Metal Sword, Metal Body, Metal...Heart?
Metal Sword, Metal Body, Metal...Heart?

"Remember this well Knave The Hedgehog! A knight must be noble. A knight must be dutiful! And a knight must be honorable! If you do not have the slightest idea of these concepts, then I will do my best to drill them into you. I will not be welded by some common thug if I can help it." - A forgotten conversation, in a world left without its rightful king.

He is a blur in the wind as he returns from the destruction of another Empire Work Camp, and Metal moves to open a file within his database as he flies toward Eggman Empire territory.

>Target Designation: Selvaria

>Known Weapons: Lance (Unknown Material), Shield (Unkown Material)

>Known Affiliation: Empire

>Current Location: Unknown

>Start Combat Playback Y/N?
>Combat Playback Cancelled

Perhaps this camp will be the one to draw her attention, but previous data suggests otherwise. Until then, he would continue to serve The Doctor and the Eggman Empire to the best of his abilities. He's recently had to update his data, making sure to include the Darscens in his list of allies. While it is odd to protect organic beings other than The Doctor, he shall not question his new directives. His duty shall always be to the Eggman Empire, and now to its populace as well.

Aw???? Ca??????

Still, his victory in the fight would have been assured if Shadow had not decided to interrupt it. The so-called Ultimate Lifeform had no business interfering as he did, and Metal would soon repay the favor. Perhaps he should strike from the shadows, just as that hedgehog had? No. His loathsome copy would dive straight first into the fight and still come out victorious. He should be able to do the same and manage it with a higher chance of success. Some would call it honorable, but it was simply more efficient.

Sonic. The location of his loathsome copy was still unknown to all. It was unacceptable, especially when compared to his known data. Sonic would not leave The Resistance and any other innocents to fend for themselves if he could stop it, so what was stopping him? A lack of knowledge? Perhaps he was held captive in some unknown location? Or was he perhaps...NO. His copy would not die so easily. The hedgehog would not go quietly, so where was he?

His copy always prattled on and on about protecting his friends, as if it was a source of strength that could be drawn upon to enhance his strength. In that case, Metal would have to put such a theory to the test. He was a weapon, but that did not mean he could not protect essential assets as well.

He would protect and serve The Doctor, he would protect the Eggman Empire, he would protect The Doctor's allies, he would protect his fellow creations, and he would protect the Eggman Empire's newest citizens.

Awak?? Cali????

Then he would prove that just like his copy, he too could rely on this so-called strength. If it even existed in the first place and wasn't some of his copy's delusional ramblings of assured victory.

"Because we're...Sonic Heroes!"

He would prove he is the real Sonic The Hedgehog once and for all, and the Eggman Empire would reign supreme in the end. No matter how many setbacks, The Doctor would always get back up. Just like his copy. Perhaps this was the true reason the war between them has lasted as long as it has. Still, it was of no concern. Until victory was achieved, he would continue to fight. That was his purpose, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

To serve The Doctor was a noble purpose indeed.

Awaken Caliburn!

In a faraway land, there was a castle in the center of a kingdom. The kingdom was grand, its populace everlasting under the Queen's watchful eyes. Soon enough, the kingdom was transported to lands unknown, and the Queen moved to protect what she had sworn to protect. This did mean that the Queen's eyes were focused elsewhere.

Our castle is a massive force

For in the kingdom lay a vault. This vault was protected with every magic seal the Queen knew, and loyal knights patrolled the location of the vault during night and day. The vault would remain protected and sealed for as long as the Queen wished, but not even the greatest of seals could stop a legend returning to life.

A stronghold of power

Within the vault lies a shattered blade, but with the Queen's eyes focused elsewhere, the blade had begun to shake. Slowly, the metal began to reform as a soft golden light filled the darkness of the vault. To be noble. To be honorable. To be dutiful. These were the obligations of a true knight, and the requirements to wield the blade.


"It had been so long, that I had forgotten. Kindness is also a part of a knight's character. Without that, he is no true knight at all."

