If Gerald is alive, do you think he'll be mad at us for all the evil? Will he build a giant robot to come give us a whooping?

Or he's still mad and want to kill everybody. Try to manipulate Eggman for his schemes and so on.

Pretty much like Sonic 3 movie but this Doctor is very much aware any reunion with Gerald would not be pleasant. He may hold some admiration for the man, mainly because of his gambit against the Black Arms, but the guy still want to destroy the world at the end of day so Dr. Eggman would never look to his grandfather in the same light ever again.
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Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire)
Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire)

Something feels... Off. Very off. And you can't exactly tell why. You're not sure why you're having this ill feeling around Christmas time (at least, you assume it is, thanks to the snow covering Green Hill Zone), but it just feels like something's... missing.

"Merry Christmas, sir!"

"Thanks you Stone." You softly reply as you accept the gift wrapped present he offers you, a small smile on your face. You gently shake it once and - "Coffee maker!"

"Heh. I never can surprise you, can I, sir?" Stone chuckles, before making room for Starline to hand you his gift as well.

"Hmm." *Shake* "Are those... test tubes?"

"It's actually a collection of different modifications I've made to my equipment, including a neurotic meant to incapacitate instead of kill." Starline explains with a smirk. "This is actually a slightly refined version of the formula I use in my 'boots'. I figured that it would be wise to improve upon in case you wish to take more prisoners.*

"How... efficient." You nod slowly, setting it down as carefully as you can. "Now -"

"Father, someone is here to see you." Sage suddenly says as her holographic avatar appears next to you, a concerned look on her face. "She says that she's your -"


[Shattered Mind Rol-]



"... Hello there, mother."

You are Doctor Eggman, and you really should be used to your mother and father, alongside your little brother, Bubby Robotnik, appearing at any Christmas party you're at. Yet, in this case, it does make sense why you're put off balance by their appearance. Namely: Reality threw up in its own brain and had a mental breakdown right afterwards, so the "you" that set this entire thing up didn't even know that these three were related to him.

"It is good to see you again, Ivo." Father rumbles before bowing.

"The same to you, dad."


"And to you to, Bubby."

"Sir, are these..." Stone starts to say, trying his best not to utter the words 'variants of', "... your parents?"

"Yes, yes they are, Stone." You let out an apathetic sigh, before shaking your head. "It's... Good to see you again, mama."

"And it's so good to see you again, Ivy!" Your mother claps her hands together as Father rolls her wheelbarrow forward. "Especially with so many new friends of yours to serve in your empire! Though, I see that Silvy isn't here."


"You just know how much Bubby and me love that Silvy almost as much as -"

"Biscuits." You finish for her, before pointing at a nearby table, "And, speaking of biscuits, why don't you have some?"

"Oh, do you have any hibiscus tea too, Ivy?"

"Ivy, you always know exactly what I want!" Mama Robotnik cheers as Father pushes the Eggbarrow over to the table. "You're such a a good son!"

"... Thank you, mama." You whisper, a single tear falling from your eyes... before you vanish.

"... At least those creep cousins or hick didn't come this year." You mutter in annoyance, even as you hold your 'little brother's while your mother gorges herself on a mountain of biscuits and practically drowns herself in hibiscus tea. "Still, this is a boon in many ways."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"I've got memories of Sonic's house blowing up and Silver being mauled by a bear, so that's a plus! Ohohohohoho!"

A/N: ... I like Christmas with Sonic.
Alright @Kingster, @Boohoo the 3rd, @ShepardCom, @KA$H, @Ranger65 here are the update list of omakes until now.

Amazing Auction After Action Addendum

I don't know if this one counts since it was written by one the QMs.

Eggman Seeking Advice

Creating A Monster (Egg) Tank

Egg Memo: Badnik Tactics

Terror from the Depths

Well since the adveture ended is time I delivered on what is due.

Metal Sword, Metal Body, Metal...Heart?

Eggmemo: mysterious man and nephew



Belle Making The Rounds: A Puppet and Darcsen's Dollmaking

Egg Memo: Belle Revisited

Egg Memo: Alternative universe badniks

Starline Files: A Short Treaty On Ragnite

Starline Files: Future Eggman? and Sage

Starline Files: The Empire

AU Restoration Nega Quest Achievement Unlocked

Stone Faced and a Stormy Disposition

"A Queen's thoughts"

Tentative Project Idea: Dr. Eggman Bombastic Racing Tournament (Name Pending)

Reflections of Metal.

