Eggman: (casually resurrects Starline from death) "Get up you idiot, I didn't give you permission to die."

Starline: (screams) "OH MY GAIA! IT'S REAL! HELL IS REAL!"
Actually recruiting the zombies may be a good idea.

Gives us samples to see what the hell Curien was cooking.

Remember one of the achivements is to close permanently the house of the dead and Curien could pretty much have a chaos emerald.
Actually recruiting the zombies may be a good idea.

Gives us samples to see what the hell Curien was cooking.

Remember one of the achivements is to close permanently the house of the dead and Curien could pretty much have a chaos emerald.
No, we're a little bit busy at the moment. Wilth the whole empire and Zetis so plus we're getting refugees so we need a guy with construction experience.

I have patience enough to get Goro, so let's get them at I don't know turn 7.
Eggman: (casually resurrects Starline from death) "Get up you idiot, I didn't give you permission to die."

Starline: (screams) "OH MY GAIA! IT'S REAL! HELL IS REAL!"
Wouldn't Starline consider it Heaven.
No, we're a little bit busy at the moment. Wilth the whole empire and Zetis so plus we're getting refugees so we need a guy with construction experience
Well hopefully Majima works fine under conditions like these.
No, we're a little bit busy at the moment. Wilth the whole empire and Zetis so plus we're getting refugees so we need a guy with construction experience
If we can recruit him that is, even with Metal that DC gonna be at 90 on turn 5.

Also QM's when Metal uses his trait for heart actions, does the stat added from us is also power or we still use heart?
If we can recruit him that is, even with Metal that DC gonna be at 90 on turn 5.

Also QM's when Metal uses his trait for heart actions, does the stat added from us is also power or we still use heart?

No he does not:

Heart and Fist of Steel: Ah Metal is learning how to speak so well in his language of choice, Violence! (Metal can be assigned to certain Heart and Recruitment actions and apply his Power instead of his Heart score as certain problems can be solved just as well through violence. These actions will be marked and if they're not, yell at the QMs.)
Oh also, I'd imagine that building houses would be helped by having a lot of helping hands, so her Dracsen Work Force Trait would probably trigger there too.
Metal Sword, Metal Body, Metal...Heart?
Metal Sword, Metal Body, Metal...Heart?

"Remember this well Knave The Hedgehog! A knight must be noble. A knight must be dutiful! And a knight must be honorable! If you do not have the slightest idea of these concepts, then I will do my best to drill them into you. I will not be welded by some common thug if I can help it." - A forgotten conversation, in a world left without its rightful king.

He is a blur in the wind as he returns from the destruction of another Empire Work Camp, and Metal moves to open a file within his database as he flies toward Eggman Empire territory.

>Target Designation: Selvaria

>Known Weapons: Lance (Unknown Material), Shield (Unkown Material)

>Known Affiliation: Empire

>Current Location: Unknown

>Start Combat Playback Y/N?
>Combat Playback Cancelled

Perhaps this camp will be the one to draw her attention, but previous data suggests otherwise. Until then, he would continue to serve The Doctor and the Eggman Empire to the best of his abilities. He's recently had to update his data, making sure to include the Darscens in his list of allies. While it is odd to protect organic beings other than The Doctor, he shall not question his new directives. His duty shall always be to the Eggman Empire, and now to its populace as well.

Aw???? Ca??????

Still, his victory in the fight would have been assured if Shadow had not decided to interrupt it. The so-called Ultimate Lifeform had no business interfering as he did, and Metal would soon repay the favor. Perhaps he should strike from the shadows, just as that hedgehog had? No. His loathsome copy would dive straight first into the fight and still come out victorious. He should be able to do the same and manage it with a higher chance of success. Some would call it honorable, but it was simply more efficient.

Sonic. The location of his loathsome copy was still unknown to all. It was unacceptable, especially when compared to his known data. Sonic would not leave The Resistance and any other innocents to fend for themselves if he could stop it, so what was stopping him? A lack of knowledge? Perhaps he was held captive in some unknown location? Or was he perhaps...NO. His copy would not die so easily. The hedgehog would not go quietly, so where was he?

