Starline Files: The Empire
Starline Files: The Empire
The Empire.

Not much is know about them despite they current invasion on Green Hills but thanks to some talks with Isara Gunther, the newest soldier of the Eggman Empire, end up revealing some insights upon the country. Admittedly her knowledge about her world geopolitical affairs is more street wise than a detailed thesis from a Spagonia University student but it will suffice for now.

The East Europan Imperial Allaince, better know as the Empire, is a country formed by a alliance of several fiefdoms that swear fealty to a single emperor or kaiser. However much of Europan nations see this formation of such country almost overnight disfavourable so the Empire lack much allies in the continent, the situation only worsen when some two centuries ago the continent was grippe by democratic revolutions that banded itself together in loose coalition called the Atlantic Federation efficitly cuttign the continent on half. Suffice to say they get along as well as a Spagonian and a Mazuri locked together in the same room.

Either way the Empire is aggressive, militaristic and advanced in their world. According to miss Gunther both the Federation and the Empire has fought two major wars in a very shorten span of time, in fact she come from the second conflict that was brough fort by ragnite shortage and was due to this mineral her homeland, the Principality of Gallia, was invaded and conquered.

Gallia apperently used to be a province of the Empire some 150 years ago that manage to become fully independent and was in turn recongizable by the Federation as a independent country. However miss Gunther notes that, culturally and socially, Gallians and Imperials are not far removed from one another, the divide that led to Gallian independence seems more pragmatic than ideological as there appears to be little in the way of lingering animosity between the two peoples.

Because of their unique ties to the Federation and the Empire, Gallia adopted a position of neutrality much to the frustration of both powers that wanted the country to be firmily their ally.

One would think Gallia would be a ideal ground for rebellion but miss Gunther grimly notes that despite being conquered in a unprovoked war the citizenry may simple opt to be part of the new order instead of rebelled simple due to little bad blood between both countries and their rarely disagree on most subjects.

However there's a light in the end of tunnel. Shortly before the Shattering, the Empire has conquered some Federation territory while is unclear if these occupied lands were brought in this new world but if did it could prove fertile grounds for insurrection and rebellion.

While Dr. Eggman masterfully announcement has possible brought forth some sort of instability in the Empire. The darcsen, while treated poorly, would not raise arms agaisnt the country as miss Gunther... quaint lessons of her people ways are to be believe she's more of a outlier than a main trend, they would rather seek to flee to Dr. Eggman lands than fight back.

No, if violent armed rebellion is to rise it will be by the hands of former Federation citizens. If properly exploited uprisings in these territories could force the Empire to divert resources away from its expansionist ambitions and perhaps even weaken its grip on other regions.

I need to check Agent Stone report about the Empire to see it corroborate with my theories.

Starline out.

So here is my omake basically a brief history about the Empire from Isara point of view and well she's not exactly fond of Gallia, specially they nobility and considering in VC2 they declare open rebellion with the intent in purging the darcsen from Gallia, it's not much stretch to believe both Gallia and the Empire agree with a lot of subjects and has little bad blood between both countries making easier for assimilation and unfortunate the country is probably a dead end to distabelize the Empire.

But there's still the Federation occupied territories.

Also Spagonia, in my headcannon, have it's own colonial history, to fit the Old World feeling hey have, and Mazuri was once target of they depredations while relations significant warm compared to back then they don't exactly like each other.

…Does Clove's Egg Defense Force trait Proc against the Zeti? They are aliens aren't they?

Yes, the QMs answered the trait will activate because Zeti are aliens
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Stone Faced and a Stormy Disposition
Stone Faced and a Stormy Disposition

Conquering Storm looks ahead at her foe, the face mocking her. At is unfortunate that it will not understand her power. It will not understand her greatness. But the next best thing that it can do is die by her hand.

"Hya!" she screams, giving her foe her best upwards kick, sending the wooden dummy up into the air, where it goes crashing down, breaking into a pile of wood. With a nod at a job well done, she turns to the person who has been waiting for her to finish.

"Stone. If you are here to observe the skills of a martial arts master, it's best you should leave. Those who see my skills usually do not live long."

Stone, despite having his life threatened just gives her a disarming smile. "Conquering Storm, I would never think to fight you. I know who would win that fight."

"As you should. Now, why are you here?"

He pulls out something from his pocket and turns it towards her. A deck, not yet opened. "I was hoping to play some cards. I am quite fond of poker, I find it keeps my mind sharp."

Storm turns dismissively back to her sparring dummy, already fixed by one of the doctor's robots. "Ask someone else. Some might enjoy playing games, but there are better ways to improve upon myself." Returning to her stance, she destroys the dummy with another hit.

"Perhaps, but compared to most I think that you would be a challenge."

Upon hearing that last word, she stops her training. "Oh?" Turning back to him, she reveals a rather cocky grin. "I am not a challenge, I am unbeatable."

"Well than, how about you show me?"

The two minions sit at the table, cards in hand. The last community card has been placed, and now all they have to do is reveal their hands.

"Flush," Storm says, putting down her hands.

"Hmm, you win again," Stone says, revealing his three of a kind.

Storm grabs her chips, smiling to herself at her winnings. Even if it is not real money, the thought of winning is still thrilling. "It looks like I win again. I told you that it would be an impossible challenge"

"I think I've proven it's not impossible, I did beat you on the first game."

The smile turns to a frown. "I was testing you to get an idea of your strategy. You don't win by running in without thinking. If one of my clan did that, I'd kill them on the spot before they can embarrass me."

"Hmm, yes. You are very skilled in deception, far more skilled than I am. Another game?"

"Another game."

Stone begins to shuffle the deck, making a show of it. "Now, I'm sure you've realized that I am not just here for a game, as much fun as it might be."

Stone roll: 75+20(Trickery) = 95
Conquering Storm roll: 62+28(Trickery)+10(Nin-nin)=100
(Bare pass for Conquering Storm)

"I have." She is no fool. As much as Stone appears rather foolish from the outside (and in some ways on the inside), he is quite capable. It does not take a ninja master to see that he is hoping to get something out of this game. Part of her finds it irritating, daring to ask her for help. But the ninja in her finds some respect in his attempt. "What is it that you want from me? Depending on how you ask I might even be willing to help."

Now, Stone hesitates. He takes a moment to think while handing out their cards. "While you were away, the doctor put me in charge of infiltrating the Empire. I succeeded… barely. If I didn't have the machine gifted to me by the doctor," he sighs wistfully, looking at the device by his side before continuing, "I would have failed. I may have succeeded, but the doctor deserves better than that. So I have come to you. I hope you can help teach me."

"Because I am better than you?" she asks, taking a look at her cards.

"Yes. You are better than me in the art of deception, I cannot deny that," he places a bet.

