Not the best idea, with her Trickery there's no way she won't find out the second we build it. Which could lead to an early end to our "partnership" or more demands from her.

She's already going to screw us over, one of her traits is her greed for gems and her reroll if triggers, requires her to satisfy that trait. And even if she doesn't trigger her reroll, her so shiny trait will have her still trying to still the chaos emerald from us, especially if we find out the empire has an one and we steal it. Rouge can stumble upon our current chaos emerald and try and steal it. Besides, the counter only mentions a shake in loyalty in even the most loyal of our supporters. It's not like we can permanently recruit her, her and team dark are basically solo's who mostly associate with GUN and the restoration.

Besides, even with her trickery score, doesn't mean it's a guarantee she will find out. No doubt there will be a action next turn for fortifying our base against Rouge, since her sneaking in like that made Eggman angry and her comment about Sage made him go into protective father mode. So Rouge would have to Roll against our current base defenses that are now on alert for her, and anything else that we might build to track her. I believe it was mention that Rouge barely succeeded in finding our base.
Guys, listen.

Just because she has that trait does not mean she will steal stuff from us. Specially the Chaos Emerald, Eggman ain't stupid.

Must remind she literally is on the end of her rope here. That deal of hers reek of pure desperation and she risk alienating everybody she knows by working with us just to try and save Shadow.

The fact she is here and not with GUN or the Restoration is telltale enough. The fact we can even send her to get Nepthys also is telltale.

For pete's sake even Omega is acting uncharatristically docile when come to us when he nornally would be trying to fill Eggman with bullets.

Rouge has no excuse of being a GUN agent like before and she literally burning every bridge she has to work with us.

There's no coming back from this.
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…Also with Selvaria getting nat 100 by Zor, getting her biodata will be. Bit more… difficult

Much as I hate what happened it gives us time to focus on the D6 and deal with them first so it works out.

Sides we can...I hate to suggest this, perhaps kidnap her from the camp while she's incapitated.

Well Congratulations, you picked the Deal, you gotta keeo Omega entertained and help Rouge with the Black Arms, but in exchange you get her as a Temp Hero unit!

+55 on Trickery and a re-roll? Yeesh, she's one of the best indeed.

Glad to have her.
I mean… maybe? Thought he would need a reason ti do. While he could, you Dont see eggman create an army of Metal Sonics do you?

I mean, there's the Metal Fighters series, which is basically an entire army of cheaper, weaker, mass produced Metals. Though, I headcanon that as Eggman creating a bunch of trash tier Metals and putting them through hell/challenges (ala the Multiplayer) to see which upgrades and modifications stick/are superior to the rest.
EggMemo: Rouge The Bat
EggMemo: Rouge The Bat
Rouge the of the most well-known treasure hunters in the world and wanted criminal for her flashy heists that led to quite some precious gems being "relieved" from their owners.​

I remember first meeting her during my heist of the ARK, when I tried taking the whole world hostage. At the time, she seemed just a fool way over her head, trying to get the Master Emerald for herself before I tried to swoop in to get it from that damned Knuckles before he cracked it into a million pieces. I didn't bat much of an eye at the time other than being naturally annoyed at her frustrating my plans at the time.

And then she somehow sneaks into my hidden base - just as she did right now - and offers her services to Shadow and me. To steal the Emeralds that G.U.N. had in their custody. At the time she seemed like a blessing for a seemingly tough situation - again, paralleling what happened here - and I accepted her services and Chaos Emerald. I thought that she was simply a fool I could manipulate into doing my bidding, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

For you see, Rouge had this nasty habit of doing spy work to help her pay up for her crimes: doing some sniffing around in one corner, and reconnaissance work in another. As a master thief, she can infiltrate in almost any place in the world provided she has the time, resources and motivation to do so. At the time of the ARK incident, she was doing work at the bidding of the president of the United Federation to investigate the matters of the Ultimate Lifeform (Shadow) and to stop my plans from using the Eclipse Cannon to hold the world at gunpoint - at which she eventually succeeded and I even helped, after having revealed the truth of my grandfather's purpose for the weapon.

After that, she returned to her old ways of being a lonely treasure hunter/jewel thief...that is, until she found one of my hidden bases during the period Metal Sonic took over control over the empire and had me imprisoned. At the time, I had found Shadow after his presumed demise falling from the ARK to Earth and decided to study him to create a new series of Super Badniks, the Shadow Androids. When I realized Neo was hijacking it, I hastily sealed the hedgehog away with my final E-100 Badnik, Omega, as a sort of guard dog to assure they wouldn't be found. Except that Rouge did find them and set them free from their duties and against me. Yes, even Omega. The machine had developed a grudge because I didn't put him in battle and wanted to prove his power by pounding me and my machines to fine dust.

See why I did stop developing the E-Series? Troublemakers, all of them.

Either way, Rouge ended up forming the newly-christened "Team Dark" and helped defeat Neo Metal Sonic and set me free...and then proceeded to turn into big pain in the asses whenever they joined to fight me. Ugh.

But this new bond created a weakness of sorts for Rouge. Loyalty. Bonds. Friendship. She would choose the former without batting an eye if she had to choose between saving Team Dark and all the jewels in the world - including the Chaos Emeralds.

Judging by what Towers said, I would say she's sure that the only person who would help Shadow without hesitation is me. The Restoration likely has a negative vision of him due to the copies of the Phantom Ruby causing mass destruction during the war against my Empire and G.U.N has its fair share of skeletons in the closet with him due to all he did in their worlds...or so I assume, anyway. From what I've seen, Tower's power base is too weakened to guarantee that Shadow won't be killed.

And so, she turns to me. Because if Rouge can trust in the good heart of people, she can trust in their self-interest...ugh. And she came at the time I needed someone of her talents the most.

Can you understand why she drives me up the walls?
I mean, there's the Metal Fighters series, which is basically an entire army of cheaper, weaker, mass produced Metals. Though, I headcanon that as Eggman creating a bunch of trash tier Metals and putting them through hell/challenges (ala the Multiplayer) to see which upgrades and modifications stick/are superior to the rest.

Not only that but Metal also has a complex, of Eggman decided to create a bunch of repleceble Metals that murder bot will be extremelly upset.
This is an informational post for you all

Rouge's Eyes On The Prize trait is on cool down, she previously used it before running into you all. She'll be taking care of a jewel heist as her personal on Turn 5 so it will be available later, just not this turn.
This is an informational post for you all

Rouge's Eyes On The Prize trait is on cool down, she previously used it before running into you all. She'll be taking care of a jewel heist as her personal on Turn 5 so it will be available later, just not this turn.

Aw man...probably burned it out getting through our defenses. Right?