was a bit of a brat. Still, you even gave her little odd jobs here and there where you could. She was still too young to hire full time, especially with some of the stuff you did as side gigs.

You try not to think about the kid you were watching for your old pal and return your focus to your employee.

"S-Some nicely dressed cat lady is asking for you, like I said. It's about a job? She was reluctant to tell me who is hiring though, just that you might be interested…"

Oh? How mysterious!

Wait. Could it be…?

You pay for your drink and step out of the bar.


You were Honey the Cat, and you are still a little unsure if this was the right choice.

Sure, getting revenge on Zavok was definitely something you wanted. But… was Eggman really the right choice for that?

Ugh. You already dedicated yourself to this. There was no backing out now.

As the eye patch clad man stepped up to greet you with a big smile, you nod.

"Mr. Majima-"

"Ah! Finally! I was wondering when that Egghead was going to get to me! Though I will admit. A little offended! He got you and who knows how many others before me?" the man tsked In mock offense. Him being so forward threw you off.

"Uh… sorry?"

"Bah. I guess I can spare my talents if he is willing to agree to some terms." The man inspected his suit for non existent lint.

"Right." You coughed, regaining your composure. "Well, he's not exactly the type of guy who likes listening to other people's terms, but I am sure we can work something out, depending on what exactly it is you want?"

"hahaha! Wonderful! Then-"

"Wait just a second."

The two of you stop for a moment and look over to a table the bar had for those who wished to eat outside. Sitting there was a strange duo.

One was a green Hedgehog in a red suit and heels, sipping a beverage and taking off her designer sunglasses. The other was a tall, grey metallic creature.

Majima blinked, his eye lighting up a little, clearly pleasantly surprised.

"Oh? Dural! Long time no see!"

"Awww, Dural, you had friends before me? I thought I was your first." The hedgehog sighed in mock hurt, putting her hand to her chest.

"Silence, Breezie." The robot steps forward.

"You seem more sociable." Majima quipped sarcastically.

"Breezie is… a necessary evil in this new world." She said simply.

"Words have effects, you know." Breezie sipped her beverage.

"That is irrelevant. I am here with an offer of my own, Goro Majima." The robot nodded simply. She got into a fighting stance.

"I have travelled far and wide, seeking worthy opponents. I have found many acceptable ones, but none light that fire within me, as I believe the saying goes. If you were to join me, In addition to whatever terms you have, I would be more than willing to give you the fight I know you crave."

That seemed to definitely pique Majima's interest, as he got a wild look in his eye. Oh no! You were losing him!

"Wait! We have plenty of fighters too! Heck, I can fight!" you butt in.

"Honey, come on, what happened to our partnership? I can pay you to let her have this, you know I am good for it." Breezie tutted.

"...Who the heck are you and how do you know my name???"

Breezie looked genuinely annoyed at that one, and Dural hid a smirk at it.

"Silence, feline. I require his services, and I will get his services. You do not wish to get in my way." the robot woman glared at you after a moment. However, you were no wuss and you stood your ground, glaring. By now, Majima's employees had gotten worried about him and came outside to check on the deal, and looked back and forth between the quartet, looking ready to intervene if their boss requested it.

Majima, however, just gave a hearty laugh.

"Ladies, ladies, please! Relax yourselves! I know I am great, but really! There is a simple way to settle this."

"Hmmph. What would that be?" Dural scoffed.

"A challenge. Of my choice. Whoever wins gets my services! That seems fair, right?"

"...These terms are acceptable." Dural grunted.

"I doubt we have a choice here." Honey mused.

"Smart girl! Ha! You don't! Boys, be sure to tip the owner really good. I get the feeling this might end in damage to the establishment, depending on how things go." Majima grinned.

"Now, keep in mind I want to see what you're both made of, so you're going to be competing against each other!"

"...Uh. Can I phone a friend?" You asked nervously, seeing you were outnumbered. This was definitely above your pay grade now!

"Fine, if you must." Majima sighed, clearly annoyed it wasn't starting right away.