"Here is my advice than." She calls the bet. "Give up. You won't be as good as me. Infiltration is my job, and you will never be even remotely as good at it as me."

"That is true. But, I want to be at the doctor's side, and I cannot do that if I'm useless to him." Stone's tone becomes surprisingly somber, a contrast to his rather chipper tone before. "I have my uses, yes. I can help that brilliant man run his empire. I've been happy to be quiet, helping him in the back, but more and more I see that I can't just work in the back. I need to go out there and help him. If that is what he needs, I will learn to give him what he needs!"

Annoying. That is all Storm can think about. He is asking HER for help, and all he can think about is how great Eggman is. Is it not enough that he could learn from someone with her level of mastery? She has spent years learning the art of obfuscation, enough to defeat even the greatest of Raiju clan's past, and when he asks for her help, all he can think of is the doctor? This is an insult!

Before she can do something rash though, a smell creeps into her nose, disarming her entirely. She looks down and sees a cup. It is bubbling with that same brew that he has given to her before.

"I know that I am asking a lot, I will not ask you to train me for free. I know you are proud and probably wouldn't accept being taught by someone who is lesser like me, so while you are teaching me I will gladly make you coffee any time and do whatever you ask of me."

She stares at her cup, her rage but a memory. Picking the cup up she takes a sip, considering his offer. As insulting as it might have been, he is reasonably submissive. Outside of the Egg clan, her "equals" were never as accepting of her superiority. The way they acted as if they were the best and brightest in the room drove her crazy, and under numerous circumstances she has felt the need to correct them of this mistaken belief, only held back by her respect to the great doctor Eggman. This is a nice change of pace.

Not to mention it would be a waste to kill him. Perhaps he is… unaware of how great she is. He recognizes that she is deserving of respect, but not why. Can he really be blamed when he was from a world where she did not exist? She will just have to show him why he should show her the same devotion as he shows Eggman.

"Okay, I'll teach you."

"Oh, thank you miss Storm!"

"But!" she says, putting a foot on the table, pointing at the man before her, "you will need to make your coffee to my specifications!"

"Of course Conquering Storm."

"You will make it anytime I want! Day or night! No complaining if I wake you up in the middle of the night for coffee. A ninja must be prepared no matter the time!"

"Yes, I will do my best!"

"Last of all, you will treat me as an equal to Eggman!"

"Ye- huh?" He stops himself at the last minute.

"I want my student to show me the utmost respect."

The uncertainty on his face is plain to see. "Ma'am, I will show you the utmost respect and I will do my best with whatever you need, but I cannot treat you as an equal to the doctor."

"Even if I won't teach you?"

"The doctor will always be the first in my heart. I cannot lie about that."

"Hmm," she raises her nose at him. "Then treat me as your direct superior. By the end of this I want you to either show me the same respect you show him, or be able to lie about it well enough that I can't tell."

His eyes brighten at her words. "So you'll teach me?"

"Yes. But trust me, there is no way you will ever get good enough at lying to fool me. No matter how much you train you will never equal my skill, I will always see right through you. By the end I know you will recognize my greatness."

"Thank you! When do we start?"

"Now. First lesson," suddenly she grabs his sleeve, and out drops a two of clubs. "You did pretty good, but I could see a flash of white while you were shuffling. Now, play another hand and don't let me see the card this time."

AN: That roll was to see if Storm would notice Stone cheating. That one omake made a while ago between Storm and Stone kind of made me ship them a bit, so I wanted to write something with the two of them.
A Vulture and a Walrus
So here's a omake, QMs:

A Vulture and a Walrus

The ambient hum of conversations enveloped the coffee shop, a comforting counterpoint to the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the gentle cadence of a jazz melody playing in the background. Nephtys sat in her usual secluded corner, savoring a rare moment of reprieve.

The soft chime of the bell above the door broke through the tranquility, but Nephtys did not look up, she didn't need to. The deliberate rhythm of the intruder's footsteps and the palpable tension in their movements told her all she needed to know. Someone had entered with purpose. The shadow that stretched over her table confirmed it.

"Nephtys," Rotor's gruff voice cut through the ambient noise, his tone heavy with accusation. "We need to talk."

Nephtys lifted her gaze, her golden eyes calm and unperturbed. She gestured to the seat opposite her. "If you must. Though, I should warn you, you're interrupting a rather pleasant break."

Rotor sat down, his imposing frame leaning forward as he fixed her with a stern look. His arms crossed, and the weight of his suspicion bore down on her like a physical force. "You knew all along, didn't you? About Clove and Cassia. About their return to Eggman."

Nephtys arched an eyebrow, her expression unwavering. "You make bold assumptions, Rotor. I knew them as former colleagues and perhaps friendly acquaintances. Their decisions are their own, I've had no contact with Eggman since the Shattering nor with Clove since she and her sister gone missing."

Rotor's fist struck the table, causing her cup to tremble and rattle against the saucer. "Don't play coy with me! Clove's been spotted leading Badnik forces against the Black Arms, and you're expecting me to believe you had no idea? That you've just conveniently washed your hands of all of it?"

Nephtys regarded him coolly, her voice steady. "Believe what you wish. But you'll find no evidence to support your accusations. Clove's path is her own, and mine is no longer intertwined with the Eggman Empire."

Rotor's frustration was palpable, his face flushing with anger. "Do you think the Restoration trusts you? Surveillance on you has doubled since Eggman's announcement. We know you're hiding something."

Nephtys' lips curved into a faint, sardonic smile. "I'm well aware of the Restoration's scrutiny. But tell me, Rotor, why do you insist I'm still in Eggman's service? What makes you so certain?"

Before he could answer, Nephtys leaned forward, her tone sharp, her words measured. "Do you think serving Eggman was ever a choice? Do you think Clove wanted to watch her sister's life reduced to a bargaining chip? Or that I found fulfillment in enforcing his will? We served because we had no alternatives. Even now, you sit here pointing fingers at a convenient scapegoat while the world struggles under the weight of his renewed ambitions."

Rotor faltered, the weight of her words striking a nerve. But Nephtys pressed on, her voice lowering to a near whisper. "You know, In this moment, you remind me so much of your father."

The color drained from Rotor's face. His chair scraped harshly against the floor as he stood abruptly. Without another word, he turned and left, his departure as sudden as his arrival. The bell above the door chimed once more, marking his swfitly exit.

Nephtys exhaled slowly, her hands trembling slightly as she lifted her cup. Rotor's reaction confirmed her suspicions. She had struck a chord, though not without cost. The Restoration's watchful gaze would persist but perhaps Rotor himself would now keep his distance.

Her thoughts turned to Clove and Cassia, to the quiet conversations they once shared during lunch breaks. Clove's decision to return to Eggman's fold was one Nephtys understood all too well. Eggman's reach was inexorable, his influence a looming specter that spared no one.

