What the hell are you talking about?
I'm making the point that the thread is playing the villain, the bad guy. Eggman's increasing power will make the world worse. You can't avoid that. Playing him "more morally" does not change the fact that the world is still better off without him. Do you think that it is ever moral to conquer people and subject them to your empire? Do you think it ever improves the world, rather than making it worse? No, I'm sure no one here does. But we're playing someone who is perfectly fine with it. I'm not saying the quest players are immoral or anything, it just means the players are playing... well, a bad guy. Don't bother justifying your votes by saying it's for the greater good of the people in the fiction. It's not, it is quite the opposite, and that's perfectly okay.

Pointing out that his children would object to statements that the world would be better off without him isn't actual evidence against that assertion. Neither is pointing out that fanatics would object to his downfall evidence against it either.
I'm making the point that the thread is playing the villain, the bad guy. Eggman's increasing power will make the world worse. You can't avoid that. Playing him "more morally" does not change the fact that the world is still better off without him. Do you think that it is ever moral to conquer people and subject them to your empire? Do you think it ever improves the world, rather than making it worse? No, I'm sure no one here does. But we're playing someone who is perfectly fine with it. I'm not saying the quest players are immoral or anything, it just means the players are playing... well, a bad guy. Don't bother justifying your votes by saying it's for the greater good of the people in the fiction. It's not and that's perfectly okay.

Pointing out that his children would object to statements that the world would be better off without him isn't actual evidence against that assertion. Neither is pointing out that fanatics would object to his downfall evidence against it either.
Again I say
What the fuck are you talking about
We know this
We're trying to make him less of a bad guy
Tbf, AoStH Robotnik, as much as he rightfully gets meme'd on, IS still a Robotnik at the end of the day!

That's the one with Scratch and Grounder right?

No arguments here. It's been years since I saw it but well...

Comedic villiany just means he can do more ridiculous things than a more serious version could do.

Like brainwash the entire world with a week or so of work.
Tbf, AoStH Robotnik, as much as he rightfully gets meme'd on, IS still a Robotnik at the end of the day!
Imagine being Dr. Roy Cuhren, creating this terrifying monstrosities that would give the toughest of people nightmares, and you get your ass kicked by a man who blatantly promotes himself, has a chicken and drill for a minion that he calls dumbots, and who has actually gotten fooled into going into his own traps regularly.
I'm making the point that the thread is playing the villain, the bad guy. Eggman's increasing power will make the world worse. You can't avoid that. Playing him "more morally" does not change the fact that the world is still better off without him. Do you think that it is ever moral to conquer people and subject them to your empire? Do you think it ever improves the world, rather than making it worse? No, I'm sure no one here does. But we're playing someone who is perfectly fine with it. I'm not saying the quest players are immoral or anything, it just means the players are playing... well, a bad guy. Don't bother justifying your votes by saying it's for the greater good of the people in the fiction. It's not, it is quite the opposite, and that's perfectly okay.

Pointing out that his children would object to statements that the world would be better off without him isn't actual evidence against that assertion. Neither is pointing out that fanatics would object to his downfall evidence against it either.

Not sure why are you even stating this.

First off though I would say the lands under the Empire, Condemned, the Mad Doctor, and Warhead would severely beg to differ.

The shattered world is a already a far terrible place. Its hard to see Eggman increasing his power making it worse. Living under Eggman's rule would actually be far better than most. There's no telling what other horrors lurk beyond our knowledge.

Also Eggman is capable of change, even if it'll be difficult as long we work on it.
Not a Fixer, Still a Tinker
Hello. I've been lurking on SV for a bit and have been meaning to make an account to follow or participate in a few quests. Scrambled Eggs was one of the pushes that made me get around to doing so, since I had a couple omakes in mind. Here's one of them, hoping to get the other one out before the rival reports.

Not a Fixer, Still a Tinker

From the moment Belle the Tinker knew Zavok was coming, she was afraid. Not that they would lose, her p- Doctor Eggman's brilliance and confidence were both reassuring in equal measure. Not to mention Metal's own strength, Sage's abilities, Isara's piloting skill, and the others' own combat proficiency. By her own admission, Belle wasn't a fighter, but that wasn't a problem.

No, she wasn't afraid of the results of the fighting nearly as much as she was afraid of the fighting itself. Even if she was resolved to stay with the Eggman Empire for now, she didn't want anyone to get hurt, not even Zavok and his Deadly Six. And they were monsters. She just wanted them to stop hurting people and leave. And that would only happen through violence.

