It would be extremely funny to me if we recruit Welkin and/or the rest of Squad 7, and instead of being their own separate hero unit, they attach themselves to Isara

"I'm the commander now," said the teenage girl.

I hope Welkin comes with a trait that's more or less just "ability to activate the VC1 orders." which are stupidly good.

(It's to the tune of making everything do like 4x damage, a second one for take 1/10th damage, among other others)
I hope Welkin comes with a trait that's more or less just "ability to activate the VC1 orders." which are stupidly good.
Demolition boost my beloved. I love tearing a tank to shreds by shooting it in the radiator with a pistol.

Jokes aside, I do want to see if we can bring the band back together for Isara. It would be very good for her I think, and also help us defeat the Empire.
Hey, if we ever meet kiryu through goro do you think it's possible to get him on our side?

He would be an absolute beast, plus we might need him to replace axle if that guy ever decides to join back up again. I am curious to see what the predetermined random role. The mystery box reward is.
So any ideas on which heroes would be a new Egg Boss if we have to replace any.

Cause now I can't help but picture Isara being one leading Darcsen soldiers and badniks while piloting either a tank or mech.
Alos the television series, that's a fun one!

Also making Isara your apprentice is great!

As yes thank you.


Metal Selvaria.
Saving Selvaria.
Egg marines
Egg Cartoon
Making Isara our apprentice. (Possibly adopt her as well.)

It would be extremely funny to me if we recruit Welkin and/or the rest of Squad 7, and instead of being their own separate hero unit, they attach themselves to Isara

"I'm the commander now," said the teenage girl.

"MWHAHAHAHAHAA!!!" She crackles as they look on in a mix of relief and horror.

I hope Welkin comes with a trait that's more or less just "ability to activate the VC1 orders." which are stupidly good.

(It's to the tune of making everything do like 4x damage, a second one for take 1/10th damage, among other others)

...Aparently I severely underestimated those. I mostly did it the old fashioned way.

...Well +Artillery.

Well be so proud once isara designs her own mech

Tank. She'll probably make a tank.

And it will make Max's into a pile of scrap.
...I really want to see this fully written out now

Crossing a Line

You were Orbot, and really, you aren't sure what you expected from this Snively fellow.

You guess a part of you hoped, being from another universe, he would be nicer than your Eggman. Not that you didn't appreciate and value the boss. Sure, he could be demanding and insulting, but you honestly didn't really get all that affected anymore by it. And despite it all, despite your constant screw ups, despite his rage, The boss kept you and your brother around. That wasn't something just any Badnik got to say.

Where were you?

"Are you two idiots even listening to me!?"

Oh right. You were being dressed down by your newest recruit. Honestly, you guess you got too used to the newbies either being neutral on you or even friendly.

"Of course, sir. Sorry, sir." You politely assured.

"Uh, I mean, I kinda zoned out-" Cubot began.

"Ugh! Of Course you two simpletons weren't paying attention. You're useless! Seriously, why does my uncle keep you around!?" The diminutive man snapped, whacking Cubot with a wrench.

"Ow." Cubot said simply.

"Is there a less... violent way we can make it up to you, sir?" Orbot offered, rubbing Cubot's back.

"Hmmph. Just do your dang jobs right next time, you bungling buffoons!" Snively commanded. He kicked you for emphasis before storming off.

"Man, that guy has a TEMPER!" Cubot shrugged once Snively was out of earshot.

"Mmm. Yes, quite. Are you alright Cubot?" You ask, inspecting where the wrench connected.

"Ha! You know me, Orbot, I am made of stern stuff!" Your partner laughed it off.

"Heh, quite true. Hopefully as he settles down he will become a nicer individual."


Snively did not become nicer over the next few days.

If anything, seeing the duo never retaliated beyond the occasional snark seemed to embolden Snively to get nastier and nastier, especially when Eggman wasn't around. The insults and hits seemed to increase in frequency and he would even occasionally pass his own failures off on them. Eggman seemed suspicious after the first two times, but they didn't exactly have a glowing record of competency and they didn't rat the little man out, so Eggman continued to assume the worst in them.