His copy always prattled on and on about protecting his friends, as if it was a source of strength that could be drawn upon to enhance his strength. In that case, Metal would have to put such a theory to the test. He was a weapon, but that did not mean he could not protect essential assets as well.

He would protect and serve The Doctor, he would protect the Eggman Empire, he would protect The Doctor's allies, he would protect his fellow creations, and he would protect the Eggman Empire's newest citizens.

Awak?? Cali????

Then he would prove that just like his copy, he too could rely on this so-called strength. If it even existed in the first place and wasn't some of his copy's delusional ramblings of assured victory.

"Because we're...Sonic Heroes!"

He would prove he is the real Sonic The Hedgehog once and for all, and the Eggman Empire would reign supreme in the end. No matter how many setbacks, The Doctor would always get back up. Just like his copy. Perhaps this was the true reason the war between them has lasted as long as it has. Still, it was of no concern. Until victory was achieved, he would continue to fight. That was his purpose, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

To serve The Doctor was a noble purpose indeed.

Awaken Caliburn!

In a faraway land, there was a castle in the center of a kingdom. The kingdom was grand, its populace everlasting under the Queen's watchful eyes. Soon enough, the kingdom was transported to lands unknown, and the Queen moved to protect what she had sworn to protect. This did mean that the Queen's eyes were focused elsewhere.

Our castle is a massive force

For in the kingdom lay a vault. This vault was protected with every magic seal the Queen knew, and loyal knights patrolled the location of the vault during night and day. The vault would remain protected and sealed for as long as the Queen wished, but not even the greatest of seals could stop a legend returning to life.

A stronghold of power

Within the vault lies a shattered blade, but with the Queen's eyes focused elsewhere, the blade had begun to shake. Slowly, the metal began to reform as a soft golden light filled the darkness of the vault. To be noble. To be honorable. To be dutiful. These were the obligations of a true knight, and the requirements to wield the blade.


"It had been so long, that I had forgotten. Kindness is also a part of a knight's character. Without that, he is no true knight at all."

My armor stays unbreakable

As quickly as it had started, the process was undone, the blade returning to its broken state yet again. Still, perhaps such a thing might change in the future. In this new and chaotic world, who could say for certain?

In battle every hour!

He received a ping as he flew back into Eggman Empire territory. He was to report to The Doctor immediately to stop Zavok's invading forces. A perfect opportunity to truly test his combat capabilities. Zavok's defeat was assured, and he could only assume that The Doctor's next target would be the Empire. The Doctor never stopped after all.

Yet maybe there was enough time to communicate with The Doctor's...other creation. He still didn't understand why she called The Doctor her father, but his creator seemed to have no complaints about such a title. He had yet to see Belle in action. Perhaps she would provide useful data for him. The Resistance had called his copy 'kind' on more than one occasion. Perhaps Belle could shed some light on how he too could prove superior in this aspect.

He was the true Sonic after all. In every way possible.

I originally suggested giving metal a sword to parallel Sonics time using Caliburn/Excalibur in the Black Knight game.
I got inspired, so have an omake! I haven't written one on this site in a while. Anyways, why make a parallel when you can get the real thing instead? You just have to infiltrate a magical kingdom to get it. Easy peasy.
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People if so desire there still some omake bounties to claim.

Meet the New Arrivals! with Orbot and Cubot interationc with a newly recruited Hero, Agent Stone is already done.
Belle Making the Rounds:
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE MOBIAN KIND: The Empire already be done.
WITHOUT YOU: Omake about Merlina in this strange new world
Eggman 101: Isara already be made
Egg Fans: Thunderbolt already been done
Yurashia's Eggboss VS Actually Satan!
Eggman's Greatest Creation vs The Azure Witch of the Empire.
Girl's night out
We've talked a lot about the different Eggman variants, but I wonder, are any opinions on the various Sonic variants? Because if we are having these flashbacks, it's likely that Sonic is as well.
People if so desire there still some omake bounties to claim.