My armor stays unbreakable

As quickly as it had started, the process was undone, the blade returning to its broken state yet again. Still, perhaps such a thing might change in the future. In this new and chaotic world, who could say for certain?

In battle every hour!

He received a ping as he flew back into Eggman Empire territory. He was to report to The Doctor immediately to stop Zavok's invading forces. A perfect opportunity to truly test his combat capabilities. Zavok's defeat was assured, and he could only assume that The Doctor's next target would be the Empire. The Doctor never stopped after all.

Yet maybe there was enough time to communicate with The Doctor's...other creation. He still didn't understand why she called The Doctor her father, but his creator seemed to have no complaints about such a title. He had yet to see Belle in action. Perhaps she would provide useful data for him. The Resistance had called his copy 'kind' on more than one occasion. Perhaps Belle could shed some light on how he too could prove superior in this aspect.

He was the true Sonic after all. In every way possible.

I originally suggested giving metal a sword to parallel Sonics time using Caliburn/Excalibur in the Black Knight game.
I got inspired, so have an omake! I haven't written one on this site in a while. Anyways, why make a parallel when you can get the real thing instead? You just have to infiltrate a magical kingdom to get it. Easy peasy.
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Eggmemo: mysterious man and nephew
Eggmemo: mysterious man and nephew
It's been a while since I've thought about that man. The one Starline showed me about the list of potential minions I could've used. Even the platypus himself didn't know how he got onto his computer. Whoever he is, he clearly has interest to align with my empire. Even though he seems a bit eccentric, and quite possibly sneak into my empire and uploaded himself into starline minion selection.

I mean, who wouldn't I'm a genius everyone knows my greatness. But still, why go through all that trouble of essentially to get my attention. I need to think about this more. But still, I applaud his creativity and his ability of stealth. It's rare that I've ever been surprised by another person's beside that hedgehog.

So, this "Goro Majima" wants to be an agent of my Eggman empire? Fine, but it's been hard try to get in contact with him. That's mostly on me of course. I had so much to do the auction, Clove sister, and all kinds of hubbub. I really need to get a more comprehend list of stuff.

But still, my question still remains what does this individual want for me? I'll figure it out once I recruit him for the Eggman empire. Besides him, of course. I need to talk about my so-called nephew. And how he suddenly appeared in my base. He must've have experience with my defense systems and anything else I've used in the past or by any other iterations for me.

I debated, mentally a long time to let him join me. But I decided not to let him join, he seemed a little crushed and confused about my decision, and as he was trying to babble, pleading towards me to let him join again. I told metal, to take out our intruder.

As I saw my so-called nephew cursed my name in vengeance, I knew that store was full of hot air. Well, I believe it was hot air. I still don't know if he was lying or not. But I decided not to take a risk with that man. Still, I should have some eyes on him it wouldn't hurt.

But that does raise this question as well. Was he the one the place the information on starline computer? Hmmm, it does greatly concern me that two people possibly entered my base without my knowledge. I need to update security and change my codes for a while until I feel like it's safe.

But I don't it was my nephew, the first time, if it was why bother placed this man's information on my computer? Hmmm I need to think about this a bit more. Check any blind spots in any areas with my machines help. This cannot happen again in the future.

Hmmm… did any other alternate versions of me had family members as well? Does that mean that blasted hedgehog had family members as well? Questions for another day.

Log over
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Troy= archaeology Robotnik
Lex= robotics/Ivo main family

Sometime in the future and Maria (and maybe Gerald if found together) are in the Eggman Empire

If you had asked Maria years prior to living in the ARK what she thought about being an aunt, she would have thought much of it, given that she had NIDS and did not consider living long enough or able to leave the hospital for a long time aside from some visits and if you had asked her about it when she was living on the ARK she would have asked whose family was she considered an aunt to, her biological family or the adopted one she had with much of the scientists on the ARK

After the shattering, things have been tensed to say the least, she is somehow on Earth (Mobius? She wasn't sure maybe a mix of both?) and was found by Gerald Robotnik and were on the run, with all the weird things that were happening, they were trying to find some place to hide or at least stay to rest up.