Eh, you think, that's fine. Not like his opinion was to the moon anyways. At least Snively seems happy.

And then he crossed a line when your sister got involved.

"I... I know you've been l-lying. About Orbot & Cubot doing s-stuff wrong. When it was you. I want you to stop!" Belle confronted Snively one day. The poor girl really didn't like conflict as she shook.

"Oh? And what, pray tell, is a weak little fool like you going to do if I don't?" Snively demanded.

"I'm not-" Belle faltered, and Snively went in for the kill.

"You think you're special, Don't you? Do you have any idea how many Badniks my uncle has built over the years? And how many he's lost? Thousands, perhaps Hundreds of thousands! You are nothing. Just another experiment that he will someday grow bored of. And then you'll be alone again, in the trash, where failed experiments belong." He sneered.

Belle sputtered for a bit, muttering weak denials, before turning on her heels and running off, tears in her eyes.

You and Cubot watched this on the security cameras.

And you didn't like it.


You were Snively, and you were feeling pretty good. You had a new source of potential power, a new place to rest. Sure you were under your Uncle's thumb again, and you loathed that, but sacrifices must be made.

Suddenly, you awaken from your lovely dream of Hope crawling back to you to apologize and join the family to realize... You can't move.

"H-Huh!? What is this!? What's going on!?" You sputter. Two pairs of blue eyes narrow at you in the darkness. You squirm in desperation, but whatever is tying you to your bed is too strong.

"Hello, sir." One of Your captors speak up.

"W-What do you want!? Please, I know things! Useful things! don't hurt me!" You cry out.

The lights turn on, albeit on a dim setting, revealing-

"ORBOT AND CUBOT!? YOU IDI-!" You begin, before a fist connects to your mouth. Did.. Did Cubot just punch you!?

"Look, you can say whatever you want to us, DO whatever you want to us. But you crossed a line today, jerk." Cubot said, any usual mirth in his tone completely gone.

"Yes, quite. You made our sister cry. I am afraid we can't allow that. Now, you are going to apologize in the morning. If you do not... Well. We are just so clumsy, aren't we?" Orbot said simply, dangling some tools dangerously close to your eyes.

"Y-Yes! Of course! Whatever you say!" You sob.

"Good. Have a swell night, sir." Orbot cheerfully nodded. Cubot pressed a button and Snively was no longer restrained.

"Oh, and don't tell the boss. Would he really believe you anyways?" Cubot smiled.

The two left you to stew in your shock.

In the morning, you would apologize. N-Not because you were scared of those fools!

... Definitely not...
Well hopefully we'll get some biodata for the Metal Selvaria.
"MWHAHAHAHAHAA!!!" She crackles as the look on in a mix of relief and horror.
Rosie: Isara...are you alright...
Tank. She'll probably make a tank.

And it will make Max's into a pile of scrap.
How about a tank that can turn into a mech, although the idea of Isara using our Egg Walker from Adventure 2 is definitely a fun image.
So does anyone have any theories of why clutch was trying to steal the lance?
Hmm, probably wanted to sell it himself.
So any ideas on which heroes would be a new Egg Boss if we have to replace any.

Cause now I can't help but picture Isara being one leading Darcsen soldiers and badniks while piloting either a tank or mech.

Welkin would be good Eggboss since he's a great commander, unfortunately he loves nature which Eggman sort of ruins.

We could fix that with research options because that's in Eggman's means, he just never bothers.

Still if Isara and the others prod...well he might just reluctantly give in but not because they asked.
Welkin would be good Eggboss since he's a great commander,
Was talking about the heroes we have now and the ones available, but nice idea.

Still if Isara and the others prod...well he might just reluctantly give in.
So like the proghorn sisters huh.
The tank has a place for an eggmobile to slot into
Would probably be painted blue to show it belongs to Isara.