A Vulture and a Walrus

Shadow the Hedgehog vs A Billion Lions

Here we go, I think this all the omakes writing until now.

Two new omakes been added:

Understanding Genius

Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire)

Here this is the complete list of all omakes written until now that has been unrewarded.
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If we somehow recruited (?) Maria and Gerald to our Eggpire, could we than try to activate Shadows Shatterred Memories and have good Shadow wrest back control?

Risky and highly improbable? Indeed, but thats old song to Eggman.
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Adhoc vote count started by catxfighter_3_1 on Dec 25, 2024 at 11:07 AM, finished with 77 posts and 38 votes.
The quest is really fun and well written. I didn't even need much knowledge of Sonic, or SEGA's other properties, to read it.

Though with Turn 5 coming up soon, I was confused about something. Were there plans to do something with the Empire on Turn 5 or 6? Like find the chaos emerald they have? In the future it seems like it'd be a better idea that if the thread finds out Eggman is about to be attacked, it should engage in sabotage. Unless there's something more pressing.

Anyways I don't like the current front runner for the vote. It is a boring question. The answer is obvious. Neither of those things as Eggman understands them can coexist. If Eggman was kind, he wouldn't be trying to take over the world. No if, ands, or buts. Eggman would be able to conquer the world better if he weren't so cruel, but that is not being kind. That is just being smart by providing bread and circuses to the subjected masses. Being absolutely insane and murderous will tend to make people through everything at the wall to resist you, rather than surrendering once they have reached the point of defeat.

[X] Tell me, what is in store for I, Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik?

Sometimes being vague can give you greater information that's what I learned from playing persona
Would Eggman even accept the answer? (No, the answer is no.)
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As a heads up, will close vote un 6 hours tops.

Also, as a Warning, Dont assume about what Elizabeth will answer, you guys gave no idea(Unless you have played the personas games and the animes)

Just, keep your mind open for elizabeth reading, rhe question asked will give an interesting answer, trust me in this.
Well, I'm sorry if people don't seem satisfied with the question being the front runner. But I'm also taking in consideration on what happened during the raid. The conversation between us and Belle our daughter Sage, our weird unresolved feelings about Mr. Tinker. I'm taking this in as a character perspective like… was that blasted hedgehog and Belle, right? Was there always a chance to have coexistence with power and kindness? ….. was there always a chance that we never took it…..can we try to take it?

As a heads up, will close vote un 6 hours tops.

Also, as a Warning, Dont assume about what Elizabeth will answer, you guys gave no idea(Unless you have played the personas games and the animes)

Just, keep your mind open for elizabeth reading, rhe question asked will give an interesting answer, trust me in this.
Yeah, thank you for the heads up, plus don't anyone wanna see how she respond to this question I feel like it's the most interesting one because this is answering a thought that's been bouncing in the inside of our head ever since that talk with Belle
Eggman knows how dealing with magic stuff works.
Exactly he knows that to get a very good answer. You need to speak mumbo-jumbo to magic mumbo-jumbo.
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Yeah that is my take with the current winner.

The question can technically be answered by anyone and it is an answer Eggman should reach by his own for his pride to accept it.

Like I don't want to come as mean, but tell me what is the objective of the question itself?

We are not getting information, we are not really checking if the seer is true or not, we are not checking possible future events.

We are not even taking a shortcut to this as Eggman like hell would accept the answer from a seer he cannot even check if it is the true deal or not.

As the update even states he has very great doubts about this and mostly is doing it out of scientific curiosity.

We may get hints we may not, as I said knowing Eli it is a 50/50 considering she was the most blank slate out of all the velvet siblings and is technically still learning new stuff as her time with Makoto was honestly long enough to form a deep bond, but not long enough to really get a full grasp of her own sense of humanity and their concepts, which would include control trough sheer force in the case of power and kindness.

The later which no doubt would be kinda warped itself as the base she would take to form an answer for the later would be trough her own adventures with one wild card aka the literal friend machine that was Makoto Yuki.

Considering this is Eli we are talking about I wouldn't be surprised she would try to word it like something Igor would say, but also let her own feelings on the matter answer the question.

Also the raid hasn't happened as of the time of this interlude so anything involving it shouldn't be taken into account.

... Actually I will laugh my ass off if Eli mentions us getting JFK if we asked about threats.
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Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire) - P2
Christmas With (The) Eggman (Empire) - P2

You are Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, and you feel... lost, in a sense. Suddenly having parents that you never had, a little brother you knew didn't exist, appear in the middle of your lab, causing another one of those events to happen... it wasn't something you could just laugh off and ignore completely, no matter what you told Stone. Even if those memories where Sonic is constantly enjoyed on Christmas day are a very welcomed gift.

