Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire) - P2
You are Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, and you feel... lost, in a sense. Suddenly having parents that you never had, a little brother you knew didn't exist, appear in the middle of your lab, causing another one of
those events to happen... it wasn't something you could just laugh off and ignore completely, no matter what you told Stone. Even if those memories where Sonic is constantly enjoyed on Christmas day are a very welcomed gift.
But, seeing 'Mama' and Father happily discuss the past of their you with Starline, who hangs on every single one of their words, how Belle and even Sage seem to baby Bubby... You can't help but wonder if more "family members", Robotniks from other realities, are going to pop up. And, if so, how are they going to react to this group? Will they just accept them, will they hate them?
And that train of logic leads you down another path... What if Sonic is in the same boat as you? Your new memories make it clear that that Sonic was the son of "Aleena The Hedgehog" and the older brother of "Sonia" and "Manik", something that completely contradicts every other memory you possess. Sonic is, from what the other two yous can tell, an only child, with no known mother. Will you have to deal with multiple versions of Sonic's parents and siblings coming along to try and tear everything you've built down?
It's -
"Is something wrong, Sir?" You freeze as Stone places a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"... These new memories, Stone, they're created more questions than answers." You sigh lowly.
"Do you want to talk about them, Sir?" Stone questions, concern in his voice as he pulls up two chairs.
"These aren't 'my' parents, 'my' sibling." You begin as you take a seat. "Yet, they still ARE my family, the mother, father, and brother of another me. And, despite me just meeting them... I still care about them, Stone." You admit in a soft tone. "These new memories, they show me how annoying they are... but, at the same time, that me would tear through heaven and hell just to protect them."
"Do you... Wish to talk about these, memories, Sir? That might help you clear your head for a bit." Stone suggests.
"... That me is a lot like this me and the me who held that tournament," You start, "I fought that damn hedgehog as often as I could, trying to defeat him once and for all. I tried to destroy his family's Christmas for two years, in revenge for them never thinking to even offered me an invitation... until that rat's mother told me she had, but she had actually sent it to an old, abandoned base by accident.
After that? Well, I just started... going to those Christmas parties, and they were... fun. Sure, he did blame me for blowing up his house when it was Silver who did it, and we did crash land on a tropical island one time, and then one of our battles crippled Santa so we had to take over his job for a day..." You trail off for a second, before shaking your head. "Honestly? Those Christmas days were probably the few times that me ever truly felt happy, even if I did spend my time around my greatest enemy. Seeing people like Cream and Vanilla, who I remember terrifying, smile at me, thank me for my gifts, being able to reconcile with my parents after years of avoiding them, being able to laugh alongside Sonic's friends whenever something went wrong for him... I kind of wish we had a similar tradition here."
"Well, Sir, who's going to stop you?" Stone asks after a few moments of silence.
"... What do you mean?" You tilt your head slightly in confusion.
"What's stopping you from making that one of
your tradition?" He grows a light smile. "I mean, we'd have to build a new facility just for it, so no spies can freely walk around the main base. But, if you truly do like it, then why not try and make it happen here? Who's going to stop you?"
"..." A wide grown steadily starts to grow across your face, "You always know just what to say, Stone."
"Ha, I merely try my best, Sir!"
A/N: ... I REALLY like Christmas with Sonic.