I say there is at minimum a 10% chance that we defeat and deal with Selvaria before even reaching the Metal Stage of Metal Selvaria.
I think there is a non-zero chance of defeating Selvaria, but that does not remove the threat of the empire at large. and defeating and capturing Selvaria will require stacking the deck quite heavily.
He knows Selvaria is a threat but hasn't had first hand experience of how dangerous she can be. Studying the lance, ragnite and a few more battles will let Eggman realize how much of a Monster Selvaria is in battles. Her threat level keeps rising but hasn't gone to the point that he felt when Making Metal Sonic.

That will change soon.

...Does anyone else have an omnious feeling about that last statement?

Also we're actually fairly close to straight up making another Metal? *Whistles* The Doctor doesn't screw around huh?
The Egg Fan (Stone)
The Egg Fan (Stone)
As former agent stone of G.U.N, well technically now special agent, Eggman empire agent Stone reports back from a successful infiltration of your boss newest enemy, the empire. Really who names, their empire, just the empire. It worked for Star Wars, but it didn't work for them. Really this place is weird. It looks like it's set up for battlefield.

Plus there's already one empire and it the Eggman empire. See it's much better name because it came from your boss's genius. You know, sneaking around doing all this special agent stuff along with a very cool and grateful present that he gave you. It makes you incredibly nostalgic about the past.

You were a fresh face newbie straight out from the academy following your family, long line of being agents of G.U.N. Protecting the world. your assigned your first mission be the bodyguard of one Dr. Ivo Robotnik. They didn't tell you very much why you were being assigned to him, but all they did say was to look after him.

And every day you thank your assignment specialist of why he assigned you to the great doctor. When he first met you, he was slightly put off, but he slowly grew to trust you, and you begin to understand his great genius. He actually treated you way better than anyone else.

He showed you machines beyond what's currently available and you were curious of why he didn't help people why he didn't even try to machines out. He told you the one simple reason and I make you understand him the most. People are idiots, they can't be trusted with that level of technology without a backlash or causing a new arms race.

But the biggest reason you devoted your life to the great doctor and his dreams of conquering the world. When he saved you during that mission in Azerbaijan. You thought you were going to die, but the doctor saved you. And when he did, you swore by your family line and everything you used to stand for to serve the doctor.

You promised that you would complete every mission with the upmost efficiency. That you would always be on his side. True, your bit depressed when the doctor seemed to disappear when the shattering occurred. But you knew when he came back into your coffee shop that meant he was back. And this time his dreams will come true.

And now you will do everything the doctor commands you. If he wants an enemy crush, you'll sneak into their place and look inside. Find the weaknesses for him. You promised the doctor the world. Because…..

For you are the Eggman, Empire, special agent Stone!

Stone's backstory is now done, I made him a military brat up next our favorite failure/fanboy starline please standby.
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Who says anything about beating the Empire? Selvaria being beaten and no longer a threat doesn't stop the Empire from being a thing? She's not the King.
I've gotta be honest, from the breakdown that kingster sent us (which came directly from the villains victorious doc) the only thing that seemed even remotley threatening to Eggman were the Valkiryia, and possibly the artificial ones as well. so I've been assuming they're going to be a massive problem.
Honestly, we have too much stuff to do with too little time. Though thankfully we can speed it up a bit now that we know Chuck and Chris's location.
hmm, do we really want to get our other metals up to a "neo" level? that's a lot of investment for one bot.
You're asking if SV wants to fuzz over one of their adopted children and wanting them to be the best they can be?

The answer is yes. If Metal Selvaria becomes a Hero Unit, the question stops being "do we want to upgrade" and starts being "how many Actions can we afford to spend".

On an unrelated note, provided he hasn't eloped with the Zeti we should totally upgrade Metal next turn.
The Empire is gonna make a move after the zeti raid. It's the right move, frankly. We should put somebody on defense (The sisters?) and have someone go offense on the zeti next turn.

Oh for- Another Base raid?! Seriously?!

Likely the Empire is uh...

...not pleased with recent statements and sentiments from the Eggman Empire.

...They take issue to one of the few unambiguously good things Eggman has done.

Screw it.

Yeah well fuck em they can come pry the darcsen from our cold metal hands
Well, we have a response for them. It involves a giant metal boot on their face.

Aye and agreed.

Let them come. We'll crush those wrecked ideals of theirs like the trash they are!

If they are so intent on giving us a present then why stop them.

They'll realize their mistake soon enough.