There was one problem unfortunately, and it had to do with their name

Gerald, refused to even consider entering any places that had any G.U.N presence after what happened on the ARK and the loss of Maria and never again, he will subject himself to any of their demands and potentially lose Maria to them.

And Many towns that were Mobians in nature outright told them to get out politely or pitchforks went out and they were forced to leave, with many Mobians yelling out "No Eggman fanatics!" or "Eggman bosses go away!"

At the time both Gerald and Maria weren't sure why people freaked out when it came to their last name or Gerald face being similar to someone named "Eggman"

Gerald had an inkling of an idea that his name being "besmirched" due to G.U.N covering up of the incident of the ARK, but with the Mobians he wasn't familiar of any family members that had the name of Eggman, in fact he knows for a fact Eggman isn't anyone he does now or at least not anyone he can remember.

Running out of options and fearing either G.U.N(Gerald not wanting to deal with them) or the Blackarms will be after them if they even learn of their re-emergence, both of them decided to take their chances and crossed to the Eggman Empire and suffice to say the meeting with Eggman was both terrifying and confusing to say the least.


"Grandpa Gerald, are you sure this Eggman will take us in?" Asked Maria Robotnik

"Unfortunately, Maria we don't have much of a choice, I am hoping that he is someone I could recognize from either of my son's family or some distant cousin of ours in this new world" Gerald stated, he wasn't sure who Eggman is, and his "relation" to the Robotnik family, but they were out of options.

As Gerald's small conversation went, a small drone with a screen approached them, cautiously Maria stood behind her grandpa, and Gerald tried to shield her from the drone fearing what it would do to the both of them.

The screen turned on and it revealed the face of Eggman, and his expression does not exactly scream pleased

"Attention intruders! You have 1 minute and 30 seconds to explain who you are and why you're wearing my dead cousin and grandfather's face before I atomize you for using it!" Yelled out Eggman from the screen

And as Eggman stated that many more badnicks and Eggman drones flew in and were either aiming their weapons or prepping them under orders from their creator

"And if this is a ruse from the Black Arms they chose the wrong people to use as ruses!" Eggman yelled out through drone

"Wait! Eggman was it not? I can assure you we are not copies nor beings from the Black arms, we are here in search of a place to stay and find any family we can rely on in this shattered world, please we would not lie to you, I am Gerald Robotnick and this is my Granddaughter Maria Robotnick" exclaimed out loud realizing that his and Maria life was about to be destroyed if he didn't try to convince this eggman person that they were the real deal than supposed copies he thought they were.

".......put out both your arm and "Maria's" arm and i'll be the judge of that" Eggman stated without any emotion, almost apprehensive and cautious with Gerald's declaration

As he said that the drone had released syringes attached to it, and both Maria and Gerald seeing no option, allowed themselves to syringed by the drone and had their blood extracted and the drone went to some unknown area of the Capital and they waited with baited breath what response they will get from Eggman.

And after an hour, Eggman had a response .

"You will follow the badniks the robots in front of you and they will lead you to my main base of operations, don't deviate, this place is big and you'll likely be lost" Eggman stated with some emotion in his voice reminiscence of shock or being unnerved

Both Gerald and Maria did as Eggman, as they walked towards the center of this massive city, they realized how big it was.

To Maria this place was big, even bigger than some cities that she ever saw or could have visited from the many books and archives that were on board of the ark, seeing the many badniks strolling the city and doing labor

For Gerald, he saw a city of technological wonder, as while he had invented many machines and created shadow himself(his greatest creation and cure for Maria's NIDS) even he couldn't fathom the large robotic city he and his granddaughter are walking on seeing the many machines patrolling or performing menial tasks.. He wondered how this city was built as the material cost alone would have been astronomical, maybe less than the ark but still it was an impressive sight.

As they walked they realized they were headed towards the tower in the middle of the city and as they approached it, they then saw Eggman himself in his full glory and he was in mech walker that appeared to be powered by a chaos drives one of Geralds invention.