She set down her cup and watch the rest of the shop.

She had to act swiftly and decisively. The Restoration's surveillance would not protect her from Eggman's inevitable summons. If she delayed, innocents would pay the price for her hesitation. Returning to his service on her terms was the only way to minimize collateral damage.

Nephtys rose, pulling her cloak tightly around her shoulders and make her way to her apartment and start making plans.

Outside the sky darkened, heavy with the promise of rain. A fitting prelude to the trials that lay ahead. She would meet what was coming head on and endure.

Wonder how our favorite Vulture is doing ever since Eggman's announcement and since Rotor is now confirmed part of the Restoration thanks to a interlude, and I was thinking he may be the one from the Post-SGW version.

Post-SGW!Rotor is more aggressive and pragmatical member of the Freedom Fighters than his Pre-SGW counterpart and more importantly his father is one of the Egg Bosses, more specifically Tundra, and suffice to say he hate him for all the abuse he has to endure on his hands.

Nephtys was being a bit cruel but Rotor did push a button of hers. No she does not know the whole history only that must be something bad for a son and father end up in opposite sides to make a educate guess.

Still Rotor not for a moment would buy Clove and Nepthys amnesty, so he kinda keep a eye on them in a unofficial capacity.
Understanding Genius
Felt inspired since Starline is probably really questioning how good of an idea it was for Eggman to go out and fight.

Understanding Genius

"Doctor, your vital signs appear to be stable." Starline says, standing over the doctor, bandaged and hooked up to various machines with monitors that give readouts of his health. "There should be no long term damage and you should be at your best again soon enough.

"Good," Eggman sneers. "Whatever fool decided to attack me will regret their actions. They underestimated me, thinking that they could get rid of me so easily."

Eggman looks to Starline, expecting some kind of agreement. An "of course!" or "We will ensure they regret their actions," but no. All he sees is the platypus, his face rather sour, and his fists are clenched and shaking. Finally he responds.

"Why!? Why did you go out there!?" he shouts, raising his hands and throwing his clipboard against a wall "You could have died, doctor. Now you are laying in bed hurt, because you didn't list-"

"Don't take that tone with me!" Eggman shouts, shutting the platypus up and freezing him in place. "Are you saying that I made a mistake?"

"I'm sorry. I have overstepped my bounds sir," Starline replies, taking up a more reserved posture at the outburst. However, his feelings will not let him back off completely. "But you still got shot, doctor. Planned or not, this is an objective truth."

"Hmm," Eggman grumbles. "You are still doubting me."

"N-no, I just want to know, why?"

"You are. I thought that you were smart enough to know why," before Starline can retort, Eggman raises his voice, "So I will explain to you. For me the reasons are obvious, but clearly your inexperience is greater than I expected. Now, I want to ask you, why do you think that I went in to fight?"

Swallowing his spit, Starline takes a moment to answer in a way that will not result in earning the doctor's ire. "For your pride, I think. Surely the zeti's insults were something that could not be forgiven."

"You are right, but you are also wrong. I knew that Zavok had something planned. The zeti may have been fools, but they are not weak, as you have seen with Zavok's form. If I did not go out there he would have focused on my minions, and they could have gotten seriously hurt."

For a moment, Starline looks at Eggman as if he had grown a second head. "Are you saying you… care about what happens to them?"

"No, you fool! What do you take me for, a charity case!?" he yells once more, causing Starline to take a step back.

"T-then why sir?"

"They are resources. Tools. I don't care about what they feel, but what they can do! And I won't lie, you did a great job finding me worthy minions. I could have waited inside my walls and let them deal with Zavok. I am sure they could have handled it on their own as well, but not without causalities. Bots can be rebuilt, but my minions are irritatingly difficult to replace. As the source of his ire, I was the perfect distraction."

"Sir, I am proud I could help you with my abilities, but you are still worth more than any of them. Than all of them!"

"That is true, Starline. But I have been at this for a long time. I know how to handle failure. How many times have I failed against that hedgehog?"

Starline hesitates for a moment, expecting some form of trap. Still, lying would not go well for him either. "I cannot recall, but you have failed a few times."

"And with each failure I had to escape. Rebuild, come up with a new plan. I have learned from my failures. I never go into a battle that I cannot leave, and I work to minimize my losses. I've escaped the so called fastest thing alive many times! If I can escape him, I can escape Zavok! Now, that explanation alone will not satisfy you I'm sure, so let's say I went with your plan. You want me to be safe, correct?"

"Of course! It would be a waste to lose your genius in a fight."

"Let's say that I did not go in and I lost only one minion. That would not be too bad, right?"

"It would be unfortunate, but an acceptable risk, yes."

"But what if this happened repeatedly? Each time I stayed inside the base, avoiding my enemies, letting them crush my forces one by one? I would be bled dry, until all that would be left is me. Even with the Darc-Egg, my chances of surviving would be low."

"I… suppose that does make some sense," he says, looking down somewhat embarrassed, seeing some of his foolishness from his prior outburst. "But you still got shot because of this risky move."

"Yes, it is quite frustrating that someone would attack me. But I ask you to consider, what if this person was in my base while all my strongest minions were busy? No one to help me, outside of my robot's protective shielding." he asks. Starline can feel the man's gaze burning into him from behind the goggle. The tone is dead serious. Not even a hint of his earlier egotistic joviality remains.

Starline's jaw clenches. "T-that would be… disastrous."

"There on the battlefield was the safest place I could have been. With my weapons and my minions to rush me to the medical wing."

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I did not take into account that there might be unforseen dangers."

"Good. But there is still another thing I must disabuse you of. Metal, show Starline your new trick."

Suddenly, the robotic hedgehog who has been quietly standing guard by the door steps out of the shadows. As he approaches Starline, he starts taking steps back from the machine. "D-doctor, I'm sorry, I understand your genius now! No need to call on him!"

He starts looking in his pocket for his warp topaz. With a laugh he pulls it out, but instead what he sees is an active egg bomb. In a panic he throws it across the room in the hopes that the explosion will not be enough to harm him, maybe to get Metal to run and grab it to save his master.

His master who is just laughing.

"Good one Metal! I'm really impressed with that trick!"

"W-what's so funny!" Starline shouts. Then it hits him. The bomb has not gone off. It should have gone off by now!

"Remember when you thought me sending Metal was a poor decision? Well, he has come up with a few new tricks thanks to that fight. Not as good as Conquering Storm, sure, but it's nothing to sneeze at."

"Doctor, you scared me! I-I thought we were going to blow up!"

