Hello. I've been lurking on SV for a bit and have been meaning to make an account to follow or participate in a few quests. Scrambled Eggs was one of the pushes that made me get around to doing so, since I had a couple omakes in mind. Here's one of them, hoping to get the other one out before the rival reports.
Not a Fixer, Still a Tinker
From the moment Belle the Tinker knew Zavok was coming, she was afraid. Not that they would lose, her p- Doctor Eggman's brilliance and confidence were both reassuring in equal measure. Not to mention Metal's own strength, Sage's abilities, Isara's piloting skill, and the others' own combat proficiency. By her own admission, Belle wasn't a fighter, but that wasn't a problem.
No, she wasn't afraid of the results of the fighting nearly as much as she was afraid of the fighting itself. Even if she was resolved to stay with the Eggman Empire for now, she didn't want anyone to get hurt, not even Zavok and his Deadly Six. And they were
monsters. She just wanted them to stop hurting people and leave. And that would only happen through violence.
Still, as she watched from the safety of the command center, the battle seemed off to a good start. In the initial combat, many of the stolen Badniks were destroyed. But then… Zomon took control of Metal Sonic,
her brother. Staring in horror at the monitor, Belle's hands tightened into fists with enough force that her wooden hands creaked. For a moment, she wanted to do nothing more than go to the battlefield and- and- she didn't know what! She wouldn't be any help, even if she could fight, the Zeti would just take control of her. So Belle the Tinker forced herself to stay seated, watching.
It was only when Zomon and Zeena were defeated that Belle felt any relief. Metal was still under Zeti control, but… they were captured, not killed. Eggman, even as he was displaying power and control, was still showing kindness… of a sort. Belle had to believe that. He was considering what she said,
what she learned from her father, in his own way.
When Eggman moved to deploy, Belle came down intending to see him off. She wanted to wish him luck, but, no, he probably would take that as an affront to his pride. So she stayed out of his way silently. And continued to watch in silence and mounting dread as Zavok shredded the DARC-EGG ROBOT's outer plating and Metal was forced to fight and
Conquering Storm and Piastol inflicted critical damage to his frame and- but then Eggman pulled through and defeated Zavok, like he said he would.
As Zavok fled the battlefield, Belle ran forward, eyes on Eggman gloating and leaving the Darc-Egg Robot. So naturally she saw as red blossomed from his chest and he collapsed. Belle froze, a strangled cry of "Papa!" dying in her throat. In the corner of her eye, she almost absent-mindedly noticed Isara go pale and start shaking.
She stayed frozen as Piastol and Conquering Storm escorted Zomon and Zeena away, lest they attempt anything in this moment of vulnerability. Motionless as Sage, Clove, Canaan and Honey began looking for the sniper. Belle wanted to join Starline, Stone, Rusty and Sage occupying a Moto Bug all rushed to his side to administer first aid until Cassia could arrive to retrieve Dr. Eggman and bring him to the infirmary that had been her home before the Omega Care Suit was finished.
But… she was only Belle the Tinkerer. She could work with and fix toys and machines, she didn't know how to fix… people. Not like her papa could. Belle would just be in the way.
With Eggman being moved, Sage left her metal shell to assist in searching for the doctor's assailant. Belle looked over the battlefield helplessly, until she saw Metal's frame, left momentarily abandoned in the chaos. Normally only Doctor Eggman would provide repairs. Belle knew this just like she knew she couldn't fix people, but… she was still a Tinker. She could fix this.
She ran over to where Metal Sonic fell and gingerly lifted his frame. Belle turned around and flinched when she saw Isara
still there, unmoving just like she had been. She shifted Metal's weight so that she could hold him with her tail and gently took her hand, with just as much care as she had the Badnik.
"Isara," Belle began softly after a half-second's hesitation. "Metal needs repairs and there's no one else right now. He shouldn't need to wait until the Doctor has healed. Please, can you help me?" Isara blinked as though seeing her for the first time before giving her a slow, shaky nod.
She couldn't fix people, but… she could still talk to them, help them. And Belle the Tinker would.
Not going to make any commitments for involvement, but I've enjoyed the quest so far. So I hope that you enjoyed this.