He seems to be of the opinion that we can only be EVIL
which i disagree with
we are clearly already changing

Eggman is evil. Could we force him not be? Maybe. I don't think so, but maybe, But it isn't about only being able to be. It's about wanting to be evil. And the answer is yes, because it's Eggman and that's who he is and I'd like to play Eggman. Not an out of character Eggman.
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Eggman is evil. Could we force him not be? Maybe. I don't think so, but maybe, But it isn't about only being able to be. It's about wanting to be evil. And the answer is yes, because it's Eggman and that's who he is and I'd like to play Eggman. Not an out of character Eggman.
My guy we already are starting to care for our kids
The change has already begun
We will still be evil
But a more "benevolent evil" I'd guess
Eggman is evil. Could we force him not be? Maybe. I don't think so, but maybe, But it isn't about only being able to be. It's about wanting to be evil. And the answer is yes, because it's Eggman and that's who he is and I'd like to play Eggman. Not an out of character Eggman.
That will depend on your version of Eggman, Sonic X Eggman still wanted to conquer the world but he never stoop to hurting innocent people and animals.
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But a more "benevolent evil" I'd guess
That is an oxymoron. A near impossibility.

Truth be told....even the well intentions of a "Well-intentioned Extremist" can backfire...

At best, we can probably only become a lawful-evil or a lawful-neutral....

That will depend on your version of Eggman, Sonic X Eggman still wanted to conquer the world but he never to stoop to hurting innocent people and animals.
This. This probably the BEST Eggman can become....A conqueror that doesn't WANT to harm people personally (or perhaps even impersonally). But we are going to rule the world...so the other factions will either fall in line...or be removed from the board.
My guy we already are starting to care for our kids
The change has already begun
We will still be evil
But a more "benevolent evil" I'd guess
Caring for our kids doesn't make us suddenly friendly to everyone, plus I doubt our enemies will care of us being more friendly to our minions if Metal causes more massacres/raids like the Empire camps. (And yes I know it's work camps we liberated, but if Metal was ordered to kill everyone he'll probably do it.
Seems appropriate that my first contribution to this thread was a Belle-centric omake then, because the question of how 'benevolent' Eggman can be while pursuing his goals is basically the question that Belle asks of Eggman.

He wants, demands control. Thematically, this is why he's robots and industrialization to Sonic's freedom and nature. Putting him in VV lets him develop and be the 'lesser evil,' sure, but he's still not a good guy by any means at this point in time. He's got bigger fish to fry and has a scarcity of resources, so he's forced to divert from his typical MO. But he still wants to do all that.

Can he develop kindness? If control really is necessary and Eggman is going to be the lesser evil in this messed up world, can he make good come of it? Or will he only be the lesser evil for as long as he's not capable of being the greater threat or it's not a conflict of evil vs. oblivion (such as with the Black Arms)?

What enhances this, since people brought up Eggman's forming squad of kids, is that all of them are inherently loyal to him or his ambition. Except for Belle. Cubot and Orbot, bumbling sidekicks, but loyal. Sage, she grows emotionally throughout Frontiers, but is not going to defy Eggman. Metal's literally got his free will shackled to not overthrow Eggman and otherwise tries to accomplish the same overall goal, just with himself in charge instead because he thought he could do better and wanted to surpass Sonic.

Belle is the only one without a trait that keeps her loyal. She has the potential to flat out leave Eggman if she decides that he's too evil and has nothing left of Mr. Tinker in him, in addition to the fact that losing Canaan would have meant losing her.
My thoughts.
1. I'm leaning heavily toward the options to make Eggman a softer, more moral person. Partly because I'd like to see it, and partly because I'm the guy who can't bring themselves to choose an evil option in a video game. I'm a total soft boy. I don't enjoy playing the villain, and maybe this isn't the quest for me. But my army of softies and I will do our best to drag the goodness out of him.
2. The other factions have every reason to doubt us and look at us with suspicion and fear. I have no illusions that they'll fall in line with us given our history. I won't oppose fighting them, but I will oppose needless cruelty or displays of sadism. For pragmatic reasons if nothing else.
3. I find it funny that we gave up the "Power and kindness" question, only to start debating it ourselves. Guess we'll have to find the answer to that one on our own.

Perhaps we should shelf this for now....

Cause we still have many surrounding threats to contend with.

We get the Deadly 6 under a TIGHT leash....

The Empire is going to ramp up soon. We need to loot what we can.

We need to get as much as we can from recovered factories....

We need to cure Cassia relatively soon.

We need to get on Canaan's and Piastol's quests...

Once the Empire is contained....we need to turn our eyes south....AND the surrounding islands....
3. I find it funny that we gave up the "Power and kindness" question, only to start debating it ourselves. Guess we'll have to find the answer to that one on our own.

Hey, I wasn't here yet. lol

But it's a yes or no question. If the answer is "yes," unless Elizabeth elaborates, that still leaves the 'how.' And exploring the how is the most interesting way to delve into the topic, in my opinion. Being told is just less interesting in a story, so I'd hope for general advice at most.
Don't forget making a contingency plan for the Restoration and G.U.N.
You mean in case negotiations break down? Or for later?

Either way....I'm thinking of creating hidden levels in factories that create new bots out sight. Nobody would find a hidden fabricator in a section that is NOT in the factory blueprints.

So send Metal and perhaps Rusty to do some raiding once we get more territory back.
That MIGHT work...but we don't want to get ambushed by the heavier units OR specialists....just in case...
Once the Empire is contained....we need to turn our eyes south....AND the surrounding islands....

I'm curious on the state of Angel Island. Stealing the Master Emerald is not worth the hassle of dealing with an angry Knuckles right now but it's worth knowing what's going on in that floating landmass.

If even half of all the versions echnidas are located there....well there might just be a civil war brewing.
I'm curious on the state of Angel Island. Stealing the Master Emerald is not worth the hassle of dealing with an angry Knuckles right now but it's worth knowing what's going on in that floating landmass.

If even half of all the versions echnidas are located there....well there might just be a civil war brewing.
At least enerjack ain't here (knocks on wood)
We'd most likely know he was by now
I'm curious on the state of Angel Island. Stealing the Master Emerald is not worth the hassle of dealing with an angry Knuckles right now but it's worth knowing what's going on in that floating landmass.

If even half of all the versions echnidas are located there....well there might just be a civil war brewing.
A civil war MIGHT be beneficial to us...Or can unify the Echidnas AGAINST us....

Echidnas and tech from the various comics and games AND movies/spin-offs...could be leveled against us.

At least enerjack ain't here (knocks on wood)
We'd most likely know he was by now
Be it Dimitri, or Knuckles...or worse, the ORIGINAL Enerjak....nearly ALL incarnations (save for Jani-Ca) are bad news bears for us.
I'm curious on the state of Angel Island. Stealing the Master Emerald is not worth the hassle of dealing with an angry Knuckles right now but it's worth knowing what's going on in that floating landmass.

If even half of all the versions echnidas are located there....well there might just be a civil war brewing.

Messing with Knuckles is a bad idea. How bad?

Apperently in the background of the quest he once fought a invasion force of Zavok and the Black Arms in the Island. Granted they were fighting each other but he still manage to kick both out at the same time.
Messing with Knuckles is a bad idea. How bad?

Apperently in the background of the quest he once fought a invasion force of Zavok and the Black Arms in the Island. Granted they were fighting each other but he still manage to kick both out at the same time.
Knuckles is scary
There's a reason people tend to avoid fighting him face to face
He's probably at like 35 power