"Think of it as a punishment for questioning me. Thanks to my genius, I not only have all of my best resources, but Metal is stronger than ever! It is a shame that I could not get that Zeti power, but I knew that even if Metal were grabbed he would take advantage of this. Perhaps I will make a few changes here and there, but in his next fight he will be much harder to handle. Understand now? Whether I succeed or fail, I will be one step closer to my master plan. I expect you to thank me for taking the time to explain this, as you should have come to this realization yourself."

Starline breathes, letting his heart calm down. Now standing straight, his confidence restored, he lets a grin return to his face. "Thank you for explaining Doctor. I'm sorry I ever doubted you."

"And you better not doubt me again. I am not interested in explaining every move I have to you."

With a nod Starline leaves, a bit more knowledgeable of the doctor.
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Not a Fixer, Still a Tinker
Hello. I've been lurking on SV for a bit and have been meaning to make an account to follow or participate in a few quests. Scrambled Eggs was one of the pushes that made me get around to doing so, since I had a couple omakes in mind. Here's one of them, hoping to get the other one out before the rival reports.

Not a Fixer, Still a Tinker

From the moment Belle the Tinker knew Zavok was coming, she was afraid. Not that they would lose, her p- Doctor Eggman's brilliance and confidence were both reassuring in equal measure. Not to mention Metal's own strength, Sage's abilities, Isara's piloting skill, and the others' own combat proficiency. By her own admission, Belle wasn't a fighter, but that wasn't a problem.

No, she wasn't afraid of the results of the fighting nearly as much as she was afraid of the fighting itself. Even if she was resolved to stay with the Eggman Empire for now, she didn't want anyone to get hurt, not even Zavok and his Deadly Six. And they were monsters. She just wanted them to stop hurting people and leave. And that would only happen through violence.

Still, as she watched from the safety of the command center, the battle seemed off to a good start. In the initial combat, many of the stolen Badniks were destroyed. But then… Zomon took control of Metal Sonic, her brother. Staring in horror at the monitor, Belle's hands tightened into fists with enough force that her wooden hands creaked. For a moment, she wanted to do nothing more than go to the battlefield and- and- she didn't know what! She wouldn't be any help, even if she could fight, the Zeti would just take control of her. So Belle the Tinker forced herself to stay seated, watching.

It was only when Zomon and Zeena were defeated that Belle felt any relief. Metal was still under Zeti control, but… they were captured, not killed. Eggman, even as he was displaying power and control, was still showing kindness… of a sort. Belle had to believe that. He was considering what she said, what she learned from her father, in his own way.

When Eggman moved to deploy, Belle came down intending to see him off. She wanted to wish him luck, but, no, he probably would take that as an affront to his pride. So she stayed out of his way silently. And continued to watch in silence and mounting dread as Zavok shredded the DARC-EGG ROBOT's outer plating and Metal was forced to fight and Conquering Storm and Piastol inflicted critical damage to his frame and- but then Eggman pulled through and defeated Zavok, like he said he would.

As Zavok fled the battlefield, Belle ran forward, eyes on Eggman gloating and leaving the Darc-Egg Robot. So naturally she saw as red blossomed from his chest and he collapsed. Belle froze, a strangled cry of "Papa!" dying in her throat. In the corner of her eye, she almost absent-mindedly noticed Isara go pale and start shaking.

She stayed frozen as Piastol and Conquering Storm escorted Zomon and Zeena away, lest they attempt anything in this moment of vulnerability. Motionless as Sage, Clove, Canaan and Honey began looking for the sniper. Belle wanted to join Starline, Stone, Rusty and Sage occupying a Moto Bug all rushed to his side to administer first aid until Cassia could arrive to retrieve Dr. Eggman and bring him to the infirmary that had been her home before the Omega Care Suit was finished.

But… she was only Belle the Tinkerer. She could work with and fix toys and machines, she didn't know how to fix… people. Not like her papa could. Belle would just be in the way.

With Eggman being moved, Sage left her metal shell to assist in searching for the doctor's assailant. Belle looked over the battlefield helplessly, until she saw Metal's frame, left momentarily abandoned in the chaos. Normally only Doctor Eggman would provide repairs. Belle knew this just like she knew she couldn't fix people, but… she was still a Tinker. She could fix this.

She ran over to where Metal Sonic fell and gingerly lifted his frame. Belle turned around and flinched when she saw Isara still there, unmoving just like she had been. She shifted Metal's weight so that she could hold him with her tail and gently took her hand, with just as much care as she had the Badnik.

"Isara," Belle began softly after a half-second's hesitation. "Metal needs repairs and there's no one else right now. He shouldn't need to wait until the Doctor has healed. Please, can you help me?" Isara blinked as though seeing her for the first time before giving her a slow, shaky nod.

She couldn't fix people, but… she could still talk to them, help them. And Belle the Tinker would.

Not going to make any commitments for involvement, but I've enjoyed the quest so far. So I hope that you enjoyed this.
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Poker Night at the Eggventory.
Fuck it another to the list.

Poker Night at the Eggventory.

Rouge was many things, a thief, a spy master, a treasure hunter, etc.

But also a friend.

The only reason of why she was here on the first place.

Eggman honestly was her best bet if she at least wanted to try to help Shadow.

Towers was already clear that once options ran out, G.U.N. had already put a kill on sight order on her friend.

And it isn't like the Restoration could help either.

They were dealing with their own trouble.

At least despite everything the Doctor accepted the deal and once more she was under his employ.

Much like when she first met Shadow, back during the ARK incident.

Time truly flies away doesn't it? the bat questioned herself.

Things were already a mess and a half after the shattering and if she was honest this is probably the first break she had gotten in a good while.

Besides if Eggman can make any progess on those damn aliens it will be a win.

Anything to break free Shadow from the control of Black Doom will do.

She really wished she could take a brreak from all of this.

And luckily she just found the perfect distraction.

It was surprinsing seeing just how much people the doctor had managed to gather during these times.

Especially since the old coot liked to stick to his machines rather than just people in general.

And yet, she was able to discern 7 persons who were flesh and bone.

All of them gathered in a table setting up a very familiar game.

Well she hasn't been able to ''borrow'' some gems in a while, so this could do as well even if therre wasn't money on the table.

After all in poker you may as well steal from others.

Even information.

As Rouge apprroached the table he could see the platypus tense up, while the others didn't mind her.

''I hope I didn't have to sign beforehand for this'' Rouge says inmediatly making her intentions clear to participate in this poker tournament.

''None whatsoever, this is just something we decided to set up to cool down and well I doubt the doctor will mind doing this in our down time'' the man known as Agent Stone said in a cordial tone.

Rouge smiled at that

She sat and got herself what looked to be chips from some of Eggman old casino's.

If everyone played at the same pace, it looked like to be 3 rounds with the number of persons.

As everyone took a seat, an Eggrobo approached and talked in a very familiar voice.