But, seeing 'Mama' and Father happily discuss the past of their you with Starline, who hangs on every single one of their words, how Belle and even Sage seem to baby Bubby... You can't help but wonder if more "family members", Robotniks from other realities, are going to pop up. And, if so, how are they going to react to this group? Will they just accept them, will they hate them?

And that train of logic leads you down another path... What if Sonic is in the same boat as you? Your new memories make it clear that that Sonic was the son of "Aleena The Hedgehog" and the older brother of "Sonia" and "Manik", something that completely contradicts every other memory you possess. Sonic is, from what the other two yous can tell, an only child, with no known mother. Will you have to deal with multiple versions of Sonic's parents and siblings coming along to try and tear everything you've built down?

It's -

"Is something wrong, Sir?" You freeze as Stone places a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"... These new memories, Stone, they're created more questions than answers." You sigh lowly.

"Do you want to talk about them, Sir?" Stone questions, concern in his voice as he pulls up two chairs.

"These aren't 'my' parents, 'my' sibling." You begin as you take a seat. "Yet, they still ARE my family, the mother, father, and brother of another me. And, despite me just meeting them... I still care about them, Stone." You admit in a soft tone. "These new memories, they show me how annoying they are... but, at the same time, that me would tear through heaven and hell just to protect them."

"Do you... Wish to talk about these, memories, Sir? That might help you clear your head for a bit." Stone suggests.

"... That me is a lot like this me and the me who held that tournament," You start, "I fought that damn hedgehog as often as I could, trying to defeat him once and for all. I tried to destroy his family's Christmas for two years, in revenge for them never thinking to even offered me an invitation... until that rat's mother told me she had, but she had actually sent it to an old, abandoned base by accident.

After that? Well, I just started... going to those Christmas parties, and they were... fun. Sure, he did blame me for blowing up his house when it was Silver who did it, and we did crash land on a tropical island one time, and then one of our battles crippled Santa so we had to take over his job for a day..." You trail off for a second, before shaking your head. "Honestly? Those Christmas days were probably the few times that me ever truly felt happy, even if I did spend my time around my greatest enemy. Seeing people like Cream and Vanilla, who I remember terrifying, smile at me, thank me for my gifts, being able to reconcile with my parents after years of avoiding them, being able to laugh alongside Sonic's friends whenever something went wrong for him... I kind of wish we had a similar tradition here."

"Well, Sir, who's going to stop you?" Stone asks after a few moments of silence.

"... What do you mean?" You tilt your head slightly in confusion.

"What's stopping you from making that one of your tradition?" He grows a light smile. "I mean, we'd have to build a new facility just for it, so no spies can freely walk around the main base. But, if you truly do like it, then why not try and make it happen here? Who's going to stop you?"

"..." A wide grown steadily starts to grow across your face, "You always know just what to say, Stone."

"Ha, I merely try my best, Sir!"

A/N: ... I REALLY like Christmas with Sonic.
I've finished reading the quest. It's really fun and well written. I didn't even need much knowledge of Sonic, or SEGA's other properties, to read it.

Though with Turn 5 coming up soon, I was confused about something. Were there plans to do something with the Empire on Turn 5 or 6? Like find the chaos emerald they have? In the future it seems like it'd be a better idea that if the thread finds out Eggman is about to be attacked, it should engage in sabotage. Unless there's something more pressing.

The more pressing issue is Zavok, the Empire is kind of a distant threat, opportunities should be taken to mess with them but not at the expanse of the reclamation of the Eggman Empire.

Like our radio broadcast would surely mess the Empire internally and Metawise Cordelia, the former ruler of Gallia, a nation conquered by the Empire, is coming to us. She could prove a boost in raising a Gallian uprising in the future.

Turn 5 we will look for Chuck, the scientist that created the virus that allow Zavok control most of our armies and in Turn 6, provided we locate him and his grandson, we will rescue them from Zavok hands giving them a crippling blow to his infrastructure and the guy that's upgrading our badniks, apperantly some fo Zabok's badniks have stealth capabilities, while going on the offensive since Zavok depleted most of his forces attackign us and we reclaim a lot of our robots from them as well thanks to our hacking action. The D6 will go in damage control for a few turns and the guy will be more careful and scheming from now on after letting his anger cost him so much.

