
Could someone run the numbers on how big a Malus Zavok would have if the various Debuff Actions succeed?
Well, he already has the -10 with his eye being blinded so if we blind the other eye for another -10 and we trip him which is another -10 and distracting the big angry red man for another -10

If they all succeeded, he's dealing with a -40 this round if they did succeed
Nope, we (the QMs, of which i am one now apparently,) haven't made one.
-me, a man who's not a qm.
Mistaking someone as a QM aside, we are very lucky that none of our hero units have been hurt, except our giant robot mech
In honor of Sonic 3 running over Mufasa in the cinemas, here's...

Shadow the Hedgehog vs A Billion Lions

In an unspecified Black Arms base...

Shadow the Hedgehog floated in green liquid, eyes closed. His body was battered, but his violent spirit could be sensed by all aliens nearby. To see such a warrior downed by a weakling would be an upsetting sight for any army...

Not the Black Arms. Such a setback wouldn't affect them, other than making their commander and creator, Black Doom, go after the ones who wronged him with thrice the viciousness.

But it did raise questions...

"Assassin, do you ponder what does the Great Warrior dreams about?" asked one Warrior.

The Assassin scoffs.

"Why do you ask, Warrior? Of course it's dreams that lord Doom sets to further boost his raging spirit and ease the burden of our control upon his mind. To ponder otherwise is a waste of time..."

"Hm. Perhaps. But I feel curiosity...like, what if he dreams he's fighting a billion of those creatures called lions?"

The Assassin looks at the Warrior in confusion.

"Why would Great Warrior dream of fighting a billion lions? There are not enough of the creature either in this or the old world, and there are far mightier foes for him to worry over. Do you think such lowly beings pose a threat to him?"

"Well...they are many, and he's one."

"One Ultimate Lifeform, foolish Warrior. He has no peers other than the Blue one and whoever is empowered by the Emeralds of Chaos."

The Assassin turns away, unwilling to keep at the pointless argument...

"But what if they all attack together."
"Chaos Blast."

"What if he tires out?"

"He doesn't tire out and he can always run if needed. Or teleport."

"Yeah, but, a billion lions would cover a lot of ground."

"You speak as if such lowly beings could think of such games to outsmart Shadow."

"Yeah, but...he lost to the sheep."

"A mere fluke!"

The Assassin and the Warrior kept their silent discussion as they debated how would the Ultimate Lifeform fare against a billion felines at the same time.

"All hail Shadow."

Shadow stepped on the toes of the lion hanging on the cliff, sending it to be stepped on by the horde of lions that attempted to reach him.

"Come, your fools! I will show you the true extent of my power!"

In short: a shitpost in the form of omake. Thank you, thank you.
But I swear if that big red man got another crit on us……. I'll do something drastic./jk

Not really really of course would it definitely suck very much, but I just want us to wail on him as payback
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