You are Dr. Eggman, and you were annoyed. You gave that fabric fondling feline one simple task! Go recruit that strange man! What about it was so difficult that you needed to get dragged into it???

As you arrived at a bar on the very edge of Restoration territory, you squinted. Huh. A fascinating duo.

One looked… familiar…

Shattered Memories Triggers!
DC: 85
Roll: 43
He doesn't remember!

"...Bah. All hedgehogs look alike to me." You mumbled to yourself.

"Whoa. Ok, sure. Mask off, I guess, Egghead." Breezie quipped, filing her nails.

"Yeah that's… that's not cool, man." Nishida stated.

"Enough. Who is this?" Dural interrupted.

"I am the brilliant Dr. Eggman! The future ruler of this world! And who, pray tell, are you?" You scowl, irritated.

"Dural. You being here is an unexpected but irrelevant detour." She said bluntly.

Irrelevant?! You'll show this mechanical menace!

Majima, though clearly amused, cleared his throat, reminding everyone of the reason they were here.

After a moment of thought, his issued challenge was:

(Keep in mind it's Honey and Eggman vs. Dural and Breezie)

[ ] A bout of physical combat (Contested Power roll)

[ ] A Dance competition (Contested
Trickery roll)

[ ] Singing contest (Contested Heart Roll)

[ ] Tell stories of past exploits to impress him! (Contested Heart Roll, but between just Eggman and Dural)

(Kingster requested I post this now, because the fight might take awhile. Voting isn't officially open until the Shard fight is done)
What I'm Made of- Round 2 Results/Round 3
Winning vote:

[X] Plan:You're too slow
-[X]Challenge him to a contest of Speed!: Let's set things straight and show that faker who is the real deal, rush at him at max propulsion! Use your speed and move erratically as you prepare to attack him, He won't be able to keep up and will give you an opening! (1 AP)
-[X]Attack the faker right away!: You won't let this fool keep running his mouth, attack him and show him his place…under your foot! (1 AP)
-[X]Sacrem/Sacremus: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)

The faker stared you down. You stared right back, the hate in your eyes getting more intense.

"Hmmph. Wow pal. Did I strike a nerve? Or our robotic equivalent?" He quipped at you.

You would make him shut up. One way or another.

Suddenly, you step back, clearly confusing him.... before blitzing forward.

"What the-!" Shard exclaimed in surprise, obviously knowing you were speedy but not THAT speedy.

Good. It would be his downfall.

Suddenly, you are behind him. Before he can respond, you kick him in the back of the head, sending him tumbling back.

"Grrr.... alright Metal! No more playing around! You are going down!" Shard snapped, aiming his arm right at you. It then turned into a gun and fired a laser at you!

You dodged, but just barely, the laser grazing you. Not enough to damage you, but enough you certainly noticed. You glare again, but you are well aware of how lucky it is you took no real damage.

You wag your finger in mock disappointment as Shard hisses in irritation and gets up.

"Fine. You want to play REALLY rough? I can do that! Let's go!" Shard snapped.

Ah. He was angry.

Good. Anger leads to sloppiness, and sloppiness leads to a less strategic mind, and a less strategic mind leads to crushing defeat.

This would be a brilliant victory for you!

Shard was not privy to your thoughts as the two of you continued to stare each other down….

(Line Break)

Round 2 Over!

Current Status:

Round 1 Over!

Current Status:

Metal Sonic: ⅘ HP

Ring Spark uses left: 1

Copycat Slots: 3/3

Trait gained:

Metal Buster: Powerful Energy blast that come out from metal's Chest. He Can fire them in Quick Succession. 5 bonus to all combat Power Rolls. +10 when attacking specifically from long range.

???(Shard): ???-2 HP

Please Select Metal Sonic Actions. You have 2 AP, please vote in plan format:

Neutralize that arm! He seems to posses a capacity for long range combat, that would make things annoying. You won't let him scurry around as he takes potshots at you. Aim for that Arm and put the cannon out of commission! (1 AP)

(Metal will attempt to neutralize the Arm cannon from Shard. Contested Power roll against Shard with Disadvantage, if successful, Shard will receive a wound and a -10 malus to all rolls for the rest of the fight.)