"You know when someone came to my city and claim to be my dead grandfather and dead cousin, I was pissed first and skeptical second, but after checking the blood report and scanned your profile, it seems you are telling the truth." Eggman stated to the both of them of his findings

"So I assume the shattering brought you back to this world like so many other once thought to be lost-"

"Forgive me for interrupting but, is Eggman your real name? I haven't interacted with my family for a while, so I am curious how you're related to us. Are you someone close or a cousin of ours?" Gerald Interrupted, as he wanted to know Eggman's relation to them as he had never heard of Eggman before.

Eggman not feeling offended and chuckled to Gerald and said

"Hmph of course you wouldn't know me after all Maria, you and the rest of the family forgotten about me when you took Matia to the ARK, they had squabble and blamed each other for failing to stop you from taking Maria for a cure that would never come" Eggman said

Gerald winced as he remembered the shouting match he endured with his sons after he took Maria to the ARK trying to find a cure for NIDS

"They used to scold me or tell me to stop talking about the "irresponsible" and "monstrous" fool that killed their "golden" angel from them even telling me to pick a different profession that won't remind them of you remarked Eggman

Maria winced at that, thinking how her death and grandpa's attempt to save her fractured their family

"But enough about the sad sack of people that is our family, my name is Ivo Robotnik I am or was Lex's son, and you must be Maria uncle Troy's daughter, my cousin" Eggman said to both in a tone of nostalgia

Afterwards both Maria and Gerald were getting used to their new home, things were tense for the first couple months.

Eggman realizing that not only was his role model alive, but his cousin Maria as well and wondered how he was alive, but concerned of Gerald Mental state considering the last time he saw his image was Gerald in a straightjacket and revealing the existence of the Ark cannon and loathing of G.U.N.

However overtime the tension was not as thick and both Gerald and Ivo were inventing and discussing the advances Ivo had made and how they could be better.

Gerald during the first few months and looking over the records was horrified and saddened by Ivo's origin.

He knew that his action in taking Maria to the ARK in order to find a cure for NIDS was while regrettable he did without their permission or knowledge, but he didnt expect things to get as bad than he expected, he genuinely thought after he finally cured maria, things would have been tensed for a while and they would have given him the cold shoulder, he would have thought curing NIDs and giving maria the chance to no longer be ravaged by the disease will cool the tension and they could reconnect once more.

However with G.U.N burying the truth of what occured on the ARK and reading Eggman's memos, Gerald was horrified to learning to what happened with his sons Troy and Lex, and their families when he took Maria to the ARK and their neglect of Ivo turning the young boy who would have followed in his footsteps and into the monster that terrorized Mobians and destroying G.U.N itself.

So many technologies that Ivo had created, many lives that could be improved or saved, but now used as weapons of war or oppression, so while he couldn't fix the past, maybe he could fix the present and future, maybe he could guide Ivo to a path that wasn't defined by what he did, even if it was fool hardy he couldn't not try, he owed it to Ivo, both for making up for what happened to him and as curing NIDS, the cure that broke their family.

As for Maria well, she is currently hanging out with some of Ivo's subordinates or pseudo children

She found Dr Starline pretty weird in all things considered, since he hasn't stopped talking about "the greatest minds in the world and they are here!"

Agent Stone was somewhat nice, if a little overbearing, ever since he heard what happened to her with G.U.N, but she did find the coffee he makes tasted good, especially the latte with Austrian goat milk.

The pronghorn sisters, were wary of her, given she was related to the good doctor, but Cassia and Clove warmed up to Maria and wondered, how such a nice old Grandfather and nice girl such as Maria were related to the good doctor.

Cubot and Orbot, Maria found them quite funny at times and was amazed How Eggman made them.