Still, as she watched from the safety of the command center, the battle seemed off to a good start. In the initial combat, many of the stolen Badniks were destroyed. But then… Zomon took control of Metal Sonic, her brother. Staring in horror at the monitor, Belle's hands tightened into fists with enough force that her wooden hands creaked. For a moment, she wanted to do nothing more than go to the battlefield and- and- she didn't know what! She wouldn't be any help, even if she could fight, the Zeti would just take control of her. So Belle the Tinker forced herself to stay seated, watching.

It was only when Zomon and Zeena were defeated that Belle felt any relief. Metal was still under Zeti control, but… they were captured, not killed. Eggman, even as he was displaying power and control, was still showing kindness… of a sort. Belle had to believe that. He was considering what she said, what she learned from her father, in his own way.

When Eggman moved to deploy, Belle came down intending to see him off. She wanted to wish him luck, but, no, he probably would take that as an affront to his pride. So she stayed out of his way silently. And continued to watch in silence and mounting dread as Zavok shredded the DARC-EGG ROBOT's outer plating and Metal was forced to fight and Conquering Storm and Piastol inflicted critical damage to his frame and- but then Eggman pulled through and defeated Zavok, like he said he would.

As Zavok fled the battlefield, Belle ran forward, eyes on Eggman gloating and leaving the Darc-Egg Robot. So naturally she saw as red blossomed from his chest and he collapsed. Belle froze, a strangled cry of "Papa!" dying in her throat. In the corner of her eye, she almost absent-mindedly noticed Isara go pale and start shaking.

She stayed frozen as Piastol and Conquering Storm escorted Zomon and Zeena away, lest they attempt anything in this moment of vulnerability. Motionless as Sage, Clove, Canaan and Honey began looking for the sniper. Belle wanted to join Starline, Stone, Rusty and Sage occupying a Moto Bug all rushed to his side to administer first aid until Cassia could arrive to retrieve Dr. Eggman and bring him to the infirmary that had been her home before the Omega Care Suit was finished.

But… she was only Belle the Tinkerer. She could work with and fix toys and machines, she didn't know how to fix… people. Not like her papa could. Belle would just be in the way.

With Eggman being moved, Sage left her metal shell to assist in searching for the doctor's assailant. Belle looked over the battlefield helplessly, until she saw Metal's frame, left momentarily abandoned in the chaos. Normally only Doctor Eggman would provide repairs. Belle knew this just like she knew she couldn't fix people, but… she was still a Tinker. She could fix this.

She ran over to where Metal Sonic fell and gingerly lifted his frame. Belle turned around and flinched when she saw Isara still there, unmoving just like she had been. She shifted Metal's weight so that she could hold him with her tail and gently took her hand, with just as much care as she had the Badnik.

"Isara," Belle began softly after a half-second's hesitation. "Metal needs repairs and there's no one else right now. He shouldn't need to wait until the Doctor has healed. Please, can you help me?" Isara blinked as though seeing her for the first time before giving her a slow, shaky nod.

She couldn't fix people, but… she could still talk to them, help them. And Belle the Tinker would.

Not going to make any commitments for involvement, but I've enjoyed the quest so far. So I hope that you enjoyed this.
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I'm making the point that the thread is playing the villain, the bad guy. Eggman's increasing power will make the world worse. You can't avoid that. Playing him "more morally" does not change the fact that the world is still better off without him. Do you think that it is ever moral to conquer people and subject them to your empire? Do you think it ever improves the world, rather than making it worse? No, I'm sure no one here does. But we're playing someone who is perfectly fine with it. I'm not saying the quest players are immoral or anything, it just means the players are playing... well, a bad guy. Don't bother justifying your votes by saying it's for the greater good of the people in the fiction. It's not, it is quite the opposite, and that's perfectly okay.

Pointing out that his children would object to statements that the world would be better off without him isn't actual evidence against that assertion. Neither is pointing out that fanatics would object to his downfall evidence against it either.

I think that, while you have a valid point we're playing the bad guy, that you've been demonizing Eggman too much.

Some of his incarnations are truly near devils such as Fleetway and Pre-SGW, most of them have human traits. And Games Eggman, for all of his tyranny, genuinely wants to make the world a better place.

We will have to play the villain one day...but Power and Kindness go a long way. They can walk together.
Imagine being Dr. Roy Cuhren, creating this terrifying monstrosities that would give the toughest of people nightmares, and you get your ass kicked by a man who blatantly promotes himself, has a chicken and drill for a minion that he calls dumbots, and who has actually gotten fooled into going into his own traps regularly.

