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I mean losing Isara is a damn big set back.

Like the girl outright gives us 100 base rolls on logistics and 75 or more on power rolls when it comes to engineering.

Like she is a miracle worker for any engineering project on logistic.

Keep in mind Sage our other best logistic units, only give us a 98 when eggtronics triggers.

She is stuck at a 78 when it doesn't.

Isara on the other hand when her trait triggers?.

32+20 from eggman and 28+20 fromr Isara and 4 from loyalty boost.

An outright 104 base roll on logistics, even more if stuff like the darscens triggers.

She is also a good combatant.

Her tank trait puts her on par with us when it comes down to a fight inside a tank and we get something actually decent and not the rush job we did.

Isara is one of our worth long term investments units.

Especially when paired with someone like Eggman.

Keep in mind the Doctor inner thoughs compare her to a Tails that was still fresh in the field of science.

We can only get her up from there.
Yeah everyone hey dad here, calm down and I mean that in the "car will turn around" kind of calm down.

There is no need to get this worked up about Whisper and while I'm happy you all care about the quest, there are much better was to express that then this conversation.
Let's talk about Starline new rival then, if we upgrade Rusty with all the brain upgrades, she adds a bonus of 46, while Starline only
adds 36, is like his rivalry with Metal Sonic in the comics, but much more insulting.
Its the story rot, unfortunately. We are starving for content...

Which is where YOU come in! Go on, make some more omakes to add to the pile, folks! Channel that creative Energy!
Yeah, and I don't like operating with OOC knowledge that much. A hero would be nice, and it's pretty easy to get aristocrats to support conquest, but I don't see the point of why we should sacrifice our growth potential for that.

I do mention that help the darcsen do mess with the Empire industrial base because the darcsen now knows there is a place that will shelter them.

They are the mainly used as a working force of the Empire and helping them hurts the Empire.

Remember Eggman hijack the airwaves of every single radio on the Empire and everybody there heard his declaration. So the darcsen will flock to Egg City instead of stick around in the wilderness and hiding from Imperial authorities while also being more unruly slaves as well in the Work Camps.

Let's talk about Starline new rival then, if we upgrade Rusty with all the brain upgrades, she adds a bonus of 46, while Starline only
adds 36, is like his rivalry with Metal Sonic in the comics, but much more insulting.

Where did you read that?

Even with Sage Rusty Brain upgrades only get her to 26 in total.
Heart: 14 (As fitting of someone of my brilliance, Sage has managed to evolve beyond her usual programming and shows an amazing range of emotions to communicate with people. Though she lacks emotional maturity and social experience.)
Remember Eggman actually is taking consideration how his actions would be perceived by Sage at least.
Such bold words coming from somebody who's literally half as socially adept, Egghead. lol
Remember Eggman hijack the airwaves of every single radio on the Empire and everybody there heard his declaration. So the darcsen will flock to Egg City instead of stick around in the wilderness and hiding from Imperial authorities while also being more unruly slaves as well.

Correction, she did it of every radio that the empire invading force settled on Green Hills had, yeah, but Sage did not hijack the airwaves of ALL the radios on the Empire.

Only the Empire agents on green hills at the time heard the announcement
Correction, she did it of every radio that the empire invading force settled on Green Hills had, yeah, but Sage did not hijack the airwaves of ALL the radios on the Empire.

Only the Empire agents on green hills at the time heard the announcement

Oh. Nice to know you leave ambiguous if was in the Empire as a whole or just in Green Hills when the Result Report came up.

Still that announcement mess with Imperial industrial base here in Green Hills in some level so I consider that a victory.
Where did you read that?

Even with Sage Rusty Brain upgrades only get her to 26 in total.
Rusty have 10 brains, and with Upgraded Database it increases to 15, her loyalty bonus raises this to 18.
Sage Housing And Protection Enclosure gives a third of Sage brain rounded down, this would be 13 wich raises to 31.
Research Module give a bonus of 15 to research Brain actions with Rusty, wich increases to 46.
I have no idea where you got the 26.
Correction, she did it of every radio that the empire invading force settled on Green Hills had, yeah, but Sage did not hijack the airwaves of ALL the radios on the Empire.