''Very well it seems everyone is set, as of Agent Stone request, I will be the dealer of the night'' Sage voice came out of the eggrobo as she started shuffling the cards.

''The style of the night is texas holdem, for those unitiated every single person on the table will get 2 cards and place a starting bet, the first person on rotation will call the bet, while everyone else can either check or raise, anyone that raises the bet will make it so that any future player will need to call that bet, once the rotation is done the 3 starting cards will be revealed, the process is the same until the 4th and 5 card are revealed after the 2nd and 3rd rotation respectively'' Sage told the rules of the game.

''You can also fold if your hand cannot win in any way whatsoever or bluff your way to success, a player will be eliminated once they run out of chips'' The doctor daugher continued.

''I will warn inmediatly, while this is a recreative game, I will not tolerate any kind of cheating and trust me, I will know when you are cheating, anyone found cheating will be disqualified inmediatly'' Sage warned the players.

At that everyone nodded and the cards were finally reparted.

1-Conquering Storm: 9 of hearts, 2 of clubs
2-Clove the Proghorn: 2 of hearts, jack of hearts
3-Rouge the Bat: jack of clubs, 3 of spades
4-Canaan: 10 of clubs, ace of clubs
5-Piastol: 3 of clubs, 5 of clubs
6-Agent Stone: 5 of diamonds, 4 of hearts
7-Isara Gunther: 7 of spades, ace of spades
8-Dr Starline: 10 of hearts and King of hearts.

Well, Rouge had been dealt worst hands in life, but well this wasn't complete trash, she could still make this hand work.

But right now it was something else her goal as she fired the first question for the night.

''Well since it seems there are a lot of new faces, care to answer me who is everyone this night and how did we all get here, since it has been a while since I worked with the good doctor'' Rouge asked in curious tone.

Rouge: (20)+40+10= 70

Conquering: 47+28= 75 bare failure for Rouge so she doesn't get anything other than her name and that she is an eggboss.
Clove: 37+17= 54 Failure on clove part so she gets her name and part of her history.
Canaan: 80+22+10= 112 Failure on Rouge so she gets only her name.
Piastol: 45+17= 62 bare failure on piastol part so she gets her name and that Eggman repaired his ship
Agent Stone: 99+20=119 Failure on Rouge part so she only gets the man name.
Isara Gunther: 35+9= 44 failure on Isara part so she gets her name and that she was saved from a work camp by the doctor on pure accident.
Starline: 80+20= 100, Failure on Rouge part, so she gets only Starline name

''Hmp, the name is Conquering Storm, Egg boss of Yurashia, that is as much as you are getting from me Bat'' Conquering Storm said in a proud tone and a neutral response to rogue as she put the starting bid, while Rouge was annoyed she didn't get anything else.

''Clove the proghorn, I suppose with the shattering I shouldn't make assumptions, otherwise the only reason I went back to work for him, it is because it is the only chance my sister has of continuing living'' Clove said in a neutral tone while denoting sadness on the later statement as she called the bet.

Rouge couldn't help but pity the girl, having Eggman as the last resort really stung, the shattering did a number on pretty much everyone, so one needed to do what they could in this world.

''Canaan'' the woman in the red dress said as she called the bet, Rouge knew inmediatly she wasn't getting more out from her.

''My name is Piastol, I got here because I got offered that my ship would be repaired, so far I cannot complain as it got done, despite the boss problems with big red'' Piastol said to Rouge as she continued with the game, well looks like Eggman still was with the carrot and the stick for some people, much like he did with certain sniper weasel on the past.

''Agent Stone, just a humble follower of the doctor'' Stone said as he was checking his cards, Rouge could understand she wasn't getting more out of the man.

''Isara Gunther, ... I was on an empire work camp until the doctor managed to get me out by accident, even then, calling them work camps is generous considering how they treat us in general'' Isara said as Rouge couldn't help but pick the venom on the mention of the empire, couldn't blame the poor girl, during her investigations, well that she wanted to leave Omega on some of those camps and teach them how to have some decency would be putting it lightly.

''Hmp, Doctor Starline, I suggest you pick better questions if you want information bat, just because we are working together now, it won't mean it will be forever, especially with your past transgressions'' Starline said as Rouge clicked her tongue at the platypus.

They continued playing as the first round was over.

7 of clubs, jack of spades, jack of diamonds, queen of diamonds, 8 of hearts.

Rouge wins with the 3 kicker

Rouge couldn't help but smile as she won the inital round, her luck was now turning around.

Maybe now they would be more receptive to her questions.

1-Conquering Storm: 2 of clubs, 6 of clubs
2-Clove the Proghorn: 6 of hearts, king of diamonds.
3-Rouge the Bat: Jack of diamonds, 6 of spades
4-Canaan: queen of hearts, 5 of hearts
5-Piastol: jack of clubs, 4 of clubs
6-Agent Stone: queen of spades, 2 of diamonds
7-Isara Gunther: 6 of diamonds, 4 of hearts
8-Dr Starline: 3 of clubs, 10 of hearts

Rouge smiled internally at her hand once again, if her luck continued she may actually win this.

Still time for round two question.

''Still I suppose the doctor already has things planned for the month, anything interesting we may be able to coordinate right here and now?'' Rouge asked as she may be able to get information on the doctor plans for future.

Rouge: (80)+40+10+10 for winning last round= 140

Conquering: 50+28= 78 failure for Storm, she gets insight on trickery actions.
Clove: 34+17= 51 Failure on clove she gets insight on power.
Canaan: 52+22+10= 84 Failure, Rouge gets insight on the adventure.
Piastol: 69+17= 86 failure on piastol part so she gets insight on mystic
Agent Stone: 97+20=117 Failure, Rouge gets insight on logistics and empire infiltration.
Isara Gunther: 73+9= 82 failure on Isara part so she gets insight on logistic creation actions.
Starline: 89+20= 109, Failure, Rouge gets insight on brain actions

''Now we are talking bussiness bat, before you came along, the doctor was planning to sent me and my clan alongside some reinforcements to get out a weakling before he could rat us out to that red guy who attacked us last month'' Conquering Storm spilled the beans of a possible operation to Rouge.

Still the Doctor was being ballsy if he is sending just some units to rescue a guy on the territory of those demons, must be quite the VIP.

One she wouldn't mind taking off their hands really, the doctor is at least more predictable than those 6 lunatics.

Clove for the other part apparently mentioned that while there were plans to take over more territory from the 6 lunatics, apparently her apparition alongside Omega shifted things and it is more than probable that the doctor will upgrade Metal Sonic and that Metal Amy to keep Omega entertained and sent the other somewhere.