Metal Sonic, Maria found a little weird and a tiny a bit afraid, since Metal looked like Shadow except blue and more metallic looking, she did get a fright after she mentioned shadow, the glare he gave her scared her a bit which was followed by Eggman scolding Metal Sonic for scaring her

Belle and Sage she honestly liked and enjoyed hanging out with them, it was little weird how they called me "aunt Maria" but she got used to it(Gerald found both Belle and Sage wondrous and smiled when he learned they called Ivo their father)

With Belle she introduced Maria to woodworking, and sometimes talked about a person called Mr Tinkerer(Maria finding out it was Ivo amnesiac personality) Belle sometimes get a bit depressed talking about it, and Maria as well, given the Mr Tinkerer personality sounded like what Ivo could have been if it weren't for her death and and Grandpa's imprisonment.

And Sage was someone Maria found endearing, she made much of the badniks that in the Eggman empire do many silly shows and performances just to entertain and impress her, they even discuss what Eggman and Gerald accomplished, sometimes comparing and boasting how much their grandpa or father made impressive wonders.

Overall, while things were not perfect, they were a step above what both Maria and Gerald had to endure, and they both swore that while they could not apologized or fix what happened in the past, the least they could do was stay by Eggman's side, they accidentally abandoned one family, that doesn't mean they will abandoned the family Ivo made.

AN: made this little omake regarding if Maria and Gerald Robotnik were brought back to life during the shattering and they found their way to Eggman in the future, while not sure where they were and what they are doing, I can tell if they find out who Eggman is, well emotion galore is one word to describe how they will feel about Ivo, hope the execution of the idea is fine
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AU Restoration Nega Quest Achievement Unlocked
AU Restoration Nega Quest Achievement Unlocked
"Eggman's Secret Scheme" (Limited, available just for this turn only!) :
Despite his focus on the Zeti and the Empire, there definitively has been signs of him being up to something.

Strange movement of badniks around his territory, his followers making unknown purchases at shops, and he's also been lessening his attacks of late.

Then there's that report of something he has planned at a base not far from our borders.

Whatever he's up to there, we need to find out what it is, we cannot afford to let him be one step ahead of us.

-[X] Inflitration Approach
--[X] Stealthy : Whisper the Wolf (Leader), Tangle the Lemur, Larry the Lynx.

Regi-Gig said:
I rather have Lanolin for this than Larry this seems like the ultimate recipe for disaster.

Wolat said:
We had this argument before, Larry has better Trickery than her and we need her on that Power Action. Anyway his trait could come in handy as long as we roll decently.

Regi-Gig said:
EXCEPT his trait is a wild card, seriously I don't see the point in bringing one where we are suppose to stealth and scout but fine.

SinDon said:
Im just happy we hired Chaotix to investigate Eggman before it was too late, we were really close to missing this.

GreenPun32 said:
Oh definitely, I hate to see what Eggman would have whipped up without us knowing. He might be playing nice with us for now but who knows for how long.

(Tangle POV)​

Oh you were so excited to go on a mission with Whisper! Eggman and his creeps wouldn't know what hit them. Now if only Larry would lighten up, his jinx is so cool.

The base was heavily guarded but eventually you all made it in. That was only the good news however there's was a lot badniks patrolling the grounds and it was by sheer luck that you weren't caught.

After many close calls, Whisper led you and Larry to a top section of the base overlooking a massive open indoor part of the building.

Atop the thin beam and girders you saw bright lights on the ground way below followed by the faint sounds of chanting?

Yikes! that doesn't sound like anything good, you all should better hurry before Eggman's done with whatever he's planned.

You and Larry continue to follow Whisper along the beams until you almost reached the other side of the wall with section of ladders that will be able to to take yo-

Roll: 1 Critical Failure!!

You froze as an ominous shudder ran through the very thin beam you were standing on. You nervously stared as a visible crack started to appear on the beam and grow.

You saw Whisper reach out and grab hold but it was too late and with an snap the thin beam broke in two, dropping both of you.

You frantically tried to use your tail to grab on to something but-

(Roll: Failed)

It slipped and you and Whisper continue falling to the bright lights below.

To your surprise you land on something soft, burying yourself in a sea of white.

It was delicious too! You ate dug your way out of the edible mass and popped your head open to the outside air.