Only the Empire agents on green hills at the time heard the announcement

Probably for the best. Uh. Worst case, that'd get a lot of them shot on the way and draw a lot more concentrated attention from Max. Best case, Eggman does not have the infrastructure for that many.

Word of mouth is gonna spread it to the Empire proper I guess
Eh, probably not to any significant degree. Soldiers aren't going to talk about it in front of the Darcsen (or... will kill any who find out), it's probably information that sticks with the higher ups, and it's not like any of the Darcsen slaves can go around telling the others.

This is the type of information that gets suppressed.
Oh. Nice to know you leave ambiguous if was in the Empire as a whole or just in Green Hills when the Result Report came up.

Still that announcement mess with Imperial industrial base here in Green Hills in some level so I consider that a victory.
Wait sorry, clarification, you meant when Eggman made the abnoucbement of his return or Canaan proclamó your enpire Darcsen friendly

The 2nd one is as you said rhat he did hijack the radios lf the Enpire territory.

Thought you meant the proclamación lf his return, my bad
What I'm Made of- Round 2 Results/Round 3 New
Winning vote:

[X] Plan:You're too slow
-[X]Challenge him to a contest of Speed!: Let's set things straight and show that faker who is the real deal, rush at him at max propulsion! Use your speed and move erratically as you prepare to attack him, He won't be able to keep up and will give you an opening! (1 AP)
-[X]Attack the faker right away!: You won't let this fool keep running his mouth, attack him and show him his place…under your foot! (1 AP)
-[X]Sacrem/Sacremus: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)

The faker stared you down. You stared right back, the hate in your eyes getting more intense.

"Hmmph. Wow pal. Did I strike a nerve? Or our robotic equivalent?" He quipped at you.

You would make him shut up. One way or another.

Suddenly, you step back, clearly confusing him.... before blitzing forward.

"What the-!" Shard exclaimed in surprise, obviously knowing you were speedy but not THAT speedy.

Good. It would be his downfall.

Suddenly, you are behind him. Before he can respond, you kick him in the back of the head, sending him tumbling back.

"Grrr.... alright Metal! No more playing around! You are going down!" Shard snapped, aiming his arm right at you. It then turned into a gun and fired a laser at you!

You dodged, but just barely, the laser grazing you. Not enough to damage you, but enough you certainly noticed. You glare again, but you are well aware of how lucky it is you took no real damage.

You wag your finger in mock disappointment as Shard hisses in irritation and gets up.

"Fine. You want to play REALLY rough? I can do that! Let's go!" Shard snapped.

Ah. He was angry.

Good. Anger leads to sloppiness, and sloppiness leads to a less strategic mind, and a less strategic mind leads to crushing defeat.

This would be a brilliant victory for you!

Shard was not privy to your thoughts as the two of you continued to stare each other down….

(Line Break)

Round 2 Over!

Current Status:

Round 1 Over!

Current Status:

Metal Sonic: ⅘ HP

Ring Spark uses left: 1

Copycat Slots: 3/3

Trait gained:

Metal Buster: Powerful Energy blast that come out from metal's Chest. He Can fire them in Quick Succession. 5 bonus to all combat Power Rolls. +10 when attacking specifically from long range.

???(Shard): ???-2 HP

Please Select Metal Sonic Actions. You have 2 AP, please vote in plan format:

Neutralize that arm! He seems to posses a capacity for long range combat, that would make things annoying. You won't let him scurry around as he takes potshots at you. Aim for that Arm and put the cannon out of commission! (1 AP)

(Metal will attempt to neutralize the Arm cannon from Shard. Contested Power roll against Shard with Disadvantage, if successful, Shard will receive a wound and a -10 malus to all rolls for the rest of the fight.)