''... I need to find someone, the doctor managed to find her and we will be going to get her out of that city called tokyo-to, if you are willing to go I ask you all your support, since apparently the city is closer to a prison than a city at these moments'' Canaan told Rogue quite the bit of information.

So the doctor apparently was going directly into a lion's den for someone? that was fairly unusual from him, but then again this person seems to be what is tying Canaan into the doctor payroll.

''Hmm, well he has been mumbling about putting me to see what information I can get out of these so called rings, there is also that fortune teller shop and he has apparently gotten interesed in my ship power source'' Piastol said as she continued playing.

Well she isn't surprised about the rings, without Sonic around the good doctor must have quite a lot more in stash to start looking into them, but a fortune teller shop and a new fuel source? that could be problematic at future.

''For my end, the doctor has been quite interesed in doing some work here and there, like finally repairing the territory we took from the black arms, there is also trying to futher infiltrate the empire, we are still getting more intel out from it, but we have managed to get some useful stuff so far'' Stone said as he drank a coffee that he had at his side.

Rouge interest was piked at that, the empire has been something they haven't been able to measure well since the shattering, so the doctor already having a foot in could help a lot.

Maybe she could try to off load some nobles of their valuables too.

''Hmm, well for my part the doctor has been planning on me helping him futher with certain engineering projects, he still wants to make that ring generator he mentioned once or twice but we haven't had time, he is also looking to futher develop ragnite into something even better than what the empire had, sometimes I really wonder if the empire is even using the thing right at this point, like I am still impressed he even managed to get pass the heating issue or even being able to think of a way to futher increase the effects of ragnaid'' Isara started talking and somehow developed onto a rant that reminded Rouge of a certain two tailed kid.

The doctor really got himself some interesting people and new toys to play with hasn't he, still this ragnite, somethinng to note down later and ask around.

''Heh, I doubt you could help in anything else bat, I even doubt you have the mind to even understand the doctor research and even then, I wish we had more leeway, we still need to study that lance, look into the black arms material to even finally make the world be rid of the pest of a disease called NIDS'' Starline boasted at how much they have done over the past month.

Rouge couldn't help but smile at the platypus tirade, it was obvious the doctor had the lance, especially considering who were here, still looking into the black arms materials could maybe help understand what is happening with Shadow, so that was fine by her.

But curing NIDS? wasn't that the disease Shadow mentioned that Maria had? just what was the doctor been doing these past months to take interest into that, it is unlike him to help people other than himself after all, but even then if Black Doom was back, if Towers and GUN were back.

Could she be back as well? questions and ivnestigations for later, but something worth to note down, if Shadow, his real self still had a connection that could overpower Black Doom control it was her.

Considering how chaotic was this world the barrier between life and death was a mere suggestion at this point.

And with that the final card was finally deal and the winner declared.

3 of hearts, ace of clubs, 10 of clubs, 3 of diamonds, king of hearts.

Winner Starline.

Rouge couldn't believe it, that annoying Platypus had somehow managed to get a full house.

Well everyone was up and down on chips, may as well go all in this round.

The final set of cards was dealt.

1-Conquering Storm: 5 and 10 of hearts
2-Clove the Proghorn: 10 of spades and ace of hearts
3-Rouge the Bat: 4 of hearts and 10 of diamonds
4-Canaan: queen of clubs and 8 of hearts
5-Piastol: jack and ace of spades
6-Agent Stone: ace of diamonds, queen of hearts
7-Isara Gunther: 7 of clubs, 2 of diamonds
8-Dr Starline: 3 of clubs, 7 of diamonds

Well if Rouge could she would change this shitty hand, but better not to push her luck with the doctor daugher watching.

There is still time before this game ends

And yet she doesn't has really another question, last round gave her a lot of insight on what the doctor has been doing this time.

Still for all she cares, Shadow comes first, everything else will be later.

As everyone continued the game and the cards appeared they all decided to bluff and finish this game in one fell swoop.

As the final card appeared many grumbled at losing while the victor cheered taking their loot, even if it wasn't valid yet, Rouge knows those chips still could be traded on actual Eggman casino's.

Jack of hearts, 8 of clubs, 2 of hearts, 3 of spades, 4 of spades

Victory goes for Piastol

''Heh, looks like luck was with me this time'' the scythe wielding mercenary said while holding her loot.

''Hmp, lucky girl, still will tell you inmediatly as a little incentive, hold to those as long as you can, the doctor never changes those chips so you can get quite the amount of cash if he decides to open another one of his casino's'' Rouge told the mercenary sincerily.

Who knows maybe she could get a cut in the end, she wasn't picky after all.

The mercenary looked at her incredulous but decided to bag the chips, she lost nothing trying later after all.

At that everyone bid farewell and went their own ways.

Rouge on the other hand was pensative, it was obvious the Doctor had changed his usual modus operandi after the shattering, for better or worse is yet to be seen.

But for now she just worries about one thing and that is getting her friend back.

She just hopes the Doctor doesn't pull a fast one and actually cures Shadow.

Still she cannot say this was a bad night, she enjoyed the poker night a lot even if she lost.

Maybe if she is still here they could do another one, one of these days.

Sorry for this, but I got inspired by the Belle and Sage interlude, tbh I just see this happening while the kids are playing This happens a little after we accept Rouge deal, while our other lackyes try to cool down from the raid and us getting JFK.

I honestly forgot Honey and Thunderbolt so they aren't included here yet, on the other hand they are far too new to really get into a poker night while the others have been for quite a while now here.

Rouge on the other hand, she really needed the break and is a lot more open when it comes to interactions, especially if it is proding for info on the doctor last movements.

Also yes I picked every card and roll randomly, really denotes that if Rouge gets a shitty trickery roll many can match her as seen on the first round.

But on the 2nd one? Boy literally no one could destroy her, also yes I laughed my ass off at Stone getting some high rolls back to back.

Either way hope you guys enjoy this game night at the inventory.

I wanted to add a 3rd question but I couldn't come up with anything and honestly this was going for quite long even with 3 rrounds.
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EggMemo: Rouge The Bat
EggMemo: Rouge The Bat
Rouge the of the most well-known treasure hunters in the world and wanted criminal for her flashy heists that led to quite some precious gems being "relieved" from their owners.​

I remember first meeting her during my heist of the ARK, when I tried taking the whole world hostage. At the time, she seemed just a fool way over her head, trying to get the Master Emerald for herself before I tried to swoop in to get it from that damned Knuckles before he cracked it into a million pieces. I didn't bat much of an eye at the time other than being naturally annoyed at her frustrating my plans at the time.