Only to meet the eyes of a white hair girl wearing a party hat.

She looked utterly surprised but to your horror, tears soon started flow down her eyes as she began crying.

As you backed away and tried to stand, you realized you were standing in the ruined remains of what looked like a big beautiful cake. There were candles strewn around, brightly colored balloons and banners with the words "Happy Birthday" hanging on walls.

Suddenly you yelp in shock as you felt something greasy hit your face. Peeling it off, you found it was a slice of pizza someone had thrown from a plate.

The thrower, the wooden badnik Belle seemd almost shocked by her own action.

A familair figure half hidden in the shadows rose up, a chill ran through you as you recognize him.

"You!!" Eggman snarled, actual rage in his voice

Whisper soon popped up and put you behind her as the rest of his members started encircling the both of you. Just when you thought you were done for......

"Watch out!" Screamed Larry's voice from above.

Larry the Lynx Trait: Nat 1 critical failures are increased to 1-10 and will affect nearby allies and enemies.

That was when the entire celling collapsed on top of you all.

Adventure Complete!

You Failed to Gather Information, Whisper the Wolf and Tangle the Lemur at 1 Hp, Recovered by Larry the Lynx and Back at Base.

One of Eggman's Base Damaged, Unknown Number of his Hero Units Injured, Temporary Malus to his actions.

Eggman has recognized the Restoration being responsible and is now on a warpath.

AngelicMace said:
It was a birthday party? We ruined Sage's birthday!!

AridRed said:
So many failed rolls and tier 1 success, and to top it all off with a nat 1 that led to falling on a cake...just wow.

Queenly said:
To be fair the rolls just werent on your side this time. Had things gone well, it would have been the perfect opportunity for you guys to spy on Eggman and get key info and knowldge while he and all of his hero units are busy with the party. Larry being there actually saved your team with his trait since it would have been an automatic surrender otherwise.

GreenPun32 said:
*Wince at the dozen angry heroes* Yeah no way they could have escape on their own especially with Metal Sonic.

Queenly said:
Forgot to add this to the update.

Achievement Get!
This Is A Regrettable Action - Ruin A Little Girl's Birthday Party
Reward: A Father's Wrath

Archpriest Molten said:
Okay now thats just putting salt to the wound
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Temporal Silent
Temporal Silent


…Every time…

…You can't feel it, but you can feel the coldness…

…It seeps into you, into your very being…

…Your soul…

…Your cold, still, colorless, lifeless, body…

…When you felt the world shatter, you were brought to this void…

…This void…

…That you can't move…

…can't talk…

…can't yell…

…can't scream call for help…

…You can only be while feeling nothing…

…Nothing, but the coldness…

…In the absence of time, your mind wanders at times…

…If this coolness will end…

…If this void will let you go…

…If there are others like you…

…But you alway return to your silent torture…



This was inspire by these scenes .


"A Queen's thoughts"
Here's my attempt at a omake. Hopefully it's good.

"A Queen's thoughts"

Why! Why did this happen! After everything that happened, with her goal in sight, and her brave summoned knight, Sonic, doing everything that was needed. Only for him to reject her goal! What was even worse, right when that happened, the shattering taking parts of precious Camelot and merging it with pieces of other worlds. Until she can reverse what happened, her goal is unattainable.

With enemies around her, some sending spies, others sending poisonous honey words of alliances, and than the one who has marched onto her Camelot and taking over parts of it. Merilna couldn't help the headache she has gotten from this situation. Taking a sip from her cup of tea, she review the good news from her knights that she sent to take back the stolen land. A striking success, as the knights and the soldiers used their knowledge of the land to drive off their enemy, with the commander of the retreating force wounded from a lucky strike from a far.

With a sigh, Merlina puts down the report and think about the ruinous fate her kingdom is now facing, way earlier than the fate she saw before. Feeling moisture try to gather at the corner of her eyes. She pushed down the feeling of despair of the world delivering Camelots fate earlier for what she try to do.