Blitz him! Give him no quarter!: With his mind clouded, you are sure he would gladly trade blows with you, giving you the chance to inflict severe damage to himi! (2 AP)

(Metal rushes out against Shard, full intent of fighting him at close range and damaging him. Contested Power roll against Shard with advantage, if successful, Shard takes a wound)

Test your new Ability: Time to show this faker what you are capable of, use his power against him and show him you are superior when using his skills against him! (1 AP)

(Metal will keep a distance and harass Shard with his Metal Buster. Contested Combat Roll against Shard, if successful, inflicts a wound to Shard.)

Challenge him to a contest of Speed!: Let's set things straight and show that faker who is the real deal, rush at him at max propulsion! Use your speed and move erratically as you prepare to attack him, He won't be able to keep up and will give you an opening! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to dash and use his speed to make Shard lose sight of him, giving him an opening, +10 bonus to combat rolls this round)

Attack the faker right away!: You won't let this fool keep running his mouth, attack him and show him his place…under your foot! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will Attack Shard, Contested Power Roll against him, cannot be taken with Test your New Ability)

Laid an Ambush!: The biodata you copied from that Linnx might come in handy now. Goad him into following you and once you have him right where you want to, pounce at him! (1 AP)

(Contested Trickery Check against Shard with a +5 bonus, if successful, will cause -10 malus to all of Shard's rolls for the round, if crit, the malus will persist for several rounds.)

Move this fight to a more…tactically useful place!: This faker seems to have that annoying hedgehog habit for wanting to keep "Innocent" safe. How cute, let's see if you can use that, if he is half as good as you, he should be able to keep fighting while protecting bystanders right? (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to drag the fight towards where civilians are, causing Shard to be distracted as he tries to keep them away from the fight, contested Power roll to succeed. If successful, Shard will roll with maluses for the rest of the combat while civilians are around, Metal will try to involve them in his following actions.)

Warning: This can bring unwanted attention if the fight takes too long)

Death Hog Abilities: (0 AP, Can only pick one per turn)
->Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
->Noxi: Roll 1d100+5(mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5 for the round, crit=2 rounds. Casting Noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power-5. If the new Noxi timer is lower than the current Noxi timer, use the old Noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacrem/Sacremus: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)


Round 2:

Shard Takes:

Rush at Metal Sonic!: Don't let him set the pace of the fight! Match him blow for blow (Contested Power roll with Advantage against Metal Sonic) (2 AP)

Sacremus Roll
DC 50
Result: 1d100 (38) + 5 (Metal Mystic)
Total: 43


Metal Attack Roll

Proccing for Plasma Pulse
Result: 1d8 (2)
Total: 2

Result: 1d100 (84) + 30(Metal) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster + 10(SPEEEEED!!!)
Total: 134

Shard Defend roll

Result: 1d100 (41) + 30 (Shard Roll) + 10(Power Gem Energy Boost) + 5(All New, All Great!)
Total: 86

Shard Loses 1 HP!

Shard Turn

Shard attacks Metal (With Advanatage)

Result: 1d100 (24) + 30 + 10(???) + 5 (All New, All great!)
Total: 69
Result: 1d100 (84) + 30 + 10 (???)+ 5All New, All great!)
Total: 129

Metal Defend roll

Proccing for Plasma Pulse
Result: 1d8 (2)
Total: 5


Result: 1d100 (71) + 30(Metal) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster + 10(SPEEEEED!!!)
Total: 121

Bare success!

Metal barely avoids taking damage!

Round 2 END
Last edited:
What I'm made of-Finale
Winning vote:

[x] Plan Mega Hog
-[x] Test your new Ability
-[x] Challenge him to a contest of Speed!
-[x] Death Hog
--[x] Incremus

As Metal's internal processor calculated the available information from his opponent, he would have scoffed if he had a mouth, his systems informed him that the copycat and him were somehow… Evenly Matched.