And then she somehow sneaks into my hidden base - just as she did right now - and offers her services to Shadow and me. To steal the Emeralds that G.U.N. had in their custody. At the time she seemed like a blessing for a seemingly tough situation - again, paralleling what happened here - and I accepted her services and Chaos Emerald. I thought that she was simply a fool I could manipulate into doing my bidding, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

For you see, Rouge had this nasty habit of doing spy work to help her pay up for her crimes: doing some sniffing around in one corner, and reconnaissance work in another. As a master thief, she can infiltrate in almost any place in the world provided she has the time, resources and motivation to do so. At the time of the ARK incident, she was doing work at the bidding of the president of the United Federation to investigate the matters of the Ultimate Lifeform (Shadow) and to stop my plans from using the Eclipse Cannon to hold the world at gunpoint - at which she eventually succeeded and I even helped, after having revealed the truth of my grandfather's purpose for the weapon.

After that, she returned to her old ways of being a lonely treasure hunter/jewel thief...that is, until she found one of my hidden bases during the period Metal Sonic took over control over the empire and had me imprisoned. At the time, I had found Shadow after his presumed demise falling from the ARK to Earth and decided to study him to create a new series of Super Badniks, the Shadow Androids. When I realized Neo was hijacking it, I hastily sealed the hedgehog away with my final E-100 Badnik, Omega, as a sort of guard dog to assure they wouldn't be found. Except that Rouge did find them and set them free from their duties and against me. Yes, even Omega. The machine had developed a grudge because I didn't put him in battle and wanted to prove his power by pounding me and my machines to fine dust.

See why I did stop developing the E-Series? Troublemakers, all of them.

Either way, Rouge ended up forming the newly-christened "Team Dark" and helped defeat Neo Metal Sonic and set me free...and then proceeded to turn into big pain in the asses whenever they joined to fight me. Ugh.

But this new bond created a weakness of sorts for Rouge. Loyalty. Bonds. Friendship. She would choose the former without batting an eye if she had to choose between saving Team Dark and all the jewels in the world - including the Chaos Emeralds.

Judging by what Towers said, I would say she's sure that the only person who would help Shadow without hesitation is me. The Restoration likely has a negative vision of him due to the copies of the Phantom Ruby causing mass destruction during the war against my Empire and G.U.N has its fair share of skeletons in the closet with him due to all he did in their worlds...or so I assume, anyway. From what I've seen, Tower's power base is too weakened to guarantee that Shadow won't be killed.

And so, she turns to me. Because if Rouge can trust in the good heart of people, she can trust in their self-interest...ugh. And she came at the time I needed someone of her talents the most.

Can you understand why she drives me up the walls?
The Art of Persuasion
The Art of Persuasion

Agent Stone stepped into the holding chamber, a sterile, minimalist space. In the center, chained to an imposing metal chair, sat Zenna of the Deadly Six. She lounged as if on a throne, her chains an afterthought, her eyes scanning the room with a mixture of boredom and disdain.

"Ah, the lapdog," Zenna purred, her voice dripping with mockery. "Come to grovel in the feet of your betters on behalf of your precious doctor?"

Stone smiled politely, his polished demeanor unshaken. "Hardly. I'm here for a little chat Zenna. The doctor's files provided a fascinating read about you."

Zenna's eyes sparked with curiosity, though she masked it with a scoff. "So you've read about me. Congratulations little man but flattery won't get you anywhere."

Stone chuckled as he shake his head. "Flattery? No, no, just stating the facts. Your... particular strengths, beauty, charm, intelligence are well documented. It's why you're here, after all."

Her posture straightened ever so slightly. "Really?"

Stone leaned forward with his hand behind his back. "You may not be aware but Zomon was recently transferred in the custody of G.U.N. the doctor hardly have patience with him and he already devour 1/3 of the food stockpile."

Zenna hum and looks intrigued "I was wondering why there no wining of his for more food in a while."

Agent Stone taken advantage of Zenna interrupting him, continue "Between you and me, Zomom was hardly worth the trouble to capture. Clumsy, slow, and as sharp as a bowling ball. The trade with GUN? A mere formality. You, on the other hand, are a far more intriguing subject. Only someone of your caliber is worthy of being a guest of the great Dr. Eggman."

Zenna's smug grin widened. "Guest, you say? Most wouldn't call chains hospitality."

"Ah, but that's the beauty of your situation," Stone countered smoothly. "You have the opportunity to elevate your circumstances. A model prisoner, cooperative and charming as you naturally are, could find her accommodations... upgraded."

Her interest was piqued, though she tried to remain aloof. "Upgraded? To what?"

Stone gestured expansively. "Imagine your cell transformed into a suite: plush bedding, a vanity stocked with makeup, the latest fashion magazines, perhaps even a private screen for entertainment. All at your disposal, should you decide to play nice."

Zenna's laziness and vanity warred briefly with her natural skepticism. "What's the catch, little man?"

"No catch," he said while brushing imaginary lint off his jacket. "Just a little respect for the rules. No escape attempts, no harm to the staff and no taking control of robots. Prove that you can be civil and I'll ensure your stay here is as comfortable as it can be."

She smirked, crossing her legs with an exaggerated flourish. "Fine. I promise I will play nice, especially you. Make no mistake, when I escape, I'll remember your courtesy."

"Of course," Stone replied, bowing slightly. "I wouldn't expect anything less from someone of your stature."

As he exited the room, leaving Zenna to fantasize about her "upgraded" accommodations, his pleasant expression dropped. Out of sight, he allowed himself a quiet smirk of satisfaction.


As if.

Zenna probably will be too busy indulging herself to even think about escaping. Frankly you don't even though that such cheap complements would achieve anything besides the bare minimum of restrain but you were clearly wrong. If all it takes is giving her luxury to keep her pacified then is a easy task, it's not like the doctor even needs money anyway and he could even fabricate the finest jewelry in the world using his own machines in afternoon.

He walked briskly toward the doctor's control room, already rehearsing the good news he'd deliver. After all, nothing delighted the doctor more than seeing problems handle with effortless precision and the bare minimum.

This is just as the Dr. Robotnik used to say.

People are so....


Sorry QMs promise this will be my last omake before the rewards roll in.

Just could not resist this scenario on my head and this sounds like something Agent Stone would do, after all the Deadly Six are our currently biggest pain in our neck and Stone always on the initiative to handle this sort of problems for the doctor, say a prisionre that could be problematic if not handle with care as a example.
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A Rusty and Metal Spar
A Rusty and Metal Spar

Working as the Doctor's assistant, Rusty thought was an interesting experience. She has no memories to cross reference before being brought online but it does bring a strange sense of familiarity. Yet it in some ways it feels... unfulfilling.

The war with the Zeti had severely limited her offensive capabilities, assigning her to other tasks, despite this reasoning she can't control this feeling of unease. Combat was her main function and one she was most suited for, being relegated to a sideline role was something she still found hard to accept in the end.

Perhaps it was because of that she was here looking for one of the most dangerous people in the base.

