I mean thinking about it, could have we even recovered Mecha after that last battle?

Like Eggman after dealing with Sonic in the death egg at the end of Sonic 3 was pretty much stranded on the sea with almost no resources other than the escape Egg robo and ship wreck from Doomsday Zone.

Meanwhile Knuckles just dealt with pretty much just the remmants of Eggman army on Angel Island and a repaired Mecha Sonic probably courtesy of the Egg Robos.

After Knuckles dealt with Mecha he was pretty much thrown into the sea with no way to really bring him back.
Starline Files: The Empire
Starline Files: The Empire
The Empire.

Not much is know about them despite they current invasion on Green Hills but thanks to some talks with Isara Gunther, the newest soldier of the Eggman Empire, end up revealing some insights upon the country. Admittedly her knowledge about her world geopolitical affairs is more street wise than a detailed thesis from a Spagonia University student but it will suffice for now.

The East Europan Imperial Allaince, better know as the Empire, is a country formed by a alliance of several fiefdoms that swear fealty to a single emperor or kaiser. However much of Europan nations see this formation of such country almost overnight disfavourable so the Empire lack much allies in the continent, the situation only worsen when some two centuries ago the continent was grippe by democratic revolutions that banded itself together in loose coalition called the Atlantic Federation efficitly cuttign the continent on half. Suffice to say they get along as well as a Spagonian and a Mazuri locked together in the same room.

Either way the Empire is aggressive, militaristic and advanced in their world. According to miss Gunther both the Federation and the Empire has fought two major wars in a very shorten span of time, in fact she come from the second conflict that was brough fort by ragnite shortage and was due to this mineral her homeland, the Principality of Gallia, was invaded and conquered.

Gallia apperently used to be a province of the Empire some 150 years ago that manage to become fully independent and was in turn recongizable by the Federation as a independent country. However miss Gunther notes that, culturally and socially, Gallians and Imperials are not far removed from one another, the divide that led to Gallian independence seems more pragmatic than ideological as there appears to be little in the way of lingering animosity between the two peoples.

Because of their unique ties to the Federation and the Empire, Gallia adopted a position of neutrality much to the frustration of both powers that wanted the country to be firmily their ally.

One would think Gallia would be a ideal ground for rebellion but miss Gunther grimly notes that despite being conquered in a unprovoked war the citizenry may simple opt to be part of the new order instead of rebelled simple due to little bad blood between both countries and their rarely disagree on most subjects.

However there's a light in the end of tunnel. Shortly before the Shattering, the Empire has conquered some Federation territory while is unclear if these occupied lands were brought in this new world but if did it could prove fertile grounds for insurrection and rebellion.

While Dr. Eggman masterfully announcement has possible brought forth some sort of instability in the Empire. The darcsen, while treated poorly, would not raise arms agaisnt the country as miss Gunther... quaint lessons of her people ways are to be believe she's more of a outlier than a main trend, they would rather seek to flee to Dr. Eggman lands than fight back.

No, if violent armed rebellion is to rise it will be by the hands of former Federation citizens. If properly exploited uprisings in these territories could force the Empire to divert resources away from its expansionist ambitions and perhaps even weaken its grip on other regions.

I need to check Agent Stone report about the Empire to see it corroborate with my theories.

Starline out.

So here is my omake basically a brief history about the Empire from Isara point of view and well she's not exactly fond of Gallia, specially they nobility and considering in VC2 they declare open rebellion with the intent in purging the darcsen from Gallia, it's not much stretch to believe both Gallia and the Empire agree with a lot of subjects and has little bad blood between both countries making easier for assimilation and unfortunate the country is probably a dead end to distabelize the Empire.

But there's still the Federation occupied territories.

Also Spagonia, in my headcannon, have it's own colonial history, to fit the Old World feeling hey have, and Mazuri was once target of they depredations while relations significant warm compared to back then they don't exactly like each other.

…Does Clove's Egg Defense Force trait Proc against the Zeti? They are aliens aren't they?

Yes, the QMs answered the trait will activate because Zeti are aliens
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What is Silver Sonic in our Metal family, Cousin?
Which Silver Sonic model are we dealing with? Cause in the Archie comics, there were 3 models.

Silver Sonic v1.0

Silver Sonic v1.0,[2] (produced 3235) or just Silver Sonic,[1] is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It was a giant robot based on Sonic the Hedgehog and a part of the Metal Sonic Series. Silver Sonic v1.0 was an armored...

Silver Sonic v2.0

For the robot in Sonic Adventure, see Mecha Sonic Mark III. Silver Sonic v2.0[1] (produced 3236), also known as Silver Sonic II[2] or Mecha Sonic,[3] is a character who appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It was a model in the Metal Sonic...