Blitz him! Give him no quarter!: With his mind clouded, you are sure he would gladly trade blows with you, giving you the chance to inflict severe damage to himi! (2 AP)

(Metal rushes out against Shard, full intent of fighting him at close range and damaging him. Contested Power roll against Shard with advantage, if successful, Shard takes a wound)

Test your new Ability: Time to show this faker what you are capable of, use his power against him and show him you are superior when using his skills against him! (1 AP)

(Metal will keep a distance and harass Shard with his Metal Buster. Contested Combat Roll against Shard, if successful, inflicts a wound to Shard.)

Challenge him to a contest of Speed!: Let's set things straight and show that faker who is the real deal, rush at him at max propulsion! Use your speed and move erratically as you prepare to attack him, He won't be able to keep up and will give you an opening! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to dash and use his speed to make Shard lose sight of him, giving him an opening, +10 bonus to combat rolls this round)

Attack the faker right away!: You won't let this fool keep running his mouth, attack him and show him his place…under your foot! (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will Attack Shard, Contested Power Roll against him, cannot be taken with Test your New Ability)

Laid an Ambush!: The biodata you copied from that Linnx might come in handy now. Goad him into following you and once you have him right where you want to, pounce at him! (1 AP)

(Contested Trickery Check against Shard with a +5 bonus, if successful, will cause -10 malus to all of Shard's rolls for the round, if crit, the malus will persist for several rounds.)

Move this fight to a more…tactically useful place!: This faker seems to have that annoying hedgehog habit for wanting to keep "Innocent" safe. How cute, let's see if you can use that, if he is half as good as you, he should be able to keep fighting while protecting bystanders right? (1 AP)

(Metal Sonic will try to drag the fight towards where civilians are, causing Shard to be distracted as he tries to keep them away from the fight, contested Power roll to succeed. If successful, Shard will roll with maluses for the rest of the combat while civilians are around, Metal will try to involve them in his following actions.)

Warning: This can bring unwanted attention if the fight takes too long)

Death Hog Abilities: (0 AP, Can only pick one per turn)
->Incremus: Metal wreaths himself in flame, adding a +5 to all rolls for the round.
->Noxi: Roll 1d100+5(mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5 for the round, crit=2 rounds. Casting Noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power-5. If the new Noxi timer is lower than the current Noxi timer, use the old Noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacrem/Sacremus: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)


Round 2:

Shard Takes:

Rush at Metal Sonic!: Don't let him set the pace of the fight! Match him blow for blow (Contested Power roll with Advantage against Metal Sonic) (2 AP)

Sacremus Roll
DC 50
Result: 1d100 (38) + 5 (Metal Mystic)
Total: 43


Metal Attack Roll

Proccing for Plasma Pulse
Result: 1d8 (2)
Total: 2

Result: 1d100 (84) + 30(Metal) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster + 10(SPEEEEED!!!)
Total: 134

Shard Defend roll

Result: 1d100 (41) + 30 (Shard Roll) + 10(Power Gem Energy Boost) + 5(All New, All Great!)
Total: 86

Shard Loses 1 HP!

Shard Turn

Shard attacks Metal (With Advanatage)

Result: 1d100 (24) + 30 + 10(???) + 5 (All New, All great!)
Total: 69
Result: 1d100 (84) + 30 + 10 (???)+ 5All New, All great!)
Total: 129

Metal Defend roll

Proccing for Plasma Pulse
Result: 1d8 (2)
Total: 5


Result: 1d100 (71) + 30(Metal) + 5(Ninjutsu Specialist) + 5(Metal Buster + 10(SPEEEEED!!!)
Total: 121

Bare success!

Metal barely avoids taking damage!

Round 2 END
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[x] Plan Mega Hog
-[x] Test your new Ability
-[x] Challenge him to a contest of Speed!
-[x] Death Hog
--[x] Incremus

With the power of the arm, this gives us a +30 Martial Boost for the turn, which lets us consistently overpower Shard unless we roll like shit.
[X] plan all out assault
-[X] Blitz him! Give him no quarter!: With his mind clouded, you are sure he would gladly trade blows with you, giving you the chance to inflict severe damage to himi! (2 AP)
-[X]Sacrem/Sacremus: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)
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