Dr. Roy, utterly enraged and baffled: "HOW ARE WE LOSING!? THEY'RE A CHICKEN AND A DRILL!"

Scratch and Grounder, in a field of defeated zombies as they comically bounce back from any injuries: "We're gonna get promoted, we're gonna get promoted!"
I think that, while you have a valid point we're playing the bad guy, that you've been demonizing Eggman too much.

Some of his incarnations are truly near devils such as Fleetway and Pre-SGW, most of them have human traits. And Games Eggman, for all of his tyranny, genuinely wants to make the world a better place.

We will have to play the villain one day...but Power and Kindness go a long way. They can walk together.
Fleetway and Pre-SGW Archie Eggman/Robotnik were truly malevolent pieces of work. Boom Eggman and AOSTH Robotnik were comedic...but capable of dangerous antics.

Games Eggman may have wanted to genuinely make the world a better place...but I wonder...if his rivalry/sheer frustration with Sonic may have twisted his goals just a little bit...

Also like
We are a SAINT compared to most other kings
When looking at most of the other SEGA Villains Victorious Kings....we DO have the capability to be BETTER than most...But in a madhouse of a world like that REALLY saying much?

Answer: Maybe.

Still....We need to keep an open mind...and contingency plans ready.
Alright @Kingster, @Boohoo the 3rd, @ShepardCom, @KA$H, @Ranger65 here are the update list of omakes until now.

Amazing Auction After Action Addendum

I don't know if this one counts since it was written by one the QMs.

Eggman Seeking Advice

Creating A Monster (Egg) Tank

Egg Memo: Badnik Tactics

Terror from the Depths

Well since the adveture ended is time I delivered on what is due.

Metal Sword, Metal Body, Metal...Heart?

Eggmemo: mysterious man and nephew



Belle Making The Rounds: A Puppet and Darcsen's Dollmaking

Egg Memo: Belle Revisited

Egg Memo: Alternative universe badniks

Starline Files: A Short Treaty On Ragnite

Starline Files: Future Eggman? and Sage

Starline Files: The Empire

AU Restoration Nega Quest Achievement Unlocked

Stone Faced and a Stormy Disposition

"A Queen's thoughts"

Tentative Project Idea: Dr. Eggman Bombastic Racing Tournament (Name Pending)

Reflections of Metal.

A Vulture and a Walrus

Shadow the Hedgehog vs A Billion Lions

Here we go, I think this all the omakes writing until now.

New omakes been added:

Understanding Genius

Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire)

Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire) - P2

Not a Fixer, Still a Tinker

Here this is the complete list of all omakes written until now that has been unrewarded.

Edit: Just a heads up I will keep posting this list every time some one makes a omake so that the QMs don't lose track of it.
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Again I say
What the fuck are you talking about
We know this
We're trying to make him less of a bad guy
Also like
We are a SAINT compared to most other kings

Eggman is affably evil. But in comparison to most of the kings he has done some way more messed up stuff. Slavery of an entire race, rewriting existence and everyone who has ever existed and will ever exist, holding the planet hostage, destroying sections of the planet to release Dark Gaia, etc etc. I do get what Mr. Hobbit is saying, but I also do get what your saying.

Would the VV!World be a better place without Eggman? Ehhhh that remains to be seen because it's a quest and we're the ones actually doing stuff. Likely no it wouldn't be a better place, but that's because of us. Canon Eggman with no influence by us questers? Yeah probably.

I think that's the point Mr. Hobbit is trying to make. Canon Eggman. Or more specifically, what the world perceives of us. Or at least I assume.

Although point: I personally wouldn't mind going full on Evil Eggman. Because I think that would be incredibly fun. But I understand most of the quest disagrees.
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TBH the situation in general is pretty interesting in that you gotta choose on what do you want.

You either get the devil you have known all your life or one you know nothing about.

Like so far the restoration and GUN don't have much on the empire and only now will start getting direct confrontations with them to really see how shitty they really are.

Apart that they could be tricked by other kings, people like Goji Rokkaku are on the scale of where they could pull stuff like Clutch did recently on the Comics with his shell company trying to get control of the restoration.

Without counting we got stuck on the technically slow side of the world.

Like we could be a lot worse than dealing with the Empire, like Curien or Lan Di would have made the impossible to oppose the D6 and anyone else for that matter.

Otherwise, apart from the D6 and the Empire, Gun and the resistance have been the only other known factions we need to deal with.