She will prevail over this obstruction to her goal, an eternal Camelot! Reversing the mistake her grandfather made at the beginning. Once she secure the borders of her broken Camelot, she will find out how to return and make it whole. Than making it eternal to live past it's fated end!

But her precious knight left her! Why! Her goal is protecting Camelot, and Sonic is such a noble knight! Why would he turn his back on her goal of protecting this land! Why would he leave this land in it's time of crisis. And what did he mean?

"I need to ... what's ... and find if ... danger! ...back!" Merlina repeats Sonic's words in a whisper. With a deep breath of air, concentrating on how long it took, Merlina releases it, as she centers herself.

"Just like the wind, not only doe's his speed match, but alas so do his words." Merlina furrow's her brows. "Hearing only what the wind allows, no doubt it was Sonic saying he won't be back."

With but a bark of a laugh, Merlina downs the last of her warm tea.

"Is it sad that I want to find you again, and beg for your help?" Merlina asks the air, hoping a breeze would take her words to Sonic.

Amy rose was a narcissist cause how else would you explain it. How else could you explain her falling in love with herself.
It had begun during a battle against the black arms, that had been where she'd first seen her.
She tore through the black arms like they were nothing her metal exterior covered in their ichor.
It was so chaos dammed HOT that amy nearly fainted on the spot.

After the battle amy had attempted to make small talk but she didn't get very much.
But that only made Amy more determined to get to know herself... chaos when you say it like that it sounds weird.
It's not weird right? To want to kiss yourself?

Ahhh whatever she's to far gone to stop now.
Rusty rose will be hers or she'll die trying.
She grabs her binoculars and heads out to do some "research"
@Boohoo the 3rd
Look upon the consequences and despair
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Egggmemo: Omega
Egggmemo: Omega
ahh, omega my last and masterpiece of the E series line. Well, not my personal masterpiece to be honest, but still my I will not deny my genius when making him. The reason I stopped making the E series was due to the unfortunate development of feelings. Ugh… brought me more problems than I would've liked especially during the chaos incident.

I figured I could go for one last. Try with the E series and create a walking disaster of a machine. But as I was putting the finishing touches on Omega. That was unfortunately the time metal sonic went rogue and tried to take over the world. Making omega, believe that I abandoned him. That in turned one of my greatest machines against me, teaming up with shadow and that jewel thief rogue making team dark.

I'm not going to lie and say he was essentially my last ditch attempt before scrapping it altogether, if sonic somehow managed to destroy him. But still, it's quite a pain to saying my own weapon turned against me. I still haven't figured out how they still got sentience or emotions. I never encountered the ancient technology back then or anything else I could've done it. It speaks volumes of my genius, but still I need to research into that.

I will say that I did make Cassia's Omega care unit to resemble omega as much as possible as a taunt towards that turncoat. Ungrateful machine I gave you life and this is how you repay it. I will say another thing about the care unit. I made it quite strong as the material materials I made Omega. The other is an further insults to that one minded traitor of a machine. I gave her nonlethal options of weaponry.

If I ever encounter that machine again and have him at my mercy, I am not going to reprogram him. I'm going to have metal sonic turned him into scrap parts. That will show that little ingrate how I tolerate his kind. Ahem… need to keep my blood pressure down. But anyway, he still has some on my code. That would allow Sage to possibly hack him and make him easy to disable and destroy.

Such a shame that I have to do that but Omega brought it upon himself. But I could use him to figure out what I could approve upon any future E series, so I decided to restart them again. I just gotta make sure that I have no disloyalty and always program in my obey me programming into the newest one.

And here is a memo about everyone's favorite weapon of mass destruction
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Tentative Project Idea: Dr. Eggman Bombastic Racing Tournament (Name Pending)
All this omake is likely goign to be a non-cannon omake but I will leave it here:

Tentative Project Idea: Dr. Eggman Bombastic Racing Tournament (Name Pending)

[Commercial Voiceover with Epic Music and Explosions]

Eggman Enterprises Presents...

Are you tired of the same dull races where all the drivers do is go around in circles? NASCAR? Formula One? Bah! BORING!