A great part of Metal Sonic processing Power wanted to rage and scream at that conclusion. He was the True Sonic! He was Eggman's Greatest Creation. He was the perfect one!

Pushing his jet engine to maximum capability, Metal jumped and floated in the air, letting energy accumulate on his chest engine…

The faker, sensing that Metal was preparing for another round of combat, put up his guard, seemingly trying to prepare for whatever action he did.

He did not expect for Metal Sonic to start raining energy beams everywhere. With his speed, Eggman's greatest creation was able to quickly move and shoot from almost every angle! A lesser being would have trouble avoiding the barrage of attacks he was throwing.

Which is why, the sight of the black faker being able to weave and dodge his barrage, was infuriating! Some blast managed to graze him, but didn't do any substantial damage, it seemed like he was able to determine which blast was lethal and moved accordingly to avoid it.

"Is that all you got?!" The robotic fake shouts, as he cartwheels out of the way and ducks below the next energy blast Metal fires at him. "I must say…" He keeps dashing away from the energy shots, even as Metal follows him at a distance, keeping the fire on him. "I needed this! Was getting…" Another close dodge. "Rusty!"

Okey. That. Was. It! Stopping for a second his barrage of attacks. Metal threw his hands up in the air as energy seemed to dangerously gather on his engine chest. The faker's eyes widened as he guessed what was happening.

"Oh…nope." He said as he dashed away from Metal, trying to find a place to hide.

Metal's eyes glowed a dangerous red as the charging was complete and from his chest emerged a great energy beam, bigger than any of the previous ones fired so far, and aimed it at Shard's general direction, hoping to hit.

The resultant explosion destroyed the nearby area and created a cloud of smoke that covered the area, blocking Metal's vision of the battlefield, but that wouldn't affect him, his system still tracking the copycat's signal.

As he gently descended to the ground, Metal scanned the area, trying to locate where his foe was…

After a few seconds of looking and not having any response, Metal Sonic internally screamed in rage as he sped up, doing a quick check around the area and finding no trace of Shard.

If his creator had given him a voice nodule, he would be using it currently to scream! This will not stand! No matter how much time it takes he will find that cheap imitation and rip it apart!

Forget the mission, forget babysitting Belle! He was…!

OBEY EGGMAN! Trait procs!

As if his systems received a shock, Mental calmed down, remembering prime directives and with annoyance turned around and began walking towards the base.

You win this round, faker.

Fight complete!

Discovered the existence of a strange Metal Sonic Look Alike! (Actions to look for him unlocked)

Metal Has obtained a new Drive!
Find and Face Shard again (And Win obviously!)

Round 3 rolls

Shard takes:

Escape from the fight! (Contested power roll at the end of the turn, if successful, escape)

Metal attack roll

Rolling for Plasma Pulse:
Result: 1d8 (8)
Total: 8

Plasma Pulse procs!

Metal Attack Roll

Result: 1d100 (15) + 30 (Metal) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 10(Metal Buster) + 20(Plasma Pulse) + 5 (Incremus)+10(Speed!!!)
Total: 95

Shard's defense roll

Result: 1d100 (47) + 30(Shard)+ 10(???) + 5 (All New, All great!)
Total: 92

Bare Success!

Shard Escape roll

Result: 1d100 (65) + 30(Shard)+ 10(???) + 5 (All New, All great!)
Total: 110

Metal trying to stop it

Result: 1d100(19) + 30 (Metal) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 10(Metal Buster) + 20(Plasma Pulse) + 5 (Incremus)
Total: 89

Shard Success!

Shard retires from the battlefield.

Battle is over!


Apologies if this was abrupt, not at my best at the moment, and as some people said, could have been better if this fight was just a series of rolls like last time. Next time, we will prepare better for the rematch between Shard and Metal

System is not good for 1 vs 1 fights apparently, that's good to know for future encounters, it works better when there are several fighters involved. Useful to know for the future adventure.

Still, now the Majima vote will start, please vote for your preferred option.