Well, I'm sorry if people don't seem satisfied with the question being the front runner. But I'm also taking in consideration on what happened during the raid. The conversation between us and Belle our daughter Sage, our weird unresolved feelings about Mr. Tinker. I'm taking this in as a character perspective like… was that blasted hedgehog and Belle, right? Was there always a chance to have coexistence with power and kindness?

Yeah, thank you for the heads up, plus don't anyone wanna see how she respond to this question I feel like it's the most interesting one because this is answering a thought that's been bouncing in the inside of our head ever since that talk with Belle

Exactly he knows that to get a very good answer. You need to speak mumbo-jumbo to magic mumbo-jumbo.

The trouble it's that the front runner question will be asked word by word how is written, there will no alteration. It's literally a extreme vague question that could be answered by any way possible.

In fact she may even say this is the journey of Dr. Eggman and at the end of it will have his answer. She probably could give a hint how to achieve this or at least helping the doctor reach the end of his journey.
Heh, habstabs Christmas is giving me ideas…I wonder how parent Robotnik's and the young-one would react to Ivo's daughters…

Sage I can see them trying to baby her and asking when he will build an android body for her…(obly when I make it absolutely perfect mother!!! Nothing but the best for my girl!)
-Dad Robotnik would most likely smile in pride and offer fatherly advice…

Belle…well not sure on the family itself but a adorable robot who is just too kind for her own good (explaining the Mr Tinker memories would be awkward, but would help)
The more pressing issue is Zavok, the Empire is kind of a distant threat, opportunities should be taken to mess with them but not at the expanse of the reclamation of the Eggman Empire.

Like our radio broadcast would surely mess the Empire internally and Metawise Cordelia, the former ruler of Gallia, a nation conquered by the Empire, is coming to us. She could prove a boost in raising a Gallian uprising in the future.

Turn 5 we will look for Chuck, the scientist that created the virus that allow Zavok control most of our armies and in Turn 6, provided we locate him and his grandson, we will rescue them from Zavok hands giving them a crippling blow to his infrastructure and the guy that's upgrading our badniks, apperantly some fo Zabok's badniks have stealth capabilities, while going on the offensive since Zavok depleted most of his forces attackign us and we reclaim a lot of our robots from them as well thanks to our hacking action. The D6 will go in damage control for a few turns and the guy will be more careful and scheming from now on after letting his anger cost him so much.
Yeah, I agree with that completely. I'm asking what the purpose of infiltrating the Empire on Turn 4 was. It had a higher DC than sabotaging Zavok, so it's not a matter of inability to meet DCs. The Empire was (and is) a distant threat. Zavok was a threat right on Turn 4. I'm asking if there was something pressing about the Empire that meant it was better to infiltrate it rather than disrupting Zavok's invasion. I have a plan in mind for Turn 5, but I want to know if there was a purpose to infiltrating the Empire so if it's important it doesn't get disrupted.

How would you word the question, then?
In my opinion there isn't a way at all to word the question that will get something out of it. Like sure, the QMs think they can write a satisfactory scene out of it. But asking the question in and of itself is a flawed act. Do you think that Otto von Bismarck creating the foundations of the modern welfare state was a kind act? The dude was a junker. The kindest thing he did in his life was dying.

We're playing as Eggman and trying to conquer the world. That's not kind and never will be. To be kind would involve giving up on being Eggman.
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Yeah, I agree with that completely. I'm asking what the purpose of infiltrating the Empire on Turn 4 was. It had a higher DC than sabotaging Zavok, so it's not a matter of inability to meet DCs. The Empire was (and is) a distant threat. Zavok was a threat right on Turn 4. I'm asking if there was something pressing about the Empire that meant it was better to infiltrate it rather than disrupting Zavok's invasion. I have a plan in mind for Turn 5, but I want to know if there was a purpose to infiltrating the Empire so if it's important it doesn't get disrupted.
People are scared of what the prince may do with a chaos emerald.

As soon as that rival report dropped, people wanted to infiltrate the empire as soon as possible.

on turn 4 our original plan was to try to get the conch again, but since Starline got diagnosed with 3 bullets to the chest we kinda changed for aynthing else and people saw it was the perfect opportunity to infiltrate.
People are scared of what the prince may do with a chaos emerald.

As soon as that rival report dropped, people wanted to infiltrate the empire as soon as possible.

on turn 4 our original plan was to try to get the conch again, but since Starline got diagnosed with 3 bullets to the chest we kinda changed for aynthing else and people saw it was the perfect opportunity to infiltrate.

That and Cordelia wasn't in a great spot. Being the one incidently responsible for it I wanted to help.