Welcome to THE RACE OF A LIFETIME, where the stakes are high, the courses are wild, and the excitement is off the charts!

What makes the Dr. Eggman Bombastic Racing Tournament the greatest spectacle the world has ever seen?

Why I will answer you:

Adrenaline-Fueled Tracks! Forget boring ovals my tracks feature jumps, spinning saws, loop-de-loops, and deviously clever traps (don't worry, they're only slightly dangerous)!

Armed Racers! Compete using high-tech, non-lethal (I promise!) weapons ever designed to give you an edge and maybe take down a rival or two along the way.

A Grand Prize Like No Other! Win a prize so massive that only a genius could afford to offer it! (Cash, glory, and a small mountain of Eggman-themed merchandise!)

That's not all! Spectators will enjoy a carnival of entertainment, including:

Whack the Hedgehog! (Any resemblance to a certain spiky blue speedster is purely coincidental!)

Steal the Emerald from the Guardian! (Completely unrelated to giant gems or its grumpy protector!)

Build Your Own Egg-Bot Workshop! Create your very own robot toy that sings praises of my brilliance, perfect for children and adults alike! (They will totally not spy on you!)

Thrill Rides Galore! Featuring the most breathtaking, heart-pounding roller coaster ever built by man. It's so incredible, you might never want to leave! (Yes, it include real life military grade flamethrowers that will set off at a safe distance!)

All Are Welcome! Racers and spectators from every corner of the world or beyond are invited to join in the fun!

Warning: The Eggman Enterprises is not responsible for injuries, trauma, feelings of being cheated, bad food quality, or the eerie sensation of being constantly watched by adorable robots. By watching this commercial you agree unconditionally with all this terms but don't let that stop you!

SIGN UP NOW or come watch the chaos unfold. The Dr. Eggman Bombastic Racing Tournament is your ticket to action, adventure, and unforgettable memories (for better or worse)!


There I think I manage to capture the spirit of a Dr. Eggman commercial.
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infin-no ZERO stared at himself in the mirror.
he looked like utter shit, his left eye was a scarred mess the same scare jaggadly ran its way Down his neck to his chest.
It culminated In a massive scar in the middle of his chest other scars spider webbing out from the center. The scar in his chest was triangular and deep a visible indentation in the skin.


He winced at the phantom pain he got whenever he looked at it. He quickly turned on the faucet in the sink of his bathroom and began to clean himself up.
All the while he was consumed by thoughts of what he had done, what the RUBY had made him do. Once the ruby was gone it was like a fog had lifted off his brain and he realized the sheer scale of the horrible things he had committed.
He was glad that damm gem was gone.

Once he finished up he quickly made his way into the living room of his shared apartment.
And his eyes were immediately drawn to the other occupant.
Gadget had been a thorn in his side for a long time and had eventually contributed to his defeat he was grateful to him for that.

The red furred wolf turned to him with a massive smile.

"Zero! You ready?"

Zero smiled

"Yes I'm ready"

It was hard to belive that gadget Had been the one to save him from his wounds after he had appeared in the local woods after tge shattering.
Zero should have died but he was alive somehow and for a while he wished he had died.
But gadget.. gadget had found him nursed him back to health and shown him nothing but kindness.
He should have hated Zero but he didn't.

gadget grabbed his hand and started to drag him to the door and Zero blushed at the contact.

"If we hurry we can make it to the party on time"

"party" the party celebrating his "reformation"
He personally didn't want to go but gadget insisted and he just couldn't say no to the wolf.

"Hey gadget"

Gadget turns and he grabs him by the cheeks


Zero pulls him close and nuzzles their noses together causing gadget to turn into a blushing mess

"Thank you"

"Y-your welcome Zero"

"Now let's get to that party"

as Zero walked with the still blushing wolf out the door he realized that for the first time in Years.

He felt hopefull about the future.


@Boohoo the 3rd I HAVE DONE IT

Also if anyone has any suggestions for my writing feel free to tell me I'm trying ti get better