Silver Sonic v3.0

For the character that appears after the Super Genesis Wave, see Silver Sonic (Archie). Silver Sonic v3.0[1] (produced 3237) is a character who appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It is the third model of the Silver Sonic line, being a...

And it turns out, it's named Mecha Sonic in the games. And there were SEVERAL Robotic Hedgehogs that bear the name of Mecha Sonic.

There's the Shogakukan Mecha Sonic from the Manga

Mecha Sonic (Shogakukan)

Mecha Sonic (メカソニック, Meka Sonikku?) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog serialized manga published by Shogakukan. It is a robot used by Dr. Eggman as a guard onboard his Death Egg. Mecha Sonic is a robot based off the appearance of Sonic but much larger. It has black sclera and...

The Mecha Sonic from Sonic 2

Mecha Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)

Mecha Sonic[4] (メカソニック[5], Meka Sonikku?) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It was a robotic copy of Sonic the Hedgehog created by Dr. Eggman, and an improved model of the first Mecha Sonic. It served as the first line of defense aboard the Death Egg during the West...

The Mecha Sonic from the 8-bit version of Sonic 2 (which might just be the prototype/first incarnation of the Mecha Sonic line)

Mecha Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog 2) (8-bit)

Mecha Sonic[2] (メカソニック[1], Meka Sonikku?) also known as Silver Sonic,[3][4] is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a mass-produced Master Robot model based on Sonic the Hedgehog and built by Dr. Eggman. It is the first robot in the Mecha Sonic model series.[2] Mecha...

The Mecha Sonic Mark II (AKA Scrapnik Mecha Sonic)

Mecha Sonic Mark II

Mecha Sonic Mark II,[4][5] also known as simply Mecha Sonic[6] (メカソニック[7][8], Meka Sonikku?) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is a powerful robot built by Dr. Eggman that served the doctor during the second part of the Angel Island incident, and an improved model...
It also has an Archie incarnation

Mecha Sonic (Archie)

Mecha Sonic is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It was a powerful robot based on Sonic the Hedgehog and created by Dr. Eggman. Mecha Sonic was part of the invasion force employed by Dr. Eggman on Angel Island during his...

There IS a Mecha Sonic Mark III (that bears a heavy resemblance to Silver Sonic v2.0). Though...THIS Mecha Sonic only showed up the Sonic Adventure DX: Directors Cut. It was in a stasis tube in the Final Egg in Mystic Ruins. He was RIGHT NEXT to Metal Sonic....So Metal MIGHT know what happened to it.

Mecha Sonic Mark III

Mecha Sonic Mark III[1] is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is one of the many robotic duplicates of Sonic the Hedgehog created by Doctor Eggman. Mecha Sonic Mark III bares a very strong resemblance to the Mecha Sonic featured in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit)...

There is also the Mecha Sonic Model No.29 from Sonic the Fighters.

Mecha Sonic Model No.29

Mecha Sonic Model No.29, also known as Rocket Metal, is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a robot that is briefly seen at the start of Sonic the Fighters' intro, where it is hovering in space outside the Death Egg II, before transforming into a rocket and flying...

And this doesn't even cover the OTHER bots that are named 'Metal Sonic.' ....Anybody want me to list them?
Edit: Forgot to add the Mecha Sonic Mark III. Sorry.
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Keep in mind that the only one that really managed to get the scrapniks some sense of mind was Sigma due to the faulty code of the E-100 series.

As I said I doubt Eggman ever knew that Ganma went rogue so he never bothered patching those bugs out.

And even then both Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles code was so much for Sigma that he could barely out Eggman orders from their systems.
Keep in mind that the only one that really managed to get the scrapniks some sense of mind was Sigma due to the faulty code of the E-100 series.

As I said I doubt Eggman ever knew that Ganma went rogue so he never bothered patching those bugs out.

And even then both Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles code was so much for Sigma that he could barely out Eggman orders from their systems.
I think it would be hilarious if Eggman was under the impression that Gamma was just his loyal subordinate until the end when Sonic killed him on the Egg Carrier, and the E-100's all died in unrelated accidents.
I think it would be hilarious if Eggman was under the impression that Gamma was just his loyal subordinate until the end when Sonic killed him on the Egg Carrier, and the E-100's all died in unrelated accidents.
I mean that is pretty much what happened.

After the first egg carrier crashed and the defeat of Chaos 6, Ganma was left to his own devices alongside the rest of the others of the E-100 series

While everyone else finished their story and Eggman was getting ready to fight sonic on the egg viper ganma just went grew a conscience and started liberating the other flickies.