Meet the New Arrivals! with Orbot and Cubot interationc with a newly recruited Hero, Agent Stone is already done.
Belle Making the Rounds:
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE MOBIAN KIND: The Empire already be done.
WITHOUT YOU: Omake about Merlina in this strange new world
Eggman 101: Isara already be made
Egg Fans: Thunderbolt already been done
Yurashia's Eggboss VS Actually Satan!
Eggman's Greatest Creation vs The Azure Witch of the Empire.
Girl's night out
Do we have a threadmark for these?
Eggmemo: mysterious man and nephew
Eggmemo: mysterious man and nephew
It's been a while since I've thought about that man. The one Starline showed me about the list of potential minions I could've used. Even the platypus himself didn't know how he got onto his computer. Whoever he is, he clearly has interest to align with my empire. Even though he seems a bit eccentric, and quite possibly sneak into my empire and uploaded himself into starline minion selection.

I mean, who wouldn't I'm a genius everyone knows my greatness. But still, why go through all that trouble of essentially to get my attention. I need to think about this more. But still, I applaud his creativity and his ability of stealth. It's rare that I've ever been surprised by another person's beside that hedgehog.

So, this "Goro Majima" wants to be an agent of my Eggman empire? Fine, but it's been hard try to get in contact with him. That's mostly on me of course. I had so much to do the auction, Clove sister, and all kinds of hubbub. I really need to get a more comprehend list of stuff.

But still, my question still remains what does this individual want for me? I'll figure it out once I recruit him for the Eggman empire. Besides him, of course. I need to talk about my so-called nephew. And how he suddenly appeared in my base. He must've have experience with my defense systems and anything else I've used in the past or by any other iterations for me.

I debated, mentally a long time to let him join me. But I decided not to let him join, he seemed a little crushed and confused about my decision, and as he was trying to babble, pleading towards me to let him join again. I told metal, to take out our intruder.

As I saw my so-called nephew cursed my name in vengeance, I knew that store was full of hot air. Well, I believe it was hot air. I still don't know if he was lying or not. But I decided not to take a risk with that man. Still, I should have some eyes on him it wouldn't hurt.

But that does raise this question as well. Was he the one the place the information on starline computer? Hmmm, it does greatly concern me that two people possibly entered my base without my knowledge. I need to update security and change my codes for a while until I feel like it's safe.

But I don't it was my nephew, the first time, if it was why bother placed this man's information on my computer? Hmmm I need to think about this a bit more. Check any blind spots in any areas with my machines help. This cannot happen again in the future.

Hmmm… did any other alternate versions of me had family members as well? Does that mean that blasted hedgehog had family members as well? Questions for another day.

Log over
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Eggmemo: mysterious man and nephew

Not that I mind your omake but I think Eggman should be more concerned about how two people get inside his base. While Majima may not have been the one that put the information on Starline computer.

I think he could think he was responsible but was possible someone else as well, and he would link to Snively as prime suspect but he's not sure, after all he did the same thing just now.
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Not that I mind your omake but I think Eggman should be more concerned about how two people get inside his base. While Majima may not have been the one that put the information on Starline computer.

I think he could think he was responsible but was possible someone else as well, and he would link to Snively as prime suspect but he's not sure, after all he did the same thing just now.
OK, let me just make some edits to it then
Speaking of secuitry we should research Egg Drones for that -15 infiltration rolls against us.

With Snively it make two times someone breach our hidden base and next time someone that may wish to harm us may breach our base.
Speaking of secuitry we should research Egg Drones for that -15 infiltration rolls against us.

With Snively it make two times someone breach our hidden base and next time someone that may wish to harm us may breach our base.
I actually don't think Snively was actually the first person to infiltrate our base. I actually think it was the first time and snively was the second actual person. Because has there been really evidence it was this guy the first time?.

Because the answer is quite probably obvious it's Majima who did it the first time. Not our backstabbing nephew.
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Hopefully Conquering Storm will unlock us some new anti-inflitration options so we don't have to worry about getting snuck up again.