Even in her current state , she still wishes to maintain and optimize her skills, who better than to test with one of the Doctor greatest creations?

Her time at the lab had let her listen to the Doctor latest plan to have Metal Sonic copy the Zeti's trait to offset their technopathy, a calculated risk that ultimately failed.

While the invasion was repelled in the end and Metal Sonic retrieved with minimal cost, it had not failed to anyone's notice that it had since left the Robotic Hedgehog in a foul mood.

While this had presented an increased risk to her plan, she still forged on to his general location, overhearing a strange rattling noise before spotting him holding something.

His hands quickly disappeared out of sight, her sensors losing track of the objects he was previously holding.

"I request a spar." She asked politely, ignoring the glare sent her way.

He tilt his head slightly as if confused before nodding in agreement.

It wasn't long before both were standing in a large open part of the base.

The details behind their spar are simple, both would run their own training programs that are designed to declare a victor once their sensors detect enough "damage".

"Beginning the countdown in 3.....2......1.....Start!" She intoned, no sooner as she said the last word was he soon upon her.

Ducking, she dodged the fist that was swung almost lazily at her before extending her legs upward forcing him to block. Charging she rotated her arms in a hurricane of fists forcing Metal to back off.

1st Round:

Rusty Rose Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (69) (73) + 24(Rusty Rose Power) + 7(Limbs Akimbo)
Total: 104

Metal Sonic Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (77) + 30(Metal Sonic Power)+5(Ninjutsu Specialist)
Total: 112

Rusty Rose Bare Failure!
No Damage Inflicted, Both Remain At 3 "HP"

Wagging a finger in a clear mocking display, she ignored his taunt and gripped the ground with both hands before extending them and pulling back to slingshot her body feet first at him.

Dodging, Metal ran a series of his own strikes that Rusty was barely able to block, eventually one was too fast for her and was able to strike a hit on her torso.

2nd Round:

Rusty Rose Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (54) + 24(Rusty Rose Power) + 7(Limbs Akimbo)
Total: 85

Metal Sonic Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (75) + 30(Metal Sonic Power)+5(Ninjutsu Specialist)
Total: 110

Rusty Rose Failure!
Rusty Rose receive one wound (-1 "hp")
Remaining 2 "HP!"

Metal Sonic then became a blur, circling around her becoming faster and faster until a literal twsier of air enveloped her.

Struggling, she rotated all her limbs in a reverse directions and manage to dispel the twister, dropping her back to the ground.

Scanning, she tried to locate where Metal Sonic had gone during the confusion. It was only by looking up that she spotted him clinging to a wall, and she quickly slammed her arm at him.

It was too late! With a furious roar from his engine he disappeared from the wall he was holding in a flash of color, briefly running along her extended arm before slamming a fist into the side of her head. Staggering she fell down and felt another impact not several inches from her face.

His red lens stared at her for a second before he lifted his fist he just planted near her and walked away.

The spar was over.

3rd Round:

Rusty Rose Combat Roll:
Result: 1d100 (65) + 24(Rusty Rose Power) + 7(Limbs Akimbo)
Total: 96

Metal Sonic Combat roll:
Result: 1d100 (95) + 30(Metal Sonic Power)+5(Ninjutsu Specialist)
Total: 130

Metal Sonic Success!
Rusty Rose receive one wound (-1 "hp")
Remaining 1 "HP!"

Spar Over

Getting up from the ground, she ran a system check for any damage. Finding only some minor damage that won't impact performance, she filed the results of her spar's combat log for later analysis.

She found Metal Sonic waiting several feet away from her. "Do you want to continue?" She asked, rotating her limbs.

Metal nodded but lifted a single finger in the air and gestured upward aggressively.

"You wish to increase the intensity?" She questioned.

He nodded and to her surprise, promptly bursted into flames.

"I may have miscalculated." She thought as she counted down out loud and prepared herself for a more difficult battle ahead.

I did actual rolls for the spar but alas Rusty was just that unlucky even with her slight advantage. Hopefully we get to see her skill cards soon. This is also definitely not me stalling on my part 3 negeverse omake, probably.

Edit: Had to change first roll to account for Metal Sonic Storm Trait
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Never forget you're here for life forever: Duty bound to protect the innocent
Never forget you're here for life forever: Duty bound to protect the innocent
Nephthys the Vulture, always consider herself someone who always cared about people. She cared about her friends and ahe cared about them as well, they even went along with her insane idea of pretending to be freedom fighters and fighting against her forces in Medjai. She knew the risk and they did as well if the doctor ever found out her treachery. She would do it again.

That's why she had to sign up as one of the Doctor's enforcers the Egg Bosses. She did it to protect the people of Medjai, her friends and her family. She would've sacrifice anything to protect the innocent folk. So she sacrificed her good name. She
knew the stigma of working with the doctor and his ilk would give her. She didn't care, she no longer cared.

She ran the numbers, she saw the destruction. She saw the countless loss of loved ones. She knew what she had to do, even if I meant earning all their hate. It was the only way to stop the madness in her home. To protect every innocent soul in the world, she chose to work with that monster. That's why in this shattered the world state, she can see the chaos she can see the death again.

She knew what she has to do again, she has to work with that monster to protect the rest of the innocent folk, both at gun and the restoration. She knew she would be called out a monster, a traitor. She wasn't going let those words affect her. She's doing this to protect all of them. She's just waiting for the moment for Dr. Eggman to call upon her service.

She will admit, that she would miss being with these individuals. She knew that she would break so many hearts again by going upon to the doctor Eggboss again. She would beg with the doctor not to destroy them entirely just weaken them enough so they won't be a threat. It's a longshot just even pleaded with that monster, but she has to try anyway.

It's ironic, in this chaotic and messy world the only person who could possibly even show assemblance of control and peace is that monster Eggman. It makes her wanna laugh, it's so ironic, the man who cause so much chaos is the person who can possibly bring the world to some semblance of peace.

She remembers how the doctor threatened her about if she has any funny ideas of betraying him. She told him straight that she doesn't intend to betray him. She just wants to work for him to protect the innocent. He laughed at idea, but he still made her his Eggboss. She remembers when he gave the base after conquering her home.

It had a simple sign on top of the doorway leading into it. "Never forget you're here forever" and she has never forgotten that she is now working for the doctor until she is dead. She doesn't care, she is going to work for him to protect the innocent from most of his wrath. You're going to be a traitor to the rest of the people in their eyes. But as long as they're safe from the doctors wrath.

She would gladly pick up the brand of traitor to protect the world. She's just waiting now for the call, she's just waiting when the monster calls upon her service to bring her back in his clutches to rule the world. She has to, it's better be called a coward instead of dying and destroying the world.

She promised to protect all innocence folk from his madness. She's willing to pay the price.
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