At the moment, QM's have confirmed there a total 2 hidden factions within green hills and we don't know how much damage they could cause.

My current theory is that they are related to trickery and mystic.

As the other factions currently in green hills all unlock a 2nd action to nationals once we conquer them.

Power belonged to the black arms.

Heart probably belongs to the restoration.

Logistic probably belongs to GUN.

Brain to the D6, while they mostly would be associated with mystic, we are kicking them out of our empire, and Eggman is the brain king for a reason.

Trickery we have been getting hints that it belongs to Clutch as during the heist Fang sister from the archie comics mentioned an opposum and Fang old pal has been putting ads all over the place for a chao racing circuit.

Mystic is where I want to be wrong, all the factions we know would hold our other actions belong to the Sonic franchise.

While the Empire does own territory on green hills that is a recent development due to the fat guy jobbing to Selvaria.

There are very little characters that could hold the mystic 2nd action.

And none of them are good news.

We already got confirmation that the freedom fighters are here, so who is to say Ixis Naugus is not being the prince holding our 2nd mystic action as the last time we saw him he pretty much was being crowned king of new mobotropolis.

At least the guy is a dunce who tends to overstimate himself regulary.

The problem would be if the prince who owns the mystic faction is Mammoth Mogul.

I cannot even begin to describe how dangerous the guy is actually.
Again I say
What the fuck are you talking about
We know this
We're trying to make him less of a bad guy
Less of a bad guy how? I was replying to someone saying we could be nice while conquering the world. Do you think that is possible? Like... no. That's not possible at all. Conquering the world inherently contradicts being nice. The thread can guide Eggman in a fashion that will lessen his wanton disregard for lives. Eggman can also develop to minimize his flaws that block him from domination. But you're still playing as Eggman.

I mean, hell. You don't even really have a good attitude to go about on that task. Getting defensive over statements like the world be better off without Eggman is the exact wrong attitude to take if you're trying to make him better. You can only address a problem if you acknowledge it. And Eggman has many subscriptions. The quest is set up in a way that it will reinforce Eggman's biases. How do you get more actions? By conquest. How do you get more resources? You need to egg-colonize, and we all know Eggman's thoughts about nature and lives in the way.

Not sure why are you even stating this.

First off though I would say the lands under the Empire, Condemned, the Mad Doctor, and Warhead would severely beg to differ.

The shattered world is a already a far terrible place. Its hard to see Eggman increasing his power making it worse. Living under Eggman's rule would actually be far better than most. There's no telling what other horrors lurk beyond our knowledge.

Also Eggman is capable of change, even if it'll be difficult as long we work on it.
This is actually why I brought up the Imperium. Saying you are an improvement, when you have killed all the other alternatives, is not saying much. The Restoration and GUN are alternatives to Eggman. Sonic is out there somewhere. Eggman isn't going to be able to let Sonic go. Progressing in the quest will mean engaging in evils, and the track record of harm mitigation isn't particularly great.

I think that, while you have a valid point we're playing the bad guy, that you've been demonizing Eggman too much.

Some of his incarnations are truly near devils such as Fleetway and Pre-SGW, most of them have human traits. And Games Eggman, for all of his tyranny, genuinely wants to make the world a better place.

We will have to play the villain one day...but Power and Kindness go a long way. They can walk together.
Every person in history has human traits. That doesn't mean they aren't the bad guy, Poe's Law and all. Most villains in fiction have human traits. Having a family, friends, volunteering at charity, ect don't necessarily make you less of a horrible person. It doesn't mean that the world would be better off with you if you have committed crimes on the scale of Eggman.

Wanting to make the world a better place doesn't say much. Nearly everyone wants to make the world a better place, as they define it. That's the stinger.

I think that's the point Mr. Hobbit is trying to make. Canon Eggman. Or more specifically, what the world perceives of us. Or at least I assume.

Although point: I personally wouldn't mind going full on Evil Eggman. Because I think that would be incredibly fun. But I understand most of the quest disagrees.
Ehhh, kinda? Ish? I definitely agree that everyone is right to kill Eggman. But how much that applies to Quester controlled Eggman is very... Well let me just say that I want to play evil Eggman. There are very few decisions the quest has made that I would have done differently. I'm perfectly fine with being smarter about being evil.

The quest is just set up in a way that the questers will naturally gravitate towards evil. And they will do that while saying they are mitigating the harm. I just think that latter part should be disposed of.
Honestly yeah, if we're gonna be evil we might as well be honest about it, cause at the end of the day we're a mad scientist bent on world conquest.